    public override IEnumerator Build(Way w, MapChunkLoader mcl)
        Vector3[] nodes = new Vector3[w.nodes.Count];
        Vector2[] xz = new Vector2[w.nodes.Count];

        float height = 0;

        GameObject roof = new GameObject();
        // roof.transform.position = new Vector3(0, centroid.y, 0);
        roof.name = "Area - " + (2 * w.id).ToString();
        mcl.mapManager.mapHash.Add(2 * w.id);
        mcl.wayList.Add(2 * w.id);
        roof.isStatic = true;
        if (w.name != null)
            GameObject label = new GameObject();
            FloatingLabel lb = label.AddComponent<FloatingLabel>();
            lb.text = w.name;
            //lb.transform.position = centroid;
            lb.target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;
            label.transform.parent = roof.transform;
        roof.transform.parent = mcl.transform;
        Mesh roofm = new Mesh();
        MeshFilter filter2 = roof.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();

        string areaPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "Assets/Resources/Objs/" + roof.name + ".obj";

        if (!File.Exists(areaPath)) // If the file isn't cached we calculate everything and then we cache it

            if (w.height != 0)
                height = w.height;

            Vector3 centroid = new Vector3();
            for (int a = 0; a < w.nodes.Count; a++)
                yield return null;
                RaycastHit hit;
                Node n = w.nodes[a];
                nodes[a] = new Vector3((float)((n.easthing - mcl.offsetPositionX) / MapChunkLoader.precision), 5000, (float)((n.northing - mcl.offsetPositionZ) / MapChunkLoader.precision));
                if (Physics.Raycast(nodes[a], -Vector3.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mcl.layerMask))
                    nodes[a].y = hit.point.y + height + 0.5f;
                    nodes[a].y = 1;
                xz[a] = new Vector2((float)((n.easthing - mcl.offsetPositionX) / MapChunkLoader.precision), (float)((n.northing - mcl.offsetPositionZ) / MapChunkLoader.precision));
                centroid += nodes[a];
            centroid /= w.nodes.Count;
            centroid.y += 1;

            //  Vector3 position = new Vector3(centroid.x, 5000, centroid.z);
            float baseHeight = 0;

            /*RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Raycast(position, -Vector3.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
                baseHeight = hit.point.y;
            //centroid = new Vector3(centroid.x, centroid.y + baseHeight, centroid.z);

            Vector2[] xzRoof = new Vector2[w.nodes.Count - 1];

            for (int a = 0; a < xzRoof.Length; a++)
                xzRoof[a] = xz[a];

            Triangulator tr = new Triangulator(xzRoof);

            int[] indices = tr.Triangulate();
            // Create the mesh

            roofm.vertices = nodes;
            roofm.triangles = indices;

            Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[nodes.Length];
            for (int a = 0; a < nodes.Length; a++)
                if (a < nodes.Length - 1)
                    uvs[a] = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(nodes[a].x) / nodes[nodes.Length - 1].x, Mathf.Abs(nodes[a].z) / nodes[nodes.Length - 1].x);
                    uvs[a] = new Vector2(1, 1);

            roofm.uv = uvs;
            filter2.sharedMesh = roofm;

            if (mcl.exportObjs)
                ObjExporter oe = new ObjExporter();
                oe.MeshToFile(filter2, areaPath);
            ObjImporter oi = new ObjImporter();
            mcl.StartCoroutine(oi.FileToMesh("file://" + areaPath));
            while (oi._myMesh == null)
                yield return null;

            filter2.sharedMesh = oi._myMesh;
            Debug.LogWarning("Loaded Area from cache " + areaPath);

        if (w.type == WayType.Parking)
            roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/Parking Material") as Material;
        if (w.type == WayType.Park)
            roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/Park Material") as Material;
        if (w.type == WayType.RiverBank)
            roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/River Material") as Material;
    // Use this for initialization
    IEnumerator Start()
        layerMask = 1 << 8;
        wayList = new List<long>();
        MapChunkLoader.precision = GeoUTMConverter.Precision;
        GeoUTMConverter latlon2Utm = new GeoUTMConverter();

        transform.position = new Vector3(((float)latlon2Utm.X - offsetPositionX), -0.1f, ((float)latlon2Utm.Y - offsetPositionZ));

        GameObject floor = new GameObject();
        floor.name = "Ground";
        floor.isStatic = true;

        CreateGround cg = new CreateGround();
        cg.maxLat = maximumLat + 0.01f * (maximumLat - minimumLat); //0.0001f;
        cg.maxLon = maximumLon + 0.01f * (maximumLat - minimumLat);
        cg.minLat = minimumLat - 0.01f * (maximumLat - minimumLat);
        cg.minLon = minimumLon - 0.01f * (maximumLat - minimumLat);
        cg.numberOfDivisions = numberOfDivisions;

        MeshFilter mf = floor.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();

        MeshRenderer mr = floor.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        mr.material = groundMaterial;
        floor.transform.position = transform.position;
        floor.transform.parent = transform;
        floor.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("RayCast");

        string floorPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "Assets/Resources/Objs/" + cg.maxLat + "I" + cg.maxLon + ".obj";

        if (!File.Exists(floorPath)) // If the file isn't cached we calculate everything and then we cache it
            mf.sharedMesh = cg.GetGroundMesh();
            if (exportObjs)
                ObjExporter oe = new ObjExporter();
                oe.MeshToFile(mf, floorPath);
            ObjImporter oi = new ObjImporter();
            StartCoroutine(oi.FileToMesh("file://" + floorPath));

            while (oi._myMesh == null)
                yield return null;

            mf.sharedMesh = oi._myMesh;
            Debug.LogWarning("Loaded Ground Chunk from cache");

        //Texture2D t = new Texture2D(1024, 1024);

        MapTexture mt = new MapTexture();
        mt.getTexture(cg.minLon.ToString(), cg.minLat.ToString(), cg.maxLon.ToString(), cg.maxLat.ToString(),Application.persistentDataPath,mr.material);
        while (mt.texture == null)
            yield return null;

        //mr.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", t);

        MeshCollider m = floor.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
        Loom l = Loom.Current;
        LoadChunk(minimumLon, minimumLat, maximumLon, maximumLat);

    public override IEnumerator Build(Way w, MapChunkLoader mcl)
        //CreateBuilding(Way w)

        Mesh roofm = new Mesh();
        Mesh wallsm = new Mesh();

        GameObject build = new GameObject();
        build.name = "Building - " +  w.id.ToString();

        build.transform.parent = mcl.transform;
        GameObject roof = new GameObject();
        //roof.transform.position = new Vector3(0,baseHeight,0);
        roof.name = "Roof - " +(2 * w.id).ToString();
        mcl.mapManager.mapHash.Add(2 * w.id);
        mcl.wayList.Add(2 * w.id);

        GameObject walls = new GameObject();
        walls.name = "Walls - " + (3 * w.id).ToString();
        //walls.transform.position = new Vector3(0,baseHeight,0);
        mcl.mapManager.mapHash.Add(3 * w.id);
        mcl.wayList.Add(3 * w.id);

        MeshFilter filter = walls.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter;

        MeshFilter filter2 = roof.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter;

        string buildPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "Assets/Resources/Objs/" + build.name + ".obj";

        string roofPath = Application.persistentDataPath+"Assets/Resources/Objs/" + roof.name + ".obj";

        if (!File.Exists(buildPath) && !File.Exists(roofPath)) // If the file isn't cached we calculate everything and then we cache it
            Vector3[] nodes = new Vector3[w.nodes.Count];
            Vector2[] xz = new Vector2[w.nodes.Count];

            float height = (float)w.nodes[0].northing % referenceVariationHeight + referenceBaseHeight;

            if (w.height != 0)
                height = w.height;
                referenceVariationHeight = Mathf.Abs(referenceVariationHeight - height);
                referenceBaseHeight = (referenceBaseHeight + height) / 2;
            Vector3 centroid = new Vector3();

                Vector3 position;
                RaycastHit hit;
                for (int a = 0; a < w.nodes.Count; a++)
                    yield return null;
                    Node n = w.nodes[a];
                    position = new Vector3((float)((n.easthing - mcl.offsetPositionX) / MapChunkLoader.precision), 5000, (float)((n.northing - mcl.offsetPositionZ) / MapChunkLoader.precision));
                    float castH = 0;

                    if (Physics.Raycast(position, -Vector3.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mcl.layerMask))
                        castH = hit.point.y;
                    nodes[a] = new Vector3(position.x, castH + height, position.z);
                    xz[a] = new Vector2(position.x, position.z);
                    centroid += nodes[a];
                centroid /= w.nodes.Count;
                centroid.y += 1;

            Vector2[] xzRoof = new Vector2[w.nodes.Count -1];

            for (int a = 0; a < xzRoof.Length; a++)
                xzRoof[a] = xz[a];
            int[] indices;
            Vector3[] roofNodes;
            if (nodes.Length != 5 && nodes.Length != 6 && nodes.Length != 7 && nodes.Length != 8)
                 Triangulator tr = new Triangulator(xzRoof);

                 int[] tempIndices = tr.Triangulate();
                 indices = tempIndices;
                 roofNodes = nodes;

                 int[] tempIndices = new int[(nodes.Length-1)*3];
                 Vector3 midpoint = new Vector3();

                 for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length-1; i++)
                     midpoint.x += nodes[i].x;
                     midpoint.y += nodes[i].y;
                     midpoint.z += nodes[i].z;

                 roofNodes = new Vector3[nodes.Length];
                 midpoint.x = midpoint.x / (nodes.Length-1);
                 midpoint.y = midpoint.y / (nodes.Length - 1) + height/5;
                 midpoint.z = midpoint.z / (nodes.Length - 1);

                 for (int i = 0; i < roofNodes.Length - 1; i++)
                     roofNodes[i] = nodes[i];

                 roofNodes[roofNodes.Length - 1] = midpoint;

                Triangle test = new Triangle();
                 test.a = roofNodes[0];
                 test.b = roofNodes[1];
                 test.c = roofNodes[4];
                 Vector3 testVector = test.Normal;

                 int u = 0;
                 for (int i = 0; i < roofNodes.Length - 2; i += 1)
                     if (testVector.y > 0)
                         tempIndices[u] = i;
                         tempIndices[u + 1] = i + 1;
                         tempIndices[u + 2] = roofNodes.Length - 1;
                         tempIndices[u + 1] = i;
                         tempIndices[u] = i + 1;
                         tempIndices[u + 2] = roofNodes.Length - 1;
                     u += 3;
                     if (u >= tempIndices.Length - 3)
                         i += 1;
                         if (testVector.y > 0)
                             tempIndices[u] = i;
                             tempIndices[u + 1] = 0;
                             tempIndices[u + 2] = roofNodes.Length - 1;
                             tempIndices[u + 1] = i;
                             tempIndices[u] = 0;
                             tempIndices[u + 2] = roofNodes.Length - 1;

                 indices = tempIndices;

            // Create the mesh

            Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[roofNodes.Length];
            for (int a = 0; a < roofNodes.Length; a++)
                if (a < roofNodes.Length - 1)
                    uvs[a] = new Vector2(a,0);
                    uvs[a] = new Vector2(a/2, 1);

            roofm.vertices = roofNodes;
            roofm.triangles = indices;
            roofm.uv = uvs;

            // Set up game object with mesh;
                centroid = new Vector3(centroid.x, centroid.y, centroid.z);
                wallsm = BuildingCountourMesh(nodes, wallsm, height);

                if (w.name != null)
                    GameObject label = new GameObject();
                    FloatingLabel lb = label.AddComponent<FloatingLabel>();
                    lb.transform.parent = roof.transform;
                    lb.text = w.name;
                    lb.target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;
                    lb.transform.position = centroid;
                build.transform.parent = mcl.transform;
                walls.transform.parent = build.transform;
                roof.transform.parent = build.transform;

                filter.sharedMesh = wallsm;
               // wallmc.sharedMesh = wallsm;

                filter2.sharedMesh = roofm;
                //roofmc.sharedMesh = roofm;

                if (mcl.exportObjs)
                    ObjExporter oe1 = new ObjExporter();
                    ObjExporter oe2 = new ObjExporter();
                    oe1.MeshToFile(filter, buildPath);
                    oe2.MeshToFile(filter2, roofPath);
                ObjImporter oi = new ObjImporter();
                mcl.StartCoroutine(oi.FileToMesh("file://" + buildPath));

                while (oi._myMesh == null)
                    yield return null;

                filter.sharedMesh = oi._myMesh;
                Debug.LogWarning("Loaded Walls from cache " + buildPath);

                ObjImporter oi2 = new ObjImporter();
                mcl.StartCoroutine(oi2.FileToMesh("file://" + roofPath));

                while (oi2._myMesh == null)
                    yield return null;

                filter2.sharedMesh = oi2._myMesh;
                Debug.LogWarning("Loaded Roof from cache " + roofPath);

        /*if (w.height != 0)
            walls.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/Real Height Material") as Material;
            int textureIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,4);

            walls.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/BuildingMaterial" + textureIndex) as Material;
        /*if (w.height != 0)
            roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/Real Height Material") as Material;
            int textureIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 3);
            roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/Roof" + textureIndex) as Material;
    public override IEnumerator Build(Way w, MapChunkLoader mcl)
        //GameObject go = new GameObject();
        //go.name = "Road";

        GameObject road = new GameObject();
        road.name = "Road - " + w.id.ToString();
        road.isStatic = true;
        road.transform.parent = mcl.transform;
        string roadPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "Assets/Resources/Objs/" + road.name + ".obj";

        if (!File.Exists(roadPath)) // If the file isn't cached we calculate everything and then we cache it
            Debug.Log("STARTED CREATING ROAD");
            PolyLine pl = new PolyLine(w.id.ToString());
            pl.SetOffset(mcl.offsetPositionX, mcl.offsetPositionZ);
            pl.heigth = w.height;

            if (w.type == WayType.Footway)
                pl.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Footway Material") as Material;
                pl.width = 1;
            if (w.type == WayType.Motorway)
                pl.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Road Material") as Material;
                pl.width = 4;
                pl.lanes = 2;
            if (w.type == WayType.Residential)
                pl.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Road Material") as Material;
                pl.width = 2;
            if (w.type == WayType.River)
                pl.material = Resources.Load("Materials/River Material") as Material;
                pl.width = 8;

            for (int a = 0; a < w.nodes.Count; a++)
                Node n = w.nodes[a];

                Vector3 position = new Vector3((float)(n.easthing - mcl.offsetPositionX), 5000, (float)(n.northing - mcl.offsetPositionZ));
                float baseHeight = 0;
                RaycastHit hit;

                if (Physics.Raycast(position, -Vector3.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mcl.layerMask))
                    baseHeight = hit.point.y;
                n.height = baseHeight;

            //Closed road;

            if (mcl.exportObjs)
                while (road.GetComponent<MeshFilter>() == null)
                    yield return null;
                MeshFilter mf = road.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
                ObjExporter oe = new ObjExporter();
                oe.MeshToFile(mf, roadPath);

            ObjImporter oi = new ObjImporter();
            mcl.StartCoroutine(oi.FileToMesh("file://" + roadPath));
            while (oi._myMesh == null)
                yield return null;

            MeshFilter mf = road.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
            MeshRenderer mr = road.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
            mf.sharedMesh = oi._myMesh;
            Debug.LogWarning("Loaded Road from cache " + roadPath);
            if (w.type == WayType.Footway)
                mr.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Footway Material") as Material;

            if (w.type == WayType.Motorway)
                mr.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Road Material") as Material;

            if (w.type == WayType.Residential)
                mr.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Road Material") as Material;

            if (w.type == WayType.River)
                mr.material = Resources.Load("Materials/River Material") as Material;
