static void Main(string[] args) { // Process arguments if (args.Length != 2 && args.Length != 6) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: PurgeEntities <world> <entityID> [<x1> <z1> <x2> <z2>]"); return; } string dest = args[0]; string eid = args[1]; // Our initial bounding box is "infinite" int x1 = BlockManager.MIN_X; int x2 = BlockManager.MAX_X; int z1 = BlockManager.MIN_Z; int z2 = BlockManager.MAX_Z; // If we have all coordinate parameters, set the bounding box if (args.Length == 6) { x1 = Convert.ToInt32(args[2]); z1 = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]); x2 = Convert.ToInt32(args[4]); z2 = Convert.ToInt32(args[5]); } // Load world NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(dest); IChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager(); // Remove entities foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cm) { // Skip chunks that don't cover our selected area if (((chunk.X + 1) * chunk.Blocks.XDim < x1) || (chunk.X * chunk.Blocks.XDim >= x2) || ((chunk.Z + 1) * chunk.Blocks.ZDim < z1) || (chunk.Z * chunk.Blocks.ZDim >= z2)) { continue; } // Delete the specified entities chunk.Entities.RemoveAll(eid); cm.Save(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 4) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: GiveItem <world> <player> <item-id> <cnt>"); return; } string dest = args[0]; string player = args[1]; int itemid = Convert.ToInt32(args[2]); int count = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]); // Open the world and grab its player manager NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(dest); IPlayerManager pm = world.GetPlayerManager(); // Check that the named player exists if (!pm.PlayerExists(player)) { Console.WriteLine("No such player {0}!", player); return; } // Get player (returned object is independent of the playermanager) Player p = pm.GetPlayer(player); // Find first slot to place item for (int i = 0; i < p.Items.Capacity; i++) { if (!p.Items.ItemExists(i)) { // Create the item and set its stack count Item item = new Item(itemid); item.Count = count; p.Items[i] = item; // Don't keep adding items break; } } // Save the player pm.SetPlayer(player, p); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: BlockReplace <world> <blockids>"); return; } var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var dest = args[0]; var blockIds = args.Skip(1).Select(arg => new BlockType(arg)).ToList(); new ChunkProcessor(NbtWorld.Open(dest), blockIds).Run(); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}", sw.Elapsed); }
public void BlockTest_1_8_3_debug() { NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(@"..\..\Data\1_8_3-debug\"); Assert.IsNotNull(world); for (int x = DebugWorld.MinX; x < DebugWorld.MaxX; x += 2) { for (int z = DebugWorld.MinZ; z < DebugWorld.MaxZ; z += 2) { var blockRef = world.GetBlockManager().GetBlockRef(x, DebugWorld.Y, z); var blockInfo = BlockInfo.BlockTable[blockRef.ID]; Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("ID:{0} ({1}), Data:{2}", blockRef.ID, blockInfo.Name, blockRef.Data)); Assert.IsTrue(blockInfo.Registered, "Block ID {0} has not been registered", blockRef.ID); Assert.IsTrue(blockInfo.TestData(blockRef.Data), "Data value '0x{0:X4}' not recognised for block '{1}' at {2},{3}", blockRef.Data, blockInfo.Name, x, z); } } }
public override void Run() { if (!Directory.Exists(opt.OPT_WORLD) && !File.Exists(opt.OPT_WORLD)) { Console.WriteLine("Error: Could not locate path: " + opt.OPT_WORLD); return; } NbtWorld world = null; IChunkManager cm = null; FilteredChunkManager fcm = null; try { world = NbtWorld.Open(opt.OPT_WORLD); cm = world.GetChunkManager(opt.OPT_DIM); fcm = new FilteredChunkManager(cm, opt.GetChunkFilter()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: Failed to open world: " + opt.OPT_WORLD); Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); return; } int affectedChunks = 0; foreach (ChunkRef chunk in fcm) { if (opt.OPT_V) { Console.WriteLine("Processing chunk {0},{1}...", chunk.X, chunk.Z); } ApplyChunk(world, chunk); affectedChunks += fcm.Save() > 0 ? 1 : 0; } Console.WriteLine("Affected Chunks: " + affectedChunks); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("You must specify a target directory"); return; } string dest = args[0]; // Opening an NbtWorld will try to autodetect if a world is Alpha-style or Beta-style NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(dest); // Grab a generic chunk manager reference IChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager(); // First blank out all of the lighting in all of the chunks foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cm) { chunk.Blocks.RebuildHeightMap(); chunk.Blocks.ResetBlockLight(); chunk.Blocks.ResetSkyLight(); cm.Save(); Console.WriteLine("Reset Chunk {0},{1}", chunk.X, chunk.Z); } // In a separate pass, reconstruct the light foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cm) { chunk.Blocks.RebuildBlockLight(); chunk.Blocks.RebuildSkyLight(); // Save the chunk to disk so it doesn't hang around in RAM cm.Save(); Console.WriteLine("Lit Chunk {0},{1}", chunk.X, chunk.Z); } }
public static void SetBiomeData(string dest) { NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(dest); IChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager(); foreach (ChunkRef chunk in cm) { AnvilChunk anvil_chunk = chunk.GetChunkRef() as AnvilChunk; TagNodeByteArray biomeNode = anvil_chunk.Tree.Root["Level"].ToTagCompound()["Biomes"].ToTagByteArray(); ZXByteArray biomeData = new ZXByteArray(16, 16, biomeNode.Data); for (int x = 0; x <= 15; x++) { for (int y = 0; y <= 15; y++) { biomeData[x, y] = biomes[chunk.X + "." + chunk.Z]; } } chunk.SetChunkRef(anvil_chunk); cm.Save(); } world.Save(); }
public override void Run() { NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(opt.OPT_WORLD); IChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager(opt.OPT_DIM); FilteredChunkManager fcm = new FilteredChunkManager(cm, opt.GetChunkFilter()); if (opt.OPT_V) { Console.WriteLine("Clearing existing chunk lighting..."); } int affectedChunks = 0; foreach (ChunkRef chunk in fcm) { if (opt.OPT_VV) { Console.WriteLine("Resetting chunk {0},{1}...", chunk.X, chunk.Z); } if (opt.HeightMap) { chunk.Blocks.RebuildHeightMap(); } if (opt.BlockLight) { chunk.Blocks.ResetBlockLight(); } if (opt.SkyLight) { chunk.Blocks.ResetSkyLight(); } fcm.Save(); affectedChunks++; } if (opt.OPT_V) { Console.WriteLine("Rebuilding chunk lighting..."); } foreach (ChunkRef chunk in fcm) { if (opt.OPT_VV) { Console.WriteLine("Lighting chunk {0},{1}...", chunk.X, chunk.Z); } if (opt.BlockLight) { chunk.Blocks.RebuildBlockLight(); } if (opt.SkyLight) { chunk.Blocks.RebuildSkyLight(); } fcm.Save(); } if (opt.OPT_V) { Console.WriteLine("Reconciling chunk edges..."); } foreach (ChunkRef chunk in fcm) { if (opt.OPT_VV) { Console.WriteLine("Stitching chunk {0},{1}...", chunk.X, chunk.Z); } if (opt.BlockLight) { chunk.Blocks.StitchBlockLight(); } if (opt.SkyLight) { chunk.Blocks.StitchSkyLight(); } fcm.Save(); } Console.WriteLine("Relit Chunks: " + affectedChunks); }
public static void Run(string sourcePath, string outputPath, bool console) { string playerPath = Path.Combine(outputPath, "players"); if (!Directory.Exists(playerPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(playerPath); } NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(sourcePath); if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(outputPath, world.Level.LevelName))) { if (console) { Console.WriteLine("World folder already exists, stopping."); } else { MessageBox.Show("World folder exists already, stopping."); } return; } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outputPath, world.Level.LevelName)); } DirectoryCopy(sourcePath, Path.Combine(outputPath, world.Level.LevelName), true); INIFile iniFile = new INIFile(Path.Combine(outputPath, world.Level.LevelName, "world.ini")); iniFile.SetValue("General", "Gamemode", (int)world.Level.GameType); iniFile.SetValue("General", "TimeInTicks", world.Level.Time); iniFile.SetValue("SpawnPosition", "X", world.Level.Spawn.X); iniFile.SetValue("SpawnPosition", "Y", world.Level.Spawn.Y); iniFile.SetValue("SpawnPosition", "Z", world.Level.Spawn.Z); iniFile.SetValue("Seed", "Seed", world.Level.RandomSeed); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(sourcePath).FullName, ""))) { IDictionary <string, string> serverProperties = ReadDictionaryFile(Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(sourcePath).FullName, "")); iniFile.SetValue("Mechanics", "CommandBlocksEnabled", serverProperties["enable-command-block"] == "true" ? 1 : 0); iniFile.SetValue("Mechanics", "PVPEnabled", serverProperties["pvp"] == "true" ? 1 : 0); iniFile.SetValue("SpawnPosition", "MaxViewDistance", serverProperties["view-distance"]); iniFile.SetValue("SpawnProtect", "ProtectRadius", serverProperties["spawn-protection"]); iniFile.SetValue("Difficulty", "WorldDifficulty", serverProperties["difficulty"]); } iniFile.Flush(); PlayerManager playerManager = (PlayerManager)world.GetPlayerManager(); foreach (Player player in playerManager) { JObject rootObject = new JObject(); rootObject.Add("SpawnX", player.Spawn.X == 0 ? world.Level.Spawn.X : player.Spawn.X); rootObject.Add("SpawnY", player.Spawn.Y == 0 ? world.Level.Spawn.Y : player.Spawn.Y); rootObject.Add("SpawnZ", player.Spawn.Z == 0 ? world.Level.Spawn.Z : player.Spawn.Z); rootObject.Add("air", player.Air); rootObject.Add("enderchestinventory", convertInventory(player.EnderItems, 27)); rootObject.Add("food", player.HungerLevel); rootObject.Add("foodExhaustion", player.HungerExhaustionLevel); rootObject.Add("foodSaturation", player.HungerSaturationLevel); rootObject.Add("foodTickTimer", player.HungerTimer); rootObject.Add("gamemode", (int)player.GameType); rootObject.Add("health", player.Health); rootObject.Add("inventory", convertPlayerInventory(player.Items)); rootObject.Add("isflying", player.Air); rootObject.Add("position", new JArray(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y, player.Position.Z)); rootObject.Add("rotation", new JArray(player.Rotation.Yaw, player.Rotation.Pitch, 0.0)); rootObject.Add("world", player.World); rootObject.Add("xpCurrent", player.XPLevel); rootObject.Add("xpTotal", player.XPTotal); string uuidPrefix = player.Name.Substring(0, 2); string outputFile = Path.Combine(playerPath, uuidPrefix, player.Name.Substring(2) + ".json"); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(playerPath, uuidPrefix))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(playerPath, uuidPrefix)); } StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputFile); writer.Write(rootObject.ToString()); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); } if (console) { Console.WriteLine("Done!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Done!"); } }
public void OpenTest_1_9_2_debug() { NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(@"..\..\Data\1_9_2-debug\"); Assert.IsNotNull(world); }
public void OpenTest_1_8_7_survival() { NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(@"..\..\Data\1_8_7-survival\"); Assert.IsNotNull(world); }
public override void Run() { NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(opt.OPT_WORLD); IChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager(opt.OPT_DIM); FilteredChunkManager fcm = new FilteredChunkManager(cm, opt.GetChunkFilter()); StreamWriter fstr; try { fstr = new StreamWriter(opt._outFile, false); } catch (IOException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } fstr.WriteLine("["); bool first = true; foreach (ChunkRef chunk in fcm) { if (!first) { fstr.Write(","); } IChunk c = chunk.GetChunkRef(); NbtTree tree = null; if (c is AnvilChunk) { tree = (c as AnvilChunk).Tree; } else if (c is AlphaChunk) { tree = (c as AlphaChunk).Tree; } if (tree == null || tree.Root == null) { continue; } if (!opt._dumpBlocks) { tree.Root["Level"].ToTagCompound().Remove("Blocks"); tree.Root["Level"].ToTagCompound().Remove("Data"); tree.Root["Level"].ToTagCompound().Remove("BlockLight"); tree.Root["Level"].ToTagCompound().Remove("SkyLight"); tree.Root["Level"].ToTagCompound().Remove("HeightMap"); } if (!opt._dumpEntities) { tree.Root["Level"].ToTagCompound().Remove("Entities"); } if (!opt._dumpTileEntities) { tree.Root["Level"].ToTagCompound().Remove("TileEntities"); } string s = JSONSerializer.Serialize(tree.Root["Level"], 1); fstr.Write(s); first = false; } fstr.WriteLine(); fstr.WriteLine("]"); fstr.Close(); }