private void MergeListRefProperty(IObjectManager om, object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, bool forOrgValue, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
			IList list = ((IList) om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name));
			IList orgList = ((IList) om.GetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name));
			MergeReferenceLists(list, orgList, om, obj, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);

		private void MergeReferenceLists(IList list, IList orgList, IObjectManager om, object obj, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, bool forOrgValue)
			IList objectsToRemove = new ArrayList(); 
			IList objectsToAdd = new ArrayList();
			IUnitOfWork uow = this.Context.UnitOfWork;
			foreach (object itemOrgObj in orgList)
				string itemOrgObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemOrgObj);
				bool found = false;
				foreach (object itemObj in list)
					string itemObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemObj);
					if (itemObjId == itemOrgObjId)
						found = true;
				if (!found)
			foreach (object itemObj in list)
				string itemObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemObj);
				bool found = false;
				foreach (object itemOrgObj in orgList)
					string itemOrgObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemOrgObj);
					if (itemObjId == itemOrgObjId)
						found = true;
				if (!found)
					object itemOrgObj = this.Context.GetObjectById(itemObjId, obj.GetType());
			if (objectsToRemove.Count > 0 || objectsToAdd.Count > 0)
				bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(list, orgList, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
				if (!keepExisting)
					bool stackMute = false;
					IInterceptableList mList = orgList as IInterceptableList;					
					if (mList != null)
						stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
						mList.MuteNotify = true;
					foreach (object itemOrgObj in objectsToRemove)
					foreach (object itemOrgObj in objectsToAdd)

					if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
					if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
						om.SetUpdatedStatus(existing, propertyMap.Name, true);						
		private void MergePrimitivePropertyValues(object value, object extValue, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, IObjectManager om, object existing, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object obj, bool forOrgValue, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
			if (!value.Equals(extValue)) // May be to naive - possibly should use some advanced method like ComparePropertyValues..
				bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(value, extValue, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
				if (!keepExisting)
					if (forOrgValue)
						om.SetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name, value);				
						om.SetNullValueStatus(existing, propertyMap.Name, om.GetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name));
						if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
							om.SetUpdatedStatus(existing, propertyMap.Name, true);						
						om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name, value);									
		private bool KeepExistingValue(object value, object extValue, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, object obj, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, bool forOrgValue)
			bool keepExisting = false;
			MergeBehaviorType useMergeBehavior = GetMergeBehavior(mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap);
			if (useMergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.ThrowConcurrencyException) 
				throw new MergeException("Merge Conflict!", extValue, value, existing, obj, propertyMap.Name, forOrgValue);

			//First try: Dirty wins..
			if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty && extPropStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
				if (useMergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
					throw new BothDirtyMergeException("Unresovable Merge Conflict! Both values are dirty!", extValue, value, existing, obj, propertyMap.Name, forOrgValue);
				else if (useMergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.IgnoreConflictsUsingMergeValue)
					keepExisting = false;
				else if (useMergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.IgnoreConflictsUsingCashedValue)
					keepExisting = true;
					throw new NPersistException("This should be unreachable code...if it is not, that means I made a mistake!" );					
			else if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
				keepExisting = false;
			else if (extPropStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
				keepExisting = true;
				//Second try: Clean wins
				if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean && extPropStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean)
					if (useMergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
						throw new BothCleanMergeException("Unresovable Merge Conflict! Both values are clean!", extValue, value, existing, obj, propertyMap.Name, forOrgValue);
					else if (useMergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.IgnoreConflictsUsingMergeValue)
						keepExisting = false;
					else if (useMergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.IgnoreConflictsUsingCashedValue)
						keepExisting = true;
						throw new NPersistException("This should be unreachable code...if it is not, that means I made a mistake!" );						
				else if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean)
					keepExisting = false;
				else if (extPropStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean)
					keepExisting = true;
					if (extPropStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
						keepExisting = false;
					if (extPropStatus == PropertyStatus.Deleted)
						keepExisting = true;
						throw new NPersistException("This should be unreachable code...if it is not, that means I made a mistake!" );					
			return keepExisting;
		private void MergePrimitiveProperty(IObjectManager om, object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, bool forOrgValue, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
			if (forOrgValue)
				object value = om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				object extValue = om.GetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);
				MergePrimitivePropertyValues(value, extValue, propStatus, extPropStatus, om, existing, classMap, propertyMap, obj, forOrgValue, mergeBehavior);
				object orgValue = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				object extOrgValue = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);
				MergePrimitivePropertyValues(orgValue, extOrgValue, propStatus, extPropStatus, om, existing, classMap, propertyMap, obj, forOrgValue, mergeBehavior);
		public virtual void MergeObjects(object obj, object existing, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
			//What about transfering object status ? ...and property updated status ?
			INullValueHelper nullValueHelper = obj as INullValueHelper;
			if (nullValueHelper == null)
				throw new MissingInterfaceException("Can't merge object of type " + obj.GetType().ToString()  + " since it does not implement the interface Puzzle.NPersist.Interface.INullValueHelper!");
			IOriginalValueHelper originalValueHelper = obj as IOriginalValueHelper;
			if (originalValueHelper == null)
				throw new MissingInterfaceException("Can't merge object of type " + obj.GetType().ToString()  + " since it does not implement the interface Puzzle.NPersist.Interface.IOriginalValueHelper!");
			IUpdatedPropertyTracker updatedPropertyTracker = obj as IUpdatedPropertyTracker;
			if (updatedPropertyTracker == null)
				throw new MissingInterfaceException("Can't merge object of type " + obj.GetType().ToString()  + " since it does not implement the interface Puzzle.NPersist.Interface.IUpdatedPropertyTracker!");

			IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
			IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());

			foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetAllPropertyMaps())
				PropertyStatus propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				PropertyStatus extPropStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(existing, propertyMap.Name);
				if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean || propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
					if (propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None)
						MergePrimitiveProperty(om, obj, classMap, propertyMap, existing, true, propStatus, extPropStatus, mergeBehavior);
						MergePrimitiveProperty(om, obj, classMap, propertyMap, existing, false, propStatus, extPropStatus, mergeBehavior);
						if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
							MergeListRefProperty(om, obj, classMap, propertyMap, existing, propStatus, extPropStatus, true, mergeBehavior);
							MergeListRefProperty(om, obj, classMap, propertyMap, existing, propStatus, extPropStatus, false, mergeBehavior);
							MergeSingleRefProperty(om, obj, classMap, propertyMap, existing, true, propStatus, extPropStatus, mergeBehavior);
							MergeSingleRefProperty(om, obj, classMap, propertyMap, existing, false, propStatus, extPropStatus, mergeBehavior);
		public virtual MergeBehaviorType GetMergeBehavior(MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap)
			if (mergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
				mergeBehavior = propertyMap.MergeBehavior;
				if (mergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
					mergeBehavior = classMap.MergeBehavior;
					if (mergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
						mergeBehavior = classMap.DomainMap.MergeBehavior;
						if (mergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
							mergeBehavior = m_MergeBehavior;
							if (mergeBehavior == MergeBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
								mergeBehavior = MergeBehaviorType.TryResolveConflicts;
			return mergeBehavior;
		private void MergeSingleRefProperty(IObjectManager om, object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, bool forOrgValue, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
			string extOrgObjId;
			string refObjId;
			object extRefObj;
			object refObj;
			object extOrgObj;
			if (forOrgValue)
				refObj = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				extOrgObj = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);				
				refObj = om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				extOrgObj = om.GetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);			
			if (refObj != null && DBNull.Value.Equals(refObj) != true)
				refObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(refObj);
				extOrgObjId = "";
				if (extOrgObj != null)
					extOrgObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(extOrgObj);

				if (!refObjId.Equals(extOrgObjId))
					bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(refObj, extOrgObj, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
					if (keepExisting != true)
						extRefObj = this.Context.GetObjectById(refObjId, refObj.GetType());

						SetSingleRefPropetyValue(forOrgValue, om, existing, propertyMap, extRefObj, propStatus);
				if (extOrgObj != null)
					bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(refObj, extOrgObj, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
					if (keepExisting)
						SetSingleRefPropetyValue(forOrgValue, om, existing, propertyMap, null, propStatus);
        private void MergeSingleRefProperty(IObjectManager om, object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, bool forOrgValue, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
            string extOrgObjId;
            string refObjId;
            object extRefObj;
            object refObj;
            object extOrgObj;
            if (forOrgValue)
                refObj = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                extOrgObj = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);
                refObj = om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                extOrgObj = om.GetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);
            if (refObj != null && DBNull.Value.Equals(refObj) != true)
                //hmmmm won't this fail if we have two objects of different classes but with the same id?
                //probably the type should be included (and preferably change to KeyStruct comparisons...)
                refObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(refObj);
                extOrgObjId = "";
                if (extOrgObj != null)
                    extOrgObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(extOrgObj);

                if (!refObjId.Equals(extOrgObjId))
                    bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(refObj, extOrgObj, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
                    if (keepExisting != true)
                        extRefObj = this.Context.GetObjectById(refObjId, refObj.GetType());

                        SetSingleRefPropetyValue(forOrgValue, om, existing, propertyMap, extRefObj, propStatus);
                if (extOrgObj != null)
                    bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(refObj, extOrgObj, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
                    if (keepExisting)
                        SetSingleRefPropetyValue(forOrgValue, om, existing, propertyMap, null, propStatus);