public void Update(Vector3 position) { Clear(); if (!OnCheckControl()) { return; } var sphere = new BoundingSphere(position, DetectionRadius); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere, m_entitiesInRange); foreach (var entity in m_entitiesInRange) { MyVoxelMap voxelMap = entity as MyVoxelMap; if (voxelMap == null) { continue; } foreach (var oreDeposit in voxelMap.Storage.OreDeposits) { Debug.Assert(oreDeposit != null); if (oreDeposit.TotalRareOreContent > 0 && Vector3.DistanceSquared(oreDeposit.WorldCenter, position) < DetectionRadius * DetectionRadius) { m_depositsInRange.Add(oreDeposit); MyHud.OreMarkers.RegisterMarker(oreDeposit, new MyHudEntityParams()); } } } m_entitiesInRange.Clear(); }
protected void GatherDetectorsInArea(Vector3D from) { Debug.Assert(m_detectableEntities.Count == 0, "Detected entities weren't cleared"); var boundingSphere = new BoundingSphereD(from, MyConstants.DEFAULT_INTERACTIVE_DISTANCE); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref boundingSphere, m_detectableEntities); }
void MarkForExplosion() { m_marked = true; //Large grid = 12.5m radius of block //Small grid = 2.5m radius float radiusMultiplier = 4; //reduced by 20% float warheadBlockRadius = CubeGrid.GridSize * radiusMultiplier; float shrink = 0.85f; m_explosionShrinkenSphere = new BoundingSphereD(PositionComp.GetPosition(), (double)warheadBlockRadius * shrink); m_explosionParticleSphere = new BoundingSphereD(PositionComp.GetPosition(), double.MinValue); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref m_explosionShrinkenSphere, m_entitiesInShrinkenSphere); m_warheadsInsideCount = 0; foreach (var entity in m_entitiesInShrinkenSphere) { if (Vector3D.DistanceSquared(PositionComp.GetPosition(), entity.PositionComp.GetPosition()) < warheadBlockRadius * shrink * warheadBlockRadius * shrink) { MyWarhead warhead = entity as MyWarhead; if (warhead != null) { m_warheadsInsideCount++; if (!warhead.MarkedToExplode) { m_explosionParticleSphere = m_explosionParticleSphere.Include(new BoundingSphereD(warhead.PositionComp.GetPosition(), CubeGrid.GridSize * radiusMultiplier + warhead.CubeGrid.GridSize)); } } var block = entity as MyCubeBlock; if (block != null) { block.MarkedToExplode = true; } } } m_entitiesInShrinkenSphere.Clear(); //m_radius += m_warheadsInsideCount * 0.1f; //Explosion radius is based on linear function where 1 warhead has explosion radius : //Large: 22.4415f // Small: 4.4883f //each warhead contribute 0.26 % of radius //explosion is clamped to maxExplosionRadius float fullExplosionRadius = Math.Min(m_maxExplosionRadius, (1 + 0.024f * m_warheadsInsideCount) * m_warheadDefinition.ExplosionRadius); //fullExplosionRadius = fullExplosionRadius; m_explosionFullSphere = new BoundingSphere(m_explosionParticleSphere.Center, (float)Math.Max(fullExplosionRadius, m_explosionParticleSphere.Radius)); if (MyExplosion.DEBUG_EXPLOSIONS) { MyWarheads.DebugWarheadShrinks.Add(m_explosionShrinkenSphere); MyWarheads.DebugWarheadGroupSpheres.Add(m_explosionFullSphere); float particleRadius = (float)m_explosionParticleSphere.Radius; } }
/// <summary> /// Get nearby players to [entity] within [range] metres /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <param name="range"></param> /// <returns></returns> private List <IMyPlayer> GetNearbyPlayersTo(IMyFunctionalBlock entity, int range) { List <MyEntity> NearbyEntities = new List <MyEntity>(); BoundingSphereD nearbySphere = new BoundingSphereD(entity.GetPosition(), range); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref nearbySphere, NearbyEntities); return(GetPlayersFromEntities(NearbyEntities)); }
public static IEnumerable <MyEntity> DetectAllEntitiesInSphere(Vector3D detectionCenter, double range, bool reportOrigin = false) { if (reportOrigin) { AddGpsLocation($"DetectAllEntitiesInSphere {range}", detectionCenter); } BoundingSphereD pruneSphere = new BoundingSphereD(detectionCenter, range); List <MyEntity> pruneList = new List <MyEntity>(); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref pruneSphere, pruneList); return(pruneList); }
public EffectSoundEmitter(uint id, Vector3 position, MySoundPair sound) { ParticleSoundId = id; Updated = true; MyEntity entity = null; if (MyFakes.ENABLE_NEW_SOUNDS && MySession.Static.Settings.RealisticSound)//snap emitter to closest block - used for realistic sounds { List <MyEntity> m_detectedObjects = new List <MyEntity>(); BoundingSphereD effectSphere = new BoundingSphereD(MySession.Static.LocalCharacter != null ? MySession.Static.LocalCharacter.PositionComp.GetPosition() : MySector.MainCamera.Position, 2f); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref effectSphere, m_detectedObjects); float distBest = float.MaxValue; float dist; for (int i = 0; i < m_detectedObjects.Count; i++) { MyCubeBlock block = m_detectedObjects[i] as MyCubeBlock; if (block != null) { dist = Vector3.DistanceSquared(MySession.Static.LocalCharacter.PositionComp.GetPosition(), block.PositionComp.GetPosition()); if (dist < distBest) { dist = distBest; entity = block; } } } m_detectedObjects.Clear(); } Emitter = new MyEntity3DSoundEmitter(entity); Emitter.SetPosition(position); if (sound == null) { sound = MySoundPair.Empty; } Emitter.PlaySound(sound); if (Emitter.Sound != null) { OriginalVolume = Emitter.Sound.Volume; } else { OriginalVolume = 1f; } Emitter.Update(); SoundPair = sound; }
protected void EnableDetectorsInArea(Vector3D from) { Debug.Assert(m_detectableEntities.Count == 0, "Detected entities weren't cleared"); var boundingSphere = new BoundingSphereD(from, MyConstants.DEFAULT_INTERACTIVE_DISTANCE); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref boundingSphere, m_detectableEntities); foreach (var ent in m_detectableEntities) { MyUseObjectsComponentBase use; if (ent.Components.TryGet <MyUseObjectsComponentBase>(out use)) { if (use.DetectorPhysics != null) { use.PositionChanged(use.Container.Get <MyPositionComponentBase>()); use.DetectorPhysics.Enabled = true; } } } }
private static void StartSurprise(object senderEvent) { BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(new Vector3D(-18.75f, -2.5f, -1.25f), 2); m_getEntities.Clear(); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere, m_getEntities); m_spawnMedical = null; foreach (var entity in m_getEntities) { m_spawnMedical = entity as MyMedicalRoom; if (m_spawnMedical != null) { m_spawnMedical.OnClose += delegate { m_spawnMedical = null; }; break; } } m_started = true; }
private void AddDepressurizationEffects(Vector3D from, Vector3D to) { //Force float MAX_DISTANCE = 5f; var boundingSphere = new BoundingSphereD(to, MAX_DISTANCE); var decompressionDirection = Vector3D.Normalize(to - from); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref boundingSphere, m_entitiesInDepressurizationRange); foreach (var entity in m_entitiesInDepressurizationRange) { if (!(entity is MyCubeBlock) && !(entity is MyEntitySubpart) && entity.Physics != null) { var entityPos = entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix.Translation; var forceDirection = (to - from) / 2f; var distance = (to - entityPos).Length(); if (distance < MAX_DISTANCE) { forceDirection /= distance; if (Vector3D.Dot(decompressionDirection, forceDirection) < 0f) { forceDirection = -forceDirection; } //float forceStrength = 500f * prevRoom.Room.OxygenLevel(m_cubeGrid.GridSize) * (1f - (float)distance / MAX_DISTANCE); float forceStrength = 500f * (1f - (float)distance / MAX_DISTANCE); MyDepressurizationForceInfo forceInfo; if (!m_forcesToApply.TryGetValue(entity, out forceInfo)) { forceInfo = new MyDepressurizationForceInfo(); forceInfo.Direction = forceDirection; forceInfo.Strength = forceStrength; forceInfo.ForceCount = 1; } else { forceInfo.Direction = (forceInfo.Direction * forceInfo.ForceCount + forceDirection) / (forceInfo.ForceCount + 1); forceInfo.Strength = (forceInfo.Strength * forceInfo.ForceCount + forceStrength) / (forceInfo.ForceCount + 1); forceInfo.ForceCount++; } m_forcesToApply[entity] = forceInfo; } } } m_entitiesInDepressurizationRange.Clear(); //Effect MyParticleEffect effect; if (MyParticlesManager.TryCreateParticleEffect(49, out effect)) { var orientation = Matrix.CreateFromDir(to - from); orientation.Translation = from; effect.UserScale = 3f; effect.WorldMatrix = orientation; effect.AutoDelete = true; m_depressurizationEffects.Add(effect); } }
public override void UpdateBeforeSimulation() { if (MyAPIGateway.Session.IsServer || debug) { //..cycle through all active safezones and disable them //..also send a message to the player who activated the safezone foreach (IMyFunctionalBlock blacklistBlock in _knownBlacklistedEntities) { if (blacklistBlock != null && blacklistBlock.Enabled) { blacklistBlock.Enabled = false; List <IMyPlayer> NearbyPlayers = GetNearbyPlayersTo(blacklistBlock, 10); //..send the same messages to all players within a 10m radius of the safezone* //**This is a bit inefficient. We'll replace this once we find a way to foreach (IMyPlayer player in NearbyPlayers) { MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.SendMessageTo(packetId, MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToBinary(MessageType.Blacklist), player.SteamUserId); } } } //..refresh the entities every second if (timer % (TimerMax_EntityUpdate * 60) == 0) { MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("ContestedZones", "Hello!"); //..we'll check the nearby entities again, because some players could have left _knownEntities.Clear(); _knownBlacklistedEntities.Clear(); //..get all nearby entities MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref ContestZone, _knownEntities); foreach (MyEntity ent in _knownEntities) { //..get nearby safezones if (ent is IMySafeZoneBlock || ent is IMyShipWelder) { _knownBlacklistedEntities.Add(ent); continue; } //..get players who entered the safezone and send them a message //..players that are already inside won't get the same message again if (ent is IMyCharacter) { IMyPlayer player = GetPlayerFromCharacter(ent as IMyCharacter); if (player != null) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(ent.WorldMatrix.Translation, ContestOrigin); //..if they're within the zone, send a message if (distance <= ContestRange && !_knownPlayers.Contains(player)) { //ServerMessage msg = new ServerMessage(, MessageType.Contest); MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.SendMessageTo(packetId, MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToBinary(MessageType.Contest), player.SteamUserId); _knownPlayers.Add(player); } } } } //..cycle through all "known" players and check if they're still inside for (int i = 0; i < _knownPlayers.Count(); ++i) { IMyPlayer player = _knownPlayers[i]; if (player != null && player.Character != null) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(player.Character.WorldMatrix.Translation, ContestOrigin); //..if the player has left the safezone, we'll forget about them // time they return, they'll be shown the warning message again if (distance > ContestRange) { _knownPlayers.Remove(player); } } else { _knownPlayers.Remove(player); } } } } //..only run this on the client if (MyAPIGateway.Session.OnlineMode != MyOnlineModeEnum.OFFLINE || debug) { //..allow the server messages to be shown again after some time //..applies to entering contested zones and activating safe zones _serverMessages[MessageType.Contest].UpdateTimer(); _serverMessages[MessageType.Blacklist].UpdateTimer(); } timer += 1; }
public void Update(int timer) { if (MyAPIGateway.Session.IsServer || SessionManager.Debug) { //..cycle through all active safezones and disable them //..also send a message to the player who activated the safezone foreach (IMyFunctionalBlock blacklistBlock in _knownBlacklistedEntities) { if (blacklistBlock != null && blacklistBlock.Enabled) { blacklistBlock.Enabled = false; List <IMyPlayer> NearbyPlayers = GetNearbyPlayersTo(blacklistBlock, 10); //..send the same messages to all players within a 10m radius of the safezone* //**This is a bit inefficient. We'll replace this once we find a way to foreach (IMyPlayer player in NearbyPlayers) { MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.SendMessageTo(SessionManager.PACKET_ID, MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToBinary(SessionManager.MessageType.Blacklist), player.SteamUserId); } } } //..refresh the entities every second if (timer % (SessionManager.TIMER_MAX_ENTITY_UPDATE * 60) == 0) { //..we'll check the nearby entities again, because some players could have left _knownEntities.Clear(); _knownBlacklistedEntities.Clear(); //..get all nearby entities MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref _contestSphere, _knownEntities); foreach (MyEntity ent in _knownEntities) { //..get nearby safezones if (ent is IMySafeZoneBlock || ent is IMyShipWelder) { _knownBlacklistedEntities.Add(ent); continue; } //..get players who entered the safezone and send them a message //..players that are already inside won't get the same message again if (ent is IMyCharacter) { IMyPlayer player = GetPlayerFromCharacter(ent as IMyCharacter); if (player != null) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(ent.WorldMatrix.Translation, _contestOrigin); //..if they're within the zone, send a message if (distance <= _contestRange && !_knownPlayers.Contains(player)) { //ServerMessage msg = new ServerMessage(, MessageType.Contest); MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.SendMessageTo(SessionManager.PACKET_ID, MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToBinary(SessionManager.MessageType.Contest), player.SteamUserId); _knownPlayers.Add(player); } } } } //..cycle through all "known" players and check if they're still inside for (int i = 0; i < _knownPlayers.Count(); ++i) { IMyPlayer player = _knownPlayers[i]; if (player != null && player.Character != null) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(player.Character.WorldMatrix.Translation, _contestOrigin); //..if the player has left the safezone, we'll forget about them // time they return, they'll be shown the warning message again if (distance > _contestRange) { _knownPlayers.Remove(player); } } else { _knownPlayers.Remove(player); } } } } }
protected void GatherDetectorsInArea(Vector3D from) { BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(from, (double)MyConstants.DEFAULT_INTERACTIVE_DISTANCE); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere, m_detectableEntities, MyEntityQueryType.Both); }