    //update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        //if the agent is crossing a road, they can choose a random faster speed - to simulat a human running
        NavMeshHit hit;

        if (!agent.SamplePathPosition(NavMesh.AllAreas, 0.0f, out hit))
            if ((hit.mask & crossingMask) != 0)
                int random = UnityEngine.Random.Range(8, 15);
                agent.speed = random; //run across roads
                agent.speed = 5; //walk around the paths

        //if the agent is close to their waypoint, choose another at random
        if (agent.remainingDistance < 0.5)
            int d = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, wps.Length);
            agent.SetAreaCost(4, 20);
        //change the acceleration if the agent is turning corners to help navigate
        else if (agent.hasPath)
            agent.isStopped = false;

            Vector3 toTarget  = agent.steeringTarget - this.transform.position;
            float   turnAngle = Vector3.Angle(this.transform.forward, toTarget);
            agent.acceleration = turnAngle * agent.speed;

        // Simple dead reckoning algorithm below; checking to see if distance moved since last espdu (change) > threshold value
        change[0]      += Mathf.Abs(this.agent.transform.position.x - prev_location.x);
        prev_location.x = this.agent.transform.position.x;
        change[1]      += Mathf.Abs(this.agent.transform.position.y - prev_location.y);
        prev_location.y = this.agent.transform.position.y;

        if ((change[0] > threshold) | (change[1] > threshold))
            change[0]         = 0;
            change[1]         = 0;
            this.sendNewEspdu = true;
            this.sendNewEspdu = false;

        // Sending the new Espdu if necessary (if Dead Reckoning threshold passed)
        if (this.sendNewEspdu)
            // Declaring the position of the Bot (in WSP - World Space Position)
            Vector3Double loc = espdu.EntityLocation;                                   // Issues here

            loc.X = this.agent.transform.position.x;
            loc.Y = this.agent.transform.position.y;
            loc.Z = 0.0;

            if (espdu.EntityLocation.X.Equals(null) | espdu.EntityLocation.Y.Equals(null))
                Debug.LogError("Espdu's location value is NULL!!!");

            // Declaring the Bot's velocity
            Vector3Float vel = espdu.EntityLinearVelocity;

            vel.X = this.agent.velocity.x;
            vel.Y = this.agent.velocity.y;
            vel.Z = 0.0f;

            if (espdu.EntityLinearVelocity.X.Equals(null) | espdu.EntityLinearVelocity.Y.Equals(null))
                Debug.LogError("Espdu's linear velocity value is NULL!!!");

            // Declaring the DeadReckoning Algorithm to be used (R, P, W)
            espdu.DeadReckoningParameters.DeadReckoningAlgorithm = (byte)2;

            // Sending the Espdu
            espdu.Timestamp = DisTime.DisRelativeTimestamp;

            // Prepare output
            DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(Endian.Big);

            // Transmit broadcast messages
            string mess = string.Format("Message sent with TimeStamp [{0}] Time Of[{1}]", espdu.Timestamp, (espdu.Timestamp >> 1));
            this.sendNewEspdu = false;