static void DrawLabel(QlistMarker point, MarkerUIStates uiState, MarkerOverlayRegion region)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(point.stateName))

            var colorScale = uiState.HasFlag(MarkerUIStates.Selected) ? 1.0f : 0.85f;

            var textStyle = EditorStyles.whiteMiniLabel;

            s_Temp.text = point.stateName;

            var labelRect = region.markerRegion;

            labelRect.width = textStyle.CalcSize(s_Temp).x + 5;
            labelRect.x    -= labelRect.width; // bring it to the left
            var shadowRect = Rect.MinMaxRect(labelRect.xMin + 1, labelRect.yMin + 1, labelRect.xMax + 1, labelRect.yMax + 1);

            var oldColor = GUI.color;

            // GUI.color = Color.white * colorScale;
            // GUI.Label(shadowRect, s_Temp, textStyle);
            GUI.color =;
            GUI.Label(labelRect, s_Temp, textStyle);
            GUI.color = oldColor;
        public override void DrawOverlay(IMarker marker, MarkerUIStates uiState, MarkerOverlayRegion region)
            var snapPoint = (QlistMarker)marker;

            // DrawSnapLine(snapPoint, uiState, region);
            DrawLabel(snapPoint, uiState, region);
        void MarkerRegionExample(MarkerOverlayRegion region)
            #region declare-trackRegion

            GUI.BeginClip(region.trackRegion, -region.trackRegion.min,, false);

        static void DrawLineOverlay(Color color, MarkerOverlayRegion region)
            // Calculate markerRegion's center on the x axis
            float markerRegionCenterX = region.markerRegion.xMin + (region.markerRegion.width - k_LineOverlayWidth) / 2.0f;

            // Calculate a rectangle that uses the full timeline region's height
            Rect overlayLineRect = new Rect(markerRegionCenterX,

            Color overlayLineColor = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * 0.5f);

            EditorGUI.DrawRect(overlayLineRect, overlayLineColor);
        // Draws a vertical line on top of the Timeline window's contents.
        public override void DrawOverlay(IMarker marker, MarkerUIStates uiState, MarkerOverlayRegion region)
            // The `marker argument needs to be cast as the appropriate type, usually the one specified in the `CustomTimelineEditor` attribute
            AnnotationMarker annotation = marker as AnnotationMarker;

            if (annotation == null)

            if (annotation.showLineOverlay)
                DrawLineOverlay(annotation.color, region);

            DrawColorOverlay(region, annotation.color, uiState);
    public override void DrawOverlay(IMarker m, MarkerUIStates uiState, MarkerOverlayRegion region)
        FrameMarker marker = m as FrameMarker;
        if (null == marker)

        SISPlayableFrame playableFrame = marker.GetOwner();
        //Check invalid PlayableFrame/ClipData. Perhaps because of unsupported Duplicate operation ?
        PlayableFrameClipData clipData = playableFrame?.GetOwner();
        if (clipData == null)
        PlayableFramePropertyID inspectedPropertyID = clipData.GetInspectedProperty();
        switch (inspectedPropertyID) {
            case PlayableFramePropertyID.USED: {
                if (playableFrame.IsLocked()) {
                    //At the moment, all locked frames are regarded as inactive 
                    if (playableFrame.IsUsed()) {
                        Graphics.DrawTexture(region.markerRegion, EditorTextures.GetInactiveCheckedTexture());
                    Rect lockRegion = region.markerRegion;
                    lockRegion.x -= 5;
                    lockRegion.y -= 8;
                    Graphics.DrawTexture(lockRegion, EditorTextures.GetLockTexture());                    
                } else {
                    if (playableFrame.IsUsed()) {
                        Graphics.DrawTexture(region.markerRegion, EditorTextures.GetCheckedTexture());
            case PlayableFramePropertyID.LOCKED: {
                if (playableFrame.IsLocked()) {
                    Graphics.DrawTexture(region.markerRegion, EditorTextures.GetLockTexture());                    
    public override void DrawOverlay(IMarker m, MarkerUIStates uiState, MarkerOverlayRegion region)
        FrameMarker marker = m as FrameMarker;
        if (null == marker)

        SISPlayableFrame playableFrame = marker.GetOwner();
        TimelineClipSISData timelineClipSISData = playableFrame.GetOwner();
        PlayableFramePropertyID inspectedPropertyID = timelineClipSISData.GetInspectedProperty();
        switch (inspectedPropertyID) {
            case PlayableFramePropertyID.USED: {
                if (playableFrame.IsLocked()) {
                    //At the moment, all locked frames are regarded as inactive 
                    if (playableFrame.IsUsed()) {
                        Graphics.DrawTexture(region.markerRegion, EditorTextures.GetInactiveCheckedTexture());
                    Rect lockRegion = region.markerRegion;
                    lockRegion.x -= 5;
                    lockRegion.y -= 8;
                    Graphics.DrawTexture(lockRegion, EditorTextures.GetLockTexture());                    
                } else {
                    if (playableFrame.IsUsed()) {
                        Graphics.DrawTexture(region.markerRegion, EditorTextures.GetCheckedTexture());
            case PlayableFramePropertyID.LOCKED: {
                if (playableFrame.IsLocked()) {
                    Graphics.DrawTexture(region.markerRegion, EditorTextures.GetLockTexture());                    
        static void DrawColorOverlay(MarkerOverlayRegion region, Color color, MarkerUIStates state)
            // Save the Editor's overlay color before changing it
            Color oldColor = GUI.color;

            GUI.color = color;

            if (state.HasFlag(MarkerUIStates.Selected))
                GUI.DrawTexture(region.markerRegion, s_OverlaySelectedTexture);
            else if (state.HasFlag(MarkerUIStates.Collapsed))
                GUI.DrawTexture(region.markerRegion, s_OverlayCollapsedTexture);
            else if (state.HasFlag(MarkerUIStates.None))
                GUI.DrawTexture(region.markerRegion, s_OverlayTexture);

            // Restore the previous Editor's overlay color
            GUI.color = oldColor;
        // static void DrawSnapLine(QlistMarker snapPoint, MarkerUIStates uiState, MarkerOverlayRegion region)
        // {
        //     if (snapPoint.snapLine == QlistMarker.SnapLine.None)
        //         return;

        //     var collapsed = uiState.HasFlag(MarkerUIStates.Collapsed);
        //     if (collapsed && snapPoint.snapLine == QlistMarker.SnapLine.NotCollapsed)
        //         return;

        //     float offset = collapsed ? 7: 15;
        //     var color = snapPoint.snapLineColor;
        //     if (uiState.HasFlag(MarkerUIStates.Selected))
        //     {
        //         color = color * 1.5f;
        //     }

        //     var r = new Rect( - 0.5f,
        //         region.markerRegion.min.y + offset,
        //         1.0f,
        //         region.timelineRegion.height
        //     );

        //     var oldColor = GUI.color;
        //     GUI.color = color;
        //     GUI.DrawTexture(r, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);

        //     if (snapPoint.drawHighlight)
        //     {
        //         var previousTime = region.startTime;
        //         foreach (var m in snapPoint.parent.GetMarkers())
        //         {
        //             if (m.time < snapPoint.time && m is QlistMarker)
        //                 previousTime = Math.Max(m.time, previousTime);
        //         }

        //         if (previousTime != snapPoint.time)
        //         {
        //             Rect highlightRect = region.markerRegion;
        //             highlightRect.xMin = ToPixel(region, previousTime);
        //             highlightRect.xMax =;
        //             highlightRect.height = 2;
        //             GUI.DrawTexture(highlightRect, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, true);
        //         }
        //     }

        //     GUI.color = oldColor;
        // }

        static float ToPixel(MarkerOverlayRegion region, double time)
            var p = (time - region.startTime) / (region.endTime - region.startTime);

            return(region.timelineRegion.x + region.timelineRegion.width * (float)p);