        public static void SendChangeOrgMail(Person person, Membership membership, Organization newOrg)
            // HACK for UPSE
            // This is a hack for the Swedish structure.

            ChangeOrgMail changeorgmail = new ChangeOrgMail();

            Organization topOrg        = Organization.FromIdentity(Organization.UPSEid);
            Organization lowOrg        = membership.Organization;
            DateTime     currentExpiry = membership.Expires;

            DateTime newExpiry = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1);

            changeorgmail.pCurrentOrg = lowOrg.Name;
            changeorgmail.pCurrentGeo = person.Geography.Name;
            changeorgmail.pNextDate   = newExpiry;

            string tokenBase = person.PasswordHash + "-" + membership.Identity.ToString() + "-" + currentExpiry.Year.ToString();

            if (newOrg.AnchorGeographyId == Geography.RootIdentity && newOrg.AutoAssignNewMembers)
            {//Fallback org
                changeorgmail.pNoLocalOrg = newOrg.Name;
                changeorgmail.pChangeOrg  = "";
                changeorgmail.pNoLocalOrg = "";
                changeorgmail.pChangeOrg  = newOrg.Name;

            if (lowOrg.AcceptsMembers)
                changeorgmail.pInactiveOrg    = "";
                changeorgmail.pInactiveEnding = " ";
                changeorgmail.pInactiveOrg = newOrg.Name;

            changeorgmail.pStdRenewLink = "https://pirateweb.net/Pages/Public/SE/People/MemberRenew.aspx?PersonId=" +
                                          person.Identity.ToString() + "&Transfer=" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "," +
                                          newOrg.Identity.ToString() +
                                          "&MembershipId=" + membership.Identity.ToString() +
                                          "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase + "-Transfer" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "/" +
                                                                  newOrg.Identity.ToString()).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8);

            OutboundMail mail = changeorgmail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.MemberService, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, topOrg, Geography.Root);
            string       test = mail.RenderHtml(person, person.PreferredCulture);

            test = mail.RenderText(person, person.PreferredCulture);

            if (mail.Body.Trim() == "")
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create a mailBody");
                //mail.AddRecipient(7838, true);
                mail.AddRecipient(person.Identity, false);
        private static void CheckOneFeed(string readerUrl, string persistAsKey, int orgIdForTemplate)
            string persistenceKey = String.Format("Pressrelease-Highwater-{0}", persistAsKey);

            DateTime highWaterMark = DateTime.MinValue;

            RssReader reader = null;

                string highWaterMarkString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey];

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(highWaterMarkString))
                    //Initialize highwatermark if never used
                    highWaterMark = DateTime.Now;
                    Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        highWaterMark = DateTime.Parse(highWaterMarkString);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception(
                                  "Triggered restart. Unable to read/parse old highwater mark from database in PressReleaseChecker.Run(), from key:" + persistenceKey + ", loaded string was '" + highWaterMarkString + "' expected format is " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), ex);
                DateTime storedHighWaterMark = highWaterMark;
                reader = new RssReader(readerUrl);
                Rss rss = reader.Read();

                foreach (RssChannelItem item in rss.Channel.Items)
                    // Ignore any items older than the highwater mark.
                    // Also ignore if older than two days

                    if (item.PubDate < highWaterMark || item.PubDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2))

                    // This is an item we should publish.

                    // Set highwater datetime mark. We do this first, BEFORE processing, as a defense against mail floods,
                    // if should something go wrong and unexpected exceptions happen.

                    // We used to add 70 minutes as a defense against mistakes on DST switch in spring and fall (yes, it has happened), but have reduced to two.

                    if (item.PubDate > storedHighWaterMark)
                        Persistence.Key[persistenceKey] = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(2).ToString();
                        storedHighWaterMark             = item.PubDate.AddMinutes(2);

                        // Verify that it was written correctly to database. This is defensive programming to avoid a mail flood,
                        // in case we can't write to the database for some reason.
                        string newStoredHighWaterString = "";
                            newStoredHighWaterString = Persistence.Key[persistenceKey];
                            DateTime temp = DateTime.Parse(newStoredHighWaterString);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception(
                                      "Unable to commit/parse new highwater mark to database in PressReleaseChecker.Run(), loaded string was '" + newStoredHighWaterString + "'", ex);

                        if (DateTime.Parse(Persistence.Key[persistenceKey]) < item.PubDate)
                            throw new Exception(
                                      "Unable to commit new highwater mark to database in PressReleaseChecker.Run()");

                    bool            allReporters  = false;
                    bool            international = false;
                    MediaCategories categories    = new MediaCategories();

                    foreach (RssCategory category in item.Categories)
                        if (category.Name == "Alla")
                            allReporters = true;
                        else if (category.Name == "Uncategorized")
                                MediaCategory mediaCategory = MediaCategory.FromName(category.Name);

                                if (category.Name.StartsWith("International"))
                                    international = true;
                            catch (Exception)
                                ExceptionMail.Send(new Exception("Unrecognized media category in press release: " + category.Name));

                    string mailText = Blog2Mail(item.Content);

                    // Create recipient list of relevant reporters

                    Reporters reporters = null;

                    if (allReporters)
                        reporters = Reporters.GetAll();
                        reporters = Reporters.FromMediaCategories(categories);

                    // Add officers if not int'l

                    People officers = new People();
                    Dictionary <int, bool> officerLookup = new Dictionary <int, bool>();

                    if (!international)
                        int[] officerIds = Roles.GetAllDownwardRoles(1, 1);
                        foreach (int officerId in officerIds)
                            officerLookup[officerId] = true;
                        officerLookup[1] = true;

                    // Send press release

                    //TODO: hardcoded  geo ... using  World
                    Organization     org = Organization.FromIdentity(orgIdForTemplate);
                    Geography        geo = Geography.Root;
                    PressReleaseMail pressreleasemail = new PressReleaseMail();

                    pressreleasemail.pSubject     = item.Title;
                    pressreleasemail.pDate        = DateTime.Now;
                    pressreleasemail.pBodyContent = Blog2Mail(item.Content);
                    pressreleasemail.pOrgName     = org.MailPrefixInherited;
                    if (allReporters)
                        pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = "Alla";  // TODO: TRANSLATE
                    else if (international)
                        pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = "International/English"; // TODO: THIS IS HARDCODED
                        pressreleasemail.pPostedToCategories = PressReleaseMail.GetConcatenatedCategoryString(categories);

                    OutboundMail newMail = pressreleasemail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.PressService, OutboundMail.PriorityHighest, org, geo);

                    int recipientCount = 0;
                    foreach (Reporter recipient in reporters)
                        if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Email))
                    foreach (int key in officerLookup.Keys)
                        Person recipient = Person.FromIdentity(key);
                        if (!Formatting.ValidateEmailFormat(recipient.Mail))
                        newMail.AddRecipient(recipient, true);

            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMail.Send(new Exception("PressReleaseChecker failed:" + ex.Message + "\r\nwhen checking " + readerUrl, ex));
        public static void SendReminderMail(Membership membership)
            // First, determine the organization template to use. Prioritize a long ancestry.

            // This is a hack for the Swedish structure.

            ReminderMail remindermail = new ReminderMail();

            // NEW December 2010: Organizations are separated as per common agreement, there are no common reminder mails. Every membership renews on its own.

            Organization lowOrg        = membership.Organization;
            DateTime     currentExpiry = membership.Expires;
            Person       person        = membership.Person;

            DateTime newExpiry = currentExpiry;

            //do not mess with lifetime memberships (100 years)
            if (newExpiry < DateTime.Today.AddYears(10))
                newExpiry = newExpiry.AddYears(1);

            remindermail.pPreamble = "<p> Nu är det dags att <strong>förnya ditt medlemskap</strong> i " + membership.Organization.Name + ".";

            remindermail.pExpirationDate = currentExpiry;
            remindermail.pNextDate       = newExpiry;
            remindermail.pOrgName        = membership.Organization.MailPrefixInherited;

            string tokenBase = person.PasswordHash + "-" + membership.Identity.ToString() + "-" + currentExpiry.Year.ToString();

            // REMOVED DEC2010: suggestion that people older than 25 may leave UP, as renewal mails are separated

            // HACK for UPSE:

            Organization expectedLowOrg = Organizations.GetMostLocalOrganization(person.GeographyId, Organization.UPSEid);

            if (expectedLowOrg != null && lowOrg.Inherits(Organization.UPSEid) && lowOrg.Identity != expectedLowOrg.Identity)
                // Is this person in the wrong locale?

                remindermail.pCurrentOrg    = lowOrg.Name;
                remindermail.pOtherOrg      = expectedLowOrg.Name;
                remindermail.pGeographyName = person.Geography.Name;
                //mailBody += "Du är medlem i " + lowOrg.Name + ", men när du bor i [b]" + person.Geography.Name +
                //             "[/b] så rekommenderar " +
                //             "vi att du byter till din lokala organisation, [b]" + expectedLowOrg.Name +
                //             "[/b]. Klicka här för att göra det:\r\n\r\n";

                string link = "https://pirateweb.net/Pages/Public/SE/People/MemberRenew.aspx?PersonId=" +
                              person.Identity.ToString() + "&Transfer=" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "," +
                              expectedLowOrg.Identity.ToString() +
                              "&MembershipId=" + membership.Identity.ToString() +
                              "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase + "-Transfer" + lowOrg.Identity.ToString() + "/" +
                                                      expectedLowOrg.Identity.ToString()).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8);
                remindermail.pOtherRenewLink        = link;
                remindermail.pTooOldForYouthOrgSpan = " "; //clear the other span

                //mailBody += "[a href=\"" + link + "\"]" + link + "[/a]\r\n\r\n" +
                //            "Det är naturligtvis inget krav, utan du kan fortsätta precis som förut om du vill. " +
                //            "För att fortsätta i dina befintliga föreningar, klicka här:\r\n\r\n";

                remindermail.pTooOldForYouthOrgSpan = " "; //clear the other span
                remindermail.pWrongOrgSpan          = " "; //clear the other span
                //mailBody += "Klicka på den här länken för att förnya för ett år till:\r\n\r\n";

            string stdLink = "https://pirateweb.net/Pages/Public/SE/People/MemberRenew.aspx?PersonId=" +
                             person.Identity.ToString() +
                             "&MembershipId=" + membership.Identity.ToString() +
                             "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8);

            remindermail.pStdRenewLink = stdLink;
            tokenBase = person.PasswordHash + "-" + membership.Identity.ToString();
            string terminateLink = "https://pirateweb.net/Pages/Public/SE/People/MemberTerminate.aspx?MemberId=" +
                                   person.Identity.ToString() +
                                   "&SecHash=" + SHA1.Hash(tokenBase).Replace(" ", "").Substring(0, 8) +
                                   "&MID=" + membership.Identity.ToString();

            remindermail.pTerminateLink = terminateLink;

            //mailBody += "[a href=\"" + stdLink + "\"]" + stdLink + "[/a]\r\n\r\n" +
            //            "[br]Välkommen att vara med oss i [b]ett år till![/b]\r\n\r\n" +
            //            "Hälsningar,[br]Medlemsservice\r\n\r\n"; // +

            /*"PS: [b]Du fick ett likadant mail alldeles nyss. Om du har å, ä eller ö i ditt namn fungerade " +
             *  "inte länken i det mailet. Tack till alla som hörde av sig om det; felet är fixat nu och länken ovan ska fungera.[/b]\r\n\r\n";*/

            //OutboundMail mail = remindermail.CreateOutboundMail(sender, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, topOrg, Geography.Root);
            OutboundMail mail = remindermail.CreateFunctionalOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.MemberService, OutboundMail.PriorityNormal, membership.Organization, Geography.Root);

            if (mail.Body.Trim() == "")
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create a mailBody");
                mail.AddRecipient(person.Identity, false);