public void PossibleDirtyObjectContagion(object targetObject) { if (targetObject == null) { return; } Sim sim = targetObject as Sim; if (sim != null) { Posture posture = sim.Posture; if (posture != null) { targetObject = posture.Container; } } //foreach (Type sDirtyObjectType in sDirtyObjectTypes) //{ // if (sDirtyObjectType.IsAssignableFrom(targetObject.GetType())) // { // PossiblyGetSick(HealthManager.kInteractSicknessOdds); // break; // } //} }
public void Reset() { UnlockAllAxes(); enableAutomaticAxisLockingWhenIdle = true; groundChecker.Reset(); netImpulseForce =; penguinRigidBody.velocity =; penguinRigidBody.position = initialSpawnPosition; penguinRigidBody.isKinematic = false; penguinRigidBody.useAutoMass = false; penguinRigidBody.mass = mass; penguinRigidBody.centerOfMass = new Vector2(centerOfMassX, centerOfMassY); xMotionIntensity = 0.00f; penguinAnimator.applyRootMotion = true; penguinAnimator.updateMode = AnimatorUpdateMode.Normal; ClearVerticalMovementTriggers(); TurnToFace(Facing.RIGHT); UpdateAnimatorParameters(); // align penguin with surface normal in a single update posture = Posture.UPRIGHT; groundChecker.CheckForGround(fromPoint: ComputeReferencePoint(), extraLineHeight: torsoCollider.bounds.extents.y); Vector2 targetUpAxis = groundChecker.WasDetected ? groundChecker.SurfaceNormalOfLastContact : Vector2.up; AlignPenguinWithUpAxis(targetUpAxis, forceInstantUpdate: true); groundChecker.Reset(); }
public TrainingPage() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += (s, e) => { this.timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(TimerCountDown); this.timer.Interval = 1000; //DataMessageQueue messageQueue = new ServerChannelDataMessageQueue(); DataMessageQueue messageQueue = CommonDataMessageQueue.getInstance(); this.consumer = new SkeletonDataComsumer(messageQueue, (vectors) => { Posture pos = new Posture(PostureType.Both, vectors); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => PostureDataReady(pos)); }); String[] trainingNames = service.getTrainingNames(0); foreach (String trainingName in trainingNames) { TrainingNameSelect.Items.Add(trainingName); } }; this.Unloaded += (s, e) => { timer.Dispose(); }; }
protected override void onUpdate(GameTime gameTime) { this.skeleton = this.kinect.skeleton; if (this.skeleton != null) { if (this.posture != null) { this.posture.joints = Posture.castSkeletonToJoints(this.skeleton); } else { this.posture = new Posture(this.skeleton); } } // IMPORTANT: // FIX: ARREGLAR ESTO PARA QUE CALCULE LOS ERRORES Y LA DIFICULTAD LA DE DESDE UNA CAPA MAS ARRIBA... if (postureToCompare != null && this.posture != null) { this.posture.compareTo(this.postureToCompare, ref accuracy, 0.07f, 0.058f); } else if (this.kinect.skeleton != null) { accuracy = new double[20] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } } ; }
private void GoToIns() { Ins.SetActive(true); Posture.SetActive(false); TutorialCameraController.myCameraState = TutorialCameraController.CameraState.App; //HintPosInsBack 暂时不用 }
public ActionResult AddEdit(int?id, Posture model) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { bool isNew = false; //FeedFooder feed = isNew ? new FeedFooder { } : _repo.GetById(id.Value); // feed = model; if (!id.HasValue) { model.UpdatedBy = "admin"; isNew = true; } if (isNew) { model.Id = 0; model.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now; _repo.Postures.Insert(model); _repo.Save(); } else { _repo.Postures.Update(model); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
/// <summary> /// Moves the camera based on player input. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">Direction moved.</param> /// <param name="elapsedTimeSec">Elapsed game time.</param> public void UpdatePosition(ref Vector3 direction, float elapsedTimeSec) { if (currentVelocity.LengthSquared() != 0.0f) { // Only move the camera if the velocity vector is not of zero // length. Doing this guards against the camera slowly creeping // around due to floating point rounding errors. Vector3 displacement = (currentVelocity * elapsedTimeSec) + (0.5f * acceleration * elapsedTimeSec * elapsedTimeSec); // Floating point rounding errors will slowly accumulate and // cause the camera to move along each axis. To prevent any // unintended movement the displacement vector is clamped to // zero for each direction that the camera isn't moving in. // Note that the UpdateVelocity() method will slowly decelerate // the camera's velocity back to a stationary state when the // camera is no longer moving along that direction. To account // for this the camera's current velocity is also checked. if (direction.X == 0.0f && (float)Math.Abs(currentVelocity.X) < 1e-6f) { displacement.X = 0.0f; } if (direction.Y == 0.0f && (float)Math.Abs(currentVelocity.Y) < 1e-6f) { displacement.Y = 0.0f; } if (direction.Z == 0.0f && (float)Math.Abs(currentVelocity.Z) < 1e-6f) { displacement.Z = 0.0f; } Move(displacement.X, displacement.Y, displacement.Z); switch (posture) { case Posture.Standing: break; case Posture.Rising: if (eye.Y > eyeHeightStanding) { eye.Y = eyeHeightStanding; posture = Posture.Standing; currentVelocity.Y = 0.0f; } break; } } // Continuously update the camera's velocity vector even if the // camera hasn't moved during this call. When the camera is no // longer being moved the camera is decelerating back to its // stationary state. UpdateVelocity(ref direction, elapsedTimeSec); }
bool StandUp() { // Check if standing up is possible bool canStandUp = true; if (currentPosture == Posture.crouching) { canStandUp = !CheckForCeiling(1.71f); Debug.Log("Can Stand up from crouch: " + canStandUp); } else if (currentPosture == Posture.proning) { canStandUp = !CheckForCeiling(1.71f); } // Perform standing up if (!canStandUp) { Debug.Log("Cannot stand up, ceiling too low! Du hasch koin blatz nedda, bisch zu fett"); return(false); } // TODO: Switch Colliders, animate Character postureCollider[0].enabled = true; postureCollider[1].enabled = false; postureCollider[2].enabled = false; Debug.Log("Stood up"); currentPosture = ChangePostureImg(Posture.standing); speedValue = moveSettings.walkVelocity; return(true); }
public void InitializeCharacter(CharacterIdentity ci) { characterIdentity = ci; trans = model.GetComponent <Transform>(); rigid = GetComponent <Rigid>(); mState = new IdleState(); mDelayState = new IdleDelayState(); gameSystemState = SystemOrder.NOTHING; inputOrder = InputOrder.stand; attackOrder = -1; walkDirection = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); sightRotation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); posture = new Posture(this); walkPhase = 0; attackPhase = 0; holdingItemIndex = -1; if (characterIdentity.isPlayer) { GetComponent <Basic>().mManager.allManager.SetCamera(gameObject); posture.BecomeInvisible(); targetCharacter = null; } else { targetCharacter = GetComponent <Basic>().mManager.allManager.player; } }
public bool PostureDetector(Posture posture) { if (postureStart != posture) { accumulator = 0; postureStart = posture; return(false); } if (accumulator < PostureDetectionNumber) { accumulator++; return(false); } if (posture != postureInitial) { accumulator = 0; postureInitial = posture; return(true); } else { accumulator = 0; } return(false); }
//algoritmo que permite detectar postura bool PostureDetector(Posture posture) { if (postureInDetection != posture) { accumulator = 0; postureInDetection = posture; return(false); } if (accumulator < PostureDetectionNumber) { accumulator++; return(false); } if (posture != previousPosture) { previousPosture = posture; accumulator = 0; return(true); } else { accumulator = 0; } return(false); }
public void getHunch() { double x1 = body.Joints[JointType.Head].Position.X * Math.Sin(shouldersAngle); double z1 = body.Joints[JointType.Head].Position.Z * Math.Cos(shouldersAngle); double x2 = body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder].Position.X * Math.Sin(shouldersAngle); double z2 = body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder].Position.Z * Math.Cos(shouldersAngle); double distanceShoulders = Math.Sqrt((body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.X - body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.X) * (body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.X - body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.X) + (body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.Z - body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Z) * (body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.Z - body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Z)); if (-x1 + z1 < -x2 + z2 - distanceShoulders * 0.05) { hunch = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.HUNCHBACK); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { hunch = false; } }
public void getLeftHandUnderHip() { double x1 = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.X * Math.Cos(shouldersAngle); double z1 = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Z * Math.Sin(shouldersAngle); double x2 = body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].Position.X * Math.Cos(shouldersAngle); double z2 = body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].Position.Z * Math.Sin(shouldersAngle); double x3 = (body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].Position.X - body.Joints[JointType.HipRight].Position.X) * (body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].Position.X - body.Joints[JointType.HipRight].Position.X); double z3 = (body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].Position.Z - body.Joints[JointType.HipRight].Position.Z) * (body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].Position.Z - body.Joints[JointType.HipRight].Position.Z); double length1 = Math.Sqrt(x3 + z3); if (body.Joints[JointType.HandTipLeft].Position.Y < body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].Position.Y && x2 - z2 < x1 - z1 + length1 * .01) { leftHandUnderHips = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.LEFTHANDUNDERHIP); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { leftHandUnderHips = false; } }
public static Posture CalculatePosture(TransformMatrix ACS, TransformMatrix Inertia, TransformMatrix BoneRelMotion) { Posture post = new Posture(); TransformMatrix AnatIner = ACS.Inverse() * BoneRelMotion * Inertia; double[] myInertia = { 0, 0, 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { myInertia[i] = AnatIner.Array[i][POS_AXIS]; //select which axis to use.... } double x = PROJ_PLANES_SIGN[0] * myInertia[PROJ_PLANES[0]]; double y = PROJ_PLANES_SIGN[1] * myInertia[PROJ_PLANES[1]]; double z = PROJ_PLANES_SIGN[2] * myInertia[PROJ_PLANES[2]]; CartesianCoordinate coord = cart2spherical(x, y, z); double theta =; double phi = coord.elev; //if (PROJ_PLANES == {1, 3, -2}... theta = (theta / Math.Abs(theta)) * Math.PI - theta; //endif post.FE_Raw = theta * 180 / Math.PI; post.RU_Raw = phi * 180 / Math.PI; post.FE = post.FE_Raw - NEUTRAL_FE_POSITION; post.RU = post.RU_Raw - NEUTRAL_RU_POSITION; return(post); }
public GameTrainingPage() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += (s, e) => { serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(""); EndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(ip, 6000); serverSocket.Bind(endPoint); serverSocket.Listen(1); //DataMessageQueue messageQueue = new ServerChannelDataMessageQueue(); DataMessageQueue messageQueue = CommonDataMessageQueue.getInstance(); this.consumer = new SkeletonDataComsumer(messageQueue, (vectors) => { Posture pos = new Posture(PostureType.Both, vectors); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => PostureDataReady(pos)); }); }; this.Unloaded += (s, e) => { if (socket != null) { socket.Close(); } if (serverSocket != null) { serverSocket.Close(); } if (consumer != null) { consumer.stop(); } }; }
public static Posture[] CalculatePosturesFE(Bone CoordinateSystemBone, Bone PositionDefiningBone) { //First check if we have enough if (!CoordinateSystemBone.IsValidBone || !CoordinateSystemBone.HasInertia || !PositionDefiningBone.IsValidBone || !PositionDefiningBone.HasInertia) { return(null); } //Lets create an array for the number of postures... int numPositions = CoordinateSystemBone.TransformMatrices.Length; Posture[] postures = new Posture[numPositions]; for (int i = 0; i < numPositions; i++) { postures[i] = CalculatePosture(CoordinateSystemBone.InertiaMatrix, PositionDefiningBone.InertiaMatrix, CoordinateSystemBone.TransformMatrices[i], PositionDefiningBone.TransformMatrices[i]); //need to make certain that only the capitate is corrected if (PositionDefiningBone.BoneIndex != (int)WristFilesystem.BIndex.CAP) { postures[i].FE = postures[i].FE_Raw; postures[i].RU = postures[i].RU_Raw; } } return(postures); }
public void analyzePosture() { currentMistakes = new ArrayList(); currentGoodies = new ArrayList(); bodyPosture = Posture.good; getShouldersAngle(); getArmsCrossed(); getHunch(); getRightHandUnderHip(); getLeftHandUnderHip(); getRightHandBehindBack(); getRightArmClosePosture(); getLeftArmClosePosture(); getRightLean(); getLeftLean(); getResetPosture(); getLegsCrossed(); calcMovingHands(); getArmsAngles(); searchPause(); // calcIsMovingArms(); }
private void ShowCameraBG() { KararaA.SetActive(false); Debug.Log("ShowCameraBG"); if (AdClick1stTime) { Posture.SetActive(true); Show(CameraBackground); ChangeHintPos(HintPosCamera, 3); body.sprite = initialBody; } else { // set all children Posture.SetActive(true); Show(CameraBackground); CameraBackground.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = cameraBGFull; StartCoroutine(ShowShutterHint()); //身上穿的衣服 // if(isAlter) {body.sprite = pos0WorkAlter;} // else {body.sprite = pos0Work;} everything.sprite = null; HintScreen.transform.localPosition = HintPosShutter; } }
public SavePostureConstraintResponse SavePostureConstraint(SavePostureConstraintRequest request) { try { var postureConstraint = request.MapTo <PostureConstraint>(); if (request.Id == 0) { var posture = new Posture { Id = request.PostureId }; DataContext.Postures.Attach(posture); postureConstraint.Posture = posture; foreach (var id in request.RelationIds) { var desiredState = new DesiredState { Id = id }; DataContext.DesiredStates.Attach(desiredState); postureConstraint.DesiredStates.Add(desiredState); } DataContext.PostureConstraints.Add(postureConstraint); } else { postureConstraint = DataContext.PostureConstraints.Include(x => x.DesiredStates).First(x => x.Id == request.Id); request.MapPropertiesToInstance <PostureConstraint>(postureConstraint); postureConstraint.DesiredStates = new List <DesiredState>(); foreach (var id in request.RelationIds) { var desiredState = DataContext.DesiredStates.Local.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); if (desiredState == null) { desiredState = new DesiredState { Id = id }; DataContext.DesiredStates.Attach(desiredState); } postureConstraint.DesiredStates.Add(desiredState); } } DataContext.SaveChanges(); return(new SavePostureConstraintResponse { IsSuccess = true, Message = "The item has been saved successfully", Id = postureConstraint.Id, Definition = postureConstraint.Definition, RelationIds = postureConstraint.DesiredStates.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray() }); } catch { return(new SavePostureConstraintResponse { IsSuccess = false, Message = "An error occured, please contact the administrator for further information" }); } }
public void startInterpolate(Posture goal) { this.auto_pilot.is_active = true; this.auto_pilot.start = this.getPosture(); this.auto_pilot.goal = goal; this.auto_pilot.timer = 0.0f; }
private void SetPosture(Posture p) { switch (p) { case Posture.Run: Log.Normal(Entity.Get <Creature>().Posture == Posture.Stand ? String.Format("{0} starts to run.", EntityName) : String.Format("{0} starts running from a crouch.", EntityName)); break; case Posture.Stand: Log.Normal(Entity.Get <Creature>().Posture == Posture.Run ? String.Format("{0} stops running.", EntityName) : String.Format("{0} stands up.", EntityName)); break; case Posture.Crouch: Log.Normal(Entity.Get <Creature>().Posture == Posture.Prone ? String.Format("{0} pushes up into a crouch.", EntityName) : String.Format("{0} crouches down.", EntityName)); break; case Posture.Prone: Log.NormalFormat("{0} goes prone.", EntityName); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("p"); } Entity.Get <Creature>().Posture = p; }
internal void ChangePosture(Posture newPosture) { if (newPosture != Framework.Posture.Unknown) { Posture = newPosture; } }
public bool ChangePos(Posture CPosture) { if (_Posture == CPosture || Now_Action_Point <= 0) { return(false); } switch (CPosture) { case Posture.Crouching: Now_Action_Point--; _Posture = CPosture; Now_Move_Point = Move_Point; GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = _Pos[1]; PostureBonus = 5; break; case Posture.Prone: Now_Action_Point--; _Posture = CPosture; Now_Move_Point = Move_Point; GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = _Pos[2]; PostureBonus = 10; break; case Posture.Standing: Now_Action_Point--; _Posture = CPosture; Now_Move_Point = Move_Point; GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = _Pos[0]; PostureBonus = 0; break; } return(true); }
public override string ToString() { StringBuilder __sb = new StringBuilder("MSimulationResult("); __sb.Append(", Posture: "); __sb.Append(Posture == null ? "<null>" : Posture.ToString()); if (Constraints != null && __isset.Constraints) { __sb.Append(", Constraints: "); __sb.Append(Constraints); } if (Events != null && __isset.Events) { __sb.Append(", Events: "); __sb.Append(Events); } if (SceneManipulations != null && __isset.SceneManipulations) { __sb.Append(", SceneManipulations: "); __sb.Append(SceneManipulations); } if (DrawingCalls != null && __isset.DrawingCalls) { __sb.Append(", DrawingCalls: "); __sb.Append(DrawingCalls); } if (LogData != null && __isset.LogData) { __sb.Append(", LogData: "); __sb.Append(LogData); } __sb.Append(")"); return(__sb.ToString()); }
public void getResetPosture() { bool useAngles = false; if (useAngles) { } else { float x = Math.Abs(body.Joints[JointType.HandTipRight].Position.X - body.Joints[JointType.HandTipLeft].Position.X); float y = Math.Abs(body.Joints[JointType.HandTipRight].Position.Y - body.Joints[JointType.HandTipLeft].Position.Y); float z = Math.Abs(body.Joints[JointType.HandTipRight].Position.Z - body.Joints[JointType.HandTipLeft].Position.Z); if (armsCrossed == false && legsCrossed == false && rightHandBehindBack == false && leftHandBehindBack == false && rightLean == false && leftLean == false && hunch == false && body.HandRightState != HandState.Closed && body.HandLeftState != HandState.Closed && leftArmClosePosture == false && rightArmClosePosture == false && x < 0.04 && y < 0.04 && z < 0.04) { resetPosture = true; bodyPosture = Posture.good; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.GoodType.RESETPOSTURE); currentGoodies.Add(pa); } else { resetPosture = false; } } }
public override bool Test(Sim a, EquestrianCenter target, bool isAutonomous, ref GreyedOutTooltipCallback greyedOutTooltipCallback) { if (target.IsActorUsingMe(a)) { return(false); } Posture posture = a.Posture as RidingPosture; if (posture == null) { posture = a.Posture as LeadingHorsePosture; if (posture == null) { greyedOutTooltipCallback = InteractionInstance.CreateTooltipCallback(EquestrianCenter.OfferStallionAsStud.LocalizeString(a.IsFemale, "NeedHorse", new object[] { a })); return(false); } } Sim container = posture.Container as Sim; if (!container.IsSelectable) { return(false); } if (container.SimDescription.IsFemale) { greyedOutTooltipCallback = InteractionInstance.CreateTooltipCallback(EquestrianCenter.OfferStallionAsStud.LocalizeString(a.IsFemale, "NeedMaleHorse", new object[] { a })); return(false); } else if (container.SimDescription.Child) { greyedOutTooltipCallback = InteractionInstance.CreateTooltipCallback(EquestrianCenter.OfferStallionAsStud.LocalizeString(a.IsFemale, "NeedAdultHorse", new object[] { a })); return(false); } else if (container.SimDescription.Elder) { greyedOutTooltipCallback = InteractionInstance.CreateTooltipCallback(EquestrianCenter.OfferStallionAsStud.LocalizeString(container.IsFemale, "ElderPetsTooOldForBreed", new object[] { container })); return(false); } /* * if (container.SimDescription.IsUnicorn) * { * greyedOutTooltipCallback = InteractionInstance.CreateTooltipCallback(EquestrianCenter.OfferStallionAsStud.LocalizeString(a.IsFemale, "UnicornCannotBeOffered", new object[] { a })); * return false; * } */ Motives motives = container.Motives; if (motives.HasMotive(CommodityKind.StallionOffered) && (motives.GetValue(CommodityKind.StallionOffered) >= EquestrianCenter.kOfferStallionMotiveThreshold)) { greyedOutTooltipCallback = InteractionInstance.CreateTooltipCallback(EquestrianCenter.OfferStallionAsStud.LocalizeString(a.IsFemale, "Cooldown", new object[] { a, container })); return(false); } return(true); }
public Camera(Game game) : base(game) { UpdateOrder = 1; // Initialize camera state. fovx = DEFAULT_FOVX; znear = DEFAULT_ZNEAR; zfar = DEFAULT_ZFAR; accumHeadingDegrees = 0.0f; accumPitchDegrees = 0.0f; eyeHeightStanding = 0.0f; eyeHeightCrouching = 0.0f; eye = Vector3.Zero; target = Vector3.Zero; targetYAxis = Vector3.UnitY; xAxis = Vector3.UnitX; yAxis = Vector3.UnitY; zAxis = Vector3.UnitZ; viewDir = Vector3.Forward; acceleration = new Vector3(DEFAULT_ACCELERATION_X, DEFAULT_ACCELERATION_Y, DEFAULT_ACCELERATION_Z); velocityWalking = new Vector3(DEFAULT_VELOCITY_X, DEFAULT_VELOCITY_Y, DEFAULT_VELOCITY_Z); velocityRunning = velocityWalking * DEFAULT_RUNNING_MULTIPLIER; velocity = velocityWalking; orientation = Quaternion.Identity; viewMatrix = Matrix.Identity; posture = Posture.Standing; // Initialize mouse and keyboard input. enableMouseSmoothing = true; rotationSpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED_ROTATION; mouseSmoothingSensitivity = DEFAULT_MOUSE_SMOOTHING_SENSITIVITY; mouseSmoothingCache = new Vector2[MOUSE_SMOOTHING_CACHE_SIZE]; mouseIndex = 0; mouseMovement = new Vector2[2]; mouseMovement[0].X = 0.0f; mouseMovement[0].Y = 0.0f; mouseMovement[1].X = 0.0f; mouseMovement[1].Y = 0.0f; // Setup default action key bindings. actionKeys = new Dictionary <Actions, Keys>(); actionKeys.Add(Actions.Crouch, Keys.LeftControl); actionKeys.Add(Actions.Jump, Keys.Space); actionKeys.Add(Actions.MoveForwards, Keys.W); actionKeys.Add(Actions.MoveBackwards, Keys.S); actionKeys.Add(Actions.StrafeRight, Keys.D); actionKeys.Add(Actions.StrafeLeft, Keys.A); actionKeys.Add(Actions.Run, Keys.LeftShift); // Get initial keyboard and mouse states. currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); // Setup perspective projection matrix. Rectangle clientBounds = game.Window.ClientBounds; float aspect = (float)clientBounds.Width / (float)clientBounds.Height; Perspective(fovx, aspect, znear, zfar); }
void OnStandupAnimationEventStart() { posture = Posture.BENTOVER; frontFlipperUpperCollider.enabled = true; frontFlipperLowerCollider.enabled = true; frontFootCollider.enabled = true; backFootCollider.enabled = true; }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Posture posture = db.Postures.Find(id); db.Postures.Remove(posture); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Delete(int id) { Posture Posture = await _repo.Postures.GetById(id); _repo.Categories.Delete(id); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private void Jump(GameTime gameTime) { float elapsedTimeSec = Engine.Instance.ElapsedSeconds; // Transition between jumping states. switch (_posture) { case Posture.Standing: if (_shouldJump) { _posture = Posture.Jumping; _jumpingVelocity = 42.0f * elapsedTimeSec; } break; case Posture.Jumping: _shouldJump = true; _jumpingVelocity -= 0.2f * elapsedTimeSec; _position += Vector3.Up * _jumpingVelocity; if (_jumpingVelocity <= 0) { _posture = Posture.Falling; _jumpingVelocity = 0.0f; } break; case Posture.Falling: _shouldJump = true; _jumpingVelocity -= 0.6f * elapsedTimeSec; _position += Vector3.Up * _jumpingVelocity; if (_position.Y < _worldHeight) { _position.Y = _worldHeight; _posture = Posture.Standing; _jumpingVelocity = 0.0f; _shouldJump = false; } break; default: _shouldJump = false; break; } }
public void getArmsCrossed() { bool useAngles=false; if(useAngles) { double x1 = body.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.X * Math.Cos(shouldersAngle); double z1 = body.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.Z * Math.Sin(shouldersAngle); double x2 = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.X * Math.Cos(shouldersAngle); double z2 = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Z * Math.Sin(shouldersAngle); if (x1 - z1 < x2 - z2) { armsCrossed = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.ARMSCROSSED); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { armsCrossed = false; } } else { if(body.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.X+0.1< body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.X) { armsCrossed = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.ARMSCROSSED); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { armsCrossed = false; } } }
void getLeftLean() { bool useAngles = false; if (useAngles) { } else { if (body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.X > body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].Position.X) { leftLean = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.LEFTLEAN); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { leftLean = false; } } }
/// <summary> /// Transforms FML into BML and executes /// </summary> /// <param name="body">the FML body containing the FML functions to be interpreted</param> private void interpret(FMLBody body) { foreach (var chunk in body.chunks) { BMLBody curr = new BMLBody(); chunk.BMLRef = curr; foreach (var function in chunk.functions) { Vocalisation voc = new Vocalisation("Vocal", chunk.owner, 1f, mood.GetArousal(), mood.GetValence()); switch (function.Function) { case FMLFunction.FunctionType.BOARDGAME_REACT_MOVE: ReactMoveFunction react = function as ReactMoveFunction; this.react(react.MoveToReact[0], react.MyMove ? player : (player == Player.First ? Player.Second : Player.First)); FaceEmotion faceReact; Posture poser = new Posture("postureReact", chunk.owner, Behaviour.Lexemes.Stance.SITTING, 0f, 8f); if (surprised.Check()) { int coin = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 3); faceReact = new FaceEmotion("ConfusedFace", chunk.owner, 0f, 1.4f * expressionIntensity, 0.8f * expressionIntensity); if (coin < 2) { poser.AddPose(Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPart.RIGHT_ARM, Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.FIST_COVER_MOUTH); curr.AddChunk(poser); } coin = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, noiseChance); curr.AddChunk(faceReact); if (coin == 0) curr.AddChunk(voc); } break; case FMLFunction.FunctionType.BOARDGAME_CONSIDER_MOVE: //tbh this shouldn't be here if (impatient.Check()) { Debug.Log("IMPATIENT"); Gaze glanceAtPlayer = new Gaze("glanceAtPlayer", chunk.owner, motion.Player, Behaviour.Lexemes.Influence.HEAD, start: 0f, end: 0.25f, priority: 2); curr.AddChunk(glanceAtPlayer); curr.AddChunk(voc); } else { ConsiderMoveFunction func = function as ConsiderMoveFunction; if (func.MoveToConsider.Type == MoveType.MOVE) { Gaze glanceFrom = new Gaze("glanceAtFrom", chunk.owner, BoardgameManager.Instance.GetCellObject(func.MoveToConsider.From), Behaviour.Lexemes.Influence.HEAD, start: 0f, end: 2f); curr.AddChunk(glanceFrom); Gaze glanceTo = new Gaze("glanceAtTo", chunk.owner, BoardgameManager.Instance.GetCellObject(func.MoveToConsider.To), Behaviour.Lexemes.Influence.HEAD, start: 2.1f, end: 2f, priority: 2); curr.AddChunk(glanceTo); } else { Gaze glanceTo = new Gaze("glanceAtCell", chunk.owner, BoardgameManager.Instance.GetCellObject(func.MoveToConsider.To), Behaviour.Lexemes.Influence.HEAD, start: 0f, end: 2f); curr.AddChunk(glanceTo); } } break; case FMLFunction.FunctionType.BOARDGAME_MAKE_MOVE: MakeMoveFunction move = function as MakeMoveFunction; PhysicalCell from, to; BoardgameManager.Instance.GetMoveFromTo(move.MoveToMake[0], player, out from, out to); Grasp reach = new Grasp("reachTowardsPiece", chunk.owner, from.gameObject, Behaviour.Lexemes.Mode.LEFT_HAND, (arm) => { graspPiece(from, arm); }, 0, end: 1.5f); Posture leanReach = new Posture("leantowardsPiece", chunk.owner, Behaviour.Lexemes.Stance.SITTING, 0, end: 1.5f, priority: 2); Gaze lookReach = new Gaze("glanceAtReach", chunk.owner, from.gameObject, Behaviour.Lexemes.Influence.HEAD, start: 0f, end: 1.25f); Debug.Log((int)(Vector3.Distance(from.transform.position, transform.position) * 40)); leanReach.AddPose(Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPart.WHOLEBODY, Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.LEANING_FORWARD, (int)(Vector3.Distance(from.transform.position, transform.position) * 40)); Place place = new Place("placePiece", chunk.owner, to.gameObject, Behaviour.Lexemes.Mode.LEFT_HAND, (piece) => { placePiece(piece, to); BoardgameManager.Instance.MoveMade(move.MoveToMake, player); BoardgameManager.Instance.SyncState(); BoardgameManager.Instance.MakeNoise(; }, 1.25f, end: 2f); Posture leanPlace = new Posture("leantowardsCell", chunk.owner, Behaviour.Lexemes.Stance.SITTING, 1.25f, end: 1.5f, priority: 3); leanPlace.AddPose(Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPart.WHOLEBODY, Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.LEANING_FORWARD, (int)(Vector3.Distance(to.transform.position, transform.position) * 40)); Gaze lookPlace = new Gaze("glanceAtPlace", chunk.owner, to.gameObject, Behaviour.Lexemes.Influence.HEAD, start: 1.25f, end: 2f, priority: 2); Gaze glance = new Gaze("glanceAtPlayer", chunk.owner, motion.Player, Behaviour.Lexemes.Influence.HEAD, start: 2f, end: 1.25f, priority: 3); curr.AddChunk(glance); curr.AddChunk(lookReach); curr.AddChunk(lookPlace); curr.AddChunk(leanReach); curr.AddChunk(leanPlace); curr.AddChunk(reach); curr.AddChunk(place); break; case FMLFunction.FunctionType.EMOTION: //transform expression EmotionFunction f = function as EmotionFunction; float v = Mathf.Clamp(f.Valence, 0, 2); if (v < Config.Neutral) { v = (v - Config.Neutral) * 0.8f + Config.Neutral; } float a = Mathf.Clamp(f.Arousal, 0, 2); if (a > Config.Neutral) { a = (a - Config.Neutral) * 0.6f + Config.Neutral; } FaceEmotion fe = new FaceEmotion("emote " + f.Arousal + " " + f.Valence, chunk.owner, 0f, a, v); float lean = Mathf.Clamp((f.Arousal - Config.Neutral) * 30, -20, 30); Posture emoLean = new Posture("emoteLean", chunk.owner, Behaviour.Lexemes.Stance.SITTING, 0, end: 3f); emoLean.AddPose(Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPart.WHOLEBODY, Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.LEANING_FORWARD, (int)lean); curr.AddChunk(emoLean); curr.AddChunk(fe); break; } } } //sort out timing foreach (var chunk in body.chunks) { if (chunk.timing != null) { switch (chunk.timing.Primitive) { case Primitive.MustEndBefore: chunk.timing.ChunkReference.BMLRef.ExecuteAfter(chunk.BMLRef); break; case Primitive.StartImmediatelyAfter: chunk.BMLRef.ExecuteAfter(chunk.timing.ChunkReference.BMLRef); break; } } } //let's refactor this later so that we don't have to do 3N foreach (var chunk in body.chunks) { behave.ScheduleBehaviour(chunk.BMLRef); } }
/// <summary> /// Moves the camera based on player input. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">Direction moved.</param> /// <param name="elapsedTimeSec">Elapsed game time.</param> private void UpdatePosition(ref Vector3 direction, float elapsedTimeSec) { if (currentVelocity.LengthSquared() != 0.0f) { // Only move the camera if the velocity vector is not of zero // length. Doing this guards against the camera slowly creeping // around due to floating point rounding errors. Vector3 displacement = (currentVelocity * elapsedTimeSec) + (0.5f * acceleration * elapsedTimeSec * elapsedTimeSec); // Floating point rounding errors will slowly accumulate and // cause the camera to move along each axis. To prevent any // unintended movement the displacement vector is clamped to // zero for each direction that the camera isn't moving in. // Note that the UpdateVelocity() method will slowly decelerate // the camera's velocity back to a stationary state when the // camera is no longer moving along that direction. To account // for this the camera's current velocity is also checked. if (direction.X == 0.0f && (float)Math.Abs(currentVelocity.X) < 1e-6f) displacement.X = 0.0f; if (direction.Y == 0.0f && (float)Math.Abs(currentVelocity.Y) < 1e-6f) displacement.Y = 0.0f; if (direction.Z == 0.0f && (float)Math.Abs(currentVelocity.Z) < 1e-6f) displacement.Z = 0.0f; Move(displacement.X, displacement.Y, displacement.Z); switch (posture) { case Posture.Standing: break; case Posture.Crouching: if (eye.Y < eyeHeightCrouching) eye.Y = eyeHeightCrouching; break; case Posture.Rising: if (eye.Y > eyeHeightStanding) { eye.Y = eyeHeightStanding; posture = Posture.Standing; } break; case Posture.Jumping: if (eye.Y < eyeHeightStanding) { eye.Y = eyeHeightStanding; posture = Posture.Standing; currentVelocity.Y = 0.0f; } break; } } // Continuously update the camera's velocity vector even if the // camera hasn't moved during this call. When the camera is no // longer being moved the camera is decelerating back to its // stationary state. UpdateVelocity(ref direction, elapsedTimeSec); }
/// <summary> /// Metodo que detecta si se esta realizando una determinada postura. /// </summary> /// <param name="postura"></param> Postura del esqueleto. /// <returns> /// true: postura esperada. /// false: postura no esperada. /// </returns> private Boolean detectarPostura(Posture postura) { if (posturaEnDeteccion != postura) { acumulador = 0; posturaEnDeteccion = postura; return false; } if (acumulador < NumeroDeteccionPostura) { acumulador++; return false; } if (postura != posturaAnterior) { posturaAnterior = postura; acumulador = 0; return true; } else acumulador = 0; return false; }
private List<AnimationClip> BuildTransition(Posture sourcePosture, Posture targetPosture) { return BuildTransition(sourcePosture, targetPosture, new List<Posture>()); }
/// <summary> /// Determines which way to move the camera based on player input. /// The returned values are in the range [-1,1]. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">The movement direction.</param> private void GetMovementDirection(out Vector3 direction) { direction = Vector3.Zero; direction.X = 0.0f; direction.Y = 0.0f; direction.Z = 0.0f; // keyboard W (move ahead) if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.MoveForwards])) { if (!forwardsPressed) { forwardsPressed = true; currentVelocity.Z = 0.0f; } if(GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsConnected) direction.Z += GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.Y; direction.Z += 1.0f; } else if(GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsConnected && GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.Y < 0.0f) { if (!forwardsPressed) { forwardsPressed = true; currentVelocity.Z = 0.0f; } direction.Z += GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.Y; } else { forwardsPressed = false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // keyboard S (move backwards) if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.MoveBackwards])) { if (!backwardsPressed) { backwardsPressed = true; currentVelocity.Z = 0.0f; } direction.Z -= 1.0f; } else if(GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsConnected && GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.Y > 0.0f) { if (!backwardsPressed) { backwardsPressed = true; currentVelocity.Z = 0.0f; } direction.Z += GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.Y; } else { backwardsPressed = false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // keyboard S (strafe right) if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.StrafeRight])) { if (!strafeRightPressed) { strafeRightPressed = true; currentVelocity.X = 0.0f; } direction.X += 1.0f; } else if(GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsConnected && GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.X > 0.0f) { if (!strafeRightPressed) { strafeRightPressed = true; currentVelocity.X = 0.0f; } direction.X += GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.X; } else { strafeRightPressed = false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.StrafeLeft])) { if (!strafeLeftPressed) { strafeLeftPressed = true; currentVelocity.X = 0.0f; } direction.X -= 1.0f; } else if(GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).IsConnected && GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.X < 0.0f) { if (!strafeLeftPressed) { strafeLeftPressed = true; currentVelocity.X = 0.0f; } direction.X += GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).ThumbSticks.Left.X; } else { strafeLeftPressed = false; } if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.Crouch]) || GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.LeftStick == ButtonState.Pressed) { switch (posture) { case Posture.Standing: posture = Posture.Crouching; direction.Y -= 1.0f; currentVelocity.Y = 0.0f; break; case Posture.Crouching: direction.Y -= 1.0f; break; case Posture.Rising: // Finish rising before allowing another crouch. direction.Y += 1.0f; break; default: break; } } else { switch (posture) { case Posture.Crouching: posture = Posture.Rising; direction.Y += 1.0f; currentVelocity.Y = 0.0f; break; case Posture.Rising: direction.Y += 1.0f; break; default: break; } } if ((currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.Jump]) && previousKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(actionKeys[Actions.Jump])) || GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed) { switch (posture) { case Posture.Standing: posture = Posture.Jumping; currentVelocity.Y = velocity.Y; direction.Y += 1.0f; break; case Posture.Jumping: direction.Y += 1.0f; break; default: break; } } else { if (posture == Posture.Jumping) direction.Y += 1.0f; } }
public void StandAt(Vector3 playerPos) { _posture = Posture.Standing; _position = playerPos; _velocity = 0.0f; }
public void analyzePosture() { currentMistakes = new ArrayList(); currentGoodies = new ArrayList(); bodyPosture = Posture.good; getShouldersAngle(); getArmsCrossed(); getHunch(); getRightHandUnderHip(); getLeftHandUnderHip(); getRightHandBehindBack(); getRightArmClosePosture(); getLeftArmClosePosture(); getRightLean(); getLeftLean(); getResetPosture(); calcMovingHands(); getArmsAngles(); searchPause(); // calcIsMovingArms(); }
public void getLeftHandBehindBack() { bool useAngles = false; if (useAngles) { double x1 = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.X * Math.Sin(shouldersAngle); double z1 = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Z * Math.Cos(shouldersAngle); double x2 = body.Joints[JointType.SpineMid].Position.X * Math.Sin(shouldersAngle); double z2 = body.Joints[JointType.SpineMid].Position.Z * Math.Cos(shouldersAngle); if (-x1 + z1 < -x2 + z2) { leftHandBehindBack = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.LEFTHANDBEHINDBACK); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { leftHandBehindBack = false; } } else { if (body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Z > body.Joints[JointType.SpineMid].Position.Z) { leftHandBehindBack = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.LEFTHANDBEHINDBACK); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { leftHandBehindBack = false; } } }
/// <summary> /// Determines which way to move the camera based on player input. /// The returned values are in the range [-1,1]. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">The movement direction.</param> private void GetMovementDirection(out Vector3 direction) { direction.X = 0.0f; direction.Y = 0.0f; direction.Z = 0.0f; if (input.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.MoveForwards])) { if (!forwardsPressed) { forwardsPressed = true; currentVelocity.Z = 0.0f; } direction.Z += 1.0f; } else { forwardsPressed = false; } if (input.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.MoveBackwards])) { if (!backwardsPressed) { backwardsPressed = true; currentVelocity.Z = 0.0f; } direction.Z -= 1.0f; } else { backwardsPressed = false; } if (input.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.StrafeRight])) { if (!strafeRightPressed) { strafeRightPressed = true; currentVelocity.X = 0.0f; } direction.X += 1.0f; } else { strafeRightPressed = false; } if (input.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.StrafeLeft])) { if (!strafeLeftPressed) { strafeLeftPressed = true; currentVelocity.X = 0.0f; } direction.X -= 1.0f; } else { strafeLeftPressed = false; } if (input.IsKeyDown(actionKeys[Actions.Crouch])) { switch (posture) { case Posture.Standing: posture = Posture.Crouching; direction.Y -= 1.0f; currentVelocity.Y = 0.0f; break; case Posture.Crouching: direction.Y -= 1.0f; break; case Posture.Rising: // Finish rising before allowing another crouch. direction.Y += 1.0f; break; default: break; } } else { switch (posture) { case Posture.Crouching: posture = Posture.Rising; direction.Y += 1.0f; currentVelocity.Y = 0.0f; break; case Posture.Rising: direction.Y += 1.0f; break; default: break; } } if (input.IsKeyDownOnce(actionKeys[Actions.Jump])) { switch (posture) { case Posture.Standing: posture = Posture.Jumping; currentVelocity.Y = velocity.Y; direction.Y += 1.0f; break; case Posture.Jumping: direction.Y += 1.0f; break; default: break; } } else { if (posture == Posture.Jumping) direction.Y += 1.0f; } }
// 자세를 스택에서 팝한다. public void popPosture() { if(this.stack.Count > 0) { this.current = this.stack[this.stack.Count - 1]; this.stack.RemoveRange(this.stack.Count - 1, 1); this.update(); } }
// 자세를 설정한다. public void setPosture(Posture posture) { this.current = posture; this.update(); }
void getRightLean() { bool useAngles = false; if (useAngles) { } else { if (body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight].Position.X < body.Joints[JointType.HipRight].Position.X) { rightLean = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.RIGHTLEAN); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { rightLean = false; } } }
public void TrackPostures(ReplaySkeletonData skeleton) { if (skeleton.TrackingState != SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked) return; Vector3? headPosition = null; Vector3? leftHandPosition = null; Vector3? rightHandPosition = null; foreach (Joint joint in skeleton.Joints) { if (joint.Position.W < 0.8f || joint.TrackingState != JointTrackingState.Tracked) continue; switch (joint.ID) { case JointID.Head: headPosition = joint.Position.ToVector3(); break; case JointID.HandLeft: leftHandPosition = joint.Position.ToVector3(); break; case JointID.HandRight: rightHandPosition = joint.Position.ToVector3(); break; } } // HandsJoined if (CheckHandsJoined(rightHandPosition, leftHandPosition)) return; // LeftHandOverHead if (CheckHandOverHead(headPosition, leftHandPosition)) { RaisePostureDetected(Posture.LeftHandOverHead); return; } // RightHandOverHead if (CheckHandOverHead(headPosition, rightHandPosition)) { RaisePostureDetected(Posture.RightHandOverHead); return; } // LeftHello if (CheckHello(headPosition, leftHandPosition)) { RaisePostureDetected(Posture.LeftHello); return; } // RightHello if (CheckHello(headPosition, rightHandPosition)) { RaisePostureDetected(Posture.RightHello); return; } previousPosture = Posture.None; accumulator = 0; }
public Player() { _posture = Posture.Standing; _health = 1.0f; }
private List<AnimationClip> BuildTransition(Posture sourcePosture, Posture targetPosture, List<Posture> skip) { AnimationClip foundClip; List<AnimationClip> clipList = new List<AnimationClip>(); sourcePosture.Transitions.TryGetValue(targetPosture, out foundClip); if(foundClip) clipList.Add(foundClip); else { skip.Add(sourcePosture); List<List<AnimationClip>> options = new List<List<AnimationClip>>(); foreach(KeyValuePair<Posture, AnimationClip> kvp in sourcePosture.Transitions) { if(!skip.Contains(kvp.Key)) { List<AnimationClip> tempList = BuildTransition(kvp.Key, targetPosture, skip); if(tempList.Count > 0) { tempList.Insert(0, kvp.Value); options.Add(tempList); } } } int listSize = System.Int32.MaxValue; foreach(List<AnimationClip> l in options) { if(l.Count < listSize) { clipList = l; listSize = l.Count; } } } return clipList; }
public bool Jump(float velocity) { if (_posture == Posture.Standing) { _posture = Posture.Jumping; _jumpingVelocity = velocity; return true; } else { return false; } }
public FirstPersonCamera(Game game) : base(game) { UpdateOrder = 1; // Initialize camera state. fovx = DEFAULT_FOVX; znear = DEFAULT_ZNEAR; zfar = DEFAULT_ZFAR; accumHeadingDegrees = 0.0f; accumPitchDegrees = 0.0f; eyeHeightStanding = 0.0f; eyeHeightCrouching = 0.0f; eye = Vector3.Zero; target = Vector3.Zero; targetYAxis = Vector3.UnitY; xAxis = Vector3.UnitX; yAxis = Vector3.UnitY; zAxis = Vector3.UnitZ; viewDir = Vector3.Forward; acceleration = new Vector3(DEFAULT_ACCELERATION_X, DEFAULT_ACCELERATION_Y, DEFAULT_ACCELERATION_Z); velocityWalking = new Vector3(DEFAULT_VELOCITY_X, DEFAULT_VELOCITY_Y, DEFAULT_VELOCITY_Z); velocityRunning = velocityWalking * DEFAULT_RUNNING_MULTIPLIER; velocity = velocityWalking; orientation = Quaternion.Identity; viewMatrix = Matrix.Identity; posture = Posture.Standing; // Initialize mouse and keyboard input. rotationSpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED_ROTATION; #if(WINDOWS) enableMouseSmoothing = true; //rotationSpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED_ROTATION; mouseSmoothingSensitivity = DEFAULT_MOUSE_SMOOTHING_SENSITIVITY; mouseSmoothingCache = new Vector2[MOUSE_SMOOTHING_CACHE_SIZE]; mouseIndex = 0; mouseMovement = new Vector2[2]; mouseMovement[0].X = 0.0f; mouseMovement[0].Y = 0.0f; mouseMovement[1].X = 0.0f; mouseMovement[1].Y = 0.0f; #endif // Setup default action key bindings. actionKeys = new Dictionary<Actions, Keys>(); actionKeys.Add(Actions.Crouch, Keys.LeftControl); actionKeys.Add(Actions.Jump, Keys.Space); actionKeys.Add(Actions.MoveForwards, Keys.W); actionKeys.Add(Actions.MoveBackwards, Keys.S); actionKeys.Add(Actions.StrafeRight, Keys.D); actionKeys.Add(Actions.StrafeLeft, Keys.A); actionKeys.Add(Actions.Run, Keys.LeftShift); //#if !WINDOWS // actionKeys.Add(Actions.Crouch, Keys.LeftControl); // actionKeys.Add(Actions.Jump, Keys.Space); // actionKeys.Add(Actions.MoveForwards, Keys.W); // actionKeys.Add(Actions.MoveBackwards, Keys.S); // actionKeys.Add(Actions.StrafeRight, Keys.D); // actionKeys.Add(Actions.StrafeLeft, Keys.A); // actionKeys.Add(Actions.Run, Keys.LeftShift); //#endif // Get initial keyboard and mouse states. currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); #if (WINDOWS) currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); #endif // Setup perspective projection matrix. Rectangle clientBounds = game.Window.ClientBounds; float aspect = (float)clientBounds.Width / (float)clientBounds.Height; Perspective(fovx, aspect, znear, zfar); }
public void getResetPosture() { bool useAngles = false; if (useAngles) { } else { float x = Math.Abs(body.Joints[JointType.HandTipRight].Position.X - body.Joints[JointType.HandTipLeft].Position.X); float y = Math.Abs(body.Joints[JointType.HandTipRight].Position.Y - body.Joints[JointType.HandTipLeft].Position.Y); float z = Math.Abs(body.Joints[JointType.HandTipRight].Position.Z - body.Joints[JointType.HandTipLeft].Position.Z); if (armsCrossed==false&& legsCrossed==false && rightHandBehindBack==false && leftHandBehindBack == false && rightLean==false && leftLean==false && hunch==false && body.HandRightState != HandState.Closed && body.HandLeftState!= HandState.Closed && leftArmClosePosture == false && rightArmClosePosture == false && x<0.04 && y<0.04 && z<0.04) { resetPosture = true; bodyPosture = Posture.good; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.GoodType.RESETPOSTURE); currentGoodies.Add(pa); } else { resetPosture = false; } } }
void RaisePostureDetected(Posture posture) { if (accumulator < AccumulatorTarget) { if (accumulatedPosture != posture) { accumulator = 0; accumulatedPosture = posture; } accumulator++; return; } if (previousPosture == posture) return; previousPosture = posture; if (PostureDetected != null) PostureDetected(posture); accumulator = 0; }
public void getLegsCrossed() { bool useAngles = false; if (useAngles) { } else { if (body.Joints[JointType.FootRight].Position.X < body.Joints[JointType.FootLeft].Position.X) { legsCrossed = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.LEGSCROSSED); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { legsCrossed = false; } } }
private void AssessAngerPacifist(KeyValuePair<Empire, Ship_Game.Gameplay.Relationship> Relationship, Posture posture, float usedTrust) { if (posture != Posture.Friendly) { this.AssessDiplomaticAnger(Relationship); } else if (!Relationship.Value.Treaty_OpenBorders && (Relationship.Value.Treaty_Trade || Relationship.Value.Treaty_NAPact) && !Relationship.Value.HaveRejected_OpenBorders) { if (Relationship.Value.Trust >= 50f) { if (Relationship.Value.Trust - usedTrust > (float)( / 2)) { Offer NAPactOffer = new Offer() { OpenBorders = true, AcceptDL = "Open Borders Accepted", RejectDL = "Open Borders Friends Rejected" }; Ship_Game.Gameplay.Relationship value = Relationship.Value; NAPactOffer.ValueToModify = new Ref<bool>(() => value.HaveRejected_OpenBorders, (bool x) => value.HaveRejected_OpenBorders = x); Offer OurOffer = new Offer() { OpenBorders = true }; if (Relationship.Key != EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty)) { Relationship.Key.GetGSAI().AnalyzeOffer(OurOffer, NAPactOffer, this.empire, Offer.Attitude.Pleading); return; } this.empire.GetUS().ScreenManager.AddScreen(new DiplomacyScreen(this.empire, EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty), "Offer Open Borders Friends", OurOffer, NAPactOffer)); return; } } else if (Relationship.Value.Trust >= 20f && Relationship.Value.Anger_TerritorialConflict + Relationship.Value.Anger_FromShipsInOurBorders >= 0.75f * (float) && Relationship.Value.Trust - usedTrust > (float)( / 2)) { Offer NAPactOffer = new Offer() { OpenBorders = true, AcceptDL = "Open Borders Accepted", RejectDL = "Open Borders Rejected" }; Ship_Game.Gameplay.Relationship relationship = Relationship.Value; NAPactOffer.ValueToModify = new Ref<bool>(() => relationship.HaveRejected_OpenBorders, (bool x) => relationship.HaveRejected_OpenBorders = x); Offer OurOffer = new Offer() { OpenBorders = true }; if (Relationship.Key != EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty)) { Relationship.Key.GetGSAI().AnalyzeOffer(OurOffer, NAPactOffer, this.empire, Offer.Attitude.Pleading); return; } this.empire.GetUS().ScreenManager.AddScreen(new DiplomacyScreen(this.empire, EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty), "Offer Open Borders", OurOffer, NAPactOffer)); return; } } else if (Relationship.Value.turnsSinceLastContact >= 10) { if (Relationship.Value.Known && Relationship.Key == EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty)) { Ship_Game.Gameplay.Relationship r = Relationship.Value; if (r.Anger_FromShipsInOurBorders > (float)( / 4) && !r.AtWar && !r.WarnedAboutShips && r.turnsSinceLastContact > 10) { if (!r.WarnedAboutColonizing) { this.empire.GetUS().ScreenManager.AddScreen(new DiplomacyScreen(this.empire, Relationship.Key, "Warning Ships")); } else { this.empire.GetUS().ScreenManager.AddScreen(new DiplomacyScreen(this.empire, Relationship.Key, "Warning Colonized then Ships", r.GetContestedSystem())); } r.WarnedAboutShips = true; return; } } } else if (Relationship.Value.HaveRejected_OpenBorders || Relationship.Value.TotalAnger > 50f && Relationship.Value.Trust < Relationship.Value.TotalAnger) { Relationship.Value.Posture = Posture.Neutral; return; } }
public void getLeftHandUnderHip() { if (body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Y < body.Joints[JointType.HipLeft].Position.Y) { leftHandUnderHips = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.LEFTHANDUNDERHIP); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { leftHandUnderHips = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Determines which way to move the camera based on player input. /// The returned values are in the range [-1,1]. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">The direction vector.</param> private void GetMovementDirection(out Vector3 outDirection) { // Reset the direction vector to zero. outDirection.X = 0.0f; outDirection.Y = 0.0f; outDirection.Z = 0.0f; // Movement actions are tricky, because we don't simply want to check whether a // key has been pressed and released, and checking if it had been held would take // two frames instead of one to respond. // Check if the forwards key is pressed. If so, move forwards. if (mKeyboardService.CurrentlyDown(mActionKeys[Actions.MoveForwards])) { if (!bForwardsPressed) { bForwardsPressed = true; mCurrentVelocity.Z = 0.0f; } outDirection.Z += 1.0f; } else { bForwardsPressed = false; } // Check if the backwards key is pressed. If so, move backwards. if (mKeyboardService.CurrentlyDown(mActionKeys[Actions.MoveBackwards])) { if (!bBackwardsPressed) { bBackwardsPressed = true; mCurrentVelocity.Z = 0.0f; } outDirection.Z -= 1.0f; } else { bBackwardsPressed = false; } // Check if the strafe-left key is pressed. If so, move left. if (mKeyboardService.CurrentlyDown(mActionKeys[Actions.StrafeLeft])) { if (!bStrafeLeftPressed) { bStrafeLeftPressed = true; mCurrentVelocity.X = 0.0f; } outDirection.X -= 1.0f; } else { bStrafeLeftPressed = false; } // Check if the strafe-right key is pressed. If so, move right. if (mKeyboardService.CurrentlyDown(mActionKeys[Actions.StrafeRight])) { if (!bStrafeRightPressed) { bStrafeRightPressed = true; mCurrentVelocity.X = 0.0f; } outDirection.X += 1.0f; } else { bStrafeRightPressed = false; } if (mKeyboardService.CurrentlyDown(mActionKeys[Actions.Crouch])) { switch (ePosture) { case Posture.Standing: ePosture = Posture.Crouching; outDirection.Y -= 1.0f; mCurrentVelocity.Y = 0.0f; break; case Posture.Crouching: outDirection.Y -= 1.0f; break; case Posture.Rising: outDirection.Y += 1.0f; break; default: break; } } else { switch (ePosture) { case Posture.Crouching: ePosture = Posture.Rising; outDirection.Y += 1.0f; mCurrentVelocity.Y = 0.0f; break; case Posture.Rising: outDirection.Y += 1.0f; break; default: break; } } if (mKeyboardService.IsKeyPressed(mActionKeys[Actions.Jump])) { switch (ePosture) { case Posture.Standing: ePosture = Posture.Jumping; mCurrentVelocity.Y = mVelocity.Y; outDirection.Y += 1.0f; break; case Posture.Jumping: outDirection.Y += 1.0f; break; default: break; } } else { if (ePosture == Posture.Jumping) { outDirection.Y += 1.0f; } } }
IEnumerator Schedule(Posture chunk) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(chunk.Start); DebugManager.Instance.OnChunkStart(chunk); float duration = chunk.End; //ignore stance for now while (posePriority > chunk.Priority && duration > 0f) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); duration -= Time.deltaTime; } if (duration > 0) { foreach (Pose pose in chunk.Poses) { //ignoring affected parts switch (pose.Lexeme) { case Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.ARMS_AKIMBO: break; case Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.ARMS_CROSSED: StartCoroutine(Pose(1, 1, duration)); break; case Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.ARMS_NEUTRAL: break; case Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.ARMS_OPEN: break; case Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.LEGS_CROSSED: break; case Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.LEGS_NEUTRAL: break; case Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.LEGS_OPEN: break; case Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.LEANING_FORWARD: StartCoroutine(LeanIn(duration, pose.Degree)); break; case Behaviour.Lexemes.BodyPose.FIST_COVER_MOUTH: StartCoroutine(Pose(0, 2, duration)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } yield return new WaitForSeconds(duration); if (posePriority == chunk.Priority) { posePriority = 0; } } else { Debug.Log("Chunk cancelled. " + chunk); } }
// ================================================================ // // 자세를 보간한다. public static Posture lerp(Posture posture0, Posture posture1, float rate) { Posture dest = new Posture(); Vector3 eye_vector0 = posture0.position - posture0.intererst; Vector3 eye_vector1 = posture1.position - posture1.intererst; Quaternion eye_dir0 = Quaternion.LookRotation(eye_vector0); Quaternion eye_dir1 = Quaternion.LookRotation(eye_vector1); Quaternion dest_dir = Quaternion.Lerp(eye_dir0, eye_dir1, rate); float dest_distance = Mathf.Lerp(eye_vector0.magnitude, eye_vector1.magnitude, rate); Vector3 dest_eye_vector = dest_dir*Vector3.forward*dest_distance; dest.intererst = Vector3.Lerp(posture0.intererst, posture1.intererst, rate); dest.position = dest.intererst + dest_eye_vector; dest.up = Vector3.Lerp(posture0.up, posture1.up, rate); return(dest); }
public void getHunch() { double x1 = body.Joints[JointType.Head].Position.X * Math.Sin(shouldersAngle); double z1 = body.Joints[JointType.Head].Position.Z * Math.Cos(shouldersAngle); double x2 = body.Joints[JointType.SpineMid].Position.X * Math.Sin(shouldersAngle); double z2 = body.Joints[JointType.SpineMid].Position.Z * Math.Cos(shouldersAngle); if (-x1 + z1 < -x2 + z2) { hunch = true; bodyPosture = Posture.bad; PresentationAction pa = new PresentationAction(PresentationAction.MistakeType.HUNCHBACK); currentMistakes.Add(pa); } else { hunch = false; } }