void Update() { // The player is grounded if a linecast to the groundcheck position hits anything on the ground layer. grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(transform.position, groundCheck.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground")); // If the jump button is pressed and the player is grounded then the player should jump. if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { jump = true; } //restart if (restart == true) { transform.position = start; restart = false; } //win or lose if (totalHeart <= 0) { Time.timeScale = 0f; Lose.SetActive(true); } else if (totalFinish >= 1) { Time.timeScale = 0f; Win.SetActive(true); } }
void Start() { AleatoryAnimal = Random.Range(0, 4); AleatorySpawner = Random.Range(0, 4); Instantiate(Animals[AleatoryAnimal], Spawners[AleatorySpawner].transform); Instantiate(AnimalsInstantiate[AleatoryAnimal], QuestionAnimal.transform); Win.SetActive(false); Lose.SetActive(false); }
public void SumarAi() { scoreAi++; if (scoreAi >= 7) { Lose.SetActive(true); Time.timeScale = 0; } }
public void WinOrLose(bool win) // выграл или проиграл { if (win) { Win.SetActive(true); } else { Time.timeScale = 0; Lose.SetActive(true); } Restart.SetActive(true); }
void Update() { score = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("CheckScore"); if (score == 1) { Win.SetActive(true); } if (score == 2) { Lose.SetActive(true); } }
public void EndGame(bool win = false) { Win.SetActive(win); Lose.SetActive(!win); OnGameOver?.Invoke(); MainMenu.Hide(); GameOver.Hide(); ScoreScreen.Show(); _gameover = true; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { time -= Time.deltaTime; UIText.text = time.ToString("f0"); if (time <= 0) { Time.timeScale = 0; time = 0; Lose.SetActive(true); SfxManager.sfxInstance.Audio.PlayOneShot(SfxManager.sfxInstance.Error); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { spawnTime = SPEEDUP.spawnTime; if (wave == 4 && cnt == -1 && Hp.HP >= 1) { Page.SetActive(true); Win.SetActive(true); } else if (Hp.HP <= 0) { Page.SetActive(true); Lose.SetActive(true); } }
public void End(bool isWin) { EndPanel.SetActive(true); if (isWin) { Win.SetActive(true); Lose.SetActive(false); } else { Win.SetActive(false); Lose.SetActive(true); } Time.timeScale = 0f; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void BttnCheck() { if (Score == 9) { Win.SetActive(true); Lose.SetActive(false); SfxManager.sfxInstance.Audio.PlayOneShot(SfxManager.sfxInstance.Confirm); } else { Win.SetActive(false); Lose.SetActive(true); StartCoroutine("Wait"); SfxManager.sfxInstance.Audio.PlayOneShot(SfxManager.sfxInstance.Error); } }
void Start() { Win.SetActive(false); Lose.SetActive(false); HairInitialPos = Hair.transform.position; NoseInitialPos = Nose.transform.position; CejaLeftInitialPos = CejaLeft.transform.position; CejaRightInitialPos = CejaRight.transform.position; EyeLeftInitialPos = EyeLeft.transform.position; EyeRightInitialPos = EyeRigh.transform.position; OrejaRInitialPos = OrejaR.transform.position; OrejaIInitialPos = OrejaI.transform.position; MouthInitialPos = Mouth.transform.position; }
void Update() { time -= Time.deltaTime; UIText.text = time.ToString("f0"); Score1 = trigg.puntuacion; Score2 = trigg2.puntuacion2; Score3 = trigg3.puntuacion3; Score4 = trigg4.puntuacion4; scoreCheck = Score1 + Score2 + Score3 + Score4; if (time <= 0 && scoreCheck != 4) { Lose.SetActive(true); SfxManager.sfxInstance.Audio.PlayOneShot(SfxManager.sfxInstance.Error); } else if (time <= 0 && scoreCheck == 4) { Win.SetActive(true); } }
void Start() { CheckNameI = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("CheckName"); if (CheckNameI == 1) { Game.SetActive(true); } else { Game.SetActive(false); } instantiateAnimals(); trigg = Collider1.GetComponent <Trigg>(); trigg2 = Collider2.GetComponent <Trigg2>(); trigg3 = Collider3.GetComponent <Trigg3>(); trigg4 = Collider4.GetComponent <Trigg4>(); Win.SetActive(false); Lose.SetActive(false); TryAgainT.SetActive(false); }
void Death() { xDistance = gameObject.transform.position.x - Player.transform.position.x; yDistance = gameObject.transform.position.y - Player.transform.position.y; if (Mathf.Abs(xDistance) < 2.5f && yDistance < 2) { Player.GetComponent <PlayerScript>().lives--; if (Player.GetComponent <PlayerScript>().lives == 2) { Heart3.localScale = Vector3.zero; } if (Player.GetComponent <PlayerScript>().lives == 1) { Heart2.localScale = Vector3.zero; } if (Player.GetComponent <PlayerScript>().lives == 0) { Heart1.localScale = Vector3.zero; Player.GetComponent <Animator>().SetInteger("animate", 6); Lose.SetActive(true); GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled = false; } } }
private IEnumerator EndRoundCoroutine() { //=====================共用控件===================== if (GameData.LastRoundWin) { Win.SetActive(true); Lose.SetActive(false); AudioManager.PlayOneShot(WinSound); } else { Win.SetActive(false); Lose.SetActive(true); AudioManager.PlayOneShot(LoseSound); } for (int i = 0; i < Stars.Length; i++) { Stars[i].SetActive(i < _starCount);//星星数量 } BtnLevelUpReward.SetActive(false); BtnNext.SetActive(true); BadgeShadow.SetActive(false); WinLosePanel.SetActive(false); SettlementPanel.SetActive(false); SkillUnlockPanel.SetActive(false); VegetableUnlockPanel.SetActive(false); //=====================胜负面板===================== _gotoNext = false; EnterStage(WinLosePanel); BtnNext.SetActive(false); MyCharacter.CharacterCode = CommonData.MyUser.CharacterCode; MyCharacter.Refresh(); var userCharacter = CommonData.CurUserCharacter; if (userCharacter == null) { MyCharacter.TakeOffAllEquip(); } else { MyCharacter.WearEquip(userCharacter.WearEquipList); } if (GameData.LastRoundWin) { //WinLight.SetActive(true); LblOnButton.text = "查看战利品"; MyCharacter.Cheer(); } else { //WinLight.SetActive(false); LblOnButton.text = "再接再厉"; MyCharacter.Cry(); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(DurationWinLose)); BtnNext.SetActive(true); PlayTween.Play(true); while (!_gotoNext) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } ExitStage(WinLosePanel); PlayTween.Play(false); //======================结算面板===================== if (GameData.LastRoundWin) { _gotoNext = false; EnterStage(SettlementPanel); BadgeShadow.SetActive(true); BtnLevelUpReward.SetActive(false); //BtnNext.SetActive(false); LblLevel.text = CommonData.MyUser.Level.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); LblExpRate.text = string.Format("{0}%", Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.InverseLerp(CommonData.MyUser.ExpFloor, CommonData.MyUser.ExpCeil, CommonData.MyUser.Exp))); var addExp = _roundRewardList.Find(x => x.Type == (int)CurrencyType.Exp); var addExpAmount = addExp == null ? 0 : addExp.Amount; LblAddExp.text = "+" + addExpAmount; if (_unlockElement != null && _unlockElement.HasLevelUp) { var energyCapUp = _unlockElement.HasEnergyCapacityUp ? (_unlockElement.EnergyCapacityUp.ToCapacity - _unlockElement.EnergyCapacityUp.FromCapacity) : 0; if (energyCapUp == 0) { LblSettlementDescription.text = "恭喜您升级了!"; } else { LblSettlementDescription.text = string.Format("恭喜您升级了!蓄力值上限增加[FFA000]{0}[-]点!", energyCapUp); } //LblAddDiamond.text = "+" + unlockElement.LevelUp.TODO:升级奖励的钻石在哪呢 } else { switch (_starCount) { case 0: LblSettlementDescription.text = "下次一定能赢的!"; break; case 1: LblSettlementDescription.text = "表现不错哦!"; break; case 2: LblSettlementDescription.text = "干得漂亮!"; break; case 3: LblSettlementDescription.text = "精彩绝伦的战斗!"; break; default: LblSettlementDescription.text = "继续努力!"; break; } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.6f)); //1.6 //经验条显示 var maxValue1 = Mathf.InverseLerp(CommonData.MyUser.ExpFloor, CommonData.MyUser.ExpCeil, CommonData.MyUser.Exp - addExpAmount); var maxValue2 = Mathf.InverseLerp(CommonData.MyUser.ExpFloor, CommonData.MyUser.ExpCeil, CommonData.MyUser.Exp); var duration = 0.7f; for (float t = 0;;) { if (t >= duration) { SldExp.value = maxValue1; break; } SldExp.value = t / duration * maxValue1; yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); t += Time.deltaTime; } //2.3 //经验Add增长 duration = 1f; for (float t = 0;;) { if (t >= duration) { LblAddExp.text = "+" + addExpAmount; break; } LblAddExp.text = "+" + Mathf.RoundToInt(addExpAmount * t / duration); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); t += Time.deltaTime; } //3.3 //经验条增长 duration = 0.8f; for (float t = 0;;) { if (t >= duration) { t = duration; SldExp.value = maxValue2; break; } SldExp.value = Mathf.Lerp(maxValue1, maxValue2, t / duration); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); t += Time.deltaTime; } //4.1 //奖励显现 RewardTemplate.SetActive(true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.8f)); //4.9 var addCoin = _roundRewardList.Find(x => x.Type == (int)CurrencyType.Coin); var addCoinAmount = addCoin == null ? 0 : addCoin.Amount; duration = 1.6f; for (float t = 0;;) { if (t >= duration) { LblAddCoin.text = "+" + addCoinAmount; break; } LblAddCoin.text = "+" + Mathf.RoundToInt(addCoinAmount * t / duration); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); t += Time.deltaTime; } AudioManager.PlayOneShot(AddCoinSound); //6.5 yield return(new WaitForSeconds(DurationSettlement)); if (_unlockElement != null && _unlockElement.HasLevelUp) { BtnLevelUpReward.SetActive(true); BtnNext.SetActive(false); } else { BtnLevelUpReward.SetActive(false); BtnNext.SetActive(true); } LblOnButton.text = "下一步"; PlayTween.Play(true); while (!_gotoNext) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } ExitStage(SettlementPanel); PlayTween.Play(false); } //======================技能解锁面板===================== if (_unlockElement != null && _unlockElement.SkillUnlockList.Count > 0) { _gotoNext = false; EnterStage(SkillUnlockPanel); for (int i = 0; i < _unlockElement.SkillUnlockList.Count; i++) { var go = PrefabHelper.InstantiateAndReset(UnlockSkillTemplate, GridUnlockSkill.transform); go.name = i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); go.SetActive(true); var spriteName = string.Format("skillicon-{0}", (SkillEnum)_unlockElement.SkillUnlockList[i].SkillCode); var spr = go.GetComponentInChildren <UISprite>(); spr.spriteName = spriteName; var skillDisplayName = SkillUtil.GetSkillDisplayName((SkillEnum)_unlockElement.SkillUnlockList[i].SkillCode); var lbl = go.GetComponentInChildren <UILabel>(); if (lbl) { lbl.text = skillDisplayName; } } GridUnlockSkill.repositionNow = true; GridUnlockSkill.transform.localPosition = GridUnlockSkill.transform.localPosition.SetV3X(-GridUnlockSkill.cellWidth * (_unlockElement.SkillUnlockList.Count - 1) * 0.5f); UnlockSkillTemplate.SetActive(false); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(DurationSkillUnlock)); BtnNext.SetActive(true); PlayTween.Play(true); while (!_gotoNext) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } ExitStage(SkillUnlockPanel); PlayTween.Play(false); } //======================蔬菜解锁面板===================== if (_unlockElement != null && _unlockElement.VegetableUnlockList.Count > 0) { _gotoNext = false; EnterStage(VegetableUnlockPanel); for (int i = 0; i < _unlockElement.VegetableUnlockList.Count; i++) { var go = PrefabHelper.InstantiateAndReset(UnlockVegetableTemplate, GridUnlockVegetable.transform); go.name = i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); go.SetActive(true); var cs = go.GetComponentInChildren <VegetableSlot>(); var userVegetable = CommonData.MyVegetableList.Find( x => x.VegetableCode == _unlockElement.VegetableUnlockList[i].VegetableCode); if (userVegetable != null) { userVegetable.CurrentUpgradeLimit = _unlockElement.VegetableUnlockList[i].NewUpgradeLimit; if (cs) { cs.SetAndRefresh(userVegetable); } } else { Debug.LogError("竟然找不到UserVegetable.Code:" + _unlockElement.VegetableUnlockList[i].VegetableCode); } } GridUnlockVegetable.repositionNow = true; GridUnlockVegetable.transform.localPosition = GridUnlockVegetable.transform.localPosition.SetV3X(-GridUnlockVegetable.cellWidth * (_unlockElement.VegetableUnlockList.Count - 1) * 0.5f); UnlockVegetableTemplate.SetActive(false); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(DurationVegetableUnlock)); BtnNext.SetActive(true); PlayTween.Play(true); while (!_gotoNext) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } _gotoNext = false; PlayTween.Play(false); } //======================退出结局UI===================== MusicManager.Instance.CrossFadeIn(); if (_gotoPushLevelWhenEnd) { MainRoot.Goto(MainRoot.UIStateName.PushLevel); while (!PushLevelUI.Instance) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } if (CommonData.JustUnlockedMajorLevelId == null)//未解锁大关 { var majorLevel = CommonData.ChallengeUnlockInfoList.Find( x => x.MajorLevelId == GameData.LastChallengeMajorLevelID); if (majorLevel != null) { PushLevelUI.Instance.EnterMajorLevel(majorLevel); } } else//解锁大关 { var majorLevel = CommonData.ChallengeUnlockInfoList.Find( x => x.MajorLevelId == CommonData.JustUnlockedMajorLevelId); print("justunlock ml:" + majorLevel); if (majorLevel != null) { PushLevelUI.Instance.EnterMajorLevel(majorLevel); } } } else { MainRoot.Goto(MainRoot.UIStateName.Menu); } }
IEnumerator Wait() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(4)); Lose.SetActive(false); }
void Start() { Win.SetActive(false); Lose.SetActive(false); }