        public void OnCopy(string sourceFile)
            // Make sure the source file is relative to the project.
            var projectDir = ProjectDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

            sourceFile = PathHelper.GetRelativePath(projectDir, sourceFile);

            // Remove duplicates... keep this new one.
            var previous = _project.ContentItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.OriginalPath.Equals(sourceFile));

            if (previous != null)

            // Create the item for processing later.
            var item = new ContentItem
                BuildAction     = BuildAction.Copy,
                OriginalPath    = sourceFile,
                ProcessorParams = new OpaqueDataDictionary(),
                Exists          = File.Exists(projectDir + sourceFile)


            // Copy the current processor parameters blind as we
            // will validate and remove invalid parameters during
            // the build process later.
            foreach (var pair in _processorParams)
                item.ProcessorParams.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
        public bool AddContent(string sourceFile, bool skipDuplicates)
            string link = null;

            if (sourceFile.Contains(";"))
                var split = sourceFile.Split(';');
                sourceFile = split[0];

                if (split.Length > 0)
                    link = split[1];

            // Make sure the source file is relative to the project.
            var projectDir = ProjectDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

            sourceFile = PathHelper.GetRelativePath(projectDir, sourceFile);

            // Do we have a duplicate?
            var previous = _project.ContentItems.FindIndex(e => string.Equals(e.OriginalPath, sourceFile, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            if (previous != -1)
                if (skipDuplicates)

                // Replace the duplicate.

            // Create the item for processing later.
            var item = new ContentItem
                Observer        = _observer,
                BuildAction     = BuildAction.Build,
                OriginalPath    = sourceFile,
                DestinationPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(link) ? sourceFile : link,
                ImporterName    = Importer,
                ProcessorName   = Processor,
                ProcessorParams = new OpaqueDataDictionary()


            // Copy the current processor parameters blind as we
            // will validate and remove invalid parameters during
            // the build process later.
            foreach (var pair in _processorParams)
                item.ProcessorParams.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);

        private bool IncludeFiles(List <IncludeItem> items, string initialDirectory, string[] files, ref bool repeat, ref IncludeType action)
            var relative = Utils.GetRelativePath(initialDirectory, ProjectLocation);

            foreach (var file in files)
                var item = new IncludeItem
                    SourcePath = file

                if (file.StartsWith(ProjectLocation))
                    // If the file is in the same directory as the .mgcb file, just add it and skip showing file dialogs

                    item.RelativeDestPath = PathHelper.GetRelativePath(ProjectLocation, file);
                    item.IncludeType      = IncludeType.Link;
                    item.RelativeDestPath = Path.Combine(relative, Path.GetFileName(file));

                    if (!repeat)
                        if (!View.CopyOrLinkFile(file, File.Exists(Path.Combine(ProjectLocation, item.RelativeDestPath)), out action, out repeat))

                    if (action == IncludeType.Skip)

                    if (action == IncludeType.Copy && File.Exists(Path.Combine(ProjectLocation, item.RelativeDestPath)))
                        item.IncludeType = IncludeType.Link;
                        item.IncludeType = action;


        public void OnCopy(string sourceFile)
            string link = null;

            if (sourceFile.Contains(";"))
                var split = sourceFile.Split(';');
                sourceFile = split[0];

                if (split.Length > 0)
                    link = split[1];

            // Make sure the source file is relative to the project.
            var projectDir = ProjectDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

            sourceFile = PathHelper.GetRelativePath(projectDir, sourceFile);

            // Remove duplicates... keep this new one.
            var previous = _project.ContentItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.OriginalPath.Equals(sourceFile));

            if (previous != null)

            // Create the item for processing later.
            var item = new ContentItem
                BuildAction     = BuildAction.Copy,
                OriginalPath    = sourceFile,
                DestinationPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(link) ? sourceFile : link,
                ProcessorParams = new OpaqueDataDictionary()


            // Copy the current processor parameters blind as we
            // will validate and remove invalid parameters during
            // the build process later.
            foreach (var pair in _processorParams)
                item.ProcessorParams.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
        void SetExists(string path, bool exist)
            if (_project != null)
                var projectDir = _project.Location + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

                IProjectItem item = GetItem(PathHelper.GetRelativePath(projectDir, path));
                if (item != null)
                    if (item.Exists == !exist)
                        item.Exists = exist;