 public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
     UnitTestTraceListener.Initialize(testContext, true);
 public static void MyClassCleanup()
        private void ValidateCodeGen(string language, Type contextType, string bizLogicFileBase, IEnumerable <string> references, bool oDataEndpoint, string rootNamespace, string namespaceName)
            bool updateBaselines = true;
            bool updateBaselines = false;
            string projectDir = Path.Combine(TestHelper.GetProjectDir(), @"Baselines");
            string extension  = TestHelper.ExtensionFromLanguage(language);

            string bizLogicBaseName   = bizLogicFileBase + extension;
            string buddyClassBaseName = bizLogicFileBase + ".metadata" + extension;

            string bizLogicFilePath   = Path.Combine(projectDir, bizLogicBaseName);
            string buddyClassFilePath = Path.Combine(projectDir, buddyClassBaseName);

            string generatedBizLogicFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();

            string className    = bizLogicFileBase;
            string assemblyName = (contextType == null) ? "NoAssembly" : contextType.Assembly.GetName().Name;

            Type[] contextTypes = (contextType == null) ? Array.Empty <Type>() : new Type[] { contextType };

            using (BusinessLogicViewModel model = new BusinessLogicViewModel(projectDir, className, language, rootNamespace, assemblyName, contextTypes, /* IVsHelp object */ null))
                // Always get the default, but will have 2 if specified a type
                int expectedCount = contextType == null ? 1 : 2;

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, model.ContextViewModels.Count, "Expected this many view models");

                ContextViewModel expectedViewModel = contextType == null ? model.ContextViewModels[0] : model.ContextViewModels[1];
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedViewModel, model.CurrentContextViewModel, "current not as expected");

                model.CurrentContextViewModel.IsODataEndpointEnabled = oDataEndpoint;

                // Select entities first to allow buddy class code-gen
                foreach (EntityViewModel entity in model.CurrentContextViewModel.Entities)
                    entity.IsIncluded = true;
                    entity.IsEditable = true;

                // Don't generate buddy classes for empty model
                model.IsMetadataClassGenerationRequested = contextType != null;

                // Generate the business logic class
                GeneratedCode generatedCode = model.GenerateBusinessLogicClass(namespaceName);
                File.AppendAllText(generatedBizLogicFileName, generatedCode.SourceCode);
                TestHelper.AssertReferenceListContains(references, generatedCode.References, true);

                // Generate the buddy class
                // Note: we pass in an optional "Buddy" suffix to both the namespace and class names
                // because the compiler would reject an attempt to use 'partial class' on an already
                // compiled class.  We put it in a separate namespace because we still need to import
                // the entity's real namespace, and they cannot be the same.
                string generatedBuddyFileName = null;
                if (model.IsMetadataClassGenerationRequested)
                    generatedBuddyFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
                    generatedCode          = model.GenerateMetadataClasses("Buddy");
                    File.AppendAllText(generatedBuddyFileName, generatedCode.SourceCode);

                // See if both files compile clean against the current project
                string[] files = (model.IsMetadataClassGenerationRequested
                                    ? new string[] { generatedBizLogicFileName, generatedBuddyFileName }
                                    : new string[] { generatedBizLogicFileName });
                this.CompileGeneratedCode(TestHelper.GetProjectPath(), files, language);

                // Compare files against known baselines.
                // Optionally allow update of baselines rather than comparison
                TestHelper.ValidateFilesEqual(generatedBizLogicFileName, bizLogicFilePath, updateBaselines);

                if (model.IsMetadataClassGenerationRequested)
                    TestHelper.ValidateFilesEqual(generatedBuddyFileName, buddyClassFilePath, updateBaselines);

                // Clean up files.  Won't get here unless test passes

                if (model.IsMetadataClassGenerationRequested)