void LineDuplicate() { int line = panel.pdoc.pbuffer.LineFromPosition(sr.Caret()); int start = panel.pdoc.pbuffer.PositionFromLine(line); int end = panel.pdoc.pbuffer.LineEndPositionFromLine(line); int len = end - start; int[] thisLine = new int[len]; int lenCharacters = panel.pdoc.pbuffer.RetrieveUTF32(start, thisLine, len); int lenInsert = InsertUTF32(end, endOfLine.Data(), endOfLine.Length()); InsertUTF32(end + lenInsert, thisLine, lenCharacters); Invalidate(); }
void ReplaceOnce() { if (haveFound) { try { int start = ControlActive().textArea.sr.StartSelection(); ControlActive().textArea.DeleteRange(start, ControlActive().textArea.sr.EndSelection() - start); int len = ControlActive().textArea.InsertUTF32(start, replaceWhat.Data(), replaceWhat.Length()); ControlActive().SetSelection(start, start + len); ControlActive().textArea.Invalidate(); } catch (IOException) { } } SearchFindNext(); }
void SearchFindNext() { haveFound = false; int docLength = pdoc.pbuffer.Length(); int startEnd = System.Math.Max( ControlActive().textArea.sr.Anchor(), ControlActive().textArea.sr.Caret()); int next = SearchText(findWhat, startEnd, docLength); if (next < 0) { next = SearchText(findWhat, 0, startEnd); } if (next >= 0) { int findLength = pdoc.pbuffer.LengthInText(findWhat.Data(), findWhat.Length()); ControlActive().SetSelection(next, next + findLength); ControlActive().EnsureCaretVisible(); ControlActive().textArea.Invalidate(); haveFound = true; } }
int SearchText(Literal text, int start, int end) { int findLength = pdoc.pbuffer.LengthInText(text.Data(), text.Length()); int last = end - findLength; for (int look = start; look < last; look = pdoc.pbuffer.PositionNext(look)) { bool found = true; int check = look; for (int j = 0; j < findLength && found; j++) { if (pdoc.pbuffer.UnsignedByteAt(look + j) != text.CharAt(j)) { found = false; } check = pdoc.pbuffer.PositionNext(check); } if (found) { return(look); } } return(-1); }
public static void testUndoRedo() { SplitText ub = new SplitText(); ub.AttachStyles(SplitText.CreateStyles(1), null, 0); showUB(ub.us); Literal utest = new Literal("u"); int lenUtest = utest.Length(); Literal xytest = new Literal("xy"); int lenXYtest = xytest.Length(); ub.InsertString(0, xytest.Data(), lenXYtest); assertValue(ub, "xy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.InsertString(0, utest.Data(), lenUtest); assertValue(ub, "uxy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.DeleteRange(1, 1); assertValue(ub, "uy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformUndoAction(); assertValue(ub, "uxy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformRedoAction(); assertValue(ub, "uy"); showUB(ub.us); // Undo to beginning and redo again ub.PerformUndoAction(); assertValue(ub, "uxy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformUndoAction(); assertValue(ub, "xy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformUndoAction(); assertValue(ub, ""); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformRedoAction(); assertValue(ub, "xy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformRedoAction(); assertValue(ub, "uxy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformRedoAction(); assertValue(ub, "uy"); showUB(ub.us); // Do it again. Undo to beginning and redo again ub.PerformUndoAction(); assertValue(ub, "uxy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformUndoAction(); assertValue(ub, "xy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformUndoAction(); assertValue(ub, ""); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformRedoAction(); assertValue(ub, "xy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformRedoAction(); assertValue(ub, "uxy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformRedoAction(); assertValue(ub, "uy"); showUB(ub.us); // Add a new step in ub.PerformUndoAction(); assertValue(ub, "uxy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.DeleteRange(0, 1); assertValue(ub, "xy"); showUB(ub.us); ub.PerformUndoAction(); assertValue(ub, "uxy"); showUB(ub.us); }
public static void Main(String[] args) { SWTest.WriteLine("Start test"); WordList wl = new WordList(false); Literal keywords = new Literal("alpha \u00a8theta gamma"); wl.Set(keywords.Data(), keywords.Length()); Literal alpha = new Literal("alpha"); Literal theta = new Literal("\u00a8theta"); Literal gamma = new Literal("gamma"); Literal delta = new Literal("delta"); Literal large = new Literal("\u00a0large"); if (wl.InList(alpha.Data(), 0, alpha.Length())) { SWTest.Write("Contains alpha"); } else { SWTest.Write("Does not contain alpha"); } SWTest.Write("\n"); if (wl.InList(theta.Data(), 0, theta.Length())) { SWTest.Write("Contains theta"); } else { SWTest.Write("Does not contain theta"); } SWTest.Write("\n"); if (wl.InList(gamma.Data(), 0, gamma.Length())) { SWTest.Write("Contains gamma"); } else { SWTest.Write("Does not contain beta"); } SWTest.Write("\n"); if (wl.InList(delta.Data(), 0, delta.Length())) { SWTest.Write("Contains delta"); } else { SWTest.Write("Does not contain delta"); } SWTest.Write("\n"); if (wl.InList(large.Data(), 0, large.Length())) { SWTest.Write("Contains large"); } else { SWTest.Write("Does not contain large"); } SWTest.Write("\n"); testUndoRedo(); SplitVector_1 buffer = new SplitVector_1(); buffer.Create(20, 100); SWTest.Assert(buffer.Length() == 0); Literal test = new Literal("abcde"); try { buffer.InsertString(1, test.Data(), 1); } catch (BadPositionException) { SWTest.Write("Caught\n"); } int lenTest = test.Length(); buffer.InsertString(0, test.Data(), lenTest); SWTest.Assert(buffer.Length() == lenTest); byte[] ret = new byte[3]; buffer.RetrieveString(1, ret, 3); for (int h = 0; h < 3; h++) { SWTest.Assert(ret[h] == test.CharAt(h + 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < lenTest; i++) { SWTest.Assert(test.CharAt(i) == buffer.CharAt(i)); SWTest.Write(i); SWTest.Write(":"); SWTest.Write(buffer.CharAt(i)); SWTest.Write(" "); } SWTest.Write("\n"); buffer.DeleteRange(1, 2); SWTest.Assert(buffer.Length() == lenTest - 2); //for (int j = -1; j < buffer.Length() + 1; j++) { for (int j = 0; j < buffer.Length(); j++) { SWTest.Write(j); SWTest.Write("="); SWTest.Write(buffer.CharAt(j)); SWTest.Write(" "); } SWTest.Write("\n"); Literal shortInsert = new Literal("bc"); buffer.InsertString(1, shortInsert.Data(), 2); SWTest.Assert(buffer.Length() == lenTest); for (int k = 0; k < lenTest; k++) { SWTest.Assert(test.CharAt(k) == buffer.CharAt(k)); SWTest.Write(k); SWTest.Write(":"); SWTest.Write(buffer.CharAt(k)); SWTest.Write(" "); } SWTest.Write("\n"); double st = SWTest.Now(); Literal longtest = new Literal("ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); for (int l = 0; l < 10000; l++) { for (int m = 0; m < 20; m++) { buffer.InsertString(1, longtest.Data(), m + 1); } } SplitText pbuffer = new SplitText(); pbuffer.AttachStyles(SplitText.CreateStyles(1), null, 0); //pbuffer.DiscardLines(); SWTest.Assert(pbuffer.Length() == 0); //SWTest.Assert(pbuffer.Lines() == 1); pbuffer.InsertString(0, test.Data(), lenTest); SWTest.Assert(pbuffer.Length() == lenTest); for (int n = 0; n < lenTest; n++) { SWTest.Assert(test.CharAt(n) == pbuffer.CharAt(n)); SWTest.Write(n); SWTest.Write(":"); SWTest.Write(pbuffer.CharAt(n)); SWTest.Write(" "); } SWTest.Write("\n"); double t2 = SWTest.Now(); SWTest.Write(t2 - st); SWTest.Write(" seconds for Insertion test\n"); SplitText sbuffer = new SplitText(); IStyles sstyles = SplitText.CreateStyles(1); sbuffer.AttachStyles(sstyles, null, 0); //sbuffer.DiscardLines(); Literal prog = new Literal("//// A demonstration program\r\nint main() {\r\n\tprintf(\"hello world %d\\n\", 9);\r\n}\r\n"); int lenProg = prog.Length(); sbuffer.InsertString(0, prog.Data(), lenProg); //SWTest.Assert(sbuffer.Lines() == 5); Styler sa = new Styler(sbuffer, sstyles, 0, sbuffer.Length()); LexCPP lx = new LexCPP(); WordList wlCPP = new WordList(false); Literal keywordsCPP = new Literal( "abstract as base bool break byte case catch char " + "checked class const continue decimal default " + "delegate do double else enum event explicit " + "extern false finally fixed float for foreach goto " + "if implicit in int interface internal is lock long " + "namespace new null object operator out override " + "params private protected public readonly ref " + "return sbyte sealed short sizeof stackalloc " + "static string struct switch this throw true try " + "typeof uint ulong unchecked unsafe ushort " + "using virtual void while"); lx.SetKeyWords(0, keywordsCPP); lx.Colourise(sa); //DisplayHTML(sbuffer); // Start buffer as big as needed to avoid measuring allocation and copying SplitText bigbuffer = new SplitText(300000, 1024); IStyles bigstyles = SplitText.CreateStyles(1); bigbuffer.AttachStyles(bigstyles, null, 0); MarkerSet ms2 = new MarkerSet(); bigbuffer.AddPerLineData(ms2); //bigbuffer.DiscardLines(); // prog is about 80 characters so create a realistic large 120K document for (int q = 0; q < 3000; q++) { bigbuffer.InsertString(lenProg * (q / 2), prog.Data(), lenProg); } for (int q2 = 0; q2 < 1500; q2++) { bigbuffer.DeleteRange(lenProg * (q2 / 2), lenProg); } SWTest.Assert(bigbuffer.Length() == 1500 * lenProg); SWTest.Assert(bigbuffer.Lines() == 1500 * 4 + 1); double t3 = SWTest.Now(); SWTest.Write(t3 - t2); SWTest.Write(" seconds for Lines Insertion Deletion test\n"); // Run 50 times to get a large enough time to measure Colourise operation for (int p = 0; p < 50; p++) { Styler sabig = new Styler(bigbuffer, bigstyles, 0, bigbuffer.Length()); lx.Colourise(sabig); } double t31 = SWTest.Now(); SWTest.Write((t31 - t3) / 50.0); SWTest.Write(" seconds for Colourise test\n"); int biglength = bigbuffer.Length(); // Search for "printf" Literal printfs = new Literal("printf"); int lenPrintfs = printfs.Length(); for (int r = 0; r < 50; r++) { int count = 0; for (int s = 0; s < biglength; s++) { if (bigbuffer.CharAt(s) == printfs.CharAt(0)) { int found = 1; for (int t = 1; t < lenPrintfs && found == 1; t++) { if (bigbuffer.CharAt(s + t) != printfs.CharAt(t)) { found = 0; } } if (found == 1) { count++; } } } SWTest.Assert(count == 1500); } double t4 = SWTest.Now(); SWTest.Write((t4 - t31) / 50.0); SWTest.Write(" seconds for Search test\n"); // Search for "printf" and replace with "OutputTrace" // Then reverse the process so it can be done again Literal replace = new Literal("OutputTrace"); int lenReplace = replace.Length(); for (int u = 0; u < 50; u++) { int count = 0; for (int s = 0; s < biglength; s++) { if (bigbuffer.CharAt(s) == printfs.CharAt(0)) { int found = 1; for (int t = 1; t < lenPrintfs && found == 1; t++) { if (bigbuffer.CharAt(s + t) != printfs.CharAt(t)) { found = 0; } } if (found == 1) { count++; bigbuffer.DeleteRange(s, lenPrintfs); bigbuffer.InsertString(s, replace.Data(), lenReplace); biglength += lenReplace - lenPrintfs; } } } SWTest.Assert(count == 1500); count = 0; for (int s = 0; s < biglength; s++) { if (bigbuffer.CharAt(s) == replace.CharAt(0)) { int found = 1; for (int t = 1; t < lenReplace && found == 1; t++) { if (bigbuffer.CharAt(s + t) != replace.CharAt(t)) { found = 0; } } if (found == 1) { count++; bigbuffer.DeleteRange(s, lenReplace); bigbuffer.InsertString(s, printfs.Data(), lenPrintfs); biglength += lenPrintfs - lenReplace; } } } SWTest.Assert(count == 1500); } double en = SWTest.Now(); SWTest.Write((en - t4) / 100.0); SWTest.Write(" seconds for Replace test\n"); }