    void Start()
        objectClicker = FindObjectOfType <ObjectClicker>();
        glowObject    = FindObjectOfType <GlowObject>();

        ActiveModel = Models[0];
        ActiveModel.GetComponent <DisassembleObject>().Enable();
    void Start()
        // Grab the game status object which holds information from the main menu
        gameStatus   = GameObject.Find("GameStatus");
        currentLevel = (Levels)gameStatus.GetComponent <GameStatus>().GetDifficuity();

        // Set the tanks
        tankSet1 = gameStatus.GetComponent <GameStatus>().getPlayer1TankPicks();
        tankSet2 = gameStatus.GetComponent <GameStatus>().getPlayer2TankPicks();

        // Check if the AI is on or off, based on what the user chose in the main menu
        aiON = (bool)gameStatus.GetComponent <GameStatus>().GetAiON();

        // Gameobjects used by ai
        redTanks  = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Red Tank");
        blueTanks = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Blue Tank");

        // Set a default level if this isn't initialized so that the game can still be played
        if (currentLevel != 0)
            gs = new GameState(currentLevel, tankSet1, tankSet2);
            gs = new GameState(Levels.Level1, new int[] { 1, 0, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 0, 0 });

        // Set up the turns and start
        oc         = GetComponent <ObjectClicker>();
        round      = Rounds.Move;
        playerTurn = PlayerColors.Red;

        // Get main camera object for CameraAngles functions
        mainCamera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
        camera     = mainCamera.GetComponent <CameraAngles>();
        //gs.toggleTankRings(redTanks, new CoordinateSet(-1, -1), true);

        tooltip  = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ToolTips");
        tooltips = new List <GameObject>();
        foreach (Transform obj in tooltip.transform)

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (currentSceneIndex == 1)
            players1Hp = playerHp.getObjectClickerGrid().getPlayerHealth(1);
            players2Hp = playerHp.getObjectClickerGrid().getPlayerHealth(2);

        currentSceneIndex = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex;
        if (currentSceneIndex == 0)
            reset = true;

        if (currentSceneIndex == 1 && reset)
            reset = false;
            playerHp = FindObjectOfType <ObjectClicker>();
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     Player1Hp   = FindObjectOfType <ObjectClicker>();
     p1HpDisplay = GetComponent <Text>();
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 private void Start()
     script = objectForScript.GetComponent <ObjectClicker>();
    void Update()
        opendoor.gameObjectForOpen      = null;
        Using1.gameObjectForShader      = null;
        Switch.chosenGameObject         = null;
        ActiveObject.chosenGameObject   = null;
        OnDoor.chosenGameObject         = null;
        ActivateScript.chosenGameObject = null;
        OnChose.chosenGameObject        = null;
        ObjectClicker.chosenGameObject  = null;

        Vector3 Direction = RaycastS.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);

        if (Physics.Raycast(RaycastS.position, Direction, out Hit, 1000f))
            if (Hit.collider.material.staticFriction == 0.2f)
                //Using1 usingScript = Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Using1>();
                //if (usingScript)
                //    Using1.gameObjectForShader = Hit.collider.gameObject;

                opendoor opendoorScript = Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <opendoor>();
                if (opendoorScript)
                    opendoor.gameObjectForOpen = Hit.collider.gameObject;

                Switch switchScript = Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Switch>();
                if (switchScript)
                    Switch.chosenGameObject = Hit.collider.gameObject;

            ActiveObject activeObjectScript = Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <ActiveObject>();
            if (activeObjectScript)
                ActiveObject.chosenGameObject = Hit.collider.gameObject;

            OnDoor onDoorScript = Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <OnDoor>();
            if (onDoorScript)
                OnDoor.chosenGameObject = Hit.collider.gameObject;
            OnChose onChoseScript = Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <OnChose>();
            if (onChoseScript)
                OnChose.chosenGameObject = Hit.collider.gameObject;
            ObjectClicker onClikerScript = Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <ObjectClicker>();
            if (onClikerScript)
                ObjectClicker.chosenGameObject = Hit.collider.gameObject;

            ActivateScript activateScript = Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <ActivateScript>();
            if (activateScript)
                ActivateScript.chosenGameObject = Hit.collider.gameObject;
        //  ManageTaskDialog();

        //if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) //left
        //    eProject.CallServerMethod_DoAction("1e106acb-e6d3-41f5-865e-4eafb8b329d5", "c176dc43-0a07-4ae7-ba40-556735982901", 1);
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftControl))
            //Cursor.visible = !Cursor.visible;

            //if(Cursor.lockState == CursorLockMode.None)
            //    Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
            //else if (Cursor.lockState == CursorLockMode.Locked)
            //    Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;

            //MouseLook scriptMouseLook = gameObject.GetComponent<MouseLook>();
            //scriptMouseLook.enabled = !(scriptMouseLook.enabled);

            MouseLook scriptMouseLook = gameObject.GetComponent <MouseLook>();
            if (Cursor.visible == true)
                Cursor.visible          = false;
                Cursor.lockState        = CursorLockMode.Locked;
                scriptMouseLook.enabled = true;
                Cursor.visible          = true;
                Cursor.lockState        = CursorLockMode.None;
                scriptMouseLook.enabled = false;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L))

            //var listener = new UnityEventListener
            //    EventType = "keyDown",
            //    IdObject = Guid.Empty,
            //    KeyCode = "L"

            GameObject     gameObjectUnityApi = GameObject.Find("UnityAPI");
            UnityApiScript unityApiScript     = gameObjectUnityApi.GetComponent <UnityApiScript>();

            JsonParametersRotateGameObject jsonParametersRotateGameObject = new JsonParametersRotateGameObject
                ObjectName = "Door_Дверь РУВН",
                Angle      = new Vector3(0, 20, 0),
                IsSpecific = true
            string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(jsonParametersRotateGameObject);


            //List<JsonButton> btns = new List<JsonButton>();
            //for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
            //    JsonButton jsonButton = new JsonButton
            //    {
            //        Name = "Команда № " + i.ToString(),
            //        Value = i
            //    };
            //    btns.Add(jsonButton);


            List <CodeValuePair>     codeValuePairs = new List <CodeValuePair>();
            List <int>               codes          = new List <int>();
            List <string>            values         = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <int, string> keyValuePairs  = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                int    key   = i;
                string value = "Команда № " + i.ToString();
                keyValuePairs.Add(key, value);
                codeValuePairs.Add(new CodeValuePair {
                    Code = key, Value = value

            DialogData jsonDialog = new DialogData
                DialogCode  = 1,
                DialogTitle = "Сумка с причиндалами",
                //    KeyValuePairs = keyValuePairs,
                //   CodeValuePairs = codeValuePairs
                Codes  = codes,
                Values = values
            string strJsonDialog = JsonUtility.ToJson(jsonDialog);


        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O))
            //GameObject gameObjectUnityApi = GameObject.Find("UnityAPI");
            //UnityApiScript unityApiScript = gameObjectUnityApi.GetComponent<UnityApiScript>();

            //JsonParametersRotateGameObject jsonParametersRotateGameObject = new JsonParametersRotateGameObject
            //    ObjectName = "Door_Дверь РУВН",
            //    Angle = 135f,
            //    IsSpecific = true
            //string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(jsonParametersRotateGameObject);


            GameObject     gameObjectUnityApi = GameObject.Find("UnityAPI");
            UnityApiScript unityApiScript     = gameObjectUnityApi.GetComponent <UnityApiScript>();

            JsonParametersLightGameObject jsonParametersLightGameObject = new JsonParametersLightGameObject
                ObjectName = "Твердое тело1 818",
                IsLight    = true
            string json1 = JsonUtility.ToJson(jsonParametersLightGameObject);


        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P))
            //GameObject gameObjectUnityApi = GameObject.Find("UnityAPI");
            //UnityApiScript unityApiScript = gameObjectUnityApi.GetComponent<UnityApiScript>();

            //JsonParametersRotateGameObject jsonParametersRotateGameObject = new JsonParametersRotateGameObject
            //    ObjectName = "Door_Дверь РУВН",
            //    Angle = 135f,
            //    IsSpecific = true
            //string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(jsonParametersRotateGameObject);


            //GameObject gameObjectUnityApi = GameObject.Find("UnityAPI");
            //UnityApiScript unityApiScript = gameObjectUnityApi.GetComponent<UnityApiScript>();

            //JsonParametersLightGameObject jsonParametersLightGameObject = new JsonParametersLightGameObject
            //    ObjectName = "Твердое тело1 818",
            //    IsLight = false
            //string json1 = JsonUtility.ToJson(jsonParametersLightGameObject);


            GameObject            AssetManager          = GameObject.Find("AssetManager");
            NonCachingLoadExample NonCachingLoadExample = AssetManager.GetComponent <NonCachingLoadExample>();
            AddAssetParameter     addAssetParameter     = new AddAssetParameter
                bundleURL = "D:/Training3dProjects/Training_v7/Assets/AssetBundles/cubeasset",
                assetName = "D:/Training3dProjects/Training_v7/Assets/Scenes/Resources_2018.12.26/Cube.prefab"//"A20", };

            string json1 = JsonUtility.ToJson(addAssetParameter);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G))
            //GameObject gameObjectUnityApi = GameObject.Find("UnityAPI");
            //UnityApiScript unityApiScript = gameObjectUnityApi.GetComponent<UnityApiScript>();

            //JsonParametersRotateGameObject jsonParametersRotateGameObject = new JsonParametersRotateGameObject
            //    ObjectName = "Door_Дверь РУВН",
            //    Angle = 135f,
            //    IsSpecific = true
            //string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(jsonParametersRotateGameObject);


            GameObject     gameObjectUnityApi = GameObject.Find("UnityAPI");
            UnityApiScript unityApiScript     = gameObjectUnityApi.GetComponent <UnityApiScript>();

            JsonParametersPositionGameObject jsonParametersPositionGameObject = new JsonParametersPositionGameObject
                ObjectName = "Твердое тело1 88",
                Position   = new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0f),
                SetNew     = false
            string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(jsonParametersPositionGameObject);


        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.J))
            MouseLook scriptMouseLook = gameObject.GetComponent <MouseLook>();
            Zoom      scriptZoom      = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <Zoom>();

            GameObject mainCamera     = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
            Dialogue   dialogueScript = mainCamera.GetComponent <Dialogue>();

            if (dialogueScript.ShowDialogue == true)
                //Cursor.visible = false;
                //Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
                scriptMouseLook.enabled = true;
                scriptZoom.enabled      = true;
                // Cursor.visible = true;
                // Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
                scriptMouseLook.enabled = false;
                scriptZoom.enabled      = false;

            if (dialogueScript.ShowDialogue == true)
                dialogueScript.ShowDialogue = false;
                DialogueNode node0 = new DialogueNode();
                node0.NpcText  = "Я: -Здравствуйте, диспетчерская?\n";
                node0.NpcText += "Диспетчер: -Здравствуйте, диспетчер Иванов, слушаю.";
                Answer ans0_1 = new Answer
                    Text     = "Я: - Прошу снять напряжение с КТП-10/0,4 с номером 86732. Потребители уведомлены о снятии напряжения.\nДиспетчер: - Снимаю напряжение с КТП-10/0,4 с номером 86732.",
                    ToNode   = 0,
                    SpeakEnd = true,

                    ActionRef        = "e9477766-93dc-497d-a7e0-91ab73dcaab5",
                    ElementRef       = Guid.Empty.ToString(),
                    InventoryItemRef = "41a454ad-e7cb-4785-a4d5-d969f42abb81"
                Answer ans0_2 = new Answer
                    Text     = "Я: - Вы сняли напряжение?\nДиспетчер: - Да, напряжение с КТП-10/0,4 снято.",
                    ToNode   = 0,
                    SpeakEnd = true,

                    ActionRef        = "e474abb8-b273-48ec-b138-131c28ca0826",
                    ElementRef       = Guid.Empty.ToString(),
                    InventoryItemRef = "41a454ad-e7cb-4785-a4d5-d969f42abb81"
                Answer ans0_3 = new Answer
                    Text     = "Я: - Прошу подать напряжение на КТП 10/0,4. с номером 86732 \"Считаю, КТП 10/0.4 под напряжением\"\nДиспетчер: - Напряжение подано",
                    ToNode   = 0,
                    SpeakEnd = true,

                    ActionRef        = "e20b60e8-b7a1-4ed0-ba4b-c315c0d20149",
                    ElementRef       = Guid.Empty.ToString(),
                    InventoryItemRef = "41a454ad-e7cb-4785-a4d5-d969f42abb81"
                Answer ans0_4 = new Answer
                    Text     = "Я: - Прошу снять напряжение с КТП-10/0,4 с номером 843432. Потребители уведомлены о снятии напряжения.\nДиспетчер: - Снимаю напряжение с КТП-10/0,4 с номером 843432.",
                    ToNode   = 0,
                    SpeakEnd = true,

                    ActionRef        = "06a9e850-b562-4209-b98d-765fa8b7d071",
                    ElementRef       = "",
                    InventoryItemRef = "41a454ad-e7cb-4785-a4d5-d969f42abb81"
                Answer ans0_5 = new Answer
                    Text     = "Я: - Прошу подать напряжение на КТП-10/0,4 с номером 321455. \"Считаю, КТП 10 / 0.4 под напряжением\"\nДиспетчер: - Напряжение подано",
                    ToNode   = 0,
                    SpeakEnd = true,

                    ActionRef        = "604640b3-f525-4e48-a051-8e008d9dd286",
                    ElementRef       = "",
                    InventoryItemRef = "41a454ad-e7cb-4785-a4d5-d969f42abb81"
                node0.PlayerAnswer = new Answer[] { ans0_1, ans0_2, ans0_3, ans0_4, ans0_5 };

                //DialogueNode node1 = new DialogueNode();
                //node1.NpcText = "Выполняю снятие напряжения с КТП-10/0,4.";
                //node1.PlayerAnswer = new Answer[] { ans0_2, ans0_3, ans0_4, ans0_5 };

                //DialogueNode node2 = new DialogueNode();
                //node2.NpcText = "Подтверждаю о снятии напряжения с КТП-10/0,4.";
                //node2.PlayerAnswer = new Answer[] { ans0_3, ans0_4, ans0_5 };

                //DialogueNode node3 = new DialogueNode();
                //node3.NpcText = "Подано напряжение на КТП 10/0,4.";
                //node3.PlayerAnswer = new Answer[] { ans0_5 };

                dialogueScript._currentNode = 0;
                dialogueScript.node         = new DialogueNode[] { node0 };
                dialogueScript.ShowDialogue = true;

        //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
        //    MouseLook scriptMouseLook = gameObject.GetComponent<MouseLook>();
        //    if (Cursor.visible == true)
        //    {
        //        Cursor.visible = false;
        //        Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
        //        scriptMouseLook.enabled = true;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        Cursor.visible = true;
        //        Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
        //        scriptMouseLook.enabled = false;
        //    }
        //    GameObject gameObjectUnityApi = GameObject.Find("UnityAPI");
        //    Actions unityApiScript = gameObjectUnityApi.GetComponent<Actions>();
        //    Actions.show = !Actions.show;
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     currentSceneIndex = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex;
     playerHp          = FindObjectOfType <ObjectClicker>();