        public void TryConnect()
            Rhino.RhinoApp.Write("Attemping to connect to NatNet server... ");
            client = new NatNetClientML();
            int res = client.Initialize("", "");

            if (res != 0)
                client      = null;
                IsConnected = false;
            IsConnected = true;

            // testing only

             * System.Random rnd = new Random();
             * for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
             * {
             *  markers.Add(new Point3d((rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 500.0, (rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 500.0, (rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 500.0));
             * }

            client.OnFrameReady += GetMarkersCallback;
            Rhino.Display.DisplayPipeline.PostDrawObjects      += DisplayPipeline_DrawMarkers;
            Rhino.Display.DisplayPipeline.CalculateBoundingBox += DisplayPipeline_MarkersBoundingBox;

        private void NatNetClientOnOnFrameReady(FrameOfMocapData data, NatNetClientML client)
            /*  Exception handler for cases where assets are added or removed.
             *  Data description is re-obtained in the main function so that contents
             *  in the frame handler is kept minimal. */
            if ((data.bTrackingModelsChanged ||
                 data.nMarkerSets != _markerSets.Count ||
                 data.nRigidBodies != _rigidBodies.Count ||
                 data.nSkeletons != _skeletons.Count))
                Logger.Debug("Change in the list of the assets. Refetching the descriptions");

                /*  Clear out existing lists */

                /* [NatNet] Re-fetch the updated list of descriptors  */


        private void OnOptiTrackFrameReady(FrameOfMocapData data, NatNetClientML client)
            if (data != null)
                List <Tuple <RigidBody, RigidBodyData> > rigidBodyInfo = new List <Tuple <RigidBody, RigidBodyData> >();
                for (int i = 0; i < data.nRigidBodies; i++)
                    RigidBodyData rigidBodyData = data.RigidBodies[i];
                    int           id            = rigidBodyData.ID;

                    RigidBody rigidBody = GetRigidBody(id);
                    if (rigidBody != null)
                        rigidBodyInfo.Add(new Tuple <RigidBody, RigidBodyData>(rigidBody, rigidBodyData));

                List <Marker> markerInfo = new List <Marker>();
                for (int i = 0; i < data.nOtherMarkers; i++)
                    if (data.OtherMarkers[i].ID == -1)

                TrackingUpdated?.Invoke(this, new OptiTrackTrackingEventArgs(
                                            rigidBodyInfo, markerInfo, m_natNetClient, data.fTimestamp));
 public OptiTrackTrackingEventArgs(List <Tuple <RigidBody, RigidBodyData> > rigidBodyData,
                                   List <Marker> marekers, NatNetClientML client, double timestamp)
     : base(timestamp)
     m_rigidBodyData = rigidBodyData;
     m_markers       = marekers;
     m_client        = client;
        public static void GetMarkersCallback(FrameOfMocapData frame, NatNetClientML client)
            markers = new List <Point3d>();
            for (int i = 0; i < frame.nOtherMarkers; ++i)
                Point3d pt = new Point3d(frame.OtherMarkers[i].x * 1000.0, frame.OtherMarkers[i].y * 1000.0, frame.OtherMarkers[i].z * 1000.0);

        private void Initialize()
            m_localAddr = IPAddress.Any;
            if (m_localAddr != null)
                if (m_natNetClient != null)

                m_natNetClient = new NatNetClientML(Constants.MulticastConnectionType);
                m_natNetClient.OnFrameReady += new FrameReadyEventHandler(OnOptiTrackFrameReady);
        public RNNContext()
            doc          = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc;
            markers      = new List <Point3d>();
            marker_sizes = new List <float>();
            counter      = 0;

            client = null;

            Rhino.Display.DisplayPipeline.PostDrawObjects      += DisplayPipeline_DrawMarkers;
            Rhino.Display.DisplayPipeline.CalculateBoundingBox += DisplayPipeline_MarkersBoundingBox;

        private void ProcessFrame(FrameOfMocapData data, NatNetClientML client)
            double frameDeltaTime = data.fTimestamp - frameTimestamp;

            frameTimestamp = data.fTimestamp;

            var receivedFrame = new InputFrame(data, frameDeltaTime);
            var args          = new FrameReceivedEventArgs {
                ReceivedFrame    = receivedFrame,
                PrevBallPosition = ballPosition

            ballPosition = receivedFrame.BallPosition;
            FrameReceived?.Invoke(this, args);
        static void connectToServer()
            //  [NatNet] Instantiate the client object
            mNatNet = new NatNetClientML();

            //  [NatNet] Checking verions of the NatNet SDK library
            int[] verNatNet = new int[4];           // Saving NatNet SDK version number
            verNatNet = mNatNet.NatNetVersion();
            // Console.WriteLine("NatNet SDK Version: {0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", verNatNet[0], verNatNet[1], verNatNet[2], verNatNet[3]);

            //  [NatNet] Connecting to the Server
            // Console.WriteLine("\nConnecting...\n\tLocal IP address: {0}\n\tServer IP Address: {1}\n\n", mStrLocalIP, mStrServerIP);

            NatNetClientML.ConnectParams connectParams = new NatNetClientML.ConnectParams();

            connectParams.ConnectionType = mConnectionType;
            connectParams.ServerAddress  = mStrServerIP;
            connectParams.LocalAddress   = mStrLocalIP;

        public void Connect(string clientIp, string serverIp, string connectionType)
            /*  [NatNet] Instantiate the client object  */
            _natNetClient = new NatNetClientML();

            /*  [NatNet] Checking verions of the NatNet SDK library */
            var natNetVersion = _natNetClient.NatNetVersion();

            Logger.Info("NatNet SDK Version: {0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", natNetVersion[0], natNetVersion[1], natNetVersion[2],

            /*  [NatNet] Connecting to the Server    */
            Logger.Info("\nConnecting...\n\tLocal IP address: {0}\n\tServer IP Address: {1}\n\n",
                        clientIp, serverIp);

            var connectParams = new NatNetClientML.ConnectParams
                ConnectionType = connectionType == "unicast"
                    ? ConnectionType.Unicast
                    : ConnectionType.Multicast,
                ServerAddress = serverIp,
                LocalAddress  = clientIp


            _isConnected = FetchServerDescription();
            if (_isConnected)
                _natNetClient.OnFrameReady += NatNetClientOnOnFrameReady;
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not connect to optitrack");
        public void TryConnect()
            if (client != null)

            Rhino.RhinoApp.Write("Attemping to connect to NatNet server... ");
            client = new NatNetClientML();

            var cp = new NatNetClientML.ConnectParams();

            cp.ConnectionType    = ConnectionType.Multicast;
            cp.LocalAddress      = "";
            cp.ServerAddress     = "";
            cp.ServerCommandPort = 1510;
            cp.ServerDataPort    = 1511;

            int res = client.Connect(cp);

            if (res != 0)
                client      = null;
                IsConnected = false;
            IsConnected = true;


            client.OnFrameReady += new NatNetML.FrameReadyEventHandler(fetchFrameData);

 public OptiTrackClient()
     _natNetClient             = new NatNetClientML();
     TranslationUnitMultiplier = 1.0f;
 public OptiTrackSystem(int connectionType = 0)
     natNetClient      = new NatNetClientML(connectionType);
     ServerDescription = new ServerDescription();
     ballPosition      = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(3);
        //static uint GPS_LEAPSECONDS_MILLIS = 18000;

        static void processFrameData(NatNetML.FrameOfMocapData data)
            bool data_gogo = true;

            /*  Parsing Rigid Body Frame Data   */
            for (int i = 0; i < mRigidBodies.Count; i++)
                int rbID = mRigidBodies[i].ID;              // Fetching rigid body IDs from the saved descriptions

                for (int j = 0; j < data.nRigidBodies; j++)
                    if (rbID == data.RigidBodies[j].ID)                      // When rigid body ID of the descriptions matches rigid body ID of the frame data.
                        NatNetML.RigidBody     rb     = mRigidBodies[i];     // Saved rigid body descriptions
                        NatNetML.RigidBodyData rbData = data.RigidBodies[j]; // Received rigid body descriptions

                        if (rbData.Tracked == true)
                            Console.WriteLine("\tRigidBody ({0}):", rb.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tpos ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", rbData.x, rbData.y, rbData.z);

                            // Rigid Body Euler Orientation
                            float[] quat = new float[4] {
                                rbData.qx, rbData.qy, rbData.qz, rbData.qw
                            float[] eulers = new float[3];

                            eulers = NatNetClientML.QuatToEuler(quat, NATEulerOrder.NAT_XYZr); //Converting quat orientation into XYZ Euler representation.
                            double xrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[0]);
                            double yrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[1]);
                            double zrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[2]);
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tori ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", xrot, yrot, zrot);
                            if (drones.ContainsKey(rb.Name))
                                DroneData drone = drones[rb.Name];
                                drone.lost_count = 0;
                                long cur_ms = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                                if (drone.send_count > 0)
                                else if (data_gogo)
                                    drone.send_count = 10;
                                    data_gogo        = false;
                                    MAVLink.mavlink_att_pos_mocap_t att_pos = new MAVLink.mavlink_att_pos_mocap_t();
                                    att_pos.time_usec = (ulong)(cur_ms * 1000);
                                    att_pos.x         = rbData.x;  //north
                                    att_pos.y         = rbData.z;  //east
                                    att_pos.z         = -rbData.y; //down
                                    att_pos.q         = new float[4] {
                                        rbData.qw, rbData.qx, rbData.qz, -rbData.qy
                                    byte[] pkt = mavlinkParse.GenerateMAVLinkPacket10(MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.ATT_POS_MOCAP, att_pos);

                                    if (drone.lastTime >= 0)
                                        MAVLink.mavlink_vision_speed_estimate_t vis_speed = new MAVLink.mavlink_vision_speed_estimate_t();
                                        float total_s = (cur_ms - drone.lastTime) * 0.001f;
                                        vis_speed.x    = (rbData.x - drone.lastPosN) / total_s;
                                        vis_speed.y    = (rbData.z - drone.lastPosE) / total_s;
                                        vis_speed.z    = (-rbData.y - drone.lastPosD) / total_s;
                                        vis_speed.usec = (ulong)(cur_ms * 1000);
                                        byte[] pkt2      = mavlinkParse.GenerateMAVLinkPacket10(MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.VISION_SPEED_ESTIMATE, vis_speed);
                                        int    total_len = pkt.Length + pkt2.Length;
                                        byte[] uwb_data  = new byte[10 + total_len + 1];
                                        uwb_data[0] = 0x54;
                                        uwb_data[1] = 0xf1;
                                        uwb_data[2] = 0xff;
                                        uwb_data[3] = 0xff;
                                        uwb_data[4] = 0xff;
                                        uwb_data[5] = 0xff;
                                        uwb_data[6] = 2;
                                        uwb_data[7] = drone.uwb_tag_id;
                                        uwb_data[8] = (byte)(total_len & 0xff);
                                        uwb_data[9] = (byte)(total_len >> 16);
                                        Array.Copy(pkt, 0, uwb_data, 10, pkt.Length);
                                        Array.Copy(pkt2, 0, uwb_data, 10 + pkt.Length, pkt2.Length);
                                        byte chk_sum = 0;
                                        foreach (byte uwb_data_byte in uwb_data)
                                            chk_sum += uwb_data_byte;
                                        uwb_data[uwb_data.Length - 1] = chk_sum;
                                        mavSock.SendTo(uwb_data, drone.ep);
                                drone.lastTime = cur_ms;
                                drone.lastPosN = rbData.x;
                                drone.lastPosE = rbData.z;
                                drone.lastPosD = -rbData.y;
                            Console.WriteLine("\t{0} is not tracked in current frame", rb.Name);

                            /*if (drones.ContainsKey(rb.Name))
                             * {
                             *  DroneData drone = drones[rb.Name];
                             *  drone.lost_count++;
                             *  if (drone.lost_count > 3)
                             *  {
                             *      drone.lost_count = 0;
                             *      MAVLink.mavlink_gps_input_t gps_input = new MAVLink.mavlink_gps_input_t();
                             *      gps_input.gps_id = 0;
                             *      gps_input.fix_type = (byte)MAVLink.GPS_FIX_TYPE.NO_FIX;
                             *      byte[] pkt = mavlinkParse.GenerateMAVLinkPacket10(MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.GPS_INPUT, gps_input);
                             *      mavSock.SendTo(pkt, drone.ep);
                             *  }
                             * }*/

            /* Parsing Skeleton Frame Data  */
            for (int i = 0; i < mSkeletons.Count; i++)      // Fetching skeleton IDs from the saved descriptions
                int sklID = mSkeletons[i].ID;

                for (int j = 0; j < data.nSkeletons; j++)
                    if (sklID == data.Skeletons[j].ID)                     // When skeleton ID of the description matches skeleton ID of the frame data.
                        NatNetML.Skeleton     skl     = mSkeletons[i];     // Saved skeleton descriptions
                        NatNetML.SkeletonData sklData = data.Skeletons[j]; // Received skeleton frame data

                        Console.WriteLine("\tSkeleton ({0}):", skl.Name);
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\tSegment count: {0}", sklData.nRigidBodies);

                        /*  Now, for each of the skeleton segments  */
                        for (int k = 0; k < sklData.nRigidBodies; k++)
                            NatNetML.RigidBodyData boneData = sklData.RigidBodies[k];

                            /*  Decoding skeleton bone ID   */
                            int skeletonID  = HighWord(boneData.ID);
                            int rigidBodyID = LowWord(boneData.ID);
                            int uniqueID    = skeletonID * 1000 + rigidBodyID;
                            int key         = uniqueID.GetHashCode();

                            NatNetML.RigidBody bone = (RigidBody)mHtSkelRBs[key];   //Fetching saved skeleton bone descriptions

                            //Outputting only the hip segment data for the purpose of this sample.
                            if (k == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0:N3}: pos({1:N3}, {2:N3}, {3:N3})", bone.Name, boneData.x, boneData.y, boneData.z);

            /*  Parsing Force Plate Frame Data  */
            for (int i = 0; i < mForcePlates.Count; i++)
                int fpID = mForcePlates[i].ID;                  // Fetching force plate IDs from the saved descriptions

                for (int j = 0; j < data.nForcePlates; j++)
                    if (fpID == data.ForcePlates[j].ID)                       // When force plate ID of the descriptions matches force plate ID of the frame data.
                        NatNetML.ForcePlate     fp     = mForcePlates[i];     // Saved force plate descriptions
                        NatNetML.ForcePlateData fpData = data.ForcePlates[i]; // Received forceplate frame data

                        Console.WriteLine("\tForce Plate ({0}):", fp.Serial);

                        // Here we will be printing out only the first force plate "subsample" (index 0) that was collected with the mocap frame.
                        for (int k = 0; k < fpData.nChannels; k++)
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tChannel {0}: {1}", fp.ChannelNames[k], fpData.ChannelData[k].Values[0]);
        public double[] get_last_frame(string track_type, int object_num)
             * when asking for data set, default to the first marker set
            //grab a frame
            FrameOfMocapData data = mNatNet.GetLastFrameOfData();

            switch (track_type)
                Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized track object type {0}", track_type);

            case "markers":     //defailt to return first marker of the firsr marker set
                NatNetML.MarkerSetData ms = data.MarkerSets[0];
                if (object_num < ms.nMarkers)
                    return(new double[3] {
                        ms.Markers[object_num].x * m_ServerToMillimeters,
                        ms.Markers[object_num].x * m_ServerToMillimeters,
                        ms.Markers[object_num].z * m_ServerToMillimeters
                    Console.WriteLine("the specified object number( {0} ) is greater than the total markers ({1})", object_num, ms.nMarkers);

            case "rb":

                if (debug)
                    Console.WriteLine("asked for rigid body number {0}", object_num);
                    Console.WriteLine("number of rigid body: {0}", data.nRigidBodies);

                if (object_num < data.nRigidBodies)
                    NatNetML.RigidBodyData rb = data.RigidBodies[object_num];
                    //get the quotenions
                    float[] quat = new float[4] {
                        rb.qx, rb.qy, rb.qz, rb.qw
                    float[] eulers = new float[3];
                    eulers = NatNetClientML.QuatToEuler(quat, NATEulerOrder.NAT_XYZr);
                    double x = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[0]);         // convert to degrees
                    double y = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[1]);
                    double z = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[2]);
                    if (debug)
                        Console.WriteLine("received x y z positions");
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", x, y, z);
                        Console.WriteLine("Reading the quene takes {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                    return(new double[7] {
                        rb.x *m_ServerToMillimeters,                         //mm for obvious reaons
                        rb.y *m_ServerToMillimeters,
                        rb.z *m_ServerToMillimeters,
                        x, y, z, data.iFrame
                    });                                                //angles in degrees
 public OptiTrackSystem(int connectionType = 0)
     natNetClient      = new NatNetClientML(connectionType);
     serverDescription = new ServerDescription();
        static void processFrameData(NatNetML.FrameOfMocapData data)
            /*  Parsing Rigid Body Frame Data   */
            for (int i = 0; i < mRigidBodies.Count; i++)
                int rbID = mRigidBodies[i].ID;              // Fetching rigid body IDs from the saved descriptions

                for (int j = 0; j < data.nRigidBodies; j++)
                    if (rbID == data.RigidBodies[j].ID)                      // When rigid body ID of the descriptions matches rigid body ID of the frame data.
                        NatNetML.RigidBody     rb     = mRigidBodies[i];     // Saved rigid body descriptions
                        NatNetML.RigidBodyData rbData = data.RigidBodies[j]; // Received rigid body descriptions

                        if (rbData.Tracked == true)
                            Console.WriteLine("\tRigidBody ({0}):", rb.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tpos ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", rbData.x, rbData.y, rbData.z);

                            // Rigid Body Euler Orientation
                            float[] quat = new float[4] {
                                rbData.qx, rbData.qy, rbData.qz, rbData.qw
                            float[] eulers = new float[3];

                            eulers = NatNetClientML.QuatToEuler(quat, NATEulerOrder.NAT_XYZr); //Converting quat orientation into XYZ Euler representation.
                            double xrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[0]);
                            double yrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[1]);
                            double zrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[2]);

                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tori ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", xrot, yrot, zrot);
                            Console.WriteLine("\t{0} is not tracked in current frame", rb.Name);

            /* Parsing Skeleton Frame Data  */
            for (int i = 0; i < mSkeletons.Count; i++)      // Fetching skeleton IDs from the saved descriptions
                int sklID = mSkeletons[i].ID;

                for (int j = 0; j < data.nSkeletons; j++)
                    if (sklID == data.Skeletons[j].ID)                     // When skeleton ID of the description matches skeleton ID of the frame data.
                        NatNetML.Skeleton     skl     = mSkeletons[i];     // Saved skeleton descriptions
                        NatNetML.SkeletonData sklData = data.Skeletons[j]; // Received skeleton frame data

                        Console.WriteLine("\tSkeleton ({0}):", skl.Name);
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\tSegment count: {0}", sklData.nRigidBodies);

                        /*  Now, for each of the skeleton segments  */
                        for (int k = 0; k < sklData.nRigidBodies; k++)
                            NatNetML.RigidBodyData boneData = sklData.RigidBodies[k];

                            /*  Decoding skeleton bone ID   */
                            int skeletonID  = HighWord(boneData.ID);
                            int rigidBodyID = LowWord(boneData.ID);
                            int uniqueID    = skeletonID * 1000 + rigidBodyID;
                            int key         = uniqueID.GetHashCode();

                            NatNetML.RigidBody bone = (RigidBody)mHtSkelRBs[key];   //Fetching saved skeleton bone descriptions

                            //Outputting only the hip segment data for the purpose of this sample.
                            if (k == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0:N3}: pos({1:N3}, {2:N3}, {3:N3})", bone.Name, boneData.x, boneData.y, boneData.z);

            /*  Parsing Force Plate Frame Data  */
            for (int i = 0; i < mForcePlates.Count; i++)
                int fpID = mForcePlates[i].ID;                  // Fetching force plate IDs from the saved descriptions

                for (int j = 0; j < data.nForcePlates; j++)
                    if (fpID == data.ForcePlates[j].ID)                       // When force plate ID of the descriptions matches force plate ID of the frame data.
                        NatNetML.ForcePlate     fp     = mForcePlates[i];     // Saved force plate descriptions
                        NatNetML.ForcePlateData fpData = data.ForcePlates[i]; // Received forceplate frame data

                        Console.WriteLine("\tForce Plate ({0}):", fp.Serial);

                        // Here we will be printing out only the first force plate "subsample" (index 0) that was collected with the mocap frame.
                        for (int k = 0; k < fpData.nChannels; k++)
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tChannel {0}: {1}", fp.ChannelNames[k], fpData.ChannelData[k].Values[0]);
        private NatNetPoseData ProcessPoseData(NatNetML.FrameOfMocapData data)
            NatNetPoseData poseData = new NatNetPoseData();

            /*  Parsing Simple Marker Data   */
            for (int i = 0; i < data.nMarkers; i++)
                Marker marker = data.LabeledMarkers[i];
                int    mID    = marker.ID;
                // Console.WriteLine("\tMarker ({0}): \t\tpos ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", mID, marker.x, marker.y, marker.z);
                poseData.mPos = new Vector3(marker.x, marker.y, marker.z);

            /*  Parsing Rigid Body Frame Data   */
            for (int i = 0; i < mRigidBodies.Count; i++)
                int rbID = mRigidBodies[i].ID;              // Fetching rigid body IDs from the saved descriptions

                for (int j = 0; j < data.nRigidBodies; j++)
                    if (rbID == data.RigidBodies[j].ID)                      // When rigid body ID of the descriptions matches rigid body ID of the frame data.
                        NatNetML.RigidBody     rb     = mRigidBodies[i];     // Saved rigid body descriptions
                        NatNetML.RigidBodyData rbData = data.RigidBodies[j]; // Received rigid body descriptions

                        if (rbData.Tracked == true)
                            poseData.rbPos = new Vector3(rbData.x, rbData.y, rbData.z);
                            poseData.rbRot = new Quaternion(rbData.qx, rbData.qy, rbData.qz, rbData.qw);

                            //Console.WriteLine("\tRigidBody ({0}):", rb.Name);
                            //Console.WriteLine("\t\tpos ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", rbData.x, rbData.y, rbData.z);

                            // Rigid Body Euler Orientation
                            float[] quat = new float[4] {
                                rbData.qx, rbData.qy, rbData.qz, rbData.qw
                            float[] eulers = new float[3];

                            eulers = NatNetClientML.QuatToEuler(quat, NATEulerOrder.NAT_XYZr); //Converting quat orientation into XYZ Euler representation.
                            double xrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[0]);
                            double yrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[1]);
                            double zrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[2]);

                            //Console.WriteLine("\t\tori ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", xrot, yrot, zrot);

                            string display = string.Format("\tRigidBody ({0}):", rb.Name);
                            display += string.Format("\t\tpos ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", rbData.x, rbData.y, rbData.z);
                            display += string.Format("\t\tori ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", xrot, yrot, zrot);
                            Console.WriteLine("\t{0} is not tracked in current frame", rb.Name);
