private ObjectValue CreateObjectValue(string name, ResultData data) { string vname = data.GetValue("name"); string typeName = data.GetValue("type"); string value = data.GetValue("value"); int nchild = data.GetInt("numchild"); ObjectValue val; ObjectValueFlags flags = ObjectValueFlags.Variable; // There can be 'public' et al children for C++ structures if (typeName == null) { typeName = "none"; } if (typeName.EndsWith("]")) { val = ObjectValue.CreateArray(this, new ObjectPath(vname), typeName, nchild, flags, null); } else if (value == "{...}" || typeName.EndsWith("*") || nchild > 0) { val = ObjectValue.CreateObject(this, new ObjectPath(vname), typeName, value, flags, null); } else { val = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(this, new ObjectPath(vname), typeName, new EvaluationResult(value), flags); } val.Name = name; return(val); }
ObjectValue GetStackTrace(EvaluationOptions options) { ValueReference st = exception.GetChild("StackTrace", options); if (st == null) { return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("StackTrace")); } string trace = st.ObjectValue as string; if (trace == null) { return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("StackTrace")); } List <ObjectValue> frames = new List <ObjectValue> (); foreach (string sframe in trace.Split('\n')) { string txt = sframe.Trim(' ', '\r', '\n'); string file = ""; int line = 0; int col = 0; ObjectValue fileVal = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("File"), "", new EvaluationResult(file), ObjectValueFlags.None); ObjectValue lineVal = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Line"), "", new EvaluationResult(line.ToString()), ObjectValueFlags.None); ObjectValue colVal = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Col"), "", new EvaluationResult(col.ToString()), ObjectValueFlags.None); ObjectValue[] children = new ObjectValue[] { fileVal, lineVal, colVal }; ObjectValue frame = ObjectValue.CreateObject(null, new ObjectPath(), "", new EvaluationResult(txt), ObjectValueFlags.None, children); frames.Add(frame); } return(ObjectValue.CreateArray(null, new ObjectPath("StackTrace"), "", frames.Count, ObjectValueFlags.None, frames.ToArray())); }
public ObjectValue CreateObjectValue() { Connect(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); for (int n = 0; n < baseIndices.Length; n++) { if (n > 0) { sb.Append(", "); } sb.Append(baseIndices [n].ToString()); } if (IsRange) { if (baseIndices.Length > 0) { sb.Append(", "); } sb.Append(firstIndex.ToString()).Append("..").Append(lastIndex.ToString()); } if (bounds.Length > 1 && baseIndices.Length < bounds.Length) { sb.Append(", ..."); } sb.Append("]"); ObjectValue res = ObjectValue.CreateObject(this, new ObjectPath(sb.ToString()), "", "", ObjectValueFlags.ArrayElement | ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly | ObjectValueFlags.NoRefresh, null); res.ChildSelector = ""; return(res); }
public static ObjectValue GetStackTrace(string trace) { if (trace == null) { return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("StackTrace")); } var regex = new Regex("at (?<MethodName>.*) in (?<FileName>.*):(?<LineNumber>\\d+)(,(?<Column>\\d+))?"); var regexLine = new Regex("at (?<MethodName>.*) in (?<FileName>.*):line (?<LineNumber>\\d+)(,(?<Column>\\d+))?"); var frames = new List <ObjectValue> (); foreach (var sframe in trace.Split('\n')) { string text = sframe.Trim(' ', '\r', '\t', '"'); string file = ""; int column = 0; int line = 0; if (text.Length == 0) { continue; } //Ignore entries like "--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---" if (text.StartsWith("---", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { continue; } var match = regex.Match(text); if (match.Success) { text = match.Groups ["MethodName"].ToString(); file = match.Groups ["FileName"].ToString(); int.TryParse(match.Groups ["LineNumber"].ToString(), out line); int.TryParse(match.Groups ["Column"].ToString(), out column); } else { match = regexLine.Match(text); if (match.Success) { text = match.Groups ["MethodName"].ToString(); file = match.Groups ["FileName"].ToString(); int.TryParse(match.Groups ["LineNumber"].ToString(), out line); int.TryParse(match.Groups ["Column"].ToString(), out column); } } var fileVal = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("File"), "", new EvaluationResult(file), ObjectValueFlags.None); var lineVal = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Line"), "", new EvaluationResult(line.ToString()), ObjectValueFlags.None); var colVal = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Column"), "", new EvaluationResult(column.ToString()), ObjectValueFlags.None); var children = new ObjectValue [] { fileVal, lineVal, colVal }; var frame = ObjectValue.CreateObject(null, new ObjectPath(), "", new EvaluationResult(text), ObjectValueFlags.None, children); frames.Add(frame); } return(ObjectValue.CreateArray(null, new ObjectPath("StackTrace"), "", frames.Count, ObjectValueFlags.None, frames.ToArray())); }
static ObjectValue CreateNode(EvaluationContext ctx, IObjectSource objectSource, object type, object obj, BindingFlags bindingFlags, string label) { FilteredMembersSource src = new FilteredMembersSource(ctx, objectSource, type, obj, bindingFlags); src.Connect(); ObjectValue val = ObjectValue.CreateObject(src, new ObjectPath(label), "", "", ObjectValueFlags.Group | ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly | ObjectValueFlags.NoRefresh, null); val.ChildSelector = ""; return(val); }
public static ObjectValue CreateRawView(EvaluationContext ctx, IObjectSource objectSource, object obj) { RawViewSource src = new RawViewSource(ctx, objectSource, obj); src.Connect(); ObjectValue val = ObjectValue.CreateObject(src, new ObjectPath("Raw View"), "", "", ObjectValueFlags.Group | ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly | ObjectValueFlags.NoRefresh, null); val.ChildSelector = ""; return(val); }
static ObjectValue VsCodeVariableToObjectValue(VSCodeDebuggerSession vsCodeDebuggerSession, string name, string value, int variablesReference) { if (variablesReference == 0) //This is some kind of primitive... { return(ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath(name), "unknown", new EvaluationResult(value), ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly)); } else { return(ObjectValue.CreateObject(new VSCodeObjectSource(vsCodeDebuggerSession, variablesReference), new ObjectPath(name), "unknown", new EvaluationResult(value), ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly, null)); } }
private static ObjectValue InitialiseObjectValues(IObjectValueSource objectValueSource) { // ReSharper disable ArgumentsStyleNamedExpression // Displayed in the debugger as "objectValueSource.Name = {typeName} value" var objectValue = ObjectValue.CreateObject(objectValueSource, new ObjectPath(objectValueSource.Name), typeDisplayName: string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, ObjectValueFlags.Group | ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly | ObjectValueFlags.NoRefresh, null); objectValue.ChildSelector = string.Empty; return(objectValue); }
public static ObjectValue CreateBaseTypeView(EvaluationContext ctx, IObjectSource objectSource, object type, object obj) { BaseTypeViewSource src = new BaseTypeViewSource(ctx, objectSource, type, obj); src.Connect(); string tname = ctx.Adapter.GetDisplayTypeName(ctx, type); ObjectValue val = ObjectValue.CreateObject(src, new ObjectPath("base"), tname, "{" + tname + "}", ObjectValueFlags.Type | ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly | ObjectValueFlags.NoRefresh, null); val.ChildSelector = ""; return(val); }
public ObjectValue GetValue(ObjectPath path, EvaluationOptions options) { if (val == "null") { return(ObjectValue.CreateNullObject(this, name, type, flags)); } if (variablesReference == 0) //This is some kind of primitive... { return(ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(this, new ObjectPath(name), type, new EvaluationResult(val, display), flags)); } return(ObjectValue.CreateObject(this, new ObjectPath(name), type, new EvaluationResult(val, display), flags, null)); }
public ObjectValue GetValue(ObjectPath path, EvaluationOptions options) { if (val == "null") { return(ObjectValue.CreateNullObject(this, name, type, parentVariablesReference > 0 ? ObjectValueFlags.None : ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly)); } if (variablesReference == 0) //This is some kind of primitive... { return(ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(this, new ObjectPath(name), type, new EvaluationResult(val), parentVariablesReference > 0 ? ObjectValueFlags.None : ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly)); } return(ObjectValue.CreateObject(this, new ObjectPath(name), type, new EvaluationResult(val), parentVariablesReference > 0 ? ObjectValueFlags.None : ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly, null)); }
ObjectValue GetStackTrace(EvaluationOptions options) { var stackTrace = Exception.GetChild("StackTrace", options); if (stackTrace == null) { return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("StackTrace")); } string trace = stackTrace.ObjectValue as string; if (trace == null) { return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("StackTrace")); } var regex = new Regex("at (?<MethodName>.*) in (?<FileName>.*):(?<LineNumber>\\d+)(,(?<Column>\\d+))?"); var frames = new List <ObjectValue> (); foreach (var sframe in trace.Split('\n')) { string text = sframe.Trim(' ', '\r', '\t'); string file = ""; int column = 0; int line = 0; if (text.Length == 0) { continue; } var match = regex.Match(text); if (match.Success) { text = match.Groups["MethodName"].ToString(); file = match.Groups["FileName"].ToString(); int.TryParse(match.Groups["LineNumber"].ToString(), out line); int.TryParse(match.Groups["Column"].ToString(), out column); } var fileVal = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("File"), "", new EvaluationResult(file), ObjectValueFlags.None); var lineVal = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Line"), "", new EvaluationResult(line.ToString()), ObjectValueFlags.None); var colVal = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Column"), "", new EvaluationResult(column.ToString()), ObjectValueFlags.None); var children = new ObjectValue[] { fileVal, lineVal, colVal }; var frame = ObjectValue.CreateObject(null, new ObjectPath(), "", new EvaluationResult(text), ObjectValueFlags.None, children); frames.Add(frame); } return(ObjectValue.CreateArray(null, new ObjectPath("StackTrace"), "", frames.Count, ObjectValueFlags.None, frames.ToArray())); }
protected virtual ObjectValue CreateObjectValueImpl(EvaluationContext ctx, Mono.Debugging.Backend.IObjectValueSource source, ObjectPath path, object obj, ObjectValueFlags flags) { string typeName = obj != null?GetValueTypeName(ctx, obj) : ""; if (obj == null || IsNull(ctx, obj)) { return(ObjectValue.CreateNullObject(source, path, GetDisplayTypeName(typeName), flags)); } else if (IsPrimitive(ctx, obj) || IsEnum(ctx, obj)) { return(ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(source, path, GetDisplayTypeName(typeName), ctx.Evaluator.TargetObjectToExpression(ctx, obj), flags)); } else if (IsArray(ctx, obj)) { return(ObjectValue.CreateObject(source, path, GetDisplayTypeName(typeName), ctx.Evaluator.TargetObjectToExpression(ctx, obj), flags, null)); } else { TypeDisplayData tdata = GetTypeDisplayData(ctx, GetValueType(ctx, obj)); EvaluationResult tvalue; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tdata.ValueDisplayString) && ctx.Options.AllowDisplayStringEvaluation) { tvalue = new EvaluationResult(EvaluateDisplayString(ctx, obj, tdata.ValueDisplayString)); } else { tvalue = ctx.Evaluator.TargetObjectToExpression(ctx, obj); } string tname; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tdata.TypeDisplayString) && ctx.Options.AllowDisplayStringEvaluation) { tname = EvaluateDisplayString(ctx, obj, tdata.TypeDisplayString); } else { tname = GetDisplayTypeName(typeName); } ObjectValue oval = ObjectValue.CreateObject(source, path, tname, tvalue, flags, null); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tdata.NameDisplayString) && ctx.Options.AllowDisplayStringEvaluation) { oval.Name = EvaluateDisplayString(ctx, obj, tdata.NameDisplayString); } return(oval); } }
public ObjectValue GetValue(ObjectPath path, EvaluationOptions options) { string shortName = name; var indexOfSpace = name.IndexOf(' '); if (indexOfSpace != -1) //Remove " [TypeName]" from variable name { shortName = name.Remove(indexOfSpace); } if (type == null) { return(ObjectValue.CreateError(null, new ObjectPath(shortName), "", val, ObjectValueFlags.None)); } if (val == "null") { return(ObjectValue.CreateNullObject(this, shortName, type, parentVariablesReference > 0 ? ObjectValueFlags.None : ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly)); } if (variablesReference == 0) //This is some kind of primitive... { return(ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(this, new ObjectPath(shortName), type, new EvaluationResult(val), parentVariablesReference > 0 ? ObjectValueFlags.None : ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly)); } return(ObjectValue.CreateObject(this, new ObjectPath(shortName), type, new EvaluationResult(val), parentVariablesReference > 0 ? ObjectValueFlags.None : ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly, null)); }
private ObjectValue CreateExceptionObject(ExceptionRecord expRec) { List <ObjectValue> children = new List <ObjectValue>(); //message ObjectValue message = ObjectValue.CreateObject( this, new ObjectPath(new string[] { expRec.ExceptionName }), "string", expRec.ExceptionInfo, ObjectValueFlags.Object, new ObjectValue[0]); message.Name = "Message"; children.Add(message); //inner exception if (expRec.InnerExceptionRecord != null) { ObjectValue innerExp = CreateExceptionObject(expRec.InnerExceptionRecord); innerExp.Name = "InnerException"; children.Add(innerExp); } //do these for first level only? if (expRec == exceptionRecord) { //stack trace List <ObjectValue> stackList = new List <ObjectValue>(); for (int i = 0; i < magoCallStackFrames.Count; i++) { List <ObjectValue> stkValChildren = new List <ObjectValue>(); // line ObjectValue stkValLine = ObjectValue.CreateObject( this, new ObjectPath(new string[] { expRec.ExceptionName, "StackTrace", i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }), "Int", i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), ObjectValueFlags.Object, new ObjectValue[0]); stkValLine.Name = "Line"; stkValChildren.Add(stkValLine); ObjectValue stkVal = ObjectValue.CreateObject( this, new ObjectPath(new string[] { expRec.ExceptionName, "StackTrace" }), "Object", magoCallStackFrames[i].FunctionName, ObjectValueFlags.Object, stkValChildren.ToArray()); stackList.Add(stkVal); } ObjectValue stacktrace = ObjectValue.CreateArray( this, new ObjectPath(new string[] { expRec.ExceptionName }), "StackTrace", magoCallStackFrames.Count, ObjectValueFlags.Array, stackList.ToArray()); stacktrace.Name = "StackTrace"; children.Add(stacktrace); //instance message List <ObjectValue> instanceChildren = new List <ObjectValue>(); ObjectValue instanceMessage = ObjectValue.CreateObject( this, new ObjectPath(new string[] { expRec.ExceptionName, "Instance" }), "string", expRec.ExceptionInfo, ObjectValueFlags.Object | ObjectValueFlags.Public, new ObjectValue[0]); instanceMessage.Name = "Message"; instanceChildren.Add(instanceMessage); //instance ObjectValue instance = ObjectValue.CreateObject( this, new ObjectPath(new string[] { expRec.ExceptionName }), expRec.ExceptionName, expRec.ExceptionName, ObjectValueFlags.Object, instanceChildren.ToArray()); instance.Name = "Instance"; children.Add(instance); } //parent ObjectValue val = ObjectValue.CreateObject( this, new ObjectPath(new string[] {}), expRec.ExceptionName, String.Empty, ObjectValueFlags.Error, children.ToArray()); return(val); }
public virtual ObjectValue[] GetObjectValueChildren(EvaluationContext ctx, IObjectSource objectSource, object type, object obj, int firstItemIndex, int count, bool dereferenceProxy) { if (IsArray(ctx, obj)) { ArrayElementGroup agroup = new ArrayElementGroup(ctx, CreateArrayAdaptor(ctx, obj)); return(agroup.GetChildren(ctx.Options)); } if (IsPrimitive(ctx, obj)) { return(new ObjectValue[0]); } bool showRawView = false; // If there is a proxy, it has to show the members of the proxy object proxy = obj; if (dereferenceProxy) { proxy = GetProxyObject(ctx, obj); if (proxy != obj) { type = GetValueType(ctx, proxy); showRawView = true; } } TypeDisplayData tdata = GetTypeDisplayData(ctx, type); bool groupPrivateMembers = ctx.Options.GroupPrivateMembers && (ctx.Options.GroupUserPrivateMembers || IsExternalType(ctx, type)); List <ObjectValue> values = new List <ObjectValue> (); BindingFlags flattenFlag = ctx.Options.FlattenHierarchy ? (BindingFlags)0 : BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly; BindingFlags nonNonPublicFlag = groupPrivateMembers || showRawView ? (BindingFlags)0 : BindingFlags.NonPublic; BindingFlags staticFlag = ctx.Options.GroupStaticMembers ? (BindingFlags)0 : BindingFlags.Static; BindingFlags access = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | flattenFlag | nonNonPublicFlag | staticFlag; // Load all members to a list before creating the object values, // to avoid problems with objects being invalidated due to evaluations in the target, List <ValueReference> list = new List <ValueReference> (); list.AddRange(GetMembersSorted(ctx, objectSource, type, proxy, access)); object tdataType = type; foreach (ValueReference val in list) { try { object decType = val.DeclaringType; if (decType != null && decType != tdataType) { tdataType = decType; tdata = GetTypeDisplayData(ctx, decType); } DebuggerBrowsableState state = tdata.GetMemberBrowsableState(val.Name); if (state == DebuggerBrowsableState.Never) { continue; } if (state == DebuggerBrowsableState.RootHidden && dereferenceProxy) { object ob = val.Value; if (ob != null) { values.Clear(); values.AddRange(GetObjectValueChildren(ctx, val, ob, -1, -1)); showRawView = true; break; } } else { ObjectValue oval = val.CreateObjectValue(true); values.Add(oval); } } catch (Exception ex) { ctx.WriteDebuggerError(ex); values.Add(ObjectValue.CreateError(null, new ObjectPath(val.Name), GetDisplayTypeName(GetTypeName(ctx, val.Type)), ex.Message, val.Flags)); } } if (showRawView) { values.Add(RawViewSource.CreateRawView(ctx, objectSource, obj)); } else { if (IsArray(ctx, proxy)) { ICollectionAdaptor col = CreateArrayAdaptor(ctx, proxy); ArrayElementGroup agroup = new ArrayElementGroup(ctx, col); ObjectValue val = ObjectValue.CreateObject(null, new ObjectPath("Raw View"), "", "", ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly, values.ToArray()); values = new List <ObjectValue> (); values.Add(val); values.AddRange(agroup.GetChildren(ctx.Options)); } else { if (ctx.Options.GroupStaticMembers && HasMembers(ctx, type, proxy, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | flattenFlag)) { access = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | flattenFlag | nonNonPublicFlag; values.Add(FilteredMembersSource.CreateStaticsNode(ctx, objectSource, type, proxy, access)); } if (groupPrivateMembers && HasMembers(ctx, type, proxy, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | flattenFlag | staticFlag)) { values.Add(FilteredMembersSource.CreateNonPublicsNode(ctx, objectSource, type, proxy, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | flattenFlag | staticFlag)); } if (!ctx.Options.FlattenHierarchy) { object baseType = GetBaseType(ctx, type, false); if (baseType != null) { values.Insert(0, BaseTypeViewSource.CreateBaseTypeView(ctx, objectSource, baseType, proxy)); } } } } return(values.ToArray()); }
public ObjectValue CreateObjectValue(bool withTimeout, EvaluationOptions options) { options = options.Clone(); options.EllipsizeStrings = false; options.AllowTargetInvoke = true; ctx = ctx.WithOptions(options); string type = ctx.Adapter.GetValueTypeName(ctx, Exception.ObjectValue); var excInstance = Exception.CreateObjectValue(withTimeout, options); excInstance.Name = "Instance"; ObjectValue messageValue = null; ObjectValue helpLinkValue = null; var exceptionType = ctx.Adapter.GetValueType(ctx, Exception.Value); // Get the message if (withTimeout) { messageValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("Message", ObjectValueFlags.None, delegate { var mref = ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, Exception, exceptionType, Exception.Value, "Message"); if (mref != null) { string val = (string)mref.ObjectValue; return(ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Message"), "string", new EvaluationResult(val), ObjectValueFlags.Literal)); } return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("Message")); }); } else { var mref = ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, Exception, exceptionType, Exception.Value, "Message"); if (mref != null) { string val = (string)mref.ObjectValue; messageValue = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Message"), "string", new EvaluationResult(val), ObjectValueFlags.Literal); } } if (messageValue == null) { messageValue = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("Message"); } messageValue.Name = "Message"; // Get the help link if (withTimeout) { helpLinkValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("HelpLink", ObjectValueFlags.None, delegate { var mref = ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, Exception, exceptionType, Exception.Value, "HelpLink"); if (mref != null) { string val = (string)mref.ObjectValue; return(ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("HelpLink"), "string", new EvaluationResult(val), ObjectValueFlags.Literal)); } return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("HelpLink")); }); } else { var mref = ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, Exception, exceptionType, Exception.Value, "HelpLink"); if (mref != null) { string val = (string)mref.ObjectValue; helpLinkValue = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("HelpLink"), "string", new EvaluationResult(val), ObjectValueFlags.Literal); } } if (helpLinkValue == null) { helpLinkValue = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("HelpLink"); } helpLinkValue.Name = "HelpLink"; // Inner exception ObjectValue childExceptionValue = null; if (withTimeout) { childExceptionValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("InnerException", ObjectValueFlags.None, delegate { var inner = ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, Exception, exceptionType, Exception.Value, "InnerException"); if (inner != null && !ctx.Adapter.IsNull(ctx, inner.Value)) { //Console.WriteLine ("pp got child:" + type); var innerSource = new ExceptionInfoSource(ctx, inner); var res = innerSource.CreateObjectValue(false, options); return(res); } return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("InnerException")); }); } else { var inner = ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, Exception, exceptionType, Exception.Value, "InnerException"); if (inner != null && !ctx.Adapter.IsNull(ctx, inner.Value)) { //Console.WriteLine ("pp got child:" + type); var innerSource = new ExceptionInfoSource(ctx, inner); childExceptionValue = innerSource.CreateObjectValue(false, options); childExceptionValue.Name = "InnerException"; } } if (childExceptionValue == null) { childExceptionValue = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("InnerException"); } // Inner exceptions in case of AgregatedException ObjectValue childExceptionsValue = null; ObjectEvaluatorDelegate getInnerExceptionsDelegate = delegate { var inner = ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, Exception, exceptionType, Exception.Value, "InnerExceptions"); if (inner != null && !ctx.Adapter.IsNull(ctx, inner.Value)) { var obj = inner.GetValue(ctx); var objType = ctx.Adapter.GetValueType(ctx, obj); var count = (int)ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, null, obj, "Count").ObjectValue; var childrenList = new List <ObjectValue>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { childrenList.Add(new ExceptionInfoSource(ctx, ctx.Adapter.GetIndexerReference(ctx, obj, objType, new object[] { ctx.Adapter.CreateValue(ctx, i) })).CreateObjectValue(withTimeout, ctx.Options)); } return(ObjectValue.CreateObject(null, new ObjectPath("InnerExceptions"), "", "", ObjectValueFlags.None, childrenList.ToArray())); } return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("InnerExceptions")); }; if (withTimeout) { childExceptionsValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("InnerExceptions", ObjectValueFlags.None, getInnerExceptionsDelegate); } else { childExceptionsValue = getInnerExceptionsDelegate(); } if (childExceptionsValue == null) { childExceptionsValue = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("InnerExceptions"); } // Stack trace ObjectValue stackTraceValue; if (withTimeout) { stackTraceValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("StackTrace", ObjectValueFlags.None, delegate { var stackTrace = ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, Exception, exceptionType, Exception.Value, "StackTrace"); if (stackTrace == null) { return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("StackTrace")); } return(GetStackTrace(stackTrace.ObjectValue as string)); }); } else { var stackTrace = ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, Exception, exceptionType, Exception.Value, "StackTrace"); if (stackTrace == null) { return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("StackTrace")); } stackTraceValue = GetStackTrace(stackTrace.ObjectValue as string); } var children = new ObjectValue [] { excInstance, messageValue, helpLinkValue, stackTraceValue, childExceptionValue, childExceptionsValue }; return(ObjectValue.CreateObject(null, new ObjectPath("InnerException"), type, "", ObjectValueFlags.None, children)); }
public ObjectValue CreateObjectValue(bool withTimeout, EvaluationOptions options) { string type = ctx.Adapter.GetTypeName(ctx, exception.Type); ObjectValue excInstance = exception.CreateObjectValue(withTimeout, options); excInstance.Name = "Instance"; ObjectValue messageValue = null; // Get the message if (withTimeout) { messageValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("Message", ObjectValueFlags.None, delegate { ValueReference mref = exception.GetChild("Message", options); if (mref != null) { string val = (string)mref.ObjectValue; return(ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Message"), "System.String", new EvaluationResult(val), ObjectValueFlags.Literal)); } else { return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("Message")); } }); } else { ValueReference mref = exception.GetChild("Message", options); if (mref != null) { string val = (string)mref.ObjectValue; messageValue = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Message"), "System.String", new EvaluationResult(val), ObjectValueFlags.Literal); } } if (messageValue == null) { messageValue = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("Message"); } messageValue.Name = "Message"; // Inner exception ObjectValue childExceptionValue = null; if (withTimeout) { childExceptionValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("InnerException", ObjectValueFlags.None, delegate { ValueReference inner = exception.GetChild("InnerException", options); if (inner != null && !ctx.Adapter.IsNull(ctx, inner.Value)) { Console.WriteLine("pp got child:" + type); ExceptionInfoSource innerSource = new ExceptionInfoSource(ctx, inner); ObjectValue res = innerSource.CreateObjectValue(false, options); return(res); } else { return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("InnerException")); } }); } else { ValueReference inner = exception.GetChild("InnerException", options); if (inner != null && !ctx.Adapter.IsNull(ctx, inner.Value)) { Console.WriteLine("pp got child:" + type); ExceptionInfoSource innerSource = new ExceptionInfoSource(ctx, inner); childExceptionValue = innerSource.CreateObjectValue(false, options); childExceptionValue.Name = "InnerException"; } } if (childExceptionValue == null) { childExceptionValue = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("InnerException"); } // Stack trace ObjectValue stackTraceValue; if (withTimeout) { stackTraceValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("StackTrace", ObjectValueFlags.None, delegate { return(GetStackTrace(options)); }); } else { stackTraceValue = GetStackTrace(options); } ObjectValue[] children = new ObjectValue [] { excInstance, messageValue, stackTraceValue, childExceptionValue }; return(ObjectValue.CreateObject(null, new ObjectPath("InnerException"), type, "", ObjectValueFlags.None, children)); }
public ObjectValue CreateObjectValue(bool withTimeout, EvaluationOptions options) { options = options.Clone(); options.EllipsizeStrings = false; string type = ctx.Adapter.GetValueTypeName(ctx, Exception.ObjectValue); var excInstance = Exception.CreateObjectValue(withTimeout, options); excInstance.Name = "Instance"; ObjectValue messageValue = null; // Get the message if (withTimeout) { messageValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("Message", ObjectValueFlags.None, delegate { var mref = Exception.GetChild("Message", options); if (mref != null) { string val = (string)mref.ObjectValue; return(ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Message"), "string", new EvaluationResult(val), ObjectValueFlags.Literal)); } return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("Message")); }); } else { var mref = Exception.GetChild("Message", options); if (mref != null) { string val = (string)mref.ObjectValue; messageValue = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(null, new ObjectPath("Message"), "string", new EvaluationResult(val), ObjectValueFlags.Literal); } } if (messageValue == null) { messageValue = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("Message"); } messageValue.Name = "Message"; // Inner exception ObjectValue childExceptionValue = null; if (withTimeout) { childExceptionValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("InnerException", ObjectValueFlags.None, delegate { var inner = Exception.GetChild("InnerException", options); if (inner != null && !ctx.Adapter.IsNull(ctx, inner.Value)) { //Console.WriteLine ("pp got child:" + type); var innerSource = new ExceptionInfoSource(ctx, inner); var res = innerSource.CreateObjectValue(false, options); return(res); } return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("InnerException")); }); } else { var inner = Exception.GetChild("InnerException", options); if (inner != null && !ctx.Adapter.IsNull(ctx, inner.Value)) { //Console.WriteLine ("pp got child:" + type); var innerSource = new ExceptionInfoSource(ctx, inner); childExceptionValue = innerSource.CreateObjectValue(false, options); childExceptionValue.Name = "InnerException"; } } if (childExceptionValue == null) { childExceptionValue = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("InnerException"); } // Inner exceptions in case of AgregatedException ObjectValue childExceptionsValue = null; ObjectEvaluatorDelegate getInnerExceptionsDelegate = delegate { var inner = Exception.GetChild("InnerExceptions", options); if (inner != null && !ctx.Adapter.IsNull(ctx, inner.Value)) { var obj = inner.GetValue(ctx); var objType = ctx.Adapter.GetValueType(ctx, obj); var enumerator = ctx.Adapter.RuntimeInvoke(ctx, objType, obj, "GetEnumerator", new object[0], new object[0]); var enumeratorType = ctx.Adapter.GetImplementedInterfaces(ctx, ctx.Adapter.GetValueType(ctx, enumerator)).First(f => ctx.Adapter.GetTypeName(ctx, f) == "System.Collections.IEnumerator"); var childrenList = new List <ObjectValue> (); while ((bool)ctx.Adapter.TargetObjectToObject(ctx, ctx.Adapter.RuntimeInvoke(ctx, enumeratorType, enumerator, "MoveNext", new object[0], new object[0]))) { var valCurrent = ctx.Adapter.GetMember(ctx, null, enumeratorType, enumerator, "Current"); childrenList.Add(new ExceptionInfoSource(ctx, valCurrent).CreateObjectValue(withTimeout, ctx.Options)); } return(ObjectValue.CreateObject(null, new ObjectPath("InnerExceptions"), "", "", ObjectValueFlags.None, childrenList.ToArray())); } return(ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("InnerExceptions")); }; if (withTimeout) { childExceptionsValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("InnerExceptions", ObjectValueFlags.None, getInnerExceptionsDelegate); } else { childExceptionsValue = getInnerExceptionsDelegate(); } if (childExceptionsValue == null) { childExceptionsValue = ObjectValue.CreateUnknown("InnerExceptions"); } // Stack trace ObjectValue stackTraceValue; if (withTimeout) { stackTraceValue = ctx.Adapter.CreateObjectValueAsync("StackTrace", ObjectValueFlags.None, delegate { return(GetStackTrace(options)); }); } else { stackTraceValue = GetStackTrace(options); } var children = new ObjectValue [] { excInstance, messageValue, stackTraceValue, childExceptionValue, childExceptionsValue }; return(ObjectValue.CreateObject(null, new ObjectPath("InnerException"), type, "", ObjectValueFlags.None, children)); }