private async Task RegisterTokenCacheAsync(IPublicClientApplication app)
                "Configuring Microsoft Authentication token cache to instance shared with Microsoft developer tools...");

            if (!PlatformUtils.IsWindows() && !PlatformUtils.IsPosix())
                string osType = PlatformUtils.GetPlatformInformation().OperatingSystemType;
                Context.Trace.WriteLine($"Token cache integration is not supported on {osType}.");

            // We use the MSAL extension library to provide us consistent cache file access semantics (synchronisation, etc)
            // as other Microsoft developer tools such as the Azure PowerShell CLI.
            MsalCacheHelper helper = null;

                var storageProps = CreateTokenCacheProps(useLinuxFallback: false);
                helper = await MsalCacheHelper.CreateAsync(storageProps);

                // Test that cache access is working correctly
            catch (MsalCachePersistenceException ex)
                Context.Streams.Error.WriteLine("warning: cannot persist Microsoft authentication token cache securely!");
                Context.Trace.WriteLine("Cannot persist Microsoft Authentication data securely!");

                if (PlatformUtils.IsMacOS())
                    // On macOS sometimes the Keychain returns the "errSecAuthFailed" error - we don't know why
                    // but it appears to be something to do with not being able to access the keychain.
                    // Locking and unlocking (or restarting) often fixes this.
                        "warning: there is a problem accessing the login Keychain - either manually lock and unlock the " +
                        "login Keychain, or restart the computer to remedy this");
                else if (PlatformUtils.IsLinux())
                    // On Linux the SecretService/keyring might not be available so we must fall-back to a plaintext file.
                    Context.Streams.Error.WriteLine("warning: using plain-text fallback token cache");
                    Context.Trace.WriteLine("Using fall-back plaintext token cache on Linux.");
                    var storageProps = CreateTokenCacheProps(useLinuxFallback: true);
                    helper = await MsalCacheHelper.CreateAsync(storageProps);

            if (helper is null)
                Context.Streams.Error.WriteLine("error: failed to set up Microsoft Authentication token cache!");
                Context.Trace.WriteLine("Failed to integrate with shared token cache!");
                Context.Trace.WriteLine("Microsoft developer tools token cache configured.");
        private async Task RegisterVisualStudioTokenCacheAsync(IPublicClientApplication app)
            Context.Trace.WriteLine("Configuring Visual Studio token cache...");

            // We currently only support Visual Studio on Windows
            if (PlatformUtils.IsWindows())
                // The Visual Studio MSAL cache is located at "%LocalAppData%\.IdentityService\msal.cache" on Windows.
                // We use the MSAL extension library to provide us consistent cache file access semantics (synchronisation, etc)
                // as Visual Studio itself follows, as well as other Microsoft developer tools such as the Azure PowerShell CLI.
                const string cacheFileName  = "msal.cache";
                string       appData        = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);
                string       cacheDirectory = Path.Combine(appData, ".IdentityService");

                var storageProps = new StorageCreationPropertiesBuilder(cacheFileName, cacheDirectory, app.AppConfig.ClientId).Build();

                var helper = await MsalCacheHelper.CreateAsync(storageProps);


                Context.Trace.WriteLine("Visual Studio token cache configured.");
                string osType = PlatformUtils.GetPlatformInformation().OperatingSystemType;
                Context.Trace.WriteLine($"Visual Studio token cache integration is not supported on {osType}.");
        private async Task RegisterTokenCacheAsync(IPublicClientApplication app)
                "Configuring Microsoft Authentication token cache to instance shared with Microsoft developer tools...");

            if (!PlatformUtils.IsWindows() && !PlatformUtils.IsPosix())
                string osType = PlatformUtils.GetPlatformInformation().OperatingSystemType;
                Context.Trace.WriteLine($"Token cache integration is not supported on {osType}.");

            string clientId = app.AppConfig.ClientId;

            // We use the MSAL extension library to provide us consistent cache file access semantics (synchronisation, etc)
            // as other Microsoft developer tools such as the Azure PowerShell CLI.
            MsalCacheHelper helper = null;

                var storageProps = CreateTokenCacheProps(clientId, useLinuxFallback: false);
                helper = await MsalCacheHelper.CreateAsync(storageProps);

                // Test that cache access is working correctly
            catch (MsalCachePersistenceException ex)
                Context.Streams.Error.WriteLine("warning: cannot persist Microsoft Authentication data securely!");
                Context.Trace.WriteLine("Cannot persist Microsoft Authentication data securely!");

                // On Linux the SecretService/keyring might not be available so we must fall-back to a plaintext file.
                if (PlatformUtils.IsLinux())
                    Context.Trace.WriteLine("Using fall-back plaintext token cache on Linux.");
                    var storageProps = CreateTokenCacheProps(clientId, useLinuxFallback: true);
                    helper = await MsalCacheHelper.CreateAsync(storageProps);

            if (helper is null)
                Context.Streams.Error.WriteLine("error: failed to set up Microsoft Authentication token cache!");
                Context.Trace.WriteLine("Failed to integrate with shared token cache!");
                Context.Trace.WriteLine("Microsoft developer tools token cache configured.");
        protected override Task <bool> RunInternalAsync(StringBuilder log, IList <string> additionalFiles)
            PlatformInformation platformInfo = PlatformUtils.GetPlatformInformation();

            log.AppendLine($"OSType: {platformInfo.OperatingSystemType}");
            log.AppendLine($"OSVersion: {platformInfo.OperatingSystemVersion}");

            log.Append("Reading environment variables...");
            IDictionary envars = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();

            log.AppendLine(" OK");

            log.AppendLine(" Variables:");
            foreach (DictionaryEntry envar in envars)
                log.AppendFormat("{0}={1}", envar.Key, envar.Value);
