        /// <summary>
        /// Test case using <see cref="StiffenedGas"/> in combination with the
        /// <see cref="RusanovFlux"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VortexControl IsentropicVortexStiffenedGasRusanov()
            VortexControl c = Template(1, 2);

            double referencePressure = 10.0;

            c.EquationOfState    = new StiffenedGas(1.4, referencePressure);
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.Rusanov;

            double gamma = c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio;
            Func <double[], double, double> x   = (X, t) => X[0] - c.VortexSpeed * t;
            Func <double[], double, double> r   = (X, t) => Math.Sqrt(x(X, t) * x(X, t) + X[1] * X[1]);
            Func <double[], double, double> phi = (X, t) => Math.Atan2(X[1], x(X, t));
            Func <double[], double, double> rho = (X, t) => Math.Pow(
                2.3535468936502524 - 0.5 * (gamma - 1.0) / gamma * Math.Exp(1.0 - r(X, t) * r(X, t)),
                1.0 / (gamma - 1.0));
            Func <double[], double, double> uAbs = (X, t) => r(X, t) * Math.Exp(0.5 * (1.0 - r(X, t) * r(X, t)));
            Func <double[], double, double> p    = (X, t) => Math.Pow(rho(X, t), gamma) - referencePressure;

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Density, X => rho(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, X => c.VortexSpeed - Math.Sin(phi(X, 0.0)) * uAbs(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.yComponent, X => Math.Cos(phi(X, 0.0)) * uAbs(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Pressure, X => p(X, 0.0));

            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Density, rho));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorPressure", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Pressure, p));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorEntropy", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Entropy, (X, t) => 1.0));

        public ActionResult Index(
            string flowName,
            string originalName,
            string connectionName,
            Dictionary <string, object> model)
            var queryLibrary = new QueryLibrary(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath);

            var queries = queryLibrary.GetQueriesForFlowName(flowName);
            var query   = queries
                          .FirstOrDefault(q => q.OriginalName.Trim().ToLower() == originalName.Trim().ToLower());

            if (query == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "No such query"));

            // Get params from model + query
            var parametersBuilder = new SqlParametersBuilder();
            var sqlParameters     = parametersBuilder.PopulateSqlParameters(query, model);

            // Build a DataLayer
            var connLibrary = new ConnectionLibrary();

            if (!connLibrary.HasConnectionWithName(connectionName))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "No such connection"));

            var dataLayer = new DataLayer(connectionName);

            var resultsTable = dataLayer.GetResults(query, sqlParameters);

 public static bool ShouldChargeToFormation(Agent agent)
     return(agent.Formation != null && agent.Formation.MovementOrder.OrderType == OrderType.ChargeWithTarget &&
            (QueryLibrary.IsCavalry(agent) ||
             QueryLibrary.IsRangedCavalry(agent) && agent.Formation.FiringOrder.OrderType == OrderType.HoldFire ||
             CommandSystemSubModule.EnableChargeToFormationForInfantry &&
             (QueryLibrary.IsInfantry(agent) || QueryLibrary.IsRanged(agent) && agent.Formation.FiringOrder.OrderType == OrderType.HoldFire)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Test cases using an <see cref="IdealGas"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RinglebControl RinglebIdealGasTest()
            RinglebControl c = GetTemplate(2, new StiffenedGas(1.4, 0.0));

            c.GridGuid           = new Guid("499a52ea-9a36-48c4-9c3a-a13d1414b936");
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = Convection.ConvectiveFluxTypes.Rusanov;

            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorEntropy", QueryLibrary.L2Error(CNSVariables.Entropy, (X, t) => 0.7142857142857142));

        public override void Execute(object parameter)
            var repository       = RepositoryManager.GetRepository(RepositoryManager.Folders);
            var folderRepository = repository.Entries.FirstOrDefault();

            if (folderRepository == null)

            var databaseUri = DatabaseUri.Empty;
            var query       = string.Empty;
            var name        = "Folder";

                var dialog = new QueryDialog(query, databaseUri, name);
                if (AppHost.Shell.ShowDialog(dialog) != true)

                name        = dialog.QueryName;
                databaseUri = dialog.DatabaseUri ?? DatabaseUri.Empty;
                query       = dialog.Query;

                if (LibraryManager.Libraries.Any(w => string.Compare(w.Name, name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0))
                    AppHost.MessageBox(string.Format("A folder with the name '{0}' already exists.\n\nPlease choose another name.", name), "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
            }while (true);

            var fileName = IO.File.GetSafeFileName(name + ".xml");

            fileName = Path.Combine(folderRepository.Path, fileName);

            var folder = new QueryLibrary(fileName, name)
                DatabaseUri = databaseUri,
                Query       = query



            folder.IsExpanded = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Test cases using a <see cref="StiffenedGas"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RinglebControl RinglebStiffenedGasTest()
            RinglebControl c = GetTemplate(2, new StiffenedGas(7.0, 10.0));

            c.GridGuid                      = new Guid("f5a0fea5-156d-42ce-abf2-a418469140bb");
            c.ConvectiveFluxType            = Convection.ConvectiveFluxTypes.Rusanov;
            c.RinglebReferenceSpeedOfSound  = 5.0;
            c.RinglebReferenceTotalPressure = 30.0;

            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorEntropy", QueryLibrary.L2Error(CNSVariables.Entropy, (X, t) => 1.80939686135e-6));

        /// <summary>
        /// Common settings for all tests within this set of test cases
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dgDegree"></param>
        /// <param name="eos"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static RinglebControl GetTemplate(int dgDegree, StiffenedGas eos)
            RinglebControl c = new RinglebControl();

            c.DbPath   = "../../Tests/Ringleb/ringlebTests.zip";
            c.savetodb = false;

            c.ActiveOperators = Operators.Convection;
            c.EquationOfState = eos;
            c.ExplicitScheme  = ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta;
            c.ExplicitOrder   = 4;

            c.MachNumber = 1 / Math.Sqrt(c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio);

            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Momentum.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Energy, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Pressure, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Entropy, dgDegree);

            Func <double[], RinglebExactSolution.FlowState> solution = X => RinglebExactSolution.GetFlowState(

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CompressibleVariables.Density, X => solution(X).Density);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CompressibleVariables.Momentum.xComponent, X => solution(X).Momentum[0]);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CompressibleVariables.Momentum.yComponent, X => solution(X).Momentum[1]);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CompressibleVariables.Energy, X => solution(X).Energy);


            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(CompressibleVariables.Density, (X, t) => solution(X).Density));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorPressure", QueryLibrary.L2Error(CNSVariables.Pressure, (X, t) => solution(X).Pressure));

            c.dtMin         = 0.0;
            c.dtMax         = 1.0;
            c.CFLFraction   = 0.5;
            c.Endtime       = double.MaxValue;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = 50;

        public ActionResult Index()
            // TODO Dependency Injection
            var queryLibrary = new QueryLibrary(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath);
            var flows        = queryLibrary.GetQueryFlows();

            var environmentLibrary = new ConnectionLibrary();
            var envs = environmentLibrary.GetConnections();

            var vm = new SherlockViewModel()
                Environments = envs,
                Flows        = flows

            return(Json(vm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        private static VortexControl IdealGasTemplate(int divisions, int dgDegree)
            VortexControl c = Template(divisions, dgDegree);

            c.EquationOfState = IdealGas.Air;

            IsentropicVortexExactSolution solution = new IsentropicVortexExactSolution(c, c.VortexSpeed);

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Density, X => solution.rho()(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, X => solution.u()(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.yComponent, X => solution.v()(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Pressure, X => solution.p()(X, 0.0));

            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Density, solution.rho()));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorPressure", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Pressure, solution.p()));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorEntropy", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Entropy, (X, t) => 1.0));

        /// <summary>
        /// Test case using <see cref="CovolumeGas"/> in combination with the
        /// <see cref="RusanovFlux"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static VortexControl IsentropicVortexCovolumeGasRusanov()
            VortexControl c = Template(1, 2);

            CovolumeGas eos = new CovolumeGas(1.4, 0.1);
            double      integrationConstant = 3.6;

            c.EquationOfState    = eos;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.Rusanov;

            Func <double[], double, StateVector> solution = (X, t) =>
                                                            CovolumeVortexExactSolution.GetSolution(X[0], X[1], c.VortexSpeed, t, c, integrationConstant);

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Density, X => solution(X, 0.0).Density);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, X => solution(X, 0.0).Velocity[0]);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.yComponent, X => solution(X, 0.0).Velocity[1]);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Pressure, X => solution(X, 0.0).Pressure);

            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Density, (X, t) => solution(X, t).Density, 10));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorPressure", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Pressure, (X, t) => solution(X, t).Pressure, 10));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorEntropy", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Entropy, (X, t) => 1.0, 10));

        public static IBMControl IBMAVTimeStepperTest_ShockTube(int explicitScheme, int explicitOrder)
            IBMControl c = new IBMControl();

            // ### Database ###
            //string dbPath = @"c:\bosss_db";
            //c.DbPath = dbPath;
            //c.savetodb = dbPath != null;
            //c.saveperiod = 1;
            //c.PrintInterval = 1;
            //c.WriteLTSLog = false;
            //c.WriteLTSConsoleOutput = true;

            // ### Partitioning and load balancing ###
            int    dgDegree             = 2;
            int    numOfCellsX          = 75;
            int    numOfCellsY          = 55;
            double sensorLimit          = 1e-3;
            double dtFixed              = 0.0;
            double CFLFraction          = 0.1;
            int    numberOfSubGrids     = 1;
            int    reclusteringInterval = 1;
            int    maxNumOfSubSteps     = 10;
            double agg       = 0.3;
            double smoothing = 4.0;

            // ### Partitioning and load balancing ###
            c.GridPartType            = GridPartType.METIS;
            c.DynamicLoadBalancing_On = false;

            // ### Level-set ###
            c.DomainType = DomainTypes.StaticImmersedBoundary;

            double xMin = 0;
            double xMax = 1.5;
            double yMin = 0;
            double yMax = 1.1;

            double[] startOfRamp  = new double[] { 0.2, 0.0 };
            double[] startOfRamp2 = new double[] { 0.0, 0.2 };

            Func <double, double, double> Ramp = delegate(double x, double ang) {
                return(Math.Tan(ang) * (x - startOfRamp[0]) + startOfRamp[1]);
            Func <double, double, double> Ramp2 = delegate(double x, double ang) {
                return(Math.Tan(ang) * (x - startOfRamp2[0]) + startOfRamp2[1]);

            double angle = Math.PI / 6;

            c.LevelSetFunction = (X, t) => - (X[1] - Ramp(X[0], angle)) * (X[1] - Ramp2(X[0], angle));
            c.AddVariable(IBMVariables.LevelSet, 2);

            c.LevelSetBoundaryTag     = "AdiabaticSlipWall";
            c.CutCellQuadratureType   = XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.OneStepGaussAndStokes;
            c.LevelSetQuadratureOrder = 3 * dgDegree;
            c.AgglomerationThreshold  = agg;

            //c.AddVariable(IBMVariables.FluidCells, 1);
            //c.AddVariable(IBMVariables.FluidCellsWithoutSourceCells, 1);
            //c.AddVariable(IBMVariables.CutCells, 1);
            //c.AddVariable(IBMVariables.CutCellsWithoutSourceCells, 1);
            //c.AddVariable(IBMVariables.SourceCells, 1);

            // ### Shock-Capturing ###
            bool AV = false;

            if (dgDegree >= 1)
                AV = true;
            if (AV)
                c.ActiveOperators = Operators.Convection | Operators.ArtificialViscosity;
                c.ActiveOperators = Operators.Convection;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.OptimizedHLLC;

            double epsilon0 = 1.0;
            double kappa    = 0.5;

            //double lambdaMax = 2.0;
            if (AV)
                Variable sensorVariable = CompressibleVariables.Density;
                c.CNSShockSensor = new PerssonSensor(sensorVariable, sensorLimit);
                c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.ShockSensor, 0);
                //c.ArtificialViscosityLaw = new SmoothedHeavisideArtificialViscosityLaw(c.ShockSensor, dgDegree, sensorLimit, epsilon0, kappa, lambdaMax: lambdaMax);    // fix lambdaMax
                c.ArtificialViscosityLaw = new SmoothedHeavisideArtificialViscosityLaw(c.CNSShockSensor, dgDegree, sensorLimit, epsilon0, kappa);    // dynamic lambdaMax
                c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.ArtificialViscosity, 2);

            // ### Time-Stepping ###
            c.ExplicitScheme       = (ExplicitSchemes)explicitScheme;
            c.ExplicitOrder        = explicitOrder;
            c.NumberOfSubGrids     = numberOfSubGrids;
            c.ReclusteringInterval = reclusteringInterval;
            c.forceReclustering    = true;
            c.maxNumOfSubSteps     = maxNumOfSubSteps;
            c.FluxCorrection       = false;

            // ### Physics ###
            c.EquationOfState = IdealGas.Air;
            c.MachNumber      = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio);
            c.ReynoldsNumber  = 1.0;
            c.PrandtlNumber   = 0.71;

            // ### Output variables ###
            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Momentum.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Energy, dgDegree);

            //c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
            //c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Velocity.yComponent, dgDegree);
            //c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Pressure, dgDegree);

            //c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Entropy, dgDegree);
            //c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.LocalMachNumber, dgDegree);
            //c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.CFL, 0);
            //c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.CFLConvective, 0);

            //if (AV) {
            //    c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.CFLArtificialViscosity, 0);

            //if (c.ExplicitScheme.Equals(ExplicitSchemes.LTS)) {
            //    c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.LTSClusters, 0);
            //c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Rank, 0);

            // ### Grid ###
            c.GridFunc = delegate {
                double[] xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(xMin, xMax, numOfCellsX + 1);
                double[] yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(yMin, yMax, numOfCellsY + 1);
                var      grid   = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xNodes, yNodes, periodicX: false, periodicY: false);
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "AdiabaticSlipWall");
                grid.DefineEdgeTags(X => 1);

            // ### Boundary conditions ###

            // ### Initial smoothing ###
            double shockAngle       = angle + Math.PI / 2;
            double lengthMiddleLine = (xMax - xMin) / Math.Cos(angle);
            double shockPosX        = 0.5 * lengthMiddleLine * Math.Cos(angle) + xMin;

            double cellSize = Math.Min((xMax - xMin) / numOfCellsX, (yMax - yMin) / numOfCellsY);

            double DistanceToInitialShock(double[] X, double t)
                // direction vector
                Vector p1 = new Vector(shockPosX, Ramp(shockPosX, angle));
                Vector p2 = new Vector(p1.x - 0.1, p1.y + 0.1 / Math.Tan(angle));
                Vector p  = p2 - p1;

                // normal vector
                Vector n = new Vector(p.y, -p.x);


                // Angle between line and x-axis
                double alpha = shockAngle;

                // distance of a point X to the origin (normal to the line)
                double nDotX = n.x * X[0] + n.y * X[1];

                // distance to line
                double distance = nDotX - (0.5 * lengthMiddleLine + xMin / Math.Cos(angle));


            // Function for smoothing the initial and top boundary conditions
            double SmoothJump(double distance)
                // smoothing should be in the range of h/p
                double maxDistance = smoothing * cellSize / Math.Max(dgDegree, 1);

                return((Math.Tanh(distance / maxDistance) + 1.0) * 0.5);

            // ### Initial conditions ###
            double densityLeft           = 1.0;
            double densityRight          = 0.125;
            double pressureLeft          = 1.0;
            double pressureRight         = 0.1;
            double velocityX             = 0.0;
            double velocityY             = 0.0;
            double discontinuityPosition = 0.5;

            Func <double, double> Jump = x => x <= discontinuityPosition ? 0 : 1;

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CompressibleVariables.Density, X => densityLeft - SmoothJump(DistanceToInitialShock(X, t: 0.0)) * (densityLeft - densityRight));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CNSVariables.Pressure, X => pressureLeft - SmoothJump(DistanceToInitialShock(X, t: 0.0)) * (pressureLeft - pressureRight));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CNSVariables.Velocity.xComponent, X => velocityX);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CNSVariables.Velocity.yComponent, X => velocityY);

            // ### Time configuration ###
            c.dtMin = 0.0;
            c.dtMax = 1.0;
            if (dtFixed != 0.0)
                c.dtFixed = dtFixed;
                c.CFLFraction = CFLFraction;
            c.Endtime       = 0.25;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = 10;

            // ### Project and sessions name ###
            c.ProjectName = "IBM_AV_LTS_Test";

            string tempSessionName;

            if (c.ExplicitScheme == ExplicitSchemes.LTS)
                tempSessionName = String.Format("IBMST_p{0}_xCells{1}_yCells{2}_agg{3}_s0={4:0.0E-00}_CFLFrac{5}_ALTS{6}_{7}_re{8}_subs{9}_smooth{10}", dgDegree, numOfCellsX, numOfCellsY, c.AgglomerationThreshold, sensorLimit, c.CFLFraction, c.ExplicitOrder, c.NumberOfSubGrids, c.ReclusteringInterval, c.maxNumOfSubSteps, smoothing);
            else if (c.ExplicitScheme == ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta)
                tempSessionName = String.Format("IBMST_p{0}_xCells{1}_yCells{2}_agg{3}_s0={4:0.0E-00}_CFLFrac{5}_RK{6}_smooth{7}", dgDegree, numOfCellsX, numOfCellsY, c.AgglomerationThreshold, sensorLimit, c.CFLFraction, c.ExplicitOrder, smoothing);
            else if (c.ExplicitScheme == ExplicitSchemes.AdamsBashforth)
                tempSessionName = String.Format("IBMST_p{0}_xCells{1}_yCells{2}_agg{3}_s0={4:0.0E-00}_CFLFrac{5}_AB{6}_smooth{7}", dgDegree, numOfCellsX, numOfCellsY, c.AgglomerationThreshold, sensorLimit, c.CFLFraction, c.ExplicitOrder, smoothing);
                throw new NotImplementedException("Session name is not available for this type of time stepper");

            // Queries for comparison
            c.Queries.Add("L2NormDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Norm(CompressibleVariables.Density.Name));

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var  getter   = new InputGetter();
            var  queryLib = new QueryLibrary();
            bool shopping = true;

                Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?");
                Console.WriteLine("1. Place an order (You need to provide Customer ID and Store ID).");
                Console.WriteLine("2. Add a new customer.");
                Console.WriteLine("3. Search customers by name (first and last).");
                Console.WriteLine("4. Display all order history items of a store location (By store ID).");
                Console.WriteLine("5. Display all order history items of a customer (By customer ID).");
                Console.WriteLine("6. Display all store locations.");
                Console.WriteLine("7. Display all customers.");
                Console.WriteLine("8. Display all order history items.");
                Console.WriteLine("9. Quit");

                int action = getter.GetInputInt("Input a number: ");

                switch (action)
                case 1:
                    Customer customer = null;
                    while (customer == null)
                        int cid = getter.GetInputInt("Input the customer's ID: ");
                        customer = queryLib.GetCustomer(cid);
                    Console.WriteLine("Hello " + customer.FirstName + " " + customer.LastName);
                    Store store = null;
                    while (store == null)
                        int storeID = getter.GetInputInt("Input the store's ID: ");
                        store = queryLib.GetStore(storeID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Welcome to " + store.Name);
                    var cart = queryLib.CreateShoppingCart(store);
                    queryLib.PlaceOrder(store, customer, cart);

                case 2:
                    string first = getter.GetInputString("Please enter the new customer's first name: ");
                    string last  = getter.GetInputString("Please enter the new customer's last name: ");
                    int    cnum  = getter.GetInputInt("Please enter the new customer's card number: ");
                    queryLib.AddCustomer(first, last, cnum);

                case 3:
                    Customer cFind = null;
                    while (cFind == null)
                        string fname = getter.GetInputString("Please enter the customer's first name: ");
                        string lname = getter.GetInputString("Please enter the customer's last name: ");
                        cFind = queryLib.GetCustomer(fname, lname);
                    Console.WriteLine("Here's your customer's information.");
                    Console.WriteLine("ID: " + cFind.Id + ", Name: " + cFind.FirstName + " " + cFind.LastName + ", Card Number: " + cFind.CardNumber);

                case 4:
                    Store location = null;
                    while (location == null)
                        int sid = getter.GetInputInt("Please enter the store's ID: ");
                        location = queryLib.GetStore(sid);

                case 5:
                    Customer valuedCustomer = null;
                    while (valuedCustomer == null)
                        int vid = getter.GetInputInt("Please enter the customer's ID: ");
                        valuedCustomer = queryLib.GetCustomer(vid);

                case 6:
                    var storeLocs = queryLib.GetAllStoreLocations();
                    foreach (var sl in storeLocs)

                case 7:
                    var customers = queryLib.GetAllCustomers();
                    foreach (var item in customers)
                        Console.WriteLine("Customer ID: " + item.Id + ", First Name: " + item.FirstName + ", Last Name: " +
                                          item.LastName + ", Card Number: " + item.CardNumber);

                case 8:
                    var orderHistoryItems = queryLib.GetAllOrderHistoryItems();
                    foreach (var item in orderHistoryItems)
                        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: " + item.Id + ", Store ID: " + item.StoreId + ", Customer ID: " +
                                          item.CustomerId + " Order Date: " + item.OrderDate + ", Total: $" + item.Total);

                    shopping = false;
            }while (shopping);
        private static IBMControl CylinderControl(int dgDegree, double endTime)
            string dbPath = @"..\..\Tests\IBMTests\IBMCylinderTests.zip";
            double Mach   = 0.2;
            double agglomerationThreshold = 0.3;
            int    gridSize = 64;

            var restartData = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <Guid, Guid, Guid> >()
                { 0, Tuple.Create(new Guid("ae64096b-bab4-4f63-a2cd-99f5920a11e3"), new Guid("486113d4-e700-4bdb-9f92-38a15bac5388"), new Guid("6adec616-275a-444d-86ad-1b2bc8b8cd65")) },
                { 1, Tuple.Create(new Guid("083a99ee-af0b-4948-bd0f-1f972b551b99"), new Guid("4f4e6e60-953a-43c3-b062-c4750ab0ab71"), new Guid("d0615daf-6980-4ecf-af3f-e803877fc29b")) },
                { 2, Tuple.Create(new Guid("d102c10a-0ef2-417e-af1b-4ffad5ea4fe3"), new Guid("f67d08be-3ede-4d74-9a40-829071b44e6b"), new Guid("dfe950aa-9a6b-43d4-b046-e5dd61cc67f3")) },
                { 3, Tuple.Create(new Guid("f45e8802-4e78-45b5-9aac-c155c532b6a3"), new Guid("e670a74f-efb7-41d6-959c-28289e66904e"), new Guid("02e3f737-3f03-4b5a-9387-109dd0f4ec06")) }

            IBMControl c = new IBMControl();

            c.DbPath   = dbPath;
            c.savetodb = false;

            int levelSetQuadratureOrder = 2 * dgDegree + 2; // kind-of-fix

            c.ProjectName        = String.Format("IBM cylinder: {0} cells, order {1}", gridSize, dgDegree);
            c.ProjectDescription = String.Format(
                "Flow around cylinder represented by a level set at Mach {0}" +
                " with cell agglomeration threshold {1} and {2}th order" +
                " HMF quadrature (classic variant)",


            c.DomainType         = DomainTypes.StaticImmersedBoundary;
            c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.OptimizedHLLC;

            c.ExplicitScheme = ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta;
            c.ExplicitOrder  = 1;

            c.EquationOfState = IdealGas.Air;
            c.MachNumber      = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio);

            c.AddVariable(Variables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Energy, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(IBMVariables.LevelSet, 2);

            var sessionAndGridGuid = restartData[dgDegree];

            c.RestartInfo = new Tuple <Guid, TimestepNumber>(sessionAndGridGuid.Item1, -1);
            c.GridGuid    = sessionAndGridGuid.Item2;

            c.GridPartType    = GridPartType.METIS;
            c.GridPartOptions = "5";

            double gamma = c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio;

            c.AddBoundaryValue("supersonicInlet", Variables.Density, (X, t) => 1.0);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("supersonicInlet", Variables.Velocity[0], (X, t) => Mach * Math.Sqrt(gamma));
            c.AddBoundaryValue("supersonicInlet", Variables.Velocity[1], (X, t) => 0.0);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("supersonicInlet", Variables.Pressure, (X, t) => 1.0);

            c.LevelSetBoundaryTag = "adiabaticSlipWall";

            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorEntropy", IBMQueries.L2Error(state => state.Entropy, (X, t) => 1.0));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Density, sessionAndGridGuid.Item3));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorXMomentum", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Momentum[0], sessionAndGridGuid.Item3));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorYMomentum", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Momentum[1], sessionAndGridGuid.Item3));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorEnergy", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Energy, sessionAndGridGuid.Item3));

            c.CutCellQuadratureType             = XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.OneStepGaussAndStokes;
            c.SurfaceHMF_ProjectNodesToLevelSet = false;
            c.SurfaceHMF_RestrictNodes          = true;
            c.SurfaceHMF_UseGaussNodes          = false;
            c.VolumeHMF_NodeCountSafetyFactor   = 5.0;
            c.VolumeHMF_RestrictNodes           = true;
            c.VolumeHMF_UseGaussNodes           = false;

            c.LevelSetQuadratureOrder = levelSetQuadratureOrder;
            c.AgglomerationThreshold  = agglomerationThreshold;

            c.dtMin         = 0.0;
            c.dtMax         = 1.0;
            c.CFLFraction   = 0.3;
            c.Endtime       = endTime;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = int.MaxValue;

            c.PrintInterval = 1;

            c.ResidualLoggerType = ResidualLoggerTypes.None;

            c.Paramstudy_CaseIdentification = new Tuple <string, object>[] {
                new Tuple <string, object>("dgDegree", dgDegree),

        /// <summary>
        /// 1D Manufactured solution for the Euler equations with variable Mach number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dgDegree"></param>
        /// <param name="noOfCellsPerDirection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CNSControl Euler1D(int dgDegree, int noOfCellsPerDirection)
            CNSControl c = new CNSControl();

            c.PrintInterval    = 1;
            c.ResidualInterval = 1;
            c.saveperiod       = 1;

            c.DbPath   = @"";
            c.savetodb = false;

            c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection | Operators.CustomSource;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.Rusanov;
            c.ExplicitScheme     = ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta;
            c.ExplicitOrder      = 1;
            c.EquationOfState    = IdealGas.Air;

            c.AddVariable(Variables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Energy, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Pressure, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.LocalMachNumber, dgDegree);

            c.GridFunc = delegate {
                double[] nodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(0.0, 1.0, noOfCellsPerDirection + 1);
                var      grid  = Grid1D.LineGrid(nodes);
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "supersonicinlet");
                grid.DefineEdgeTags(X => 1);

            double gamma = c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio;

            c.MachNumber = 1 / Math.Sqrt(gamma);

            double a           = 2.0 * Math.PI;
            double b           = 0.25;
            double c1          = 2.0;
            double MachScaling = (gamma * c.MachNumber * c.MachNumber);

            Func <double[], double, double> rho  = (X, t) => c1 + b * Math.Sin(a * X[0]);
            Func <double[], double, double> m0   = (X, t) => c1 + b * Math.Sin(a * X[0]);
            Func <double[], double, double> rhoE = (X, t) => (c1 + b * Math.Sin(a * X[0])) * (c1 + b * Math.Sin(a * X[0]));
            Func <double[], double, double> u0   = (X, t) => 1;
            Func <double[], double, double> p    = (X, t) => (gamma - 1) * (rhoE(X, t) - 0.5 * MachScaling * rho(X, t) * u0(X, t) * u0(X, t));

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Density, X => rho(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, X => m0(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Energy, X => rhoE(X, 0.0));

            c.AddBoundaryCondition("supersonicInlet", Variables.Density, rho);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("supersonicInlet", Variables.Velocity.xComponent, u0);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("supersonicInlet", Variables.Pressure, p);

            // MMS Sources
            c.CustomContinuitySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                     (X, t, state) => - (a * b * Math.Cos(a * X[0]))
            c.CustomMomentumSources[0].Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                      (X, t, state) => - ((a * b * Math.Cos(a * X[0])) * (1 + (gamma - 1) / MachScaling * (2 * rho(X, t) - 0.5 * MachScaling)))
            c.CustomEnergySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                 (X, t, state) => - ((a * b * Math.Cos(a * X[0])) * (2 * rho(X, t) + (gamma - 1) * (2 * rho(X, t) - 0.5 * MachScaling)))

            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Density, rho));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorPressure", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Pressure, p));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorVelocity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, u0));

            c.dtMin              = 0.0;
            c.dtMax              = 1.0;
            c.CFLFraction        = 0.4;
            c.Endtime            = 10000.0;
            c.NoOfTimesteps      = int.MaxValue;
            c.ResidualLoggerType = ResidualLoggerTypes.ChangeRate | ResidualLoggerTypes.Query;
            c.ResidualBasedTerminationCriteria.Add("changeRate_abs_rhoE", 1E-14);

            c.ProjectName = "MMS_Euler1D_Flux=" + c.ConvectiveFluxType + "dg=" + dgDegree + "_cells=" + noOfCellsPerDirection;

        /// <summary>
        /// Template for all shock tube tests
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="convectiveFlux"></param>
        /// <param name="densityLeft"></param>
        /// <param name="velocityLeft"></param>
        /// <param name="pressureLeft"></param>
        /// <param name="densityRight"></param>
        /// <param name="velocityRight"></param>
        /// <param name="pressureRight"></param>
        /// <param name="discontinuityPosition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static CNSControl GetShockTubeControlTemplate(ConvectiveFluxTypes convectiveFlux, double densityLeft, double velocityLeft, double pressureLeft, double densityRight, double velocityRight, double pressureRight, double discontinuityPosition)
            CNSControl c = new CNSControl();

            c.DbPath   = null;
            c.savetodb = false;

            c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = convectiveFlux;
            c.EquationOfState    = IdealGas.Air;
            c.MachNumber         = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio);

            c.ExplicitScheme = ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta;
            c.ExplicitOrder  = 1;

            int dgDegree = 0;

            c.AddVariable(Variables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Energy, dgDegree);

            c.AddVariable(Variables.Pressure, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);

            c.GridFunc = delegate {
                double[] xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(0.0, 1.0, 201);
                var      grid   = Grid1D.LineGrid(xNodes, false);
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "supersonicOutlet");
                grid.DefineEdgeTags(X => 1);

            // Take inner values everywhere

            Material    material  = new Material(c);
            StateVector stateLeft = StateVector.FromPrimitiveQuantities(
                material, densityLeft, new Vector3D(velocityLeft, 0.0, 0.0), pressureLeft);
            StateVector stateRight = StateVector.FromPrimitiveQuantities(
                material, densityRight, new Vector3D(velocityRight, 0.0, 0.0), pressureRight);

                X => stateLeft.Density + (stateRight.Density - stateLeft.Density) * (X[0] - discontinuityPosition).Heaviside());
                X => stateLeft.Velocity.x + (stateRight.Velocity.x - stateLeft.Velocity.x) * (X[0] - discontinuityPosition).Heaviside());
                X => stateLeft.Pressure + (stateRight.Pressure - stateLeft.Pressure) * (X[0] - discontinuityPosition).Heaviside());

            var    riemannSolver = new ExactRiemannSolver(stateLeft, stateRight, new Vector3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            double pStar, uStar;

            riemannSolver.GetStarRegionValues(out pStar, out uStar);

            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(
                              (X, t) => riemannSolver.GetState(pStar, uStar, X[0] - discontinuityPosition, t).Density));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorVelocity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(
                              (X, t) => riemannSolver.GetState(pStar, uStar, X[0] - discontinuityPosition, t).Velocity.x));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorPressure", QueryLibrary.L2Error(
                              (X, t) => riemannSolver.GetState(pStar, uStar, X[0] - discontinuityPosition, t).Pressure));

            c.dtMin         = 0.0;
            c.dtMax         = 1.0;
            c.CFLFraction   = 0.5;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = int.MaxValue;

            c.PrintInterval = 50;

        private static CNSControl[] GetTemplates()
            int minDivisions = 0;
            int maxDivisions = 2;
            int minDegree    = 0;
            int maxDegree    = 3;

            List <CNSControl> result = new List <CNSControl>();

            for (int dgDegree = minDegree; dgDegree <= maxDegree; dgDegree++)
                for (int divisions = minDivisions; divisions <= maxDivisions; divisions++)
                    CNSControl c = new CNSControl();

                    //c.DbPath = @"c:\bosss_dbv2\exp";
                    c.savetodb = false;
                    int noOfCells = (2 << divisions) * 8;

                    c.PrintInterval    = 1000;
                    c.ResidualInterval = 100;
                    c.saveperiod       = 100000;

                    c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection | Operators.CustomSource;
                    c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.OptimizedHLLC;
                    c.ExplicitScheme     = ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta;
                    c.ExplicitOrder      = 1;
                    c.EquationOfState    = IdealGas.Air;

                    double gamma = c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio;

                    c.MachNumber = 1.0;
                    double MaSquared = c.MachNumber * c.MachNumber;

                    c.AddVariable(Variables.Density, dgDegree);
                    c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
                    c.AddVariable(Variables.Energy, dgDegree);
                    c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
                    c.AddVariable(Variables.Pressure, dgDegree);
                    c.AddVariable(Variables.LocalMachNumber, dgDegree);

                    Func <double[], double> exactDensity = X =>
                                                           (2.0 + Math.Cos(2 * X[0])) / 2.0;
                    Func <double[], double> exactMomentum = X =>
                                                            (7.0 - Math.Cos(4.0 * X[0])) / 16.0;
                    Func <double[], double> exactEnergy = X =>
                                                          (25.0 + 7.0 / 16.0 * MaSquared * (-2.0 + Math.Cos(2.0 * X[0])) * (-2.0 + Math.Cos(2.0 * X[0]))) * (2.0 + Math.Cos(2.0 * X[0])) / 20.0;

                    // Add all types of boundary conditions for convenience
                    Func <double[], double> exactVelocity = X =>
                                                            exactMomentum(X) / exactDensity(X);
                    Func <double[], double> exactPressure = X =>
                                                            1 + Math.Cos(2.0 * X[0]) / 2;

                    c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Density, exactDensity);
                    c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, exactVelocity);
                    c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Pressure, exactPressure);

                    c.AddBoundaryCondition("supersonicInlet", Variables.Density, exactDensity);
                    c.AddBoundaryCondition("supersonicInlet", Variables.Velocity[0], exactVelocity);
                    c.AddBoundaryCondition("supersonicInlet", Variables.Pressure, exactPressure);

                    c.AddBoundaryCondition("subsonicInlet", Variables.Density, exactDensity);
                    c.AddBoundaryCondition("subsonicInlet", Variables.Velocity[0], exactVelocity);

                    c.AddBoundaryCondition("subsonicOutlet", Variables.Pressure, exactPressure);

                    Func <double[], double> localMach = X => c.MachNumber * exactVelocity(X) / (Math.Sqrt(exactPressure(X) / exactDensity(X)));
                    // Spurk: p305, eq(9.100)
                    Func <double[], double> totalPressure = X => exactPressure(X) * Math.Pow((gamma - 1.0) / 2 * localMach(X) * localMach(X) + 1.0, gamma / (gamma - 1.0));
                    // Spurk: p305, eq(9.101)
                    Func <double[], double> totalTemperature = X => exactPressure(X) / exactDensity(X) * ((gamma - 1.0) / 2 * localMach(X) * localMach(X) + 1.0);
                    c.AddBoundaryCondition("subsonicPressureInlet", "p0", totalPressure);
                    c.AddBoundaryCondition("subsonicPressureInlet", "T0", totalTemperature);

                    c.CustomContinuitySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                             (x, t, state) => - Math.Sin(4.0 * x[0]) / 4.0));
                    c.CustomMomentumSources[0].Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                              (x, t, state) => (160.0 - 35.0 * MaSquared - 56.0 * MaSquared * Math.Cos(2.0 * x[0]) + 21.0 * MaSquared * Math.Cos(4.0 * x[0])) * Math.Sin(2.0 * x[0]) / (224.0 * MaSquared)));

                    c.CustomEnergySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                         (x, t, state) => - (7.0 / 640.0) * Math.Sin(2 * x[0]) * ((160.0 + 3.0 * MaSquared) * Math.Cos(2 * x[0]) + MaSquared * (10.0 - 6.0 * Math.Cos(4.0 * x[0]) + Math.Cos(6.0 * x[0])))));

                    c.Queries.Add("densityError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Density, exactDensity, 10));
                    c.Queries.Add("momentumError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Momentum[0], exactMomentum, 10));
                    c.Queries.Add("energyError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Energy, exactEnergy, 10));

                    c.Paramstudy_CaseIdentification = new Tuple <string, object>[] {
                        new Tuple <string, object>("divisions", divisions),
                        new Tuple <string, object>("dgDegree", dgDegree)

                    c.ResidualLoggerType = ResidualLoggerTypes.ChangeRate | ResidualLoggerTypes.Query;
                    c.ResidualBasedTerminationCriteria.Add("changeRate_abs_rhoE", 1E-9);

                    c.dtMin         = 0.0;
                    c.dtMax         = 1.0;
                    c.CFLFraction   = 0.1;
                    c.Endtime       = 10000;
                    c.NoOfTimesteps = 1000000;

                    c.ProjectName = "MMS1D_Euler_Mach=" + c.MachNumber + "_dg=" + dgDegree + "_cells=" + noOfCells;


        /// <summary>
        /// Template of the control file for all shock tube tests using artificial viscosity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="convectiveFlux"></param>
        /// <param name="densityLeft"></param>
        /// <param name="velocityLeft"></param>
        /// <param name="pressureLeft"></param>
        /// <param name="densityRight"></param>
        /// <param name="velocityRight"></param>
        /// <param name="pressureRight"></param>
        /// <param name="discontinuityPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="explicitScheme"></param>
        /// <param name="explicitOrder"></param>
        /// <param name="numOfClusters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static CNSControl GetArtificialViscosityShockTubeControlTemplate(ConvectiveFluxTypes convectiveFlux, double densityLeft, double velocityLeft, double pressureLeft, double densityRight, double velocityRight, double pressureRight, double discontinuityPosition, ExplicitSchemes explicitScheme, int explicitOrder, int numOfClusters)
            CNSControl c = new CNSControl();

            c.DbPath   = null;
            c.savetodb = false;

            //c.DbPath = @"c:\bosss_db\";
            //c.savetodb = true;
            //c.saveperiod = 100;
            //c.PrintInterval = 100;

            c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection | Operators.ArtificialViscosity;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = convectiveFlux;

            c.EquationOfState = IdealGas.Air;
            c.MachNumber      = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio);
            c.ReynoldsNumber  = 1.0;
            c.PrandtlNumber   = 0.71;

            // Time stepping scheme
            c.ExplicitScheme = explicitScheme;
            c.ExplicitOrder  = explicitOrder;
            if (explicitScheme == ExplicitSchemes.LTS)
                c.NumberOfSubGrids     = numOfClusters;
                c.ReclusteringInterval = 1;
                c.FluxCorrection       = false;

            int dgDegree = 3;
            int noOfCellsPerDirection = 50;

            double   sensorLimit    = 1e-4;
            double   epsilon0       = 1.0;
            double   kappa          = 0.5;
            Variable sensorVariable = Variables.Density;

            c.ShockSensor            = new PerssonSensor(sensorVariable, sensorLimit);
            c.ArtificialViscosityLaw = new SmoothedHeavisideArtificialViscosityLaw(c.ShockSensor, dgDegree, sensorLimit, epsilon0, kappa);

            c.AddVariable(Variables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Energy, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Pressure, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Entropy, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Viscosity, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.ArtificialViscosity, 1);
            //c.AddVariable(Variables.Sensor, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.LocalMachNumber, dgDegree);
            if (c.ExplicitScheme.Equals(ExplicitSchemes.LTS))
                c.AddVariable(Variables.LTSClusters, 0);

            c.GridFunc = delegate {
                double[] xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(0.0, 1.0, noOfCellsPerDirection + 1);
                var      grid   = Grid1D.LineGrid(xNodes, periodic: false);

                // Boundary conditions
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "AdiabaticSlipWall");
                grid.DefineEdgeTags(delegate(double[] _X) {


            Material    material  = new Material(c);
            StateVector stateLeft = StateVector.FromPrimitiveQuantities(
                material, densityLeft, new Vector3D(velocityLeft, 0.0, 0.0), pressureLeft);
            StateVector stateRight = StateVector.FromPrimitiveQuantities(
                material, densityRight, new Vector3D(velocityRight, 0.0, 0.0), pressureRight);

                X => stateLeft.Density + (stateRight.Density - stateLeft.Density) * (X[0] - discontinuityPosition).Heaviside());
                X => stateLeft.Velocity.x + (stateRight.Velocity.x - stateLeft.Velocity.x) * (X[0] - discontinuityPosition).Heaviside());
                X => stateLeft.Pressure + (stateRight.Pressure - stateLeft.Pressure) * (X[0] - discontinuityPosition).Heaviside());

            var    riemannSolver = new ExactRiemannSolver(stateLeft, stateRight, new Vector3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            double pStar, uStar;

            riemannSolver.GetStarRegionValues(out pStar, out uStar);

            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(
                              (X, t) => riemannSolver.GetState(pStar, uStar, X[0] - discontinuityPosition, t).Density));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorVelocity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(
                              (X, t) => riemannSolver.GetState(pStar, uStar, X[0] - discontinuityPosition, t).Velocity.x));
            c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorPressure", QueryLibrary.L2Error(
                              (X, t) => riemannSolver.GetState(pStar, uStar, X[0] - discontinuityPosition, t).Pressure));

            c.dtMin   = 0.0;
            c.dtMax   = 1.0;
            c.dtFixed = 1.0e-6;
            c.Endtime = 5e-04;
            //c.NoOfTimesteps = 500;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = int.MaxValue;

        public static SIMPLEControl UnsteadyTaylorVortex()
            SIMPLEControl c = new SIMPLEControl();

            //c.DbPath = @"..\..\Base\06_ZipDatabases\NUnitTests.zip";
            c.DbPath   = @"NUnitTests.zip";
            c.savetodb = false;

            c.GridGuid     = new Guid("06e506b2-9cb7-48c5-ba5d-22fc57645aac");
            c.GridPartType = GridPartType.METIS;

            c.ProjectName        = "Unsteady_SIMPLE Taylor vortex";
            c.ProjectDescription = "NUnitTest for Unsteady_SIMPLE";

            // Required fields
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE

            // Auxiliary fields
            //    "VelocityX*",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
            //    "VelocityY*",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
            //    "VelocityX'",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
            //    "VelocityY'",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
            //    "VelocityXRes",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
            //    "VelocityYRes",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.VelocityX, X => - Cos(PI * X[0]) * Sin(PI * X[1]));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.VelocityY, X => Sin(PI * X[0]) * Cos(PI * X[1]));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.Pressure, X => - 0.25 * (Cos(2.0 * PI * X[0]) + Cos(2.0 * PI * X[1])));

            c.Algorithm = SolutionAlgorithms.Unsteady_SIMPLE;
            c.TimeOrder = 4;

            c.NoOfTimesteps            = 5;
            c.Endtime                  = 2.0;
            c.L2NormPressureCorrection = 1.0e-5;
            c.L2NormVelocityResidual   = 1.0e-5;

            c.PredictorSolverFactory = () => new PARDISOSolver();
            c.CorrectorSolverFactory = () => new PARDISOSolver();

            c.PhysicsMode = PhysicsMode.Incompressible;
            c.Reynolds    = 100.0;

            c.PredictorApproximation            = PredictorApproximations.Identity;
            c.PressureStabilizationScaling      = 0.0;
            c.PredictorApproximationUpdateCycle = 45;
            c.MaxNoSIMPLEsteps         = 45;
            c.SavePeriodSIMPLE         = 500;
            c.RelaxationFactorPressure = 1.0;
            c.RelexationFactorVelocity = 1.0;
            c.ViscousPenaltyScaling    = 1.0;
            c.PrintLinerSolverResults  = false;

            c.PressureReferencePoint = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 };
            c.PressureMeanValue      = 0.0;

            c.AnalyticVelocityX = X => - Cos(PI * X[0]) * Sin(PI * X[1]) * Exp(-2.0 * PI * PI * 2.0 / 100.0);
            c.AnalyticVelocityY = X => Sin(PI * X[0]) * Cos(PI * X[1]) * Exp(-2.0 * PI * PI * 2.0 / 100.0);
            c.AnalyticPressure  = X => - 0.25 * (Cos(2.0 * PI * X[0]) + Cos(2.0 * PI * X[1])) * Exp(-4.0 * PI * PI * 2.0 / 100.0);

            int queryQuadOrder = 10;

                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.VelocityX, c.AnalyticVelocityX, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.VelocityY, c.AnalyticVelocityY, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.Pressure, c.AnalyticPressure, queryQuadOrder));

        // Control templates
        private static CNSControl[] GetTemplates()
            int minDivisions = 0;
            int maxDivisions = 2;
            int minDegree    = 0;
            int maxDegree    = 3;

            List <CNSControl> result = new List <CNSControl>();

            for (int dgDegree = minDegree; dgDegree <= maxDegree; dgDegree++)
                for (int divisions = minDivisions; divisions <= maxDivisions; divisions++)
                    CNSControl c = new CNSControl();

                    //c.DbPath = @"c:\bosss_dbv2\exp";
                    c.savetodb = false;
                    int noOfCells = (2 << divisions) * 8;

                    c.PrintInterval    = 1000;
                    c.ResidualInterval = 100;
                    c.saveperiod       = 100000;

                    c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection | Operators.CustomSource;
                    c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.OptimizedHLLC;
                    c.ExplicitScheme     = ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta;
                    c.ExplicitOrder      = 1;
                    c.EquationOfState    = IdealGas.Air;
                    c.MachNumber         = 1.0;

                    c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Density, dgDegree);
                    c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
                    c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Energy, dgDegree);
                    c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
                    c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Pressure, dgDegree);
                    c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.LocalMachNumber, dgDegree);

                    c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CompressibleVariables.Density, exactDensity);
                    c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CNSVariables.Velocity.xComponent, exactVelocity);
                    c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CNSVariables.Pressure, exactPressure);

                    c.CustomContinuitySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map, (x, t, state) => - Math.Sin(4.0 * x[0]) / 4.0));
                    c.CustomMomentumSources[0].Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map, (x, t, state) => (160.0 - 35.0 * MaSquared - 56.0 * MaSquared * Math.Cos(2.0 * x[0]) + 21.0 * MaSquared * Math.Cos(4.0 * x[0])) * Math.Sin(2.0 * x[0]) / (224.0 * MaSquared)));
                    c.CustomEnergySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map, (x, t, state) => - (7.0 / 640.0) * Math.Sin(2 * x[0]) * ((160.0 + 3.0 * MaSquared) * Math.Cos(2 * x[0]) + MaSquared * (10.0 - 6.0 * Math.Cos(4.0 * x[0]) + Math.Cos(6.0 * x[0])))));

                    c.Queries.Add("densityError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(CompressibleVariables.Density, exactDensity, 10));
                    c.Queries.Add("momentumError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(CompressibleVariables.Momentum[0], exactMomentum, 10));
                    c.Queries.Add("energyError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(CompressibleVariables.Energy, exactEnergy, 10));

                    c.Paramstudy_CaseIdentification = new Tuple <string, object>[] {
                        new Tuple <string, object>("divisions", divisions),
                        new Tuple <string, object>("dgDegree", dgDegree)

                    c.ResidualLoggerType = ResidualLoggerTypes.ChangeRate | ResidualLoggerTypes.Query;
                    c.ResidualBasedTerminationCriteria.Add("changeRate_abs_rhoE", 1E-9);

                    c.dtMin         = 0.0;
                    c.dtMax         = 1.0;
                    c.CFLFraction   = 0.1;
                    c.Endtime       = 10000;
                    c.NoOfTimesteps = 1000000;

                    c.ProjectName = "MMS1D_Euler_Mach=" + c.MachNumber + "_dg=" + dgDegree + "_cells=" + noOfCells;


        public RTSCameraAgentComponent(Agent agent) : base(agent)
            for (int i = 0; i < _colors.Length; ++i)
                _colors[i] = new Contour(null, false);

            CurrentTargetPosition = new QueryData <WorldPosition>(() =>
                    var unit      = Agent;
                    var formation = unit.Formation;
                    if (formation == null)
                    var targetFormation = QueryDataStore.Get(formation.TargetFormation);

                    if (QueryLibrary.IsRangedCavalry(unit))
                        var targetAgent = unit.GetTargetAgent();
                        if (targetAgent == null || targetAgent.Formation != formation.TargetFormation)
                            Vec2 unitPosition = unit.Position.AsVec2;
                            targetAgent       = targetFormation.NearestAgent(unitPosition);

                        return(targetAgent?.GetWorldPosition() ?? new WorldPosition());

                    if (QueryLibrary.IsCavalry(unit))
                        var targetAgent = unit.GetTargetAgent();
                        if (targetAgent == null || targetAgent.Formation != formation.TargetFormation)
                            Vec2 unitPosition = formation.GetCurrentGlobalPositionOfUnit(unit, true) * 0.2f +
                                                unit.Position.AsVec2 * 0.8f;
                            targetAgent = targetFormation.NearestOfAverageOfNearestPosition(unitPosition, 7);

                        if (targetAgent != null)
                            if (targetAgent.HasMount)

                            var targetPosition  = targetAgent.GetWorldPosition();
                            var targetDirection = targetPosition.AsVec2 - unit.Position.AsVec2;
                            var distance        = targetDirection.Normalize();
                            var result          = targetPosition;

                            // new
                            if (distance > 20)
                                CurrentDirection = targetDirection;
                                result.SetVec2(targetDirection * 10 + targetPosition.AsVec2);
                            else if (distance > 5 && targetDirection.DotProduct(CurrentDirection) < 0)
                                    (CurrentDirection.DotProduct(targetDirection * distance) + 50) * CurrentDirection +
                                result.SetVec2(CurrentDirection * 10 + targetPosition.AsVec2);

                            // old
                            //if (distance < 3)
                            //    result = unit.GetWorldPosition();
                            //    result.SetVec2(CurrentDirection * 20 + result.AsVec2);
                            //    if (distance < 20 && targetDirection.DotProduct(CurrentDirection) < 0)
                            //    {
                            //        result.SetVec2(-targetDirection * 50 + result.AsVec2);
                            //    }
                            //    else
                            //    {
                            //        CurrentDirection = targetDirection;
                            //        result.SetVec2(targetDirection * 10 + result.AsVec2);
                            //    }


                            return(result.GetNavMesh() == UIntPtr.Zero ||
                                ? targetPosition
                                : result);

                        var targetAgent = unit.GetTargetAgent();
                        if (targetAgent == null || targetAgent.Formation != formation.TargetFormation)
                            Vec2 unitPosition = formation.GetCurrentGlobalPositionOfUnit(unit, true) * 0.2f +
                                                unit.Position.AsVec2 * 0.8f;
                            targetAgent = targetFormation.NearestAgent(unitPosition);

                        return(targetAgent?.GetWorldPosition() ?? new WorldPosition());
                catch (Exception e)

            }, 0.2f);
        private WorldPosition GetTargetPosition(Agent agent)
                var unit = agent;
                if (!unit.IsActive())
                var formation = unit.Formation;
                if (formation == null)
                var targetFormation = QueryDataStore.Get(formation.TargetFormation);

                Vec2 offset;
                if (QueryLibrary.IsCavalry(unit) || QueryLibrary.IsRangedCavalry(unit) &&
                    formation.FiringOrder.OrderType == OrderType.HoldFire)
                    var averageOfTargetAgents = QueryDataStore.Get(formation).AverageOfTargetAgents.Value;

                    offset = averageOfTargetAgents.IsValid ? formation.TargetFormation.QuerySystem.AveragePosition * 0.2f + averageOfTargetAgents * 0.8f - formation.QuerySystem.AveragePosition : Vec2.Zero;
                else if (QueryLibrary.IsInfantry(unit) || QueryLibrary.IsRanged(unit) &&
                         formation.FiringOrder.OrderType == OrderType.HoldFire)
                    var targetCenterAgent =
                    if (targetCenterAgent == null)
                    offset = targetCenterAgent.Position.AsVec2 - formation.CurrentPosition;

                Vec2 targetPosition = formation.GetCurrentGlobalPositionOfUnit(unit, true) + offset;

                var targetAgent = targetFormation.NearestAgent(targetPosition);
                var result      = targetAgent?.GetWorldPosition() ?? WorldPosition.Invalid;
                PositionOfTargetAgent.SetValue(result.AsVec2, MBCommon.GetTime(MBCommon.TimeType.Mission));
                if (targetAgent == null || !result.IsValid || result.GetNavMesh() == UIntPtr.Zero)
                    result = unit.GetWorldPosition();
                    result.SetVec2(result.AsVec2 + unit.GetMovementDirection().AsVec2 * 0.1f);

                if (QueryLibrary.IsInfantry(unit) || QueryLibrary.IsRanged(unit) &&
                    formation.FiringOrder.OrderType == OrderType.HoldFire)
                    result.SetVec2((unit.Position.AsVec2 - result.AsVec2).Normalized() * 0.8f + result.AsVec2 +
                                   targetAgent.Velocity.AsVec2 * 1);
                else if (QueryLibrary.IsCavalry(unit) || QueryLibrary.IsRangedCavalry(unit) &&
                         formation.FiringOrder.OrderType == OrderType.HoldFire)
                    result.SetVec2((result.AsVec2 - unit.Position.AsVec2).Normalized() * 3f + result.AsVec2 +
                                   targetAgent.Velocity.AsVec2 * 1 + unit.Velocity.AsVec2 * 1);
            catch (Exception e)

        public static SIMPLEControl PoiseuilleFlow()
            SIMPLEControl c = new SIMPLEControl();

            c.DbPath   = @"NUnitTests.zip";
            c.savetodb = false;

            c.GridGuid     = new Guid("0062a338-a8a4-4d52-9b16-bc79379dd4d5");
            c.GridPartType = GridPartType.METIS;

            c.ProjectName        = "Steady_SIMPLE 2D Channel";
            c.ProjectDescription = "NUnitTest for Steady_SIMPLE";

            // Required fields
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE

            // Auxiliary fields
            //    "VelocityX*",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
            //    "VelocityY*",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
            //    "VelocityX'",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
            //    "VelocityY'",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
            //    "VelocityXRes",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
            //    "VelocityYRes",
            //    new FieldOpts() { Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE });
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.VelocityX, X => 0.0);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.VelocityY, X => 0.0);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.Pressure, X => 0.0);

            c.Algorithm                = SolutionAlgorithms.Steady_SIMPLE;
            c.NoOfTimesteps            = 1;
            c.L2NormPressureCorrection = 1.0e-6;
            c.L2NormVelocityResidual   = 1.0e-6;

            c.PredictorSolverFactory = () => new PARDISOSolver();
            c.CorrectorSolverFactory = () => new PARDISOSolver();

            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet", VariableNames.VelocityX, X => 1.0 - X[1] * X[1]);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet", VariableNames.VelocityY, X => 0.0);

            c.PhysicsMode = PhysicsMode.Incompressible;
            c.Reynolds    = 100.0;

            c.PredictorApproximation            = PredictorApproximations.Identity;
            c.PressureStabilizationScaling      = 0.0;
            c.PredictorApproximationUpdateCycle = 500;
            c.MaxNoSIMPLEsteps         = 500;
            c.SavePeriodSIMPLE         = 500;
            c.RelaxationFactorPressure = 1.0;
            c.RelexationFactorVelocity = 0.2;
            c.ViscousPenaltyScaling    = 1.0;
            c.PrintLinerSolverResults  = false;

            c.AnalyticVelocityX = X => 1.0 - X[1] * X[1];
            c.AnalyticVelocityY = X => 0.0;
            c.AnalyticPressure  = X => - 2.0 / 100.0 * X[0] + 0.2;

            int queryQuadOrder = 10;

                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.VelocityX, c.AnalyticVelocityX, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.VelocityY, c.AnalyticVelocityY, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.Pressure, c.AnalyticPressure, queryQuadOrder));

        private static CNSControl ShockTubeToro1Template(int dgDegree, ExplicitSchemes explicitScheme, int explicitOrder, int noOfCells = 50, double gridStretching = 0.0, bool twoD = false)
            double densityLeft           = 1.0;
            double velocityLeft          = 0.0;
            double pressureLeft          = 1.0;
            double densityRight          = 0.125;
            double velocityRight         = 0.0;
            double pressureRight         = 0.1;
            double discontinuityPosition = 0.5;

            CNSControl c = new CNSControl();

            c.DbPath = null;
            //c.DbPath = @"c:\bosss_db\";
            c.savetodb = false;

            c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.OptimizedHLLC;

            c.EquationOfState = IdealGas.Air;
            c.MachNumber      = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio);
            c.ReynoldsNumber  = 1.0;
            c.PrandtlNumber   = 0.71;

            c.ExplicitScheme = explicitScheme;
            c.ExplicitOrder  = explicitOrder;

            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CompressibleVariables.Energy, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Pressure, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(CNSVariables.Rank, 0);

            c.GridFunc = delegate {
                double xMin = 0.0;
                double xMax = 1.0;
                double yMin = 0.0;
                double yMax = 1.0;

                double[] xNodes;
                double[] yNodes;
                if (gridStretching > 0.0)
                    xNodes = Grid1D.TanhSpacing(xMin, xMax, noOfCells + 1, gridStretching, true);
                    yNodes = Grid1D.TanhSpacing(yMin, yMax, 1 + 1, gridStretching, true);
                    xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(xMin, xMax, noOfCells + 1);
                    yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(yMin, yMax, 1 + 1);

                GridCommons grid;
                if (twoD)
                    grid = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xNodes, yNodes, periodicX: false, periodicY: false);
                    grid = Grid1D.LineGrid(xNodes, periodic: false);

                // Boundary conditions
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "AdiabaticSlipWall");
                grid.DefineEdgeTags(delegate(double[] _X) {

            Material    material  = c.GetMaterial();
            StateVector stateLeft = StateVector.FromPrimitiveQuantities(
                material, densityLeft, new Vector(velocityLeft, 0.0, 0.0), pressureLeft);
            StateVector stateRight = StateVector.FromPrimitiveQuantities(
                material, densityRight, new Vector(velocityRight, 0.0, 0.0), pressureRight);

                X => stateLeft.Density + (stateRight.Density - stateLeft.Density) * (X[0] - discontinuityPosition).Heaviside());
                X => stateLeft.Velocity.x + (stateRight.Velocity.x - stateLeft.Velocity.x) * (X[0] - discontinuityPosition).Heaviside());
                X => stateLeft.Pressure + (stateRight.Pressure - stateLeft.Pressure) * (X[0] - discontinuityPosition).Heaviside());
            if (twoD)
                c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(CNSVariables.Velocity.yComponent, X => 0);

            if (!twoD)
                var riemannSolver = new ExactRiemannSolver(stateLeft, stateRight, new Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
                riemannSolver.GetStarRegionValues(out double pStar, out double uStar);

                c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(
                                  (X, t) => riemannSolver.GetState(pStar, uStar, X[0] - discontinuityPosition, t).Density));
                c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorVelocity", QueryLibrary.L2Error(
                                  (X, t) => riemannSolver.GetState(pStar, uStar, X[0] - discontinuityPosition, t).Velocity.x));
                c.Queries.Add("L2ErrorPressure", QueryLibrary.L2Error(
                                  (X, t) => riemannSolver.GetState(pStar, uStar, X[0] - discontinuityPosition, t).Pressure));

            c.dtMin = 0.0;
            c.dtMax = 1.0;
            //c.dtFixed = 1.0e-6;
            c.CFLFraction   = 0.1;
            c.Endtime       = 0.2;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = int.MaxValue;

            // Use METIS since ParMETIS is not installed on build server
            c.GridPartType = GridPartType.METIS;

        public static CNSControl Gassner3D_unsteady(int noOfCellsPerDirection, int dgDegree, string dbPath = @"/home/kraemer/CNS/dbe")
            CNSControl c = new CNSControl();

            // Session Settings
            c.DbPath             = dbPath;
            c.savetodb           = true;
            c.saveperiod         = 10000;
            c.ProjectName        = "MMS_Gassner3D_h=1/" + noOfCellsPerDirection + "_p=" + dgDegree;
            c.ProjectDescription = "Manufactured Solution by Gassner et al. (2008)";
            c.Tags.Add("Diffusive Test");
            c.GridPartType = GridPartType.ParMETIS;

            // Solver Type
            c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection | Operators.Diffusion | Operators.CustomSource;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.OptimizedHLLC;
            c.DiffusiveFluxType  = DiffusiveFluxTypes.OptimizedSIPG;
            c.SIPGPenaltyScaling = 1.3;

            // Time-Stepping Settings
            c.ExplicitScheme = ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta;
            c.ExplicitOrder  = 4;

            //Material Settings
            c.EquationOfState = IdealGas.Air;
            c.ViscosityLaw    = new ConstantViscosity();
            c.PrandtlNumber   = 0.72;
            c.ReynoldsNumber  = 1000.0;

            c.MachNumber = 1 / Math.Sqrt(c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio);

            // Primary Variables
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.zComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Energy, dgDegree);
            // Parameters
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.zComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Pressure, dgDegree);

            // Grid
            //c.GridFunc = delegate {
            //    double[] nodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(0.0, 1.0, noOfCellsPerDirection + 1);
            //    var grid = Grid3D.Cartesian3DGrid(nodes, nodes, nodes, periodicX: true, periodicY: true, periodicZ: true, _CellType: CellType.Cube_Linear);
            //    return grid;
            String grid = "";

            switch (noOfCellsPerDirection)
            case 16:
                grid = "06d43b3a-c630-445b-b17f-5c0a17d7e290";

            case 32:
                grid = "c3276077-946a-4360-9917-eba9a87fcbfc";

            case 64:
                grid = "c80eac65-6e56-420d-ae65-be8d75001539";

            Guid gridGuid;

            if (Guid.TryParse(grid, out gridGuid))
                c.GridGuid = gridGuid;
                throw new Exception(
                          "Could not find a grid at " + grid);

            // Functions
            Func <double[], double, double> rho  = (X, t) => 2.0 + 0.25 * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 0 * Math.PI * t);
            Func <double[], double, double> m    = (X, t) => 2.0 + 0.25 * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 0 * Math.PI * t);
            Func <double[], double, double> rhoE = (X, t) => (2.0 + 0.25 * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 0 * Math.PI * t)) * (2.0 + 0.25 * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 0 * Math.PI * t));

            Func <double[], double, double> u        = (X, t) => 1.0;
            Func <double[], double, double> pressure = (X, t) => (1.4 - 1) * Math.Pow((2.0 + 0.25 * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 20 * Math.PI * t)), 2)
                                                       - 3 / 2 * (2.0 + 0.25 * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 20 * Math.PI * t));

            //Initial Values
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Density, X => rho(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, X => m(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Momentum.yComponent, X => m(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Momentum.zComponent, X => m(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Energy, X => rhoE(X, 0.0));

            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variable.Velocity.xComponent, X => u0(X, 0.0));
            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variable.Velocity.yComponent, X => u1(X, 0.0));
            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variable.Velocity.zComponent, X => u2(X, 0.0));
            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variable.Pressure, X => pressure(X, 0.0));

            // Solver Settings
            c.dtMin         = 0.0;
            c.dtMax         = 1.0;
            c.Endtime       = 0.1;
            c.CFLFraction   = 0.1;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = 5000000;

            c.PrintInterval      = 10;
            c.ResidualInterval   = 100;
            c.ResidualLoggerType = ResidualLoggerTypes.ChangeRate | ResidualLoggerTypes.Query;

            //MMS Sources
            c.CustomContinuitySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                     (X, t, state) => 3.5 * Math.PI * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 20 * Math.PI * t)));
            c.CustomMomentumSources[0].Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                      (X, t, state) => 3 * Math.PI * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 20 * Math.PI * t) -
                                                                      0.05 * Math.PI * Math.Sin(4 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 40 * Math.PI * t)));
            c.CustomMomentumSources[1].Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                      (X, t, state) => 3 * Math.PI * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 20 * Math.PI * t) -
                                                                      0.05 * Math.PI * Math.Sin(4 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 40 * Math.PI * t)));
            c.CustomMomentumSources[2].Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                      (X, t, state) => 3 * Math.PI * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 20 * Math.PI * t) -
                                                                      0.05 * Math.PI * Math.Sin(4 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 40 * Math.PI * t)));
            c.CustomEnergySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                 (X, t, state) => 12.5 * Math.PI * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 20 * Math.PI * t)
                                                                 + 0.725 * Math.PI * Math.Sin(4 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 40 * Math.PI * t)
                                                                 - 0.005833333332 * Math.PI * Math.PI * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 20 * Math.PI * t)));
            //c.CustomEnergySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
            //    (X, t, state) => -0.005833333332 * Math.PI * Math.PI * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * (X[0] + X[1] + X[2]) - 0 * Math.PI * t)));

            // Queries
            int QueryDegree = 10;

            c.Queries.Add("densityError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Density, rho, QueryDegree));
            c.Queries.Add("momentum0Error", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, m, QueryDegree));
            c.Queries.Add("energyError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Energy, rhoE, QueryDegree));
            c.Queries.Add("velocity0Error", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, u, QueryDegree));

        public static SIMPLEControl UnsteadyMultiphaseWave()
            MultiphaseSIMPLEControl c = new MultiphaseSIMPLEControl();

            //c.DbPath = @"..\..\Base\06_ZipDatabases\NUnitTests.zip";
            c.DbPath   = @"NUnitTests.zip";
            c.savetodb = false;

            c.GridGuid     = new Guid("a5135fbb-4243-4677-97f6-562860e4f95c");
            c.GridPartType = GridPartType.METIS;

            c.ProjectName        = "MultiphaseWave";
            c.ProjectDescription = "Convected density wave";

            // Required fields
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 3, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 3, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 3, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 3, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 3, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE

            // Auxiliary fields
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 3, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 3, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 3, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 3, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.VelocityX, X => 1.0);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.VelocityY, X => 0.0);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.Pressure, X => 0.0);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add("LevelSet", X => 0.5 - 0.5 * Tanh(20.0 * X[0] - 12.0));

            c.Algorithm     = SolutionAlgorithms.Unsteady_SIMPLE;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = 2;
            c.Endtime       = 0.02;
            c.TimeOrder     = 1;

            c.L2NormPressureCorrection = 1.0e-8;
            c.L2NormVelocityResidual   = 1.0e-8;
            c.L2NormLevelSetResidual   = 1.0E-8;

            c.PredictorSolverFactory = () => new PARDISOSolver();
            c.CorrectorSolverFactory = () => new PARDISOSolver();
            c.LevelSetSolverFactory  = () => new PARDISOSolver();

            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet", VariableNames.VelocityX, X => 1.0);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet", VariableNames.VelocityY, X => 0.0);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet", "LevelSet", X => 1.0);

            c.PhysicsMode = PhysicsMode.Multiphase;
            c.Reynolds    = 1.0;
            c.EoS         = new MaterialLawMultiphase(rho1: 1000.0, rho2: 1.0, mu1: 1.0, mu2: 1.0);

            c.PredictorApproximation            = PredictorApproximations.Diagonal;
            c.PressureStabilizationScaling      = 0.0;
            c.PredictorApproximationUpdateCycle = 54;
            c.MaxNoSIMPLEsteps         = 54;
            c.SavePeriodSIMPLE         = 100;
            c.RelaxationFactorPressure = 0.3;
            c.RelexationFactorVelocity = 0.7;
            c.RelaxationFactorLevelSet = 1.0;
            c.LevelSetRelaxationType   = RelaxationTypes.Implicit;
            c.ViscousPenaltyScaling    = 1.0;
            c.PrintLinerSolverResults  = false;

            c.AnalyticVelocityX = X => 1.0;
            c.AnalyticVelocityY = X => 0.0;
            c.AnalyticPressure  = X => 0.0;
            c.AnalyticLevelSet  = X => 0.5 - 0.5 * Tanh(20.0 * X[0] - 12.4);
            c.AnalyticDensity   = X => 1000.0 * (0.5 - 0.5 * Tanh(20.0 * X[0] - 12.4)) + (1.0 - (0.5 - 0.5 * Tanh(20.0 * X[0] - 12.4)));

            int queryQuadOrder = 10;

                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.VelocityX, c.AnalyticVelocityX, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.VelocityY, c.AnalyticVelocityY, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.Pressure, c.AnalyticPressure, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error("LevelSet", c.AnalyticLevelSet, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error("Density", c.AnalyticDensity, queryQuadOrder));

        public static IBMControl IBMAVTestContactDiscontinuity()
            IBMControl c = new IBMControl();

            //c.DbPath = @"c:\bosss_db";
            c.DbPath        = null;
            c.savetodb      = false;
            c.saveperiod    = 1;
            c.PrintInterval = 1;

            int dgDegree = 2;

            double xMin = 0.0;
            double xMax = 1.0;
            double yMin = 0.0;
            double yMax = 1.0;

            int numOfCellsX = 20;
            int numOfCellsY = 5;

            c.DomainType = DomainTypes.StaticImmersedBoundary;

            // Adjust height of cut cells such that we obtain AVCFL_cutcell = 0.5 * AVCFL
            // Here, this only depends on h_min
            double width         = (xMax - xMin) / numOfCellsX;
            double height        = (yMax - yMin) / numOfCellsY;
            double heightCutCell = (-2.0 * width * height) / (2.0 * height - 2.0 * Math.Sqrt(2) * width - 2.0 * Math.Sqrt(2) * height);

            double levelSetPosition = 2 * height + (height - heightCutCell);

            c.LevelSetFunction = delegate(double[] X, double t) {
                double y = X[1];
                return(y - levelSetPosition);
            c.LevelSetBoundaryTag = "AdiabaticSlipWall";

            c.CutCellQuadratureType   = XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.OneStepGaussAndStokes;
            c.LevelSetQuadratureOrder = 6;
            c.AgglomerationThreshold  = 0.2; // Using this agglomeration threshold, no cells are agglomerated (all cells are true cut cells)
            c.AddVariable(IBMVariables.LevelSet, 1);

            bool AV = true;

            if (AV)
                c.ActiveOperators = Operators.Convection | Operators.ArtificialViscosity;
                c.ActiveOperators = Operators.Convection;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.OptimizedHLLC;

            // Shock-capturing
            double sensorLimit = 1.0e-3;
            double epsilon0    = 1.0;
            double kappa       = 0.5;

            Variable sensorVariable = Variables.Density;

            c.ShockSensor = new PerssonSensor(sensorVariable, sensorLimit);

            if (AV)
                c.ArtificialViscosityLaw = new SmoothedHeavisideArtificialViscosityLaw(c.ShockSensor, dgDegree, sensorLimit, epsilon0, kappa);

            // Runge-Kutta
            c.ExplicitScheme = ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta;
            c.ExplicitOrder  = 1;

            c.EquationOfState = IdealGas.Air;

            c.MachNumber     = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio);
            c.ReynoldsNumber = 1.0;
            c.PrandtlNumber  = 0.71;

            c.AddVariable(Variables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Pressure, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Energy, dgDegree);

            c.AddVariable(Variables.Entropy, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.LocalMachNumber, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Rank, 0);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.ShockSensor, 0);

            if (AV)
                c.AddVariable(Variables.ArtificialViscosity, 2);

            c.AddVariable(Variables.CFL, 0);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.CFLConvective, 0);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.CFLArtificialViscosity, 0);
            if (c.ExplicitScheme.Equals(ExplicitSchemes.LTS))
                c.AddVariable(Variables.LTSClusters, 0);

            c.GridFunc = delegate {
                double[] xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(xMin, xMax, numOfCellsX + 1);
                double[] yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(yMin, yMax, numOfCellsY + 1);
                var      grid   = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xNodes, yNodes, periodicX: false, periodicY: false);

                // Boundary conditions
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "SubsonicInlet");
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(2, "SubsonicOutlet");
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(3, "AdiabaticSlipWall");

                grid.DefineEdgeTags(delegate(double[] X) {
                    if (Math.Abs(X[1]) < 1e-14)     // bottom
                    else if (Math.Abs(X[1] - (yMax - yMin)) < 1e-14)        // top
                    else if (Math.Abs(X[0]) < 1e-14)        // left
                    else if (Math.Abs(X[0] - (xMax - xMin)) < 1e-14)        // right
                        throw new System.Exception("Problem with definition of boundary conditions");


            Func <double[], double, double> DistanceToLine = delegate(double[] X, double t) {
                // direction vector
                Vector2D p1 = new Vector2D(0.5, 0.0);
                Vector2D p2 = new Vector2D(0.5, 1.0);
                Vector2D p  = p2 - p1;

                // normal vector
                Vector2D n = new Vector2D(p.y, -p.x);

                // angle between line and x-axis
                //double alpha = Math.Atan(Math.Abs((p2.y - p1.y)) / Math.Abs((p2.x - p1.x)));
                double alpha = Math.PI / 2;

                // distance of a point X to the origin (normal to the line)
                double nDotX = n.x * (X[0]) + n.y * (X[1]);

                // shock speed
                double vs = 1;

                // distance to line
                double distance = nDotX - (Math.Sin(alpha) * p1.x + vs * t);


            double cellSize = Math.Min((xMax - xMin) / numOfCellsX, (yMax - yMin) / numOfCellsY);

            Func <double, double> SmoothJump = delegate(double distance) {
                // smoothing should be in the range of h/p
                double maxDistance = 2.0 * cellSize / Math.Max(dgDegree, 1);

                return((Math.Tanh(distance / maxDistance) + 1.0) * 0.5);

            double densityLeft   = 100.0;
            double densityRight  = 1.0;
            double pressure      = 1.0;
            double velocityXLeft = 2.0;
            double velocityY     = 0.0;

            c.AddBoundaryCondition("SubsonicInlet", Variables.Density, (X, t) => densityLeft);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("SubsonicInlet", Variables.Velocity.xComponent, (X, t) => velocityXLeft);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("SubsonicInlet", Variables.Velocity.yComponent, (X, t) => velocityY);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("SubsonicOutlet", Variables.Pressure, (X, t) => pressure);

            // Initial conditions
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Density, X => densityLeft - SmoothJump(DistanceToLine(X, 0)) * (densityLeft - densityRight));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Pressure, X => pressure);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, X => velocityXLeft);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.yComponent, X => velocityY);

            // Time config
            c.dtMin         = 0.0;
            c.dtMax         = 1.0;
            c.CFLFraction   = 0.3;
            c.Endtime       = 5e-3;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = int.MaxValue;

            // Queries for comparison
            c.Queries.Add("L2NormDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Norm(Variables.Density.Name));
            c.Queries.Add("L2NormVelocityX", QueryLibrary.L2Norm(Variables.Velocity.xComponent.Name));
            c.Queries.Add("L2NormPressure", QueryLibrary.L2Norm(Variables.Pressure));

        /// <summary>
        /// 2D Manufactured Solution for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with variable Mach number
        /// and constant viscosity. It is based on primitive variables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="noOfCellsPerDirection"></param>
        /// <param name="dgDegree"></param>
        /// <param name="dbPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CNSControl Gassner2D_primitive(int noOfCellsPerDirection, int dgDegree, string dbPath = @"c:\bosss_dbv2\exp")
            CNSControl c = new CNSControl();

            // Session Settings
            c.DbPath             = dbPath;
            c.savetodb           = true;
            c.saveperiod         = 10000;
            c.ProjectDescription = "Manufactured Solution with primitive variables. Based on Gassner et al. (2008)";
            c.Tags.Add("Diffusive Test");

            // Solver Type
            c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection | Operators.Diffusion | Operators.CustomSource;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.OptimizedHLLC;
            c.DiffusiveFluxType  = DiffusiveFluxTypes.OptimizedSIPG;
            c.SIPGPenaltyScaling = 1.3;

            // Solver Settings
            c.dtMin         = 0.0;
            c.dtMax         = 1.0;
            c.Endtime       = 0.1;
            c.CFLFraction   = 0.25;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = 2000;

            c.PrintInterval      = 100;
            c.ResidualInterval   = 1000;
            c.ResidualLoggerType = ResidualLoggerTypes.ChangeRate | ResidualLoggerTypes.Query;

            // Time-Stepping Settings
            c.ExplicitScheme = ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta;
            c.ExplicitOrder  = 4;

            //Material Settings
            c.EquationOfState = IdealGas.Air;
            c.ViscosityLaw    = new ConstantViscosity();
            c.PrandtlNumber   = 0.72;
            c.ReynoldsNumber  = 1.0e6;
            c.MachNumber      = 1 / Math.Sqrt(1.4);

            // Primary Variables
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Energy, dgDegree);
            // Parameters
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Pressure, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.LocalMachNumber, dgDegree);

            // Grid
            c.GridFunc = delegate {
                double[] nodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(0.0, 1.0, noOfCellsPerDirection + 1);
                var      grid  = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(nodes, nodes, periodicX: true, periodicY: true);

            // Functions

            double b           = 0.25;
            double c1          = 2.0;
            double k           = 2.0 * Math.PI;
            double omega       = 20.0 * Math.PI;
            double gamma       = c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio;
            double MachScaling = gamma * c.MachNumber * c.MachNumber;

            double PressureScale = 1.0;

            Func <double[], double, double> rho      = (X, t) => c1 + b * Math.Sin(k * (X[0] + X[1]) - omega * t);
            Func <double[], double, double> u0       = (X, t) => 1.0;
            Func <double[], double, double> u1       = (X, t) => 1.0;
            Func <double[], double, double> pressure = (X, t) => rho(X, t) / PressureScale;

            Func <double[], double, double> m0   = (X, t) => u0(X, t) * rho(X, t);
            Func <double[], double, double> m1   = (X, t) => u1(X, t) * rho(X, t);
            Func <double[], double, double> rhoE = (X, t) => pressure(X, t) / (gamma - 1) + 0.5 * MachScaling * rho(X, t) * (u0(X, t) * u0(X, t) + u1(X, t) * u1(X, t));

            //Initial Values
            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variables.Density, X => rho(X, 0.0));
            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, X => m0(X, 0.0));
            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variables.Momentum.yComponent, X => m1(X, 0.0));
            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variables.Energy, X => rhoE(X, 0.0));

            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, X => u0(X, 0.0));
            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variables.Velocity.yComponent, X => u1(X, 0.0));
            //c.InitialValues.Add(Variables.Pressure, X => pressure(X, 0.0));

            //MMS Sources

            c.CustomContinuitySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                     (X, t, state) => - b * Math.Cos(k * (X[0] + X[1]) - omega * t) * (-omega + 2.0 * k)));
            c.CustomMomentumSources[0].Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                      (X, t, state) => - b * Math.Cos(k * (X[0] + X[1]) - omega * t) * (-omega + 2.0 * k + k / (PressureScale * MachScaling))
            c.CustomMomentumSources[1].Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                      (X, t, state) => - b * Math.Cos(k * (X[0] + X[1]) - omega * t) * (-omega + 2.0 * k + k / (PressureScale * MachScaling))
            c.CustomEnergySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                 (X, t, state) => - b * Math.Cos(k * (X[0] + X[1]) - omega * t) * (-omega / (PressureScale * (gamma - 1.0)) - MachScaling * omega + 2.0 * k / (PressureScale * (gamma - 1.0)) + 1.0 + MachScaling + 2.0 + k / PressureScale)

            // Queries
            int QueryDegree = 10;

            c.Queries.Add("densityError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Density, rho, QueryDegree));
            c.Queries.Add("momentum0Error", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, m0, QueryDegree));
            c.Queries.Add("energyError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Energy, rhoE, QueryDegree));
            c.Queries.Add("velocity0Error", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, u0, QueryDegree));

            c.ProjectName = "MMS-Gassner2D_Mach=" + c.MachNumber + "_Flux=" + c.DiffusiveFluxType + "_h=1/" + noOfCellsPerDirection + "_p=" + dgDegree;

        public static IBMControl IBMALTSTestContactDiscontinuity(double levelSetPosition, int explicitOrder, int numOfClusters)
            IBMControl c = new IBMControl();

            //c.DbPath = @"c:\bosss_db";
            c.savetodb      = false;
            c.saveperiod    = 1;
            c.PrintInterval = 1;

            double xMin = 0;
            double xMax = 1;
            double yMin = 0;
            double yMax = 1;

            int numOfCellsX = 40;
            int numOfCellsY = 10;

            int dgDegree = 2;

            c.DomainType = DomainTypes.StaticImmersedBoundary;

            c.LevelSetFunction = delegate(double[] X, double t) {
                double y = X[1];
                return(y - levelSetPosition);
            c.LevelSetBoundaryTag = "AdiabaticSlipWall";

            //c.MomentFittingVariant = XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.Classic;
            //c.SurfaceHMF_ProjectNodesToLevelSet = false;
            //c.SurfaceHMF_RestrictNodes = true;
            //c.SurfaceHMF_UseGaussNodes = false;
            //c.VolumeHMF_NodeCountSafetyFactor = 3.0;
            //c.VolumeHMF_RestrictNodes = true;
            //c.VolumeHMF_UseGaussNodes = false;
            //c.LevelSetQuadratureOrder = 6;

            c.CutCellQuadratureType   = XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.OneStepGaussAndStokes;
            c.LevelSetQuadratureOrder = 6;
            c.AgglomerationThreshold  = 0.2;
            c.AddVariable(IBMVariables.LevelSet, 1);

            c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.OptimizedHLLC;

            // (A)LTS
            c.ExplicitScheme       = ExplicitSchemes.LTS;
            c.ExplicitOrder        = explicitOrder;
            c.NumberOfSubGrids     = numOfClusters;
            c.ReclusteringInterval = 1;
            c.FluxCorrection       = false;

            c.EquationOfState = IdealGas.Air;

            c.MachNumber     = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio);
            c.ReynoldsNumber = 1.0;
            c.PrandtlNumber  = 0.71;

            c.AddVariable(Variables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.yComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Pressure, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Energy, dgDegree);

            c.AddVariable(Variables.Entropy, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.LocalMachNumber, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Rank, 0);

            c.AddVariable(Variables.CFL, 0);
            if (c.ExplicitScheme.Equals(ExplicitSchemes.LTS))
                c.AddVariable(Variables.LTSClusters, 0);

            c.GridFunc = delegate {
                double[] xNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(xMin, xMax, numOfCellsX + 1);
                double[] yNodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(yMin, yMax, numOfCellsY + 1);
                var      grid   = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(xNodes, yNodes, periodicX: false, periodicY: false);

                // Boundary conditions
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "SubsonicInlet");
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(2, "SubsonicOutlet");
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(3, "AdiabaticSlipWall");

                grid.DefineEdgeTags(delegate(double[] X) {
                    if (Math.Abs(X[1]) < 1e-14)     // bottom
                    else if (Math.Abs(X[1] - (yMax - yMin)) < 1e-14)        // top
                    else if (Math.Abs(X[0]) < 1e-14)        // left
                    else if (Math.Abs(X[0] - (xMax - xMin)) < 1e-14)        // right
                        throw new System.Exception("Problem with definition of boundary conditions");


            Func <double[], double, double> DistanceToLine = delegate(double[] X, double t) {
                // direction vector
                Vector2D p1 = new Vector2D(0.5, 0.0);
                Vector2D p2 = new Vector2D(0.5, 1.0);
                Vector2D p  = p2 - p1;

                // normal vector
                Vector2D n = new Vector2D(p.y, -p.x);

                // angle between line and x-axis
                //double alpha = Math.Atan(Math.Abs((p2.y - p1.y)) / Math.Abs((p2.x - p1.x)));
                double alpha = Math.PI / 2;

                // distance of a point X to the origin (normal to the line)
                double nDotX = n.x * (X[0]) + n.y * (X[1]);

                // shock speed
                double vs = 1;

                // distance to line
                double distance = nDotX - (Math.Sin(alpha) * p1.x + vs * t);


            double cellSize = Math.Min((xMax - xMin) / numOfCellsX, (yMax - yMin) / numOfCellsY);

            Func <double, double> SmoothJump = delegate(double distance) {
                // smoothing should be in the range of h/p
                double maxDistance = 4.0 * cellSize / Math.Max(dgDegree, 1);

                return((Math.Tanh(distance / maxDistance) + 1.0) * 0.5);

            double densityLeft   = 100.0;
            double densityRight  = 1.0;
            double pressure      = 1.0;
            double velocityXLeft = 2.0;
            double velocityY     = 0.0;

            c.AddBoundaryCondition("SubsonicInlet", Variables.Density, (X, t) => densityLeft);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("SubsonicInlet", Variables.Velocity.xComponent, (X, t) => velocityXLeft);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("SubsonicInlet", Variables.Velocity.yComponent, (X, t) => velocityY);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("SubsonicOutlet", Variables.Pressure, (X, t) => pressure);

            // Initial conditions
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Density, X => densityLeft - SmoothJump(DistanceToLine(X, 0)) * (densityLeft - densityRight));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Pressure, X => pressure);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, X => velocityXLeft);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Velocity.yComponent, X => velocityY);

            // Time config
            c.dtMin         = 0.0;
            c.dtMax         = 1.0;
            c.CFLFraction   = 0.3;
            c.Endtime       = 0.05;
            c.NoOfTimesteps = int.MaxValue;

            // Queries for comparison
            c.Queries.Add("L2NormDensity", QueryLibrary.L2Norm(Variables.Density.Name));
            c.Queries.Add("L2NormVelocityX", QueryLibrary.L2Norm(Variables.Velocity.xComponent.Name));
            c.Queries.Add("L2NormPressure", QueryLibrary.L2Norm(Variables.Pressure));

        public static LowMachSIMPLEControl SteadyCouetteFlowWithTemperatureGradient()
            LowMachSIMPLEControl c = new LowMachSIMPLEControl();

            c.DbPath   = @"..\..\Base\06_ZipDatabases\NUnitTests.zip";
            c.savetodb = false;

            c.GridGuid     = new Guid("b3eb0eac-d1a1-440c-9f08-5dae1284607d");
            c.GridPartType = GridPartType.METIS;

            c.ProjectName        = "Couette with temperature gradient";
            c.ProjectDescription = "Steady Low Mach SIMPLE";

            // Required fields
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 0, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE

                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.TRUE

            // Auxiliary fields
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 1, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE
                new FieldOpts()
                Degree = 2, SaveToDB = FieldOpts.SaveToDBOpt.FALSE

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.VelocityX, X => X[1]);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.VelocityY, X => 0.0);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.Pressure, X => - 0.97809076838538383654 * Log(1.2 * X[1] + 0.4) - 0.06641065188714375468);
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(VariableNames.Temperature, X => (1.6 - 0.4) * X[1] + 0.4);

            c.Algorithm                 = SolutionAlgorithms.Steady_SIMPLE;
            c.NoOfTimesteps             = 1;
            c.L2NormPressureCorrection  = 1.0e-6;
            c.L2NormVelocityResidual    = 1.0e-6;
            c.L2NormTemperatureResidual = 1e-6;

            c.PredictorSolverFactory   = () => new PARDISOSolver();
            c.CorrectorSolverFactory   = () => new PARDISOSolver();
            c.TemperatureSolverFactory = () => new PARDISOSolver();

            c.AnalyticVelocityX   = X => - 0.33333333333333333332 + 1.2523108062960316903 * (X[1] + 0.11013981986815616002).Pow(3.0 / 5.0);
            c.AnalyticVelocityY   = X => 0.0;
            c.AnalyticPressure    = X => - 1.4882576522041879973 * (1.9716158024185796207 * X[1] + 0.21715340932759252572).Pow(2.0 / 5.0) + 1.5508248735452649660;
            c.AnalyticTemperature = X => (1.9716158024185796207 * X[1] + 0.21715340932759252572).Pow(3.0 / 5.0);

            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet_top", VariableNames.VelocityX, X => 1.0);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet_top", VariableNames.VelocityY, X => 0.0);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet_top", VariableNames.Temperature, X => 1.6);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet_left", VariableNames.VelocityX, c.AnalyticVelocityX);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet_left", VariableNames.VelocityY, c.AnalyticVelocityY);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet_left", VariableNames.Temperature, c.AnalyticTemperature);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet_right", VariableNames.VelocityX, c.AnalyticVelocityX);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet_right", VariableNames.VelocityY, c.AnalyticVelocityY);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("velocity_inlet_right", VariableNames.Temperature, c.AnalyticTemperature);
            c.AddBoundaryValue("wall_bottom", VariableNames.Temperature, X => 0.4);

            c.PhysicsMode = PhysicsMode.LowMach;
            c.ThermodynamicPressureMode = ThermodynamicPressureMode.Constant;
            c.Reynolds = 10.0;
            c.Prandtl  = 0.71;
            c.Gamma    = 1.4;
            c.EoS      = new MaterialLawLowMach(600.0, MaterialParamsMode.PowerLaw, false);

            c.Froude           = 0.92303846;
            c.GravityDirection = new double[] { 0.0, -1.0 };

            c.PressureReferencePoint = new double[] { 0.0, 0.5 };
            c.PressureMeanValue      = 0.0;

            c.PredictorApproximation            = PredictorApproximations.BlockDiagonal;
            c.PressureStabilizationScaling      = 0.0;
            c.PredictorApproximationUpdateCycle = 1;
            c.MaxNoSIMPLEsteps               = 1000;
            c.SavePeriodSIMPLE               = 1000;
            c.RelaxationFactorPressure       = 0.5;
            c.RelexationFactorVelocity       = 0.8;
            c.RelexationFactorTemperature    = 1.0;
            c.RelaxationModeTemperature      = RelaxationTypes.Implicit;
            c.ViscousPenaltyScaling          = 1.0;
            c.MaxFlowSolverIterations        = 1;
            c.MaxTemperatureSolverIterations = 1;
            c.PrintLinerSolverResults        = false;

            int queryQuadOrder = 15;

                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.VelocityX, c.AnalyticVelocityX, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.VelocityY, c.AnalyticVelocityY, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.Pressure, c.AnalyticPressure, queryQuadOrder));
                QueryLibrary.L2Error(VariableNames.Temperature, c.AnalyticTemperature, queryQuadOrder));

        /// <summary>
        /// 2D manufactured solution for the Euler equations with variable Mach number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dgDegree"></param>
        /// <param name="noOfCellsPerDirection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CNSControl Euler2D(int dgDegree, int noOfCellsPerDirection)
            CNSControl c = new CNSControl();

            c.PrintInterval    = 100;
            c.ResidualInterval = 100;
            c.saveperiod       = 100000;

            c.DbPath   = @"\\fdyprime\scratch\kraemer-eis\bosss_dbv2";
            c.savetodb = true;

            c.ActiveOperators    = Operators.Convection | Operators.CustomSource;
            c.ConvectiveFluxType = ConvectiveFluxTypes.OptimizedHLLC;
            c.ExplicitScheme     = ExplicitSchemes.RungeKutta;
            c.ExplicitOrder      = 1;
            c.EquationOfState    = IdealGas.Air;

            c.AddVariable(Variables.Density, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Energy, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Velocity.xComponent, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.Pressure, dgDegree);
            c.AddVariable(Variables.LocalMachNumber, dgDegree);

            c.GridFunc = delegate {
                double[] nodes = GenericBlas.Linspace(0.0, Math.PI / 2, noOfCellsPerDirection + 1);
                var      grid  = Grid2D.Cartesian2DGrid(nodes, nodes);
                grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(1, "supersonicinlet");
                grid.DefineEdgeTags(X => 1);

            double gamma = c.EquationOfState.HeatCapacityRatio;

            c.MachNumber = 1;
            double Mach        = c.MachNumber;
            double MachSq      = Mach * Mach;
            double MachScaling = (gamma * c.MachNumber * c.MachNumber);

            Func <double[], double, double> rho = (X, t) => 1.0 + 0.5 * Math.Cos(2.0 * (X[0] + X[1]));
            Func <double[], double, double> u0  = (X, t) => 1.0 - 0.25 * Math.Cos(2.0 * (X[0] + X[1]));
            Func <double[], double, double> u1  = (X, t) => 1.0 + 0.5 * Math.Cos(4.0 * (X[0] + X[1]));
            Func <double[], double, double> p   = (X, t) => 1.0 + 0.5 * Math.Cos(2.0 * (X[0] + X[1]));

            Func <double[], double, double> rhoE = (X, t) => p(X, t) / (gamma - 1) + 0.5 * gamma * Mach * Mach * rho(X, t) * (u0(X, t) * u0(X, t) + u1(X, t) * u1(X, t));
            Func <double[], double, double> m0   = (X, t) => rho(X, t) * u0(X, t);
            Func <double[], double, double> m1   = (X, t) => rho(X, t) * u1(X, t);

            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Density, X => rho(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, X => m0(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Momentum.yComponent, X => m1(X, 0.0));
            c.InitialValues_Evaluators.Add(Variables.Energy, X => rhoE(X, 0.0));

            c.AddBoundaryCondition("supersonicInlet", Variables.Density, rho);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("supersonicInlet", Variables.Velocity.xComponent, u0);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("supersonicInlet", Variables.Velocity.yComponent, u1);
            c.AddBoundaryCondition("supersonicInlet", Variables.Pressure, p);

            // MMS Sources
            c.CustomContinuitySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                     (X, t, state) => (7.0 * Math.Sin(2.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 7.0 * Math.Sin(4.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 3.0 * Math.Sin(6.0 * (X[0] + X[1]))) / 4.0
            c.CustomMomentumSources[0].Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                      (X, t, state) => ((160.0 + 245.0 * MachSq + 504.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(2.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 189.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(4.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) - 56.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(6.0 * (X[0] + X[1]))) * Math.Sin(2.0 * (X[0] + X[1]))) / (224.0 * MachSq)
            c.CustomMomentumSources[1].Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                      (X, t, state) => ((40.0 + 259.0 * MachSq + 728.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(2.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 266.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(4.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 98.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(6.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 35.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(8.0 * (X[0] + X[1]))) * Math.Sin(2.0 * (X[0] + X[1]))) / (56.0 * MachSq)
            c.CustomEnergySources.Add(map => new AdHocSourceTerm(map,
                                                                 (X, t, state) => (7.0 * (1600.0 + 1019.0 * MachSq + (2240.0 + 3762.0 * MachSq) * Math.Cos(2.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 12.0 * (80.0 + 113.0 * MachSq) * Math.Cos(4.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 978.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(6.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 333.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(8.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 84.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(10.0 * (X[0] + X[1])) + 28.0 * MachSq * Math.Cos(12.0 * (X[0] + X[1]))) * Math.Sin(2.0 * (X[0] + X[1]))) / 1280.0

            c.Queries.Add("densityError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Density, rho));
            c.Queries.Add("momentum0Error", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, m0));
            c.Queries.Add("momentum1Error", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Momentum.xComponent, m1));
            c.Queries.Add("energyError", QueryLibrary.L2Error(Variables.Energy, rhoE));

            c.dtMin              = 0.0;
            c.dtMax              = 1.0;
            c.CFLFraction        = 0.1;
            c.Endtime            = 10000.0;
            c.NoOfTimesteps      = int.MaxValue;
            c.ResidualLoggerType = ResidualLoggerTypes.ChangeRate | ResidualLoggerTypes.Query;
            c.ResidualBasedTerminationCriteria.Add("changeRate_abs_rhoE", 1E-12);

            c.ProjectName = "MMS2D_Euler_Flux=" + c.ConvectiveFluxType + "_Mach=" + Mach + "_dg=" + dgDegree + "_cells=" + noOfCellsPerDirection;
