    public static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)              //after receiving the ros message
        PointCloud2Msg           cloudm = (PointCloud2Msg)msg; //point cloud message
        PointCloud <PointXYZRGB> points = cloudm.GetCloud();   // get data, the data has point location and point color information
        PointXYZRGB point;                                     //variable to access information of single point in the list of points

        //voxel mesh with triangles
        numPoints = points.Size; //number of points received
        mpoints   = new Vector3[numPoints];
        colors    = new Color[numPoints];

        //store points and colors of the point cloud separately in arrays
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
            point      = points.At(i); //point at index i in the list
            mpoints[i] = new Vector3(point.X, point.Z, point.Y);
            colors[i]  = new Color(point.R / 255.0f, point.G / 255.0f, point.B / 255.0f);
        // generate child meshes
        total_meshes = Mathf.CeilToInt(numPoints * 1.0f / Points_limit * 1.0f); //calculate the number of child meshes required
        main_mesh    = GameObject.Find(Mesh_name);                              //find the mesh in unity environment

        if (main_mesh == null)
            main_mesh = new GameObject(Mesh_name); //if no mesh found, create one
            //do nothing
        //initialize the mesh
        for (int i = 0; i < total_meshes - 1; i++)
            Mesh_initialization(i, Points_limit);
        Mesh_initialization(total_meshes - 1, numPoints - (total_meshes - 1) * Points_limit);