public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData) { var cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(); using ProfilingScope scope = new ProfilingScope(cmd, profilingSampler); cmd.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(m_hizCullSetting.TargetMesh, 0, m_hizCullSetting.TargetMaterial, 0, m_hizCullSetting.Data.BufferWithArags); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); }
private static ProfilingScope Profile(Delegate action) { var result = new ProfilingScope(); #if false result.Action = action; result.Stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); result.Stopwatch.Start(); #endif return(result); }
private static ProfilingScope GetInitializedScope(string scopeName) { ProfilingScope scope; if (!scopes.TryGetValue(scopeName, out scope)) { scope = new ProfilingScope(scopeName); scopes.Add(scopeName, scope); } return(scope); }
public void Step() { if (!IsActive) { return; } using (ProfilingScope.Open(ActiveState)) { CurrentState.Run(StateStatus.Execute); TryChangingState(); } }
public void Step() { Debug.Assert(startState != null); if (activeState == null) { activeState = startState; activeState.StartState(); } using (ProfilingScope.Open(activeState)) { //Find the first triggered transition and consume it var transitions = activeState.Transitions; foreach (var transition in transitions) { if (!transition.IsUsable || !transition.HasTriggered) { continue; } var targetState = transition.TryConsumingTrigger(); if (targetState == null) { continue; } //Stop the last state, and start the next one activeState.StopState(); activeState = targetState; activeState.StartState(); break; } //Execute the current active state activeState.Execute(); } }
public bool Setup(ref RenderingData renderingData) { using var profScope = new ProfilingScope(null, m_ProfilingSetupSampler); if (!renderingData.shadowData.supportsMainLightShadows) { return(false); } Clear(); int shadowLightIndex = renderingData.lightData.mainLightIndex; if (shadowLightIndex == -1) { return(false); } VisibleLight shadowLight = renderingData.lightData.visibleLights[shadowLightIndex]; Light light = shadowLight.light; if (light.shadows == LightShadows.None) { return(false); } if (shadowLight.lightType != LightType.Directional) { Debug.LogWarning("Only directional lights are supported as main light."); } Bounds bounds; if (!renderingData.cullResults.GetShadowCasterBounds(shadowLightIndex, out bounds)) { return(false); } m_ShadowCasterCascadesCount = renderingData.shadowData.mainLightShadowCascadesCount; int shadowResolution = ShadowUtils.GetMaxTileResolutionInAtlas(renderingData.shadowData.mainLightShadowmapWidth, renderingData.shadowData.mainLightShadowmapHeight, m_ShadowCasterCascadesCount); renderTargetWidth = renderingData.shadowData.mainLightShadowmapWidth; renderTargetHeight = (m_ShadowCasterCascadesCount == 2) ? renderingData.shadowData.mainLightShadowmapHeight >> 1 : renderingData.shadowData.mainLightShadowmapHeight; for (int cascadeIndex = 0; cascadeIndex < m_ShadowCasterCascadesCount; ++cascadeIndex) { bool success = ShadowUtils.ExtractDirectionalLightMatrix(ref renderingData.cullResults, ref renderingData.shadowData, shadowLightIndex, cascadeIndex, renderTargetWidth, renderTargetHeight, shadowResolution, light.shadowNearPlane, out m_CascadeSplitDistances[cascadeIndex], out m_CascadeSlices[cascadeIndex]); if (!success) { return(false); } } m_MainLightShadowmapTexture = ShadowUtils.GetTemporaryShadowTexture(renderTargetWidth, renderTargetHeight, k_ShadowmapBufferBits); m_MaxShadowDistanceSq = renderingData.cameraData.maxShadowDistance * renderingData.cameraData.maxShadowDistance; m_CascadeBorder = renderingData.shadowData.mainLightShadowCascadeBorder; return(true); }
public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData) { var cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(); using var scope = new ProfilingScope(cmd, profilingSampler); ref var rd = ref renderingData;
// Here you can implement the rendering logic. // Use <c>ScriptableRenderContext</c> to issue drawing commands or execute command buffers // // You don't have to call ScriptableRenderContext.submit, the render pipeline will call it at specific points in the pipeline. public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData) { if (m_hizCullSetting.Density <= 0) { return; } var cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(); using var profScope = new ProfilingScope(cmd, ProfilingSampler); var cs = m_hizCullSetting.CullShader; var data = m_hizCullSetting.Data; var vp = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(Camera.main.projectionMatrix, false) * Camera.main.worldToCameraMatrix; data.Args[1] = 0; var md = m_hizCullSetting.GameDepthTempRT; if (m_hizCullSetting.Toggle && data.CameraType == CameraType.Game) { //m_hizCullSetting.Toggle = false; var mipmap = m_hizCullSetting.GenerateMipmap; //Graphics.Blit(depthTargetIdentifier, md); //m_hizCullSetting.DepthTextureNormalize.SetTexture("_MainTex", d); cmd.Blit(m_hizCullSetting.Data.DepthTargetIdentifier, md);//,m_hizCullSetting.DepthTextureNormalize,0); var size = 512; if (size % 2 == 0 && size > 8) { int maxlevel = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Log(512, 2)); int level = 0; //Debug.Log(maxlevel); //goto lerrr; while (level < maxlevel - 3) { var current = level; var next = ++level; cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(mipmap, data.GenerateMiamapKernelID, data.SoureceTexID, md, current); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(mipmap, data.GenerateMiamapKernelID, data.ResultID, md, next); //level++; var dis = (1 << (maxlevel - level)) / 8; //Debug.Log(dis); cmd.DispatchCompute(mipmap, data.GenerateMiamapKernelID, dis, dis, 1); cmd.SetRenderTarget(md); } } } //m_bufferWithArags.SetData(args); //m_hizCullSetting.CullShader.SetMatrix(vpID, vp); //m_hizCullSetting.CullShader.SetBuffer(kernelID, bufferArgsID, m_bufferWithArags); //m_hizCullSetting.CullShader.Dispatch(kernelID, (width_x) / 25, (width_z) / 25, m_hizCullSetting.Density); //m_hizCullSetting.TargetMaterial.SetBuffer(visPositionBufferID, m_visPosBuffer); //commondbuffer 执行方式 cmd.SetBufferData(data.BufferWithArags, data.Args); cmd.SetComputeMatrixParam(cs, data.VPID, vp); cmd.SetComputeBufferParam(cs, data.KernelID, data.BufferArgsID, data.BufferWithArags); cmd.SetComputeBufferParam(cs, data.KernelID, data.PositionBufferID, data.PosAllBuffer); if (md != null) { cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(cs, data.KernelID, "_HizDepthMipmap", md); } cmd.DispatchCompute(cs, data.KernelID, (data.Width_x) / 25, (data.Width_z) / 25, m_hizCullSetting.Density); m_hizCullSetting.TargetMaterial.SetBuffer(data.VisPositionBufferID, data.VisPosBuffer); m_hizCullSetting.TargetMaterial.EnableKeyword("INSTANCING_ON"); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); }
public override void Route(string targetHost, int targetPort, bool?proxyDns = null) { using (var prof = new ProfilingScope("Socks5 Route")) { if (targetHost is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetHost)); } var stream = Stream; var buf = new byte[1024]; var b = 0; // send authentication header buf[b++] = 0x05; // Socks ver = 5 buf[b++] = 0x01; // count of auth methods supported buf[b++] = 0x00; // #1 - no auth (0x00) stream.Write(buf, 0, b); stream.Flush(); var count = stream.Read(buf, 0, 2); // auth response if (count != 2) { throw new Exception("Server must respond with 2 bytes (response 1)"); } if (buf[0] != 0x05) { throw new Exception("Server do not support v5 (response 1)"); } if (buf[1] != 0x00) { throw new Exception("Server requires authentication"); } // here authentication handshake can be added, but I don't see any reason to add clear text passwords // send the actual request b = 0; buf[b++] = 0x05; // ver = 5 buf[b++] = 0x01; // command = stream buf[b++] = 0x00; // reserved var targetIsIp = IPAddress.TryParse(targetHost, out var ip); if (!targetIsIp) // if targetHost is IP - just use IP, otherwise: { var dns = Dns.GetHostAddresses(targetHost); var ipv4 = dns.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork); var ipv6 = dns.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6); ip = ipv4 ?? ipv6; // have to take ipv4 first because ipv6 is not working most of the times and HappyEyeballs is not possible via socks chain due to single connection. Browser will do HappyEyeballs } if (!targetIsIp && proxyDns != false || proxyDns == true) // forward the targetHost name { buf[b++] = 0x03; // adress type = domain name buf[b++] = checked ((byte)targetHost.Length); // len Utils.Ascii.GetBytes(targetHost, 0, targetHost.Length, buf, b); // target host b += targetHost.Length; } else if (ip != null && ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { buf[b++] = 0x04; // adress type = IPv6 ip.GetAddressBytes().CopyTo(buf, b); b += 16; } else if (ip != null && ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { buf[b++] = 0x01; // adress type = IPv4 // ip.GetAddressBytes().CopyTo(buf, b); // b += 4; var a = ip.Address; buf[b++] = (byte)(a >> 0); buf[b++] = (byte)(a >> 8); buf[b++] = (byte)(a >> 16); buf[b++] = (byte)(a >> 24); } else { throw new Exception("Host is not resolved: " + targetHost); } buf[b++] = (byte)(targetPort >> 8); buf[b++] = (byte)(targetPort); stream.Write(buf, 0, b); stream.Flush(); // response var c = stream.Read(buf, 0, 4); if (c < 4) { throw new Exception("Server did not sent full response (response 2)"); } if (buf[0] != 0x05) { throw new Exception("Server does not support v5 (response 2)"); } if (buf[1] != 0x00) { var msg = $"Server response: {buf[1]:X}: {GetResponseErrorMessage(buf[1])}"; Trace.WriteLine(TraceCategory.NetworkingData, msg); throw new Exception(msg); } // ignore reserved buf[2] byte // read only required number of bytes depending on address type switch (buf[3]) { case 1: // IPv4 c += stream.Read(buf, c, 4); break; case 3: // Name c += stream.Read(buf, c, 1); c += stream.Read(buf, c, buf[c - 1]); // 256 max... no reason to protect from owerflow break; case 4: // IPv6 c += stream.Read(buf, c, 16); break; default: throw new Exception("Response address type not supported!"); } b += stream.Read(buf, b, 2); // port // we don't need those values because it is stream, not bind } }
public bool Setup(ref RenderingData renderingData) { using var profScope = new ProfilingScope(null, m_ProfilingSetupSampler); Clear(); m_ShadowmapWidth = renderingData.shadowData.additionalLightsShadowmapWidth; m_ShadowmapHeight = renderingData.shadowData.additionalLightsShadowmapHeight; var visibleLights = renderingData.lightData.visibleLights; int additionalLightsCount = renderingData.lightData.additionalLightsCount; if (m_AdditionalLightSlices == null || m_AdditionalLightSlices.Length < additionalLightsCount) { m_AdditionalLightSlices = new ShadowSliceData[additionalLightsCount]; } if (m_AdditionalLightsShadowData == null || m_AdditionalLightsShadowData.Length < additionalLightsCount) { m_AdditionalLightsShadowData = new ShaderInput.ShadowData[additionalLightsCount]; } // By default visible lights do not have shadow light indices. for (int i = 0; i < visibleLights.Length; ++i) { m_ShadowCastingLightIndicesMap.Add(-1); } int validShadowCastingLights = 0; bool supportsSoftShadows = renderingData.shadowData.supportsSoftShadows; for (int i = 0; i < visibleLights.Length && m_AdditionalShadowCastingLightIndices.Count < additionalLightsCount; ++i) { VisibleLight shadowLight = visibleLights[i]; // Skip main directional light as it is not packed into the shadow atlas if (i == renderingData.lightData.mainLightIndex) { continue; } int shadowCastingLightIndex = m_AdditionalShadowCastingLightIndices.Count; bool isValidShadowSlice = false; if (renderingData.cullResults.GetShadowCasterBounds(i, out var bounds)) { // We need to iterate the lights even though additional lights are disabled because // cullResults.GetShadowCasterBounds() does the fence sync for the shadow culling jobs. if (!renderingData.shadowData.supportsAdditionalLightShadows) { continue; } if (IsValidShadowCastingLight(ref renderingData.lightData, i)) { bool success = ShadowUtils.ExtractSpotLightMatrix(ref renderingData.cullResults, ref renderingData.shadowData, i, out var shadowTransform, out m_AdditionalLightSlices[shadowCastingLightIndex].viewMatrix, out m_AdditionalLightSlices[shadowCastingLightIndex].projectionMatrix); if (success) { m_AdditionalShadowCastingLightIndices.Add(i); var light = shadowLight.light; float shadowStrength = light.shadowStrength; float softShadows = (supportsSoftShadows && light.shadows == LightShadows.Soft) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; Vector4 shadowParams = new Vector4(shadowStrength, softShadows, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (m_UseStructuredBuffer) { m_AdditionalLightsShadowData[shadowCastingLightIndex].worldToShadowMatrix = shadowTransform; m_AdditionalLightsShadowData[shadowCastingLightIndex].shadowParams = shadowParams; } else { m_AdditionalLightsWorldToShadow[shadowCastingLightIndex] = shadowTransform; m_AdditionalLightsShadowParams[shadowCastingLightIndex] = shadowParams; } isValidShadowSlice = true; validShadowCastingLights++; } } } if (m_UseStructuredBuffer) { // When using StructuredBuffers all the valid shadow casting slices data // are stored in a the ShadowData buffer and then we setup a index map to // map from light indices to shadow buffer index. A index map of -1 means // the light is not a valid shadow casting light and there's no data for it // in the shadow buffer. int indexMap = (isValidShadowSlice) ? shadowCastingLightIndex : -1; m_AdditionalShadowCastingLightIndicesMap.Add(indexMap); } else if (!isValidShadowSlice) { // When NOT using structured buffers we have no performant way to sample the // index map as int[]. Unity shader compiler converts int[] to float4[] to force memory alignment. // This makes indexing int[] arrays very slow. So, in order to avoid indexing shadow lights we // setup slice data and reserve shadow map space even for invalid shadow slices. // The data is setup with zero shadow strength. This has the same visual effect of no shadow // attenuation contribution from this light. // This makes sampling shadow faster but introduces waste in shadow map atlas. // The waste increases with the amount of additional lights to shade. // Therefore Universal RP try to keep the limit at sane levels when using uniform buffers. Matrix4x4 identity = Matrix4x4.identity; m_AdditionalShadowCastingLightIndices.Add(i); m_AdditionalLightsWorldToShadow[shadowCastingLightIndex] = identity; m_AdditionalLightsShadowParams[shadowCastingLightIndex] =; m_AdditionalLightSlices[shadowCastingLightIndex].viewMatrix = identity; m_AdditionalLightSlices[shadowCastingLightIndex].projectionMatrix = identity; } m_ShadowCastingLightIndicesMap[i] = isValidShadowSlice ? shadowCastingLightIndex : -1; } // Lights that need to be rendered in the shadow map atlas if (validShadowCastingLights == 0) { return(false); } int atlasWidth = renderingData.shadowData.additionalLightsShadowmapWidth; int atlasHeight = renderingData.shadowData.additionalLightsShadowmapHeight; int sliceResolution = ShadowUtils.GetMaxTileResolutionInAtlas(atlasWidth, atlasHeight, validShadowCastingLights); // In the UI we only allow for square shadow map atlas. Here we check if we can fit // all shadow slices into half resolution of the atlas and adjust height to have tighter packing. int maximumSlices = (m_ShadowmapWidth / sliceResolution) * (m_ShadowmapHeight / sliceResolution); if (validShadowCastingLights <= (maximumSlices / 2)) { m_ShadowmapHeight /= 2; } int shadowSlicesPerRow = (atlasWidth / sliceResolution); float oneOverAtlasWidth = 1.0f / m_ShadowmapWidth; float oneOverAtlasHeight = 1.0f / m_ShadowmapHeight; int sliceIndex = 0; int shadowCastingLightsBufferCount = m_AdditionalShadowCastingLightIndices.Count; Matrix4x4 sliceTransform = Matrix4x4.identity; sliceTransform.m00 = sliceResolution * oneOverAtlasWidth; sliceTransform.m11 = sliceResolution * oneOverAtlasHeight; for (int i = 0; i < shadowCastingLightsBufferCount; ++i) { // we can skip the slice if strength is zero. Some slices with zero // strength exists when using uniform array path. if (!m_UseStructuredBuffer && Mathf.Approximately(m_AdditionalLightsShadowParams[i].x, 0.0f)) { continue; } m_AdditionalLightSlices[i].offsetX = (sliceIndex % shadowSlicesPerRow) * sliceResolution; m_AdditionalLightSlices[i].offsetY = (sliceIndex / shadowSlicesPerRow) * sliceResolution; m_AdditionalLightSlices[i].resolution = sliceResolution; sliceTransform.m03 = m_AdditionalLightSlices[i].offsetX * oneOverAtlasWidth; sliceTransform.m13 = m_AdditionalLightSlices[i].offsetY * oneOverAtlasHeight; // We bake scale and bias to each shadow map in the atlas in the matrix. // saves some instructions in shader. if (m_UseStructuredBuffer) { m_AdditionalLightsShadowData[i].worldToShadowMatrix = sliceTransform * m_AdditionalLightsShadowData[i].worldToShadowMatrix; } else { m_AdditionalLightsWorldToShadow[i] = sliceTransform * m_AdditionalLightsWorldToShadow[i]; } sliceIndex++; } return(true); }