        public static void updateManipulators(RotateManipContext ctx)
            if (ctx == null)


            // Add the rotate manipulator to each selected object.  This produces 
            // behavior different from the default rotate manipulator behavior.  Here,
            // a distinct rotate manipulator is attached to every object.
                MSelectionList list = MGlobal.activeSelectionList;

                MItSelectionList iter = new MItSelectionList(list, MFn.Type.kInvalid);
                for (; !iter.isDone; iter.next())

                    // Make sure the selection list item is a depend node and has the
                    // required plugs before manipulating it.
                    MObject dependNode = new MObject();
                    if (dependNode.isNull || !dependNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kDependencyNode))
                        MGlobal.displayWarning("Object in selection list is not a depend node.");

                    MFnDependencyNode dependNodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(dependNode);
                        /* MPlug rPlug = */
                    catch (System.Exception)
                        MGlobal.displayWarning("Object cannot be manipulated: " + dependNodeFn.name);

                    // Add manipulator to the selected object
                    MObject manipObject = new MObject();

                    exampleRotateManip manipulator;
                        manipulator = exampleRotateManip.newManipulator("exampleRotateManipCSharp", manipObject) as exampleRotateManip;

                        // Add the manipulator

                        // Connect the manipulator to the object in the selection list.
                        catch (System.Exception)
                            MGlobal.displayWarning("Error connecting manipulator to object: " + dependNodeFn.name);
                    catch (System.Exception)

            catch (System.Exception)


        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the Maya texture animation of a MFnDependencyNode in Babylon animations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textureDependencyNode">The MFnDependencyNode of the texture</param>
        /// <returns>A list of texture animation</returns>
        public List <BabylonAnimation> GetTextureAnimations(MFnDependencyNode textureDependencyNode)
            List <BabylonAnimation> animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            // Look for a "place2dTexture" object in the connections of the node.
            // The "place2dTexture" object contains the animation parameters
            MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();


            int    index          = 0;
            string place2dTexture = null;

            while (index < connections.Count && place2dTexture == null)
                MPlug   connection = connections[index];
                MObject source     = connection.source.node;
                if (source != null && source.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPlace2dTexture))
                    MFnDependencyNode node = new MFnDependencyNode(source);
                    place2dTexture = node.name;

            if (place2dTexture != null)
                IDictionary <string, string> properties = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    ["offsetU"] = "uOffset",
                    ["offsetU"] = "uOffset",
                    ["offsetV"] = "vOffset",
                    ["repeatU"] = "uScale",
                    ["repeatV"] = "vScale"

                // Get the animation for each properties
                for (index = 0; index < properties.Count; index++)
                    KeyValuePair <string, string> property = properties.ElementAt(index);
                    BabylonAnimation animation             = GetAnimationFloat(place2dTexture, property.Key, property.Value);

                    if (animation != null)

                // For the rotation, convert degree to radian
                BabylonAnimation rotationAnimation = GetAnimationFloat(place2dTexture, "rotateFrame", "wAng");
                if (rotationAnimation != null)
                    BabylonAnimationKey[] keys = rotationAnimation.keys;
                    for (index = 0; index < keys.Length; index++)
                        var key = keys[index];
                        key.values[0] *= (float)(Math.PI / 180d);

		//! Ensure that valid geometry is selected
		bool validGeometrySelected()
			MSelectionList list = new MSelectionList();
			MItSelectionList iter = new MItSelectionList(list, MFn.Type.kInvalid);

			for (; !iter.isDone; iter.next())
				MObject dependNode = new MObject();
				if (dependNode.isNull || !dependNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kTransform))
					MGlobal.displayWarning("Object in selection list is not right type of node");
					return false;

				MFnDependencyNode dependNodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(dependNode);
				MStringArray attributeNames = new MStringArray();

				int i;
				for ( i = 0; i < attributeNames.length; i++ )
					MPlug plug = dependNodeFn.findPlug(attributeNames[i]);
					if ( plug.isNull )
						MGlobal.displayWarning("Object cannot be manipulated: " +
						return false;
			return true;
        //    Description:
        //        Overloaded function from MPxDragAndDropBehavior
        //    this method will handle the connection between the slopeShaderNodeCSharp and the shader it is
        //    assigned to as well as any meshes that it is assigned to.
        public override void connectNodeToNode(MObject sourceNode, MObject destinationNode, bool force)
            MFnDependencyNode src = new MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode);

            //if we are dragging from a lambert
            //we want to check what we are dragging
                //MObject shaderNode;
                MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();
                MObjectArray shaderNodes = new MObjectArray();

                //if the source node was a lambert
                //than we will check the downstream connections to see
                //if a slope shader is assigned to it.
                int i;
                for(i = 0; i < connections.length; i++)
                    //check the incoming connections to this plug
                    MPlugArray connectedPlugs = new MPlugArray();
                    connections[i].connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false);
                    for(uint j = 0; j < connectedPlugs.length; j++)
                        //if the incoming node is a slope shader than
                        //append the node to the shaderNodes array
                        MObject currentnode = connectedPlugs[i].node;
                        if (new MFnDependencyNode(currentnode).typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")

                //if we found a shading node
                //than check the destination node
                //type to see if it is a mesh
                if(shaderNodes.length > 0)
                    MFnDependencyNode dest = new MFnDependencyNode(destinationNode);
                        //if the node is a mesh than for each slopeShaderNodeCSharp
                        //connect the worldMesh attribute to the dirtyShaderPlug
                        //attribute to force an evaluation of the node when the mesh
                        for(i = 0; i < shaderNodes.length; i++)
                            MPlug srcPlug = dest.findPlug("worldMesh");
                            MPlug destPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shaderNodes[i]).findPlug("dirtyShaderPlug");

                            if(!srcPlug.isNull && !destPlug.isNull)
                                string cmd = "connectAttr -na ";
                                cmd += srcPlug.name + " ";
                                cmd += destPlug.name;

                                    // in slopeShaderBehavior.cpp, this may excute failed but continue on the following code, so we catch it.
                                catch (System.Exception)
                                    MGlobal.displayError("ExcuteCommand (" + cmd + ") failed.");

                        //get the shading engine so we can assign the shader
                        //to the mesh after doing the connection
                        MObject shadingEngine = findShadingEngine(sourceNode);

                        //if there is a valid shading engine than make
                        //the connection
                            string cmd = "sets -edit -forceElement ";
                            cmd += new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).name + " ";
                            cmd += new MFnDagNode(destinationNode).partialPathName;
            else if (src.typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")
            //if we are dragging from a slope shader
            //than we want to see what we are dragging onto
                    //if the user is dragging onto a mesh
                    //than make the connection from the worldMesh
                    //to the dirtyShader plug on the slopeShaderNodeCSharp
                    MFnDependencyNode dest = new MFnDependencyNode(destinationNode);
                    MPlug srcPlug = dest.findPlug("worldMesh");
                    MPlug destPlug = src.findPlug("dirtyShaderPlug");
                    if(!srcPlug.isNull && !destPlug.isNull)
                        string cmd = "connectAttr -na ";
                        cmd += srcPlug.name + " ";
                        cmd += destPlug.name;

		public override void componentToPlugs(MObject component, MSelectionList list)
		// Description
		//    Converts the given component values into a selection list of plugs.
		//    This method is used to map components to attributes.
		// Arguments
		//    component - the component to be translated to a plug/attribute
		//    list      - a list of plugs representing the passed in component
			if ( component.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSingleIndexedComponent) ) {

				MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnVtxComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( component );
				MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
				MPlug plug = new MPlug( thisNode, mControlPoints );
				// If this node is connected to a tweak node, reset the
				// plug to point at the tweak node.

				int len = fnVtxComp.elementCount;

				for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
					plug.selectAncestorLogicalIndex((uint)fnVtxComp.element(i), plug.attribute);
        private void ExportMaterial(MFnDependencyNode materialDependencyNode, BabylonScene babylonScene, bool fullPBR)
            MObject materialObject = materialDependencyNode.objectProperty;
            var     name           = materialDependencyNode.name;
            var     id             = materialDependencyNode.uuid().asString();

            RaiseMessage(name, 1);
            RaiseMessage(materialObject.apiType.ToString(), 1);

            RaiseVerbose("materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn)=" + materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn), 2);
            RaiseVerbose("materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong)=" + materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong), 2);
            RaiseVerbose("materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer)=" + materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer), 2);

            Print(materialDependencyNode, 2, "Print ExportMaterial materialDependencyNode");

            // Retreive Babylon Material dependency node
            MFnDependencyNode babylonAttributesDependencyNode = getBabylonMaterialNode(materialDependencyNode);

            // Standard material
            if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kLambert))
                if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn))
                    RaiseMessage("Blinn shader", 2);
                else if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong))
                    RaiseMessage("Phong shader", 2);
                else if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer))
                    RaiseMessage("Phong E shader", 2);
                    RaiseMessage("Lambert shader", 2);

                var lambertShader = new MFnLambertShader(materialObject);

                RaiseVerbose("typeId=" + lambertShader.typeId, 2);
                RaiseVerbose("typeName=" + lambertShader.typeName, 2);
                RaiseVerbose("color=" + lambertShader.color.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("transparency=" + lambertShader.transparency.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("ambientColor=" + lambertShader.ambientColor.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("incandescence=" + lambertShader.incandescence.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("diffuseCoeff=" + lambertShader.diffuseCoeff, 2);
                RaiseVerbose("translucenceCoeff=" + lambertShader.translucenceCoeff, 2);

                BabylonStandardMaterial babylonMaterial = new BabylonStandardMaterial(id)
                    name    = name,
                    diffuse = lambertShader.color.toArrayRGB()

                // User custom attributes
                babylonMaterial.metadata = ExportCustomAttributeFromMaterial(babylonMaterial);

                bool isTransparencyModeFromBabylonMaterialNode = false;
                if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode != null)
                    // Transparency mode
                    if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode.hasAttribute("babylonTransparencyMode"))
                        int transparencyMode = babylonAttributesDependencyNode.findPlug("babylonTransparencyMode").asInt();
                        babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = transparencyMode;

                        isTransparencyModeFromBabylonMaterialNode = true;

                // Maya ambient <=> babylon emissive
                babylonMaterial.emissive = lambertShader.ambientColor.toArrayRGB();
                babylonMaterial.linkEmissiveWithDiffuse = true; // Incandescence (or Illumination) is not exported

                if (isTransparencyModeFromBabylonMaterialNode == false || babylonMaterial.transparencyMode != 0)
                    // If transparency is not a shade of grey (shade of grey <=> R=G=B)
                    if (lambertShader.transparency[0] != lambertShader.transparency[1] ||
                        lambertShader.transparency[0] != lambertShader.transparency[2])
                        RaiseWarning("Transparency color is not a shade of grey. Only it's R channel is used.", 2);
                    // Convert transparency to opacity
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f - lambertShader.transparency[0];

                // Specular power
                if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kReflect))
                    var reflectShader = new MFnReflectShader(materialObject);

                    RaiseVerbose("specularColor=" + reflectShader.specularColor.toString(), 2);
                    RaiseVerbose("reflectivity=" + reflectShader.reflectivity, 2);
                    RaiseVerbose("reflectedColor=" + reflectShader.reflectedColor.toString(), 2);

                    babylonMaterial.specular = reflectShader.specularColor.toArrayRGB();

                    if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn))
                        MFnBlinnShader blinnShader = new MFnBlinnShader(materialObject);
                        babylonMaterial.specularPower = (1.0f - blinnShader.eccentricity) * 256;
                    else if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong))
                        MFnPhongShader phongShader = new MFnPhongShader(materialObject);

                        float glossiness = (float)Math.Log(phongShader.cosPower, 2) * 10;
                        babylonMaterial.specularPower = glossiness / 100 * 256;
                    else if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer))
                        MFnPhongEShader phongEShader = new MFnPhongEShader(materialObject);
                        // No use of phongE.whiteness and phongE.highlightSize
                        babylonMaterial.specularPower = (1.0f - phongEShader.roughness) * 256;
                        RaiseWarning("Unknown reflect shader type: " + reflectShader.typeName + ". Specular power is default 64. Consider using a Blinn or Phong shader instead.", 2);

                // TODO
                //babylonMaterial.wireframe = stdMat.Wire;

                // --- Textures ---

                babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture  = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "color", babylonScene);
                babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "ambientColor", babylonScene); // Maya ambient <=> babylon emissive
                babylonMaterial.bumpTexture     = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "normalCamera", babylonScene);
                if (isTransparencyModeFromBabylonMaterialNode == false || babylonMaterial.transparencyMode != 0)
                    babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "transparency", babylonScene, false, true);
                if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kReflect))
                    babylonMaterial.specularTexture   = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "specularColor", babylonScene);
                    babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "reflectedColor", babylonScene, true, false, true);

                if (isTransparencyModeFromBabylonMaterialNode == false && (babylonMaterial.alpha != 1.0f || (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha) || babylonMaterial.opacityTexture != null))
                    babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHABLEND;

                // Constraints
                if (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.diffuse = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };

                if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

                if (babylonMaterial.transparencyMode == (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHATEST)
                    // Set the alphaCutOff value explicitely to avoid different interpretations on different engines
                    // Use the glTF default value rather than the babylon one
                    babylonMaterial.alphaCutOff = 0.5f;

                if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode == null)
                    // Create Babylon Material dependency node

                    // Retreive Babylon Material dependency node
                    babylonAttributesDependencyNode = getBabylonMaterialNode(materialDependencyNode);

                if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode != null)
                    // Ensure all attributes are setup
                    babylonStandardMaterialNode.Init(babylonAttributesDependencyNode, babylonMaterial);

                    RaiseVerbose("Babylon Attributes of " + babylonAttributesDependencyNode.name, 2);

                    // Common attributes
                    ExportCommonBabylonAttributes(babylonAttributesDependencyNode, babylonMaterial);

                    // Special treatment for Unlit
                    if (babylonMaterial.isUnlit)
                        if ((babylonMaterial.emissive != null && (babylonMaterial.emissive[0] != 0 || babylonMaterial.emissive[1] != 0 || babylonMaterial.emissive[2] != 0)) ||
                            (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null) ||
                            (babylonMaterial.emissiveFresnelParameters != null))
                            RaiseWarning("Material is unlit. Emission is discarded and replaced by diffuse.", 2);
                        // Copy diffuse to emissive
                        babylonMaterial.emissive                  = babylonMaterial.diffuse;
                        babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture           = babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture;
                        babylonMaterial.emissiveFresnelParameters = babylonMaterial.diffuseFresnelParameters;

                        babylonMaterial.disableLighting         = true;
                        babylonMaterial.linkEmissiveWithDiffuse = false;
                    // Special treatment for "Alpha test" transparency mode
                    if (babylonMaterial.transparencyMode == (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHATEST &&
                        ((babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.opacityTexture != null && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.originalPath != babylonMaterial.opacityTexture.originalPath) ||
                         (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture == null && babylonMaterial.opacityTexture != null)))
                        // Base color and alpha files need to be merged into a single file
                        Color             defaultColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(babylonMaterial.diffuse[0] * 255), (int)(babylonMaterial.diffuse[1] * 255), (int)(babylonMaterial.diffuse[2] * 255));
                        MFnDependencyNode baseColorTextureDependencyNode = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "color");
                        MFnDependencyNode opacityTextureDependencyNode   = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "transparency");
                        babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture = ExportBaseColorAlphaTexture(baseColorTextureDependencyNode, opacityTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene, name, defaultColor, babylonMaterial.alpha);
                        babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = null;
                        babylonMaterial.alpha          = 1.0f;

            // Stingray PBS material
            else if (isStingrayPBSMaterial(materialDependencyNode))
                RaiseMessage("Stingray shader", 2);

                var babylonMaterial = new BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial(id)
                    name = name

                // --- Global ---

                // Color3
                babylonMaterial.baseColor = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("base_color").asFloatArray();

                // Alpha
                string opacityAttributeName = "opacity";
                if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute(opacityAttributeName))
                    float opacityAttributeValue = materialDependencyNode.findPlug(opacityAttributeName).asFloat();
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f - opacityAttributeValue;

                // Metallic & roughness
                babylonMaterial.metallic  = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("metallic").asFloat();
                babylonMaterial.roughness = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("roughness").asFloat();

                // Emissive
                float emissiveIntensity = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("emissive_intensity").asFloat();
                // Factor emissive color with emissive intensity
                emissiveIntensity        = Tools.Clamp(emissiveIntensity, 0f, 1f);
                babylonMaterial.emissive = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("emissive").asFloatArray().Multiply(emissiveIntensity);

                // --- Textures ---

                // Base color & alpha
                bool   useColorMap   = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_color_map").asBool();
                bool   useOpacityMap = false;
                string useOpacityMapAttributeName = "use_opacity_map";
                if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute(useOpacityMapAttributeName))
                    useOpacityMap = materialDependencyNode.findPlug(useOpacityMapAttributeName).asBool();
                if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute("mask_threshold")) // Preset "Masked"
                    if (useColorMap && useOpacityMap)
                        // Texture is assumed to be already merged
                        babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_color_map", babylonScene, false, true);
                    else if (useColorMap || useOpacityMap)
                        // Merge Diffuse and Mask
                        Color defaultColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(babylonMaterial.baseColor[0] * 255), (int)(babylonMaterial.baseColor[1] * 255), (int)(babylonMaterial.baseColor[2] * 255));
                        // In Maya, a Masked StingrayPBS material without opacity or mask textures is counted as being fully transparent
                        // Such material is visible only when the mask threshold is set to 0
                        float defaultOpacity = 0;

                        // Either use the color map
                        MFnDependencyNode baseColorTextureDependencyNode = null;
                        if (useColorMap)
                            baseColorTextureDependencyNode = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_color_map");
                        // Or the opacity map
                        MFnDependencyNode opacityTextureDependencyNode = null;
                        if (useOpacityMap)
                            opacityTextureDependencyNode = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_color_map");

                        // Merge default value and texture
                        babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportBaseColorAlphaTexture(baseColorTextureDependencyNode, opacityTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene, babylonMaterial.name, defaultColor, defaultOpacity);
                        // In Maya, a Masked StingrayPBS material without opacity or mask textures is counted as being fully transparent
                        // Such material is visible only when the mask threshold is set to 0
                        babylonMaterial.alpha = 0;
                    if (useColorMap || useOpacityMap)
                        // Force non use map to default value
                        // Ex: if useOpacityMap == false, force alpha = 255 for all pixels.
                        babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_color_map", babylonScene, false, useOpacityMap);

                if (babylonMaterial.transparencyMode == (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHATEST)
                    // Set the alphaCutOff value explicitely to avoid different interpretations on different engines
                    // Use the glTF default value rather than the babylon one
                    babylonMaterial.alphaCutOff = 0.5f;

                // Alpha cuttoff
                if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute("mask_threshold")) // Preset "Masked"
                    babylonMaterial.alphaCutOff = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("mask_threshold").asFloat();

                // Metallic, roughness, ambient occlusion
                bool   useMetallicMap        = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_metallic_map").asBool();
                bool   useRoughnessMap       = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_roughness_map").asBool();
                string useAOMapAttributeName = "use_ao_map";
                bool   useAOMap = materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute(useAOMapAttributeName) && materialDependencyNode.findPlug(useAOMapAttributeName).asBool();

                MFnDependencyNode metallicTextureDependencyNode         = useMetallicMap ? getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_metallic_map") : null;
                MFnDependencyNode roughnessTextureDependencyNode        = useRoughnessMap ? getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_roughness_map") : null;
                MFnDependencyNode ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode = useAOMap ? getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_ao_map") : null;

                // Check if MR or ORM textures are already merged
                bool areTexturesAlreadyMerged = false;
                if (metallicTextureDependencyNode != null && roughnessTextureDependencyNode != null)
                    string sourcePathMetallic  = getSourcePathFromFileTexture(metallicTextureDependencyNode);
                    string sourcePathRoughness = getSourcePathFromFileTexture(roughnessTextureDependencyNode);

                    if (sourcePathMetallic == sourcePathRoughness)
                        if (ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode != null)
                            string sourcePathAmbientOcclusion = getSourcePathFromFileTexture(ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode);
                            if (sourcePathMetallic == sourcePathAmbientOcclusion)
                                // Metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion are already merged
                                RaiseVerbose("Metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion are already merged", 2);
                                BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportTexture(metallicTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene);
                                babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture;
                                babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture         = ormTexture;
                                areTexturesAlreadyMerged = true;
                            // Metallic and roughness are already merged
                            RaiseVerbose("Metallic and roughness are already merged", 2);
                            BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportTexture(metallicTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene);
                            babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture;
                            areTexturesAlreadyMerged = true;
                if (areTexturesAlreadyMerged == false)
                    if (metallicTextureDependencyNode != null || roughnessTextureDependencyNode != null)
                        // Merge metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion
                        RaiseVerbose("Merge metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion", 2);
                        BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportORMTexture(babylonScene, metallicTextureDependencyNode, roughnessTextureDependencyNode, ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode, babylonMaterial.metallic, babylonMaterial.roughness);
                        babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture;

                        if (ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode != null)
                            babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ormTexture;
                    else if (ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode != null)
                        // Simply export occlusion texture
                        RaiseVerbose("Simply export occlusion texture", 2);
                        babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ExportTexture(ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene);

                // Normal
                if (materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_normal_map").asBool())
                    babylonMaterial.normalTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_normal_map", babylonScene);

                // Emissive
                bool useEmissiveMap = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_emissive_map").asBool();
                if (useEmissiveMap)
                    babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_emissive_map", babylonScene, false, false, false, emissiveIntensity);

                // Constraints
                if (useColorMap)
                    babylonMaterial.baseColor = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
                if (useOpacityMap)
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f;
                if (babylonMaterial.alpha != 1.0f || (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.baseTexture.hasAlpha))
                    if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute("mask_threshold"))
                        babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHATEST;
                        babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHABLEND;
                if (useMetallicMap)
                    babylonMaterial.metallic = 1.0f;
                if (useRoughnessMap)
                    babylonMaterial.roughness = 1.0f;
                if (useEmissiveMap)
                    babylonMaterial.emissive = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };

                // User custom attributes
                babylonMaterial.metadata = ExportCustomAttributeFromMaterial(babylonMaterial);

                if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode == null)
                    // Create Babylon Material dependency node

                    // Retreive Babylon Material dependency node
                    babylonAttributesDependencyNode = getBabylonMaterialNode(materialDependencyNode);

                if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode != null)
                    // Ensure all attributes are setup
                    babylonStingrayPBSMaterialNode.Init(babylonAttributesDependencyNode, babylonMaterial);

                    RaiseVerbose("Babylon Attributes of " + babylonAttributesDependencyNode.name, 2);

                    // Common attributes
                    ExportCommonBabylonAttributes(babylonAttributesDependencyNode, babylonMaterial);
                    babylonMaterial.doubleSided = !babylonMaterial.backFaceCulling;
                    babylonMaterial._unlit      = babylonMaterial.isUnlit;

                    // Update displayed Transparency mode value based on StingrayPBS preset material
                    MGlobal.executeCommand($"setAttr - l false {{ \"{babylonAttributesDependencyNode.name}.babylonTransparencyMode\" }}"); // Unlock attribute
                    int babylonTransparencyMode = 0;
                    if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute("mask_threshold"))
                        babylonTransparencyMode = 1;
                    else if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute("use_opacity_map"))
                        babylonTransparencyMode = 2;
                    MGlobal.executeCommand($"setAttr \"{babylonAttributesDependencyNode.name}.babylonTransparencyMode\" {babylonTransparencyMode};");
                    MGlobal.executeCommand($"setAttr - l true {{ \"{babylonAttributesDependencyNode.name}.babylonTransparencyMode\" }}"); // Lock it afterwards

            // Arnold Ai Standard Surface
            else if (isAiStandardSurface(materialDependencyNode))
                RaiseMessage("Ai Standard Surface shader", 2);

                var babylonMaterial = new BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial(id)
                    name = name

                // User custom attributes
                babylonMaterial.metadata = ExportCustomAttributeFromMaterial(babylonMaterial);

                // --- Global ---

                bool isTransparencyModeFromBabylonMaterialNode = false;
                if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode != null)
                    // Transparency mode
                    if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode.hasAttribute("babylonTransparencyMode"))
                        babylonMaterial.transparencyMode          = babylonAttributesDependencyNode.findPlug("babylonTransparencyMode").asInt();
                        isTransparencyModeFromBabylonMaterialNode = true;

                // Color3
                float   baseWeight = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("base").asFloat();
                float[] baseColor  = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("baseColor").asFloatArray();
                babylonMaterial.baseColor = baseColor.Multiply(baseWeight);

                // Alpha
                MaterialDuplicationData materialDuplicationData = materialDuplicationDatas[id];
                // If at least one mesh is Transparent and is using this material either directly or as a sub material
                if ((isTransparencyModeFromBabylonMaterialNode == false || babylonMaterial.transparencyMode != 0) && materialDuplicationData.isArnoldTransparent())
                    float[] opacityAttributeValue = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("opacity").asFloatArray();
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = opacityAttributeValue[0];
                    // Do not bother about alpha
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f;

                // Metallic & roughness
                babylonMaterial.metallic  = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("metalness").asFloat();
                babylonMaterial.roughness = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("specularRoughness").asFloat();

                // Emissive
                float emissionWeight = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("emission").asFloat();
                babylonMaterial.emissive = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("emissionColor").asFloatArray().Multiply(emissionWeight);

                var list = new List <string>();

                for (int i = 0; i < materialDependencyNode.attributeCount; i++)
                    var attr = materialDependencyNode.attribute((uint)i);
                    var plug = materialDependencyNode.findPlug(attr);
                    //string aliasName;
                    //materialDependencyNode.getPlugsAlias(plug, out aliasName);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(plug.name + i.ToString());

                // --- Clear Coat ---
                float             coatWeight = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("coat").asFloat();
                MFnDependencyNode intensityCoatTextureDependencyNode = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "coat");
                if (coatWeight > 0.0f || intensityCoatTextureDependencyNode != null)
                    babylonMaterial.clearCoat.isEnabled         = true;
                    babylonMaterial.clearCoat.indexOfRefraction = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("coatIOR").asFloat();

                    var coatRoughness = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("coatRoughness").asFloat();
                    MFnDependencyNode roughnessCoatTextureDependencyNode = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "coatRoughness");
                    var coatTexture = ExportCoatTexture(intensityCoatTextureDependencyNode, roughnessCoatTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene, name, coatWeight, coatRoughness);
                    if (coatTexture != null)
                        babylonMaterial.clearCoat.texture   = coatTexture;
                        babylonMaterial.clearCoat.roughness = 1.0f;
                        babylonMaterial.clearCoat.intensity = 1.0f;
                        babylonMaterial.clearCoat.intensity = coatWeight;
                        babylonMaterial.clearCoat.roughness = coatRoughness;

                    float[] coatColor = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("coatColor").asFloatArray();
                    if (coatColor[0] != 1.0f || coatColor[1] != 1.0f || coatColor[2] != 1.0f)
                        babylonMaterial.clearCoat.isTintEnabled = true;
                        babylonMaterial.clearCoat.tintColor     = coatColor;

                    babylonMaterial.clearCoat.tintTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "coatColor", babylonScene);
                    if (babylonMaterial.clearCoat.tintTexture != null)
                        babylonMaterial.clearCoat.tintColor     = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
                        babylonMaterial.clearCoat.isTintEnabled = true;

                    // EyeBall deduction...
                    babylonMaterial.clearCoat.tintThickness = 0.65f;

                    babylonMaterial.clearCoat.bumpTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "coatNormal", babylonScene);

                // --- Textures ---

                // Base color & alpha
                if ((isTransparencyModeFromBabylonMaterialNode == false || babylonMaterial.transparencyMode != 0) && materialDuplicationData.isArnoldTransparent())
                    MFnDependencyNode baseColorTextureDependencyNode = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "baseColor");
                    MFnDependencyNode opacityTextureDependencyNode   = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "opacity");
                    if (baseColorTextureDependencyNode != null && opacityTextureDependencyNode != null &&
                        getSourcePathFromFileTexture(baseColorTextureDependencyNode) == getSourcePathFromFileTexture(opacityTextureDependencyNode))
                        // If the same file is used for base color and opacity
                        // Base color and alpha are already merged into a single file
                        babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportTexture(baseColorTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene, false, true);
                        // Base color and alpha files need to be merged into a single file
                        Color _baseColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(baseColor[0] * 255), (int)(baseColor[1] * 255), (int)(baseColor[2] * 255));
                        babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportBaseColorAlphaTexture(baseColorTextureDependencyNode, opacityTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene, name, _baseColor, babylonMaterial.alpha);
                    // Base color only
                    // Do not bother about alpha
                    babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "baseColor", babylonScene);

                // Metallic & roughness
                MFnDependencyNode metallicTextureDependencyNode  = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "metalness");
                MFnDependencyNode roughnessTextureDependencyNode = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "specularRoughness");
                if (metallicTextureDependencyNode != null && roughnessTextureDependencyNode != null &&
                    getSourcePathFromFileTexture(metallicTextureDependencyNode) == getSourcePathFromFileTexture(roughnessTextureDependencyNode))
                    // If the same file is used for metallic and roughness
                    // Then we assume it's an ORM file (Red=Occlusion, Green=Roughness, Blue=Metallic)

                    // Metallic and roughness are already merged into a single file
                    babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ExportTexture(metallicTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene);

                    // Use same file for Ambient occlusion
                    babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture;
                    // Metallic and roughness files need to be merged into a single file
                    // Occlusion texture is not exported since aiStandardSurface material doesn't provide input for it
                    babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ExportORMTexture(babylonScene, metallicTextureDependencyNode, roughnessTextureDependencyNode, null, babylonMaterial.metallic, babylonMaterial.roughness);

                // Normal
                babylonMaterial.normalTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "normalCamera", babylonScene);

                // Emissive
                babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "emissionColor", babylonScene);

                // Constraints
                if (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.baseColor = new[] { baseWeight, baseWeight, baseWeight };
                    babylonMaterial.alpha     = 1.0f;
                if (babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.metallic  = 1.0f;
                    babylonMaterial.roughness = 1.0f;
                if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.emissive = new[] { emissionWeight, emissionWeight, emissionWeight };

                // If this material is containing alpha data
                if (babylonMaterial.alpha != 1.0f || (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.baseTexture.hasAlpha))
                    if (isTransparencyModeFromBabylonMaterialNode == false)
                        babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHABLEND;

                    // If this material is assigned to both Transparent and Opaque meshes (either directly or as a sub material)
                    if (materialDuplicationData.isDuplicationRequired())
                        // Duplicate material
                        BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial babylonMaterialCloned = DuplicateMaterial(babylonMaterial, materialDuplicationData);

                        // Store duplicated material too

                if (babylonMaterial.transparencyMode == (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHATEST)
                    // Set the alphaCutOff value explicitely to avoid different interpretations on different engines
                    // Use the glTF default value rather than the babylon one
                    babylonMaterial.alphaCutOff = 0.5f;

                if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode == null)
                    // Create Babylon Material dependency node

                    // Retreive Babylon Material dependency node
                    babylonAttributesDependencyNode = getBabylonMaterialNode(materialDependencyNode);

                if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode != null)
                    // Ensure all attributes are setup
                    babylonAiStandardSurfaceMaterialNode.Init(babylonAttributesDependencyNode, babylonMaterial);

                    RaiseVerbose("Babylon Attributes of " + babylonAttributesDependencyNode.name, 2);

                    // Common attributes
                    ExportCommonBabylonAttributes(babylonAttributesDependencyNode, babylonMaterial);
                    babylonMaterial.doubleSided = !babylonMaterial.backFaceCulling;
                    babylonMaterial._unlit      = babylonMaterial.isUnlit;

                if (fullPBR)
                    var fullPBRMaterial = new BabylonPBRMaterial(babylonMaterial);
                RaiseWarning("Unsupported material type '" + materialObject.apiType + "' for material named '" + materialDependencyNode.name + "'", 2);
        public override bool shouldBeUsedFor(MObject sourceNode, MObject destinationNode, MPlug sourcePlug, MPlug destinationPlug)
            bool result = false;

            if (sourceNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kLambert))
                //if the source node was a lambert
                //than we will check the downstream connections to see
                //if a slope shader is assigned to it.
                MObject           shaderNode  = new MObject();
                MFnDependencyNode src         = new MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode);
                MPlugArray        connections = new MPlugArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < connections.length; i++)
                    //check the incoming connections to this plug
                    MPlugArray connectedPlugs = new MPlugArray();
                    connections[i].connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false);
                    for (int j = 0; j < connectedPlugs.length; j++)
                        //if the incoming node is a slope shader than
                        //set shaderNode equal to it and break out of the inner
                        if (new MFnDependencyNode(connectedPlugs[j].node).typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")
                            shaderNode = connectedPlugs[j].node;

                    //if the shaderNode is not null
                    //than we have found a slopeShaderNodeCSharp
                    if (!shaderNode.isNull)
                        //if the destination node is a mesh than we will take
                        //care of this connection so set the result to true
                        //and break out of the outer loop
                        if (destinationNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh))
                            result = true;

            if (new MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode).typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")
            //if the sourceNode is a slope shader than check what we
            //are dropping on to
                if (destinationNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kLambert))
                    result = true;
                else if (destinationNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh))
                    result = true;

        private void ExportMaterial(MFnDependencyNode materialDependencyNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            MObject materialObject = materialDependencyNode.objectProperty;
            var     name           = materialDependencyNode.name;
            var     id             = materialDependencyNode.uuid().asString();

            RaiseMessage(name, 1);

            RaiseVerbose("materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn)=" + materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn), 2);
            RaiseVerbose("materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong)=" + materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong), 2);
            RaiseVerbose("materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer)=" + materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer), 2);

            Print(materialDependencyNode, 2, "Print ExportMaterial materialDependencyNode");

            // Standard material
            if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kLambert))
                RaiseMessage("Lambert shader", 2);

                var lambertShader = new MFnLambertShader(materialObject);

                RaiseVerbose("typeId=" + lambertShader.typeId, 2);
                RaiseVerbose("typeName=" + lambertShader.typeName, 2);
                RaiseVerbose("color=" + lambertShader.color.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("transparency=" + lambertShader.transparency.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("ambientColor=" + lambertShader.ambientColor.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("incandescence=" + lambertShader.incandescence.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("diffuseCoeff=" + lambertShader.diffuseCoeff, 2);
                RaiseVerbose("translucenceCoeff=" + lambertShader.translucenceCoeff, 2);

                var babylonMaterial = new BabylonStandardMaterial
                    name     = name,
                    id       = id,
                    ambient  = lambertShader.ambientColor.toArrayRGB(),
                    diffuse  = lambertShader.color.toArrayRGB(),
                    emissive = lambertShader.incandescence.toArrayRGB(),
                    alpha    = 1.0f - lambertShader.transparency[0]

                // If transparency is not a shade of grey (shade of grey <=> R=G=B)
                if (lambertShader.transparency[0] != lambertShader.transparency[1] ||
                    lambertShader.transparency[0] != lambertShader.transparency[2])
                    RaiseWarning("Transparency color is not a shade of grey. Only it's R channel is used.", 2);
                // Convert transparency to opacity
                babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f - lambertShader.transparency[0];

                // Specular power
                if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kReflect))
                    var reflectShader = new MFnReflectShader(materialObject);

                    RaiseVerbose("specularColor=" + reflectShader.specularColor.toString(), 2);
                    RaiseVerbose("reflectivity=" + reflectShader.reflectivity, 2);
                    RaiseVerbose("reflectedColor=" + reflectShader.reflectedColor.toString(), 2);

                    babylonMaterial.specular = reflectShader.specularColor.toArrayRGB();

                    if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn))
                        MFnBlinnShader blinnShader = new MFnBlinnShader(materialObject);
                        babylonMaterial.specularPower = (1.0f - blinnShader.eccentricity) * 256;
                    else if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong))
                        MFnPhongShader phongShader = new MFnPhongShader(materialObject);

                        float glossiness = (float)Math.Log(phongShader.cosPower, 2) * 10;
                        babylonMaterial.specularPower = glossiness / 100 * 256;
                    else if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer))
                        MFnPhongEShader phongEShader = new MFnPhongEShader(materialObject);
                        // No use of phongE.whiteness and phongE.highlightSize
                        babylonMaterial.specularPower = (1.0f - phongEShader.roughness) * 256;
                        RaiseWarning("Unknown reflect shader type: " + reflectShader.typeName + ". Specular power is default 64. Consider using a Blinn or Phong shader instead.", 2);

                // TODO
                //babylonMaterial.backFaceCulling = !stdMat.TwoSided;
                //babylonMaterial.wireframe = stdMat.Wire;

                // Textures
                babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture  = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "color", babylonScene);
                babylonMaterial.ambientTexture  = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "ambientColor", babylonScene);
                babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "incandescence", babylonScene);
                babylonMaterial.bumpTexture     = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "normalCamera", babylonScene);
                // TODO - Convert transparency to opacity?
                babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "transparency", babylonScene, false, true);
                if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kReflect))
                    babylonMaterial.specularTexture   = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "specularColor", babylonScene);
                    babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "reflectedColor", babylonScene, true, false, true);

                // Constraints
                if (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.diffuse = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };

                if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            // PBR material
            else if (isPBRMaterial(materialDependencyNode))
                RaiseMessage("Stingray shader", 2);

                var babylonMaterial = new BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial
                    name = name,
                    id   = id

                // --- Global ---

                // Color3
                babylonMaterial.baseColor = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("base_color").asFloatArray();

                // Alpha
                string opacityAttributeName = "opacity";
                if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute(opacityAttributeName))
                    float opacityAttributeValue = materialDependencyNode.findPlug(opacityAttributeName).asFloatProperty;
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f - opacityAttributeValue;

                // Metallic & roughness
                babylonMaterial.metallic  = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("metallic").asFloatProperty;
                babylonMaterial.roughness = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("roughness").asFloatProperty;

                // Emissive
                float emissiveIntensity = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("emissive_intensity").asFloatProperty;
                // Factor emissive color with emissive intensity
                emissiveIntensity        = Tools.Clamp(emissiveIntensity, 0f, 1f);
                babylonMaterial.emissive = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("emissive").asFloatArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < babylonMaterial.emissive.Length; i++)
                    babylonMaterial.emissive[i] *= emissiveIntensity;

                // --- Textures ---

                // Base color & alpha
                bool   useColorMap   = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_color_map").asBoolProperty;
                bool   useOpacityMap = false;
                string useOpacityMapAttributeName = "use_opacity_map";
                if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute(useOpacityMapAttributeName))
                    useOpacityMap = materialDependencyNode.findPlug(useOpacityMapAttributeName).asBoolProperty;
                if (useColorMap || useOpacityMap)
                    // TODO - Force non use map to default value ?
                    // Ex: if useOpacityMap == false, force alpha = 255 for all pixels.
                    //babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportBaseColorAlphaTexture(materialDependencyNode, useColorMap, useOpacityMap, babylonMaterial.baseColor, babylonMaterial.alpha, babylonScene);
                    babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_color_map", babylonScene, false, useOpacityMap);

                // Metallic & roughness
                bool useMetallicMap  = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_metallic_map").asBoolProperty;
                bool useRoughnessMap = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_roughness_map").asBoolProperty;
                babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ExportMetallicRoughnessTexture(materialDependencyNode, useMetallicMap, useRoughnessMap, babylonScene, name);

                if (materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_normal_map").asBoolProperty)
                    babylonMaterial.normalTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_normal_map", babylonScene);

                // Emissive
                bool useEmissiveMap = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_emissive_map").asBoolProperty;
                if (useEmissiveMap)
                    babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_emissive_map", babylonScene, false, false, false, emissiveIntensity);

                // Ambient occlusion
                string useAOMapAttributeName = "use_ao_map";
                if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute(useAOMapAttributeName) && materialDependencyNode.findPlug(useAOMapAttributeName).asBoolProperty)
                    babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_ao_map", babylonScene);

                // Constraints
                if (useColorMap)
                    babylonMaterial.baseColor = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
                if (useOpacityMap)
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f;
                if (babylonMaterial.alpha != 1.0f || (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.baseTexture.hasAlpha))
                    babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHABLEND;
                if (useMetallicMap)
                    babylonMaterial.metallic = 1.0f;
                if (useRoughnessMap)
                    babylonMaterial.roughness = 1.0f;
                if (useEmissiveMap)
                    babylonMaterial.emissive = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };

                RaiseWarning("Unsupported material type '" + materialObject.apiType + "' for material named '" + materialDependencyNode.name + "'", 2);
        private void ExportMaterial(MFnDependencyNode materialDependencyNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            MObject materialObject = materialDependencyNode.objectProperty;
            var     name           = materialDependencyNode.name;
            var     id             = materialDependencyNode.uuid().asString();

            RaiseMessage(name, 1);

            RaiseVerbose("materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn)=" + materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn), 2);
            RaiseVerbose("materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong)=" + materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong), 2);
            RaiseVerbose("materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer)=" + materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer), 2);

            Print(materialDependencyNode, 2, "Print ExportMaterial materialDependencyNode");

            // Standard material
            if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kLambert))
                if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn))
                    RaiseMessage("Blinn shader", 2);
                else if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong))
                    RaiseMessage("Phong shader", 2);
                else if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer))
                    RaiseMessage("Phong E shader", 2);
                    RaiseMessage("Lambert shader", 2);

                var lambertShader = new MFnLambertShader(materialObject);

                RaiseVerbose("typeId=" + lambertShader.typeId, 2);
                RaiseVerbose("typeName=" + lambertShader.typeName, 2);
                RaiseVerbose("color=" + lambertShader.color.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("transparency=" + lambertShader.transparency.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("ambientColor=" + lambertShader.ambientColor.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("incandescence=" + lambertShader.incandescence.toString(), 2);
                RaiseVerbose("diffuseCoeff=" + lambertShader.diffuseCoeff, 2);
                RaiseVerbose("translucenceCoeff=" + lambertShader.translucenceCoeff, 2);

                var babylonMaterial = new BabylonStandardMaterial
                    name    = name,
                    id      = id,
                    diffuse = lambertShader.color.toArrayRGB(),
                    alpha   = 1.0f - lambertShader.transparency[0]

                // Maya ambient <=> babylon emissive
                babylonMaterial.emissive = lambertShader.ambientColor.toArrayRGB();
                babylonMaterial.linkEmissiveWithDiffuse = true; // Incandescence (or Illumination) is not exported

                // If transparency is not a shade of grey (shade of grey <=> R=G=B)
                if (lambertShader.transparency[0] != lambertShader.transparency[1] ||
                    lambertShader.transparency[0] != lambertShader.transparency[2])
                    RaiseWarning("Transparency color is not a shade of grey. Only it's R channel is used.", 2);
                // Convert transparency to opacity
                babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f - lambertShader.transparency[0];

                // Specular power
                if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kReflect))
                    var reflectShader = new MFnReflectShader(materialObject);

                    RaiseVerbose("specularColor=" + reflectShader.specularColor.toString(), 2);
                    RaiseVerbose("reflectivity=" + reflectShader.reflectivity, 2);
                    RaiseVerbose("reflectedColor=" + reflectShader.reflectedColor.toString(), 2);

                    babylonMaterial.specular = reflectShader.specularColor.toArrayRGB();

                    if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn))
                        MFnBlinnShader blinnShader = new MFnBlinnShader(materialObject);
                        babylonMaterial.specularPower = (1.0f - blinnShader.eccentricity) * 256;
                    else if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong))
                        MFnPhongShader phongShader = new MFnPhongShader(materialObject);

                        float glossiness = (float)Math.Log(phongShader.cosPower, 2) * 10;
                        babylonMaterial.specularPower = glossiness / 100 * 256;
                    else if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhongExplorer))
                        MFnPhongEShader phongEShader = new MFnPhongEShader(materialObject);
                        // No use of phongE.whiteness and phongE.highlightSize
                        babylonMaterial.specularPower = (1.0f - phongEShader.roughness) * 256;
                        RaiseWarning("Unknown reflect shader type: " + reflectShader.typeName + ". Specular power is default 64. Consider using a Blinn or Phong shader instead.", 2);

                // TODO
                //babylonMaterial.backFaceCulling = !stdMat.TwoSided;
                //babylonMaterial.wireframe = stdMat.Wire;

                // --- Textures ---

                babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture  = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "color", babylonScene);
                babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "ambientColor", babylonScene); // Maya ambient <=> babylon emissive
                babylonMaterial.bumpTexture     = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "normalCamera", babylonScene);
                babylonMaterial.opacityTexture  = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "transparency", babylonScene, false, true);
                if (materialObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kReflect))
                    babylonMaterial.specularTexture   = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "specularColor", babylonScene);
                    babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "reflectedColor", babylonScene, true, false, true);

                // Constraints
                if (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.diffuse = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };

                if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            // Stingray PBS material
            else if (isStingrayPBSMaterial(materialDependencyNode))
                RaiseMessage("Stingray shader", 2);

                var babylonMaterial = new BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial
                    name = name,
                    id   = id

                // --- Global ---

                // Color3
                babylonMaterial.baseColor = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("base_color").asFloatArray();

                // Alpha
                string opacityAttributeName = "opacity";
                if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute(opacityAttributeName))
                    float opacityAttributeValue = materialDependencyNode.findPlug(opacityAttributeName).asFloatProperty;
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f - opacityAttributeValue;

                // Metallic & roughness
                babylonMaterial.metallic  = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("metallic").asFloatProperty;
                babylonMaterial.roughness = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("roughness").asFloatProperty;

                // Emissive
                float emissiveIntensity = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("emissive_intensity").asFloatProperty;
                // Factor emissive color with emissive intensity
                emissiveIntensity        = Tools.Clamp(emissiveIntensity, 0f, 1f);
                babylonMaterial.emissive = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("emissive").asFloatArray().Multiply(emissiveIntensity);

                // --- Textures ---

                // Base color & alpha
                bool   useColorMap   = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_color_map").asBoolProperty;
                bool   useOpacityMap = false;
                string useOpacityMapAttributeName = "use_opacity_map";
                if (materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute(useOpacityMapAttributeName))
                    useOpacityMap = materialDependencyNode.findPlug(useOpacityMapAttributeName).asBoolProperty;
                if (useColorMap || useOpacityMap)
                    // TODO - Force non use map to default value ?
                    // Ex: if useOpacityMap == false, force alpha = 255 for all pixels.
                    //babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportBaseColorAlphaTexture(materialDependencyNode, useColorMap, useOpacityMap, babylonMaterial.baseColor, babylonMaterial.alpha, babylonScene);
                    babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_color_map", babylonScene, false, useOpacityMap);

                // Metallic, roughness, ambient occlusion
                bool   useMetallicMap        = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_metallic_map").asBoolProperty;
                bool   useRoughnessMap       = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_roughness_map").asBoolProperty;
                string useAOMapAttributeName = "use_ao_map";
                bool   useAOMap = materialDependencyNode.hasAttribute(useAOMapAttributeName) && materialDependencyNode.findPlug(useAOMapAttributeName).asBoolProperty;

                MFnDependencyNode metallicTextureDependencyNode         = useMetallicMap ? getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_metallic_map") : null;
                MFnDependencyNode roughnessTextureDependencyNode        = useRoughnessMap ? getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_roughness_map") : null;
                MFnDependencyNode ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode = useAOMap ? getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_ao_map") : null;

                // Check if MR or ORM textures are already merged
                bool areTexturesAlreadyMerged = false;
                if (metallicTextureDependencyNode != null && roughnessTextureDependencyNode != null)
                    string sourcePathMetallic  = getSourcePathFromFileTexture(metallicTextureDependencyNode);
                    string sourcePathRoughness = getSourcePathFromFileTexture(roughnessTextureDependencyNode);

                    if (sourcePathMetallic == sourcePathRoughness)
                        if (ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode != null)
                            string sourcePathAmbientOcclusion = getSourcePathFromFileTexture(ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode);
                            if (sourcePathMetallic == sourcePathAmbientOcclusion)
                                // Metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion are already merged
                                RaiseVerbose("Metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion are already merged", 2);
                                BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportTexture(metallicTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene);
                                babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture;
                                babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture         = ormTexture;
                                areTexturesAlreadyMerged = true;
                            // Metallic and roughness are already merged
                            RaiseVerbose("Metallic and roughness are already merged", 2);
                            BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportTexture(metallicTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene);
                            babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture;
                            areTexturesAlreadyMerged = true;
                if (areTexturesAlreadyMerged == false)
                    if (metallicTextureDependencyNode != null || roughnessTextureDependencyNode != null)
                        // Merge metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion
                        RaiseVerbose("Merge metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion", 2);
                        BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportORMTexture(babylonScene, metallicTextureDependencyNode, roughnessTextureDependencyNode, ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode, babylonMaterial.metallic, babylonMaterial.roughness);
                        babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture;

                        if (ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode != null)
                            babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ormTexture;
                    else if (ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode != null)
                        // Simply export occlusion texture
                        RaiseVerbose("Simply export occlusion texture", 2);
                        babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ExportTexture(ambientOcclusionTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene);

                // Normal
                if (materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_normal_map").asBoolProperty)
                    babylonMaterial.normalTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_normal_map", babylonScene);

                // Emissive
                bool useEmissiveMap = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("use_emissive_map").asBoolProperty;
                if (useEmissiveMap)
                    babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "TEX_emissive_map", babylonScene, false, false, false, emissiveIntensity);

                // Constraints
                if (useColorMap)
                    babylonMaterial.baseColor = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
                if (useOpacityMap)
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f;
                if (babylonMaterial.alpha != 1.0f || (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.baseTexture.hasAlpha))
                    babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHABLEND;
                if (useMetallicMap)
                    babylonMaterial.metallic = 1.0f;
                if (useRoughnessMap)
                    babylonMaterial.roughness = 1.0f;
                if (useEmissiveMap)
                    babylonMaterial.emissive = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };

            // Arnold Ai Standard Surface
            else if (isAiStandardSurface(materialDependencyNode))
                RaiseMessage("Ai Standard Surface shader", 2);

                var babylonMaterial = new BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial
                    name = name,
                    id   = id

                // --- Global ---

                // Color3
                float   baseWeight = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("base").asFloatProperty;
                float[] baseColor  = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("baseColor").asFloatArray();
                babylonMaterial.baseColor = baseColor.Multiply(baseWeight);

                // Alpha
                MaterialDuplicationData materialDuplicationData = materialDuplicationDatas[id];
                // If at least one mesh is Transparent and is using this material either directly or as a sub material
                if (materialDuplicationData.isArnoldTransparent())
                    float[] opacityAttributeValue = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("opacity").asFloatArray();
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = opacityAttributeValue[0];
                    // Do not bother about alpha
                    babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f;

                // Metallic & roughness
                babylonMaterial.metallic  = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("metalness").asFloatProperty;
                babylonMaterial.roughness = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("specularRoughness").asFloatProperty;

                // Emissive
                float emissionWeight = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("emission").asFloatProperty;
                babylonMaterial.emissive = materialDependencyNode.findPlug("emissionColor").asFloatArray().Multiply(emissionWeight);

                // --- Textures ---

                // Base color & alpha
                if (materialDuplicationData.isArnoldTransparent())
                    MFnDependencyNode baseColorTextureDependencyNode = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "baseColor");
                    MFnDependencyNode opacityTextureDependencyNode   = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "opacity");
                    if (baseColorTextureDependencyNode != null && opacityTextureDependencyNode != null &&
                        getSourcePathFromFileTexture(baseColorTextureDependencyNode) == getSourcePathFromFileTexture(opacityTextureDependencyNode))
                        // If the same file is used for base color and opacity
                        // Base color and alpha are already merged into a single file
                        babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportTexture(baseColorTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene, false, true);
                        // Base color and alpha files need to be merged into a single file
                        Color _baseColor = Color.FromArgb((int)baseColor[0] * 255, (int)baseColor[1] * 255, (int)baseColor[2] * 255);
                        babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportBaseColorAlphaTexture(baseColorTextureDependencyNode, opacityTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene, name, _baseColor, babylonMaterial.alpha);
                    // Base color only
                    // Do not bother about alpha
                    babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "baseColor", babylonScene);

                // Metallic & roughness
                MFnDependencyNode metallicTextureDependencyNode  = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "metalness");
                MFnDependencyNode roughnessTextureDependencyNode = getTextureDependencyNode(materialDependencyNode, "specularRoughness");
                if (metallicTextureDependencyNode != null && roughnessTextureDependencyNode != null &&
                    getSourcePathFromFileTexture(metallicTextureDependencyNode) == getSourcePathFromFileTexture(roughnessTextureDependencyNode))
                    // If the same file is used for metallic and roughness
                    // Then we assume it's an ORM file (Red=Occlusion, Green=Roughness, Blue=Metallic)

                    // Metallic and roughness are already merged into a single file
                    babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ExportTexture(metallicTextureDependencyNode, babylonScene);

                    // Use same file for Ambient occlusion
                    babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture;
                    // Metallic and roughness files need to be merged into a single file
                    // Occlusion texture is not exported since aiStandardSurface material doesn't provide input for it
                    babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ExportORMTexture(babylonScene, metallicTextureDependencyNode, roughnessTextureDependencyNode, null, babylonMaterial.metallic, babylonMaterial.roughness);

                // Normal
                babylonMaterial.normalTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "normalCamera", babylonScene);

                // Emissive
                babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(materialDependencyNode, "emissionColor", babylonScene);

                // Constraints
                if (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.baseColor = new[] { baseWeight, baseWeight, baseWeight };
                    babylonMaterial.alpha     = 1.0f;
                if (babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.metallic  = 1.0f;
                    babylonMaterial.roughness = 1.0f;
                if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null)
                    babylonMaterial.emissive = new[] { emissionWeight, emissionWeight, emissionWeight };

                // If this material is containing alpha data
                if (babylonMaterial.alpha != 1.0f || (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.baseTexture.hasAlpha))
                    babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHABLEND;

                    // If this material is assigned to both Transparent and Opaque meshes (either directly or as a sub material)
                    if (materialDuplicationData.isDuplicationRequired())
                        // Duplicate material
                        BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial babylonMaterialCloned = DuplicateMaterial(babylonMaterial, materialDuplicationData);

                        // Store duplicated material too

                RaiseWarning("Unsupported material type '" + materialObject.apiType + "' for material named '" + materialDependencyNode.name + "'", 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mDagPath">DAG path to the transform above light</param>
        /// <param name="babylonScene"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BabylonNode ExportLight(MDagPath mDagPath, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            RaiseMessage(mDagPath.partialPathName, 1);

            // Transform above light
            MFnTransform mFnTransform = new MFnTransform(mDagPath);

            // Light direct child of the transform
            MFnLight mFnLight = null;

            for (uint i = 0; i < mFnTransform.childCount; i++)
                MObject childObject = mFnTransform.child(i);
                if (childObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kLight))
                    mFnLight = new MFnLight(childObject);
            if (mFnLight == null)
                RaiseError("No light found has child of " + mDagPath.fullPathName);

            RaiseMessage("mFnLight.fullPathName=" + mFnLight.fullPathName, 2);

            // --- prints ---
            #region prints

            // MFnLight
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight data", 2);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.color.toString()=" + mFnLight.color.toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.intensity=" + mFnLight.intensity, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.useRayTraceShadows=" + mFnLight.useRayTraceShadows, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.shadowColor.toString()=" + mFnLight.shadowColor.toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.centerOfIllumination=" + mFnLight.centerOfIllumination, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.numShadowSamples=" + mFnLight.numShadowSamples, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.rayDepthLimit=" + mFnLight.rayDepthLimit, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.opticalFXvisibility.toString()=" + mFnLight.opticalFXvisibility.toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.lightIntensity.toString()=" + mFnLight.lightIntensity.toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.instanceCount(true)=" + mFnLight.instanceCount(true), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.lightDirection(0).toString()=" + mFnLight.lightDirection(0).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.lightAmbient=" + mFnLight.lightAmbient, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.lightDiffuse=" + mFnLight.lightDiffuse, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.lightSpecular=" + mFnLight.lightSpecular, 3);

            switch (mFnLight.objectProperty.apiType)
            case MFn.Type.kSpotLight:
                MFnSpotLight mFnSpotLight = new MFnSpotLight(mFnLight.objectProperty);
                // MFnNonAmbientLight
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.decayRate=" + mFnSpotLight.decayRate, 3);     // dropdown enum value
                // MFnNonExtendedLight
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.shadowRadius=" + mFnSpotLight.shadowRadius, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.castSoftShadows=" + mFnSpotLight.castSoftShadows, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.useDepthMapShadows=" + mFnSpotLight.useDepthMapShadows, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.depthMapFilterSize()=" + mFnSpotLight.depthMapFilterSize(), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.depthMapResolution()=" + mFnSpotLight.depthMapResolution(), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.depthMapBias()=" + mFnSpotLight.depthMapBias(), 3);
                // MFnSpotLight
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.coneAngle=" + mFnSpotLight.coneAngle, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.penumbraAngle=" + mFnSpotLight.penumbraAngle, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.dropOff=" + mFnSpotLight.dropOff, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.barnDoors=" + mFnSpotLight.barnDoors, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.useDecayRegions=" + mFnSpotLight.useDecayRegions, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kFirst)=" + mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kFirst), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kFirst)=" + mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kFirst), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kSecond)=" + mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kSecond), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kSecond)=" + mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kSecond), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kThird)=" + mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kThird), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kThird)=" + mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kThird), 3);


            if (IsLightExportable(mFnLight, mDagPath) == false)

            var babylonLight = new BabylonLight {
                name = mFnTransform.name, id = mFnTransform.uuid().asString()

            // Hierarchy
            ExportHierarchy(babylonLight, mFnTransform);

            // Position
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | ExportTransform", 2);
            float[] position = null;
            GetTransform(mFnTransform, ref position);
            babylonLight.position = position;

            // Direction
            var vDir = new MVector(0, 0, -1);
            var transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(mFnTransform.transformationMatrix);
            vDir = vDir.multiply(transformationMatrix.asMatrixProperty);
            babylonLight.direction = new[] { (float)vDir.x, (float)vDir.y, -(float)vDir.z };

            // Common fields
            babylonLight.intensity = mFnLight.intensity;

            babylonLight.diffuse  = mFnLight.lightDiffuse ? mFnLight.color.toArrayRGB() : new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            babylonLight.specular = mFnLight.lightSpecular ? mFnLight.color.toArrayRGB() : new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            // Type
            switch (mFnLight.objectProperty.apiType)
            case MFn.Type.kPointLight:
                babylonLight.type = 0;

            case MFn.Type.kSpotLight:
                MFnSpotLight mFnSpotLight = new MFnSpotLight(mFnLight.objectProperty);
                babylonLight.type     = 2;
                babylonLight.angle    = (float)mFnSpotLight.coneAngle;
                babylonLight.exponent = 1;

                if (mFnSpotLight.useDecayRegions)
                    babylonLight.range = mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kThird);     // Max distance

            case MFn.Type.kDirectionalLight:
                babylonLight.type = 1;

            case MFn.Type.kAmbientLight:
                babylonLight.type        = 3;
                babylonLight.groundColor = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            case MFn.Type.kAreaLight:
            case MFn.Type.kVolumeLight:
                RaiseError("Unsupported light type '" + mFnLight.objectProperty.apiType + "' for DAG path '" + mFnLight.fullPathName + "'. Light is ignored. Supported light types are: ambient, directional, point and spot.");

                RaiseWarning("Unknown light type '" + mFnLight.objectProperty.apiType + "' for DAG path '" + mFnLight.fullPathName + "'. Light is ignored.");

            // TODO - Shadows

            // TODO - Exclusion

            // TODO - Animations


 private bool shouldPruneLight( MObject obj )
     return !(obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kAmbientLight) || obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kDirectionalLight) ||
                      obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPointLight) || obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSpotLight));
        private void buildLightNodes()
            MItDependencyNodes it = new MItDependencyNodes(MFn.Type.kLight);

            while (!it.isDone)
                MObject mayaObj = it.thisNode;
                if (shouldPruneLight(mayaObj))

                // Create a new light and add it to the all lights list.
                MayaLight light = new MayaLight();
                light.id = allLights.Count - 1;
                // Get the dag node of the light for its name and parent.
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(mayaObj);
                light.name = dagNode.fullPathName;
                // First parent is the source transform node.
                light.sourceXform = pathXformMap[(new MFnDagNode(dagNode.parent(0))).fullPathName];
                // Add the light to the dictionary to search by name.
                pathLightMap[light.name] = light;

                // NOTE: Parent transforms of light sources in Maya can NOT be frozen,
                //       so accessing them is guaranteed to not be frozen.

                if (mayaObj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kAmbientLight))
                    MFnAmbientLight mayaLight = new MFnAmbientLight(mayaObj);
                    light.type      = MayaLight.Type.kAmbient;
                    light.color     = new Color(mayaLight.color.r, mayaLight.color.g, mayaLight.color.b, mayaLight.color.a);
                    light.intensity = mayaLight.intensity;
                else if (mayaObj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kDirectionalLight))
                    MFnDirectionalLight mayaLight = new MFnDirectionalLight(mayaObj);
                    light.type      = MayaLight.Type.kDirectional;
                    light.color     = new Color(mayaLight.color.r, mayaLight.color.g, mayaLight.color.b, mayaLight.color.a);
                    light.intensity = mayaLight.intensity;
                else if (mayaObj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPointLight))
                    MFnPointLight mayaLight = new MFnPointLight(mayaObj);
                    light.type      = MayaLight.Type.kPoint;
                    light.color     = new Color(mayaLight.color.r, mayaLight.color.g, mayaLight.color.b, mayaLight.color.a);
                    light.intensity = mayaLight.intensity;
                    light.range     = (float)mayaLight.centerOfIllumination;
                else if (mayaObj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSpotLight))
                    MFnSpotLight mayaLight = new MFnSpotLight(mayaObj);
                    light.type      = MayaLight.Type.kSpot;
                    light.color     = new Color(mayaLight.color.r, mayaLight.color.g, mayaLight.color.b, mayaLight.color.a);
                    light.intensity = mayaLight.intensity;
                    light.range     = (float)mayaLight.centerOfIllumination;
                    float mayaConeAngle = (float)(mayaLight.coneAngle * 0.5);
                    light.coneInnerAngle = 57.29578f * mayaConeAngle;
                    light.coneOuterAngle = 57.29578f * (mayaConeAngle + Math.Abs((float)mayaLight.penumbraAngle));

 private bool shouldPruneLight(MObject obj)
     return(!(obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kAmbientLight) || obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kDirectionalLight) ||
              obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPointLight) || obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSpotLight)));
        public static void updateManipulators(RotateManipContext ctx)
            if (ctx == null)


            // Add the rotate manipulator to each selected object.  This produces
            // behavior different from the default rotate manipulator behavior.  Here,
            // a distinct rotate manipulator is attached to every object.
                MSelectionList list = MGlobal.activeSelectionList;

                MItSelectionList iter = new MItSelectionList(list, MFn.Type.kInvalid);
                for (; !iter.isDone; iter.next())
                    // Make sure the selection list item is a depend node and has the
                    // required plugs before manipulating it.
                    MObject dependNode = new MObject();
                    if (dependNode.isNull || !dependNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kDependencyNode))
                        MGlobal.displayWarning("Object in selection list is not a depend node.");

                    MFnDependencyNode dependNodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(dependNode);
                        /* MPlug rPlug = */
                    catch (System.Exception)
                        MGlobal.displayWarning("Object cannot be manipulated: " + dependNodeFn.name);

                    // Add manipulator to the selected object
                    MObject manipObject = new MObject();

                    exampleRotateManip manipulator;
                        manipulator = exampleRotateManip.newManipulator("exampleRotateManipCSharp", manipObject) as exampleRotateManip;

                        // Add the manipulator

                        // Connect the manipulator to the object in the selection list.
                        catch (System.Exception)
                            MGlobal.displayWarning("Error connecting manipulator to object: " + dependNodeFn.name);
                    catch (System.Exception)
            catch (System.Exception)
        private MFnDependencyNode getTextureDependencyNode(MFnDependencyNode materialDependencyNode, string plugName, List <MFnDependencyNode> textureModifiers = null)
            MPlug mPlug = materialDependencyNode.findPlug(plugName);

            if (mPlug == null || mPlug.isNull || !mPlug.isConnected)
                // a compound plug connected to a non-compound plug may not be marked as connected, try to get a child plug:
                if (mPlug.isCompound)
                    // Retrieve the first non-empty plug and use the texture connected to it.
                    for (uint i = 0; i < mPlug.numChildren; i++)
                        MPlug child = mPlug.child(i);
                        if (child == null || child.isNull || !child.isConnected)
                        mPlug = child;

                if (mPlug == null || mPlug.isNull || !mPlug.isConnected)

            MObject           sourceObject          = mPlug.source.node;
            MFnDependencyNode textureDependencyNode = new MFnDependencyNode(sourceObject);

            RaiseMessage(materialDependencyNode.name + "." + plugName, logRankTexture);

            // Bump texture uses an intermediate node
            if (sourceObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBump))
                Print(textureDependencyNode, logRankTexture, "Print bump node");
                if (textureModifiers != null)
                return(getTextureDependencyNode(textureDependencyNode, "bumpValue", textureModifiers));

            // If a reverse node is used as an intermediate node
            if (sourceObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kReverse))
                Print(textureDependencyNode, logRankTexture, "Print reverse node");
                // TODO - reverse?
                if (textureModifiers != null)
                return(getTextureDependencyNode(textureDependencyNode, "input", textureModifiers));

            // If a projection node is used as an intermediate node
            if (sourceObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kProjection))
                Print(textureDependencyNode, logRankTexture, "Print projection node");
                if (textureModifiers != null)
                return(getTextureDependencyNode(textureDependencyNode, "image", textureModifiers));

        // Do the metadata creation. The metadata will be randomly initialized
        // based on the channel type and the structure specified. For recognized
        // components the number of metadata elements will correspond to the count
        // of components in the selected mesh, otherwise a random number of metadata
        // elements between 1 and 100 will be created (at consecutive indices).
        // The previously existing metadata is preserved for later undo.
        override public void doIt(MArgList args)
            MArgDatabase argsDb = new MArgDatabase(syntax, args);

            checkArgs(ref argsDb);


            uint numNodes = fNodes.length;
            int  i;

            for (i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i)
                // fNodes[i] is the transform not the shape itself
                MFnDagNode dagNode = new MFnDagNode(fNodes[i]);
                MObject    obj     = dagNode.child(0);
                // obj is the shape, which is where we can add the meta data
                MFnDependencyNode node = new MFnDependencyNode(obj);
                // Get the current metadata (empty if none yet)
                Associations newMetadata = new Associations(node.metadata);
                Channel      newChannel  = newMetadata.channel(fChannelType);

                // Check to see if the requested stream name already exists
                Stream oldStream = newChannel.dataStream(fStreamName);
                if (oldStream != null)
                    string fmt = MStringResource.getString(MetaDataRegisterMStringResources.kCreateMetadataHasStream);
                    string msg = String.Format(fmt, fStreamName);

                Stream newStream = new Stream(fStructure, fStreamName);

                string strmName = newStream.name;

                int     indexCount    = 0;
                MFnMesh mesh          = null;
                Random  rndIndexCount = new Random();
                // Treat the channel type initializations different for meshes
                if (obj.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh))
                    mesh = new MFnMesh(obj);
                    // Get mesh-specific channel type parameters
                    if (fChannelType == "face")
                        indexCount = mesh.numPolygons;
                    else if (fChannelType == "edge")
                        indexCount = mesh.numEdges;
                    else if (fChannelType == "vertex")
                        indexCount = mesh.numVertices;
                    else if (fChannelType == "vertexFace")
                        indexCount = mesh.numFaceVertices;
                        // Set a random number between 1 to 100
                        indexCount = rndIndexCount.Next(1, 100);
                    // Create generic channel type information
                    indexCount = rndIndexCount.Next(1, 100);

                // Fill specified stream ranges with random data
                int    structureMemberCount = fStructure.memberCount;
                uint   m, n, d;
                Random rnd = new Random();
                for (m = 0; m < indexCount; ++m)
                    // Walk each structure member and fill with random data
                    // tailored to the member data type.
                    Handle handle = new Handle(fStructure);
                    for (n = 0; n < structureMemberCount; ++n)

                        switch (handle.dataType)
                        case Member.eDataType.kBoolean:
                            bool[] data = new bool[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                int  randomInt  = rnd.Next(0, 2);
                                bool randomBool = randomInt == 1 ? true : false;
                                data[d] = randomBool;
                            handle.asBooleanArray = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kDouble:
                            double[] data = new double[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                // Set a random number between -2000000000.0.0 and 2000000000.0.0
                                data[d] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                            handle.asDoubleArray = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kDoubleMatrix4x4:
                            double[] data = new double[handle.dataLength * 16];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d * 16 + 0]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 1]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 2]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 3]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 4]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 5]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 6]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 7]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 8]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 9]  = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 10] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 11] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 12] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 13] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 14] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                                data[d * 16 + 15] = rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000000.0 - 2000000000.0;
                            handle.asDoubleMatrix4x4 = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kFloat:
                            float[] data = new float[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                // Set a random number between -2000000.0 and 2000000.0
                                data[d] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                            handle.asFloatArray = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kFloatMatrix4x4:
                            float[] data = new float[handle.dataLength * 16];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                // Set a random number between -2000000.0 and 2000000.0
                                data[d * 16 + 0]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 1]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 2]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 3]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 4]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 5]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 6]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 7]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 8]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 9]  = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 10] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 11] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 12] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 13] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 14] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                                data[d * 16 + 15] = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 4000000.0f - 2000000.0f;
                            handle.asFloatMatrix4x4 = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kInt8:
                            sbyte[] data = new sbyte[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = (sbyte)rnd.Next(SByte.MinValue, SByte.MaxValue + 1);
                            handle.asInt8Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kInt16:
                            short[] data = new short[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = (short)rnd.Next(Int16.MinValue, Int16.MaxValue + 1);
                            handle.asInt16Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kInt32:
                            int[] data = new int[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                // rnd.Next returns a number between [arg1,arg2[
                                // but unfortunately I can't pass Int32.MaxValue+1 here....
                                data[d] = rnd.Next(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue);
                            handle.asInt32Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kInt64:
                            long[] data = new long[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                // rnd.Next() gives a number between [0,Int32
                                data[d] = (long)rnd.Next(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue);
                                if (data[d] >= 0)
                                    data[d] *= Int64.MaxValue / Int32.MaxValue;
                                    data[d] *= Int64.MinValue / Int32.MinValue;
                            handle.asInt64Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kUInt8:
                            byte[] data = new byte[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = (byte)rnd.Next(0, Byte.MaxValue + 1);
                            handle.asUInt8Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kUInt16:
                            ushort[] data = new ushort[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = (ushort)rnd.Next(0, UInt16.MaxValue + 1);
                            handle.asUInt16Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kUInt32:
                            uint[] data = new uint[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = (uint)rnd.Next();
                            handle.asUInt32Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kUInt64:
                            ulong[] data = new ulong[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                data[d] = ((ulong)rnd.Next()) * UInt64.MaxValue / UInt32.MaxValue;
                            handle.asUInt64Array = data;

                        case Member.eDataType.kString:
                            string[] randomStrings = new string[] { "banana", "tomatoe", "apple", "pineapple", "apricot", "pepper", "olive", "grapefruit" };
                            string[] data          = new string[handle.dataLength];
                            for (d = 0; d < handle.dataLength; ++d)
                                int index = rnd.Next(randomStrings.Length);
                                data[d] = randomStrings[index];
                            handle.asStringArray = data;

                            Debug.Assert(false, "This should never happen");
                    newStream.setElement(new Index(m), handle);

                // Note: the following will not work if "obj" is a shape constructed by a source object
                // You need to delete the history of the shape before calling this...
                fDGModifier.setMetadata(obj, newMetadata);

                // Set the result to the number of actual metadata values set as a
                // triple value:
                //	    (# nodes, # metadata elements, # members per element)
                MIntArray theResult = new MIntArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mDagPath">DAG path to the transform above light</param>
        /// <param name="babylonScene"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BabylonNode ExportLight(MDagPath mDagPath, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            RaiseMessage(mDagPath.partialPathName, 1);

            // Transform above light
            MFnTransform mFnTransform = new MFnTransform(mDagPath);

            // Light direct child of the transform
            MFnLight mFnLight = null;

            for (uint i = 0; i < mFnTransform.childCount; i++)
                MObject childObject = mFnTransform.child(i);
                if (childObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kLight))
                    var _mFnLight = new MFnLight(childObject);
                    if (!_mFnLight.isIntermediateObject)
                        mFnLight = _mFnLight;
            if (mFnLight == null)
                RaiseError("No light found has child of " + mDagPath.fullPathName);

            RaiseMessage("mFnLight.fullPathName=" + mFnLight.fullPathName, 2);

            // --- prints ---
            #region prints

            // MFnLight
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight data", 2);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.color.toString()=" + mFnLight.color.toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.intensity=" + mFnLight.intensity, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.useRayTraceShadows=" + mFnLight.useRayTraceShadows, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.shadowColor.toString()=" + mFnLight.shadowColor.toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.centerOfIllumination=" + mFnLight.centerOfIllumination, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.numShadowSamples=" + mFnLight.numShadowSamples, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.rayDepthLimit=" + mFnLight.rayDepthLimit, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.opticalFXvisibility.toString()=" + mFnLight.opticalFXvisibility.toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.lightIntensity.toString()=" + mFnLight.lightIntensity.toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.instanceCount(true)=" + mFnLight.instanceCount(true), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.lightDirection(0).toString()=" + mFnLight.lightDirection(0).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.lightAmbient=" + mFnLight.lightAmbient, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.lightDiffuse=" + mFnLight.lightDiffuse, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnLight.lightSpecular=" + mFnLight.lightSpecular, 3);

            switch (mFnLight.objectProperty.apiType)
            case MFn.Type.kSpotLight:
                MFnSpotLight mFnSpotLight = new MFnSpotLight(mFnLight.objectProperty);
                // MFnNonAmbientLight
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.decayRate=" + mFnSpotLight.decayRate, 3);     // dropdown enum value
                // MFnNonExtendedLight
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.shadowRadius=" + mFnSpotLight.shadowRadius, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.castSoftShadows=" + mFnSpotLight.castSoftShadows, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.useDepthMapShadows=" + mFnSpotLight.useDepthMapShadows, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.depthMapFilterSize()=" + mFnSpotLight.depthMapFilterSize(), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.depthMapResolution()=" + mFnSpotLight.depthMapResolution(), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.depthMapBias()=" + mFnSpotLight.depthMapBias(), 3);
                // MFnSpotLight
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.coneAngle=" + mFnSpotLight.coneAngle, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.penumbraAngle=" + mFnSpotLight.penumbraAngle, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.dropOff=" + mFnSpotLight.dropOff, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.barnDoors=" + mFnSpotLight.barnDoors, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.useDecayRegions=" + mFnSpotLight.useDecayRegions, 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kFirst)=" + mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kFirst), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kFirst)=" + mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kFirst), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kSecond)=" + mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kSecond), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kSecond)=" + mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kSecond), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kThird)=" + mFnSpotLight.startDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kThird), 3);
                RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Light | mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kThird)=" + mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kThird), 3);

            Print(mFnTransform, 2, "Print ExportLight mFnTransform");

            Print(mFnLight, 2, "Print ExportLight mFnLight");


            if (IsLightExportable(mFnLight, mDagPath) == false)

            var babylonLight = new BabylonLight {
                name = mFnTransform.name, id = mFnTransform.uuid().asString()

            // Hierarchy
            ExportHierarchy(babylonLight, mFnTransform);

            // User custom attributes
            babylonLight.metadata = ExportCustomAttributeFromTransform(mFnTransform);

            // Position / rotation / scaling
            ExportTransform(babylonLight, mFnTransform);

            // Direction
            var vDir = new MVector(0, 0, -1);
            var transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(mFnTransform.transformationMatrix);
            vDir = vDir.multiply(transformationMatrix.asMatrixProperty);
            babylonLight.direction = new[] { (float)vDir.x, (float)vDir.y, -(float)vDir.z };

            // Common fields
            babylonLight.intensity = mFnLight.intensity;
            babylonLight.diffuse   = mFnLight.lightDiffuse ? mFnLight.color.toArrayRGB() : new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            babylonLight.specular  = mFnLight.lightSpecular ? mFnLight.color.toArrayRGB() : new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            // Type
            switch (mFnLight.objectProperty.apiType)
            case MFn.Type.kPointLight:
                babylonLight.type = 0;

            case MFn.Type.kSpotLight:
                MFnSpotLight mFnSpotLight = new MFnSpotLight(mFnLight.objectProperty);
                babylonLight.type     = 2;
                babylonLight.angle    = (float)mFnSpotLight.coneAngle;
                babylonLight.exponent = 1;

                if (mFnSpotLight.useDecayRegions)
                    babylonLight.range = mFnSpotLight.endDistance(MFnSpotLight.MDecayRegion.kThird);     // Max distance

            case MFn.Type.kDirectionalLight:
                babylonLight.type = 1;

            case MFn.Type.kAmbientLight:
                babylonLight.type        = 3;
                babylonLight.groundColor = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

                // No emit diffuse /specular checkbox for ambient light
                babylonLight.diffuse  = mFnLight.color.toArrayRGB();
                babylonLight.specular = babylonLight.diffuse;

                // Direction
                vDir = new MVector(0, 1, 0);
                transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(mFnTransform.transformationMatrix);
                vDir = vDir.multiply(transformationMatrix.asMatrixProperty);
                babylonLight.direction = new[] { (float)vDir.x, (float)vDir.y, -(float)vDir.z };

            case MFn.Type.kAreaLight:
            case MFn.Type.kVolumeLight:
                RaiseError("Unsupported light type '" + mFnLight.objectProperty.apiType + "' for DAG path '" + mFnLight.fullPathName + "'. Light is ignored. Supported light types are: ambient, directional, point and spot.", 1);

                RaiseWarning("Unknown light type '" + mFnLight.objectProperty.apiType + "' for DAG path '" + mFnLight.fullPathName + "'. Light is ignored.", 1);

            // TODO - Shadows

            //Variable declaration
            MStringArray  enlightedMeshesFullPathNames = new MStringArray();
            List <string> includeMeshesIds             = new List <string>();
            MStringArray  kTransMesh = new MStringArray();
            String        typeMesh   = null;
            MStringArray  UUIDMesh   = new MStringArray();

            //MEL Command that get the enlighted mesh for a given light
            MGlobal.executeCommand($@"lightlink -query -light {mFnTransform.fullPathName};", enlightedMeshesFullPathNames);

            //For each enlighted mesh
            foreach (String Mesh in enlightedMeshesFullPathNames)
                //MEL Command use to get the type of each mesh
                typeMesh = MGlobal.executeCommandStringResult($@"nodeType -api {Mesh};");

                //We are targeting the type kMesh and not kTransform (for parenting)
                if (typeMesh == "kMesh")
                    MGlobal.executeCommand($@"listRelatives -parent -fullPath {Mesh};", kTransMesh);

                    //And finally the MEL Command for the uuid of each mesh
                    MGlobal.executeCommand($@"ls -uuid {kTransMesh[0]};", UUIDMesh);

            babylonLight.includedOnlyMeshesIds = includeMeshesIds.ToArray();

            // Animations
            if (exportParameters.bakeAnimationFrames)
                ExportNodeAnimationFrameByFrame(babylonLight, mFnTransform);
                ExportNodeAnimation(babylonLight, mFnTransform);


        public override bool shouldBeUsedFor(MObject sourceNode, MObject destinationNode, MPlug sourcePlug, MPlug destinationPlug)
            bool result = false;

                //if the source node was a lambert
                //than we will check the downstream connections to see
                //if a slope shader is assigned to it.
                MObject shaderNode = new MObject();
                MFnDependencyNode src = new MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode);
                MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();

                for(int i = 0; i < connections.length; i++)
                    //check the incoming connections to this plug
                    MPlugArray connectedPlugs = new MPlugArray();
                    connections[i].connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false);
                    for(int j = 0; j < connectedPlugs.length; j++)
                        //if the incoming node is a slope shader than
                        //set shaderNode equal to it and break out of the inner
                        if(new MFnDependencyNode(connectedPlugs[j].node).typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")
                            shaderNode = connectedPlugs[j].node;

                    //if the shaderNode is not null
                    //than we have found a slopeShaderNodeCSharp
                        //if the destination node is a mesh than we will take
                        //care of this connection so set the result to true
                        //and break out of the outer loop
                            result = true;

            if (new MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode).typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")
            //if the sourceNode is a slope shader than check what we
            //are dropping on to
                    result = true;
                else if (destinationNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh))
                    result = true;

            return result;
        // Description
        //    Converts the given component values into a selection list of plugs.
        //    This method is used to map components to attributes.
        // Arguments
        //    component - the component to be translated to a plug/attribute
        //    list      - a list of plugs representing the passed in component
        public override void componentToPlugs(MObject component, MSelectionList list)
            if ( component.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSingleIndexedComponent) ) {

                MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnVtxComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( component );
                MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
                MPlug plug = new MPlug( thisNode, mControlPoints );
                // If this node is connected to a tweak node, reset the
                // plug to point at the tweak node.

                int len = fnVtxComp.elementCount;

                for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
                    plug.selectAncestorLogicalIndex((uint)fnVtxComp.element(i), plug.attribute);
        //	Description:
        //		Overloaded function from MPxDragAndDropBehavior
        //	this method will handle the connection between the slopeShaderNodeCSharp and the shader it is
        //	assigned to as well as any meshes that it is assigned to.
        public override void connectNodeToNode(MObject sourceNode, MObject destinationNode, bool force)
            MFnDependencyNode src = new MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode);

            //if we are dragging from a lambert
            //we want to check what we are dragging
            if (sourceNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kLambert))
                //MObject shaderNode;
                MPlugArray   connections = new MPlugArray();
                MObjectArray shaderNodes = new MObjectArray();

                //if the source node was a lambert
                //than we will check the downstream connections to see
                //if a slope shader is assigned to it.
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < connections.length; i++)
                    //check the incoming connections to this plug
                    MPlugArray connectedPlugs = new MPlugArray();
                    connections[i].connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false);
                    for (uint j = 0; j < connectedPlugs.length; j++)
                        //if the incoming node is a slope shader than
                        //append the node to the shaderNodes array
                        MObject currentnode = connectedPlugs[i].node;
                        if (new MFnDependencyNode(currentnode).typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")

                //if we found a shading node
                //than check the destination node
                //type to see if it is a mesh
                if (shaderNodes.length > 0)
                    MFnDependencyNode dest = new MFnDependencyNode(destinationNode);
                    if (destinationNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh))
                        //if the node is a mesh than for each slopeShaderNodeCSharp
                        //connect the worldMesh attribute to the dirtyShaderPlug
                        //attribute to force an evaluation of the node when the mesh
                        for (i = 0; i < shaderNodes.length; i++)
                            MPlug srcPlug  = dest.findPlug("worldMesh");
                            MPlug destPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shaderNodes[i]).findPlug("dirtyShaderPlug");

                            if (!srcPlug.isNull && !destPlug.isNull)
                                string cmd = "connectAttr -na ";
                                cmd += srcPlug.name + " ";
                                cmd += destPlug.name;

                                    // in slopeShaderBehavior.cpp, this may excute failed but continue on the following code, so we catch it.
                                catch (System.Exception)
                                    MGlobal.displayError("ExcuteCommand (" + cmd + ") failed.");

                        //get the shading engine so we can assign the shader
                        //to the mesh after doing the connection
                        MObject shadingEngine = findShadingEngine(sourceNode);

                        //if there is a valid shading engine than make
                        //the connection
                        if (!shadingEngine.isNull)
                            string cmd = "sets -edit -forceElement ";
                            cmd += new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).name + " ";
                            cmd += new MFnDagNode(destinationNode).partialPathName;
            else if (src.typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")
            //if we are dragging from a slope shader
            //than we want to see what we are dragging onto
                if (destinationNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh))
                    //if the user is dragging onto a mesh
                    //than make the connection from the worldMesh
                    //to the dirtyShader plug on the slopeShaderNodeCSharp
                    MFnDependencyNode dest     = new MFnDependencyNode(destinationNode);
                    MPlug             srcPlug  = dest.findPlug("worldMesh");
                    MPlug             destPlug = src.findPlug("dirtyShaderPlug");
                    if (!srcPlug.isNull && !destPlug.isNull)
                        string cmd = "connectAttr -na ";
                        cmd += srcPlug.name + " ";
                        cmd += destPlug.name;
