public void SaveScoreResetLife(int grounpId) { string sql = "select l.* from room r join room_user ru on = ru.room_id join life l on ru.user_id = l.userId where r.grounpId = @grounpId"; List <Life> lifeList = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Life>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", grounpId) }); lifeList.ForEach((life) => { //查询roomid int roomId = GetRoomIdByUser(life.userId); //查询userName sql = "select name from user where id = @user_id"; string userName = MySqlExecuteTools.GetSingleFieldResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@user_id", life.userId) })[0].ToString(); if (life.lifeValue < 0) { life.lifeValue = 0; } //插入值 sql = "insert into score(createTime,bulletCount,lifeValue,fightScore,roomId,grounpId,userId,userName) " + "values('" + TimeUtils.GetCurrentTimestamp() + "','" + life.bulletCount + "','" + life.lifeValue + "'" + ",'" + life.fightScore + "','" + roomId + "','" + grounpId + "','" + life.userId + "','" + userName + "')"; MySqlExecuteTools.GetAddID(sql); //复位life的生命值 sql = "update life set bulletCount = 80,lifeValue=50,fightScore=35 where id = @id;"; MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@id", }); }); }
/// <summary> /// 增加或减少命值 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="SubTractValue"></param> /// <param name="isSub">时候减少</param> public void SetLifeValue(string userId, int SubTractValue, bool isSub = true) { string sql = "select * from life where userId = @userId"; List <Life> lifes = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Life>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", userId) }); if (lifes.Count > 0) { Life life = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Life>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", userId) }).FirstOrDefault <Life>(); if (life != null) { if (isSub) { int subValue = life.lifeValue - SubTractValue; if (subValue < 0) { subValue = 0; } sql = "update life set lifeValue =" + (subValue) + " where id = @id"; } else { sql = "update life set lifeValue =" + (life.lifeValue + SubTractValue) + " where id = @id;"; } MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@id", }); } } else { Console.WriteLine(sql + " :is null"); } }
public int CheckEnterButton(string usreId, string userType) { string sql = ""; int runState = -1; //管理员 if (userType.Equals("1")) { sql = "select * from grounp where userId = @userId"; List <Grounp> ps = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Grounp>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", usreId) }); if (ps == null || ps.Count == 0) { return(-1); } Grounp p = ps[0]; runState = p.runState; } else { Grounp p = GetGrounpByPlayer(int.Parse(usreId)); if (p == null) { return(-1); } runState = p.runState; } return(runState); }
public List <int> SearchGrounpListByUser(int userId) { string sql = "select * from grounp where userId = @userId and runState =0 and fenceLon>0 ORDER BY id DESC"; List <Grounp> list = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Grounp>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", userId) }); return(list.Select(a => <int>()); }
protected List <Room> SearchAllRoom() { string sql = "select * from room"; List <Room> result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room>(sql, null); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 通过grounp查询room /// </summary> /// <param name="grounpId"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected List <Room> SearchRoomListByGrounp(string grounpId, string userId = "-1") { string sql = "select * from room where grounpId = @grounpId ORDER BY id ASC"; List <Room> result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", grounpId) }); result.ForEach((item) => { sql = "select * from room_user where room_id = @room_id "; int count = MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@room_id", }); item.userCount = count; //是玩家的话 if (!userId.Equals("-1")) { sql = "select * from room_user where room_id = @room_id and user_id = @user_id"; count = MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@room_id",, new MySqlParameter("@user_id", userId) }); if (count > 0) { item.isCurrentUser = true; } } }); return(result); }
public string GetRoomLifeInfoByUser(string userId) { //只考虑玩家 int roomId = GetRoomIdByUser(int.Parse(userId)); string sql = "select user_id from room_user where room_id = @roomId"; //获取用户列表 List <object> list = MySqlExecuteTools.GetSingleFieldResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@roomId", roomId) }); if (list.Count > 0) { List <string> resultStr = new List <string>(); list.ForEach((id) => { resultStr.Add(id.ToString()); }); string result = StrUtil.ConnetString(resultStr, ","); sql = "select * from life where userId in (" + result + ")"; List <Life> lifes = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Life>(sql, null); lifes.ForEach((life) => { life.userName = MySqlExecuteTools.GetSingleFieldResult("select name from user where id = @id", new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@id", life.userId) })[0].ToString(); }); return(Utils.CollectionsConvert.ToJSON(lifes)); } else { return(""); } }
/// <summary> /// 设置grounp运行状态 /// </summary> /// <param name="grounpId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string UpdateState(string grounpId) { string sql = "select * from grounp where id = @grounpId"; List <Grounp> result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Grounp>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", grounpId) }); if (result.Count == 1) { if (result[0].fenceLat <= 0) { return("电子围栏尚未设置,无法启动游戏!"); } //查询grounp下room 的状态 sql = "select * from room where grounpId = @grounpId and runState = -1"; int resultCount = MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", grounpId) }); if (resultCount > 0) { return("该游戏的队员尚未准备就绪,无法启动游戏"); } } else { return("非法操作"); } sql = "update grounp set runState =0 where id = @grounpId;"; MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", grounpId) }); //推送给该组的其他玩家更新状态 publishPlayerState.SendUserListByAdmin(result[0].userId, PublishPlayerState.Update_Command); return("0"); }
/// <summary> /// 更新范围 /// </summary> /// <param name="frequency"></param> public void UpdateFenceScope(int frequency) { string sql = "select * from grounp where runState =0 and fenceLon>0 ORDER BY id DESC"; List <Grounp> list = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Grounp>(sql, null); list.ForEach((grounp) => { if (grounp.fenceRadius > 0) { int everyCount = grounp.fenceTotalRadius / (grounp.playerTime * 60 / frequency); sql = "update grounp set fenceRadius = '" + (grounp.fenceRadius - everyCount) + "',remainTime='" + (grounp.remainTime - frequency) + "' where id = @grounpId;"; MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", }); } else { sql = "update grounp set fenceRadius = 2000,fenceTotalRadius=2000," + "runState = -1,fenceLon=-1,fenceLat=-1,remainTime='" + (grounp.playerTime * 60) + "' where id = @grounpId;"; MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", }); //保存战绩,复位生命值 scoreDao.SaveScoreResetLife(; //向管理员和玩家通知游戏结束 publishPlayerState.SendSingleUserMessage(grounp.userId, PublishPlayerState.Game_Over); publishPlayerState.SendUserListByAdmin(grounp.userId, PublishPlayerState.Game_Over); //更新room和roomUser状态 UpdateRoomAndUserState(; } }); joinRoomDao.GetAllRoom(); }
public string GetRemainTime(string userId, string userType) { userId = userId.Trim(); userType = userType.Trim(); Console.WriteLine("userId={0},userType={1}", userId, userType); string sql = ""; //管理员 if (userType.Equals("1")) { sql = "select * from grounp where userId = @userId and runState = 0"; List <Grounp> pList = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Grounp>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", userId) }); if (pList.Count > 0) { return(pList[0].remainTime.ToString()); } } //玩家 else { sql = "select p.remainTime from grounp p JOIN room r on = r.grounpId join room_user ru on = ru.room_id where ru.user_id =" + userId; List <object> list = MySqlExecuteTools.GetSingleFieldResult(sql, null); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { return(list[0].ToString()); } } return(""); }
public void CheckCode(PubgSession session, string body, string code, string userId, string userType, string deviceUniqueIdentifier, string plat, string system) { string sql = "select * from code where name = @name and userType = @userType"; List <CodeModel> result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <CodeModel>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@name", code), new MySqlParameter("@userType", userType) }); DataResult dataResult = new DataResult(); //不存在 if (result.Count == 0) { dataResult.result = 1; dataResult.resean = "授权码输入有误,请重试!"; } else { CheckCountOrDateTime(result[0], dataResult, deviceUniqueIdentifier, plat, system, userId); } //save machine if (dataResult.result == 0) { SaveMachineCode(result[0], deviceUniqueIdentifier, plat, system, userId); } session.Send(GetSendData(dataResult, body)); }
/// <summary> /// 通过管理员获取下所有的room /// </summary> /// <param name="adminUser"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Room> GetRoomListByAdmin(int adminUser) { string sql = "select r.* from room r join grounp p on = r.grounpId where p.userId = @userId"; List <Room> result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", adminUser) }); return(result); }
public Life GetLifeById(int userId) { string sql = "select * from life where userId = @userId"; Life life = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Life>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", userId) }).FirstOrDefault <Life>(); return(life); }
/// <summary> /// 查询所有的队 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private List <Grounp> GetAllRoom(int userId) { string sql = "select * from gronp where userId = @userId"; List <Grounp> result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Grounp>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", userId) }); return(result); }
protected Grounp GetGrounpByPlayer(int player) { string sql = "select p.* from grounp p join room r on =r.grounpId join room_user ru on = ru.room_id where ru.user_id=" + player; List<Grounp> ps = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult<Grounp>(sql, null); if (ps.Count > 0) { return ps.FirstOrDefault<Grounp>(); } return null; }
public static Grounp GetGrounpById(string grounpId) { string sql = "select * from grounp where id = @grounpId ORDER BY id DESC"; List <Grounp> result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Grounp>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", grounpId) }); if (result.Count == 1) { return(result[0]); } return(null); }
public int IsEditRoom(string roomId, string userId) { string sql = "select * from room where id = @id and userId = @userId"; List <Room> roomList = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@id", roomId), new MySqlParameter("@userId", userId) }); if (roomList.Count > 0) { return(0); } return(-1); }
public string GetLeaderAuthority(string userId) { string sql = "select * from room where userId = @userId"; List <Room> roomList = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", userId) }); if (roomList != null && roomList.Count > 0) { return("1"); } else { return("0"); } }
public void SearchAllGrounp(PubgSession session, string body, string keyName, string userId, string userType) { Logger.InfoFormat("查询所有的游戏:{0}", keyName); List <Grounp> result = null; if (keyName.Equals("-1")) { string sql = "select * from grounp ORDER BY id DESC"; result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Grounp>(sql, null); } else { string sql = "select * from grounp where name like '%" + keyName + "%' ORDER BY id DESC"; result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Grounp>(sql, null); } result.ForEach((item) => { if (item.fenceLat > 0) { item.isDefence = true; } }); //管理员 if (userType.Equals("1")) { Grounp grounp = result.Where((item) => item.userId == int.Parse(userId)).FirstOrDefault <Grounp>(); result.Remove(grounp); result.Insert(0, grounp); } else { //当前的grounp显示top Grounp p = GetGrounpByPlayer(int.Parse(userId)); if (p != null) { Grounp grounp = result.Where((item) => == <Grounp>(); result.Remove(grounp); result.Insert(0, grounp); } } DataResult dataResult = new DataResult(); dataResult.result = 0; = result; session.Send(GetSendData(dataResult, body)); }
private void DeleteRoom(string grounpId) { string sql = "select * from room where grounpId = @grounpId"; List <Room> result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", grounpId) }); result.ForEach((item) => { int roomId =; // 删除房间信息 string deleteGronpSql = "delete from room where id = @roomId"; MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(deleteGronpSql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@roomId", roomId) }); //删除房间和用户的关联表 string delete_grounp_userSql = "delete from room_user where room_id = @roomId"; MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(delete_grounp_userSql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@roomId", roomId) }); }); }
public string GetPlayerInfoByUser(string userId) { string sql = "select * from life where userId =@userId"; List <Life> lifes = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Life>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", userId) }); if (lifes != null && lifes.Count > 0) { Life life = lifes[0]; life.userName = MySqlExecuteTools.GetSingleFieldResult("select name from user where id = @id", new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@id", life.userId) })[0].ToString(); string json = Utils.CollectionsConvert.ToJSON(life); Logger.Debug(json); return(json);; } Logger.Debug("GetPlayerInfoByUser back is null"); return(""); }
/// <summary> /// Delete /// </summary> /// <param name="session"></param> /// <param name="body"></param> /// <param name="id">roomid</param> /// <param name="userId">用户id</param> public void ExitRoom(PubgSession session, string body, string roomId, string userId, string userName) { string sql = "select * from room_user where user_id = @user_id"; List <Room_User> grounp_UserList = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room_User>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@user_id", userId) }); DataResult dataResult = new DataResult(); if (grounp_UserList.Count == 0) { dataResult.result = 1; dataResult.resean = "非法操作"; session.Send(GetSendData(dataResult, body)); return; } Grounp p = GetGrounpByPlayer(int.Parse(userId)); if (p != null && p.runState == 0) { dataResult.result = 1; dataResult.resean = "游戏运行中,无法退出战队。"; session.Send(GetSendData(dataResult, body)); return; } // 删除之前提示 sql = "select name from room where id=" + roomId; string rommName = MySqlExecuteTools.GetSingleFieldResult(sql, null)[0].ToString(); publishTipsMessage.JoinAndExitLeader(userName, int.Parse(userId), rommName, false); sql = "delete from room_user where id = @id"; MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@id", grounp_UserList[0].id) }); dataResult.result = 0; session.Send(GetSendData(dataResult, body)); //刷新缓存数据 GetRoomUserData(); }
/// <summary> /// 通过管理员查询房间和用户列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetRoomUserTreeData(string adminUserId) { string sql = "select r.* from grounp p JOIN room r on = r.grounpId where p.userId =@userId"; List <Room> roomList = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", adminUserId) }); if (roomList.Count == 0) { Logger.Debug("GetRoomUserTreeData is null"); return(""); } List <Dictionary <string, object> > result = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); roomList.ForEach((room) => { Dictionary <string, object> roomDic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); roomDic.Add("id",; roomDic.Add("name",; List <Dictionary <string, object> > userListDic = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); sql = "SELECT, from room_user ru JOIN `user` u on ru.user_id = where ru.room_id = @roomId"; List <object> list = MySqlExecuteTools.GetMuchFieldResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@roomId", }); list.ForEach((item) => { Dictionary <string, object> userDic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); List <object> userList = (List <object>)item; string _userId = userList[0].ToString(); string userName = userList[1].ToString(); userDic.Add("id", _userId); userDic.Add("name", userName); userListDic.Add(userDic); }); roomDic.Add("child", userListDic); result.Add(roomDic); }); string resultStr = Utils.CollectionsConvert.ToJSON(result); resultStr = resultStr.Replace("\\", ""); Logger.Debug(resultStr); return(resultStr); }
private List <UserName> GetUserList(List <Room_User> roomUserList) { List <string> ids = new List <string>(); roomUserList.ForEach((item) => { ids.Add(item.user_id.ToString()); }); string result = StrUtil.ConnetString(ids, ","); string sql = "select * from user where id in (" + result + ")"; List <UserName> resultData = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <UserName>(sql, null); resultData.ForEach((user) => { int runState = roomUserList.Where((item) => item.user_id == <Room_User>().runState; user.runState = runState; }); return(resultData); }
public string SearchScoreGrounpId(int grounpId) { //string sql = "select count(*) from room_user where room_id = @roomId"; //List<object> list = MySqlExecuteTools.GetSingleFieldResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@roomId", roomId) }); ////查出数量room下的玩家人数 //if (list.Count > 0) //{ // int count = int.Parse((MySqlExecuteTools.GetSingleFieldResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@roomId", roomId) })[0].ToString())); // string sql = "select * from score where roomId = @roomId order by createTime desc limit 0," + count; string sql = "select * from score where grounpId = @grounpId order by lifeValue desc"; List <Score> scoreLsit = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Score>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", grounpId) }); string result = Utils.CollectionsConvert.ToJSON(scoreLsit); return(result); }
private void UpdateRoomAndUserState(int grounpId) { string sql = "select * from room where grounpId = @grounpId"; List <Room> roomList = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@grounpId", grounpId) }); roomList.ForEach((room) => { //更新room状态 sql = "update room set runState = -1 where id = " +; MySqlExecuteTools.AddOrUpdate(sql); sql = "select * from room_user where room_id = @room_id"; List <Room_User> roomUserList = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room_User>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@room_id", }); roomUserList.ForEach((roomUser) => { sql = "update room_user set runState = -1 where id = " +; MySqlExecuteTools.AddOrUpdate(sql); }); }); }
/// <summary> /// 通过room查询user,如果存在userid,将其排除 /// </summary> /// <param name="grounpId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Room_User> SearchSingleGrounpCommon(string roomId, int userID = -1) { List <Room_User> result = null; if (userID != -1) { string sql = "select * from room_user where room_id = @room_id and user_id <> @userId"; result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room_User>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@room_id", roomId), new MySqlParameter("@userId", userID) }); } else { string sql = "select * from room_user where room_id = @room_id"; result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Room_User>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@room_id", roomId) }); } return(result); }
public static void TestLogin(string username, string password) { // MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("select * from user where username = @username and password = @password", MySQLHelp.Instance.GetSqlConn); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", username); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("password", password); // MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // int result = 0; // while (reader.Read()) // { // if (reader.HasRows) // { // result = result + 1; // } // } //Console.WriteLine("count={0}", result); // Console.ReadKey(); // Console.WriteLine();g string sql = "select * from code"; MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <CodeModel>(sql, null); }
public void CheckLogin(PubgSession session, string body, string username, string password) { Logger.InfoFormat("用户登陆验证:{0}", username); string sql = "select * from user where telephone = @username and password = @password"; List <UserName> result = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <UserName> (sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@username", username), new MySqlParameter("@password", password) }); DataResult dataResult = new DataResult(); if (result.Count == 0) { dataResult.result = 1; dataResult.resean = "账号或密码有误,请重试!"; } else { bool isLogin = CheckIsLogin(result[0].id.ToString()); if (isLogin) { dataResult.result = 1; dataResult.resean = "该账号已在线,不能重复登录,请重试!"; } else { dataResult.result = 0; UserName userName = result[0]; sql = "select * from room where userId = @userId"; int count = MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", }); if (count > 0) { userName.isLeader = true; } = userName; } } session.Send(GetSendData(dataResult, body)); }
public string AddPlayerLife(string userId, string addLifeValue, string currentUser) { string sql = "select * from life where userId = @userId"; Life currrentlife = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Life>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", currentUser) })[0]; if (currrentlife.lifeValue < int.Parse(addLifeValue)) { return("1"); } Life addlife = MySqlExecuteTools.GetObjectResult <Life>(sql, new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@userId", userId) })[0]; sql = "update life set lifeValue = '" + (addlife.lifeValue + int.Parse(addLifeValue)) + "' where userId = " + userId; MySqlExecuteTools.GetCountResult(sql); sql = "update life set lifeValue = '" + (currrentlife.lifeValue - int.Parse(addLifeValue)) + "' where userId = " + currentUser; MySqlExecuteTools.AddOrUpdate(sql); return("0"); }