/// <summary> /// A function to call when a player gets killed. Receives the player killed. /// </summary> /// <param name="playerKilled"></param> public void PlayerKilled(PLAYER playerKilled) { Vector3 pos = PlayerPool[(int)playerKilled].transform.GetChild(0).position; Instantiate(PlayerArtExplosion[(int)playerKilled], pos, Quaternion.Euler(-90, 0, 0)); PlayerPool[(int)playerKilled].SetActive(false); //Set the playerIsAlive bool to false PlayerIsAlive[(int)playerKilled] = false; //Decrease the number of players alive. --m_NumberOfPlayersAlive; AudioManager.GlobalAudioManager.PlaySoundEffect(AudioManager.SOUND_EFFECT.DEATH, 0.5f); UIManager.GlobalUIManager.PlayerDead((int)playerKilled); //Check to see if there is just one player left and the round should end. bool RoundEnd = CheckForRoundEnd(); Time.timeScale = 0.25f; if (!RoundEnd) { StartCoroutine(ResumeNormalTime()); } }
public void playerSight(PLAYER player) { switch (player) { case PLAYER.PLAYER1: playerList = player1.unitList; enemyPlayerList = player2.unitList; break; case PLAYER.PLAYER2: playerList = player2.unitList; enemyPlayerList = player1.unitList; break; case PLAYER.NONE: break; default: break; } for (int i = 0; i < playerList.Count; ++i) { enemyPlayerList[i].Show(); } for (int i = 0; i < enemyPlayerList.Count; ++i) { enemyPlayerList[i].Hide(); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutPLAYER(int id, PLAYER pLAYER) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != pLAYER.ID) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(pLAYER).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!PLAYERExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
private IEnumerator ApDraw(Int32 id) { Int32 abilId = this.abilityLearned[id][0]; this.abilityLearned[id].RemoveAt(0); String abilName; String spriteName; if (abilId < 192) { abilName = FF9TextTool.ActionAbilityName(abilId); spriteName = "ability_stone"; } else { abilName = FF9TextTool.SupportAbilityName(abilId - 192); PLAYER player = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.party.member[id]; spriteName = ((!ff9abil.FF9Abil_IsEnableSA(player.sa, abilId)) ? "skill_stone_off" : "skill_stone_on"); } this.characterBRInfoHudList[id].AbiltySprite.spriteName = spriteName; this.characterBRInfoHudList[id].AbilityLabel.text = abilName; this.abilityLearnedPanelTween[id].TweenIn((Action)null); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); this.abilityLearnedPanelTween[id].TweenOut(delegate { this.isReadyToShowNextAbil[id] = true; }); yield break; }
public static void FF9Play_Update(PLAYER play) { FF9PLAY_INFO info = new FF9PLAY_INFO(); FF9PLAY_SKILL skill = new FF9PLAY_SKILL(); info.Base = play.basis; info.cur_hp = play.cur.hp; info.cur_mp = (UInt16)play.cur.mp; for (Int32 index = 0; index < 1; ++index) { info.sa[index] = play.sa[index]; } info.equip.Absorb(play.equip); FF9Play_GetSkill(ref info, ref skill); play.elem.dex = skill.Base[0]; play.elem.str = skill.Base[1]; play.elem.mgc = skill.Base[2]; play.elem.wpr = skill.Base[3]; play.defence.PhisicalDefence = (Byte)skill.weapon[1]; play.defence.PhisicalEvade = (Byte)skill.weapon[2]; play.defence.MagicalDefence = (Byte)skill.weapon[3]; play.defence.MagicalEvade = (Byte)skill.weapon[4]; play.cur.hp = skill.cur_hp; play.cur.mp = (Int16)skill.cur_mp; play.max.hp = skill.max_hp; play.max.mp = (Int16)skill.max_mp; }
public virtual void Initialation() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <PLAYER>(); player.Init(); isFacingRight = true; }
public void startGame(PLAYER argDwarves, PLAYER argTrolls) { board = new ThudBoard("thud", this); if (argDwarves == PLAYER.HUMAN) { dwarves = new HumanController(); } else { dwarves = new AIController(); } if (argTrolls == PLAYER.HUMAN) { trolls = new HumanController(); } else { trolls = new AIController(); } dwarves.setSide(SIDE.DWARF); trolls.setSide(SIDE.TROLL); startRound(); }
private void PopulatePlayerInfo() { CurrentPlayerID = Global.Instance.SelectedPlayerID; try { var forgeDatabase = Global.Instance.ForgeDatabase(); PLAYER player = forgeDatabase.Players.Single(p => p.ID == CurrentPlayerID); StoryID = player.StoryID; PlayerName.Text = player.PlayerName; CharacterName.Text = player.CharacterName; HitPoints.Text = player.HitPoints.ToString(); Alignment.Text = player.Alignment; ArmorClass.Text = player.ArmorClass.ToString(); TouchAC.Text = player.TouchAC.ToString(); FlatFootedAC.Text = player.TouchAC.ToString(); CMD.Text = player.CMD.ToString(); Fort.Text = player.Fort.ToString(); Ref.Text = player.Ref.ToString(); Will.Text = player.Will.ToString(); Str.Text = player.Str.ToString(); Dex.Text = player.Dex.ToString(); Con.Text = player.Con.ToString(); Int.Text = player.Int.ToString(); Wis.Text = player.Wis.ToString(); Cha.Text = player.Cha.ToString(); } catch { } }
private void AcceptDialog(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var forgeDatabase = Global.Instance.ForgeDatabase(); PLAYER player = forgeDatabase.Players.Single(p => p.ID == CurrentPlayerID); player.PlayerName = PlayerName.Text; player.CharacterName = CharacterName.Text; player.HitPoints = ParseString(HitPoints.Text); player.Alignment = Alignment.Text; player.ArmorClass = ParseString(ArmorClass.Text); player.TouchAC = ParseString(ArmorClass.Text); player.FlatFootedAC = ParseString(FlatFootedAC.Text); player.CMD = ParseString(CMD.Text); player.Fort = ParseString(Fort.Text); player.Ref = ParseString(Ref.Text); player.Will = ParseString(Will.Text); player.Str = ParseString(Str.Text); player.Dex = ParseString(Dex.Text); player.Con = ParseString(Con.Text); player.Int = ParseString(Int.Text); player.Wis = ParseString(Wis.Text); player.Cha = ParseString(Cha.Text); forgeDatabase.SubmitChanges(); IoC.Get <IEventAggregator>().PublishOnUIThread("AcceptAddPlayerDialog"); IoC.Get <IEventAggregator>().PublishOnUIThread("AcceptRootDialog"); }
private void DisplayCharacterPartyAvatar(Byte id, PLAYER player, UISprite avatarSprite, UISprite[] avatarStatusAlignment) { FF9UIDataTool.DisplayCharacterAvatar(player, default(Vector3), default(Vector3), avatarSprite, false); avatarSprite.alpha = ((!this.info.fix[id]) ? 1f : 0.5f); for (Int32 i = 0; i < avatarStatusAlignment.Length; i++) { UISprite uISprite = avatarStatusAlignment[i]; uISprite.alpha = 0f; } Int32 num = 0; if ((player.status & 2) != 0) { avatarStatusAlignment[num].spriteName = Localization.Get("PartyStatusTextPoison"); avatarStatusAlignment[num].alpha = 1f; num++; } if ((player.status & 1) != 0) { avatarStatusAlignment[num].spriteName = Localization.Get("PartyStatusTextStone"); avatarStatusAlignment[num].alpha = 1f; num++; } if (player.cur.hp == 0) { avatarStatusAlignment[num].spriteName = "text_ko"; avatarStatusAlignment[num].alpha = 1f; num++; } }
public static void FF9Play_SetParty(int party_id, int slot_id) { FF9StateGlobal ff9StateGlobal = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9; PLAYER player = ff9StateGlobal.party.member[party_id]; if (slot_id >= 9) { slot_id = -1; } if (0 > slot_id) { ff9StateGlobal.party.member[party_id] = null; } else { FF9Play_Add(slot_id); ff9StateGlobal.party.member[party_id] = ff9StateGlobal.player[slot_id]; } if (player == ff9StateGlobal.party.member[party_id]) { return; } FF9Play_SetFaceDirty(true); }
public static Int32 FF9Abil_GetIndex(Int32 slot_id, Int32 abil_id) { if (slot_id >= 9) { return(-1); } PLAYER player = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.player[slot_id]; if (player.info.menu_type >= 16) { return(-1); } PA_DATA[] array = _FF9Abil_PaData[player.info.menu_type]; for (Int32 index = 0; index < array.Length; ++index) { if (_FF9Abil_PaData[player.info.menu_type][index].id == abil_id) { return(index); } } return(-1); }
public void GenerateUnit(int building_id, UnitType unitType, float x, float y) { if (unitType == UnitType.Mafiaunit) { newUnit = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Unit")) as GameObject; } if (newUnit != null) { PLAYER request_player = GameManager.GetInstance.getBuilding(building_id).player_occupy; newUnit.GetComponent <Unit>().initiateUnit(unitType, x, y, request_player); GameManager.GetInstance.subtractGold(request_player, GameData.getUnitData(unitType).cost); } else { Debug.Log("unit is not instantiated"); return; } if (GameManager.GetInstance.myTurn) { var m_network = GameObject.FindWithTag("Network").GetComponent <Network>(); UnitProduceData data = new UnitProduceData(); data.buildingId = building_id; data.producedUnit = (int)unitType; //data.x = x; //data.y = y; UnitProducePacket producePacket = new UnitProducePacket(data); m_network.SendReliable(producePacket); } }
// Update is called once per frame private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (!collision.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PlayerController>()) { stop = true; GetComponent <FixedJoint2D>().enabled = true; if (collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>()) { GetComponent <FixedJoint2D>().connectedBody = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); photonView.RPC("connectRigidbody", PhotonTargets.Others, collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>()); } GameObject[] player = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); foreach (GameObject PLAYER in player) { if (PLAYER.GetComponent <PlayerController>().photonView.isMine) { PLAYER.GetComponent <PlayerController>().Grapple(transform.position, GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>()); } } } if (collision.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <PlayerController>() != null) { PhotonNetwork.Destroy(gameObject); GameObject[] player = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); foreach (GameObject PLAYER in player) { if (PLAYER.GetComponent <PlayerController>().photonView.isMine) { PLAYER.GetComponent <PlayerController>().photonView.RPC("stopGrapling", PhotonTargets.All); } } } }
/// <summary> /// The method we will continuously call to move the player around /// </summary> void SequenceDOTLogic() { PLAYER.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; if (sequenceDOT != null) { sequenceDOT.Kill(false); } if (firstStart) { ResetPosition(); } firstStart = false; sequenceDOT = DOTween.Sequence(); rotateDOTVector *= -1f; PLAYER.DOScaleX(-rotateDOTVector.z, 0.2f); LoopType loopDot = LoopType.Incremental; sequenceDOT.Append(rotatePlayer.DOLocalRotate(rotateDOTVector * 360, 5, RotateMode.FastBeyond360).SetEase(Ease.Linear).SetRelative(true)); sequenceDOT.SetLoops(1, loopDot); sequenceDOT.OnStepComplete(() => { SequenceDOTLogic(); }); }
private float _visibleDistance; //Нужна для исправления бага. void Start() { PLAYER_SCRIPT = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <PLAYER>(); NPC = this.GetComponent <NPC>(); //Добавляем скрипт с этого же объекта //Если на объекте нет Агента 007 -> Добавляем его и сразу забиваем на него ссылку if (gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>() == null) { NAV_MESH_AGENT = gameObject.AddComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); } //Или же просто забиваем его в ссылку else { NAV_MESH_AGENT = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); } //Указываем что останавливатся нужно на дистанции атаки, а не нюхать модельку игрока NAV_MESH_AGENT.stoppingDistance = NPC.Stats.AttackDistance; //Забиваем число его фракции. (Нужен для того чтобы вернуть его из агрессивного в нейтральный) _frictionNumber = (int)NPC.Stats.Friction; //0-neutral, 1-agressive, 2-friend : friction enum //Ну и стартовая позиция записывается при спавне START_POSITION = this.transform.position; //Сохранение начального значение переменной _visibleDistance = NPC.Stats.VisibleDistance; }
public override Boolean OnKeyRightBumper(GameObject go) { if (!base.OnKeyRightBumper(go) || !CharacterArrowPanel.activeSelf) { return(true); } FF9Sfx.FF9SFX_Play(1047); Int32 next = ff9play.FF9Play_GetNext(_currentPartyIndex); if (next == _currentPartyIndex) { return(true); } _currentPartyIndex = next; PLAYER player = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.party.member[this._currentPartyIndex]; String spritName = FF9UIDataTool.AvatarSpriteName(player.info.serial_no); Loading = true; Boolean isKnockOut = player.cur.hp == 0; _avatarTransition.Change(spritName, HonoAvatarTweenPosition.Direction.RightToLeft, isKnockOut, () => { DisplayPlayer(true); Loading = false; }); DisplayAllCharacterInfo(false); return(true); }
public Int32 GetPartyMember(Int32 index) { FF9StateGlobal ff = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9; PLAYER player = ff.party.member[index]; return((Int32)((player == null) ? -1 : ((Int32)player.info.slot_no))); }
public static void FF9Play_New(int slot_id) { PLAYER play = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.player[slot_id]; PLAYER_INFO[] playerInfoArray = { new PLAYER_INFO(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0), new PLAYER_INFO(1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1), new PLAYER_INFO(2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2), new PLAYER_INFO(3, 7, 1, 1, 0, 3), new PLAYER_INFO(4, 12, 0, 1, 0, 4), new PLAYER_INFO(5, 14, 1, 1, 0, 8), new PLAYER_INFO(6, 15, 1, 1, 0, 10), new PLAYER_INFO(7, 16, 1, 1, 0, 12), new PLAYER_INFO(8, 18, 1, 1, 0, 14) }; play.info = playerInfoArray[slot_id]; play.status = 0; play.category = (byte)FF9Play_GetCategory(play.info.menu_type); play.bonus = new FF9LEVEL_BONUS(); int charId3 = FF9Play_GetCharID3(play); play.name = FF9TextTool.CharacterDefaultName(play.info.menu_type); FF9Play_SetDefEquips(play.equip, charId3); play.info.serial_no = (byte)FF9Play_GetSerialID(play.info.slot_no, (play.category & 16) != 0, play.equip); FF9Play_Build(slot_id, 1, playerInfoArray[slot_id], false); play.cur.hp = play.max.hp; play.cur.mp = play.max.mp; play.cur.capa = play.max.capa; }
void Start() { playerType = (PLAYER)GetComponent <PlayerManager>().playerNo + 1; //assign to correct player here //sanity checks here if (playerType == PLAYER.UNASSIGNED) { Debug.LogWarning("playerType of " + name + " is unassigned!"); } else if (playerType == PLAYER.PLAYER1) { tag = "P1"; } else if (playerType == PLAYER.PLAYER2) { tag = "P2"; } else if (playerType == PLAYER.PLAYER3) { tag = "P3"; } else if (playerType == PLAYER.PLAYER4) { tag = "P4"; } //Reset vars facingRight = true; canFire = true; }
private static void FF9Play_DebugEquip(int slot_no) { PLAYER play = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.player[slot_no]; byte[][] numArray = { new byte[] { 15, 135, 101, 167, 192 }, new byte[] { 78, 135, 101, 175, 192 }, new byte[] { 63, 135, 101, 175, 192 }, new byte[] { 30, 147, 111, 191, 192 }, new byte[] { 40, 147, 111, 191, 192 }, new byte[] { 84, 135, 101, 175, 192 }, new byte[] { 69, 135, 101, 175, 232 }, new byte[] { 50, 135, 101, 167, 194 }, new byte[] { 0, 135, 101, 167, 192 }, new byte[] { 25, 135, 101, 167, 192 }, new byte[] { 25, 135, 101, 167, 192 }, new byte[] { 26, 147, 111, 191, 192 } }; int charId3 = FF9Play_GetCharID3(play); for (int index = 0; index < 5; ++index) { play.equip[index] = numArray[charId3][index]; } play.info.serial_no = (byte)FF9Play_GetSerialID(play.info.slot_no, (play.category & 16) != 0, play.equip); FF9Play_Update(play); FF9Play_UpdateSA(play); }
public static void FF9Play_Update(PLAYER play) { FF9PLAY_INFO info = new FF9PLAY_INFO(); FF9PLAY_SKILL skill = new FF9PLAY_SKILL(); info.Base = play.basis; info.cur_hp = play.cur.hp; info.cur_mp = (ushort)play.cur.mp; for (int index = 0; index < 1; ++index) { info.sa[index] = play.sa[index]; } for (int index = 0; index < 5; ++index) { info.equip[index] = play.equip[index]; } FF9Play_GetSkill(ref info, ref skill); play.elem.dex = skill.Base[0]; play.elem.str = skill.Base[1]; play.elem.mgc = skill.Base[2]; play.elem.wpr = skill.Base[3]; play.defence.p_def = (byte)skill.weapon[1]; play.defence.p_ev = (byte)skill.weapon[2]; play.defence.m_def = (byte)skill.weapon[3]; play.defence.m_ev = (byte)skill.weapon[4]; play.cur.hp = skill.cur_hp; play.cur.mp = (short)skill.cur_mp; play.max.hp = skill.max_hp; play.max.mp = (short)skill.max_mp; }
private void AcceptDialog(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PLAYER player = new PLAYER() { StoryID = Global.Instance.StoryID, PlayerName = PlayerName.Text, CharacterName = CharacterName.Text, HitPoints = ParseString(HitPoints.Text), Alignment = Alignment.Text, ArmorClass = ParseString(ArmorClass.Text), TouchAC = ParseString(TouchAC.Text), FlatFootedAC = ParseString(FlatFootedAC.Text), CMD = ParseString(CMD.Text), Fort = ParseString(Fort.Text), Ref = ParseString(Ref.Text), Will = ParseString(Will.Text), Str = ParseString(Str.Text), Dex = ParseString(Dex.Text), Con = ParseString(Con.Text), Int = ParseString(Int.Text), Wis = ParseString(Wis.Text), Cha = ParseString(Cha.Text) }; var forgeDatabase = Global.Instance.ForgeDatabase(); forgeDatabase.Players.InsertOnSubmit(player); forgeDatabase.SubmitChanges(); IoC.Get <IEventAggregator>().PublishOnUIThread("AcceptAddPlayerDialog"); IoC.Get <IEventAggregator>().PublishOnUIThread("AcceptRootDialog"); }
public CInfoPlayerTank(PLAYER _player, PLAYERGUIDE _guide, Vector2 _posStart) : base() { this._player = _player; this._guide = _guide; this._posStart = _posStart; }
private void PlayGameOverAnimation(Transform d) { StopAllCoroutines(); soundManager.PlaySoundFail(); isGameOver = true; //canvasManager.ButtonLogic (); jumpTweener.Kill(); sequence.Kill(); sequenceDOT.Kill(); sequenceDOT = null; guyAnim.StopAll(); Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(PLAYER.position.x, PLAYER.position.y, Camera.main.transform.position.z); canvasManager.music.DOPitch(-1, 1f) .OnComplete(() => { canvasManager.music.DOPitch(1, 1f); }); Camera.main.transform.DOShakePosition(0.3f, new Vector3(1, 1, 0), 10, 90, false) .OnComplete(() => { DOVirtual.Float(cameraSize, 5f, 0.3f, (float size) => { Camera.main.orthographicSize = size; }); Camera.main.transform.DOMove(targetPosition, 0.3f) .OnComplete(() => { PLAYER.DOLocalMoveY(floorPosition, 0.3f, false) .OnUpdate(() => { Camera.main.transform.position = new Vector3(PLAYER.position.x, PLAYER.position.y, Camera.main.transform.position.z); }) .OnComplete(() => { Camera.main.transform.position = new Vector3(PLAYER.position.x, PLAYER.position.y, Camera.main.transform.position.z); }); PLAYER.DOLocalRotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 180), 0.3f) .OnComplete(() => { DOVirtual.DelayedCall(0.3f, () => { guyAnim.DoWalk(); DOVirtual.DelayedCall(0.5f, () => { guyAnim.StopAll(); spriteDotGameOverZoom.transform.DOScale(Vector3.one * 10, 1) .OnComplete(() => { canvasManager.AnimationCameraGameOver(d.position); }); }); }); }); }); }); }
//unity 폴더 Resources/Units folder에 UnitType과 똑같은 이름으로 png 또는 jpg file로 존재해야 sprite불러올 수 있음 public void initiateUnit(UnitType ut, float _x, float _y, PLAYER player) { if (transform.tag == "Agit") { control_player = player; unitID = GameManager.GetInstance.giveID(); if (control_player == PLAYER.PLAYER1) { GameManager.GetInstance.player1.unitList.Add(this); Debug.Log("iniated unit list added"); } else if (control_player == PLAYER.PLAYER2) { GameManager.GetInstance.player2.unitList.Add(this); } AgitHP = 300; m_unitAttack.InitiateUnitAttack(unitID); } else { control_player = player; unitType = ut; m_unitData = GameData.getUnitData(ut); GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Units/" + m_unitData.unitType.ToString()); this.name = m_unitData.unitType.ToString(); unitID = GameManager.GetInstance.giveID(); GameObject sightRange = transform.Find("SightRange").gameObject; Vector3 tempSize = sightRange.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().size; sightRange.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().size = new Vector3(tempSize.x * unitData.sight * unitData.sight, tempSize.y, 0f); if (control_player == PLAYER.PLAYER1) { GameManager.GetInstance.player1.unitList.Add(this); Debug.Log("iniated unit list added"); } else if (control_player == PLAYER.PLAYER2) { GameManager.GetInstance.player2.unitList.Add(this); } curHP = unitData.hp; m_unitAttack.InitiateUnitAttack(unitID); mindamage = unitData.min_atk; maxdamage = unitData.max_atk; switch (player) { case PLAYER.PLAYER1: break; case PLAYER.PLAYER2: break; case PLAYER.NONE: break; default: break; } setPos(_x, _y); } }
public void ResetGame() { hasStarted = true; restartButton.SetActive(false); turn = PLAYER.RED; redScore = 0; blueScore = 0; foreach (ScoreCircle circle in scoreCircles) { circle.Reset(); } Dictionary <int, int> redIndex = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (Ball ball in redBalls) { ball.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Red"); ball.selectable = true; ball.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().material = matRed; if (!redIndex.ContainsKey(ball.type)) { redIndex.Add(ball.type, 0); } ball.transform.position = redPositions[ball.type].positions[redIndex[ball.type]]; redIndex[ball.type]++; } Dictionary <int, int> blueIndex = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (Ball ball in blueBalls) { ball.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Blue"); ball.selectable = true; ball.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().material = matBlue; if (!blueIndex.ContainsKey(ball.type)) { blueIndex.Add(ball.type, 0); } ball.transform.position = bluePositions[ball.type].positions[blueIndex[ball.type]]; blueIndex[ball.type]++; } UpdateScore(); UpdateMessage(); }
public static void SkyDive() { int ped = PLAYER.PLAYER_PED_ID(); Vector3 vec = ENTITY.GET_ENTITY_COORDS(ped, true); ENTITY.SET_ENTITY_COORDS(ped, vec.X, vec.Y, 2500f, true, true, true, true); AI.TASK_SKY_DIVE(ped); }
public static int Clone() { int ped = PLAYER.PLAYER_PED_ID(); int pedCloned = PED.CLONE_PED(ped, 1f, false, true); MakeHimAsGuard(pedCloned); return(pedCloned); }
void Spawn() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); target = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PLAYER>(); moveDirection = (target.transform.position - target.transform.position).normalized * moveSpeed; rb.velocity = new Vector3(moveDirection.x, moveDirection.y, moveDirection.z); Destroy(gameObject); }
private void OnPartyMemberName(Int32 index) { Int32 partyPlayer = PersistenSingleton <EventEngine> .Instance.GetPartyPlayer(index); PLAYER player = _gameState.player[partyPlayer]; _sb.Append(player.name); }
// adds points to a given player public static void AddPointsExcept(PLAYER player, int points) { switch (player) { case PLAYER.PLAYER1: AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER2, 1); AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER3, 1); AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER4, 1); break; case PLAYER.PLAYER2: AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER1, 1); AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER3, 1); AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER4, 1); break; case PLAYER.PLAYER3: AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER1, 1); AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER2, 1); AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER4, 1); break; case PLAYER.PLAYER4: AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER1, 1); AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER2, 1); AddPoints(PLAYER.PLAYER3, 1); break; } }
// adds points to a given player public static void AddPoints(PLAYER player, int points) { switch (player) { case PLAYER.PLAYER1: Player1Points += points; break; case PLAYER.PLAYER2: Player2Points += points; break; case PLAYER.PLAYER3: Player3Points += points; break; case PLAYER.PLAYER4: Player4Points += points; break; } }
public static bool GetButtonJustReleased(PLAYER player, BUTTON button) { return Input.GetKeyUp(GetKeycode(player, button)); }
public static bool GetButtonPressed(PLAYER player, BUTTON button) { return Input.GetKey(GetKeycode(player, button)); }
public static int GetPoints(PLAYER player) { switch (player) { case PLAYER.PLAYER1: return Player1Points; case PLAYER.PLAYER2: return Player2Points; case PLAYER.PLAYER3: return Player3Points; case PLAYER.PLAYER4: return Player4Points; } return 0; }
private static KeyCode GetKeycode(PLAYER player, BUTTON button) { KeyCode key = KeyCode.Space; switch(player) { case PLAYER.PLAYER1: switch(button) { case BUTTON.A: key = KeyCode.Z; break; case BUTTON.B: key = KeyCode.X; break; case BUTTON.LEFT: key = KeyCode.LeftArrow; break; case BUTTON.RIGHT: key = KeyCode.RightArrow; break; case BUTTON.UP: key = KeyCode.UpArrow; break; case BUTTON.DOWN: key = KeyCode.DownArrow; break; } break; case PLAYER.PLAYER2: switch(button) { case BUTTON.A: key = KeyCode.N; break; case BUTTON.B: key = KeyCode.M; break; case BUTTON.LEFT: key = KeyCode.J; break; case BUTTON.RIGHT: key = KeyCode.L; break; case BUTTON.UP: key = KeyCode.I; break; case BUTTON.DOWN: key = KeyCode.K; break; } break; case PLAYER.PLAYER3: switch(button) { case BUTTON.A: key = KeyCode.Q; break; case BUTTON.B: key = KeyCode.E; break; case BUTTON.LEFT: key = KeyCode.A; break; case BUTTON.RIGHT: key = KeyCode.D; break; case BUTTON.UP: key = KeyCode.W; break; case BUTTON.DOWN: key = KeyCode.S; break; } break; case PLAYER.PLAYER4: switch(button) { case BUTTON.A: key = KeyCode.R; break; case BUTTON.B: key = KeyCode.Y; break; case BUTTON.LEFT: key = KeyCode.F; break; case BUTTON.RIGHT: key = KeyCode.H; break; case BUTTON.UP: key = KeyCode.T; break; case BUTTON.DOWN: key = KeyCode.G; break; } break; } return key; }
// adds points to a given player public static void AddPoints(PLAYER player, int points) { switch (player) { case PLAYER.PLAYER1: if (Player1Points + points <= SCORE_LIMIT) Player1Points += points; break; case PLAYER.PLAYER2: if (Player2Points + points <= SCORE_LIMIT) Player2Points += points; break; case PLAYER.PLAYER3: if (Player3Points + points <= SCORE_LIMIT) Player3Points += points; break; case PLAYER.PLAYER4: if (Player4Points + points <= SCORE_LIMIT) Player4Points += points; break; } }
// adds points to a given player public static void ResetPoints(PLAYER player) { switch (player) { case PLAYER.PLAYER1: Player1Points = 0; AddPointsExcept(PLAYER.PLAYER1, 1); break; case PLAYER.PLAYER2: Player2Points = 0; AddPointsExcept(PLAYER.PLAYER2, 1); break; case PLAYER.PLAYER3: Player3Points = 0; AddPointsExcept(PLAYER.PLAYER3, 1); break; case PLAYER.PLAYER4: Player4Points = 0; AddPointsExcept(PLAYER.PLAYER4, 1); break; } }