/// <summary>
        /// Draws the panel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xLowerBound">The x lower bound.</param>
        /// <param name="xUpperBound">The x upper bound.</param>
        /// <param name="yLowerBound">The y lower bound.</param>
        /// <param name="yUpperBound">The y upper bound.</param>
        /// <param name="panel">The panel.</param>
        /// <param name="para">The para.</param>
        public static void drawPanel(double xLowerBound, double xUpperBound, double yLowerBound, double yUpperBound, PerforationPanel panel, bool fixingHolesManipulated, bool enablePerf)
            RhinoDoc    doc        = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc;
            List <Guid> guidList   = new List <Guid>();
            string      layerName  = null;                       //name of layers
            int         layerIndex = 0;                          //index of layers

            Rhino.DocObjects.Layer parent_layer_Approval = null; //create variable to hold approval layer
            Rhino.DocObjects.Layer parent_layer_Nesting  = null; //create variable to hold nesting layer
                                                                 //Rhino.DocObjects.Layer childlayer = null; //Create a variable to hold child layers
            string       text   = "";
            double       height = panel.labelHeight / 3;
            const string font   = "Arial";
            Guid         burrLeader;
            RhinoObject  labelText;

            Rhino.Geometry.Point3d pt    = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0);
            Rhino.Geometry.Plane   plane = doc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.ConstructionPlane();

            //Creating layer called "Layers for Approval Drawings" to make it a parent layer
            layerName = "LAYERS FOR APPROVAL DRAWINGS";
            // Does a layer with the same name already exist?
            layerIndex = doc.Layers.Find(layerName, true);

            // If layer does not exist
            if (layerIndex == -1)
                // Add a new layer to the document
                layerIndex            = doc.Layers.Add(layerName, System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                parent_layer_Approval = doc.Layers[layerIndex]; //set the layer as parent layer
                parent_layer_Approval = doc.Layers[layerIndex];

            layerName = "LAYERS FOR NESTING";

            // Does a layer with the same name already exist?
            layerIndex = doc.Layers.Find(layerName, true);

            // If layer does not exist
            if (layerIndex == -1)
                // Add a new layer to the document
                layerIndex           = doc.Layers.Add(layerName, System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                parent_layer_Nesting = doc.Layers[layerIndex];
                parent_layer_Nesting = doc.Layers[layerIndex];

            // Create a new layer called Perimeter
            layerName = "PANEL PERIMETER";

            layerIndex = createSubLayers.createSubLayer(layerName,
                                                        System.Drawing.Color.Black, parent_layer_Nesting); //make Nesting layer the parent layer

            doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);

            //Bottom and left justified the panels in the grid (panel x0,x1,y0,y1 - refers to the folds edg (folds layer)
            double panelX0 = xLowerBound;
            double panelX1 = panelX0 + panel.X;
            double panelY0 = yUpperBound;
            double panelY1 = panelY0 + panel.Y;

            List <Point3d> list = new List <Point3d>();

            panel.Perimeter = doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(panelX0, panelY1, 0), new Point3d(panelX1, panelY1, 0));

            panel.Perimeter = doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(panelX0, panelY0, 0), new Point3d(panelX0, panelY1, 0));

            panel.Perimeter = doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(panelX0, panelY0, 0), new Point3d(panelX1, panelY0, 0));

            panel.Perimeter = doc.Objects.AddLine(new Point3d(panelX1, panelY0, 0), new Point3d(panelX1, panelY1, 0));

            //MetrixUtilities.joinCurves(doc.Layers.Find("PANEL PERIMETER", true)); //join the closed curves using the method

            //Calculating the borders
            double borderX0 = panelX0 + panel.LeftBorder;  //refers to the borders corners
            double borderY0 = panelY0 + panel.BottomBorder;
            double borderX1 = panelX1 - panel.RightBorder;
            double borderY1 = panelY1 - panel.TopBorder;

            BoundingBox    panelBox          = new BoundingBox(borderX0, borderY0, 0, borderX1, borderY1, 0);
            List <Point3d> rectangle_corners = panelBox.GetCorners().Distinct().ToList();

            // add 1st point at last to close the loop
            // Create a new layer called Border

            layerName  = "BORDERS";
            layerIndex = createSubLayers.createSubLayer(layerName,
                                                        System.Drawing.Color.Purple, parent_layer_Approval); //pass to the method, make Approval layer the parent layer

            doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);
            //Add the borders only if the panel is not solid
            if (panel.DrawPerf != 3)
                //Create a bounding box for the borders
                panel.Border = doc.Objects.AddPolyline(rectangle_corners);

            // Create a new layer called LABELS
            layerName  = "LABELS";
            layerIndex = createSubLayers.createSubLayer(layerName,
                                                        System.Drawing.Color.Red, parent_layer_Nesting); //pass to the method, make Nesting layer the parent layer

            doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);
            text         = panel.PartName;
            height       = panel.labelHeight;
            pt           = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(borderX0, borderY0 + 4 + height, 0);
            plane        = doc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.ConstructionPlane();
            plane.Origin = pt;
            panel.Label  = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

            RhinoApp.RunScript("SelNone", true);
            labelText = doc.Objects.Find(panel.Label);
            BoundingBox bbox = labelText.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true);
            double      minX = bbox.Corner(true, true, true).X;
            double      maxX = bbox.Corner(false, true, true).X;
            double      minY = bbox.Corner(true, true, true).Y;
            double      maxY = bbox.Corner(true, false, true).Y;

            if (maxX - minX >= panel.X - panel.LeftBorder - panel.RightBorder)
                double ratio = 1;
                if (panel.Y > panel.X)
                    RhinoApp.RunScript("_-rotate " + bbox.Center.X + "," + bbox.Center.Y + " " + "90", true);

                if (maxY - minY + 4 >= panel.X - panel.LeftBorder - panel.RightBorder)
                    ratio = (panel.X - panel.LeftBorder - panel.RightBorder) / (2 * (maxY - minY));
                    if (ratio * (maxX - minX) >= (panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder))
                        ratio = ratio * (panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder) / (2 * ratio * (maxX - minX));
                else if (maxX - minX >= panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder)
                    ratio = (panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder) / (2 * (maxX - minX));
                RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Scale " + bbox.Center.X + "," + bbox.Center.Y + " " + ratio, true);
                BoundingBox bbox3     = labelText.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true);
                double      distance1 = borderX0 + ratio * (bbox3.Max.X - bbox3.Min.X) / 2;
                double      distance2 = borderY0 + ratio * (bbox3.Max.Y - bbox3.Min.Y) / 2;
                if (panel.Y > panel.X)
                    distance1 = borderX0 + ratio * (bbox3.Max.Y - bbox3.Min.Y) / 2;
                    distance2 = borderY0 + ratio * (bbox3.Max.X - bbox3.Min.X) / 2;

                RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Move " + bbox3.Center.X + "," + bbox3.Center.Y + ",0 " + distance1 + "," + distance2 + ",0", true);
            else if (maxY - minY >= panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder)
                double ratio = (panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder) / (2 * (maxY - minY));
                RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Scale " + bbox.Center.X + "," + bbox.Center.Y + " " + ratio, true);
                BoundingBox bbox2     = labelText.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true);
                double      distanceX = borderX0 + ratio * (bbox2.Center.X - bbox2.Min.X) / 2;
                double      distanceY = panelBox.Min.Y + ratio * (bbox2.Center.Y - bbox.Min.Y) / 2;

                RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Move " + bbox2.Center.X + "," + bbox2.Center.Y + ",0 " + distanceX + "," + distanceY + ",0", true);

            // If dotFontLabel is more than 0 draw the dot font text on the panel, else skip
            // if (para.DotFont == 1)
            if (panel.DotFontLabel > 0)
                // Create a new layer called DOT SCRIBE LABEL
                layerName = "DOT SCRIBE LABEL";

                layerIndex = createSubLayers.createSubLayer(layerName,
                                                            System.Drawing.Color.Black, parent_layer_Nesting); //make Nesting layer the parent layer

                doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);

                // Put in the Dot Matrix Label
                // Draw at the right side of the border aand 10mm from the bottom and 100mm from the left edge
                double panelOffset = 0;
                if (panel.BottomBorder - 8.7 <= 6)
                    panelOffset = (panel.BottomBorder - 8.7) / 2;
                    panelOffset = 3.1;
                if (panel.X < 160)
                    pt = new Point3d(1 * (panelX0 + panelX1) / 2, panelY0 + panelOffset + 8.7, 0);
                    pt = new Point3d(panelX1 - 100, panelY0 + panelOffset + 8.7, 0);
                if (panel.DotFontLabellerSide.Equals("Rear"))
                    DotMatrixLabellerCommand.Instance.drawDotMatrix(pt, panel.PartName, 8.7, panel.X); //set the size of dotfont
                else //If not revered use front labeller
                    DotMatrixFrontLabellerCommand.Instance.drawDotMatrix(pt, panel.PartName, 8.7);
            //checks whether the perforation layers exists, if not create layer and make Approval layer the parent layer
            //If exists, make Approval layer the parent layer
            layerName  = "PERFORATION";
            layerIndex = createSubLayers.createSubLayer(layerName,
                                                        System.Drawing.Color.Green, parent_layer_Approval);

            // doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);

            //Create Temporary Layer

            if (panel.DrawPerf == 1)
                RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer("TemporaryPerfLayer", System.Drawing.Color.Green);

                RhinoApp.RunScript("SelAll", true);
                RhinoApp.RunScript("-_Rotate 0,0,0 -" + panel.patternDirection, true);
                PerforationForm perforationForm = new PerforationForm(new Rhino.DocObjects.ObjRef(panel.Border).Curve());
                perforationForm.enablePerforation = enablePerf;
                perforationForm.drawPerforationDesign(panel.PatternName, true, enablePerf);
                RhinoApp.RunScript("SelAll", true);
                RhinoApp.RunScript("-_Rotate 0,0,0 " + panel.patternDirection, true);
                RhinoApp.RunScript("SelNone", true);

                var rhinoObjects        = doc.Objects.FindByLayer("TemporaryPerfLayer");
                var toolHitObjects      = doc.Objects.FindByLayer("TemporaryToolHit");
                var temporaryTool2Layer = doc.Objects.FindByLayer("TemporaryTool2Layer");

                //Perf objects
                if (rhinoObjects != null && rhinoObjects.Length > 1)
                    foreach (var rhinObj in rhinoObjects)
                    if (panel.patternDirection == 1)
                        RhinoApp.RunScript("-_Rotate 0,0,0 -90", true);
                        RhinoApp.RunScript("-_Rotate 0,0,0 90", true);

                    RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer(Properties.Settings.Default.PerforationLayerName, System.Drawing.Color.Green);
                    RhinoApp.RunScript("-_ChangeLayer PERFORATION", true);
                    int index = doc.Layers.Find("TemporaryPerfLayer", true);
                    doc.Layers.Delete(index, true);

                //tool hit objects
                if (toolHitObjects != null && toolHitObjects.Length > 1)
                    foreach (var toolhitObj in toolHitObjects)

                    if (panel.patternDirection == 1)
                        RhinoApp.RunScript("-_Rotate 0,0,0 -90", true);
                        RhinoApp.RunScript("-_Rotate 0,0,0 90", true);
                    RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer(Properties.Settings.Default.ToolHitLayerName, System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                    RhinoApp.RunScript("-_ChangeLayer TOOL HIT", true);
                    int index = doc.Layers.Find("TemporaryToolHit", true);
                    doc.Layers.Delete(index, true);

                //Tool 2 objects
                if (temporaryTool2Layer != null && temporaryTool2Layer.Length > 1)
                    foreach (var tool2Objs in temporaryTool2Layer)
                    if (panel.patternDirection == 1)
                        RhinoApp.RunScript("-_Rotate 0,0,0 -90", true);
                        RhinoApp.RunScript("-_Rotate 0,0,0 90", true);

                    RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer("Tool 2 Layer", System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);
                    RhinoApp.RunScript("-_ChangeLayer Tool 2 Layer", true);
                    int index = doc.Layers.Find("TemporaryTool2Layer", true);
                    doc.Layers.Delete(index, true);

            DimensionStyle dimStyle = MetrixUtilities.createMetrixRealDimension(); //sets the metrix real dimension

            Point3d         origin = new Point3d(0, 0, 0);
            Point3d         offset = new Point3d(0, 0, 0);
            Point2d         ext1;
            Point2d         ext2;
            Point2d         linePt;
            LinearDimension dimension;
            Guid            dimGuid = new Guid();
            double          u, v;

            // Create a new layer called DIMENSIONS BLACK
            layerName  = "DIMENSIONS BLACK";
            layerIndex = createSubLayers.createSubLayer(layerName,
                                                        System.Drawing.Color.Black, parent_layer_Approval); //pass to the method, make Approval layer the parent layer

            doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);

            // Add the word perforated area to the panel
            if (panel.DrawPerf != 3) //Add the text only if the panel is not a solid panel
                //pt = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(((borderX1 + borderX0) / 2) - 117.5, ((borderY1 + borderY0) / 2) + 33, 0);
                text         = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape(panel.PerfText);
                height       = panel.labelHeight / 2;
                pt           = new Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(((borderX1 + borderX0) / 2) - 117.5, ((borderY1 + borderY0) / 2) + 10 + height, 0);
                plane.Origin = pt;
                Guid perforatedAreaLabel = doc.Objects.AddText(text, plane, height, font, false, false);

                double ratio = 1;

                if (panel.X - panel.LeftBorder - panel.RightBorder < 230)
                    RhinoApp.RunScript("SelNone", true);
                    labelText = doc.Objects.Find(perforatedAreaLabel);
                    bbox = labelText.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true);
                    if (panel.Y > panel.X)
                        RhinoApp.RunScript("_-rotate " + bbox.Center.X + "," + bbox.Center.Y + " " + "90", true);

                    minX = bbox.Corner(true, true, true).X;
                    maxX = bbox.Corner(false, true, true).X;
                    minY = bbox.Corner(true, true, true).Y;
                    maxY = bbox.Corner(true, false, true).Y;

                    if (maxY - minY > panel.X - panel.LeftBorder - panel.RightBorder)
                        ratio = (panel.X - panel.LeftBorder - panel.RightBorder) / (2 * (maxY - minY));
                        if (ratio * (maxX - minX) > (panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder))
                            ratio = ratio * (panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder) / (2 * ratio * (maxX - minX));
                    else if (maxX - minX >= panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder)
                        ratio = (panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder) / (2 * (maxX - minX));
                    RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Scale " + bbox.Center.X + "," + bbox.Center.Y + " " + ratio, true);
                    BoundingBox bbox2     = labelText.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true);
                    double      distanceX = (borderX0 + borderX1) / 2;
                    double      distanceY = (borderY0 + borderY1) / 2;

                    RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Move " + bbox2.Center.X + "," + bbox2.Center.Y + ",0 " + distanceX + "," + distanceY + ",0", true);
                    RhinoApp.RunScript("SelNone", true);
                    labelText = doc.Objects.Find(perforatedAreaLabel);
                    bbox = labelText.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true);
                    minX = bbox.Corner(true, true, true).X;
                    maxX = bbox.Corner(false, true, true).X;
                    minY = bbox.Corner(true, true, true).Y;
                    maxY = bbox.Corner(true, false, true).Y;

                    if (maxX - minX > panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder)
                        ratio = (panel.Y - panel.TopBorder - panel.BottomBorder) / (2 * (maxY - minY));
                        RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Scale " + bbox.Center.X + "," + bbox.Center.Y + " " + ratio, true);
                    BoundingBox bbox2     = labelText.Geometry.GetBoundingBox(true);
                    double      distanceX = (borderX0 + borderX1) / 2;
                    double      distanceY = (borderY0 + borderY1) / 2;

                    RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Move " + bbox2.Center.X + "," + bbox2.Center.Y + ",0 " + distanceX + "," + distanceY + ",0", true);

            // Add horizontal dimension
            origin = new Point3d(panelX1, panelY0 - 50, 0);
            offset = new Point3d(panelX0, panelY0 - 50, 0);
            pt     = new Point3d((offset.X - origin.X) / 2, panelY0 - 100, 0);

            plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
            plane.Origin = origin;

            //double u, v;
            plane.ClosestParameter(origin, out u, out v);
            ext1 = new Point2d(u, v);

            plane.ClosestParameter(offset, out u, out v);
            ext2 = new Point2d(u, v);

            plane.ClosestParameter(pt, out u, out v);
            linePt = new Point2d(u, v);

            dimension = new LinearDimension(plane, ext1, ext2, linePt);
            dimGuid   = doc.Objects.AddLinearDimension(dimension);       //add the bottom dimension(vertical line)

            // Add vertical dimension for panel

            origin = new Point3d(panelX0 - 20, panelY0, 0);
            offset = new Point3d(panelX0 - 20, panelY1, 0);
            pt     = new Point3d(panelX0 - 100, (offset.Y - origin.Y) / 2, 0);

            plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
            plane.XAxis  = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0);
            plane.YAxis  = new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0);
            plane.ZAxis  = new Vector3d(0, 0, -1);
            plane.Origin = origin;

            plane.ClosestParameter(origin, out u, out v);
            ext1 = new Point2d(u, v);

            plane.ClosestParameter(offset, out u, out v);
            ext2 = new Point2d(u, v);

            plane.ClosestParameter(pt, out u, out v);
            linePt = new Point2d(u, v);

            dimension = new LinearDimension(plane, ext1, ext2, linePt);
            dimGuid   = doc.Objects.AddLinearDimension(dimension); //adds the left dimension


            MetrixUtilities.createMetrixBordersDimension(); //sets the dimension style for borders

            // Draw Border dimension on BORDERS layer
            if (panel.DrawPerf != 3) ///Add only if the panel is not a solid panel
                layerName  = "BORDERS";
                layerIndex = doc.Layers.Find(layerName, true);
                doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);

                // Add horizontal borders dimension
                origin = new Point3d(panelX1, (panelY0 + panelY1) / 2, 0);
                offset = new Point3d(borderX1, (panelY0 + panelY1) / 2, 0);
                pt     = new Point3d((offset.X - origin.X) / 2, (borderY0 + borderY1) / 2, 0);

                plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
                plane.Origin = origin;

                plane.ClosestParameter(origin, out u, out v);
                ext1 = new Point2d(u, v);

                plane.ClosestParameter(offset, out u, out v);
                ext2 = new Point2d(u, v);

                plane.ClosestParameter(pt, out u, out v);
                linePt = new Point2d(u, v);

                dimension = new LinearDimension(plane, ext1, ext2, linePt);
                dimGuid   = doc.Objects.AddLinearDimension(dimension);


                // Add horizontal borders dimension
                origin = new Point3d(panelX0, (panelY0 + panelY1) / 2, 0);
                offset = new Point3d(borderX0, (panelY0 + panelY1) / 2, 0);
                pt     = new Point3d((offset.X - origin.X) / 2, (borderY0 + borderY1) / 2, 0);

                plane.ClosestParameter(origin, out u, out v);
                ext1 = new Point2d(u, v);

                plane.ClosestParameter(offset, out u, out v);
                ext2 = new Point2d(u, v);

                plane.ClosestParameter(pt, out u, out v);
                linePt = new Point2d(u, v);

                dimension = new LinearDimension(plane, ext1, ext2, linePt);
                dimGuid   = doc.Objects.AddLinearDimension(dimension);


                // Add vertical border dimension for panel

                origin = new Point3d((panelX0 + panelX1) / 2, panelY0, 0);
                offset = new Point3d((panelX0 + panelX1) / 2, borderY0, 0);
                pt     = new Point3d((borderX0 + borderX1) / 2, (offset.Y - origin.Y) / 2, 0);

                plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
                plane.XAxis  = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0);
                plane.YAxis  = new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0);
                plane.ZAxis  = new Vector3d(0, 0, -1);
                plane.Origin = origin;

                plane.ClosestParameter(origin, out u, out v);
                ext1 = new Point2d(u, v);

                plane.ClosestParameter(offset, out u, out v);
                ext2 = new Point2d(u, v);

                plane.ClosestParameter(pt, out u, out v);
                linePt = new Point2d(u, v);

                dimension = new LinearDimension(plane, ext1, ext2, linePt);
                dimGuid   = doc.Objects.AddLinearDimension(dimension);


                origin = new Point3d((panelX0 + panelX1) / 2, panelY1, 0);
                offset = new Point3d((panelX0 + panelX1) / 2, borderY1, 0);
                pt     = new Point3d((borderX0 + borderX1) / 2, (offset.Y - origin.Y) / 2, 0);

                plane.ClosestParameter(origin, out u, out v);
                ext1 = new Point2d(u, v);

                plane.ClosestParameter(offset, out u, out v);
                ext2 = new Point2d(u, v);

                plane.ClosestParameter(pt, out u, out v);
                linePt = new Point2d(u, v);

                dimension = new LinearDimension(plane, ext1, ext2, linePt);
                dimGuid   = doc.Objects.AddLinearDimension(dimension);


            MetrixUtilities.createMetrixRealDimension(); //sets the default dimension style
            layerName  = "VIEWPORT";
            layerIndex = createSubLayers.createSubLayer(layerName,
                                                        System.Drawing.Color.Black, parent_layer_Approval); //pass to the method, make Approval layer the parent layer

            doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);

            Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject label = doc.Objects.Find(panel.Label);
            string exportFileName = "1";

            if (label != null)
                Rhino.Geometry.TextEntity textentity = label.Geometry as Rhino.Geometry.TextEntity;
                exportFileName = textentity.Text + ".dxf";

             * Checks if the dxf files are required by the user, if yes check whether the panel is perforated
             * using the drawPerf property in the panel. If it is a perforated panel then check if the directory
             * for perforated panels dxf files already exists, if does not exist create directory and run command.
             * If panel is not perforated, create directory to save not perforated panels dxf files if the directory
             * does not exist. Then run the dxf file create command.
             * */
            if (panel.DXFFilesRequired.Equals("Yes"))
                String path;
                String immediateFolderName = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.Path)); //get the immediate foldername which the file is located in
                                                                                                //split the path to get the parent folder.
                String[] newPath = MetrixUtilities.splitString(Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.Path), immediateFolderName);
                if (panel.DrawPerf == 1)                                                        //checks if panel is perforated
                    path = newPath[0] + ("5TRUMPF") + ("\\WITH PERF");                          //merge path for perforated files
                    if (!Directory.Exists(path))                                                //check if directory already exists
                        System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path);                              //create directory if not exist
                    path = newPath[0] + ("5TRUMPF") + ("\\NO PERF"); //merge path for not perforated files
                    if (!Directory.Exists(path))                     //check if directory already exists
                        System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path);   //create directory if not exist
                string command = string.Format("-_Export \"" + path + @"\" + exportFileName + "\"  Scheme \"R12 Lines & Arcs\" Enter");
                // Export the selected curves
                RhinoApp.RunScript(command, true);
            // Unselect all objects

            // Default layer index
            int defaultLayerIndex = doc.Layers.Find("Default", true);

            doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);

            ////if draw perf is false, turnoff the toolhit layer
            //if (Convert.ToBoolean(panel.DrawPerf) != true)
            //   layerName = "Tool Hit";
            //   layerIndex = doc.Layers.Find(layerName, true);
            //   doc.Layers[layerIndex].IsVisible = false;

            MetrixUtilities.joinCurves(doc.Layers.Find("PANEL PERIMETER", true));
            if (panel.FixingHoles == "1")
                //if fixing holes are not manipulated, recalculate distances
                if (!fixingHolesManipulated)
                    //panel = reCalculateDistances(panel);

                    //Below method is if fixing holes are automated
                    guidList = FixingHoles.drawFixingFoles(panel, null, false, 0, 0, panelY0, panelY1, dimStyle, guidList, panelX0, panelX1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //add fixing holes
                    //Below method is if fixing holes  have been manipulated
                    guidList = CustomFixingHoles.drawFixingFoles(panel, null, false, 0, 0, panelY0, panelY1, dimStyle, guidList, panelX0, panelX1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //add fixing holes
            layerName  = "VIEWPORT";
            layerIndex = createSubLayers.createSubLayer(layerName,
                                                        System.Drawing.Color.Black, parent_layer_Approval); //pass to the method, make Approval layer the parent layer

            doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndex, true);

            foreach (Guid g in guidList)
                int idx = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Groups.Find(panel.PartName, false);

                if (idx < 0)
                    idx = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Groups.Add(panel.PartName);

                RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Groups.AddToGroup(idx, g);

        public Boolean createDimensions(List <Guid> guidList)
            doc = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc;
            go  = new Rhino.Input.Custom.GetObject();
            go.GeometryFilter  = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Curve;
            go.GroupSelect     = true;
            go.SubObjectSelect = false;
            go.DeselectAllBeforePostSelect = false;
            go.EnablePreSelect(true, false);
            go.GeometryFilter = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Curve;
            go.SetCommandPrompt("Select panels to create dimensions");
            while (true)

                // perform the get operation. This will prompt the user to select the list of curves, but also
                // allow for command line options defined above
                GetResult result = go.GetMultiple(1, 0);

                if (result == GetResult.Option)
                    go.EnablePreSelect(false, true);
                else if (result == GetResult.Number)
                else if (result != GetResult.Object)

                if (go.ObjectsWerePreselected)
                    go.EnablePreSelect(true, true);


            int objecTCount = go.ObjectCount;

            foreach (ObjRef objRef in go.Objects()) //Go through each curve  in the objects list
                Curve curve = objRef.Curve();

                // If curve is null, means objRef is not a curve
                if (curve == null)
                    dimensionsCreated = false;

                // If curve is not Closed Curve
                if (curve.IsClosed == false)
                    RhinoApp.WriteLine(objRef.ToString() + " curve is open");
                    dimensionsCreated = false;

                if (curve.IsPlanar() == false)
                    RhinoApp.WriteLine(objRef.ToString() + " curve is not planar");
                    dimensionsCreated = false;
                BoundingBox boundingBox = curve.GetBoundingBox(Plane.WorldXY);
                Point3d     min         = boundingBox.Min;
                Point3d     max         = boundingBox.Max;

                //Add Horizontal dimension
                origin       = new Point3d(min.X, max.Y, 0);
                offset       = new Point3d(max.X, max.Y, 0);
                pt           = new Point3d((offset.X - origin.X) / 2, max.Y + 180, 0);
                plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
                plane.Origin = origin;
                guidList     = drawDimension(plane, pt, offset, origin, guidList, doc); //draw the dimension

                //Add vertical Dimensions
                origin       = new Point3d(min.X, min.Y, 0);
                offset       = new Point3d(min.X, max.Y, 0); //left
                pt           = new Point3d(min.X - 180, (offset.Y - origin.Y) / 2, 0);
                plane        = Plane.WorldXY;
                plane.XAxis  = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0); //-1 to rotate the dimension vertically
                plane.YAxis  = new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0);
                plane.ZAxis  = new Vector3d(0, 0, -1);
                plane.Origin = origin;
                guidList     = drawDimension(plane, pt, offset, origin, guidList, doc); //draw the dimension

                dimensionsCreated = true;
            doc.Views.Redraw(); //finally redraw to refresh the screen and display dimensions to user
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the perforation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override double drawPerforation(Curve boundaryCurve)
            List <PointMap> pointMapList = new List <PointMap>();

            // Add two Point Map in the list
            pointMapList.Add(new PointMap());
            pointMapList.Add(new PointMap());

            // Find the boundary
            BoundingBox boundingBox = boundaryCurve.GetBoundingBox(Plane.WorldXY);
            Point3d     min         = boundingBox.Min;
            Point3d     max         = boundingBox.Max;

            double spanX = max.X - min.X;
            double spanY = max.Y - min.Y;

            int    punchQtyX = ((int)((spanX - punchingToolList[0].X) / XSpacing)) + 1;
            double marginX   = (spanX - ((punchQtyX - 1) * XSpacing)) / 2;
            double YSpacing  = XSpacing;

            int    punchQtyY = ((int)((spanY - punchingToolList[0].Y) / YSpacing)) + 1;
            double marginY   = (spanY - ((punchQtyY - 1) * YSpacing)) / 2;

            Point3d  point;
            RhinoDoc doc    = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc;
            double   firstX = min.X + marginX;
            double   firstY = min.Y + marginY;

            // Set the layer
            int currentLayer = doc.Layers.CurrentLayerIndex;

            Random random     = new Random();
            int    tool0Count = 0;
            int    tool1Count = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < punchQtyY; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < punchQtyX; x++)
                    // Locate the point
                    point = new Point3d(firstX + x * XSpacing, firstY + y * YSpacing, 0);

                    // If the randomness is bigger than random, put small tool
                    if (random.NextDouble() < randomness)
                        if (punchingToolList[0].isInside(boundaryCurve, point) == true)
                            pointMapList[1].AddPoint(new PunchingPoint(point));
                            if (MetrixUtilities.IsLayerFound("TemporaryPerfLayer"))
                                RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer("TemporaryTool2Layer", System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);
                                doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(currentLayer, true);
                                RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer("Tool 2 Layer", System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);
                                RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer(Properties.Settings.Default.PerforationLayerName, System.Drawing.Color.Green);
                        if (punchingToolList[0].isInside(boundaryCurve, point) == true)
                            if (punchingToolList[1].ClusterTool.Enable == true)
                                pointMapList[1].AddPoint(new PunchingPoint(point));

                            if (MetrixUtilities.IsLayerFound("TemporaryPerfLayer"))
                                RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer("TemporaryTool2Layer", System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);
                                doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(currentLayer, true);
                                RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer("Tool 2 Layer", System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);
                                RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer(Properties.Settings.Default.PerforationLayerName, System.Drawing.Color.Green);
                            pointMapList[0].AddPoint(new PunchingPoint(point));

            // Draw the cluster for each tool
            for (int i = 0; i < punchingToolList.Count; i++)
                // Only draw cluster tool if it is enable
                if (punchingToolList[i].ClusterTool.Enable == true)
                    drawCluster(pointMapList[i], punchingToolList[i]);
                    // Set to Tool Hit Layer
                    RhinoUtilities.SetActiveLayer(Properties.Settings.Default.ToolHitLayerName, Color.Black);

                    // Places where cannot cluster punch
                    for (int k = 0; k < pointMapList[i].YCount; k++)
                        SortedDictionary <int, PunchingPoint> xDict = pointMapList[i].getXDictionary(k);

                        for (int m = 0; m < xDict.Count; m++)
                            if (xDict.ElementAt(m).Value.HasPunched == false)
                                // Draw the tool


            // Display the open area calculation
            AreaMassProperties area = AreaMassProperties.Compute(boundaryCurve);

            RhinoApp.WriteLine("Total area: {0} mm^2", area.Area.ToString("#.##"));

            double tool0Area = punchingToolList[0].getArea() * tool0Count;

            RhinoApp.WriteLine("Tool 1 area: {0} mm^2", tool0Area.ToString("#.##"));

            double tool1Area = punchingToolList[1].getArea() * tool1Count;

            RhinoApp.WriteLine("Tool 2 area: {0} mm^2", tool1Area.ToString("#.##"));

            openArea = (tool0Area + tool1Area) * 100 / area.Area;

            RhinoApp.WriteLine("Open area: {0}%", openArea.ToString("#."));


            doc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(currentLayer, true);