protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //string sql = "SELECT YEAR(DealDate) as year, COUNT(*) as count,Sum(price) as price FROM deal_fact WHERE deal='1' GROUP BY YEAR(DealDate) ORDER BY year ASC";
            //string sql = "SELECT  CAST(YEAR(DealDate) AS VARCHAR(4))+ '-' + CAST(MONTH(DealDate) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS MyDate, COUNT(*) as count,Sum(price) as price FROM deal_fact WHERE deal='1' GROUP BY   CAST(YEAR(DealDate) AS VARCHAR(4))+ '-' + CAST(MONTH(DealDate) AS VARCHAR(2)) ORDER BY MyDate ASC";
            string sql = "SELECT datename(YYYY, DealDate)+ '-' + DATENAME(MM, DealDate) AS MyDate, COUNT(*) as count,Sum(price) as price FROM deal_fact WHERE deal='1' GROUP BY  DATENAME(YYYY, DealDate), DATENAME(MM, DealDate),DATEPART(YYYY, DealDate),DATEPART(MM, DealDate) ORDER BY DATEPART(YYYY, DealDate),DATEPART(MM, DealDate)";
            //DataTable TempDataTable = new DataTable();
            DataTable TempDataTable = DbHelperSQL.FindTable(3, sql);


            ///////// JSON String with Rows And Cols////////////////////////////
            //JSON_DataTable_DataHolder.Value= Object_JSON_Class.JSON_DataTable(TempDataTable);
            ///////// JSON String with Rows And ColNames////////////////////////////
            //JSON_Parameter_DataHolder.Value= Object_JSON_Class.CreateJsonParameters(TempDataTable);
            DataRow[] myrow = new DataRow[TempDataTable.Rows.Count];
            TempDataTable.Rows.CopyTo(myrow, 0);
            double[] myValue  = Array.ConvertAll(myrow, new Converter <DataRow, double>(ConvertOriginToDouble));
            double[] myValue2 = Array.ConvertAll(myrow, new Converter <DataRow, double>(ConvertPriceToDouble));
            //double[] xValue ={2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018};
            int length = myValue.GetLength(0);
            int num    = 5;//待预测数据个数

            double[] xValue = new double[length + num];
            //int s=Int32.Parse(TempDataTable.Rows[0][0].ToString());
            for (int i = 0; i < (length + num); i++)
                xValue[i] = Convert.ToDouble(i);
            //for (int i = 1; i <= (length + num); i++) xValue[i] = Convert.ToDouble(i);

             * Response.Write("历史值: ");
             * foreach (var item in xValue)
             *  {
             *      Response.Write(item.ToString() + " ");
             *  }

            //GM gm1 = new GM(myValue, num);
            //double[] result = gm1.Result();
            LinearRegression lr1 = new LinearRegression(myValue, xValue, num);
            LinearRegression lr2 = new LinearRegression(myValue2, xValue, num);

            double[]   result  = lr1.FirResult();
            double[]   result2 = lr2.FirResult();
            DataColumn dc      = new DataColumn("predict", typeof(string));
            DataColumn dc2     = new DataColumn("predict2", typeof(string));

            TempDataTable.Columns.Add(dc); TempDataTable.Columns.Add(dc2);
            //int i;
            for (int i = 0; i < (length + num); i++)
                if (i >= length)
                    DataRow dr = TempDataTable.NewRow();
                    dr[0] = JSON_Class.YearMonthAdd(TempDataTable.Rows[i - 1][0].ToString(), 1);
                    dr[3] = Math.Round(result[i], 0).ToString();//将预测值四舍五入为整数
                    dr[4] = Math.Round(result2[i], 0).ToString();
                    DataRow dr = TempDataTable.Rows[i];
                    dr[0] = JSON_Class.YearMonthAdd(dr[0].ToString(), -1);
                    dr[3] = Math.Round(result[i], 0).ToString();
                    dr[4] = Math.Round(result2[i], 0).ToString();
            JSON_Class Object_JSON_Class = new JSON_Class();

            //string[] c = { "year", "origin", "price", "predict", "predict2" };
            string[] c = { "date", "origin", "price", "predict", "predict2" };
            sjson = Object_JSON_Class.JSON_DT_YearMonth(TempDataTable, c);//

            //chartdiv.Style["width"] = "870px";