        /// <summary>
        /// Update a specific existing MonetaryAccountLight.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="description">The description of the MonetaryAccountLight. Defaults to 'bunq account'.</param>
        /// <param name="dailyLimit">The daily spending limit Amount of the MonetaryAccountLight. Defaults to 1000 EUR. Currency must match the MonetaryAccountLight's currency. Limited to 10000 EUR.</param>
        /// <param name="avatarUuid">The UUID of the Avatar of the MonetaryAccountLight.</param>
        /// <param name="status">The status of the MonetaryAccountLight. Ignored in POST requests (always set to ACTIVE) can be CANCELLED or PENDING_REOPEN in PUT requests to cancel (close) or reopen the MonetaryAccountLight. When updating the status and/or sub_status no other fields can be updated in the same request (and vice versa).</param>
        /// <param name="subStatus">The sub-status of the MonetaryAccountLight providing extra information regarding the status. Should be ignored for POST requests and can only be REDEMPTION_VOLUNTARY for PUT requests with status CANCELLED. When updating the status and/or sub_status no other fields can be updated in the same request (and vice versa).</param>
        /// <param name="reason">The reason for voluntarily cancelling (closing) the MonetaryAccountBank, can only be OTHER. Should only be specified if updating the status to CANCELLED.</param>
        /// <param name="reasonDescription">The optional free-form reason for voluntarily cancelling (closing) the MonetaryAccountBank. Can be any user provided message. Should only be specified if updating the status to CANCELLED.</param>
        /// <param name="notificationFilters">The types of notifications that will result in a push notification or URL callback for this MonetaryAccountLight.</param>
        /// <param name="setting">The settings of the MonetaryAccountLight.</param>
        public static BunqResponse <int> Update(int monetaryAccountLightId, string description = null,
                                                Amount dailyLimit = null, string avatarUuid        = null, string status = null, string subStatus = null,
                                                string reason     = null, string reasonDescription = null, List <NotificationFilter> notificationFilters = null,
                                                MonetaryAccountSetting setting = null, IDictionary <string, string> customHeaders = null)
            if (customHeaders == null)
                customHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var apiClient = new ApiClient(GetApiContext());

            var requestMap = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { FIELD_DESCRIPTION, description },
                { FIELD_DAILY_LIMIT, dailyLimit },
                { FIELD_AVATAR_UUID, avatarUuid },
                { FIELD_STATUS, status },
                { FIELD_SUB_STATUS, subStatus },
                { FIELD_REASON, reason },
                { FIELD_REASON_DESCRIPTION, reasonDescription },
                { FIELD_NOTIFICATION_FILTERS, notificationFilters },
                { FIELD_SETTING, setting },

            var requestBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(BunqJsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestMap));
            var responseRaw  =
                apiClient.Put(string.Format(ENDPOINT_URL_UPDATE, DetermineUserId(), monetaryAccountLightId),
                              requestBytes, customHeaders);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currency">The currency of the MonetaryAccountJoint as an ISO 4217 formatted currency code.</param>
        /// <param name="allCoOwner">The users the account will be joint with.</param>
        /// <param name="description">The description of the MonetaryAccountJoint. Defaults to 'bunq account'.</param>
        /// <param name="dailyLimit">The daily spending limit Amount of the MonetaryAccountJoint. Defaults to 1000 EUR. Currency must match the MonetaryAccountJoint's currency. Limited to 10000 EUR.</param>
        /// <param name="overdraftLimit">The maximum Amount the MonetaryAccountJoint can be 'in the red'. Must be 0 EUR or omitted.</param>
        /// <param name="alias">The Aliases to add to MonetaryAccountJoint. Must all be confirmed first. Can mostly be ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="avatarUuid">The UUID of the Avatar of the MonetaryAccountJoint.</param>
        /// <param name="status">The status of the MonetaryAccountJoint. Ignored in POST requests (always set to ACTIVE) can be CANCELLED or PENDING_REOPEN in PUT requests to cancel (close) or reopen the MonetaryAccountJoint. When updating the status and/or sub_status no other fields can be updated in the same request (and vice versa).</param>
        /// <param name="subStatus">The sub-status of the MonetaryAccountJoint providing extra information regarding the status. Should be ignored for POST requests. In case of PUT requests with status CANCELLED it can only be REDEMPTION_VOLUNTARY, while with status PENDING_REOPEN it can only be NONE. When updating the status and/or sub_status no other fields can be updated in the same request (and vice versa).</param>
        /// <param name="reason">The reason for voluntarily cancelling (closing) the MonetaryAccountJoint, can only be OTHER. Should only be specified if updating the status to CANCELLED.</param>
        /// <param name="reasonDescription">The optional free-form reason for voluntarily cancelling (closing) the MonetaryAccountJoint. Can be any user provided message. Should only be specified if updating the status to CANCELLED.</param>
        /// <param name="setting">The settings of the MonetaryAccountJoint.</param>
        public static BunqResponse <int> Create(string currency, List <CoOwner> allCoOwner, string description = null,
                                                Amount dailyLimit        = null, Amount overdraftLimit = null, List <Pointer> alias = null,
                                                string avatarUuid        = null, string status         = null, string subStatus     = null, string reason = null,
                                                string reasonDescription = null, MonetaryAccountSetting setting = null,
                                                IDictionary <string, string> customHeaders = null)
            if (customHeaders == null)
                customHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var apiClient = new ApiClient(GetApiContext());

            var requestMap = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { FIELD_CURRENCY, currency },
                { FIELD_DESCRIPTION, description },
                { FIELD_DAILY_LIMIT, dailyLimit },
                { FIELD_OVERDRAFT_LIMIT, overdraftLimit },
                { FIELD_ALIAS, alias },
                { FIELD_AVATAR_UUID, avatarUuid },
                { FIELD_STATUS, status },
                { FIELD_SUB_STATUS, subStatus },
                { FIELD_REASON, reason },
                { FIELD_REASON_DESCRIPTION, reasonDescription },
                { FIELD_ALL_CO_OWNER, allCoOwner },
                { FIELD_SETTING, setting },

            var requestBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(BunqJsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestMap));
            var responseRaw  = apiClient.Post(string.Format(ENDPOINT_URL_CREATE, DetermineUserId()), requestBytes,
