// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { instance = this; gameOverText.SetActive(false); gameRestartText.SetActive(false); Vector3 spawnPosition = startPoint.position; int tilesWithNoObstaclesTmp = tilesWithoutObstacles; for (int i = 0; i < tilesToPreSpawn; i++) { spawnPosition -= tilePrefab.startPoint.localPosition; ObstacleSpawn spawnedTile = Instantiate(tilePrefab, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity) as ObstacleSpawn; if (tilesWithNoObstaclesTmp > 0) { spawnedTile.DeactivateAllObstacles(); tilesWithNoObstaclesTmp--; } else { spawnedTile.SpawnListObstacles(); } spawnPosition = spawnedTile.endPoint.position; spawnedTile.transform.SetParent(transform); spawnedTiles.Add(spawnedTile); } }
//ObstacleSpawn os; private void Start() { animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); q1 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Game"); //rbg = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ground"). //v=GameObject.Find("Background").GetComponent<RepeatBg>(); //u = GameObject.Find("Ground").GetComponent<RepeatBg>(); //t = GameObject.Find("Bottom").GetComponent<RepeatBg>(); os = GameObject.Find("ObstacleSpawn").GetComponent <ObstacleSpawn>(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Increase speed the higher score we get if (!gameOver && gameStarted) { transform.Translate(-spawnedTiles[0].transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * (movingSpeed + (scoring / 500)), Space.World); fullTimer += Time.deltaTime; timer += Time.deltaTime; scoring += Time.deltaTime * scoreIncrease; score.text = $"Score : {(int)scoring}"; time.text = $"Time : {fullTimer}"; } if (mainCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(spawnedTiles[0].endPoint.position).y < 0) { //Move the tile to the front if it's behind the Camera ObstacleSpawn tileTmp = spawnedTiles[0]; spawnedTiles.RemoveAt(0); tileTmp.transform.position = spawnedTiles[spawnedTiles.Count - 1].endPoint.position - tileTmp.startPoint.localPosition; tileTmp.SpawnListObstacles(); spawnedTiles.Add(tileTmp); } //Lancer et relancer le jeu if (gameOver || !gameStarted) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { if (gameOver) { //Restart current scene Scene scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); SceneManager.LoadScene(scene.name); } else { //Start the game gameStarted = true; title.SetActive(false); gameStartText.SetActive(false); } } } }
/// <summary> /// The h 2 spawn info. /// </summary> /// <param name="map">The map.</param> /// <remarks></remarks> public void H2SpawnInfo(Map map) { map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); // find default mc model map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[0] + 308; int tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 4; int tempbipdtag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); int bipdmodeltag = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbipdtag); // Find objective models //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[ map.Functions.ForMeta.FindByNameAndTagType("mulg", "multiplayer\\multiplayer_globals")] + 12; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32(); int ctfmodeltag = -1; int ballmodeltag = -1; int juggernautdmodeltag = -1; int assultmodeltag = -1; if (tempr != 0) { tempr -= map.SecondaryMagic; map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 4; int tempCtftag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 12; int tempBalltag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 36; int tempHillShader = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); // I believe the Hill Shader above is not used, but just in case. Otherwise, load the usual one below if (tempHillShader == -1) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 1332; int tempr2 = map.BR.ReadInt32(); if (tempr2 != 0) { tempr2 -= map.SecondaryMagic; map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + 196; tempHillShader = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); } } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 52; int tempJuggernauttag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 60; int tempAssaulttag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); ctfmodeltag = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempCtftag); ballmodeltag = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempBalltag); // *** This is not right. It's a shader, not a model. But I don't know how to display a shader... hillshadertag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(tempHillShader); juggernautdmodeltag = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempJuggernauttag); assultmodeltag = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempAssaulttag); } #region //// Player Spawns //// //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 256; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (52 * x); PlayerSpawn ps = new PlayerSpawn(); ps.offset = tempr + (52 * x); ps.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); ps.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); ps.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); ps.RotationDirection = map.BR.ReadSingle(); ps.ModelTagNumber = bipdmodeltag; ps.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[ps.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(ps); } #endregion #region //// death zones //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 264; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { DeathZone ps = new DeathZone(); // Load the deathzone name map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (68 * x); ps.Name = map.Strings.Name[map.BR.ReadInt16()]; // We set the offset to 36 b/c we don't care about saving the name... right now anyways. ps.offset = tempr + (68 * x) + 36; // Load the deathzone coordinates map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (68 * x) + 36; ps.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); ps.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); ps.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); // Use ABS() to make sure our sizes are always positive ps.width = Math.Abs(map.BR.ReadSingle()); ps.height = Math.Abs(map.BR.ReadSingle()); ps.length = Math.Abs(map.BR.ReadSingle()); // Deathzones are saved with a centre point and Width, Length, Height ps.X += ps.width / 2; ps.Y += ps.height / 2; ps.Z += ps.length / 2; Spawn.Add(ps); } #endregion #region //// lights //// //// palette //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 240; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = tempbase; } //// placement //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 232; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (108 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (tempshort == -1) { continue; } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (108 * x) + 8; LightSpawn vs = new LightSpawn(); vs.offset = tempr + (108 * x) + 8; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[tempshort]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// sounds //// //// Sound Scenery palette //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 224; // temppalette variables declared in Lights section above temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = tempbase; } //// placement //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 216; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (80 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (tempshort == -1) { continue; } SoundSpawn vs = new SoundSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (80 * x) + 8; vs.offset = tempr + (80 * x) + 8; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (80 * x) + 54; vs.VolumeType = map.BR.ReadInt16(); vs.Height = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.DistanceBoundsLower = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.DistanceBoundsUpper = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.ConeAngleLower = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.ConeAngleUpper = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.OuterConeGain = map.BR.ReadSingle(); if (temppalette2[tempshort] == -1) { vs.TagPath = "Nulled Out"; } else { vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[tempshort]]; } vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { // { continue; } vs.ModelName = null; } else { vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; } Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// objectives //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 280; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { ObjectiveSpawn ps = new ObjectiveSpawn(); ps.offset = tempr + (32 * x); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (32 * x); ps.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); ps.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); ps.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); ps.RotationDirection = map.BR.ReadSingle(); ps.ObjectiveType = (ObjectiveSpawn.ObjectiveTypeEnum)map.BR.ReadInt16(); ps.Team = (ObjectiveSpawn.TeamType)map.BR.ReadInt16(); ps.number = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (ps.ObjectiveType == ObjectiveSpawn.ObjectiveTypeEnum.OddballSpawn && ballmodeltag != -1) { ps.ModelTagNumber = ballmodeltag; } else if (ps.ObjectiveType == ObjectiveSpawn.ObjectiveTypeEnum.CTFRespawn && ctfmodeltag != -1) { ps.ModelTagNumber = ctfmodeltag; } else if ( ps.ObjectiveType.ToString().StartsWith( ObjectiveSpawn.ObjectiveTypeEnum.KingOfTheHill_1.ToString().Substring(0, 13)) && ctfmodeltag != -1) { ps.ModelTagNumber = ctfmodeltag; } else if (ps.ObjectiveType == ObjectiveSpawn.ObjectiveTypeEnum.AssaultRespawn && assultmodeltag != -1) { ps.ModelTagNumber = assultmodeltag; } else { ps.ModelTagNumber = bipdmodeltag; } ps.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[ps.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(ps); } #endregion #region //// vehicles //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 120; temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 112; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (84 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (tempshort == -1) { continue; } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (84 * x) + 8; VehicleSpawn vs = new VehicleSpawn(); vs.offset = tempr + (84 * x) + 8; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[tempshort]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// equipment //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 136; temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 128; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (56 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (tempshort == -1) { continue; } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (56 * x) + 8; EquipmentSpawn vs = new EquipmentSpawn(); vs.offset = tempr + (56 * x) + 8; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); // vs.RotationDirection = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[tempshort]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// bipeds //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 104; temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 96; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (84 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (tempshort == -1) { continue; } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (84 * x) + 8; BipedSpawn vs = new BipedSpawn(); vs.offset = tempr + (84 * x) + 8; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[tempshort]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// control //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 192; temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 184; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (68 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (tempshort == -1) { continue; } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (68 * x) + 8; ControlSpawn vs = new ControlSpawn(); vs.offset = tempr + (68 * x) + 8; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); // vs.RotationDirection = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[tempshort]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// machines //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 176; temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 168; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (72 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (tempshort == -1) { continue; } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (72 * x) + 8; MachineSpawn vs = new MachineSpawn(); vs.offset = tempr + (72 * x) + 8; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle(); if (temppalette2[tempshort] == -1 || temppalette[tempshort] == -1) { continue; } vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[tempshort]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// scenery //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 88; temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 80; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (92 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (tempshort == -1) { continue; } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (92 * x) + 8; ScenerySpawn vs = new ScenerySpawn(); vs.offset = tempr + (92 * x) + 8; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle(); if (temppalette2[tempshort] == -1 || temppalette[tempshort] == -1) { continue; } vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[tempshort]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// weapons //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 152; temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 144; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (84 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (tempshort == -1) { continue; } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (84 * x) + 8; WeaponSpawn vs = new WeaponSpawn(); vs.offset = tempr + (84 * x) + 8; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[tempshort]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// obstacles //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 816; temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 808; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (76 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); if (tempshort == -1) { continue; } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (76 * x) + 8; ObstacleSpawn vs = new ObstacleSpawn(); vs.offset = tempr + (76 * x) + 8; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle(); if (temppalette2[tempshort] == -1) { continue; } vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[tempshort]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// collections //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 288; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); Collection vs = new Collection(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (144 * x) + 4; vs.SpawnsInMode = (Collection.SpawnsInEnum)map.BR.ReadInt32(); // Why do they make the offset + 64? That just confuses stuff!! map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (144 * x) + 64; vs.offset = tempr + (144 * x) + 64; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); // test // if (vs.Pitch > 0) { vs.Pitch = -vs.Pitch; vs.isWeird = true; } else { vs.isWeird = false; } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (144 * x) + 88; // ID Type char[] c = map.BR.ReadChars(4); vs.TagType = c[3].ToString() + c[2] + c[1] + c[0]; // Tag Path ID int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); if (tempbase == -1) { continue; } //map.CloseMap(); vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[tempbase]; vs.ModelTagNumber = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// cameras //// //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 488; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); CameraSpawn vs = new CameraSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (64 * x) + 36; vs.offset = tempr + (64 * x) + 36; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.fov = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.ModelTagNumber = -1; Spawn.Add(vs); } #endregion #region //// AI_Squads //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 376; temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 8) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } // Reading ai squads reflexive map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 352; tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { // Reads AI Squad palette chunk map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 116) + 54; short charNum = map.BR.ReadInt16(); // Reading locations sub reflexive map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 72; int locc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); int locr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; AI_Squads vs = new AI_Squads(); // chunk size * x and starting position map.BR.BaseStream.Position = locr + (100 * x); vs.offset = tempr + (100 * x); vs.ModelName = map.Strings.Name[(Int16)map.BR.ReadInt32()]; vs.X = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle(); vs.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle(); // facing direction map.BR.BaseStream.Position = locr + (100 * x) + 20; vs.RotationDirection = map.BR.ReadSingle(); if (charNum != -1) { vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[charNum]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[charNum]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } // vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } } #endregion map.CloseMap(); }
private IEnumerator Spawn(ObstacleSpawn obstacle) { while (true) { firstCamera = GetFirstCamera(); #region Obstacle spawning for Player 1 spawnHeight = Random.Range(-spawnHeightRange, spawnHeightRange); // Get the x pos outside the viewport of the furthest player's camera furthestX = firstCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1.1f, 0, 0)).x; // Get the y pos in front of the current player playerY = player1.position.y + spawnHeight; spawnPos = new Vector3(furthestX, playerY, 0); // For each static obstacle check if there is already the same obstacle in the area // Also check if there are other static obstacles near the spawn position if (obstacle.parent.name == "BlackHoles") { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 30, blackholesLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 10, stationsLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, spaceshipsLayermask).Length == 0) { newObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, obstacle.parent); } } else if (obstacle.parent.name == "Stations") { if (player1.position.x < player2.position.x) { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 30, stationsLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 10, blackholesLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, spaceshipsLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, movingObstaclesLayermask).Length == 0) { newObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, obstacle.parent); } } } else if (obstacle.parent.name == "SpaceShips") { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 10, spaceshipsLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, blackholesLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, stationsLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, movingObstaclesLayermask).Length == 0) { newObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, obstacle.parent); } } else if (obstacle.parent.name == "Bumpers") { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 10, bumpersLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, movingObstaclesLayermask).Length == 0) { newObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, obstacle.parent); } } else { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 2, movingObstaclesLayermask).Length == 0) { newObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, obstacle.parent); } } #endregion #region Obstacle spawning for Player 2 spawnHeight = Random.Range(-spawnHeightRange, spawnHeightRange); // Get the x pos outside the viewport of the furthest player's camera furthestX = firstCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1.1f, 0, 0)).x; // Get the y pos in front of the current player playerY = player2.position.y + spawnHeight; spawnPos = new Vector3(furthestX, playerY, 0); // For each static obstacle check if there is already the same obstacle in the area // Also check if there are other static obstacles near the spawn position if (obstacle.parent.name == "BlackHoles") { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 30, blackholesLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 10, stationsLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, spaceshipsLayermask).Length == 0) { newObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, obstacle.parent); } } else if (obstacle.parent.name == "Stations") { if (player2.position.x < player1.position.x) { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 30, stationsLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 10, blackholesLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, spaceshipsLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, movingObstaclesLayermask).Length == 0) { newObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, obstacle.parent); } } } else if (obstacle.parent.name == "SpaceShips") { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 10, spaceshipsLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, stationsLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, blackholesLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, movingObstaclesLayermask).Length == 0) { newObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, obstacle.parent); } } else if (obstacle.parent.name == "Bumpers") { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 10, bumpersLayermask).Length == 0 && Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 5, movingObstaclesLayermask).Length == 0) { newObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, obstacle.parent); } } else { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(spawnPos, 2, movingObstaclesLayermask).Length == 0) { newObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, obstacle.parent); } } #endregion newObstacle.transform.position = new Vector3(newObstacle.transform.position.x, newObstacle.transform.position.y, 0); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(obstacle.cooldown)); } }
/// <summary> /// The h 2 spawn info. /// </summary> /// <param name="map">The map.</param> /// <remarks></remarks> public void H2SpawnInfo(Map map) { map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); // find default mc model map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[0] + 308; int tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 4; int tempbipdtag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); int bipdmodeltag = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbipdtag); int ctfmodeltag = -1; int ballmodeltag = -1; int juggernautdmodeltag = -1; int assultmodeltag = -1; #region //// Find objective models //// try { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[ map.Functions.ForMeta.FindByNameAndTagType("mulg", "multiplayer\\multiplayer_globals")] + 12; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32(); if (tempr != 0) { tempr -= map.SecondaryMagic; map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 4; int tempCtftag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 12; int tempBalltag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 36; int tempHillShader = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); // I believe the Hill Shader above is not used, but just in case. Otherwise, load the usual one below if (tempHillShader == -1) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 1332; int tempr2 = map.BR.ReadInt32(); if (tempr2 != 0) { tempr2 -= map.SecondaryMagic; map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr2 + 196; tempHillShader = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); } } map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 52; int tempJuggernauttag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 60; int tempAssaulttag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); ctfmodeltag = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempCtftag); ballmodeltag = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempBalltag); // *** This is not right. It's a shader, not a model. But I don't know how to display a shader... hillshadertag = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(tempHillShader); juggernautdmodeltag = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempJuggernauttag); assultmodeltag = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempAssaulttag); } } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error loading an objective model (CTF/Juggernaut/Assault/Bomb)\n" + e.Message); } #endregion #region //// Player Spawns //// try { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 256; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (52 * x); PlayerSpawn ps = new PlayerSpawn(); ps.Read(map); ps.ModelTagNumber = bipdmodeltag; ps.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[ps.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(ps); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading player spawns", e); } #endregion #region //// trigger volumes / death zones //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 264; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { DeathZone tv = new DeathZone(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (68 * x); tv.Read(map); Spawn.Add(tv); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading death zones", e); } #endregion #region //// lights //// try { //// palette //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 240; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = tempbase; } //// placement //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 232; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (108 * x); short tempshort = map.BR.ReadInt16(); LightSpawn ls = new LightSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (108 * x); ls.Read(map); if (ls.PaletteIndex == -1) { continue; } int nameIndex = temppalette2[tempshort]; if (nameIndex >= 0) ls.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[nameIndex]; ls.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[tempshort]; if (ls.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } ls.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[ls.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(ls); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading Lights", e); } #endregion #region //// sounds //// try { //// Sound Scenery palette //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 224; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = tempbase; } //// placement //// map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 216; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { SoundSpawn ss = new SoundSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (80 * x); ss.Read(map); if (ss.PaletteIndex == -1 || temppalette2[ss.PaletteIndex] == -1) { ss.TagPath = NullTags; } else { ss.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[ss.PaletteIndex]]; } ss.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[ss.PaletteIndex]; if (ss.ModelTagNumber == -1) { // { continue; } ss.ModelName = null; } else { ss.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[ss.ModelTagNumber]; } Spawn.Add(ss); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading sounds", e); } #endregion #region //// objectives //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 280; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { ObjectiveSpawn os = new ObjectiveSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (32 * x); os.Read(map); if (os.ObjectiveType == ObjectiveSpawn.ObjectiveTypeEnum.OddballSpawn && ballmodeltag != -1) { os.ModelTagNumber = ballmodeltag; } else if (os.ObjectiveType == ObjectiveSpawn.ObjectiveTypeEnum.CTFRespawn && ctfmodeltag != -1) { os.ModelTagNumber = ctfmodeltag; } else if ( os.ObjectiveType.ToString().StartsWith( ObjectiveSpawn.ObjectiveTypeEnum.KingOfTheHill_1.ToString().Substring(0, 13)) && ctfmodeltag != -1) { os.ModelTagNumber = ctfmodeltag; } else if (os.ObjectiveType == ObjectiveSpawn.ObjectiveTypeEnum.AssaultRespawn && assultmodeltag != -1) { os.ModelTagNumber = assultmodeltag; } else { os.ModelTagNumber = bipdmodeltag; } os.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[os.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(os); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading lights", e); } #endregion #region //// vehicles //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 120; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 112; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { VehicleSpawn vs = new VehicleSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (84 * x); vs.Read(map); if (vs.PaletteIndex == -1) { continue; } vs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[vs.PaletteIndex]]; vs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[vs.PaletteIndex]; if (vs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } vs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(vs); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading vehicles", e); } #endregion #region //// equipment //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 136; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 128; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { EquipmentSpawn es = new EquipmentSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (56 * x); es.Read(map); if (es.PaletteIndex == -1) { continue; } es.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[es.PaletteIndex]]; es.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[es.PaletteIndex]; if (es.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } es.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[es.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(es); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading equipment", e); } #endregion #region //// bipeds //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 104; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 96; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { BipedSpawn bs = new BipedSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (84 * x); bs.Read(map); if (bs.PaletteIndex == -1) { continue; } bs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[bs.PaletteIndex]]; bs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[bs.PaletteIndex]; if (bs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } bs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[bs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(bs); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading Bipeds", e); } #endregion #region //// control //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 192; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 184; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { ControlSpawn cs = new ControlSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (68 * x); cs.Read(map); if (cs.PaletteIndex == -1) { continue; } cs.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[cs.PaletteIndex]]; cs.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[cs.PaletteIndex]; if (cs.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } cs.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[cs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(cs); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading Control", e); } #endregion #region //// machines //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 176; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 168; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { MachineSpawn ms = new MachineSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (72 * x); ms.Read(map); if (ms.PaletteIndex == -1) { continue; } if (temppalette2[ms.PaletteIndex] == -1 || temppalette[ms.PaletteIndex] == -1) { continue; } ms.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[ms.PaletteIndex]]; ms.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[ms.PaletteIndex]; if (ms.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } ms.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[ms.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(ms); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading Machines", e); } #endregion #region //// scenery //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 88; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 80; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { ScenerySpawn ss = new ScenerySpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (92 * x); ss.Read(map); if (ss.PaletteIndex == -1) { continue; } if (temppalette2[ss.PaletteIndex] == -1 || temppalette[ss.PaletteIndex] == -1) { continue; } ss.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[ss.PaletteIndex]]; ss.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[ss.PaletteIndex]; if (ss.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } ss.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[ss.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(ss); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading Scenery", e); } #endregion #region //// weapons //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 152; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 144; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { WeaponSpawn ws = new WeaponSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (84 * x); ws.Read(map); if (ws.PaletteIndex == -1) { continue; } ws.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[ws.PaletteIndex]]; ws.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[ws.PaletteIndex]; if (ws.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } ws.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[ws.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(ws); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading Weapons", e); } #endregion #region //// obstacles //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 816; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 40) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); //map.CloseMap(); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 808; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { ObstacleSpawn os = new ObstacleSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (76 * x); os.Read(map); if (os.PaletteIndex == -1) { continue; } if (temppalette2[os.PaletteIndex] == -1) { continue; } os.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[os.PaletteIndex]]; os.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[os.PaletteIndex]; if (os.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } os.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[os.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(os); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading Obstacles", e); } #endregion #region //// collections //// try { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 288; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); Collection collect = new Collection(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (144 * x); collect.Read(map); // ID Type if (collect.TagPath == NullTags) { continue; } if (collect.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } collect.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[collect.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(collect); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading Collections", e); } #endregion #region //// cameras //// try { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 488; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { //map.OpenMap(MapTypes.Internal); CameraSpawn cs = new CameraSpawn(); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (64 * x); cs.Read(map); Spawn.Add(cs); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading Collections", e); } #endregion #region //// AI_Squads //// try { // Reading Character Palette map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 376; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int[] temppalette2 = new int[temppalette.Length]; tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 8) + 4; int tempbase = map.Functions.ForMeta.FindMetaByID(map.BR.ReadInt32()); temppalette2[x] = tempbase; temppalette[x] = map.Functions.FindModelByBaseClass(tempbase); } // Reading ai squads reflexive map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 352; int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < tempc; x++) { // Reads AI Squad character index map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 116) + 54; short charIndex = map.BR.ReadInt16(); // Reading locations sub reflexive map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (x * 116) + 72; int locc = map.BR.ReadInt32(); int locr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int y = 0; y < locc; y++) { AI_Squads ai = new AI_Squads(x); map.BR.BaseStream.Position = locr + (100 * y); ai.Read(map); if (charIndex != -1) { ai.TagPath = map.FileNames.Name[temppalette2[charIndex]]; ai.ModelTagNumber = temppalette[charIndex]; if (ai.ModelTagNumber == -1) { continue; } // ai.ModelName = map.FileNames.Name[vs.ModelTagNumber]; Spawn.Add(ai); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading AI Squads", e); } #endregion #region //// Spawn Zones //// try { // Reading Spawn Zone Section // 792 = Spawn Data map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[3] + 792; int SpawnDataCount = map.BR.ReadInt32(); tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; #region //// Inital Spawn Zones //// // 88 = Static Initial Spawn Zones map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 88; int[] temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int initialR = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { // Each Initial Spawn Zone chunk = 48 bytes map.BR.BaseStream.Position = initialR + (x * 48); SpawnZone spawnZone = new SpawnZone(SpawnZoneType.Inital); spawnZone.Read(map); Spawn.Add(spawnZone); } #endregion #region //// Respawn Zones //// // 80 = Static Respawn Zones map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + 80; temppalette = new int[map.BR.ReadInt32()]; int respawnR = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.SecondaryMagic; for (int x = 0; x < temppalette.Length; x++) { // Each Respawn Zone chunk = 48 bytes map.BR.BaseStream.Position = respawnR + (x * 48); SpawnZone spawnZone = new SpawnZone(SpawnZoneType.Respawn); spawnZone.Read(map); Spawn.Add(spawnZone); } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error loading Spawn Zones (Initial)", e); } #endregion map.CloseMap(); }