/// <summary>
        /// Helper to get the symbols for __*item__ and __*slice__ based upon if we're doing
        /// a get/set/delete and the minimum number of arguments required for each of those.
        /// </summary>
        private static void GetIndexOperators(PythonIndexType op, out string item, out string slice, out int mandatoryArgs) {
            switch (op) {
                case PythonIndexType.GetItem:
                case PythonIndexType.GetSlice:
                    item = "__getitem__";
                    slice = "__getslice__";
                    mandatoryArgs = 2;
                case PythonIndexType.SetItem:
                case PythonIndexType.SetSlice:
                    item = "__setitem__";
                    slice = "__setslice__";
                    mandatoryArgs = 3;
                case PythonIndexType.DeleteItem:
                case PythonIndexType.DeleteSlice:
                    item = "__delitem__";
                    slice = "__delslice__";
                    mandatoryArgs = 2;

            throw new InvalidOperationException();
 public SlotCallable(PythonContext/*!*/ binder, PythonIndexType op, PythonTypeSlot slot)
     : base(binder, op) {
     _slot = slot;
 private static bool IsSlice(PythonIndexType op) {
     return op >= PythonIndexType.GetSlice;
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a new CallableObject.  If BuiltinFunction is available we'll create a BuiltinCallable otherwise
            /// we create a SlotCallable.
            /// </summary>
            public static Callable MakeCallable(PythonContext/*!*/ binder, PythonIndexType op, BuiltinFunction itemFunc, PythonTypeSlot itemSlot) {
                if (itemFunc != null) {
                    // we'll call a builtin function to produce the rule
                    return new BuiltinCallable(binder, op, itemFunc);
                } else if (itemSlot != null) {
                    // we'll call a PythonTypeSlot to produce the rule
                    return new SlotCallable(binder, op, itemSlot);

                return null;
            public BuiltinCallable(PythonContext/*!*/ binder, PythonIndexType op, BuiltinFunction/*!*/ func)
                : base(binder, op) {

                _bf = func;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the arguments that need to be provided to __*item__ when we need to pass a slice object.
        /// </summary>
        private static DynamicMetaObject/*!*/[]/*!*/ GetItemSliceArguments(PythonContext state, PythonIndexType op, DynamicMetaObject/*!*/[]/*!*/ types) {
            DynamicMetaObject[] args;
            if (op == PythonIndexType.SetSlice) {
                args = new DynamicMetaObject[] { 
                    GetSetSlice(state, types), 
                    types[types.Length- 1].Restrict(types[types.Length - 1].GetLimitType())
            } else {
                Debug.Assert(op == PythonIndexType.GetSlice || op == PythonIndexType.DeleteSlice);

                args = new DynamicMetaObject[] { 
                    GetGetOrDeleteSlice(state, types)
            return args;
            protected Callable(PythonContext/*!*/ binder, PythonIndexType op) {

                _binder = binder;
                _op = op;
        public static DynamicMetaObject/*!*/ Index(DynamicMetaObjectBinder/*!*/ operation, PythonIndexType index, DynamicMetaObject[] args, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion) {
            if (args.Length >= 3) {
                PerfTrack.NoteEvent(PerfTrack.Categories.Binding, "Fallback Index " + " " + index + " " + args[0].LimitType + ", " + args[1].LimitType + ", " + args[2].LimitType + args.Length);
            } else {
                PerfTrack.NoteEvent(PerfTrack.Categories.Binding, "Fallback Index " + " " + index + " " + args[0].LimitType + ", " + args[1].LimitType + args.Length);
            PerfTrack.NoteEvent(PerfTrack.Categories.BindingTarget, index.ToString());
            if (BindingHelpers.NeedsDeferral(args)) {
                return operation.Defer(args);

            ValidationInfo valInfo = BindingHelpers.GetValidationInfo(args[0]);

            DynamicMetaObject res = BindingHelpers.AddPythonBoxing(MakeIndexerOperation(operation, index, args, errorSuggestion));

            return BindingHelpers.AddDynamicTestAndDefer(operation, res, args, valInfo);
        private static DynamicMetaObject MakeUnindexableError(DynamicMetaObjectBinder operation, PythonIndexType op, DynamicMetaObject/*!*/[] types, DynamicMetaObject indexedType, PythonContext state) {
            DynamicMetaObject[] newTypes = (DynamicMetaObject[])types.Clone();
            newTypes[0] = indexedType;

            PythonTypeSlot dummySlot;
            if (op != PythonIndexType.GetItem &&
                op != PythonIndexType.GetSlice &&
                DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(indexedType.Value).TryResolveSlot(state.SharedContext, "__getitem__", out dummySlot)) {
                // object supports indexing but not setting/deletion
                if (op == PythonIndexType.SetItem || op == PythonIndexType.SetSlice) {
                    return TypeError(operation, "'{0}' object does not support item assignment", newTypes);
                } else {
                    return TypeError(operation, "'{0}' object doesn't support item deletion", newTypes);
            return TypeError(operation, "'{0}' object is unsubscriptable", newTypes);
        /// <summary>
        /// Python has three protocols for slicing:
        ///    Simple Slicing x[i:j]
        ///    Extended slicing x[i,j,k,...]
        ///    Long Slice x[start:stop:step]
        /// The first maps to __*slice__ (get, set, and del).  
        ///    This takes indexes - i, j - which specify the range of elements to be
        ///    returned.  In the slice variants both i, j must be numeric data types.  
        /// The 2nd and 3rd are both __*item__.  
        ///    This receives a single index which is either a Tuple or a Slice object (which 
        ///    encapsulates the start, stop, and step values) 
        /// This is in addition to a simple indexing x[y].
        /// For simple slicing and long slicing Python generates Operators.*Slice.  For
        /// the extended slicing and simple indexing Python generates a Operators.*Item
        /// action.
        /// Extended slicing maps to the normal .NET multi-parameter input.  
        /// So our job here is to first determine if we're to call a __*slice__ method or
        /// a __*item__ method.  
        /// </summary>
        private static DynamicMetaObject/*!*/ MakeIndexerOperation(DynamicMetaObjectBinder/*!*/ operation, PythonIndexType op, DynamicMetaObject/*!*/[]/*!*/ types, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion) {
            string item, slice;
            DynamicMetaObject indexedType = types[0].Restrict(types[0].GetLimitType());
            PythonContext state = PythonContext.GetPythonContext(operation);
            BuiltinFunction itemFunc = null;
            PythonTypeSlot itemSlot = null;
            bool callSlice = false;
            int mandatoryArgs;

            GetIndexOperators(op, out item, out slice, out mandatoryArgs);

            if (types.Length == mandatoryArgs + 1 && IsSlice(op) && HasOnlyNumericTypes(operation, types, op == PythonIndexType.SetSlice)) {
                // two slice indexes, all int arguments, need to call __*slice__ if it exists
                callSlice = BindingHelpers.TryGetStaticFunction(state, slice, indexedType, out itemFunc);
                if (itemFunc == null || !callSlice) {
                    callSlice = MetaPythonObject.GetPythonType(indexedType).TryResolveSlot(state.SharedContext, slice, out itemSlot);

            if (!callSlice) {
                // 1 slice index (simple index) or multiple slice indexes or no __*slice__, call __*item__, 
                if (!BindingHelpers.TryGetStaticFunction(state, item, indexedType, out itemFunc)) {
                    MetaPythonObject.GetPythonType(indexedType).TryResolveSlot(state.SharedContext, item, out itemSlot);

            // make the Callable object which does the actual call to the function or slot
            Callable callable = Callable.MakeCallable(state, op, itemFunc, itemSlot);
            if (callable == null) {
                return errorSuggestion ?? MakeUnindexableError(operation, op, types, indexedType, state);

            // prepare the arguments and make the builder which will
            // call __*slice__ or __*item__
            DynamicMetaObject[] args;
            IndexBuilder builder;
            if (callSlice) {
                // we're going to call a __*slice__ method, we pass the args as is.

                builder = new SliceBuilder(types, callable);

                // slicing is dependent upon the types of the arguments (HasNumericTypes) 
                // so we must restrict them.
                args = ConvertArgs(types);
            } else {
                // we're going to call a __*item__ method.
                builder = new ItemBuilder(types, callable);
                if (IsSlice(op)) {
                    // we need to create a new Slice object.
                    args = GetItemSliceArguments(state, op, types);
                } else {
                    // no need to restrict the arguments.  We're not
                    // a slice and so restrictions are not necessary
                    // here because it's not dependent upon our types.
                    args = (DynamicMetaObject[])types.Clone();

                    // but we do need to restrict based upon the type
                    // of object we're calling on.
                    args[0] = types[0].Restrict(types[0].GetLimitType());


            return builder.MakeRule(operation, state, args);
 public static DynamicMetaObject/*!*/ Index(DynamicMetaObjectBinder/*!*/ operation, PythonIndexType index, DynamicMetaObject[] args) {
     return Index(operation, index, args, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper to get the symbols for __*item__ and __*slice__ based upon if we're doing
        /// a get/set/delete and the minimum number of arguments required for each of those.
        /// </summary>
        private static void GetIndexOperators(PythonIndexType op, out SymbolId item, out SymbolId slice, out int mandatoryArgs) {
            switch (op) {
                case PythonIndexType.GetItem:
                case PythonIndexType.GetSlice:
                    item = Symbols.GetItem;
                    slice = Symbols.GetSlice;
                    mandatoryArgs = 2;
                case PythonIndexType.SetItem:
                case PythonIndexType.SetSlice:
                    item = Symbols.SetItem;
                    slice = Symbols.SetSlice;
                    mandatoryArgs = 3;
                case PythonIndexType.DeleteItem:
                case PythonIndexType.DeleteSlice:
                    item = Symbols.DelItem;
                    slice = Symbols.DeleteSlice;
                    mandatoryArgs = 2;

            throw new InvalidOperationException();
 public SlotCallable(BinderState/*!*/ binder, PythonIndexType op, PythonTypeSlot slot)
     : base(binder, op) {
     _slot = slot;
            protected Callable(BinderState/*!*/ binder, PythonIndexType op) {

                _binder = binder;
                _op = op;