public void PlayWalkAnimation() { letter.SetState(LLAnimationStates.LL_walking); letter.SetWalkingSpeed(LivingLetterController.WALKING_SPEED); //livingLetterTransform.localPosition = normalPosition; }
private void AnturaReachedLetter() { m_LetterObjectView.SetState(LLAnimationStates.LL_walking); m_LetterObjectView.HasFear = true; m_LetterObjectView.SetWalkingSpeed(1); game.Context.GetAudioManager().PlaySound(Sfx.LetterFear); //m_LetterObjectView.Crouching = true; }
/// <summary> /// change the position in the current scene /// </summary> /// <param name="_idxPos"> my new position </param> /// <param name="_length"> number of LL </param> /// <param name="_duration"> duration of action </param> public void ChangePos(int _idxPos, int _length, float _duration) { mCollider.enabled = false; Vector3 newPos = CalculatePos(_idxPos, _length); Vector3 dist = (gameObject.transform.position - newPos) / 2; Vector3 pivot = gameObject.transform.position - dist; //dist is only on x float radius = dist.x + 0.1f; float accuracy = 4f; for (int i = 1; i <= accuracy; ++i) { Vector3 p =; p += pivot; p.x += Mathf.Cos(3.14f * (i / accuracy)) * radius; p.z += Mathf.Sin(3.14f * (i / accuracy)) * radius; positions.Add(p); } PlayAnimation(LLAnimationStates.LL_walking); mLetter.SetWalkingSpeed(1); mLetter.HasFear = true; transform.DOLookAt(positions[0], 1f); TweenerCore <Vector3, Path, PathOptions> value = transform.DOPath(positions.ToArray(), _duration, PathType.CatmullRom); value.OnWaypointChange(delegate(int wayPoint) { if (wayPoint < positions.Count) { transform.DOLookAt(positions[wayPoint], 1f); } }); value.OnComplete(delegate { transform.DOLookAt(transform.position + Vector3.back, 1f); positions.Clear(); PlayAnimation(m_oDefaultIdleAnimation); mCollider.enabled = true; }); }
/// <summary> /// Move the object from the current position to the final destination withe the setted speed. /// </summary> /// <param name="v3Destination">The final world position</param> private void MoveTo(Vector3 v3Destination) { Vector3 _v3MaxMovement = v3Destination - gameObject.transform.position; Vector3 _v3PartialMovement = _v3MaxMovement.normalized * m_fMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (_v3PartialMovement.sqrMagnitude >= _v3MaxMovement.sqrMagnitude) //if we reached the destination { //position on the destination //gameObject.transform.position = v3Destination; gameObject.transform.Translate(_v3MaxMovement, Space.World); m_bMovingToDestination = false; //change animation and play sound m_oLetter.SetWalkingSpeed(0); m_oLetter.SetState(m_eAnimationOnDestReached); //AudioManager.I.PlayLetter(m_oLetter.Data.Id); if (OnDestinationReached != null) //launch event { OnDestinationReached(); } } else //make the progress for this frame { m_oLetter.SetWalkingSpeed(1); m_oLetter.SetState(m_eAnimationOnMoving); gameObject.transform.Translate(_v3PartialMovement, Space.World); if (_v3MaxMovement.sqrMagnitude == 0) { gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(gameObject.transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.back), m_fRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); } else { gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(gameObject.transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(_v3MaxMovement), m_fRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); } //gameObject.transform.position += _v3PartialMovement; //m_bMovingToDestination = true; } }
private IEnumerator Walk_Coroutine(WalkParameters parameters) { isWalking = true; var from = parameters.from; var to =; var rotation = parameters.rotation; var duration = parameters.duration; var delay = parameters.delay; var walkAnimation = parameters.walkAnimation; var walkSpeed = parameters.walkSpeed; var afterWalkAnimation = parameters.afterWalkAnimation; var afterWalkSpeed = parameters.afterWalkSpeed; var speak = parameters.speak; var rotateAfterWalk = parameters.rotateAfterWalk; var afterWalkRotation = parameters.afterWalkRotation; if (delay > 0) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); } transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation); //animator.SetTrigger(walkAnimation); LLPrefab.SetState(walkAnimation); LLPrefab.SetWalkingSpeed(walkSpeed); var interpolant = 0f; var lerpProgress = 0f; var lerpLength = duration; while (lerpProgress < lerpLength) { transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(from, to, interpolant); lerpProgress += Time.deltaTime; interpolant = lerpProgress / lerpLength; interpolant = Mathf.Sin(interpolant * Mathf.PI * 0.5f); yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); } //animator.SetTrigger(afterWalkAnimation); LLPrefab.SetState(afterWalkAnimation); LLPrefab.SetWalkingSpeed(afterWalkSpeed); if (speak) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.25f)); // Dirty Hack to fix an audio synch bug while (MakeFriendsGame.Instance.IsIntroducingLetter) { yield return(null); } MakeFriendsGame.Instance.IsIntroducingLetter = true; var audioSource = SpeakWord(); while (!audioSource.IsLoaded) { yield return(null); } while (audioSource.IsPlaying) { yield return(null); } MakeFriendsGame.Instance.IsIntroducingLetter = false; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.25f)); MakeFriendsGame.Instance.SpokenWords++; } if (rotateAfterWalk) { var initialRotation = transform.rotation.eulerAngles; var finalRotation = afterWalkRotation; var rotationInterpolant = 0f; var rotationLerpProgress = 0f; var rotationLerpLength = 0.5f; while (rotationLerpProgress < rotationLerpLength) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.Lerp(initialRotation, finalRotation, rotationInterpolant)); rotationLerpProgress += Time.deltaTime; rotationInterpolant = rotationLerpProgress / rotationLerpLength; rotationInterpolant = Mathf.Sin(rotationInterpolant * Mathf.PI * 0.5f); yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); } } isWalking = false; }
void Update() { letter.HasFear = fear; letter.SetWalkingSpeed(walkSpeed); letter.SetDancingSpeed(danceSpeed); if (doTransition) { doTransition = false; letter.SetState(targetState); } if (doHooray) { doHooray = false; letter.DoHorray(); } if (doAngry) { doAngry = false; letter.DoAngry(); } if (doHighFive) { doHighFive = false; letter.DoHighFive(); } if (onJumpStart) { onJumpStart = false; letter.OnJumpStart(); } if (onJumpMiddle) { onJumpMiddle = false; letter.OnJumpMaximumHeightReached(); } if (onJumpEnd) { onJumpEnd = false; letter.OnJumpEnded(); } if (doSmallJump) { doSmallJump = false; letter.DoSmallJump(); } if (doDanceWin) { doDanceWin = false; letter.DoDancingWin(); } if (doDanceLose) { doDanceLose = false; letter.DoDancingLose(); } if (doTwirl) { doTwirl = false; letter.DoTwirl(() => { Debug.Log("BACK!"); }); } if (doToggleDance) { doToggleDance = false; letter.ToggleDance(); } }
void PlayRunAnimation() { letterObject.SetState(LLAnimationStates.LL_walking); letterObject.SetWalkingSpeed(LivingLetterController.RUN_SPEED); }