protected override string Generate(int offset, int length)
            // what we're given: a PC offset in ROM.
            // what we need to find: any labels (SNES addresses) that refer to it.
            // i.e. given that we are at PC offset = 0,
            // we find valid SNES offsets mirrored of 0xC08000 and 0x808000 which both refer to the same place
            // TODO: we may still need to deal with that mirroring here
            // TODO: eventually, support multiple labels tagging the same address, it may not always be just one.

            var snesAddress = Data.ConvertPCtoSnes(offset);
            var label       = Data.Labels.GetLabelName(snesAddress);

            if (label == null)


            var noColon = label.Length == 0 || label[0] == '-' || label[0] == '+';

            var str = $"{label}{(noColon ? "" : ":")}";

            return(Util.LeftAlign(length, str));