        public QuoteAnalysisViewModel(BaseViewModel parent)
            this.parent = parent;

            // Format as currency
            YFormatter = value => value.ToString("C");

            // Gets the cumulative total value of quotes
            DataTable cumulativeQuoteValue = QuoteModel.getCumulativeQuoteTotal();

            //  Set the initial start month to 0
            int startMonth = 0;
            // Initial year is present year
            int startYear = DateTime.Now.Year;
            ChartValues <double> monthlyValues = new ChartValues <double>();

            if (cumulativeQuoteValue.Rows.Count > 0)
                // Set the present month and year to the current year
                startMonth = Int32.Parse(cumulativeQuoteValue.Rows[0]["month_issued"].ToString()) - 1;
                startYear  = Int32.Parse(cumulativeQuoteValue.Rows[0]["year_issued"].ToString());

                foreach (DataRow monthVal in cumulativeQuoteValue.Rows)

            Labels = new String[cumulativeQuoteValue.Rows.Count];

            // Set order of the label from the correct month
            for (int i = 0; i < cumulativeQuoteValue.Rows.Count; i++)
                // The correct month and year value to each label in the righr order of month and add the correct year
                Labels[i] = MONTHS[(i + startMonth) % 12] + " " + ((i + startMonth) % 12 >= startMonth ? startYear : startYear + 1);

            SeriesCollection = new SeriesCollection
                new LineSeries
                    Title  = "Cumulative Value of Quotes",
                    Values = monthlyValues

            // Other statistical information
            mostRecentQuote = QuoteModel.getMostRecentQuote();
            avgQuoteValue   = QuoteModel.getAverageQuoteValue().ToString("C2");
            numQuotes       = QuoteModel.getNumQuotes();