// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        FindTrackedObjects(); //TODO: Make this happen in Update() at regular intervals, and clean up existing devices.
        MessageDisplay.DisplayMessageAll("Which object is holding the ZED?");

        //Subscribe to controllers being connected/disconnected so we can update the available devices.
        deviceConnectedAction = (x, y) => FindTrackedObjects();
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the ball objects and other minor setup. "ForceReset" will clear existing balls if
    /// they were aleady set up, otherwise nothing will happen.
    /// </summary>
    public void SetUpBalls(bool forcereset = true)
        if (isSetup)
            if (forcereset) //If we're resetting, clear all existing balls and positions.
            else //Already set up but we don't want to reset. This is likely unintentional.
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Called AutomatedCalibration.Setup when it was already set up, but without requesting a reset.");

        Transform zedtrans = zedManager.transform; //Shorthand

        //Create the balls.

        for (int i = 0; i < spherePositions.Length; i++)
            virtualPositions = new Vector3[spherePositions.Length];
            realPositions    = new Vector3[spherePositions.Length];

            GameObject newballgo = Instantiate(autoCalibBallPrefab, zedtrans, false);
            newballgo.transform.localPosition = spherePositions[i];

            AutoCalibBall newball = newballgo.GetComponentInChildren <AutoCalibBall>();
            if (!newball)
                throw new System.Exception("No AutoCalibBall script on autoCalibBallPrefab.");

            newball.Setup(this, i);


        isSetup = true;

        //Update all message displays with instructions.
        MessageDisplay.DisplayMessageAll("AUTOMATIC MODE\r\nPut your controller inside a ball and click.\r\n" +
                                         "If the virtual ZED isn't facing you, use Manual Mode to get the image roughly aligned.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the process of adding a reference point. First logs the starting point as the "virtual" point, and freezes the
    /// 2D video so the user can align the virtual controller with the real-world image. When they click again, this adds
    /// the "real" point and sends it to the AutoCalibrationManager.
    /// </summary>
    private IEnumerator PlacingBall(ZEDXRGrabber clicker)
        if (!isSetup)
            throw new System.Exception("Tried to use AutoCalibBall to calibrate before Setup was called on it.");
        col.enabled = false;


        //Display new message.
        MessageDisplay.DisplayMessageAll("AUTOMATIC MODE\r\nLine up the virtual controller with its real-world counterpart. Then click again.");

        virtualPos = zedManager.transform.InverseTransformPoint(clicker.transform.position);

        //DrawOutputToPlane.pauseTextureUpdate = true; //Pause the video
        zedManager.pauseLiveReading = true;
        //TODO: Graphics stuff.
        //TODO: Hide all other calibration balls.
        //print("Paused - " + ballIndex);

        //First wait to make sure the click key is no longer held, so we can click it a second time separately.
        while (clicker.zedController.CheckClickButton(ControllerButtonState.Down))
            yield return(null);

        //Now wait for it to go down again.
        while (!clicker.zedController.CheckClickButton(ControllerButtonState.Down))
            yield return(null);

        realPos = zedManager.transform.InverseTransformPoint(clicker.transform.position);

        autoCalib.AddNewPositions(ballIndex, virtualPos, realPos);

        zedManager.pauseLiveReading = false;
        col.enabled = true;

        MessageDisplay.DisplayMessageAll("AUTOMATIC MODE\r\nRepeat this process with the rest of the balls, or stop when you're satisfied.");
        hasBeenSet = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Displays the instructions for calibration in manual mode.
 /// <para>his could have been put in any class used for manual transform mode exclusively - this was chosen arbitrarily.1</para>T
 /// </summary>
 private void OnEnable()
     MessageDisplay.DisplayMessageAll("MANUAL MODE\r\nGrab the colored arrows/circles to move the ZED.\r\n" +
                                      "Position the 3D model of the ZED like it is in real-life.");