    // TODO: Check and apply type strengths
    // Calculate and apply physical attacks
    public void PhysicalAttack(AttackInfo attack, Pokemon attacker, Pokemon defender)
        if (defender.noDamage.Contains(attack.attackType))
            Debug.Log("No Damage");
            float A = attacker.level;
            float B = 1f;
            float C = attack.power;
            float D = 1f;

            float Y = 1f;
            float Z = 255f;

            if (attack.category == Category.physical)
                int attackMod  = attacker.statStages.attack > 0 ? (2 + attacker.statStages.attack) / 2 : 2 / (2 + (-1 * attacker.statStages.attack));
                int defenseMod = attacker.statStages.defense > 0 ? (2 + defender.statStages.defense) / 2 : 2 / (2 + (-1 * defender.statStages.defense));
                B = attacker.effectiveStats.attack * attackMod;
                D = defender.effectiveStats.defense * defenseMod;
                int attackMod  = attacker.statStages.spAtk > 0 ? (2 + attacker.statStages.spAtk) / 2 : 2 / (2 + (-1 * attacker.statStages.spAtk));
                int defenseMod = attacker.statStages.spDef > 0 ? (2 + defender.statStages.spDef) / 2 : 2 / (2 + (-1 * defender.statStages.spDef));
                B = attacker.effectiveStats.spAtk * attackMod;
                D = defender.effectiveStats.spDef * defenseMod;

            float X = attacker.pokemonType == attack.attackType ? 1.5f : 1f;
            X *= defender.weak.Contains(attack.attackType) ? defender.weak.FindAll(a => a == attack.attackType).Count * 2 : 1;
            X /= defender.strong.Contains(attack.attackType) ? defender.strong.FindAll(a => a == attack.attackType).Count * 2 : 1;

            float damage = (((((((2 * A) / 5) + 2) * B * D) / 50) + 2) * X * (Y / 10) * Z / 255);

            defender.AdjustHP(-1 * (int)(damage > 1 ? damage : 1));