     *	For pathfinding purposes, get two waypoints from road
    public override Vector2[] GetWaypoints(PathfindingObject previousObject, PathfindingObject nextObject)
        Vector2 upRight, downLeft, middle;

        if (trafficDirection.x != 0)           // horizontal
            upRight.y  = GetPositionCenter2().y;
            downLeft.y = GetPositionCenter2().y;

            upRight.x  = GridHelper.GetWorldPosition2(grid_position_max).x;
            downLeft.x = GridHelper.GetWorldPosition2(grid_position_min).x;
        else if (trafficDirection.y != 0)             // vertical
            upRight.x  = GetPositionCenter2().x;
            downLeft.x = GetPositionCenter2().x;

            upRight.y  = GridHelper.GetWorldPosition2(grid_position_max).y;
            downLeft.y = GridHelper.GetWorldPosition2(grid_position_min).y;
            upRight  = Vector2.zero;
            downLeft = Vector2.zero;
            print("fatal error, shouldn't go here!");

        middle = GetPositionCenter2();

        // create array to return and get world position from previous object
        Vector2[] returnArray            = new Vector2[2];
        Vector2   previousWorldPosition2 = previousObject.GetPositionCenter2();

        // determine which waypoint is closer, put that first in array
        if (Vector2.Distance(previousWorldPosition2, upRight) <
            Vector2.Distance(previousWorldPosition2, downLeft))               // if right side is closer, put it first
            returnArray[0] = upRight;
            returnArray[1] = downLeft;
            returnArray[0] = downLeft;
            returnArray[1] = upRight;

        // if road length is less than width, remove middle array
        if (GetRoadWidth() + 2 < GetRoadLength())
            Vector2[] tempArray = new Vector2[3];
            tempArray[0] = returnArray[0];
            tempArray[2] = returnArray[1];
            tempArray[1] = middle;


    // -------------------------------- for pathfinding --------------------------------
    public override PathfindingObject[] GetNeighbours()
        PathfindingObject[] returnArray = new PathfindingObject[roadConnections.Count];

        for (int i = 0; i < roadConnections.Count; i++) {
            returnArray[i] = roadConnections[i];

        return returnArray;
    public override void Visit(PathfindingObject startObject, PathfindingObject endObject)
        objectPath = RoadPathfinding.CreatePath(startObject, endObject);

        if (objectPath == null)
            Debug.Log("Can't visit because path cannot be found!");

        // -- create list from object path, all at once
        // in the future this will have to be REPLACED because road might disappear.
        // So instead it would search by getting waypoints from PathfindingObjects as
        // the vehicle went along, so if a road disappears, we could reroute

        Vector2[] position_waypoints = new Vector2[objectPath.Length * 2];
        int       vectorIndex        = 0;

        for (int index = 0; index < objectPath.Length; index++)
            Vector2[] temp_waypoints = new Vector2[0];

            // if not first or last
            if (index != 0 && index != (objectPath.Length - 1))
                temp_waypoints = objectPath[index].GetWaypoints(objectPath[index - 1], objectPath[index + 1]);
            else if (index == 0)               // if first
                temp_waypoints    = new Vector2[1];
                temp_waypoints[0] = objectPath[index].GetWaypoint();
            }             // do nothing if first

            // loop list from pathfindingObject and add to list
            for (int k = 0; k < temp_waypoints.Length; k++)
                position_waypoints[vectorIndex] = temp_waypoints[k];

        path = Helper.ResizeArray(position_waypoints, vectorIndex);

        // ---------------------------------------

        PathIndex = path.Length - 1;
        movingEntity.targetPos = path[PathIndex];
        steeringCalculate.seek = true;

        // set distance for visiting; when path moves on to next waypoint
        pathfindingCellDelta = GridHelper.GetGridCellSize();

        //Debug.Log("path index = " + PathIndex);
// -------------------------------- for pathfinding --------------------------------

    public override PathfindingObject[] GetNeighbours()
        PathfindingObject[] returnArray = new PathfindingObject[roadConnections.Count];

        for (int i = 0; i < roadConnections.Count; i++)
            returnArray[i] = roadConnections[i];

    // -------------------------------- for pathfinding --------------------------------

    public override PathfindingObject[] GetNeighbours()
        PathfindingObject[] returnArray = new PathfindingObject[4];

        returnArray[0] = topConnection;
        returnArray[1] = rightConnection;
        returnArray[2] = bottomConnection;
        returnArray[3] = leftConnection;

     *	Is it possible to travel from @param pathObject to any of the
     * 	runways?
    bool AreRunwaysReachable(PathfindingObject pathObject)
        foreach(Runway runway in airport.runwayList) {
            PathfindingObject[] path = RoadPathfinding.CreatePath (pathObject, runway);

            if (path != null) {
                return true;


        return false;
//function GetPathLength(curNode : Node) : int {
//	if (curNode.fakeParent == null) {
//		return 0;
//	} else {
//		return 1 + GetPathLength(curNode.fakeParent);
//	}

 *	Generic return path function
    static Vector2[] GeneratePath(PathfindingObject endObject, Dictionary <int, PathfindingObject> openList)
        int index = 0;
        PathfindingObject curObject = endObject;
        bool loopEnabled            = true;

        Vector3[] waypoints = new Vector3[1024];

        // add position of first cell, then look if that cell has a fakeParent
        // if so, increase index and add in next loop to list
        // otherwise, stop loop
        while (loopEnabled)
            //print ("index = " + index + " and size = " + openList.Count);
            waypoints[index] = curObject.GetPositionCenter();

            if (curObject.HasFakeParent())
                curObject = curObject.GetFakeParent();
                loopEnabled = false;

            // while loop protection
            if (index > 999999)
                loopEnabled = false;
                print("while loop crash");

        // create returnable list with correct size and add end position at start
        Vector2[] return_waypoints = new Vector2[index + 1];
        //return_waypoints [0] = new Vector2(endPosition.x, endPosition.z);

        for (int i = 0; i < return_waypoints.Length; i++)
            return_waypoints[i] = new Vector2(waypoints[i].x, waypoints[i].z);

        if (debugging)
            //DrawPath(return_waypoints, 0.2f);

     *	Is it possible to travel from @param pathObject to any of the
     *  runways?
    bool AreRunwaysReachable(PathfindingObject pathObject)
        foreach (Runway runway in airport.runwayList)
            PathfindingObject[] path = RoadPathfinding.CreatePath(pathObject, runway);

            if (path != null)

    public override void Visit(PathfindingObject startObject, PathfindingObject endObject)
        objectPath = RoadPathfinding.CreatePath(startObject, endObject);

        if (objectPath == null)
             Debug.Log("Can't visit because path cannot be found!");

        // -- create list from object path, all at once
        // in the future this will have to be REPLACED because road might disappear.
        // So instead it would search by getting waypoints from PathfindingObjects as
        // the vehicle went along, so if a road disappears, we could reroute

        Vector2[] position_waypoints = new Vector2[objectPath.Length * 2];
        int vectorIndex = 0;
        for (int index = 0; index < objectPath.Length; index++) {

            Vector2[] temp_waypoints = new Vector2[0];

            // if not first or last
            if (index != 0 && index != (objectPath.Length - 1))
                temp_waypoints = objectPath[index].GetWaypoints(objectPath[index - 1], objectPath[index + 1]);
            else if (index == 0) { // if first
                temp_waypoints = new Vector2[1];
                temp_waypoints[0] = objectPath[index].GetWaypoint();
            } // do nothing if first

            // loop list from pathfindingObject and add to list
            for (int k = 0; k < temp_waypoints.Length; k++) {
                position_waypoints[vectorIndex] = temp_waypoints[k];


        path = Helper.ResizeArray(position_waypoints, vectorIndex);

        // ---------------------------------------

        PathIndex = path.Length - 1;
        movingEntity.targetPos = path[PathIndex];
        steeringCalculate.seek = true;

        // set distance for visiting; when path moves on to next waypoint
        pathfindingCellDelta = GridHelper.GetGridCellSize();

        //Debug.Log("path index = " + PathIndex);
     *	Called by CreatePath to calculate H value for given gridCell
    static float CalculateH(PathfindingObject curObject, PathfindingObject endObject)
        Vector2 curPos, endPos;

        curPos = curObject.GetPositionCenter2();         // THIS SHOULD probably be array position
        endPos = endObject.GetPositionCenter2();         // THIS SHOULD probably be array position

        Vector2 calculateHDistance = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(curPos.x - endPos.x), Mathf.Abs(curPos.y - endPos.y));

//		float newH = ((calculateHDistance.x / grid.sizeGridX) * HORIZONTAL_VERTICAL_COST) + ((calculateHDistance.y / grid.sizeGridX) * HORIZONTAL_VERTICAL_COST); MIGHT NEEED THIS!!!!!!!!!
        float newH = (calculateHDistance.x * HORIZONTAL_VERTICAL_COST) + (calculateHDistance.y * HORIZONTAL_VERTICAL_COST);

     *	Called by CreatePath to return adjacent cells
     *	Only return cells that are empty are not in
    static PathfindingObject[] ReturnAdjacentNodes(PathfindingObject cur_pf_object, Dictionary <int, PathfindingObject> closedList,
                                                   Dictionary <int, PathfindingObject> openList)
        PathfindingObject[] adjacentObjects = cur_pf_object.GetNeighbours();
        PathfindingObject[] returnList      = new PathfindingObject[adjacentObjects.Length];
        int index = 0;

        for (var x = 0; x < adjacentObjects.Length; x++)
            {                   // check if in closed list
                if (closedList.ContainsKey(adjacentObjects[x].GetID()))
                    // do nothing
                    // check if in open list
                else if (openList.ContainsKey(adjacentObjects[x].GetID()))
                    // check if g cost can be lower
                    // take  g with original parent, save old parent
                    float             originalG = CalculateG(adjacentObjects[x]);
                    PathfindingObject oldParent = adjacentObjects[x].GetFakeParent();

                    // change parent to check if new one works better

                    if (originalG < CalculateG(adjacentObjects[x]))                             // if cost of G is higher after switching parent
                        adjacentObjects[x].SetFakeParent(oldParent);                            // then switch it back

                    // otherwise add to returnable list
                    returnList[index] = adjacentObjects[x];
            } catch { }

     *	Test if all the conditions are verified so that passengers and airplanes can be spawned
     *	in the form of a Flight being created
    bool ReadyForFlightCreation(PathfindingObject pathObject, FutureFlight futureFlight)
        // test if the parking spot has a road connection
        if (!futureFlight.parkingSpot.HasRoadConnection())
        // test if runways are reachable
        else if (!AreRunwaysReachable(futureFlight.parkingSpot))
        // test if there are entrances
        else if (airport.GetAllEntrances().Count < 1)

    static float CalculateG(PathfindingObject curObject)
        float newG;

        if (!curObject.HasFakeParent())           // gridCell.ultimateParent


            // if there is a parent
            // check if connection is straight or diagonal (ID's because of performance issues)
            newG = (HORIZONTAL_VERTICAL_COST * curObject.GetGCostMultiplier()) + curObject.GetFakeParent().GetGCost();

    static PathfindingObject GetLowestF(PathfindingObject endObject, Dictionary <int, PathfindingObject> openList)
        PathfindingObject lowestFObject = null;
        float             lowestF       = -1f;

        // calculate G, H and thus F for all openList gridCells
        for (var obj = openList.GetEnumerator(); obj.MoveNext();)
            // first one
            if (lowestF == -1f)
                lowestF       = CalculateG(obj.Current.Value) + CalculateH(obj.Current.Value, endObject);
                lowestFObject = obj.Current.Value;
            else if (CalculateG(obj.Current.Value) + CalculateH(obj.Current.Value, endObject) < lowestF)
                lowestF       = CalculateG(obj.Current.Value) + CalculateH(obj.Current.Value, endObject);
                lowestFObject = obj.Current.Value;



    static PathfindingObject[] GenerateRoadPath(PathfindingObject endObject, Dictionary <int, PathfindingObject> openList)
        int index = 0;
        PathfindingObject curObject = endObject;
        bool loopEnabled            = true;

        PathfindingObject[] waypoints = new PathfindingObject[1024];

        // add position of first cell, then look if that cell has a fakeParent
        // if so, increase index and add in next loop to list
        // otherwise, stop loop
        while (loopEnabled)
            //print ("index = " + index + " and size = " + openList.Count);
            waypoints[index] = curObject;

            if (curObject.HasFakeParent())
                curObject = curObject.GetFakeParent();
                loopEnabled = false;

            // while loop protection
            if (index > 999999)
                loopEnabled = false;
                print("while loop crash");

        // create returnable list with correct size and add end position at start
        PathfindingObject[] return_waypoints = new PathfindingObject[index + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < return_waypoints.Length; i++)
            return_waypoints[i] = waypoints[i];

        // now create new list with all the Vector3 waypoints
        Vector2[] position_waypoints = new Vector2[return_waypoints.Length * 2];
        int       vectorIndex        = 0;

        for (index = 0; index < return_waypoints.Length; index++)
            Vector2[] temp_waypoints;

            // if not first or last
            if (index != 0 && index != (return_waypoints.Length - 1))
                temp_waypoints = return_waypoints[index].GetWaypoints(return_waypoints[index - 1], return_waypoints[index + 1]);
            else               // if first or last index
                temp_waypoints    = new Vector2[1];
                temp_waypoints[0] = return_waypoints[index].GetWaypoint();

            // loop list from pathfindingObject and add to list
            for (int k = 0; k < temp_waypoints.Length; k++)
                position_waypoints[vectorIndex] = temp_waypoints[k];

        position_waypoints = Helper.ResizeArray(position_waypoints, vectorIndex);

        if (debugging)
            DrawPath(position_waypoints, 0.2f);

 public virtual void Visit(PathfindingObject startObject, PathfindingObject endObject)
     Debug.Log("Not implemented!");
    // -------------------------------- for pathfinding --------------------------------
    public override PathfindingObject[] GetNeighbours()
        PathfindingObject[] returnArray = new PathfindingObject[4];

        returnArray[0] = topConnection;
        returnArray[1] = rightConnection;
        returnArray[2] = bottomConnection;
        returnArray[3] = leftConnection;

        return returnArray;
    void UpdateConnectionsHorizontal()
        //print(this.gameObject.name + " is updating horizontal connections");

        // begin swith saving road at start of loop
        Road foundRoadRight = GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_max.x + 1, grid_position_min.y).GetRoad();
        Road foundRoadLeft  = GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_min.x - 1, grid_position_min.y).GetRoad();

        // also parking
        PathfindingObject foundGridObjectRight = GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_max.x + 1, grid_position_min.y).GetPathfindingObject();
        PathfindingObject foundGridObjectLeft  = GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_min.x - 1, grid_position_min.y).GetPathfindingObject();

        // y loops same for left and right
        for (int loopY = (int)grid_position_min.y; loopY <= grid_position_max.y; loopY++)
            // check right
            if (foundRoadRight != null)
                if (foundRoadRight != GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_max.x + 1, loopY).GetRoad())
                    foundRoadRight = null;
            if (foundGridObjectRight != null)
                if (foundGridObjectRight != GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_max.x + 1, loopY).GetPathfindingObject())
                    foundGridObjectRight = null;

            // check left
            if (foundRoadLeft != null)
                if (foundRoadLeft != GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_min.x - 1, loopY).GetRoad())
                    foundRoadLeft = null;
            if (foundGridObjectLeft != null)
                if (foundGridObjectLeft != GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_min.x - 1, loopY).GetPathfindingObject())
                    foundGridObjectLeft = null;

        // first update road connections
        rightConnection = foundRoadRight;
        leftConnection  = foundRoadLeft;

        if (rightConnection is RoadCorner)
        if (leftConnection is RoadCorner)

        if (rightConnection != null)
            rightConnection.SetConnection(this, new Vector2(1, 0));
        if (leftConnection != null)
            leftConnection.SetConnection(this, new Vector2(-1, 0));

        // and also pathfinding objects (part of the road network)
        if (foundGridObjectRight != null)
            PFObjectTopRight = foundGridObjectRight;
        if (foundGridObjectLeft != null)
            PFObjectBottomLeft = foundGridObjectLeft;
    public static PathfindingObject[] CreatePath(PathfindingObject startObject, PathfindingObject endObject)
        Dictionary <int, PathfindingObject> openDictionaryList   = new Dictionary <int, PathfindingObject>();
        Dictionary <int, PathfindingObject> closedDictionaryList = new Dictionary <int, PathfindingObject>();

        PathfindingObject curObject = startObject;

        PathfindingObject[] adjacentObjects;

        // FIRST step, only one time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
        if (closedDictionaryList.Count == 0)
            closedDictionaryList.Add(curObject.GetID(), curObject);

            // get adjacent roads
            adjacentObjects = ReturnAdjacentNodes(curObject, closedDictionaryList, openDictionaryList);

            // add to open list
            for (var i = 0; i < adjacentObjects.Length; i++)
                if (adjacentObjects[i] != null)
                    // add all to open list
                    openDictionaryList[adjacentObjects[i].GetID()] = adjacentObjects[i];

                    // parent to start point

        if (debugging)
            print("openList size: " + openDictionaryList.Count);
            print("closedList size: " + closedDictionaryList.Count);

        // SECOND step, look for lowest F value in openList --------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
        // 1. Add gridCell this to closedList and remove from closedList.
        // 2. Get cells adjacent to lowest F value
        //		* don't include ones in closed list.
        //		* Check if they're already on open list, if so:
        //			o don't include them but check if their G cost can be lower with currentCell with lowest F value) as parent.
        //      * Get adjacent cells that remain and add them to openList.
        // 3. Then start all over again if we've not reached the target yet.

        bool loopingEnabled   = true;
        bool searchingFailure = false;
        int  loopCount        = 0;

        // keep looping while curernt cell is not last one
        while (loopingEnabled && !searchingFailure)
            // calculate the lowest F value and return corresponding gridCell
            curObject = GetLowestF(endObject, openDictionaryList);

            if (curObject == null)
                searchingFailure = true;

            if (curObject.GetID() != 0)
            if (closedDictionaryList.ContainsKey(curObject.GetID()))
                // don't add
                // add
                closedDictionaryList.Add(curObject.GetID(), curObject);
                // remove from open list

            // get adjecent cells
            adjacentObjects = ReturnAdjacentNodes(curObject, closedDictionaryList, openDictionaryList);

            // add to open list
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
//			if (adjacentCells[j]) {	 NEEED TO DO NULL CHEEECK

                try {
                    // add all to open list
                    openDictionaryList[adjacentObjects[j].GetID()] = adjacentObjects[j];

                    // parent to current cell
                } catch { }

//			}

            // see if we can leave loop ??
            if (curObject.GetID() == endObject.GetID())
                loopingEnabled = false;

            if (loopCount >= 10000)
                // can't find path
                print("pathfinding can't find path");
                loopingEnabled = false;


//		print ("openList size: " + openDictionaryList.Count);
//		print ("closedList size: " + closedDictionaryList.Count);


        if (searchingFailure)
            //print("search failure");

        PathfindingObject[] returnRoadPath = GenerateRoadPath(curObject, openDictionaryList);
        ResetPathfinding(openDictionaryList, closedDictionaryList);

    void UpdateConnectionsVertical()
        //print(this.gameObject.name + " is updating vertical connections");

        // reset for up and down
        Road foundRoadUp   = GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_min.x, grid_position_max.y + 1).GetRoad();
        Road foundRoadDown = GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_min.x, grid_position_min.y - 1).GetRoad();

        // also look for parking spots
        PathfindingObject foundGridObjectUp   = GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_min.x, grid_position_max.y + 1).GetPathfindingObject();
        PathfindingObject foundGridObjectDown = GridHelper.GetGridCell(grid_position_min.x, grid_position_min.y - 1).GetPathfindingObject();

        // x loops same for up and down
        for (int loopX = (int)grid_position_min.x; loopX <= grid_position_max.x; loopX++)
            // check up
            if (foundRoadUp != null)
                if (foundRoadUp != GridHelper.GetGridCell(loopX, grid_position_max.y + 1).GetRoad())
                    foundRoadUp = null;
                if (foundGridObjectUp != null)
                    if (foundGridObjectUp != GridHelper.GetGridCell(loopX, grid_position_max.y + 1).GetPathfindingObject())
                        foundGridObjectUp = null;

                // check down
                if (foundRoadDown != null)
                    if (foundRoadDown != GridHelper.GetGridCell(loopX, grid_position_min.y - 1).GetRoad())
                        foundRoadDown = null;
                if (foundGridObjectDown != null)
                    if (foundGridObjectDown != GridHelper.GetGridCell(loopX, grid_position_min.y - 1).GetPathfindingObject())
                        foundGridObjectDown = null;
            //print("UP - look at cells: " + loopX + ", " + (grid_position_max.y + 1));
            //print("DOWN - look at cells: " + loopX + ", " + (grid_position_min.y - 1));

        // uprdate road connections
        topConnection    = foundRoadUp;
        bottomConnection = foundRoadDown;

        if (topConnection is RoadCorner)
        if (bottomConnection is RoadCorner)

        if (topConnection != null)
            topConnection.SetConnection(this, new Vector2(0, 1));
        if (bottomConnection != null)
            bottomConnection.SetConnection(this, new Vector2(0, -1));

        // and also pathfinding objects (part of the road network)
        if (foundGridObjectUp != null)
            PFObjectTopRight = foundGridObjectUp;
        if (foundGridObjectDown != null)
            PFObjectBottomLeft = foundGridObjectDown;
 public void SetFakeParent(PathfindingObject pf_object)
     fakeParent = pf_object;
 public virtual Vector2[] GetWaypoints(PathfindingObject previousObject, PathfindingObject nextObject)
     Vector2[] returnArray= new Vector2[1];
     returnArray[0] = GetPositionCenter2();
     return returnArray;
 public override Vector2[] GetWaypoints(PathfindingObject previousObject, PathfindingObject nextObject)
     return(new Vector2[0]);;
 public override Vector2[] GetWaypoints(PathfindingObject previousObject, PathfindingObject nextObject)
     return new Vector2[0];;
// -------------------------------- for pathfinding --------------------------------

    public override PathfindingObject[] GetNeighbours()
        PathfindingObject[] returnArray = new PathfindingObject[1];
        returnArray[0] = roadConnection;
    static PathfindingObject[] GenerateRoadPath(PathfindingObject endObject, Dictionary<int, PathfindingObject> openList)
        int index = 0;
        PathfindingObject curObject = endObject;
        bool loopEnabled = true;
        PathfindingObject[] waypoints = new PathfindingObject[1024];

        // add position of first cell, then look if that cell has a fakeParent
        // if so, increase index and add in next loop to list
        // otherwise, stop loop
        while (loopEnabled)
            //print ("index = " + index + " and size = " + openList.Count);
            waypoints[index] = curObject;

            if (curObject.HasFakeParent())
                curObject = curObject.GetFakeParent();
                loopEnabled = false;

            // while loop protection
            if (index > 999999)
                loopEnabled = false;
                print("while loop crash");


        // create returnable list with correct size and add end position at start
        PathfindingObject[] return_waypoints = new PathfindingObject[index + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < return_waypoints.Length; i++)
            return_waypoints[i] = waypoints[i];

        // now create new list with all the Vector3 waypoints
        Vector2[] position_waypoints = new Vector2[return_waypoints.Length * 2];
        int vectorIndex = 0;
        for (index = 0; index < return_waypoints.Length; index++) {

            Vector2[] temp_waypoints;

            // if not first or last
            if (index != 0 && index != (return_waypoints.Length - 1))
                temp_waypoints = return_waypoints[index].GetWaypoints(return_waypoints[index - 1], return_waypoints[index + 1]);
            else { // if first or last index
                temp_waypoints = new Vector2[1];
                temp_waypoints[0] = return_waypoints[index].GetWaypoint();

            // loop list from pathfindingObject and add to list
            for (int k = 0; k < temp_waypoints.Length; k++) {
                position_waypoints[vectorIndex] = temp_waypoints[k];


        position_waypoints = Helper.ResizeArray(position_waypoints, vectorIndex);

        if (debugging) {
            DrawPath(position_waypoints, 0.2f);

        return return_waypoints;
     *	Test if all the conditions are verified so that passengers and airplanes can be spawned
     *	in the form of a Flight being created
    bool ReadyForFlightCreation(PathfindingObject pathObject, FutureFlight futureFlight)
        // test if the parking spot has a road connection
        if (!futureFlight.parkingSpot.HasRoadConnection()) {
            return false;
        // test if runways are reachable
        else if (!AreRunwaysReachable(futureFlight.parkingSpot)) {
            return false;
        // test if there are entrances
        else if (airport.GetAllEntrances().Count < 1)
            return false;

        return true;
 // -------------------------------- for pathfinding --------------------------------
 public override PathfindingObject[] GetNeighbours()
     PathfindingObject[] returnArray = new PathfindingObject[1];
     returnArray[0] = roadConnection;
     return returnArray;
 public virtual void Visit(PathfindingObject startObject, PathfindingObject endObject)
     Debug.Log("Not implemented!");