public Pokemon(Texture2D image, Vector2 position, Color color, Texture2D attackTexture, Texture2D deadTexture) : base(image, position, color) { rotation = 0; origin = new Vector2(image.Width, image.Height) / 2; ground = (int)(position.Y + image.Height); thunderBolts = new List <ThunderBolt>(); this.attackTexture = attackTexture; pokemonState = PokemonState.alive; this.deadTexture = deadTexture; initialJump = false; maxJumpTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000000); }
/// <summary> /// will not notify property changes /// </summary> public void SetAll(string name, PokemonForm form, PokemonGender gender, int lv, Position position, bool substitute, int hp, PokemonState state, bool shiny) { _name = name; Form = form; _gender = gender; Lv = lv; _position.X = position.X; _position.Y = position.Y; IsSubstitute = substitute; Hp.Value = hp; _state = state; Shiny = shiny; }
private static void DeAbnormalState(DefContext def, PokemonState state) { def.BasePower = def.Defender.State == state ? 120 : 60; }
private void OnReductionDone() { if (_isBeingCaptured) { _state = PokemonState.TryingToEscapeBall; // This state is useless as all the pokemon actions are dictated by the Pokéball. The only purpose of this state is to make the Pokémon wait. _hologram.enabled = false; _homeBall.EndSwallow(); this.gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { CreateHologram(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) { CreateHologram(); _state = PokemonState.TurnsIntoRedEnergy; } if (_state == PokemonState.Touched) { float decayRatio = Mathf.Clamp01(100f * Time.deltaTime); _anim.speed *= decayRatio; _nav.speed *= decayRatio; _nav.angularSpeed *= decayRatio; _nav.velocity *= decayRatio; //Debug.LogError("new anim speed = " + _anim.speed); } else if (_state == PokemonState.TurnsIntoRedEnergy) { _redEnergyConversionTime += Time.deltaTime; float percentage = _redEnergyConversionTime / _redEnergyConversionTotalTime; if (percentage < 1f) { foreach (Material mat in _hologram.materials) { float inversedPercentage = 1f - percentage; mat.color = new Color(1f, inversedPercentage, inversedPercentage, 0.5f + 0.5f * inversedPercentage); if (mat.HasProperty("_EmissionColor")) { mat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", new Color(percentage, 0f, 0f)); } if (mat.HasProperty("_Glossiness")) { mat.SetFloat("_Glossiness", 0f); } } } else { if (_isBeingCaptured) { Swallow(_homeBall); } else { _state = PokemonState.LaserSwallowed; _homeBall.Recall(); //_hologram.gameObject.BroadcastMessage("StartShrinking", _tr); _meshReductor.StartShrinking(_homeBall.transform); } } } /*else if (_state == PokemonState.Swallowed) { float timeLeft = 1f - Mathf.Clamp01(Time.time - _captureTime); // Goes from 1 to 0. if (timeLeft <= 0f) { _state = PokemonState.TryingToEscapeBall; // This should actually start when the pokeball hits the ground. _homeBall.EndSwallow(); this.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { float scaleRatio = Mathf.Pow(timeLeft * (1 - _shrinkingRatio), 2f) + _shrinkingRatio; _tr.localScale = _baseLocalScale * scaleRatio; float threshold = 0.9f; if (timeLeft < threshold) { _tr.position = _homeBall.transform.position + _pathToBall * timeLeft * (1f / threshold); } } return; }*/ else if (_state == PokemonState.BeingReleased) { if (_tr.localScale != _baseLocalScale) { _tr.localScale += _baseLocalScale * 6f * Time.deltaTime; if (_tr.localScale.magnitude > _baseLocalScale.magnitude) { _tr.localScale = _baseLocalScale; } } if (_deformation.DeformationHasEnded() && !_spawningParticle.isPlaying) { _emissionOriginalColor = Color.white; _emissionTargetColor =; if (_isCaptured) { _state = PokemonState.Idle; _anim.SetTrigger("TauntTrigger"); } else { _state = PokemonState.Roaming; } } } else if (_state == PokemonState.Roaming) { _anim.SetFloat("MoveSpeed", _nav.velocity.magnitude); _waitTime -= Time.deltaTime; if (_nav.remainingDistance < 0.1f && _waitTime <= 0f) { if (Random.value < 0.4f) { _waitTime = Random.Range(1f, 3f); } else { _nav.SetDestination(new Vector3(Random.Range(-_range, _range), 0f, Random.Range(-_range, _range))); } } } Color _currentEmissionColor = _rend.material.GetColor("_EmissionColor"); if (_emissionTargetColor != _currentEmissionColor) // We assume all the materials are at the same emission level and none of the materials use this property. { foreach (Material mat in _rend.materials) { Color newEmission = _currentEmissionColor + (_emissionTargetColor - _emissionOriginalColor) * 1.5f * Time.deltaTime; // If we went passed the target emission, we set it right. if (Mathf.Clamp01(newEmission.r) != newEmission.r) { newEmission = _emissionTargetColor; } mat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", newEmission); // 0.5 second transition. } } }
public void TurnIntoRedEnergy(bool status_) { _redEnergyConversionTime = 0f; if (status_ == true) { _state = PokemonState.TurnsIntoRedEnergy; _anim.speed = 0f; CreateHologram(); // Also enables the MeshRenderer that is _hologram. if (_skinnedMesh != null) { _skinnedMesh.enabled = false; } //_recallingParticle.Play(); } else { _state = PokemonState.Idle; _anim.speed = 1f; if (_hologram != null) { _hologram.enabled = false; } if (_skinnedMesh != null) { _skinnedMesh.enabled = true; } //_recallingParticle.Stop(); } }
public Vector3 Touched(Pokeball ball) { // Returns the position the Pokeball should bounce back at. /// The next steps are the following: /// - the Pokémon brakes until it's frozen (can be frozen mid-air). /// - meanwhile, the Pokéball bounces back and turns to face the Pokémon. /// - once the pokeball is in position, the pokeball opens and the pokemon turns into red energy. /// - I'd like to keep the white flash light at the moment. /// - the pokeball closes once all the energy is inside. /// - then we proceed normally with the fall followed shaking. /// - note: I'll need to manage the breakout of the pokeball once I'll be able to pick some more from my back. Debug.Log("Touched method called."); if (_homeBall != null) { // You can't capture someone else's Pokémon! return; } _state = PokemonState.Touched; _homeBall = ball; _isBeingCaptured = true; //_emissionOriginalColor = _rend.material.GetColor("_EmissionColor"); //_emissionTargetColor = Color.white; // Calculating the bounce destination. A ajuster. Vector3 destination = ball.transform.position - _tr.position; destination.y = 0; //destination.Normalize(); Bounds bounds = _rend.bounds; destination.y = ball.transform.position.y + Mathf.Max(0.6f, bounds.extents.y); // Rajouter une telle hauteur va faire traverser les Pokémons volants au dessus du joueur à la Pokéball. return destination; }
public void Swallow(Pokeball ball) { _state = PokemonState.Swallowed; _hologram.GetComponent<MeshReductor>().StartShrinking(_homeBall.transform); _captureTime = Time.time; _anim.speed = 0f; // Freezes the Pokemon. _nav.enabled = false; // Calculating the shrinking ratio for the Pokémon to fit within the Pokéball. Bounds bounds = _rend.bounds; float diagonal = bounds.size.magnitude; // La magnitude de la taille de la bounding box représente la diagonale de cette boite et est un bon indicateur du volume du personne. _shrinkingRatio = Mathf.Sqrt(0.018252f) / diagonal; // Attention aux divisions par 0 ! Racine de 0.018252 est la diagonale de la bounding box de la pokeball. _pathToBall = _tr.position - ball.transform.position; }
public void StoreInPokeball() { _state = PokemonState.StoredInPokeball; _recallingParticle.Stop(); }
public void ReleaseFromPokeball() { _state = PokemonState.BeingReleased; _tr.localScale = / 100000f; _anim.speed = 1f; _nav.enabled = true; _nav.speed = _defaultAgentSpeed; _nav.angularSpeed = _defaultAgentAngularSpeed; _skinnedMesh.enabled = true; _rend.material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.white); _emissionOriginalColor = Color.white; _emissionTargetColor = Color.white; if (_deformation != null) { if (_deformation._animator == null) { _deformation._animator = _anim; } _deformation.LaunchDeformation(); } if (_spawningParticle != null) { if (!_spawningParticle.isStopped) { _spawningParticle.Stop(); } //_spawningParticle.Play(); } if (!_isCaptured) { _homeBall = null; } }