        /// <summary>
        /// Return result of XAML Service call
        /// Render geometry to layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// if result is greater than recordLimit show a message to reduce area of interest
        /// </remarks>
        private void XAMLService_GetSQLDataXAMLCompleted(object sender, GetSQLDataXAMLCompletedEventArgs e)
            string layer = e.UserState.ToString();
            if (e.Error == null)
                int resultCnt = e.Result.OutputFields.Count;
                if (resultCnt > 0)
                    if (resultCnt < recordLimit)
                        totalFeatures += e.Result.OutputFields.Count;
                        totalByteSize += e.Result.XAML.Length;
                        queryTime = e.Result.QueryTime;
                        totalPoints += e.Result.totalPoints;
                        renderStart = DateTime.Now;
                        MapLayer currentLayer = (MapLayer)MainMap.FindName(layer);
                        MapLayer newLayer = (MapLayer)XamlReader.Load(e.Result.XAML);
                        foreach (XAMLServiceReference.XAMLFields shp in e.Result.OutputFields)
                            UIElement el = (UIElement)newLayer.FindName(shp.ID);
                            if (el != null)

                                el.MouseEnter += polygon_MouseEnter;
                                el.MouseLeave += polygon_MouseLeave;

                                StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder("ID = " + shp.ID + "\n");
                                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> field in shp.Fields)
                                    label.Append(field.Key + ":" + field.Value + "\n");
                                ToolTip tt =  AddToolTip(label.ToString());
                                ToolTipService.SetToolTip(el, tt);

                                if (el.GetType().Equals(typeof(Pushpin)))
                                    Pushpin p = (Pushpin)el;
                                    p.PositionOrigin = PositionOrigin.BottomCenter;
                                    p.Background = new SolidColorBrush(MiscFunctions.ColorFromInt(LayerStyle[layer].fill));
                                    p.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                                    p.FontSize = 8;

                                if (el.GetType().Equals(typeof(MapLayer)))
                                    MapLayer p = (MapLayer)el;
                                    foreach (MapPolygon mp in p.Children)
                                        mp.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(MiscFunctions.ColorFromInt(LayerStyle[layer].fill));
                                        mp.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(MiscFunctions.ColorFromInt(LayerStyle[layer].stroke));
                                        mp.Opacity = LayerStyle[layer].opacity;

                                if (el.GetType().Equals(typeof(MapPolyline)))
                                    MapPolyline p = (MapPolyline)el;
                                    p.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(MiscFunctions.ColorFromInt(LayerStyle[layer].stroke));
                                    p.StrokeThickness = 2;
                                    p.StrokeMiterLimit = 0;
                                if (el.GetType().Equals(typeof(MapPolygon)))
                                    MapPolygon p = (MapPolygon)el;
                                    p.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(MiscFunctions.ColorFromInt(LayerStyle[layer].stroke));
                                    p.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(MiscFunctions.ColorFromInt(LayerStyle[layer].fill));
                                    p.Opacity = LayerStyle[layer].opacity;
                        renderStop = DateTime.Now;
                        ShowMessage("Too many records for Vector display, " + resultCnt + ". Try a smaller area of interest.");
                ShowMessage("Error occurred while loading layer from database:" + e.Error.Message);
            // if this is the last layer call cleanup loading and allow menu interaction
            if (--layerCnt == 0)
                SidePanelBorder.IsHitTestVisible = true;
            //update metrics
            ((TextBlock)metrics.FindName("features")).Text = totalFeatures.ToString();
            ((TextBlock)metrics.FindName("points")).Text = totalPoints.ToString();
            ((TextBlock)metrics.FindName("bytesize")).Text = totalByteSize.ToString();