        public List <Node> FindPath(Vector2 startPosition, Vector2 targetPosition, bool allowDiagonalMovement = false)
            // Perform all pathing operations on a clone of currrent A* grid
            nodes      = navigationMesh.CloneGrid();
            gridWidth  = navigationMesh.GridWidth;
            gridHeight = navigationMesh.GridHeight;

            // Find the nodes closest to our destination positions
            // if these are off the grid, will return the edge of the grid as close as it can get
            var startNodePosition  = navigationMesh.FindNearestNodeIndex(startPosition);
            var targetNodePosition = navigationMesh.FindNearestNodeIndex(targetPosition);
            var startNode          = nodes[startNodePosition.ix][startNodePosition.iy];
            // For the target node, if the destination is a solid node, find the nearest non-solid neighbor node instead
            var targetNode = FindNearestOpenNode(nodes[targetNodePosition.ix][targetNodePosition.iy]);

            // The "open list" is the list of nodes that we need to visit
            var openList = new List <Node>()

            // The "closed set" is the list of nodes that we have visited already
            var closedList = new List <Node>();

            // Loop until we have no more nodes to visit
            while (openList.Count > 0)
                // Grab whatever the next node on the list is
                var currentNode = openList.First();

                // Iterate through the open list starting from the second element to figure out what node we want to visit next
                // If there is no other element, this whole thing is skipped
                foreach (var node in openList.Skip(1))
                    // if this node appears to get us to our destination quicker, visit that boy first
                    if (node.FCost <= currentNode.FCost && node.HCost < currentNode.HCost)
                        currentNode = node;

                // mark this node as visited, remove it from the open list and add it to the closed list

                // if we find our target node
                if (currentNode == targetNode)
                    // Crawl backwards to retrieve the total path
                    return(TraceFinalPath(startNode, targetNode));

                foreach (Node neighbor in FindNeighborNodes(currentNode, allowDiagonalMovement))
                    // Ignore any solid or previously visited nodes
                    if (neighbor.IsSolid || closedList.Contains(neighbor))

                    // For this implementation of A*, the GCost is the linear distance between node indices
                    // Add the distance between currentNode and this particular neighbor
                    var moveCost = currentNode.GCost + GetDistance(currentNode, neighbor);

                    // Check if this neighbor node should be where we visit next
                    if (moveCost < neighbor.GCost || !openList.Contains(neighbor))
                        neighbor.GCost  = moveCost;
                        neighbor.HCost  = GetDistance(neighbor, targetNode);
                        neighbor.Parent = currentNode;

                        if (!openList.Contains(neighbor))

            // If we managed to get here, it means we have visited every node and could not find a path.
            // Return an empty list, and leave it up to the implementor to decide what to do
            return(new List <Node>());