        private void OkPB_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MaskContainer mc = new MaskContainer();

            mc.MaskID           = m_mask.Mask.MaskID;
            mc.Angle            = m_mask.Mask.Angle;
            mc.Cols             = m_mask.Mask.Cols;
            mc.Description      = m_mask.Mask.Description;
            mc.IsDefault        = m_mask.Mask.IsDefault;
            mc.PlateTypeID      = m_mask.Mask.PlateTypeID;
            mc.ReferenceImageID = m_mask.Mask.ReferenceImageID;
            mc.Rows             = m_mask.Mask.Rows;
            mc.Shape            = m_mask.Mask.Shape;
            mc.XOffset          = m_mask.Mask.XOffset;
            mc.XSize            = m_mask.Mask.XSize;
            mc.XStep            = m_mask.Mask.XStep;
            mc.YOffset          = m_mask.Mask.YOffset;
            mc.YSize            = m_mask.Mask.YSize;
            mc.YStep            = m_mask.Mask.YStep;

            if (wgDB == null)
                wgDB = new WaveguideDB();

            bool success = wgDB.UpdateMask(mc);

            if (!success)
                MessageBox.Show(wgDB.GetLastErrorMsg(), "Database Error: Failed to Update Mask", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

        private void xamDataGrid_EditModeEnded(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.EditModeEndedEventArgs e)
            // use this method to update a record after one of the cells of the record has been edited

            if (((string)e.Cell.Record.Tag) == "AddRecord")
                return;                                              // not updating the AddRecord here
            if (e.Cell.Record.DataItem.GetType() == typeof(PlateTypeItem))
                PlateTypeItem pti = (PlateTypeItem)e.Cell.Record.DataItem;

                if (pti.PlateType.PlateTypeID != 0)
                    bool success = wgDB.UpdatePlateType(pti.PlateType);
            else if (e.Cell.Record.DataItem.GetType() == typeof(MaskContainer))
                MaskContainer mc = (MaskContainer)e.Cell.Record.DataItem;

                if (mc.MaskID != 0)
                    bool succcess = wgDB.UpdateMask(mc);
        public void SetupMaskFromContainer(MaskContainer cont)
            _mask.MaskID           = cont.MaskID;
            _mask.Rows             = cont.Rows;
            _mask.Cols             = cont.Cols;
            _mask.XOffset          = cont.XOffset;
            _mask.YOffset          = cont.YOffset;
            _mask.XSize            = cont.XSize;
            _mask.YSize            = cont.YSize;
            _mask.XStep            = cont.XStep;
            _mask.YStep            = cont.YStep;
            _mask.Angle            = cont.Angle;
            _mask.Shape            = cont.Shape;
            _mask.Description      = cont.Description;
            _mask.PlateTypeID      = cont.PlateTypeID;
            _mask.ReferenceImageID = cont.ReferenceImageID;
            _mask.IsDefault        = cont.IsDefault;

            WaveguideDB        wgDB = new WaveguideDB();
            PlateTypeContainer ptc;
            bool success = wgDB.GetPlateType(Mask.PlateTypeID, out ptc);

            if (success)
                PlateType = ptc;
                PlateType = null;
        private void xamDataGrid_RecordsDeleting(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.RecordsDeletingEventArgs e)
            bool success;

            foreach (DataRecord record in e.Records)
                if (record.DataItem.GetType() == typeof(PlateTypeItem))
                    PlateTypeItem pti = (PlateTypeItem)record.DataItem;
                    foreach (MaskContainer mc in pti.MaskList)
                        success = wgDB.DeleteMask(mc.MaskID);
                        if (!success)

                    success = wgDB.DeletePlateType(pti.PlateType.PlateTypeID);
                    if (!success)
                else if (record.DataItem.GetType() == typeof(MaskContainer))
                    MaskContainer mc = (MaskContainer)record.DataItem;
                    success = wgDB.DeleteMask(mc.MaskID);
                    if (!success)
        public void Configure(ImagingParameters iParams, ProjectContainer project, PlateContainer plate, ExperimentContainer experiment,
                              MethodContainer method,
                              MaskContainer mask, PlateTypeContainer plateType,
                              ObservableCollection <ExperimentIndicatorContainer> indicatorList,
                              ObservableCollection <ExperimentCompoundPlateContainer> compoundPlateList,
                              ObservableCollection <Tuple <int, int> > controlSubtractionWellList,
                              int numFoFrames,
                              ExperimentIndicatorContainer dynamicRatioNumerator,
                              ExperimentIndicatorContainer dynamicRatioDenominator)
            m_iParams                    = iParams;
            m_project                    = project;
            m_experimentPlate            = plate;
            m_experiment                 = experiment;
            m_method                     = method;
            m_mask                       = mask;
            m_plateType                  = plateType;
            m_indicatorList              = indicatorList;
            m_compoundPlateList          = compoundPlateList;
            m_controlSubtractionWellList = controlSubtractionWellList;
            m_numFoFrames                = numFoFrames;
            m_dynamicRatioNumerator      = dynamicRatioNumerator;
            m_dynamicRatioDenominator    = dynamicRatioDenominator;

            m_vworksProtocolFilename = m_method.BravoMethodFile;

            ChartArray.BuildChartArray(mask.Rows, mask.Cols, m_iParams.HorzBinning, m_iParams.VertBinning, m_indicatorList);

            Dictionary <int, ImageDisplay> idDictionary = ChartArray.GetImageDisplayDictionary();

            m_displayPipeline = m_imager.CreateDisplayPipeline(m_uiTask, idDictionary);

            m_storagePipeline = m_imager.CreateImageStoragePipeline(GlobalVars.CompressionAlgorithm, m_iParams.imageWidth, m_iParams.imageHeight);

            int numerID = 0;
            int denomID = 0;

            if (m_dynamicRatioNumerator != null)
                numerID = m_dynamicRatioNumerator.ExperimentIndicatorID;
            if (m_dynamicRatioDenominator != null)
                denomID = m_dynamicRatioDenominator.ExperimentIndicatorID;

            m_analysisPipeline = m_imager.CreateAnalysisPipeline(ChartArray, m_mask, m_iParams.imageWidth,
                                                                 m_iParams.imageHeight, m_iParams.HorzBinning, m_iParams.VertBinning,
                                                                 m_iParams.ExperimentIndicatorID, m_controlSubtractionWellList, m_numFoFrames,
                                                                 numerID, denomID);

            if (m_histogram != null)
                m_histogramPipeline = m_imager.CreateHistogramPipeline(m_uiTask, m_histogram);
        public Histogram(int numBuckets = 1024)
            m_numBuckets      = numBuckets;
            m_histogramHeight = 256;
            m_histogramBitmap = BitmapFactory.New(m_numBuckets, m_histogramHeight);
            m_histogramBucket = new int[m_numBuckets];
            m_maxBucketCount  = 0; // maximum value in a bucket, across all buckets

            m_bucketWidth = (GlobalVars.MaxPixelValue + 1) / m_numBuckets;

            m_mask = null;
    private static void CreateMask(MaskContainer maskContainer, Dictionary <IntVector2, PieceInfo> pieceInfos,
                                   int row, int column, Color[] maskPixels)
        var pieceInfo = pieceInfos[new IntVector2(column, row)];

        var left   = maskContainer.GetTextureAsArray(pieceInfo.edgeLeft);
        var top    = maskContainer.GetTextureAsArray(pieceInfo.edgeTop);
        var right  = maskContainer.GetTextureAsArray(pieceInfo.edgeRight);
        var bottom = maskContainer.GetTextureAsArray(pieceInfo.edgeBottom);

        MaskCreator.CreateMask(left, top, right, bottom, maskPixels);
        void EditMask(MaskContainer mask)
            //MessageBox.Show("not yet implemented","Edit Mask: " + mask.Description, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            MaskManager mm = new MaskManager();

            mm.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this);


            if (mask.ReferenceImageID != 0)



            if (wgDB == null)
                wgDB = new WaveguideDB();

            MaskContainer mc;
            bool          success = wgDB.GetMask(mask.MaskID, out mc);

            if (success)
                mask.Angle            = mc.Angle;
                mask.Cols             = mc.Cols;
                mask.Description      = mc.Description;
                mask.IsDefault        = mc.IsDefault;
                mask.MaskID           = mc.MaskID;
                mask.PlateTypeID      = mc.PlateTypeID;
                mask.ReferenceImageID = mc.ReferenceImageID;
                mask.Rows             = mc.Rows;
                mask.Shape            = mc.Shape;
                mask.XOffset          = mc.XOffset;
                mask.XSize            = mc.XSize;
                mask.XStep            = mc.XStep;
                mask.YOffset          = mc.YOffset;
                mask.YSize            = mc.YSize;
                mask.YStep            = mc.YStep;
        void SetMaskIsDefault(MaskContainer mask, bool isDefault)
            bool success;

            if (wgDB == null)
                wgDB = new WaveguideDB();

            if (isDefault)  // if setting to true, set any others are true to false (to make sure we don't have multiple defaults)
                PlateTypeItem ptItem = null;

                // find parent PlateTypeItem
                foreach (PlateTypeItem pti in VM.PlateTypeList)
                    if (mask.PlateTypeID == pti.PlateType.PlateTypeID)
                        ptItem = pti;

                if (ptItem != null)
                    foreach (MaskContainer mc in ptItem.MaskList)
                        if (mc.IsDefault)
                            mc.IsDefault = false;
                            success      = wgDB.UpdateMask(mc);

            mask.IsDefault = isDefault;

            success = wgDB.UpdateMask(mask);

            if (!success)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to Update Mask", wgDB.GetLastErrorMsg(), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
        public MaskViewModel()
            _mask = new MaskContainer();

            _mask.MaskID           = 0;
            _mask.Rows             = 16;
            _mask.Cols             = 24;
            _mask.XOffset          = 180;
            _mask.YOffset          = 30;
            _mask.XSize            = 25;
            _mask.YSize            = 25;
            _mask.XStep            = 40;
            _mask.YStep            = 40;
            _mask.Angle            = 0.0;
            _mask.Shape            = 0;
            _mask.Description      = "";
            _mask.PlateTypeID      = 0;
            _mask.ReferenceImageID = 0;
            _mask.IsDefault        = false;

            PlateType = null;
 public void SetMask(MaskContainer mask)
     m_mask = mask;
     m_histogram.SetMask(m_mask, VM.HorzBinning, VM.VertBinning);
    // This is how slicing works:
    // take the original image, and copy it in chunks - each equal to a size of a piece, including padding around the sides
    // to the new "sliced" texture. But when copying, also do a UV lookup into the array that represents the mask; and only
    // copy those pixels that are not blocked (and also take the masks's borders into consideration). So essentially bake
    // the masked pieces onto a larger texture. Then we can use that one and only texture, with different UVs, to draw every
    // single piece.

    public static IEnumerator CreateAndSaveSlicedTextureRoutine(SlicingInfo slicingInfo, Texture2D originalTexture,
                                                                Texture2D slicedTexture,
                                                                string originalTexturePath,
                                                                MaskContainer maskContainer,
                                                                Dictionary <IntVector2, PieceInfo> pieceInfos,
                                                                System.Action <float> onProgress)
        //TODO maybe we could rationalize these
        var rows         = slicingInfo.rows;
        var columns      = slicingInfo.columns;
        var originalSize = new Vector2(originalTexture.width, originalTexture.height);

        var paddedPieceSize = GetPaddedPieceSize(rows, columns, originalSize);
        var pieceSize       = new Vector2((float)originalSize.x / (float)columns,
                                          (float)originalSize.y / (float)rows);
        var padding     = (paddedPieceSize - pieceSize) / 2f;
        var borderColor = Color.black;

        var paddedPixelCountX = Mathf.FloorToInt(paddedPieceSize.x);
        var paddedPixelCountY = Mathf.FloorToInt(paddedPieceSize.y);

        var piecePixels = new Color[paddedPixelCountX * paddedPixelCountY];
        var maskPixels  = new Color[MaskCreator.width * MaskCreator.height];


        var thingsToLoadCount = rows * columns + 1;         // "+1" for the extra step in the end, assigning textures etc.
        // this is just cosmetics- showing the loading indicator
        var thingsLoadedSoFar = 0f;

        for (int column = 0; column < columns; ++column)
            for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
                CreateMask(maskContainer, pieceInfos, row, column, maskPixels);

                var sourceOffsetX = Mathf.RoundToInt(pieceSize.x * column - padding.x);
                var sourceOffsetY = Mathf.RoundToInt(pieceSize.y * row - padding.y);

                var destOffsetX = Mathf.RoundToInt(paddedPieceSize.x * column);
                var destOffsetY = Mathf.RoundToInt(paddedPieceSize.y * row);

                var dimensions = new Dimension
                    currentRow    = row,
                    currentColumn = column,
                    rows          = rows,
                    columns       = columns

                var paddingInfo = new PaddingInfo
                    padding          = padding,
                    paddedPieceSize  = paddedPieceSize,
                    paddedPixelCount = new IntVector2(paddedPixelCountX, paddedPixelCountY)

                TextureUtility.CopyMaskedPieceDataIntoPiecePixelsArray(dimensions, originalTexture, paddingInfo,
                                                                       new IntVector2(sourceOffsetX, sourceOffsetY),
                                                                       piecePixels, maskPixels, borderColor);

                slicedTexture.SetPixels(destOffsetX, destOffsetY, paddedPixelCountX, paddedPixelCountY, piecePixels, 0);

                thingsLoadedSoFar += 1f;
                onProgress(thingsLoadedSoFar / thingsToLoadCount);
                yield return(null);

        TextureUtility.ExportTexture(slicedTexture, rows, columns, originalSize, originalTexturePath);
        private void Mask_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MaskContainer mask = new MaskContainer();

            mask.Rows        = m_mask.Mask.Rows;
            mask.Cols        = m_mask.Mask.Cols;
            mask.XOffset     = m_mask.Mask.XOffset;
            mask.YOffset     = m_mask.Mask.YOffset;
            mask.XSize       = m_mask.Mask.XSize;
            mask.YSize       = m_mask.Mask.YSize;
            mask.XStep       = m_mask.Mask.XStep;
            mask.YStep       = m_mask.Mask.YStep;
            mask.Angle       = m_mask.Mask.Angle;
            mask.Shape       = m_mask.Mask.Shape;
            mask.Description = m_mask.Mask.Description;

            bool available      = true;
            int  existingMaskID = 0;

            if (m_refImage == null)
                MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Mask cannot be saved without a Reference Image.  You must Load a Reference Image.",
                                                          "No Image Loaded", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
            else if (mask.Description.Length < 1)
                MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Mask cannot be saved without a Name.  Please give the Mask a Name.",
                                                          "No Name given for Mask", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                if (m_mask.PlateType != null)
                    mask.PlateTypeID = m_mask.PlateType.PlateTypeID;
                    mask.PlateTypeID = 0;

                bool exists  = false;
                bool success = wgDB.ReferenceImageExists(m_refImage.ReferenceImageID, ref exists);

                if (!exists)
                    MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Image being used is not in Database.  Save the Image to database first.",
                                                              "Reference Image not saved in Database", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                else if (wgDB.MaskDescriptionAvailable(mask.Description, ref available, ref existingMaskID))
                    if (available)
                        success = wgDB.InsertMask(ref mask);
                        if (success)
                            m_mask.Mask.MaskID = mask.MaskID;
                        MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("'" + mask.Description + "' already exists. Do you want to over write it?",
                                                                  "Overwrite Existing Mask", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);
                        if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                            mask.MaskID = existingMaskID;
                            success     = wgDB.UpdateMask(mask);
                            if (success)
                                m_mask.Mask.MaskID = mask.MaskID;
 public void SetMask(MaskContainer mask, int hBinning, int vBinning)
     m_mask = mask;
     m_mask.BuildPixelList(GlobalVars.PixelWidth, GlobalVars.PixelHeight, hBinning, vBinning);
        public PlateTypeManager()
            wgDB = new WaveguideDB();
            VM   = new PlateTypeManagerViewModel();


            //Initialize data in the XamDataGrid - NOTE: A blank record is added FIRST, this is key to this approach for the XamDataGrid
            PlateTypeItem blank = new PlateTypeItem();

            blank.PlateType.Description = "";
            blank.PlateType.Rows        = 16;
            blank.PlateType.Cols        = 24;
            blank.PlateType.PlateTypeID = 0;
            blank.PlateType.IsDefault   = false;

            // load all plate types in database
            bool success = wgDB.GetAllPlateTypes();

            if (success)
                foreach (PlateTypeContainer ptc in wgDB.m_plateTypeList)
                    PlateTypeItem pti = new PlateTypeItem();
                    pti.PlateType.PlateTypeID = ptc.PlateTypeID;
                    pti.PlateType.Description = ptc.Description;
                    pti.PlateType.Cols        = ptc.Cols;
                    pti.PlateType.Rows        = ptc.Rows;
                    pti.PlateType.IsDefault   = ptc.IsDefault;


                    // add a blank mask for this platetype
                    MaskContainer mask = new MaskContainer();
                    mask.Angle            = 0;
                    mask.Cols             = blank.PlateType.Cols;
                    mask.Description      = "";
                    mask.IsDefault        = false;
                    mask.MaskID           = 0;
                    mask.PlateTypeID      = pti.PlateType.PlateTypeID;
                    mask.ReferenceImageID = 0;
                    mask.Rows             = blank.PlateType.Rows;
                    mask.Shape            = 0;
                    mask.XOffset          = 50;
                    mask.YOffset          = 50;
                    mask.XSize            = 50;
                    mask.YSize            = 50;
                    mask.XStep            = 50;
                    mask.YStep            = 50;


                    success = wgDB.GetAllMasksForPlateType(pti.PlateType.PlateTypeID);
                    if (success)
                        foreach (MaskContainer mc in wgDB.m_maskList)

            this.DataContext = VM;
        void LoadSimulationConfiguration()
            //  m_iParams = iParams;
            //  m_project = project;
            //  m_experimentPlate = plate;
            //  m_method = method;
            //  m_mask = mask;
            //  m_plateType = plateType;
            //  m_indicatorList = indicatorList;
            //  m_compoundPlateList = compoundPlateList;
            //  m_controlSubtractionWellList = controlSubtractionWellList;
            //m_numFoFrames = numFoFrames;
            //m_dynamicRatioNumerator = dynamicRatioNumerator;
            //m_dynamicRatioDenominator = dynamicRatioDenominator;

            //ChartArray.BuildChartArray(mask.Rows, mask.Cols, m_indicatorList);

            // set up project
            m_project = null;
            bool success = m_wgDB.GetAllProjects(false);

            foreach (ProjectContainer project in m_wgDB.m_projectList)
                if (project.Description.Equals("Debug", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    m_project = project;
            if (m_project == null) // not found in database, so create it
                m_project             = new ProjectContainer();
                m_project.Description = "Debug";
                m_project.TimeStamp   = DateTime.Now;
                m_project.Archived    = false;
                success = m_wgDB.InsertProject(ref m_project);

            // set up plateType
            m_plateType = null;
            success     = m_wgDB.GetAllPlateTypes();
            if (m_wgDB.m_plateTypeList.Count() > 0)
                m_plateType = m_wgDB.m_plateTypeList.ElementAt(0);
                // create a new plateType
                m_plateType             = new PlateTypeContainer();
                m_plateType.Cols        = 24;
                m_plateType.Description = "Debug";
                m_plateType.IsDefault   = false;
                m_plateType.Rows        = 16;
                success = m_wgDB.InsertPlateType(ref m_plateType);

            // set up experiment plate
            m_experimentPlate = null;
            success           = m_wgDB.GetAllPlatesForProject(m_project.ProjectID);
            if (m_wgDB.m_plateList.Count() > 0)
                m_experimentPlate = m_wgDB.m_plateList.ElementAt(0);
                // create a new plate
                m_experimentPlate             = new PlateContainer();
                m_experimentPlate.Barcode     = "12345678";
                m_experimentPlate.Description = "Debug";
                m_experimentPlate.IsPublic    = true;
                m_experimentPlate.OwnerID     = GlobalVars.UserID;
                m_experimentPlate.PlateTypeID = m_plateType.PlateTypeID;
                m_experimentPlate.ProjectID   = m_project.ProjectID;

                success = m_wgDB.InsertPlate(ref m_experimentPlate);

            // set up method
            m_method = null;
            success  = m_wgDB.GetAllMethodsForUser(GlobalVars.UserID);
            foreach (MethodContainer method in m_wgDB.m_methodList)
                if (method.Description.Equals("Debug", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    m_method = method;
            if (m_method == null)
                m_method = new MethodContainer();
                m_method.BravoMethodFile = "";
                m_method.Description     = "Debug";
                m_method.IsPublic        = true;
                m_method.OwnerID         = GlobalVars.UserID;
                success = m_wgDB.InsertMethod(ref m_method);
            success = m_wgDB.GetAllIndicatorsForMethod(m_method.MethodID);
            if (m_wgDB.m_indicatorList.Count < 1)
                // create indicators for this new method
                IndicatorContainer ind = new IndicatorContainer();
                ind.Description              = "Debug";
                ind.EmissionsFilterPosition  = 6;
                ind.ExcitationFilterPosition = 4;
                ind.MethodID   = m_method.MethodID;
                ind.SignalType = SIGNAL_TYPE.UP;
                success        = m_wgDB.InsertIndicator(ref ind);

            // set up experiment
            m_experiment = null;
            ObservableCollection <ExperimentContainer> expList;

            success = m_wgDB.GetAllExperimentsForPlate(m_experimentPlate.PlateID, out expList);
            if (expList.Count() > 0)
                m_experiment = expList.ElementAt(0);
                m_experiment              = new ExperimentContainer();
                m_experiment.Description  = "Debug";
                m_experiment.HorzBinning  = 1;
                m_experiment.MethodID     = m_method.MethodID;
                m_experiment.PlateID      = m_experimentPlate.PlateID;
                m_experiment.ROI_Height   = GlobalVars.PixelHeight;
                m_experiment.ROI_Width    = GlobalVars.PixelWidth;
                m_experiment.ROI_Origin_X = 1;
                m_experiment.ROI_Origin_Y = 1;
                m_experiment.TimeStamp    = DateTime.Now;
                m_experiment.VertBinning  = 1;
                success = m_wgDB.InsertExperiment(ref m_experiment);

            // set up mask
            m_mask  = null;
            success = m_wgDB.GetAllMasksForPlateType(m_experimentPlate.PlateTypeID);
            if (m_wgDB.m_maskList.Count() > 0)
                m_mask = m_wgDB.m_maskList.ElementAt(0);
                // create a new mask
                m_mask                    = new MaskContainer();
                m_mask.Angle              = 0.0;
                m_mask.Cols               = 24;
                m_mask.Description        = "Debug";
                m_mask.IsDefault          = false;
                m_mask.NumEllipseVertices = 24;
                m_mask.PlateTypeID        = m_experimentPlate.PlateTypeID;
                m_mask.ReferenceImageID   = 0;
                m_mask.Rows               = 16;
                m_mask.Shape              = 0;
                m_mask.XOffset            = 28;
                m_mask.XSize              = 28;
                m_mask.XStep              = 41.522;
                m_mask.YOffset            = 190;
                m_mask.YSize              = 28;
                m_mask.YStep              = 41.467;
                success                   = m_wgDB.InsertMask(ref m_mask);

            // setup test indicator(s)
            m_indicatorList = new ObservableCollection <ExperimentIndicatorContainer>();
            ObservableCollection <ExperimentIndicatorContainer> expIndList;

            success = m_wgDB.GetAllExperimentIndicatorsForExperiment(m_experiment.ExperimentID, out expIndList);
            if (expIndList.Count > 0)
                foreach (ExperimentIndicatorContainer ex in expIndList)
                success = m_wgDB.GetAllIndicatorsForMethod(m_method.MethodID);
                foreach (IndicatorContainer ind in m_wgDB.m_indicatorList)
                    ExperimentIndicatorContainer exInd = new ExperimentIndicatorContainer();
                    exInd.Description = ind.Description;

                    FilterContainer filter;
                    success = m_wgDB.GetExcitationFilterAtPosition(ind.ExcitationFilterPosition, out filter);
                    exInd.ExcitationFilterDesc = filter.Description;
                    success = m_wgDB.GetEmissionFilterAtPosition(ind.EmissionsFilterPosition, out filter);
                    exInd.EmissionFilterDesc = filter.Description;

                    exInd.EmissionFilterPos   = ind.EmissionsFilterPosition;
                    exInd.ExcitationFilterPos = ind.ExcitationFilterPosition;
                    exInd.ExperimentID        = m_experiment.ExperimentID;
                    exInd.Exposure            = 150;
                    exInd.Gain       = 5;
                    exInd.MaskID     = m_mask.MaskID;
                    exInd.SignalType = SIGNAL_TYPE.UP;
                    exInd.Verified   = true;
                    success          = m_wgDB.InsertExperimentIndicator(ref exInd);

            // compound plates
            m_compoundPlateList = new ObservableCollection <ExperimentCompoundPlateContainer>();

            // control subtraction well list
            m_controlSubtractionWellList = new ObservableCollection <Tuple <int, int> >();
            // all wells in last row = control wells
            for (int c = 0; c < m_mask.Cols; c++)
                m_controlSubtractionWellList.Add(Tuple.Create(m_mask.Rows - 1, c));

            //m_numFoFrames = numFoFrames;
            m_numFoFrames = 5;

            if (m_indicatorList.Count() > 1)
                //m_dynamicRatioNumerator = dynamicRatioNumerator;
                m_dynamicRatioNumerator = m_indicatorList.ElementAt(0);
                //m_dynamicRatioDenominator = dynamicRatioDenominator;
                m_dynamicRatioDenominator = m_indicatorList.ElementAt(1);
                m_dynamicRatioNumerator = new ExperimentIndicatorContainer();
                m_dynamicRatioNumerator.ExperimentIndicatorID = 0;
                m_dynamicRatioDenominator = new ExperimentIndicatorContainer();
                m_dynamicRatioDenominator.ExperimentIndicatorID = 0;

            if (m_iParams == null)
                m_iParams = new ImagingParameters();

            m_iParams.maxPixelValue               = GlobalVars.MaxPixelValue;
            m_iParams.imageWidth                  = GlobalVars.PixelWidth;
            m_iParams.imageHeight                 = GlobalVars.PixelHeight;
            m_iParams.Image_StartCol              = 1;
            m_iParams.Image_EndCol                = GlobalVars.PixelWidth;
            m_iParams.Image_StartRow              = 1;
            m_iParams.Image_EndRow                = GlobalVars.PixelHeight;
            m_iParams.BravoMethodFilename         = "";
            m_iParams.CameraTemperature           = GlobalVars.CameraTargetTemperature;
            m_iParams.HorzBinning                 = 1;
            m_iParams.VertBinning                 = 1;
            m_iParams.EmissionFilterChangeSpeed   = GlobalVars.FilterChangeSpeed;
            m_iParams.ExcitationFilterChangeSpeed = GlobalVars.FilterChangeSpeed;
            m_iParams.LightIntensity              = 100;
            m_iParams.NumImages     = 1000000; // artificial limit on number of images
            m_iParams.NumIndicators = m_indicatorList.Count;
            m_iParams.SyncExcitationFilterWithImaging = true;

            m_iParams.CycleTime             = new int[m_indicatorList.Count];
            m_iParams.EmissionFilter        = new byte[m_indicatorList.Count];
            m_iParams.ExcitationFilter      = new byte[m_indicatorList.Count];
            m_iParams.Exposure              = new float[m_indicatorList.Count];
            m_iParams.Gain                  = new int[m_indicatorList.Count];
            m_iParams.ExperimentIndicatorID = new int[m_indicatorList.Count];
            m_iParams.IndicatorName         = new string[m_indicatorList.Count];
            m_iParams.LampShutterIsOpen     = new bool[m_indicatorList.Count];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (ExperimentIndicatorContainer ind in m_indicatorList)
                m_iParams.CycleTime[i]             = 1000;
                m_iParams.EmissionFilter[i]        = (byte)ind.EmissionFilterPos;
                m_iParams.ExcitationFilter[i]      = (byte)ind.ExcitationFilterPos;
                m_iParams.Exposure[i]              = (float)ind.Exposure / 1000;
                m_iParams.Gain[i]                  = ind.Gain;
                m_iParams.ExperimentIndicatorID[i] = 0; // created by the RunExperiment object when the experiment is run
                m_iParams.IndicatorName[i]         = ind.Description;
                m_iParams.LampShutterIsOpen[i]     = true;
                m_iParams.ExperimentIndicatorID[i] = ind.ExperimentIndicatorID;

        private void xamDataGrid_RecordUpdated(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.RecordUpdatedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Record.Tag == null)

            if (((string)e.Record.Tag).Equals("AddRecord"))  // is this the "AddRecord"?
                if (e.Record.DataItem.GetType() == typeof(PlateTypeItem))
                    DataRecord plateTypeRecord = (DataRecord)e.Record;

                    PlateTypeItem pti = ((PlateTypeItem)(plateTypeRecord.DataItem));

                    PlateTypeContainer ptc = pti.PlateType;

                    bool success = wgDB.InsertPlateType(ref ptc);
                    if (success)

                        // add new blank plate type
                        PlateTypeItem newPti = new PlateTypeItem();
                        newPti.PlateType.Description = "";
                        newPti.PlateType.Cols        = ptc.Cols;
                        newPti.PlateType.Rows        = ptc.Rows;
                        newPti.PlateType.IsDefault   = false;
                        newPti.PlateType.PlateTypeID = 0;

                        VM.PlateTypeList.Insert(0, newPti);

                        // mark the new PlateType as the AddRecord
                        RecordCollectionBase coll = e.Record.ParentCollection;
                        DataRecord           newPlateTypeRecord = (DataRecord)coll.ElementAt(0);

                        // add the blank AddRecord Mask for this new platetype
                        MaskContainer newMask = new MaskContainer();
                        newMask.Description      = "";
                        newMask.Angle            = 0.0;
                        newMask.Cols             = ptc.Cols;
                        newMask.IsDefault        = false;
                        newMask.MaskID           = 0;
                        newMask.PlateTypeID      = ptc.PlateTypeID;
                        newMask.ReferenceImageID = 0;
                        newMask.Rows             = ptc.Rows;
                        newMask.Shape            = 0;
                        newMask.XOffset          = 50;
                        newMask.XSize            = 50;
                        newMask.XStep            = 50;
                        newMask.YOffset          = 50;
                        newMask.YSize            = 50;
                        newMask.YStep            = 50;


                        // mark the new Mask as the AddRecord
                        ExpandableFieldRecord expRecord  = (ExpandableFieldRecord)newPlateTypeRecord.ChildRecords[0];
                        DataRecord            maskRecord = (DataRecord)expRecord.ChildRecords[0];

                        if (maskRecord.DataItem.GetType() == typeof(MaskContainer))
                else if (e.Record.DataItem.GetType() == typeof(MaskContainer))
                    MaskContainer mc = (MaskContainer)(e.Record.DataItem);

                    bool success = wgDB.InsertMask(ref mc);

                    if (success)

                        // add new blank mask for AddRecord
                        MaskContainer newMask = new MaskContainer();
                        newMask.Description      = "";
                        newMask.Angle            = 0.0;
                        newMask.Cols             = mc.Cols;
                        newMask.IsDefault        = false;
                        newMask.MaskID           = 0;
                        newMask.PlateTypeID      = mc.PlateTypeID;
                        newMask.ReferenceImageID = 0;
                        newMask.Rows             = mc.Rows;
                        newMask.Shape            = 0;
                        newMask.XOffset          = 50;
                        newMask.XSize            = 50;
                        newMask.XStep            = 50;
                        newMask.YOffset          = 50;
                        newMask.YSize            = 50;
                        newMask.YStep            = 50;

                        PlateTypeItem pti = (PlateTypeItem)(((DataRecord)e.Record.ParentRecord.ParentRecord).DataItem);

                        pti.MaskList.Insert(0, newMask);

                        DataRecord newMaskRecord = (DataRecord)e.Record.ParentCollection[0];