public void BuildTexture() //, ParseDNA parseDNA) { //this.DNA_Model = parseDNA; { Debug.Log("inside build texture"); string[] val =[key]; string sequence = val[1]; var texture = new Texture2D(textureX, textureY, TextureFormat.BGRA32, true); GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture; texture.SetPixel(textureX, textureY,; // mark the end of this texture. Debug.Log("sequence: " + sequence); for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Length; i++) { Nuc n = Nucleotide.CharToNuc(sequence[i]); texture.SetPixel(i % textureX, i / textureX, Nucleotide.defaultColor[n]); } texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; texture.Apply(); }
public void BuildCDSTexture(List <string> cds) { Debug.Log("inside build CDS texture"); string sequence1 = cds[0]; string sequence2 = cds[1]; var texture = new Texture2D(textureX, textureY, TextureFormat.BGRA32, true); GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture; //@todo: get new textureX, textureY values from alignment. texture.SetPixel(textureX, textureY,; // mark the end of this texture. Debug.Log("sequence2: " + sequence2); if (sequence1.Length != sequence2.Length) { throw new Exception("two sequences from alignment are not the same length."); } for (int i = 0; i < sequence1.Length; i++) { Nuc n1 = Nucleotide.CharToNuc(sequence1[i]); Nuc n2 = Nucleotide.CharToNuc(sequence2[i]); if (n1 == n2) { texture.SetPixel(i % textureX, i / textureX, Nucleotide.litColor[n1]); } else { texture.SetPixel(i % textureX, i / textureX, Nucleotide.dimColor[n1]); } } texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; texture.Apply(); }