public bool FindService(ActionName wanted, string envelope, string ident, out ServiceInfo si, out ActionInfo ai) { lock (stateLock) { TimeCheck (DateTime.UtcNow); var cand = new List<ServiceInfo> (); foreach (var ssi in services.Values) { if (ident != null && ident != ssi.Identity) continue; ActionInfo sai = ssi.LookupAction (wanted); if (sai == null) continue; if (!auth.IsAuthorized (ssi, wanted)) continue; if (!ssi.IsSignatureValid) continue; if (!ssi.Envelopes.Contains (envelope)) continue; cand.Add (ssi); } si = null; ai = null; if (cand.Count == 0) return false; si = cand [new Random ().Next (cand.Count)]; ai = si.LookupAction (wanted); return true; } }
public virtual void DoMain(string[] argv) { = ScanServiceDescription (Assembly.GetCallingAssembly ()); wq = new WorkQueue (20); srv = new SCAMPSOAServer (info.Certificate, OnMessage); ann = new MulticastAnnouncer (info, srv.Bindings); new ManualResetEvent (false).WaitOne (); }
public bool IsAuthorized(ServiceInfo inf, ActionName act) { var cert = inf.Certificate; if (cert == null) return false; Regex checker; if (!compiledAuth.TryGetValue (CryptoUtils.Fingerprint (cert), out checker)) return false; return checker.IsMatch (act.Sector + ':' + act.Namespace + '.' + act.Name); }
public MulticastAnnouncer(ServiceInfo info, IDictionary<IPAddress, string> serviceAddresses) { = info; this.serviceAddresses = serviceAddresses; foreach (var ip in SOAConfig.Config.BusDiscoveryAddresses) { try { var cl = new UdpClient (new IPEndPoint (ip, SOAConfig.Config.BusPort)); cl.JoinMulticastGroup (SOAConfig.Config.BusMulticastGroup, ip); sockets [ip] = cl; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError ("Failed to create announce socket for {0}: {1}", ip, ex); } } tmr = new Timer (SendAnnouncements); Reset (); }
/// <summary> /// Receives a service blob into the store. /// </summary> /// <remarks>This should be called with the object lock held.</remarks> /// <param name="blob">Signed, uncompressed service blob.</param> protected void Insert(string blob) { // do we already have this exact blob? if (services.ContainsKey (blob)) return; ServiceInfo inf = null; if (stash != null) stash.TryGetValue (blob, out inf); try { if (inf == null) inf = new ServiceInfo (blob); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogInfo ("Failed to parse service blob {0}: {1}", blob, ex); return; } if (checkedReplace) { if (!inf.IsSignatureValid) return; string id = inf.DeduplicationKey; ServiceInfo old; if (servicesByID.TryGetValue (id, out old)) { if (inf.Timestamp <= old.Timestamp) { Logger.LogInfo ("Received new service blob for {0} with timestamp {1} but the newest seen timestamp is already {2}", id, inf.Timestamp, old.Timestamp); return; } servicesByID.Remove (id); services.Remove (old.Source); } servicesByID [id] = inf; } services [blob] = inf; }
static SOAClient GetConnection(ServiceInfo si) { lock (conn_lock) { SOAClient cl; if (!connections.TryGetValue (si.URI, out cl) || cl.Closed) { Uri parsed = new Uri (si.URI); switch (parsed.Scheme) { case "scamp+tls": cl = new SCAMPSOAClient (parsed, si.Certificate); break; default: throw new RPCException ("general", "No connection handler available for scheme {0}", parsed.Scheme); } connections [si.URI] = cl; } return cl; } }