//Handle network command function - Must be registered with the UIManager in order to be called properly
    //Registering it with the UIManager is best done in the FortressCraftMod class' Register method
    //The static function calls are designed to work equivalently on the server and client so that the two remain in sync
    public static NetworkInterfaceResponse HandleNetworkCommand(Player player, NetworkInterfaceCommand nic)
        MyModMachine machine = nic.target as MyModMachine;
        string       key     = nic.command;

        if (key != null)
            if (key == InterfaceMyFunctionItem)
                MyModMachineWindow.MyFunctionItem(player, machine, nic.itemContext);
            else if (key == InterfaceMyFunctionString)
                int data;
                //Parse the string data (safely) and send to the appropriate function
                if (int.TryParse(nic.payload ?? "0", out data))
                    MyModMachineWindow.MyFunctionString(player, machine, data);
        return(new NetworkInterfaceResponse()
            entity = machine,
            inventory = player.mInventory
    //You can also get a call when the player's cursor hovers over an icon/button so that you can display info about it
    //Example code below for displaying item info in the hotbar
    public override void ButtonEnter(string name, SegmentEntity targetEntity)
        MyModMachine machine = targetEntity as MyModMachine;

        if (name == "itemicon")
            ItemBase itemForSlot = ItemManager.SpawnItem(100);
            int      count       = itemForSlot.GetAmount();
            if (itemForSlot == null)
            if (HotBarManager.mbInited)
                if (!SurvivalHotBarManager.mbInited)
                string name1 = !WorldScript.mLocalPlayer.mResearch.IsKnown(itemForSlot) ? "Unknown Material" : ItemManager.GetItemName(itemForSlot);
                if (count > 1)
                    SurvivalHotBarManager.SetCurrentBlockLabel(string.Format("{0} {1}", count, name1));
 public static bool MyFunctionItem(Player player, MyModMachine machine, ItemBase item)
     //Simplistic item transfer function - player data is available too!
     if (WorldScript.mbIsServer)
     dirty = true;
     if (!WorldScript.mbIsServer)
         NetworkManager.instance.SendInterfaceCommand(InterfaceName, InterfaceMyFunctionItem, null, item, machine, 0.0f);
    //Network command functions

    public static bool MyFunctionString(Player player, MyModMachine machine, int data)
        //handle data machine data update here
        machine.data = data;

        //This can be used to force a redraw of the window in the event that the data update requires the window to change for other players
        networkredraw = true;

        //Send the command to the server
        if (!WorldScript.mbIsServer)
            NetworkManager.instance.SendInterfaceCommand(InterfaceName, InterfaceMyFunctionString, data.ToString(), null, machine, 0.0f);
    //UI Functions

    //This is called when the GenericMachinePanelScript tries to show your machine UI window if you decide to implement a UI window
    public override void SpawnWindow(SegmentEntity targetEntity)
        MyModMachine machine = targetEntity as MyModMachine;

        if (machine == null)

        //Definition of window contents
        this.manager.SetTitle("My Machine Window Title");

        this.manager.AddIcon("itemicon", "empty", Color.white, 0, 0);
        this.manager.AddBigLabel("labelidentifier", "Label text", Color.white, 0, 60);
        this.manager.AddButton("buttonidentifier", "Button Text", 0, 120);
        this.manager.AddPowerBar("powerbaridentifier", 0, 180);

        //Mark it dirty if you have contents that need updating immediately
        dirty         = true;
        networkredraw = false;
    //Called every frame to update the window contents
    public override void UpdateMachine(SegmentEntity targetEntity)
        MyModMachine machine = targetEntity as MyModMachine;

        //If the machine reference is lost we need to exit the window and remove the UI rules that lock the screen position allow cursor movement
        if (machine == null)

        //Redraw if network update requires a change in the window contents
        if (networkredraw)

        //Some example update functions below
        this.manager.UpdatePowerBar("powerbaridentifier", 0, 100f);

        //This function hooks up the scroll wheel to the panel scroll bar
        GenericMachinePanelScript.instance.Scroll_Bar.GetComponent <UIScrollBar>().scrollValue -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");

        //Only update content below if dirty - save time looking up icon information if they don't need to change
        if (!dirty)

        this.manager.UpdateIcon("itemicon", ItemManager.GetItemIcon(100), Color.white);
        this.manager.UpdateLabel("labelidentifier", "New Label Text", Color.white);

        //Set dirty to false once updated
        dirty = false;