public void TransferAllBlocksTo(long newOwnerIdentityId) { MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntities(m_entitiesCache, (x) => x is IMyCubeGrid); foreach (var ent in m_entitiesCache) { var grid = ent as MyCubeGrid; foreach (var block in grid.GetFatBlocks <MyTerminalBlock>()) { if (block.IDModule != null && block.OwnerId == IdentityId) { m_requests.Add(new MyCubeGrid.MySingleOwnershipRequest() { BlockId = block.EntityId, Owner = newOwnerIdentityId }); } } } m_entitiesCache.Clear(); if (m_requests.Count > 0) { MyCubeGrid.ChangeOwnersRequest(MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.None, m_requests, IdentityId); } m_requests.Clear(); }
void m_shareModeCombobox_ItemSelected() { if (!m_canChangeShareMode) { return; } m_canChangeShareMode = false; bool updateVisuals = false; MyOwnershipShareModeEnum shareMode = (MyOwnershipShareModeEnum)m_shareModeCombobox.GetSelectedKey(); if (m_currentBlocks.Length > 0) { m_requests.Clear(); foreach (var block in m_currentBlocks) { if (block.IDModule != null) { if (shareMode >= 0 && (block.OwnerId == MySession.Static.LocalPlayerId)) { m_requests.Add(new MyCubeGrid.MySingleOwnershipRequest() { BlockId = block.EntityId, Owner = block.IDModule.Owner }); updateVisuals = true; } } } if (m_requests.Count > 0) { MyCubeGrid.ChangeOwnersRequest(shareMode, m_requests, MySession.Static.LocalPlayerId); } } m_canChangeShareMode = true; if (updateVisuals) { block_PropertiesChanged(null); } }
void m_transferToCombobox_ItemSelected() { if (m_transferToCombobox.GetSelectedIndex() == -1) { return; } if (m_askForConfirmation) { long ownerKey = m_transferToCombobox.GetSelectedKey(); int ownerIndex = m_transferToCombobox.GetSelectedIndex(); var ownerName = m_transferToCombobox.GetItemByIndex(ownerIndex).Value; var messageBox = MyGuiSandbox.CreateMessageBox( buttonType : MyMessageBoxButtonsType.YES_NO, messageCaption : MyTexts.Get(MyCommonTexts.MessageBoxCaptionPleaseConfirm), messageText : new StringBuilder().AppendFormat(MyTexts.GetString(MyCommonTexts.MessageBoxTextChangeOwner), ownerName.ToString()), focusedResult : MyGuiScreenMessageBox.ResultEnum.NO, callback : delegate(MyGuiScreenMessageBox.ResultEnum retval) { if (retval == MyGuiScreenMessageBox.ResultEnum.YES) { if (m_currentBlocks.Length > 0) { m_requests.Clear(); foreach (var block in m_currentBlocks) { if (block.IDModule != null) { if (block.OwnerId == 0 || block.OwnerId == MySession.Static.LocalPlayerId) { m_requests.Add(new MyCubeGrid.MySingleOwnershipRequest() { BlockId = block.EntityId, Owner = ownerKey }); } } } if (m_requests.Count > 0) { if (MySession.Static.Settings.ScenarioEditMode && Sync.Players.IdentityIsNpc(ownerKey)) { MyCubeGrid.ChangeOwnersRequest(MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction, m_requests, MySession.Static.LocalPlayerId); } else if (MySession.Static.LocalPlayerId == ownerKey) { // this should not be changed to No share, without approval from a designer, see ticket MyCubeGrid.ChangeOwnersRequest(MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction, m_requests, MySession.Static.LocalPlayerId); } else { MyCubeGrid.ChangeOwnersRequest(MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.None, m_requests, MySession.Static.LocalPlayerId); } } } RecreateOwnershipControls(); UpdateOwnerGui(); } else { m_askForConfirmation = false; m_transferToCombobox.SelectItemByIndex(-1); m_askForConfirmation = true; } }); messageBox.CanHideOthers = false; MyGuiSandbox.AddScreen(messageBox); } else { UpdateOwnerGui(); } }