        /// <summary>
        /// Calibrates an input image using VizieR stars catalogs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VizieRStars">List of VizieR stars.</param>
        /// <param name="DetectedStars">List of locally detected stars.</param>
        /// <param name="PositionError">Maximum position error of stars. Value in arcseconds.</param>
        /// <returns>The Zero Point magnitude.</returns>
        public static double Calibrate(List <StarInfo> VizieRStars, List <Star> DetectedStars, double PositionError)
            double T = double.MaxValue, B = double.MinValue, L = double.MaxValue, R = double.MinValue;
            List <Tuple <Star, StarInfo> > Pairs = new List <Tuple <Star, StarInfo> >();

            foreach (Star s in DetectedStars)
                if (s.EqCenter.Dec < T)
                    T = s.EqCenter.Dec;
                if (s.EqCenter.Dec > B)
                    B = s.EqCenter.Dec;
                if (s.EqCenter.RA > R)
                    R = s.EqCenter.RA;
                if (s.EqCenter.RA < L)
                    L = s.EqCenter.RA;
            QuadTree <Star> Tree = new QuadTree <Star>(10, T, B, L, R);

            foreach (Star s in DetectedStars)
                Tree.Add(s, s.EqCenter.RA, s.EqCenter.Dec);

            foreach (StarInfo si in VizieRStars)
                var Stars = Tree.Query(si.Coordinate.RA, si.Coordinate.Dec, Arc1Sec * PositionError);
                var St2   = Tree.Query(si.Coordinate.RA, si.Coordinate.Dec, Arc1Sec * PositionError * 5);
                if (St2.Count == 1 & Stars.Count == 1)
                    Pairs.Add(new Tuple <Star, StarInfo>(Stars[0], si));

            if (Pairs.Count < 5)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Could not find enough pairs for calibration.");

            var Rpairs1 = Pairs.ToArray();
            var ZPSet   = Pairs.Select((x) => x.Item2.Magnitude + 2.5 * Math.Log10(x.Item1.Flux)).ToArray();

            Array.Sort(ZPSet, Rpairs1);
            var Rpairs2 = Rpairs1.Skip(Rpairs1.Length / 4).Take(Rpairs1.Length / 2).ToList();

            LinearRegression.LinearRegressionParameters LRP = LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(Rpairs2.Select((x) => Math.Log10(x.Item1.Flux)).ToArray(), Rpairs2.Select((x) => x.Item2.Magnitude).ToArray());
            if (LRP.PearsonR * LRP.PearsonR < CalibMinR * CalibMinR)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Could not calibrate the fluxes with enough accuracy.");

            return(ZPSet[ZPSet.Length / 2]);
        /// <summary>Attempts to find a tracklet given 2 image detections (from separate images).</summary>
        void AnalyzePair(ImageDetection a, ImageDetection b)
            /* Figure out line vector */
            double SepSec = (b.Time.Time - a.Time.Time).TotalSeconds;

            LinearRegression.LinearRegressionParameters RAT = LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(new double[] { 0, SepSec },
                                                                                                       new double[] { a.Barycenter.EP.RA, b.Barycenter.EP.RA });
            LinearRegression.LinearRegressionParameters DecT = LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(new double[] { 0, SepSec },
                                                                                                        new double[] { a.Barycenter.EP.Dec, b.Barycenter.EP.Dec });

            /* Search for objects */
            List <ImageDetection[]> Dects = new List <ImageDetection[]>();

            foreach (DateTime dt in ObsTimes)
                /* Compute estimated position */
                TimeSpan        tsp        = dt - a.Time.Time;
                double          tspSeconds = tsp.TotalSeconds;
                EquatorialPoint eqp        = new EquatorialPoint()
                    RA = RAT.Intercept + RAT.Slope * tspSeconds, Dec = DecT.Intercept + DecT.Slope * tspSeconds
                /* Limit is given by a triangle with the maximum residuals */
                List <ImageDetection> ImDL = FindSourcesAround(a, b, dt, eqp, SearchExtraSmall);
                if (ImDL.Count == 0)
                    ImDL = FindSourcesAround(a, b, dt, eqp, SearchExtraBig);

            /* If it can be found on at least 3 images, consider it a detection */
            int i, c = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < Dects.Count; i++)
                if (Dects[i].Length != 0)
            if (c >= 3)
                foreach (ImageDetection[] mdl in Dects)
                    foreach (ImageDetection m in mdl)
                        m.FetchOrCreate <PairingProperties>().IsPaired = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a tracklet from a set of detections.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Detections">Input detections; one per image.</param>
        /// <returns>A new Tracklet instance.</returns>
        public static Tracklet CreateTracklet(ImageDetection[] Detections)
            long[] Ticks = Detections.Select((x) => x.Time.Time.Ticks).ToArray();
            Array.Sort(Ticks, Detections);

            EquatorialPoint[] ValidEP    = new EquatorialPoint[Detections.Length];
            double[]          ValidTimes = new double[Detections.Length];
            DateTime          ZeroTime   = Detections[0].Time.Time;

            WCS.IWCSProjection Projection = Detections[0].ParentImage.Transform;

            for (int i = 0; i < Detections.Length; i++)
                ValidEP[i]    = Detections[i].Barycenter.EP;
                ValidTimes[i] = (Detections[i].Time.Time - ZeroTime).TotalSeconds;

            var                XRA      = ValidEP.Select((x) => x.RA).ToArray();
            var                XDec     = ValidEP.Select((x) => x.Dec).ToArray();
            var                RAreg    = LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(ValidTimes, XRA);
            var                Decreg   = LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(ValidTimes, XDec);
            var                RADecreg = LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(XRA, XDec);
            double             ResRA    = LineFit.ComputeResidualSqSum(RAreg, ValidTimes, XRA);
            double             ResDec   = LineFit.ComputeResidualSqSum(Decreg, ValidTimes, XDec);
            EquatorialVelocity ev       = new EquatorialVelocity()
                RAvel = RAreg.Slope, Decvel = Decreg.Slope
            TrackletVelocityRegression tvr = new TrackletVelocityRegression()
                R_TR = RAreg.PearsonR, R_TD = Decreg.PearsonR, R_RD = RADecreg.PearsonR,
                S_TR = ResRA, S_TD = ResDec, ZeroTime = ZeroTime, P_TD = Decreg, P_TR = RAreg
            TrackletVelocity tvel = new TrackletVelocity()
                EquatorialVelocity = ev,
                PixelVelocity      = Projection.GetPixelVelocity(ev),
                SphericalVelocity  = Math.Sqrt(ev.Decvel * ev.Decvel + ev.RAvel * ev.RAvel * Math.Cos(XRA[0]) * Math.Cos(XRA[0]))

            return(new Tracklet(Detections, tvel, tvr));
        /// <summary>
        /// Match detections and merge those that seem to belong to the same object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RawDetections">Input set of detections.</param>
        /// <param name="MaxDistance">Maximum distance possible between two detections part of the same object.</param>
        /// <param name="MixMatch">Number of overlapping pixels before two detections are considered part of the same object.</param>
        /// <param name="PSFMatch">Distance between the barycenters of 2 detections before they are considered the same (for external detections mostly).</param>
        public static void MatchDetections(List <ImageDetection> RawDetections, double MaxDistance, int MixMatch, double PSFMatch)
            int i, j;
            List <HashSet <PixelPoint> > LHP          = RawDetections.Select((x) => x.TryFetchProperty(out ObjectPoints op) ? new HashSet <PixelPoint>(op.PixelPoints) : null).ToList();
            List <PairingProperties>     PairPropList = RawDetections.Select((x) => x.TryFetchProperty(out PairingProperties Prop) ? Prop : null).ToList();

            for (i = 0; i < RawDetections.Count; i++)
                for (j = i + 1; j < RawDetections.Count; j++)
                    /* Must be two detections captured at the same time */
                    if (RawDetections[i].Time.Time != RawDetections[j].Time.Time)
                    /* Check distance */
                    double D0 = (RawDetections[i].Barycenter.PP ^ RawDetections[j].Barycenter.PP);
                    double D1 = (RawDetections[i].FetchProperty <ObjectSize>().PixelEllipse.SemiaxisMajor + RawDetections[j].FetchProperty <ObjectSize>().PixelEllipse.SemiaxisMajor);
                    if (D0 - D1 > MaxDistance)

                    HashSet <PixelPoint> PixPi = LHP[i], PixPj = LHP[j];

                    bool FlagAnyCond = false;
                    /* If there are MinPix overlapping pixels, merge detections */
                    if (PixPi != null & PixPj != null)
                        if (PixPi.Overlaps(PixPj))
                            FlagAnyCond = true;
                        if (!FlagAnyCond)
                            /* Detections that are somewhat linear are checked for colinearity with others */
                            IEnumerable <PixelPoint> Plist = PixPi.Concat(PixPj);
                            LinearRegression.LinearRegressionParameters pc = LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(Plist);
                            LinearRegression.LinearRegressionParameters p1 = LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(PixPi);
                            LinearRegression.LinearRegressionParameters p2 = LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(PixPj);
                            if (Math.Abs(pc.PearsonR) > Math.Abs(p1.PearsonR) && Math.Abs(pc.PearsonR) > Math.Abs(p2.PearsonR) &&
                                Math.Abs(pc.PearsonR) < Math.Abs(p1.PearsonR) + Math.Abs(p2.PearsonR))
                                FlagAnyCond = true;
                    if (D0 < PSFMatch)
                        FlagAnyCond = true;
                    /* If any merging condition is satisfied, merge the detections */
                    if (FlagAnyCond)
                        if (LHP[i] != null & LHP[j] != null)
                        else if (LHP[i] == null)
                            LHP[i] = LHP[j];
                        if (PairPropList[i] != null && PairPropList[j] != null)
                            PairPropList[i].Algorithm |= PairPropList[i].Algorithm;
            for (i = 0; i < LHP.Count; i++)
                if (LHP[i] != null)
                        RawDetections[i] = StandardDetectionFactory.CreateDetection(RawDetections[i].ParentImage, LHP[i]);
                        if (PairPropList[i] != null)
                    catch { RawDetections.RemoveAt(i); PairPropList.RemoveAt(i); LHP.RemoveAt(i); i--; }