public void TestRoverEncountersObstacleOnOtherSideOfXAxis() { var planetWithObstacles = new Planet(50, new[] { new Point { X = 0, Y = -25 } }); var rover = new Rover(new Point(0, 25), 'N', planetWithObstacles); var driver = new RoverDriver(rover); Assert.That(driver.MoveRover("ffrff"), Is.EqualTo("Rover encountered obstacle at position (0,-25), rover stopped at (0,25).")); }
public void BeEqualForObjectsWithSameValues() { var p1 = new Planet( name: "Mercury", massKg: 328500000000000000000000M, equatorialDiameterKm: 4879, polarDiameterKm: 4879, equatorialCircumferenceKm: 15329, orbitalDistanceKm: 57909227, orbitPeriodEarthDays: 87.97M, minSurfaceTemperatureCelsius: -173, maxSurfaceTemperatureCelsius: 427); var p2 = new Planet( name: "Mercury", massKg: 328500000000000000000000M, equatorialDiameterKm: 4879, polarDiameterKm: 4879, equatorialCircumferenceKm: 15329, orbitalDistanceKm: 57909227, orbitPeriodEarthDays: 87.97M, minSurfaceTemperatureCelsius: -173, maxSurfaceTemperatureCelsius: 427); Assert.IsTrue(p1.Equals(p2)); Assert.IsTrue(p2.Equals(p1)); }
public void TestRoverEncountersObstacle() { var planetWithObstacles = new Planet(50, new [] { new Point { X = 3, Y = 3} } ); var rover = new Rover(new Point(3, 2), 'N', planetWithObstacles); var driver = new RoverDriver(rover); Assert.That(driver.MoveRover("ffrff"), Is.EqualTo("Rover encountered obstacle at position (3,3), rover stopped at (3,2).")); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Material earthMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/Earth/Earth") as Material; Material sunMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/Sun") as Material; Material moonMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/Moon/Moon") as Material; Star sun = new Star("Sun", new Vector3(0,0,0), 10, sunMaterial); IList planets = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // TODO Change x/z random to randomize within a radius of sun instead of square int x = Random.Range(-200, 200); int y = 0; int z = Random.Range(-200, 200); float r = Random.Range(1, 4); float spinSpeed = Random.Range(-20, 21); Planet p = new Planet("Planet" + i, new Vector3(x, y, z), r, earthMaterial, spinSpeed, sun); planets.Add(p); int nSatellites = Random.Range(0, 4); for(int j = 0; j < nSatellites; j++) { float d = Random.Range(2*r, 8*r); Vector3 satellitePosition = new Vector3(x+d, y, z); float satelliteRadius = (float)Random.Range(r, r*5) / 10; float satelliteSpinSpeed = Random.Range(-20, 21); p.addSatellite("Satellite",satellitePosition, satelliteRadius, moonMaterial, satelliteSpinSpeed); } } startUI(); }
public void BeUnEqualForObjectsWithDifferentValues() { var p1 = new Planet( name: "Mercury", massKg: 328500000000000000000000M, equatorialDiameterKm: 4879, polarDiameterKm: 4879, equatorialCircumferenceKm: 15329, orbitalDistanceKm: 57909227, orbitPeriodEarthDays: 87.97M, minSurfaceTemperatureCelsius: -173, maxSurfaceTemperatureCelsius: 427); var p2 = new Planet( name: "Venus", massKg: 4867000000000000000000000M, equatorialDiameterKm: 12104, polarDiameterKm: 12104, equatorialCircumferenceKm: 38025, orbitalDistanceKm: 108209475, orbitPeriodEarthDays: 224.70M, minSurfaceTemperatureCelsius: 462, maxSurfaceTemperatureCelsius: 462); Assert.IsFalse(p1.Equals(p2)); Assert.IsFalse(p2.Equals(p1)); }
public Location(double inputLatitude, double inputLongitude, Planet inputPlanet) : this() { this.Latitude = inputLatitude; this.Longitude = inputLongitude; this.Planet = inputPlanet; }
// Use this for initialization protected virtual void Start() { if(transform.parent != null) { planet = transform.parent.GetComponent<Planet>(); if(planet != null) { //if(!CheckRequirements(planet)) // Destroy(gameObject); } } //maintain global scale if(transform.parent != null) { Vector3 correctedScale = new Vector3(transform.localScale.x / transform.parent.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y / transform.parent.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z / transform.parent.localScale.z); transform.localScale = correctedScale; } //Initialize input = new LocalResource[0]; output = new LocalResource(); output.type = LocalResourceType.Power; output.quantity = 5; outputRange = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_RANGE; }
public void DeployToPlanet() { var planet = new Planet(); planet.SetSize(100, 50); iRover.DeployTo(planet, 0, 0, Movement.CardinalHeading.North); Assert.IsNotNull(iRover.DeployedTo); }
public Location(double x, double y,Planet planet):this() { this.latitude = x; this.longitude = y; this.planets = planet; }
internal List<Planet> MuteerMijnPlaneet(Planet myPlanet, int strength) { int index = MijnPlaneten.FindIndex(c => c.PlanetId() == myPlanet.PlanetId()); MijnPlaneten[index].Sterkte -= strength; return MijnPlaneten; }
internal List<Planet> MuteerDoelPlaneten(Planet target) { int index = NietMijnPlaneten.FindIndex(c => c.PlanetId() == target.PlanetId()); NietMijnPlaneten[index].Owner(1); return NietMijnPlaneten; }
public Location(double latitude, double longitude, Planet planet) : this() // { this.Latitude = latitude; this.Longitude = longitude; this.Planet = planet; }
private void MoveToPlanet(Planet planet) { if (selectedFleet != null) { selectedFleet.MoveToPlanet(planet); } }
/// <summary>Traduz um Planeta para texto localizado</summary> public string translate( Planet planet ) { return string.Format("<a href='{0}' class='note'>{1}</a>", OrionGlobals.getSectionBaseUrl("planet") + "?id="+planet.Id, planet.Name ); }
/// <summary> /// Draw lines and colors related to dependency. /// </summary> public void DrawDependencyInfo(Planet planet, Structure structure) { this.planet = planet; this.structure = structure; List<Structure> neighbors = planet.GetNeigboringStructures(transform.position); this.neighbors = neighbors; bool isValid = false; ClearDependencyLines(); foreach(Structure neighbor in neighbors) { if(structure.CheckRequirements(neighbor.GetOutput())) { UpdateDependencyLine(neighbor.gameObject); isValid = true; } else ClearDependencyLine(neighbor.gameObject); } if(isValid) renderer.material.color =; else { renderer.material.color =; } }
public Missile(Planet planet, Missile_Launcher parent) : base(planet, parent, BITMAP.FromFile(@"Picture\Sky\Weapon\Missile.png"), 5, 1.0) { SPEED.X = parent.BULLET_SPEED; SPEED.Y = parent.ANGLE; TURN_PERIOD = parent.MISSILE_TURN_PERIOD; }
public Location(double latitude, double longitude, Planet planet) : this() { this.Latitude = latitude; this.Longitude = longitude; this._planet = planet; }
public Location(double latitude, double longitude, Planet p) : this() { this.Latitude = latitude; this.Longitude = longitude; this.CurrentPlanet = p; }
public Location(double lat, double longt, Planet planet) : this() { this.Latitude = lat; this.Longtitude = longt; this.Planet = planet; }
public Location(double latitude, double longitude, Planet planetName) : this() { this.Latitude = latitude; this.Longitude = longitude; this.PlanetName = planetName; }
public Polyhedra(Planet p, List<Node> n, List<Edge> e, List<Face> f) { this.planet = p; this.nodes = n; this.edges = e; this.faces = f; }
public List<Structure> GetStructureList(Planet.PlanetType Type) { bool bIsAllowed; List<Structure> AvailableStructures = new List<Structure> (); for (int i = 0; i < Structures.Count; i++) { bIsAllowed = true; for (int j = 0; j < Structures[i].RestrictedEnvironments.Count; j++) { if (Type == Structures[i].RestrictedEnvironments[j]) { bIsAllowed = false; } } if (bIsAllowed) { AvailableStructures.Add(new Structure(Structures[i])); } } return AvailableStructures; }
public void GridIsCreated() { var planet = new Planet(3, 3); Assert.That(planet.NumberOfRows, Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(planet.NumberOfColumns, Is.EqualTo(3)); }
public NewTroopMovementEvent(object sender, Planet startPlanet, Planet targetPlanet, int shipCount) { Sender = sender; StartPlanet = startPlanet; TargetPlanet = targetPlanet; ShipCount = shipCount; }
public void AssignPlanet(Planet planet, int orbit) { if (orbit <= level + 3) { planets[orbit] = planet; } }
public void Link(Planet planet) { this.planet = planet; planet.hexPlanet = GetComponent<HexPlanet>(); planet.behavior = this; }
public void GeneratePlanets() { // Start by generating distance of each planet from sun float[] distances = new float[m_numPlanets]; for (int i = 0; i < m_numPlanets; ++i) { float rand = Random.value; if (rand < 0.2f) { distances[i] = Random.Range(0.1f, 0.75f); } else if (rand < 0.3f) { distances[i] = Random.Range(0.75f, 1.25f); } else if (rand < 0.9f) { distances[i] = Random.Range(4f, 25f); } else { distances[i] = Random.Range(35.0f, 50.0f); } } System.Array.Sort(distances); for (int i = 0; i < m_numPlanets; ++i) { m_planets[i] = new Planet(distances[i], starType); } }
public bool createSystem() { bool system_created = false; if(num_planets > 0 ){ //create the system! base.sub_spheres = new SphereRenderer[num_planets]; /*create the sun!*/ int ptype = 101; float pmass = 1000000f; string pname = name + " - Sun"; float pradius = 12f; float pdistance = 0f; Vector3 pposition = new Vector3(position.x, Random.Range(-400, 400), position.z); Debug.Log(pposition); Planet planet = new Planet(ptype, pmass, pname, pradius, pdistance, pposition); planet.createPlanet(); factory = (SphereRendererFactory)GameObject.Find("SphereRendererFactory").GetComponent("SphereRendererFactory"); base.sub_spheres[0] = factory.createSphereRenderer(); base.sub_spheres[0].initialize(0, 0, planet_threshold,1 , planet); base.sub_spheres[0].setIsDisplayed(true); /* end create sun */ pdistance += 15f; /*create planets*/ for(int i = 1; i < (num_planets); i++){ float omega = Random.Range(0, 2*Mathf.PI); /* sphere types * 0 - Dead * 1 - Fuel Source * 2 - Habitable * 3 - Sun * 4 - Planetary System * 5 - System Cluster */ ptype = Random.Range(0, 100); pmass = Random.Range(1000f, 10000f); pname = name + " - " + i; pradius = Random.Range(10f, 20f); pdistance = Random.Range(pdistance, pdistance + 100f); pposition = new Vector3(position.x + pdistance*Mathf.Cos(omega) , Random.Range(-100, 100), position.z + pdistance*Mathf.Sin(omega)); planet = new Planet(ptype, pmass, pname, pradius, pdistance, pposition); planet_threshold = pradius + 10f; if(!planet.createPlanet()){ system_created = false; break; } else{ factory = (SphereRendererFactory)GameObject.Find("SphereRendererFactory").GetComponent("SphereRendererFactory"); base.sub_spheres[i] = factory.createSphereRenderer(); base.sub_spheres[i].initialize(0, 0, planet_threshold,1 , planet); base.sub_spheres[i].setIsDisplayed(true); } system_created = true; } } return system_created; }
public Location(double latitude, double longitude, Planet planet) : this() { Latitude = latitude; Longitude = longitude; Planet = planet; }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { dependencyLines = new Dictionary<GameObject, VectorLine>(); planet = null; structure = null; neighbors = new List<Structure>(); }
private void OnEnable() { planet = (Planet)target; }
public void SetTarget(Planet p) { target = p; }
public PlanetArmada(Planet owner) { PlanetUnderAttack = owner; }
override public List <GameObject> SetValueOfGameObjects() { List <GameObject> gameObjects = new List <GameObject>(); countOfMeteors = 350; centerPlanet = new Planet(); gameObjects.Add(centerPlanet); centerPlanet.phisObj.angulVel = -2 * Math.PI / 500; centerPlanet.image = MainWindow.window.CenterStar; planets = new List <Planet>(); for (int i = 0; i < countOfPlanets; i++) { planets.Add(new Planet()); gameObjects.Add(planets[i]); planets[i].image = MainWindow.Clone(MainWindow.window.SmallPlanet); MainWindow.window.PlayingCanvas.Children.Add(planets[i].image); planets[i].phisObj.mass = centerPlanet.phisObj.mass / 100; planets[i].phisObj.coord = centerPlanet.phisObj.coord + Coord.FromPolar(500 + 400, 2 * Math.PI / countOfPlanets * i); planets[i].phisObj.speed = Gravitation.CosmicSpeeds(planets[i].phisObj, centerPlanet.phisObj, 1); } rocket = new Rocket(); gameObjects.Add(rocket); rocket.image = MainWindow.window.Rocket; rocket.Y = -400; rocket.Angle = 0; rocket.phisObj.speed = Gravitation.CosmicSpeeds(rocket.phisObj, centerPlanet.phisObj, 1); fire = new ReactiveGases(rocket); fire.image = MainWindow.window.Fire; gameObjects.Add(fire); playingBorder = new PlayingBorder(centerPlanet, rocket); playingBorder.image = MainWindow.window.Border; gameObjects.Add(playingBorder); meteors = SetValueOfMeteors(); gameObjects = gameObjects.Concat(meteors).ToList(); return(gameObjects); }
private void GetNearestPlanetOrShip(Collider2D[] colliders, out Ship nearestShip, out Planet nearestPlanet) { nearestShip = null; nearestPlanet = null; float nearestSqrDistance = float.MaxValue; foreach (Collider2D collider in colliders) { Vector3 toTarget = collider.gameObject.transform.position - transform.position; if (toTarget.sqrMagnitude < nearestSqrDistance) { Ship ship = collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Ship>(); if (ship != null) { nearestShip = ship; nearestPlanet = null; nearestSqrDistance = toTarget.sqrMagnitude; } Planet planet = collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Planet>(); if (planet != null) { nearestShip = null; nearestPlanet = planet; nearestSqrDistance = toTarget.sqrMagnitude; } } } }
public async void GetPage_Returns_Multiple_Planets() { var result = await Planet.GetPage(); Assert.IsInstanceOf <List <Planet> >(result); }
public void RemovePlanet(Planet planet) { planets.Remove(planet); }
private static void CheckForSpecialRules(out double abund, out double react, double pressure, Planet planet, ChemType gas) { var sun = planet.Star; var pres2 = 1.0; abund = gas.abunds; if (gas.symbol == "Ar") { react = .15 * sun.AgeYears / 4e9; } else if (gas.symbol == "He") { abund = abund * (0.001 + (planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM)); pres2 = (0.75 + pressure); react = Math.Pow(1 / (1 + gas.reactivity), sun.AgeYears / 2e9 * pres2); } else if ((gas.symbol == "O" || gas.symbol == "O2") && sun.AgeYears > 2e9 && planet.SurfaceTempKelvin > 270 && planet.SurfaceTempKelvin < 400) { // pres2 = (0.65 + pressure/2); // Breathable - M: .55-1.4 pres2 = (0.89 + pressure / 4); // Breathable - M: .6 -1.8 react = Math.Pow(1 / (1 + gas.reactivity), Math.Pow(sun.AgeYears / 2e9, 0.25) * pres2); } else if (gas.symbol == "CO2" && sun.AgeYears > 2e9 && planet.SurfaceTempKelvin > 270 && planet.SurfaceTempKelvin < 400) { pres2 = (0.75 + pressure); react = Math.Pow(1 / (1 + gas.reactivity), Math.Pow(sun.AgeYears / 2e9, 0.5) * pres2); react *= 1.5; } else { pres2 = (0.75 + pressure); react = Math.Pow(1 / (1 + gas.reactivity), sun.AgeYears / 2e9 * pres2); } }
public IEnumerator ExplodePlanet(Planet planet, float delay) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); planet.Explode(); }
public static bool GoalCheck(Planet goal, Node currentNode) { return(goal.Equals(currentNode.planet)); }
public void OnMouseExitPlanet(Planet _p) { m_hoveredPlanet = null; }
public void OnMouseEnterPlanet(Planet _p) { m_hoveredPlanet = _p; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { GameManager gm = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>(); List <Planet> planets = new List <Planet>(); string vowels = "aeiou"; string consonants = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"; //planetPrefabs instantiations for (int i = 0; i < nbPlanet; i++) { //position entre -2 et 2 et -4 et 4 par pas de 0.5 float x = 0.5f * Random.Range(0, 9) - 2; float y = 0.5f * Random.Range(0, 17) - 4; // Name generation int nameLength = Random.Range(1, 6) * 2; string planetName = ""; //int vowelConsonantSelector = Random.Range(0, 2); // outer bound is exclusive, so 2 and not 1 int vowelConsonantSelector = 1; // 0 is vowel, 1 is consonant for (int l = 0; l < nameLength; ++l) { char nextChar; if (vowelConsonantSelector == 0) { nextChar = vowels[Random.Range(0, vowels.Length)]; } else { nextChar = consonants[Random.Range(0, consonants.Length)]; } planetName += nextChar; vowelConsonantSelector = (vowelConsonantSelector + 1) % 2; } // Add planet Planet p = Instantiate(planetPrefab, new Vector3(x, y, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity); //One chance out of three to be spiced int isSpice = Random.Range(0, 4); if (isSpice == 0) { p.isSpiceProvider = true; } else { p.isSpiceProvider = false; } = planetName; p.SetMaxLinkCount(Random.Range(2, 4)); p.armyCount = Random.Range(0, 4); planets.Add(p); } //Links Creation /*for (int j = 0; j < nbPlanet; j++) { * for (int i = 0; i < nbPlanet; i++) * { * if (i != j) { * CreateLink(planets[j], planets[i]); * } * } * }*/ //Assign Players for (int i = 0; i < gm.GetPlayers().Count; ++i) { if (i >= nbPlanet) { break; } planets[i].owner = gm.GetPlayers()[i]; planets[i].armyCount = 3; } }
private static Planet GeneratePlanet(PlanetSeed seed, int planetNo, ref Star sun, bool useRandomTilt, string planetID, bool isMoon, SystemGenerationOptions genOptions) { var planet = new Planet(seed, sun, planetNo); planet.OrbitZone = Environment.OrbitalZone(sun.Luminosity, planet.SemiMajorAxisAU); planet.OrbitalPeriodDays = Environment.Period(planet.SemiMajorAxisAU, planet.MassSM, sun.Mass); if (useRandomTilt) { planet.AxialTiltDegrees = Environment.Inclination(planet.SemiMajorAxisAU); } planet.ExosphereTempKelvin = GlobalConstants.EARTH_EXOSPHERE_TEMP / Utilities.Pow2(planet.SemiMajorAxisAU / sun.EcosphereRadiusAU); planet.RMSVelocityCMSec = Environment.RMSVelocity(GlobalConstants.MOL_NITROGEN, planet.ExosphereTempKelvin); planet.CoreRadiusKM = Environment.KothariRadius(planet.DustMassSM, false, planet.OrbitZone); // Calculate the radius as a gas giant, to verify it will retain gas. // Then if mass > Earth, it's at least 5% gas and retains He, it's // some flavor of gas giant. planet.DensityGCC = Environment.EmpiricalDensity(planet.MassSM, planet.SemiMajorAxisAU, sun.EcosphereRadiusAU, true); planet.RadiusKM = Environment.VolumeRadius(planet.MassSM, planet.DensityGCC); planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2 = Environment.Acceleration(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM); planet.SurfaceGravityG = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2); planet.MolecularWeightRetained = Environment.MinMolecularWeight(planet); // Is the planet a gas giant? if (((planet.MassSM * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES) > 1.0) && ((planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM) > 0.05) && (planet.MolecularWeightRetained <= 4.0)) { if ((planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM) < 0.20) { planet.Type = PlanetType.SubSubGasGiant; } else if ((planet.MassSM * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES) < 20.0) { planet.Type = PlanetType.SubGasGiant; } else { planet.Type = PlanetType.GasGiant; } } else // If not, it's rocky. { planet.RadiusKM = Environment.KothariRadius(planet.MassSM, false, planet.OrbitZone); planet.DensityGCC = Environment.VolumeDensity(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM); planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2 = Environment.Acceleration(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM); planet.SurfaceGravityG = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2); if ((planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM) > 0.000001) { var h2Mass = planet.GasMassSM * 0.85; var heMass = (planet.GasMassSM - h2Mass) * 0.999; var h2Life = Environment.GasLife(GlobalConstants.MOL_HYDROGEN, planet.ExosphereTempKelvin, planet.SurfaceGravityG, planet.RadiusKM); var heLife = Environment.GasLife(GlobalConstants.HELIUM, planet.ExosphereTempKelvin, planet.SurfaceGravityG, planet.RadiusKM); if (h2Life < sun.AgeYears) { var h2Loss = ((1.0 - (1.0 / Math.Exp(sun.AgeYears / h2Life))) * h2Mass); planet.GasMassSM -= h2Loss; planet.MassSM -= h2Loss; planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2 = Environment.Acceleration(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM); planet.SurfaceGravityG = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2); } if (heLife < sun.AgeYears) { var heLoss = ((1.0 - (1.0 / Math.Exp(sun.AgeYears / heLife))) * heMass); planet.GasMassSM -= heLoss; planet.MassSM -= heLoss; planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2 = Environment.Acceleration(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM); planet.SurfaceGravityG = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2); } } } planet.AngularVelocityRadSec = Environment.AngularVelocity(planet); planet.DayLengthHours = Environment.DayLength(planet.AngularVelocityRadSec, planet.OrbitalPeriodDays, planet.Eccentricity); planet.HasResonantPeriod = Environment.HasResonantPeriod(planet.AngularVelocityRadSec, planet.DayLengthHours, planet.OrbitalPeriodDays, planet.Eccentricity); planet.EscapeVelocityCMSec = Environment.EscapeVelocity(planet.MassSM, planet.RadiusKM); planet.HillSphereKM = Environment.SimplifiedHillSphereKM(sun.Mass, planet.MassSM, planet.SemiMajorAxisAU); if (planet.IsGasGiant) { planet.HasGreenhouseEffect = false; planet.VolatileGasInventory = GlobalConstants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER; planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure = GlobalConstants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER; planet.BoilingPointWaterKelvin = GlobalConstants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER; planet.SurfaceTempKelvin = GlobalConstants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER; planet.GreenhouseRiseKelvin = 0; planet.Albedo = Utilities.About(GlobalConstants.GAS_GIANT_ALBEDO, 0.1); planet.WaterCoverFraction = 1.0; planet.CloudCoverFraction = 1.0; planet.IceCoverFraction = 0.0; planet.SurfaceGravityG = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2); planet.MolecularWeightRetained = Environment.MinMolecularWeight(planet); planet.SurfaceGravityG = GlobalConstants.INCREDIBLY_LARGE_NUMBER; } else { planet.SurfaceGravityG = Environment.Gravity(planet.SurfaceAccelerationCMSec2); planet.MolecularWeightRetained = Environment.MinMolecularWeight(planet); planet.HasGreenhouseEffect = Environment.Greenhouse(sun.EcosphereRadiusAU, planet.SemiMajorAxisAU); planet.VolatileGasInventory = Environment.VolatileInventory( planet.MassSM, planet.EscapeVelocityCMSec, planet.RMSVelocityCMSec, sun.Mass, planet.OrbitZone, planet.HasGreenhouseEffect, (planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM) > 0.000001); planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure = Environment.Pressure( planet.VolatileGasInventory, planet.RadiusKM, planet.SurfaceGravityG); planet.BoilingPointWaterKelvin = Math.Abs(planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure) < 0.001 ? 0.0 : Environment.BoilingPoint(planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure); // Sets: planet.surf_temp, planet.greenhs_rise, planet.albedo, planet.hydrosphere, // planet.cloud_cover, planet.ice_cover Environment.IterateSurfaceTemp(ref planet); CalculateGases(planet, genOptions.GasTable); planet.IsTidallyLocked = Environment.IsTidallyLocked(planet); // Assign planet type if (planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure < 1.0) { if (!isMoon && ((planet.MassSM * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES) < GlobalConstants.ASTEROID_MASS_LIMIT)) { planet.Type = PlanetType.Asteroids; } else { planet.Type = PlanetType.Barren; } } else if ((planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure > 6000.0) && (planet.MolecularWeightRetained <= 2.0)) // Retains Hydrogen { planet.Type = PlanetType.SubSubGasGiant; planet.Atmosphere.Composition = new List <Gas>(); } else { // Atmospheres: // TODO remove PlanetType enum entirely and replace it with a more flexible classification systme if (planet.WaterCoverFraction >= 0.95) // >95% water { planet.Type = PlanetType.Water; } else if (planet.IceCoverFraction >= 0.95) // >95% ice { planet.Type = PlanetType.Ice; } else if (planet.WaterCoverFraction > 0.05) // Terrestrial { planet.Type = PlanetType.Terrestrial; } else if (planet.MaxTempKelvin > planet.BoilingPointWaterKelvin) // Hot = Venusian { planet.Type = PlanetType.Venusian; } else if ((planet.GasMassSM / planet.MassSM) > 0.0001) // Accreted gas, but no greenhouse or liquid water make it an ice world { planet.Type = PlanetType.Ice; planet.IceCoverFraction = 1.0; } else if (planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure <= 250.0) // Thin air = Martian { planet.Type = PlanetType.Martian; } else if (planet.SurfaceTempKelvin < GlobalConstants.FREEZING_POINT_OF_WATER) { planet.Type = PlanetType.Ice; } else { planet.Type = PlanetType.Unknown; } } } // Generate moons planet.Moons = new List <Planet>(); if (!isMoon) { var curMoon = seed.FirstMoon; var n = 0; while (curMoon != null) { if (curMoon.Mass * GlobalConstants.SUN_MASS_IN_EARTH_MASSES > .000001) { curMoon.SemiMajorAxisAU = planet.SemiMajorAxisAU; curMoon.Eccentricity = planet.Eccentricity; n++; string moon_id = String.Format("{0}.{1}", planetID, n); var generatedMoon = GeneratePlanet(curMoon, n, ref sun, useRandomTilt, moon_id, true, genOptions); double roche_limit = 2.44 * planet.RadiusKM * Math.Pow((planet.DensityGCC / generatedMoon.DensityGCC), (1.0 / 3.0)); double hill_sphere = planet.SemiMajorAxisAU * GlobalConstants.KM_PER_AU * Math.Pow((planet.MassSM / (3.0 * sun.Mass)), (1.0 / 3.0)); if ((roche_limit * 3.0) < hill_sphere) { generatedMoon.MoonSemiMajorAxisAU = Utilities.RandomNumber(roche_limit * 1.5, hill_sphere / 2.0) / GlobalConstants.KM_PER_AU; generatedMoon.MoonEccentricity = Utilities.RandomEccentricity(); } else { generatedMoon.MoonSemiMajorAxisAU = 0; generatedMoon.MoonEccentricity = 0; } planet.Moons.Add(generatedMoon); } curMoon = curMoon.NextPlanet; } } return(planet); }
public double AgeHelper(Planet planet) { return(Math.Round(Seconds / yearLenDict[planet], 2)); }
// TODO this really should be in a separate class public static void CalculateGases(Planet planet, ChemType[] gasTable) { var sun = planet.Star; planet.Atmosphere.Composition = new List <Gas>(); if (!(planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure > 0)) { return; } double[] amount = new double[gasTable.Length]; double totamount = 0; double pressure = planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure / GlobalConstants.MILLIBARS_PER_BAR; int n = 0; // Determine the relative abundance of each gas in the planet's atmosphere for (var i = 0; i < gasTable.Length; i++) { double yp = gasTable[i].boil / (373.0 * ((Math.Log((pressure) + 0.001) / -5050.5) + (1.0 / 373.0))); // TODO move both of these conditions to separate methods if ((yp >= 0 && yp < planet.NighttimeTempKelvin) && (gasTable[i].weight >= planet.MolecularWeightRetained)) { double abund, react; CheckForSpecialRules(out abund, out react, pressure, planet, gasTable[i]); double vrms = Environment.RMSVelocity(gasTable[i].weight, planet.ExosphereTempKelvin); double pvrms = Math.Pow(1 / (1 + vrms / planet.EscapeVelocityCMSec), sun.AgeYears / 1e9); double fract = (1 - (planet.MolecularWeightRetained / gasTable[i].weight)); // Note that the amount calculated here is unitless and doesn't really mean // anything except as a relative value amount[i] = abund * pvrms * react * fract; totamount += amount[i]; if (amount[i] > 0.0) { n++; } } else { amount[i] = 0.0; } } // For each gas present, calculate its partial pressure if (n > 0) { planet.Atmosphere.Composition = new List <Gas>(); n = 0; for (var i = 0; i < gasTable.Length; i++) { if (amount[i] > 0.0) { planet.Atmosphere.Composition.Add( new Gas(gasTable[i], planet.Atmosphere.SurfacePressure * amount[i] / totamount)); } } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { planet = FindObjectOfType <Planet>(); resolutionSlider.value = planet.resolution; }
public static void FillMesh(ref Mesh meshToUpdate, int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ, Planet world, int size, int height, float surfaceCrossValue) { int vertexIndex = 0; Vector3[] interpolatedValues = new Vector3[12]; List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>(); List <int> triangleIndices = new List <int>(); Debug.Log(size + " " + height); for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height - 1; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < size; z++) { if (vertices.Count > 64000) { Debug.LogError("Mesh should be less complex"); break; } Vector3 basePoint = new Vector3(x, y, z); float p0 = world.GetValue(chunkX + x, chunkY + y, chunkZ + z); float p1 = world.GetValue(chunkX + x + 1, chunkY + y, chunkZ + z); float p2 = world.GetValue(chunkX + x, chunkY + y + 1, chunkZ + z); float p3 = world.GetValue(chunkX + x + 1, chunkY + y + 1, chunkZ + z); float p4 = world.GetValue(chunkX + x, chunkY + y, chunkZ + z + 1); float p5 = world.GetValue(chunkX + x + 1, chunkY + y, chunkZ + z + 1); float p6 = world.GetValue(chunkX + x, chunkY + y + 1, chunkZ + z + 1); float p7 = world.GetValue(chunkX + x + 1, chunkY + y + 1, chunkZ + z + 1); int crossBitMap = 0; if (p0 < surfaceCrossValue) { crossBitMap |= 1; } if (p1 < surfaceCrossValue) { crossBitMap |= 2; } if (p2 < surfaceCrossValue) { crossBitMap |= 8; } if (p3 < surfaceCrossValue) { crossBitMap |= 4; } if (p4 < surfaceCrossValue) { crossBitMap |= 16; } if (p5 < surfaceCrossValue) { crossBitMap |= 32; } if (p6 < surfaceCrossValue) { crossBitMap |= 128; } if (p7 < surfaceCrossValue) { crossBitMap |= 64; } int edgeBits = Contouring3D.EdgeTableLookup[crossBitMap]; if (edgeBits == 0) { continue; } float interpolatedCrossingPoint = 0f; if ((edgeBits & 1) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p0) / (p1 - p0); interpolatedValues[0] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(x + 1, y, z), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 2) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p1) / (p3 - p1); interpolatedValues[1] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x + 1, y, z), new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, z), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 4) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p2) / (p3 - p2); interpolatedValues[2] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x, y + 1, z), new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, z), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 8) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p0) / (p2 - p0); interpolatedValues[3] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(x, y + 1, z), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 16) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p4) / (p5 - p4); interpolatedValues[4] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x, y, z + 1), new Vector3(x + 1, y, z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 32) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p5) / (p7 - p5); interpolatedValues[5] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x + 1, y, z + 1), new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 64) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p6) / (p7 - p6); interpolatedValues[6] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x, y + 1, z + 1), new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 128) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p4) / (p6 - p4); interpolatedValues[7] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x, y, z + 1), new Vector3(x, y + 1, z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 256) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p0) / (p4 - p0); interpolatedValues[8] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(x, y, z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 512) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p1) / (p5 - p1); interpolatedValues[9] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x + 1, y, z), new Vector3(x + 1, y, z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 1024) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p3) / (p7 - p3); interpolatedValues[10] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, z), new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } if ((edgeBits & 2048) > 0) { interpolatedCrossingPoint = (surfaceCrossValue - p2) / (p6 - p2); interpolatedValues[11] = Vector3.Lerp(new Vector3(x, y + 1, z), new Vector3(x, y + 1, z + 1), interpolatedCrossingPoint); } crossBitMap <<= 4; int triangleIndex = 0; Debug.Log(Contouring3D.TriangleLookupTable[crossBitMap + triangleIndex]); while (Contouring3D.TriangleLookupTable[crossBitMap + triangleIndex] != -1) { int index1 = Contouring3D.TriangleLookupTable[crossBitMap + triangleIndex]; int index2 = Contouring3D.TriangleLookupTable[crossBitMap + triangleIndex + 1]; int index3 = Contouring3D.TriangleLookupTable[crossBitMap + triangleIndex + 2]; vertices.Add(new Vector3(interpolatedValues[index1].x, interpolatedValues[index1].y, interpolatedValues[index1].z)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(interpolatedValues[index2].x, interpolatedValues[index2].y, interpolatedValues[index2].z)); vertices.Add(new Vector3(interpolatedValues[index3].x, interpolatedValues[index3].y, interpolatedValues[index3].z)); triangleIndices.Add(vertexIndex); triangleIndices.Add(vertexIndex + 1); triangleIndices.Add(vertexIndex + 2); vertexIndex += 3; triangleIndex += 3; } } } } List <Vector2> texCoords = new List <Vector2>(); Vector2 emptyTexCoords0 = new Vector2(0, 0); Vector2 emptyTexCoords1 = new Vector2(0, 1); Vector2 emptyTexCoords2 = new Vector2(1, 1); for (int texturePointer = 0; texturePointer < vertices.Count; texturePointer += 3) { texCoords.Add(emptyTexCoords1); texCoords.Add(emptyTexCoords2); texCoords.Add(emptyTexCoords0); } Debug.Log("----------------"); foreach (var vert in vertices) { Debug.Log("x: " + vert.x + " y: " + vert.y + " z: " + vert.z); } meshToUpdate.Clear(); meshToUpdate.vertices = vertices.ToArray(); meshToUpdate.triangles = triangleIndices.ToArray(); meshToUpdate.uv = texCoords.ToArray(); meshToUpdate.RecalculateNormals(); meshToUpdate.RecalculateBounds(); }
private bool CheckCanBeMined(Planet planet) { return(true); }
private void Start() { cam = Camera.main; planetScript = planet.GetComponent <Planet>(); camScript = cam.GetComponent <CameraController>(); }
public void AddPlanetToList(string planetName, int planetMass) { Planet newPlanet = new Planet(planetName, planetMass); planets.Add(newPlanet); }
public Planet Add(Planet planet) { Db.Planets.Add(planet); Db.SaveChanges(); return(GetById(planet.Id)); }
public void updateWaterLevel() { LevelWater = 1 / (Planet.hauteurPoint(coord) - planet.waterLevel); }
void Start() { homePlanet = transform.parent.GetComponent <Planet>(); }
public static List <Node> BuildFrontier(Node expandingNode, List <Node> frontier, List <Node> closedList, Planet goal) { List <Node> newFrontier = frontier; List <Node> expandResult = expandingNode.Expand(); foreach (Node nNode in expandResult) { bool invalidNode = false; foreach (Node oldNode in newFrontier) { if (nNode.Equals(oldNode)) { invalidNode = true; } } foreach (Node closedNode in closedList) { if (closedNode.Equals(nNode)) { invalidNode = true; } } if (!invalidNode) { nNode.heuristic = Vector3.Distance(nNode.planet.transform.position, goal.transform.position); frontier.Add(nNode); } } return(newFrontier); }
public bool isCoast() { float hauteur = Planet.hauteurPoint(coord); return(0.999 * planet.waterLevel <= hauteur && 1.001 * planet.waterLevel >= hauteur); }
public void Build() { _planet = transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <Planet>(); OnBuild(); }
public async void Planet_1_Returns_Planet() { Planet planet = await Planet.Get(1); Assert.IsNotNull(planet); }
private void Start() { SL = GameObject.Find("SL").GetComponent <SAVELOAD>(); cameraMove = GetComponent <CameraMove>(); admob = GetComponent <ADMOBManager>(); rCam = GameObject.Find("RatingCamera"); sCam = GameObject.Find("SpaceCamera"); pCam = GameObject.Find("PlanetCamera"); Planet = GameObject.Find("PlanetLevel"); Space = GameObject.Find("CanvasSpaces"); Rating = GameObject.Find("CanvasRatings"); UI = GameObject.Find("CanvasUI"); CanvasSpace = UI.transform.Find("CanvasSpace").gameObject; CanvasRating = UI.transform.Find("CanvasRating").gameObject; CanvasPlanet = UI.transform.Find("CanvasPlanet").gameObject; objTable = GameObject.Find("Table"); objBlack = CanvasPlanet.transform.Find("Black").gameObject; objHint = CanvasPlanet.transform.Find("Hint").gameObject; Score = CanvasPlanet.transform.Find("Overlay/Score").GetComponent <Score>(); statistic = CanvasPlanet.transform.Find("Overlay/Statistic").GetComponent <Statistic>(); objBonusF = CanvasPlanet.transform.Find("Overlay/BonusF").gameObject; objBonusR = CanvasPlanet.transform.Find("Overlay/BonusR").gameObject; objBonusC = CanvasPlanet.transform.Find("Overlay/BonusC").gameObject; PlanetInfo = Planet.GetComponent <PlanetInfo>(); Mines = Planet.transform.Find("Mines").GetComponent <Mines>(); objEl = Planet.transform.Find("Up/Elevator").gameObject; objFac = Planet.transform.Find("Up/Factory").gameObject; objLab = Planet.transform.Find("Up/Lab").gameObject; objStock = Planet.transform.Find("Up/Stock").gameObject; objBoer = Planet.transform.Find("Up/Boer").gameObject; objRock = Planet.transform.Find("Up/RocketPlace").gameObject; objRJ = Planet.transform.Find("RobotEnginer").gameObject; Miniature = Planet.transform.Find("Miniature").GetComponent <Miniature>(); objBat = Planet.transform.Find("Miniature/BatteryF").gameObject; Builds = Planet.transform.Find("Up").GetComponentsInChildren <Builds>(); cameraUpDown = objEl.GetComponent <CameraUpDown>(); BuySourse = Planet.transform.Find("Up").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); BonusSourse = Planet.transform.Find("Mines").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); MineSource = Planet.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); CrashSource = Planet.transform.Find("Up/Forest").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); BtnSource = GameObject.Find("CanvasUI").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); DynSource = Planet.transform.Find("bgPlanet0").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); ErrorSource = GameObject.Find("SL").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); Elevator = objStock.GetComponent <Elevator>(); Factory = objFac.GetComponent <Factory>(); Rocket = objRock.GetComponent <Rocket>(); btnL = objLab.transform.Find("Btn").gameObject; iconBtnL = btnL.transform.GetComponentInChildren <Button>(); btnE = objStock.transform.Find("Btn").gameObject; iconBtnE = btnE.transform.GetComponentInChildren <Button>(); btnF = objFac.transform.Find("Btn").gameObject; iconBtnF = btnF.transform.GetComponentInChildren <Button>(); btnR = objRock.transform.Find("Btn").gameObject; iconBtnR = btnR.transform.GetComponentInChildren <Button>(); table = GetComponent <Table>(); objRegTableCont = objTable.transform.Find("RegisterContent").gameObject; objBonusTableCont = objTable.transform.Find("BonusContent").gameObject; objRatingTableCont = objTable.transform.Find("RatingContent").gameObject; displayPlayers = Rating.GetComponent <DisplayPlayers>(); ContentRating = Rating.transform.Find("Scroll View/Viewport/Content"); addUser = Rating.GetComponent <AddUser>(); cameraMove.enabled = false; // table.Load(); // cameraUpDown.Load(); // PlanetInfo.Load(); // SL.Load(); //Score.Load(); rCam.SetActive(false); sCam.SetActive(false); pCam.SetActive(false); Planet.SetActive(false); Rating.SetActive(false); CanvasRating.SetActive(false); CanvasPlanet.SetActive(false); objTable.SetActive(false); objBlack.SetActive(false); objHint.SetActive(false); objBonusF.SetActive(false); objBonusR.SetActive(false); objBonusC.SetActive(false); }
public void AddPlanet(Planet planet) { planets.Add(planet); }