void Start() { isLoaded = false; nh = rosmaster.getNodeHandle(); links = new List <GameObject>(); Invoke("Load", 5); //this delay is to give other scripts time to load b4 loadmesh takes the thread...fix later }
// Use this for initialization private void Start() { rend = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); MeshRenderer[] meshrenderer = GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); backrend = meshrenderer[1]; nh = rosmaster.getNodeHandle(); if (image_topic != null && image_topic.Length > 0) { topic = image_topic; } else { topic = topic; } /* * rosmanager.StartROS(this, () => * { * nh = new NodeHandle(); * if (image_topic != null && image_topic.Length > 0) * topic = image_topic; * else * topic = topic; * }); */ }
void Start() { interactableItem = GetComponent <InteractableItem>(); nh = rosmaster.getNodeHandle(); pub = nh.advertise <Messages.ihmc_msgs.HandTrajectoryRosMessage>("/ihmc_ros/valkyrie/control/hand_trajectory", 10); }
/// <summary> /// Used for initialization /// </summary> private void Start() { //ROS checks if (roscore == null) { Debug.LogWarning("[TheoraSubscriber] " + name + " does not have a roscore specified! Will try to find one!"); roscore = FindObjectOfType <ROSCore>(); } if (roscore == null) { Debug.LogError("[TheoraSubscriber] " + name + " can not find an instance of ROSCore! Turning off ImageSub!"); enabled = false; return; } nh = roscore.getNodeHandle(); if (nh == null) { Debug.LogError("[TheoraSubscriber] Ros Node handle is null! Turning off ImageSub!"); enabled = false; return; } imageSub = nh.subscribe <ti.Packet>(Topic, 0, ImageCb); granpos = 0; width = 0; height = 0; bytes_per_pixel = 3; texture = new Texture2D(0, 0, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); //This texture format seems to be BGR not RGB }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (transform.childCount == 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to locate the template TFFrame for the TFTree"); } TfTreeManager.Instance.SetTFVisualizer(this); Template = transform.GetChild(0); Root = (Transform)Instantiate(Template); Root.SetParent(transform); Template.gameObject.SetActive(false); hideChildrenInHierarchy(Template); Template.hideFlags |= HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; #if UNITY_EDITOR ObjectNames.SetNameSmart(Root, FixedFrame); #endif Root.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>(true).text = FixedFrame; tree[FixedFrame] = Root; hideChildrenInHierarchy(Root); nh = rosmaster.getNodeHandle(); tfstaticsub = nh.subscribe <Messages.tf.tfMessage>("/tf_static", 0, tf_callback); tfsub = nh.subscribe <Messages.tf.tfMessage>("/tf", 0, tf_callback); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { rosmaster.StartROS("http://mjolnir.nrv:11311", "kraken-soft.nrv", "UnityProject1"); nh = rosmaster.getNodeHandle(); pub = nh.advertise <Messages.std_msgs.String>(topic_name, 10); // msg = new Messages.std_msgs.String(); // msg.data = "HELLO!"; // msg.Serialized = null; }
// Use this for initialization private void Start() { rend = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); MeshRenderer[] meshrenderer = GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); backrend = meshrenderer[1]; nh = rosmaster.getNodeHandle(); if (image_topic != null && image_topic.Length > 0) { topic = image_topic; } else { topic = topic; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { NodeHandle nh = rosmaster.getNodeHandle(); tfPub = nh.advertise <Messages.tf.tfMessage>("/tf", 100); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { interactableItem = GetComponent <InteractableItem>(); nh = rosmaster.getNodeHandle(); tfPub = nh.advertise <Messages.tf.tfMessage>("/tf", 10); }
void Start() { nh = rosmaster.getNodeHandle(); sub = nh.subscribe <Messages.std_msgs.String>(topic_name, 1, callback); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { nh = rosmaster.getNodeHandle(); pub = nh.advertise <Messages.ihmc_msgs.NeckTrajectoryRosMessage>("/ihmc_ros/valkyrie/control/neck_trajectory", 10); }