private IEnumerator WaitForServerResponse() { while (!handShakeSuccessful.HasValue) { countDown -= Time.deltaTime; if (countDown < 0) { break; } yield return(null); } countDown = TIMEOUT_DURATION; //reset coutdown; if (handShakeSuccessful.HasValue) { if ((bool)handShakeSuccessful) { Debug.Log("Load World"); SceneManager.LoadScene("test", LoadSceneMode.Single); //load world instantly } else { Debug.Log("Received response but couldn't authenticate you with login server"); //make status box with message saying something messed up } } else { genericBoxHandler.DestroyMessageOnlyStatusBox(); statusBoxHandler.InstantiatePrefab(MenuPrefabs.StatusBox, "Connection to server timed out"); } }
private IEnumerator WaitForServerResponse() { while (!handShakeSuccessful.HasValue) { handshakeTimeoutWait -= Time.deltaTime; if (handshakeTimeoutWait < 0) { break; } yield return(null); } if (handShakeSuccessful.HasValue) { if ((bool)handShakeSuccessful) { Data.CHARACTER_ON_LOGIN = characterEntering; loginServerConnection.SendDisconnectPacket(); SceneManager.LoadScene("test", LoadSceneMode.Single); //load world instantly } else { Debug.Log("Received response but couldn't authenticate you with login server"); //make status box with message saying something messed up } } else { genericBoxHandler.DestroyMessageOnlyStatusBox(); statusBoxHandler.InstantiatePrefab(MenuPrefabs.StatusBox, "Connection to server timed out"); } }