/********* Other **********/

    //Fill in MenuItems and the first section from what's already on the UI in the editor
    private void pickupUIElements()
        string menuTitle = "Nameless menu";

        if (MenuTitle != null)
            menuTitle = MenuTitle.text;

        RPGMenuData currentMenu = new RPGMenuData(menuTitle);

        foreach (Transform trans in HostWindowCommandMenuContent.transform)
            RPGMenuItem item = trans.GetComponent <RPGMenuItem>();
            if (item != null)
                item.ParentMenu = this;

        if (currentMenu.MenuItems.Count > 0)
            //Add to current stack MenuSections
            if (MenuSections == null)
                MenuSections = new Stack <RPGMenuData>();

            Debug.Log("Picking up UI: " + this.gameObject.name + " and creating new section");
            Debug.LogError("Failed to pick up any menu items already in the menu (HostWindowCommandMenuContent). The data inside this menu might not have any RPGMenuItemData component attached?");