        //accepts the view model and returns a TX Request object
        private NewBusinessService.TXLife Create103(QuoteViewModel vm)
            var txLife = new NewBusinessService.TXLife();

            txLife.TXLifeRequest = new NewBusinessService.TXLifeRequest[1];

            var req = new NewBusinessService.TXLifeRequest();

            var holdingId     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var fileControlId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var clientPartyId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var agentPartyId  = "14529e88-60ed-4877-847a-3f682862c14f"; //Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            //set properties
            req.TransRefGUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            req.TransType    = new NewBusinessService.TransType()
                tc = "103", Value = "OLI_TRANS_NBSUB"
            req.TransExeDate  = DateTime.Today;
            req.TransExeTime  = DateTime.Now;
            req.TestIndicator = new NewBusinessService.TestIndicator()
                Value = "false"

            req.OLifE = new NewBusinessService.OLifE()
                SourceInfo = new NewBusinessService.SourceInfo()
                    SourceInfoName        = "D2C", //Sagicor Life Insurance USA
                    SourceInfoDescription = "Version: 1.0",
                    FileControlID         = fileControlId
                //ability to add multiple holdings
                Holding = new NewBusinessService.Holding[] {
                    new NewBusinessService.Holding()
                        id = holdingId,
                        HoldingTypeCode = new NewBusinessService.HoldingTypeCode()
                            tc = "2", Value = "OLI_HOLDTYPE_POLICY"
                        HoldingName = "Consumer Portal 3/17",
                        Policy      = new NewBusinessService.Policy()
                            ProductCode  = "26",
                            CarrierCode  = "SAG",
                            Jurisdiction = new NewBusinessService.Jurisdiction()
                                tc = vm.stateInfo.TC.ToString(), Value = vm.stateInfo.Value
                            },                                                                                                                   //need to get the OLIFE state code based on the state entered. Should the state be an autocomplete dropdown?
                            Life = new NewBusinessService.Life()
                                Coverage = new NewBusinessService.Coverage[] {
                                    //ability to add multiple coverages
                                    new NewBusinessService.Coverage()
                                        IndicatorCode = new NewBusinessService.IndicatorCode()
                                            tc = "1", Value = "OLI_COVIND_BASE"
                                        },                                                                                            // from UI?
                                        CurrentAmt          = vm.CoverageAmount == default(decimal) ? 250000.00M : vm.CoverageAmount, //if value coming from needs then use else default
                                        CurrentAmtSpecified = true,
                                        LifeParticipant     = new NewBusinessService.LifeParticipant[] {
                                            //add multiple participants ??
                                            new NewBusinessService.LifeParticipant()
                                                PartyID    = clientPartyId,
                                                SmokerStat = new NewBusinessService.SmokerStat()
                                                    tc = vm.smoketStatusInfo.TC.ToString(), Value = vm.smoketStatusInfo.Value
                                                },                                                                                                                            // from UI
                                                PermTableRating = new NewBusinessService.PermTableRating()
                                                    tc = "1", Value = "OLI_TBLRATE_NONE"
                                                UnderwritingClass = new NewBusinessService.UnderwritingClass()
                                                    tc = vm.riskClass.TC.ToString()
                            ApplicationInfo = new NewBusinessService.ApplicationInfo()
                                RequestedIssueDate          = DateTime.Now,
                                RequestedIssueDateSpecified = true,
                                QuotedPremiumMode           = new NewBusinessService.QuotedPremiumMode()
                                    tc = "4", Value = "OLI_PAYMODE_MONTHLY"
                        KeyedValue = new NewBusinessService.KeyedValue[]
                            //new NewBusinessService.KeyedValue(){ KeyName = "FLI_CONS_PORTAL_START_VIEW", KeyValue = new NewBusinessService.KeyValue[] { new NewBusinessService.KeyValue() { Value = "Quote" } } },
                            new NewBusinessService.KeyedValue()
                                KeyName = "Needs", KeyValue = new NewBusinessService.KeyValue[] { new NewBusinessService.KeyValue()
                                                                                                      Value = "False"
                                                                                                  } }
                            new NewBusinessService.KeyedValue()
                                KeyName = "INSURED_STATE_NAME", KeyValue = new NewBusinessService.KeyValue[] { new NewBusinessService.KeyValue()
                                                                                                                   Value = vm.stateInfo.Name
                                                                                                               } }

                            new NewBusinessService.KeyedValue()
                                KeyName = "replReplacement", KeyValue = new NewBusinessService.KeyValue[] { new NewBusinessService.KeyValue()
                                                                                                                Value = (vm.ReplacementPolicy == null || !QuoteModel.GetReplacementPolicyStates().Contains(vm.stateInfo.Code) ? "" : vm.ReplacementPolicy.Value == true ? "Y" : "N")
                                                                                                            } }

                            new NewBusinessService.KeyedValue()
                                KeyName = "FLI_CONS_PORTAL_START_VIEW", KeyValue = new NewBusinessService.KeyValue[] { new NewBusinessService.KeyValue()
                                                                                                                           Value = "Quote"
                                                                                                                       } }
                Party = new NewBusinessService.Party[] {
                    new NewBusinessService.Party()
                        id            = agentPartyId,
                        PartyTypeCode = new NewBusinessService.PartyTypeCode()
                            tc = "1", Value = "OLI_PT_PERSON"
                        Person   = new NewBusinessService.Person(),
                        Producer = new NewBusinessService.Producer()
                            CarrierAppointment = new NewBusinessService.CarrierAppointment[] {
                                new NewBusinessService.CarrierAppointment()
                                    PartyID           = agentPartyId,
                                    CompanyProducerID = "SAG0034",
                                    CarrierCode       = "SAG",
                    new NewBusinessService.Party()
                        id            = clientPartyId,
                        PartyTypeCode = new NewBusinessService.PartyTypeCode()
                            tc = "1", Value = "OLI_PT_PERSON"
                        Address = new NewBusinessService.Address[] {
                            new NewBusinessService.Address()
                                AddressTypeCode = new NewBusinessService.AddressTypeCode()
                                    tc = "1", Value = "Residence"
                                //City = "Tampa",
                                AddressState   = vm.stateInfo.Code,
                                AddressStateTC = new NewBusinessService.AddressStateTC()
                                    tc = vm.stateInfo.TC.ToString(), Value = vm.stateInfo.Value
                                //Zip = "33605",
                                AddressCountryTC = new NewBusinessService.AddressCountryTC()
                                    tc = "1", Value = "United States of America"
                        Person = new NewBusinessService.Person()
                            Gender = new NewBusinessService.Gender()
                                tc = vm.genderInfo.TC.ToString(), Value = vm.genderInfo.Value
                            },                                                                                                         //change TC values
                            BirthDate          = vm.birthday.Value,
                            BirthDateSpecified = true,
                            DOBEstimated       = new NewBusinessService.DOBEstimated()
                                tc = "0", Value = "False"
                            Age = vm.Age.ToString()
                Relation = new NewBusinessService.Relation[]
                    new NewBusinessService.Relation()
                        OriginatingObjectID   = holdingId,
                        RelatedObjectID       = agentPartyId,
                        OriginatingObjectType = new NewBusinessService.OriginatingObjectType()
                            tc = "4", Value = "OLI_HOLDING"
                        RelatedObjectType = new NewBusinessService.RelatedObjectType()
                            tc = "6", Value = "OLI_PARTY"
                        RelationRoleCode = new NewBusinessService.RelationRoleCode()
                            tc = "37", Value = "OLI_REL_PRIMAGENT"
                    new NewBusinessService.Relation()
                        OriginatingObjectID = holdingId,
                        RelatedObjectID     = clientPartyId,
                        RelationRoleCode    = new NewBusinessService.RelationRoleCode()
                            tc = "32", Value = "OLI_REL_INSURED"

            txLife.TXLifeRequest[0] = req;
