        private XElement createMiddleEntityXml(string auditMiddleTableName, string auditMiddleEntityName, string where)
            var schema  = _mainGenerator.GetSchema(_propertyAuditingData.JoinTable.Schema, _propertyValue.CollectionTable);
            var catalog = _mainGenerator.GetCatalog(_propertyAuditingData.JoinTable.Catalog, _propertyValue.CollectionTable);

            var middleEntityXml = MetadataTools.CreateEntity(_xmlMappingData.NewAdditionalMapping(),
                                                             new AuditTableData(auditMiddleEntityName, auditMiddleTableName, schema, catalog), null, false);
            var middleEntityXmlId = new XElement(MetadataTools.CreateElementName("composite-id"),
                                                 new XAttribute("name", _mainGenerator.VerEntCfg.OriginalIdPropName));


            // If there is a where clause on the relation, adding it to the middle entity.
            if (where != null)
                middleEntityXml.Add(new XAttribute("where", where));

            // Adding the revision number as a foreign key to the revision info entity to the composite id of the
            // middle table.

            // Adding the revision type property to the entity xml.
            _mainGenerator.AddRevisionType(isEmbeddableElementType() ? middleEntityXmlId : middleEntityXml, middleEntityXml);

            // All other properties should also be part of the primary key of the middle entity.
        private Triple<XmlElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, String> GenerateInheritanceMappingData(
                PersistentClass pc, EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, AuditTableData auditTableData,
                String inheritanceMappingType)
            String extendsEntityName = VerEntCfg.GetAuditEntityName(pc.Superclass.EntityName);
            XmlElement class_mapping = MetadataTools.CreateSubclassEntity(xmlMappingData.MainXmlMapping,
                    inheritanceMappingType, auditTableData, extendsEntityName, pc.DiscriminatorValue);

            // The id and revision type is already mapped in the parent

            // Getting the property mapper of the parent - when mapping properties, they need to be included
            String parentEntityName = pc.Superclass.EntityName;

            EntityConfiguration parentConfiguration = EntitiesConfigurations[parentEntityName];
            if (parentConfiguration == null)
                throw new MappingException("Entity '" + pc.EntityName + "' is audited, but its superclass: '" +
                        parentEntityName + "' is not.");

            IExtendedPropertyMapper parentPropertyMapper = parentConfiguration.PropertyMapper;
            IExtendedPropertyMapper propertyMapper = new SubclassPropertyMapper(new MultiPropertyMapper(), parentPropertyMapper);

            return Triple<XmlElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, String>.Make<XmlElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, String>(class_mapping, propertyMapper, parentEntityName);
 private void addModifiedFlagIfNeeded(XElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, bool processModifiedFlag)
     if (processModifiedFlag && propertyAuditingData.UsingModifiedFlag)
         MetadataTools.AddModifiedFlagProperty(parent, propertyAuditingData.Name, GlobalCfg.ModifiedFlagSuffix);
 public void AddRevisionType(XmlElement any_mapping)
     XmlElement revTypeProperty = MetadataTools.AddProperty(any_mapping, VerEntCfg.RevisionTypePropName,
             VerEntCfg.RevisionTypePropType, true, false);
     //TODO Simon Replace with typeof(NHibernate.Envers.Entities.RevisionTypeType).FullName
     revTypeProperty.SetAttribute("type", "NHibernate.Envers.Entities.RevisionTypeType, Envers.NET");
        private void createJoins(PersistentClass pc, XElement parent, ClassAuditingData auditingData)
            var joinElements = new Dictionary <Join, XElement>();

            entitiesJoins.Add(pc.EntityName, joinElements);

            foreach (var join in pc.JoinIterator)
                // Checking if any of the join properties are audited
                if (!checkAnyPropertyAudited(join.PropertyIterator, auditingData))

                // Determining the table name. If there is no entry in the dictionary, just constructing the table name
                // as if it was an entity (by appending/prepending configured strings).
                string auditTableName;
                if (!auditingData.JoinTableDictionary.TryGetValue(join.Table.Name, out auditTableName))
                    auditTableName = VerEntCfg.JoinTableName(join);

                var schema  = GetSchema(auditingData.AuditTable.Schema, join.Table);
                var catalog = GetCatalog(auditingData.AuditTable.Catalog, join.Table);

                var joinElement = MetadataTools.CreateJoin(parent, auditTableName, schema, catalog);
                joinElements.Add(join, joinElement);

                var joinKey = new XElement(MetadataTools.CreateElementName("key"));
                MetadataTools.AddColumns(joinKey, join.Key.ColumnIterator.OfType <Column>());
                MetadataTools.AddColumn(joinKey, VerEntCfg.RevisionFieldName, -1, -1, -1, null, false);
        private Tuple <XElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, string> generateInheritanceMappingData(
            PersistentClass pc, EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, AuditTableData auditTableData,
            string inheritanceMappingType)
            var extendsEntityName = VerEntCfg.GetAuditEntityName(pc.Superclass.EntityName);
            var hasDiscriminator  = pc.Discriminator != null;
            var classMapping      = MetadataTools.CreateSubclassEntity(xmlMappingData.MainXmlMapping,
                                                                       inheritanceMappingType, auditTableData, extendsEntityName, hasDiscriminator ? pc.DiscriminatorValue : null,
                                                                       pc.IsAbstract.HasValue && pc.IsAbstract.Value);

            // The id and revision type is already mapped in the parent

            // Getting the property mapper of the parent - when mapping properties, they need to be included
            var parentEntityName = pc.Superclass.EntityName;

            EntityConfiguration parentConfiguration;

            if (!EntitiesConfigurations.TryGetValue(parentEntityName, out parentConfiguration))
                throw new MappingException("Entity '" + pc.EntityName + "' is audited, but its superclass: '" + parentEntityName + "' is not.");

            var parentPropertyMapper = parentConfiguration.PropertyMapper;
            var propertyMapper       = new SubclassPropertyMapper(new MultiPropertyMapper(), parentPropertyMapper);

            return(new Tuple <XElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, string>(classMapping, propertyMapper, parentEntityName));
        private Tuple <XElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, string> generateMappingData(
            PersistentClass pc, EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, AuditTableData auditTableData,
            IdMappingData idMapper)
            var hasDiscriminator = pc.Discriminator != null;

            var classMapping = MetadataTools.CreateEntity(xmlMappingData.MainXmlMapping, auditTableData,
                                                          hasDiscriminator ? pc.DiscriminatorValue : null, pc.IsAbstract.HasValue && pc.IsAbstract.Value);
            var propertyMapper = new MultiPropertyMapper();

            // Adding the id mapping

            // Checking if there is a discriminator column
            if (hasDiscriminator)
                var discriminatorElement = new XElement(MetadataTools.CreateElementName("discriminator"));
                // Database column or SQL formula allowed to distinguish entity types
                MetadataTools.AddColumnsOrFormulas(discriminatorElement, pc.Discriminator.ColumnIterator);
                discriminatorElement.Add(new XAttribute("type", pc.Discriminator.Type.Name));

            // Adding the "revision type" property
            AddRevisionType(classMapping, classMapping);

            return(new Tuple <XElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, string>(classMapping, propertyMapper, null));
        private XmlElement CreateMiddleEntityXml(String auditMiddleTableName, String auditMiddleEntityName, String where)
            String schema  = mainGenerator.GetSchema(propertyAuditingData.JoinTable.Schema, propertyValue.CollectionTable);
            String catalog = mainGenerator.GetCatalog(propertyAuditingData.JoinTable.Catalog, propertyValue.CollectionTable);

            XmlElement middleEntityXml = MetadataTools.CreateEntity(xmlMappingData.newAdditionalMapping(),
                                                                    new AuditTableData(auditMiddleEntityName, auditMiddleTableName, schema, catalog), null);
            XmlElement middleEntityXmlId = middleEntityXml.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("composite-id");


            // If there is a where clause on the relation, adding it to the middle entity.
            if (where != null)
                middleEntityXml.SetAttribute("where", where);

            middleEntityXmlId.SetAttribute("name", mainGenerator.VerEntCfg.OriginalIdPropName);

            // Adding the revision number as a foreign key to the revision info entity to the composite id of the
            // middle table.

            // Adding the revision type property to the entity xml.

            // All other properties should also be part of the primary key of the middle entity.
        private static void addCustomValue(XElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
                                           IValue value, ISimpleMapperBuilder mapper, bool insertable,
                                           bool key, System.Type typeOfUserImplementation)
            if (parent != null)
                var propMapping = MetadataTools.AddProperty(parent, propertyAuditingData.Name,
                                                            typeOfUserImplementation.AssemblyQualifiedName, insertable, key);
                MetadataTools.AddColumns(propMapping, value.ColumnIterator.OfType <Column>());
                var typeElement = new XElement(MetadataTools.CreateElementName("type"),
                                               new XAttribute("name", typeOfUserImplementation.AssemblyQualifiedName));

                var simpleValue = value as SimpleValue;
                if (simpleValue != null)
                    var typeParameters = simpleValue.TypeParameters;
                    if (typeParameters != null)
                        foreach (var paramKeyValue in typeParameters)
                            var typeParam = new XElement(MetadataTools.CreateElementName("param"),
                                                         new XAttribute("name", paramKeyValue.Key), paramKeyValue.Value);

            if (mapper != null)
         * Clones the revision info relation mapping, so that it can be added to other mappings. Also, the name of
         * the property and the column are set properly.
         * @return A revision info mapping, which can be added to other mappings (has no parent).
        private XmlElement CloneAndSetupRevisionInfoRelationMapping(XmlDocument doc)
            XmlElement rev_mapping = (XmlElement)doc.ImportNode(revisionInfoRelationMapping, true);
            rev_mapping.SetAttribute("name", VerEntCfg.RevisionFieldName);

            MetadataTools.AddOrModifyColumn(rev_mapping, VerEntCfg.RevisionFieldName);

            return rev_mapping;
        public void AddKeyManyToOne(XElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, IValue value, ISimpleMapperBuilder mapper)
            var type    = value.Type;
            var element = mapper == null?
                          MetadataTools.AddKeyManyToOne(parent, propertyAuditingData.Name, type.ReturnedClass.AssemblyQualifiedName) :
                              MetadataTools.AddManyToOne(parent, propertyAuditingData.Name, type.ReturnedClass.AssemblyQualifiedName, true, false);

            MetadataTools.AddColumns(element, value.ColumnIterator.OfType <Column>());
        /// <summary>
        ///  Clones the revision info relation mapping, so that it can be added to other mappings. Also, the name of
        ///  the property and the column are set properly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A revision info mapping, which can be added to other mappings (has no parent).</returns>
        private XElement cloneAndSetupRevisionInfoRelationMapping()
            var revMapping = new XElement(revisionInfoRelationMapping);

            revMapping.Add(new XAttribute("name", VerEntCfg.RevisionFieldName));

            MetadataTools.AddOrModifyColumn(revMapping, VerEntCfg.RevisionFieldName);

         * @param value Value, which should be mapped to the middle-table, either as a relation to another entity,
         * or as a simple value.
         * @param xmlMapping If not <code>null</code>, xml mapping for this value is added to this element.
         * @param queryGeneratorBuilder In case <code>value</code> is a relation to another entity, information about it
         * should be added to the given.
         * @param prefix Prefix for proeprty names of related entities identifiers.
         * @param joinColumns Names of columns to use in the xml mapping, if this array isn't null and has any elements.
         * @return Data for mapping this component.
        private MiddleComponentData AddValueToMiddleTable(IValue value, XmlElement xmlMapping,
                                                          QueryGeneratorBuilder queryGeneratorBuilder,
                                                          String prefix, JoinColumnAttribute[] joinColumns)
            IType type = value.Type;

            if (type is ManyToOneType)
                String prefixRelated = prefix + "_";

                String referencedEntityName = MappingTools.getReferencedEntityName(value);

                IdMappingData referencedIdMapping = mainGenerator.GetReferencedIdMappingData(referencingEntityName,
                                                                                             referencedEntityName, propertyAuditingData, true);

                // Adding related-entity (in this case: the referenced entities id) id mapping to the xml only if the
                // relation isn't inverse (so when <code>xmlMapping</code> is not null).
                if (xmlMapping != null)
                    AddRelatedToXmlMapping(xmlMapping, prefixRelated,
                                           joinColumns != null && joinColumns.Length > 0
                                    ? MetadataTools.GetColumnNameEnumerator(joinColumns)
                                    : MetadataTools.GetColumnNameEnumerator(value.ColumnIterator.GetEnumerator()),

                // Storing the id data of the referenced entity: original mapper, prefixed mapper and entity name.
                MiddleIdData referencedIdData = CreateMiddleIdData(referencedIdMapping,
                                                                   prefixRelated, referencedEntityName);
                // And adding it to the generator builder.

                return(new MiddleComponentData(new MiddleRelatedComponentMapper(referencedIdData),
                // Last but one parameter: collection components are always insertable
                bool mapped = mainGenerator.BasicMetadataGenerator.AddBasic(xmlMapping,
                                                                            new PropertyAuditingData(prefix, "field", ModificationStore.FULL, RelationTargetAuditMode.AUDITED, null, null, false),
                                                                            value, null, true, true);

                if (mapped)
                    // Simple values are always stored in the first item of the array returned by the query generator.
                    return(new MiddleComponentData(new MiddleSimpleComponentMapper(mainGenerator.VerEntCfg, prefix), 0));
                    mainGenerator.ThrowUnsupportedTypeException(type, referencingEntityName, propertyName);
                    // Impossible to get here.
                    throw new AssertionFailure();
        public IdMappingData AddId(PersistentClass pc)
            var relIdMapping = new XElement(MetadataTools.CreateElementName("properties"));
            // Xml mapping which will be used for the primary key of the versions table
            var origIdMapping = new XElement(MetadataTools.CreateElementName("composite-id"),
                                             new XAttribute("name", _mainGenerator.VerEntCfg.OriginalIdPropName));

            var idProp   = pc.IdentifierProperty;
            var idMapper = pc.IdentifierMapper;

            // Checking if the id mapping is supported
            if (idMapper == null && idProp == null)

            ISimpleIdMapperBuilder mapper;

            if (idMapper != null)
                // Multiple id
                throw new MappingException("Multi id mapping isn't (wasn't?) available in NH Core");
            if (idProp.IsComposite)
                // Embedded id
                var idComponent = (Component)idProp.Value;

                mapper = new EmbeddedIdMapper(getIdPropertyData(idProp), idComponent.ComponentClass);
                addIdProperties(relIdMapping, idComponent.PropertyIterator, mapper, false);

                // null mapper - the mapping where already added the first time, now we only want to generate the xml
                addIdProperties(origIdMapping, idComponent.PropertyIterator, null, true);
                // Single id
                mapper = new SingleIdMapper();

                // Last but one parameter: ids are always insertable
                                                               idProp.Value, mapper, true, false);

                // null mapper - the mapping where already added the first time, now we only want to generate the xml
                                                               idProp.Value, null, true, true);

            // Adding a relation to the revision entity (effectively: the "revision number" property)

            return(new IdMappingData(mapper, origIdMapping, relIdMapping));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds mapping of the id of a related entity to the given xml mapping, prefixing the id with the given prefix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlMapping">Mapping, to which to add the xml.</param>
        /// <param name="prefix">Prefix for the names of properties which will be prepended to properties that form the id.</param>
        /// <param name="columnNames">Column names that will be used for properties that form the id.</param>
        /// <param name="relatedIdMapping">Id mapping data of the related entity.</param>
        private static void addRelatedToXmlMapping(XElement xmlMapping, string prefix,
                                                   IEnumerable <string> columnNames,
                                                   IdMappingData relatedIdMapping)
            var properties = new XElement(relatedIdMapping.XmlRelationMapping);

            MetadataTools.PrefixNamesInPropertyElement(properties, prefix, columnNames, true, true, null);
            foreach (var idProperty in properties.Elements())
        public void AddToOne(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, IValue value,
                             ICompositeMapperBuilder mapper, String entityName, bool insertable)
            String referencedEntityName = ((ToOne)value).ReferencedEntityName;

            IdMappingData idMapping = mainGenerator.GetReferencedIdMappingData(entityName, referencedEntityName,
                                                                               propertyAuditingData, true);

            String lastPropertyPrefix = MappingTools.createToOneRelationPrefix(propertyAuditingData.Name);

            // Generating the id mapper for the relation
            IIdMapper relMapper = idMapping.IdMapper.PrefixMappedProperties(lastPropertyPrefix);

            // Storing information about this relation
                propertyAuditingData.Name, referencedEntityName, relMapper, insertable);

            // If the property isn't insertable, checking if this is not a "fake" bidirectional many-to-one relationship,
            // that is, when the one side owns the relation (and is a collection), and the many side is non insertable.
            // When that's the case and the user specified to store this relation without a middle table (using
            // @AuditMappedBy), we have to make the property insertable for the purposes of Envers. In case of changes to
            // the entity that didn't involve the relation, it's value will then be stored properly. In case of changes
            // to the entity that did involve the relation, it's the responsibility of the collection side to store the
            // proper data.
            bool nonInsertableFake;

            if (!insertable && propertyAuditingData.ForceInsertable)
                nonInsertableFake = true;
                insertable        = true;
                nonInsertableFake = false;

            // Adding an element to the mapping corresponding to the references entity id's
            // Use OwnerDocument.ImportNode() instead of XmlNode.Clone();
            XmlElement properties = (XmlElement)parent.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(idMapping.XmlRelationMapping, true);

            properties.SetAttribute("name", propertyAuditingData.Name);

            MetadataTools.PrefixNamesInPropertyElement(properties, lastPropertyPrefix,
                                                       MetadataTools.GetColumnNameEnumerator((IEnumerator <ISelectable>)value.ColumnIterator.GetEnumerator()), false, insertable);

            // Adding mapper for the id
            PropertyData propertyData = propertyAuditingData.getPropertyData();

            mapper.AddComposite(propertyData, new ToOneIdMapper(relMapper, propertyData, referencedEntityName, nonInsertableFake));
         * Adds mapping of the id of a related entity to the given xml mapping, prefixing the id with the given prefix.
         * @param xmlMapping Mapping, to which to add the xml.
         * @param prefix Prefix for the names of properties which will be prepended to properties that form the id.
         * @param columnNameIterator Iterator over the column names that will be used for properties that form the id.
         * @param relatedIdMapping Id mapping data of the related entity.
        private void AddRelatedToXmlMapping(XmlElement xmlMapping, String prefix,
                                            MetadataTools.ColumnNameEnumerator columnNameIterator,
                                            IdMappingData relatedIdMapping)
            XmlElement properties = (XmlElement)relatedIdMapping.XmlRelationMapping.Clone();

            MetadataTools.PrefixNamesInPropertyElement(properties, prefix, columnNameIterator, true, true);
            foreach (XmlElement idProperty in (System.Collections.Generic.IList <XmlElement>)properties.ChildNodes)
        public void AddRevisionType(XElement anyMapping, XElement anyMappingEnd)
            var partOfId        = anyMapping != anyMappingEnd;
            var revTypeProperty = MetadataTools.AddProperty(anyMapping, VerEntCfg.RevisionTypePropName,
                                                            typeof(RevisionTypeType).AssemblyQualifiedName, true, partOfId, null);

            if (!partOfId)
                revTypeProperty.Add(new XAttribute("not-null", "true"));
            GlobalCfg.AuditStrategy.AddExtraRevisionMapping(anyMappingEnd, revisionInfoRelationMapping);
        private static void addSimpleValue(XElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
                                           IValue value, ISimpleMapperBuilder mapper, bool insertable, bool key)
            if (parent != null)
                var propMapping = MetadataTools.AddProperty(parent, propertyAuditingData.Name,
                                                            value.Type.Name, propertyAuditingData.ForceInsertable || insertable, key, propertyAuditingData.AccessType);
                MetadataTools.AddColumns(propMapping, value.ColumnIterator.OfType <Column>());

            // A null mapper means that we only want to add xml mappings
        private void AddSimpleValue(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
                                    IValue value, ISimpleMapperBuilder mapper, bool insertable, bool key)
            if (parent != null)
                XmlElement prop_mapping = MetadataTools.AddProperty(parent, propertyAuditingData.Name,
                                                                    value.Type.Name, propertyAuditingData.ForceInsertable || insertable, key);
                MetadataTools.AddColumns(prop_mapping, (IEnumerator <ISelectable>)value.ColumnIterator.GetEnumerator());

            // A null mapper means that we only want to add xml mappings
            if (mapper != null)
 private static string searchMappedBy(PersistentClass referencedClass, Mapping.Collection collectionValue)
     foreach (var property in referencedClass.PropertyIterator)
         if (MetadataTools.IsNoneAccess(property.PropertyAccessorName))
         //should probably not care if order is same...
         if (property.Value.ColumnIterator.SequenceEqual(collectionValue.Key.ColumnIterator))
        private Triple<XmlElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, String> GenerateMappingData(
                PersistentClass pc, EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, AuditTableData auditTableData,
                IdMappingData idMapper)
            bool hasDiscriminator = pc.Discriminator != null;

            XmlElement class_mapping = MetadataTools.CreateEntity(xmlMappingData.MainXmlMapping, auditTableData,
                    hasDiscriminator ? pc.DiscriminatorValue : null);
            IExtendedPropertyMapper propertyMapper = new MultiPropertyMapper();

            // Checking if there is a discriminator column
            if (hasDiscriminator)
                XmlElement discriminator_element = class_mapping.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("discriminator");
                MetadataTools.AddColumns(discriminator_element, (IEnumerator<ISelectable>)pc.Discriminator.ColumnIterator.GetEnumerator());
                discriminator_element.SetAttribute("type", pc.Discriminator.Type.Name);

            InheritanceType.Type parentInheritance = InheritanceType.GetForParent(pc);
            switch (parentInheritance)
                case InheritanceType.Type.NONE:

                case InheritanceType.Type.SINGLE:

                case InheritanceType.Type.JOINED:

                case InheritanceType.Type.TABLE_PER_CLASS:

            // Adding the id mapping
            XmlNode xmlMp = class_mapping.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(idMapper.XmlMapping,true);

            // Adding the "revision type" property

            return Triple<XmlElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, string>.Make<XmlElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, string>(class_mapping, propertyMapper, null);
        private void CreateJoins(PersistentClass pc, XmlElement parent, ClassAuditingData auditingData)
            IEnumerator<Join> joins = pc.JoinIterator.GetEnumerator();

            IDictionary<Join, XmlElement> JoinElements = new Dictionary<Join, XmlElement>();
            entitiesJoins.Add(pc.EntityName, JoinElements);

            while (joins.MoveNext())
                Join join = joins.Current;

                // Checking if all of the join properties are audited
                if (!CheckPropertiesAudited(join.PropertyIterator.GetEnumerator(), auditingData))

                // Determining the table name. If there is no entry in the dictionary, just constructing the table name
                // as if it was an entity (by appending/prepending configured strings).
                String originalTableName = join.Table.Name;
                String auditTableName = auditingData.SecondaryTableDictionary[originalTableName];
                if (auditTableName == null)
                    auditTableName = VerEntCfg.GetAuditEntityName(originalTableName);

                String schema = GetSchema(auditingData.AuditTable.schema, join.Table);
                String catalog = GetCatalog(auditingData.AuditTable.catalog, join.Table);

                XmlElement joinElement = MetadataTools.CreateJoin(parent, auditTableName, schema, catalog);
                JoinElements.Add(join, joinElement);

                XmlElement joinKey = joinElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("key");
                MetadataTools.AddColumns(joinKey, (IEnumerator<ISelectable>)join.Key.ColumnIterator.GetEnumerator());
                MetadataTools.AddColumn(joinKey, VerEntCfg.RevisionFieldName, -1, 0, 0, null);
        private void AddCustomValue(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
                                    IValue value, ISimpleMapperBuilder mapper, bool insertable, bool key)
            if (parent != null)
                XmlElement prop_mapping = MetadataTools.AddProperty(parent, propertyAuditingData.Name,
                                                                    null, insertable, key);

                //CustomType propertyType = (CustomType) value.getType();

                XmlElement type_mapping = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("type");
                type_mapping.SetAttribute("name", value.GetType().Name);

                if (value is SimpleValue)
                    IDictionary <string, string> typeParameters = ((SimpleValue)value).TypeParameters;
                    if (typeParameters != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> paramKeyValue in typeParameters)
                            XmlElement type_param = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("param");
                            type_param.SetAttribute("name", (String)paramKeyValue.Key);
                            type_param["name"].Value = paramKeyValue.Value;

                MetadataTools.AddColumns(prop_mapping, (IEnumerator <ISelectable>)value.ColumnIterator);

            if (mapper != null)
  * Adds mapping of the id of a related entity to the given xml mapping, prefixing the id with the given prefix.
  * @param xmlMapping Mapping, to which to add the xml.
  * @param prefix Prefix for the names of properties which will be prepended to properties that form the id.
  * @param columnNameIterator Iterator over the column names that will be used for properties that form the id.
  * @param relatedIdMapping Id mapping data of the related entity.
 private void AddRelatedToXmlMapping(XmlElement xmlMapping, String prefix,
     MetadataTools.ColumnNameEnumerator columnNameIterator,
     IdMappingData relatedIdMapping)
     XmlElement properties = (XmlElement) relatedIdMapping.XmlRelationMapping.Clone();
     MetadataTools.PrefixNamesInPropertyElement(properties, prefix, columnNameIterator, true, true);
     foreach (XmlElement idProperty in (System.Collections.Generic.IList<XmlElement>) properties.ChildNodes) {
         xmlMapping.AppendChild((XmlElement) idProperty.Clone());
        public void GenerateFirstPass(PersistentClass pc, ClassAuditingData auditingData,
                                      EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, bool isAudited)
            var schema  = GetSchema(auditingData.AuditTable.Schema, pc.Table);
            var catalog = GetCatalog(auditingData.AuditTable.Catalog, pc.Table);
            Func <System.Type, object> factory = auditingData.Factory.Factory.Instantiate;

            var entityName = pc.EntityName;

            if (!isAudited)
                var _idMapper = idMetadataGenerator.AddId(pc);

                if (_idMapper == null)
                    // Unsupported id mapping, e.g. key-many-to-one. If the entity is used in auditing, an exception
                    // will be thrown later on.
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.DebugFormat("Unable to create auditing id mapping for entity {0}" +
                                        ", because of an unsupported Hibernate id mapping (e.g. key-many-to-one).", entityName);

                //IExtendedPropertyMapper propertyMapper = null;
                //String parentEntityName = null;
                var _entityCfg = new EntityConfiguration(entityName, pc.ClassName, _idMapper, null, null, factory);
                NotAuditedEntitiesConfigurations.Add(entityName, _entityCfg);

            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.DebugFormat("Generating first-pass auditing mapping for entity {0}.", entityName);

            var auditEntityName = VerEntCfg.GetAuditEntityName(entityName);
            var auditTableName  = VerEntCfg.AuditTableName(entityName, pc);

            // Registering the audit entity name, now that it is known

            var auditTableData = new AuditTableData(auditEntityName, auditTableName, schema, catalog);

            // Generating a mapping for the id
            var idMapper = idMetadataGenerator.AddId(pc);

            if (idMapper == null)
                throw new AuditException("Id mapping for type " + pc.ClassName +
                                         " is currently not supported in Envers. If you need composite-id, use 'Components as composite identifiers'.");

            var inheritanceType = pc.GetInheritanceType();

            // These properties will be read from the mapping data

            Tuple <XElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, string> mappingData;

            // Reading the mapping data depending on inheritance type (if any)
            switch (inheritanceType)
            case InheritanceType.None:
                mappingData = generateMappingData(pc, xmlMappingData, auditTableData, idMapper);

            case InheritanceType.Single:
                auditTableData = new AuditTableData(auditEntityName, null, schema, catalog);
                mappingData    = generateInheritanceMappingData(pc, xmlMappingData, auditTableData, "subclass");

            case InheritanceType.Joined:
                mappingData = generateInheritanceMappingData(pc, xmlMappingData, auditTableData, "joined-subclass");

                // Adding the "key" element with all id columns...
                var keyMapping = new XElement(MetadataTools.CreateElementName("key"));
                MetadataTools.AddColumns(keyMapping, pc.Table.PrimaryKey.ColumnIterator);

                // ... and the revision number column, read from the revision info relation mapping.

            case InheritanceType.TablePerClass:
                mappingData = generateInheritanceMappingData(pc, xmlMappingData, auditTableData, "union-subclass");


                throw new AssertionFailure("AuditMetadataGenerator.GenerateFirstPass: Impossible enum value.");

            var classMapping     = mappingData.Item1;
            var propertyMapper   = mappingData.Item2;
            var parentEntityName = mappingData.Item3;

            xmlMappingData.ClassMapping = classMapping;

            // Mapping unjoined properties
            addProperties(classMapping, pc.UnjoinedPropertyIterator, propertyMapper,
                          auditingData, pc.EntityName, xmlMappingData,

            // Creating and mapping joins (first pass)
            createJoins(pc, classMapping, auditingData);
            addJoins(pc, propertyMapper, auditingData, pc.EntityName, xmlMappingData, true);

            // Storing the generated configuration
            var entityCfg = new EntityConfiguration(auditEntityName, pc.ClassName, idMapper,
                                                    propertyMapper, parentEntityName, factory);

            EntitiesConfigurations.Add(pc.EntityName, entityCfg);
        public void AddToOne(XElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, IValue value,
                             ICompositeMapperBuilder mapper, string entityName, bool insertable)
            var referencedEntityName = ((ToOne)value).ReferencedEntityName;
            var idMapping            = _mainGenerator.GetReferencedIdMappingData(entityName, referencedEntityName,
                                                                                 propertyAuditingData, true);

            var lastPropertyPrefix = MappingTools.CreateToOneRelationPrefix(propertyAuditingData.Name);

            // Generating the id mapper for the relation
            var relMapper = idMapping.IdMapper.PrefixMappedProperties(lastPropertyPrefix);

            // Storing information about this relation
                propertyAuditingData.Name, referencedEntityName, relMapper, insertable, MappingTools.IgnoreNotFound(value));

            // If the property isn't insertable, checking if this is not a "fake" bidirectional many-to-one relationship,
            // that is, when the one side owns the relation (and is a collection), and the many side is non insertable.
            // When that's the case and the user specified to store this relation without a middle table (using
            // @AuditMappedBy), we have to make the property insertable for the purposes of Envers. In case of changes to
            // the entity that didn't involve the relation, it's value will then be stored properly. In case of changes
            // to the entity that did involve the relation, it's the responsibility of the collection side to store the
            // proper data.
            bool nonInsertableFake;

            if (!insertable && propertyAuditingData.ForceInsertable)
                nonInsertableFake = true;
                insertable        = true;
                nonInsertableFake = false;

            // Adding an element to the mapping corresponding to the references entity id's
            var properties = new XElement(idMapping.XmlRelationMapping);

            properties.Add(new XAttribute("name", propertyAuditingData.Name));

            MetadataTools.PrefixNamesInPropertyElement(properties, lastPropertyPrefix,
                                                       false, insertable, propertyAuditingData.AccessType);

            // Extracting related id properties from properties tag
            var firstJoin = firstJoinElement(parent);

            foreach (var element in properties.Elements())
                if (firstJoin == null)

            // Adding mapper for the id
            var propertyData = propertyAuditingData.GetPropertyData();

            mapper.AddComposite(propertyData, new ToOneIdMapper(relMapper, propertyData, referencedEntityName, nonInsertableFake));
 private static XElement firstJoinElement(XElement classElement)
     //do we have to check for other elements than join here?
        private void addWithMiddleTable()
            log.Debug("Adding audit mapping for property {0}. {1}" +
                      ": collection with a join table.", _referencingEntityName, _propertyName);

            // Generating the name of the middle table
            string auditMiddleTableName;
            string auditMiddleEntityName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_propertyAuditingData.JoinTable.TableName))
                auditMiddleTableName  = _propertyAuditingData.JoinTable.TableName;
                auditMiddleEntityName = _propertyAuditingData.JoinTable.TableName;
                // We check how Hibernate maps the collection.
                if (_propertyValue.Element is OneToMany && !_propertyValue.IsInverse)
                    // This must be a @JoinColumn+@OneToMany mapping. Generating the table name, as Hibernate doesn't use a
                    // middle table for mapping this relation.
                    var referencingPersistentClass = _mainGenerator.Cfg.GetClassMapping(_referencingEntityName);
                    var referencedPersistentClass  = _mainGenerator.Cfg.GetClassMapping(_referencedEntityName);
                    auditMiddleTableName  = _mainGenerator.VerEntCfg.UnidirectionOneToManyTableName(referencingPersistentClass, referencedPersistentClass);
                    auditMiddleEntityName = _mainGenerator.VerEntCfg.GetAuditEntityName(_referencingEntityName, _referencedEntityName);
                    auditMiddleTableName  = _mainGenerator.VerEntCfg.CollectionTableName(_propertyValue);
                    auditMiddleEntityName = _mainGenerator.VerEntCfg.GetAuditEntityName(_propertyValue.CollectionTable.Name);

            log.Debug("Using join table name: {0}", auditMiddleTableName);

            // Generating the XML mapping for the middle entity, only if the relation isn't inverse.
            // If the relation is inverse, will be later checked by comparing middleEntityXml with null.
            XElement middleEntityXml;

            if (!_propertyValue.IsInverse)
                // Generating a unique middle entity name
                auditMiddleEntityName = _mainGenerator.AuditEntityNameRegister.CreateUnique(auditMiddleEntityName);

                // Registering the generated name

                middleEntityXml = createMiddleEntityXml(auditMiddleTableName, auditMiddleEntityName, _propertyValue.Where);
                middleEntityXml = null;

            // ******
            // Generating the mapping for the referencing entity (it must be an entity).
            // ******
            // Getting the id-mapping data of the referencing entity (the entity that "owns" this collection).
            var referencingIdMapping = _referencingEntityConfiguration.IdMappingData;

            // Only valid for an inverse relation; null otherwise.
            string mappedBy;

            // The referencing prefix is always for a related entity. So it has always the "_" at the end added.
            string referencingPrefixRelated;
            string referencedPrefix;

            if (_propertyValue.IsInverse)
                // If the relation is inverse, then referencedEntityName is not null.
                mappedBy = getMappedBy(_propertyValue.CollectionTable, _mainGenerator.Cfg.GetClassMapping(_referencedEntityName));

                referencingPrefixRelated = mappedBy + "_";
                referencedPrefix         = StringTools.GetLastComponent(_referencedEntityName);
                mappedBy = null;

                referencingPrefixRelated = StringTools.GetLastComponent(_referencingEntityName) + "_";
                referencedPrefix         = _referencedEntityName == null ? "element" : _propertyName;

            // Storing the id data of the referencing entity: original mapper, prefixed mapper and entity name.
            var referencingIdData = createMiddleIdData(referencingIdMapping, referencingPrefixRelated, _referencingEntityName);

            // Creating a query generator builder, to which additional id data will be added, in case this collection
            // references some entities (either from the element or index). At the end, this will be used to build
            // a query generator to read the raw data collection from the middle table.
            var queryGeneratorBuilder = new QueryGeneratorBuilder(_mainGenerator.VerEntCfg, _mainGenerator.GlobalCfg.AuditStrategy, referencingIdData, auditMiddleEntityName, isEmbeddableElementType());

            // Adding the XML mapping for the referencing entity, if the relation isn't inverse.
            if (middleEntityXml != null)
                // Adding related-entity (in this case: the referencing's entity id) id mapping to the xml.
                addRelatedToXmlMapping(middleEntityXml, referencingPrefixRelated,

            // ******
            // Generating the element mapping.
            // ******
            var elementComponentData = addValueToMiddleTable(_propertyValue.Element, middleEntityXml,
                                                             queryGeneratorBuilder, referencedPrefix, _propertyAuditingData.JoinTable.InverseJoinColumns);

            // ******
            // Generating the index mapping, if an index exists.
            // ******
            var indexComponentData = addIndex(middleEntityXml, queryGeneratorBuilder);

            // ******
            // Generating the property mapper.
            // ******
            // Building the query generator.
            var queryGenerator = queryGeneratorBuilder.Build(new Collection <MiddleComponentData> {
                elementComponentData, indexComponentData

            // Creating common data
            var commonCollectionMapperData = new CommonCollectionMapperData(
                _mainGenerator.VerEntCfg, auditMiddleEntityName,
                referencingIdData, queryGenerator);

            // Checking the type of the collection and adding an appropriate mapper.
            addMapper(commonCollectionMapperData, elementComponentData, indexComponentData);

            // ******
            // Storing information about this relation.
            // ******
        /// <summary>
        /// Add value to middle table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Value, which should be mapped to the middle-table, either as a relation to another entity, or as a simple value.</param>
        /// <param name="xmlMapping">If not <code>null</code>, xml mapping for this value is added to this element.</param>
        /// <param name="queryGeneratorBuilder">In case <code>value</code> is a relation to another entity, information about it should be added to the given.</param>
        /// <param name="prefix">Prefix for proeprty names of related entities identifiers.</param>
        /// <param name="joinColumns">Names of columns to use in the xml mapping, if this array isn't null and has any elements.</param>
        /// <returns>Data for mapping this component.</returns>
        private MiddleComponentData addValueToMiddleTable(IValue value, XElement xmlMapping,
                                                          QueryGeneratorBuilder queryGeneratorBuilder,
                                                          string prefix, string[] joinColumns)
            var type = value.Type;

            if (type is ManyToOneType)
                var prefixRelated        = prefix + "_";
                var referencedEntityName = MappingTools.ReferencedEntityName(value);

                var referencedIdMapping = _mainGenerator.GetReferencedIdMappingData(_referencingEntityName,
                                                                                    referencedEntityName, _propertyAuditingData, true);

                // Adding related-entity (in this case: the referenced entities id) id mapping to the xml only if the
                // relation isn't inverse (so when <code>xmlMapping</code> is not null).
                if (xmlMapping != null)
                    addRelatedToXmlMapping(xmlMapping, prefixRelated,
                                           joinColumns != null && joinColumns.Length > 0
                                                                        ? joinColumns
                                                                        : MetadataTools.GetColumnNameEnumerator(value.ColumnIterator),

                // Storing the id data of the referenced entity: original mapper, prefixed mapper and entity name.
                var referencedIdData = createMiddleIdData(referencedIdMapping,
                                                          prefixRelated, referencedEntityName);
                // And adding it to the generator builder.

                return(new MiddleComponentData(new MiddleRelatedComponentMapper(referencedIdData),
            else if (type is ComponentType)
                //collection of embaddable elements
                var component        = (Component)value;
                var componentMapper  = new MiddleEmbeddableComponentMapper(new MultiPropertyMapper(), component.ComponentClassName);
                var parentXmlMapping = xmlMapping.Parent;

                var auditData = new ComponentAuditingData();

                new ComponentAuditedPropertiesReader(_metaDataStore,
                                                     new AuditedPropertiesReader.ComponentPropertiesSource(component),
                                                     auditData, _mainGenerator.GlobalCfg, "").Read();

                // Emulating first pass.
                foreach (var auditedPropertyName in auditData.PropertyNames)
                    var nestedAuditingData = auditData.GetPropertyAuditingData(auditedPropertyName);
                    _mainGenerator.AddValue(parentXmlMapping, component.GetProperty(auditedPropertyName).Value, componentMapper, prefix, _xmlMappingData, nestedAuditingData, true, true, true);

                // Emulating second pass so that the relations can be mapped too.
                foreach (var auditedPropertyName in auditData.PropertyNames)
                    var nestedAuditingData = auditData.GetPropertyAuditingData(auditedPropertyName);
                    _mainGenerator.AddValue(parentXmlMapping, component.GetProperty(auditedPropertyName).Value, componentMapper, _referencingEntityName, _xmlMappingData, nestedAuditingData, true, false, true);

                // Add an additional column holding a number to make each entry unique within the set.
                // Embeddable properties may contain null values, so cannot be stored within composite primary key.
                if (_propertyValue.IsSet)
                    var setOrdinalPropertyName = _mainGenerator.VerEntCfg.EmbeddableSetOrdinalPropertyName;
                    var ordinalProperty        = MetadataTools.AddProperty(xmlMapping, setOrdinalPropertyName, "int", true, true, null);
                    MetadataTools.AddColumn(ordinalProperty, setOrdinalPropertyName, -1, -1, -1, null, false);
                return(new MiddleComponentData(componentMapper, 0));
            // Last but one parameter: collection components are always insertable
            var mapped = _mainGenerator.BasicMetadataGenerator.AddBasic(xmlMapping,
                                                                        new PropertyAuditingData(prefix, "field"),
                                                                        value, null, true, true);

            if (mapped)
                // Simple values are always stored in the first item of the array returned by the query generator.
                return(new MiddleComponentData(new MiddleSimpleComponentMapper(_mainGenerator.VerEntCfg, prefix), 0));
            _mainGenerator.ThrowUnsupportedTypeException(type, _referencingEntityName, _propertyName);
            // Impossible to get here.
            throw new AssertionFailure();
        public void GenerateFirstPass(PersistentClass pc, ClassAuditingData auditingData,
                                      EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, bool isAudited)
            String schema = GetSchema(auditingData.AuditTable.schema, pc.Table);
            String catalog = GetCatalog(auditingData.AuditTable.catalog, pc.Table);

            String entityName = pc.EntityName;
            if (!isAudited)
                IdMappingData _idMapper = idMetadataGenerator.AddId(pc);

                if (_idMapper == null)
                    // Unsupported id mapping, e.g. key-many-to-one. If the entity is used in auditing, an exception
                    // will be thrown later on.
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Unable to create auditing id mapping for entity " + entityName +
                            ", because of an unsupported Hibernate id mapping (e.g. key-many-to-one).");

                //IExtendedPropertyMapper propertyMapper = null;
                //String parentEntityName = null;
                EntityConfiguration _entityCfg = new EntityConfiguration(entityName, _idMapper, null,
                NotAuditedEntitiesConfigurations.Add(entityName, _entityCfg);

            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                log.Debug("Generating first-pass auditing mapping for entity " + entityName + ".");

            String auditEntityName = VerEntCfg.GetAuditEntityName(entityName);
            String auditTableName = VerEntCfg.GetAuditTableName(entityName, pc.Table.Name);

            // Registering the audit entity name, now that it is known

            AuditTableData auditTableData = new AuditTableData(auditEntityName, auditTableName, schema, catalog);

            // Generating a mapping for the id
            IdMappingData idMapper = idMetadataGenerator.AddId(pc);

            InheritanceType.Type inheritanceType = InheritanceType.GetForChild(pc);

            // These properties will be read from the mapping data
            XmlElement class_mapping;
            IExtendedPropertyMapper propertyMapper;
            String parentEntityName;

            Triple<XmlElement, IExtendedPropertyMapper, String> mappingData;

            // Reading the mapping data depending on inheritance type (if any)
            switch (inheritanceType)
                case InheritanceType.Type.NONE:
                    mappingData = GenerateMappingData(pc, xmlMappingData, auditTableData, idMapper);

                case InheritanceType.Type.SINGLE:
                    mappingData = GenerateInheritanceMappingData(pc, xmlMappingData, auditTableData, "subclass");

                case InheritanceType.Type.JOINED:
                    mappingData = GenerateInheritanceMappingData(pc, xmlMappingData, auditTableData, "joined-subclass");


                    // Adding the "key" element with all id columns...
                    XmlElement keyMapping = mappingData.First.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("key");
                    MetadataTools.AddColumns(keyMapping, (IEnumerator<ISelectable>)pc.Table.PrimaryKey.ColumnIterator.GetEnumerator());

                    // ... and the revision number column, read from the revision info relation mapping.

                case InheritanceType.Type.TABLE_PER_CLASS:
                    mappingData = GenerateInheritanceMappingData(pc, xmlMappingData, auditTableData, "union-subclass");



                    throw new AssertionFailure("Envers.NET: AuditMetadataGenerator.GenerateFirstPass: Impossible enum value.");

            class_mapping = mappingData.First;
            propertyMapper = mappingData.Second;
            parentEntityName = mappingData.Third;

            xmlMappingData.ClassMapping = class_mapping;

            // Mapping unjoined properties
            AddProperties(class_mapping, (IEnumerator<Property>)pc.UnjoinedPropertyIterator.GetEnumerator(), propertyMapper,
                    auditingData, pc.EntityName, xmlMappingData,

            // Creating and mapping joins (first pass)
            CreateJoins(pc, class_mapping, auditingData);
            AddJoins(pc, propertyMapper, auditingData, pc.EntityName, xmlMappingData, true);

            // Storing the generated configuration
            EntityConfiguration entityCfg = new EntityConfiguration(auditEntityName, idMapper,
                    propertyMapper, parentEntityName);
            EntitiesConfigurations.Add(pc.EntityName, entityCfg);